[01:49] Morning! [07:55] Morning everyone [07:56] Good morning world! [08:23] aloha === daker_ is now known as daker [12:52] morning [12:55] hi mhall119 [13:01] challah, alle [13:04] hiya paultag [13:08] Pendulum: morning :) [13:09] Pendulum: howareya today? [13:09] awake for now :) [13:10] :) [13:11] * czajkowski tickles paultag [13:11] howdy [13:12] czajkowski: oh you're in a cheery mood :) [13:12] czajkowski: aloha :) [13:13] paultag: we have some mails to be doing my dear [13:13] always brightens my day! [13:14] paultag: also I'll be offline for 10 days at the end of the month :D something to look forward to [13:14] ooo me too :D [13:14] czajkowski: we do indeed :) [13:14] czajkowski: Woohoo! [13:14] popey: :) [13:14] paultag: looking forward to me being offline :p [13:14] Morning! [13:14] popey: looking forward to me being offline :) [13:14] czajkowski: totally :) [13:14] we have 19 more teams to process by the end of october [13:15] czajkowski: are you going to be offline for real or keep poking back on IRC? [13:15] and I need to get the final number of teams who didnt ask canonical for their gift so we know for future reference [13:15] paultag: for real I'm heading to Lahinch where I'd have to go to an internet cafe which I'll do once a day to check email re jobs [13:15] czajkowski: awesome [13:16] czajkowski: you need it :) [13:16] nah not really [13:16] czajkowski: bah! de-stress for a while [13:16] ust a break from UK [13:16] I can hardly be stressed sitting on my arse for the last 3 months :) [13:16] :) [13:19] haha [13:19] * popey has holidy too [13:19] I have a way with words what can I say :) [13:19] popey: ohh nice [13:19] holidays++ [13:20] hah, lightning strike in Ireland led to Amazon and Microsoft outage. [13:21] czajkowski..... [13:21] was that you again? [13:21] brushing her hair [13:21] *zap* [13:25] * czajkowski peers at popey [13:25] getting the hang of this G+ lark [13:25] hey at least Google didnt get effected over there [13:31] jussi: how did you derail a post down to MS :( [13:32] czajkowski: oh Im so sorry... [13:32] :P [13:33] lots of people chose to use non oss products/applications/tools that's fine. I use skype to ring home to the folks. doesnt make me evil, use the right tool for the right job [13:35] czajkowski: its after popey's "I feel so dirty" comments when he bought it... [13:35] greg-g / pleia2: lol, and ANOTHER ubuntu member stolen by the California LoCO :-P [13:35] * AlanBell agrees. czajkowski isn't evil because of using skype. [13:35] Let's go LoCoHiO! [13:36] * popey peers at his irssi window [13:37] running inside putty on windows 7 on a mac [13:37] double whammy of 'evil' [13:37] * [13:37] Note: Not evil. [13:37] nigelb: ;) [13:37] I'm on cygwin now. Only way I could make my work machine usable [13:37] barely [13:39] greg-g: heh, when's the big move? [13:40] akgraner: nope am just evil clearly :) [13:40] akgraner: flip side is I'm irish, so loveable :) [13:41] rougish [13:41] you're rougish :) [13:41] roguish [13:43] lolfail at spelling? ;) [13:44] nigelb: yeah, totally. rogue not rouge [13:44] czajkowski: was there some tabcomplete fail in there? [13:44] * AlanBell is fully confused now [13:44] I'm guessing there's a mix of IRC + facebook [13:44] nah [13:44] Pendulum: aye [13:44] I think she meant AlanBell [13:44] not akgraner [13:44] Ah, that makes sense [13:44] nigelb: fingers crossed, leaving town on Wed morning, Thurs morning at the latest. Then driving for 2 weeks across the country before making it to the bay. [13:44] Pendulum: G+ Twitter irc and fb chatting is not a goog combination for my brain it seems [13:45] AlanBell: I'm irish :) [13:45] greg-g: You're driving cross-country? WOW! [13:45] czajkowski: I had noticed ;) [13:45] nigelb: oh yeah, it'll be great [13:45] I know someone who's probably just finished a 3-day bike ride to MV. [13:45] czajkowski: to be sure you are [13:45] nigelb: got all of our stuff/bed/etc in these things: http://www.upack.com/, Just the essentials in the car (and our bikes) [13:46] greg-g: Bike + car? [13:46] nigelb: so you can stop and go for a bike [13:46] sitting in a car for a few days sucks [13:47] ah [13:47] nigelb: bikes on the car so we can go for rides when we want, exactly what paultag said :) [13:47] it's a damn fine idea if I may say so :) [13:47] really, it only taks a little over 2 days of driving to get there, but we stretching it to 2 weeks, so we'll have things to do/explore [13:48] I've at most done one night of travel on a car/bike [13:48] should be a blast [13:48] My longer trips have been train, which was awesome [13:48] I drove from Minneapolis to outer LA (for Coachella '07) in 2 days :) [13:48] nigelb: yeah, train would be nice, but not sure we're selling the car yet [13:48] greg-g: and I bet you were snorting instant coffee off the dash [13:49] there's no way I could do that :) [13:49] no comment [13:49] :P [13:49] haha [13:49] you claim the 5th? :P [13:49] indeed, but not that I did anything wrong [13:49] nigelb: you plead the 5th :) [13:49] or cite [13:49] :) [13:50] make use of... envoke... whatever ;) [13:50] * paultag twitches [13:50] paultag: right whatever ;) [13:50] sed s/envoke/invoke/g [13:50] christ, sorry, that was getting to me [13:50] I think I have OCD [13:50] lol, sorry [13:51] I think we just kicked everyone else's convo