[08:44] good morning [08:47] good morning [08:48] hi slashtom [08:49] well done on getting the ball rolling on UHD again. [08:50] no problem, i was chatting with ebel about it the other day [08:50] i do think that we need to try something different, will raise it at the geeknic and see what people think [08:50] thinking maybe first saturday in september, if that suits [08:54] first Saturday in September? [08:54] no way [08:54] global Jam [08:54] oh, i didn't have that in my schedule [08:54] maybe the second Saturday in September [08:55] aye nothing concrete yet [08:55] second saturday is the coderetreat that tdr112 mentioned [08:55] myself and ebel are booked on it [08:55] third? [08:55] third saturday my mum is visiting [08:55] lol [08:55] and on the forth weekend there is a beer festival at the RDS [08:55] :P [08:56] october it is so! [08:56] first [08:56] ? [08:56] what's happening at the global jam? [08:56] still a bit up in the air [08:56] infoturtle is trying to org Limerick again [08:57] tdr112 has hopefully asked TOG again. [08:57] haven't heard back from either yet [08:57] we also have an expression of interest from a 091labs guy in Galway [08:58] nothing concrete [08:58] he is looking into it to see if the interest is there [08:58] fingers crossed [09:03] i cannot have been paying attention, otherwise it would have been on my schedule [09:03] just as well we have nothing planned [09:04] glad you'll be there [16:04] Geeknic up on the website [16:04] http://www.ubuntu-ie.org/node/152 [16:04] and on the LoCo Dir [16:04] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ie/1135/detail/ [16:05] I do hope the weather picks up for it! [16:05] wouldn't be an irish picnic without the challenge of drinking a cup of something faster than the rain can fill it! :-) === cypher is now known as czajkowski [16:14] indeed moylan [16:15] and finally its now gone out to the mailing list [16:15] Phew..... [16:16] until I looked into this I didn't realise we held the second geeknic ever. [16:21] evening [16:24] how do tdr112 [16:24] how are things with you? [16:27] been busy , too much stuff on [16:28] I know that feeling all too well [16:28] did you get a chance to ask TOG about UGJ? [16:29] i talked to a few about it [16:29] were they OK with it? [16:31] the idea is fun , it should be ok [16:31] i will confirm it this week [16:31] cool, only if you get a chance. [16:32] are you going to the Geeknic? [16:38] i dont know yet ,i might be working === cypher is now known as czajkowski [23:12] hye guys, I know it's a bit late but is anyone on here? looking for some help on how to start doing some bug solving [23:13] probably not the best person to ask but go ahead. [23:15] I just wanted to know how to go about it, I know nothing about where to start other than the list of bugs on launchpad launch pad. You know any sites that can help me get going? [23:15] *meant to delete that second launchpad [23:15] ah then definitely not the person to ask. i keep wanting to go to the ugj but never end up making it. [23:16] ok cool, not to worry. The whole thing just seems so vast to me. Maybe I'll find someone else