out of the room :( [13:51] hahaha, ain't no thang. I have these odd twitches. When I see something misspelled by someone else ( since I suck at spelling ), i compulse and write a sed script to fix it :) [13:52] there is an irssi plugin to apply them [13:52] AlanBell: o'rly? [13:52] wow that was dickish of me [13:52] sorry greg-g [13:55] paultag: I can't find it now, but a couple of years ago I nearly wrote one and discovered it had already been done [13:55] AlanBell: :) [13:58] paultag: wait, why are you sorry? [14:00] greg-g: for sed'ing you [14:01] paultag: I don't mind being sed'ed if it fixes a mistake of mine. [14:01] :P [14:02] nigelb: Oh, did you see -- I got Syn linking and unlinking packages :) [14:02] it is fragile, but it "works" [14:03] paultag: so, eventually you'll have something like debian [14:04] nigelb: nah :) [14:04] nigelb: this is much more primitive and less robust [14:05] "eventually"! [14:05] nigelb: but it's orders faster then dpkg, which is just awesome [14:05] nigelb: because you can install things in batches at the same time, and force the HD IO to 100% rather then doing 1, waiting, doing another [14:06] it's also computer maintainable, so I won't have to touch packages once they're working unless it fails [14:06] which is nice :) [14:07] nigelb: http://pastebin.com/9ruXNgNa [14:08] paultag: lol, I know what fbautostart is, but everytime I see it, I go "autostart facebook? what?" [14:08] nigelb: :) [14:09] nigelb: it was the only simple package I did not have installed that I could synize [14:09] in theory I could slowly use Syn to borg a Debian install [14:10] I'd have to match glibc versions or i'd be shifting without a clutch [14:10] although that's not a bad idea... [14:19] paultag: did you see I got a website? [14:19] mhall119: yepppers, sure did. Checked it out and all that [14:20] I need to write up some content for it now [14:20] :) [14:21] mhall119: I'm going to get a site "reedfeeder" and have pictures of people feeding panda bears bamboo [14:21] and steal all yers misspells [14:22] with cute panda bears [14:22] they'l never leave [14:22] muhahaha [14:26] paultag: make sure you provide an rss I can subscribe to ;) [14:26] :P [14:59] kim0, brb, sound issues, rebooting [15:06] kim0, all set? [15:06] yeah [15:07] kim0, invite sent [15:26] kim0, let's make sure we get those slider images unblocked ASAP [15:26] I think they will help bring more traffic [15:26] will ping Aljandra again .. they need to look good also :) [15:26] folks, I am asking kim0 to get more traffic flowing to cloud.ubuntu.com - ideas and comments welcome [15:26] kim0, totally === paultag is now known as prt [15:50] morning all [15:51] technoviking, morning....and here I am thinking it's 5 o'clock somewhere :-) [15:51] * akgraner mumbles something about it being Monday :-P [15:55] akgraner: it's almost 5 o'clock in the UK [15:55] :) [15:55] it is, what happens at 5? [15:56] beer o'clock [15:57] oh good, make mine a pint === cypher is now known as czajkowski [16:32] jono, kim0 I know said you want to drive more traffic but what other information are you wanting to get out - just get people to the site in general and let them take it from there or is there more of a specific message to write about? [16:33] akgraner: It should be more about raising the site's visibility (especially outside the typical ubuntu circles), and getting more conversations going on [16:35] kim0, gotcha... [16:50] haha [16:50] http://www.theonion.com/articles/scientists-trace-heat-wave-to-massive-star-at-cent,21088/ [17:05] kim0: would it be useful to link the cloud subforum prominently on it? [17:06] jcastro: the cloud subforum is not getting a ton of traffic, so not sure how helpful that would be [17:07] ah [17:07] well, I was thinking on how you could have discussions on cloud.u.c, if you gave people a place to discuss === cypher is now known as czajkowski [17:08] it's more about comments and converstaions on articles [17:09] ah ok [17:09] * jcastro goes back to thinking more then [17:09] ok folks, I'll be mostly afk for now .. see you tomorrow [17:09] take it easy! [17:24] jcastro: Did you change teams? :P [18:29] jono: ~30 minutes? [18:32] AlanBell: what's happening in London? :( [18:35] people want to steal stuff [18:39] jcastro, will ping you after lunch [18:40] no worries [18:40] jono: interwebs here is not so hot, we'll have to fallback to phones. [18:40] jcastro, np [19:07] Lovely riots in London [19:07] right around the corner from me [19:40] czajkowski: you are near tottenham? [19:45] jussi: it's moved down from Tottenham [19:46] czajkowski: ahh ok, I hadnt been following that close. [19:46] what is the cause of the riots? [19:49] what originally started it off was a guy shot by the police but it's long gone past that [19:49] just thugs now [19:54] somtime people just look for reason to be a-holes [19:55] technoviking: indeed [19:56] http://londonriotsmap.appspot.com/ [20:00] tesco closed earlier on [20:00] bookies closed around 7 and don't normally till 10 [21:11] jono: heya, I'm around now if you want to char [21:11] er, chat, or we can punt till later, up to you [21:12] jcastro, give me two mins and then lets talk, wrapping an email now [21:22] jcastro, all set [21:22] ok [21:23] jono: I'll step out from the conference room [21:23] jcastro, cheers [22:42] <-- eod