[00:00] ajmitch, ah, ok [00:01] I hope you can still manage to get 1.0 and 0.6 of django-configglue in, but if not, I understand [00:01] if there is anything I can do to help , please let me know [00:01] I'll do what I can, there's still a couple of days before I have to beg the release team for exceptions :) [00:02] ajmitch, I know you'll do your best and I am grateful [00:02] I'll check again in a couple of days (wed the latest) [00:02] thx === medberry is now known as med_out [01:41] \o/ vala-0.14 is almost bootstrapped on powerpc which will fix a number of universe depwait/FTBFS issues === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [09:47] hi all [09:47] how do i go about packaging headers? i don't need to compile them or anything, just headers [10:00] Why does python-stdeb insist on installing python2.6? [10:03] highvoltage: good post, but I think the technical contributions bit could be a bit misleading [10:03] the DMB only deals with people doing Ubuntu Development, not these upstreamy folk (wherever they may end up) [10:05] how do i go about packaging headers? i don't need to compile them or anything, just headers === barry` is now known as barry_ === barry_ is now known as barry === med_out is now known as medberry === paultag is now known as prt === medberry is now known as med_out === Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth === jamespage1 is now known as jamespage === yofel_ is now known as yofel [21:19] is there a way to compile x86 packages on an x64 system? [21:23] tonymc: ofc [21:23] pbuilder-dist has arch argument for example [21:23] what about debuild? [21:24] pbuilder is too heavy... [21:24] pbuilder heavy ? [21:24] not really :) [21:25] well it downloads minimal system [21:25] i wouldn't want that [21:25] guess its not possible then [21:26] cause you'll always need a minimal system to build packages [21:26] well debuild doesn't need that [21:26] i know it's not a clean method to build stuff [21:26] but my program isn't that complicated and there are no complex dependencies or anything [21:32] it is possible but it can be a lot of work [21:32] on oneiric it should be easier due to more multi arch packages [21:33] install gcc-multilib and all 32 bit dependencies and pass -m32 to the build should do it [21:56] OK then, how do i build with pbuilder? i've found something on google, "linux32 pbuilder -ai386" but it doesn't seem to work - package still builds as x64 [21:58] setup a 32 bit chroot [21:58] pbuilder --create --architecture i386 [21:58] or use pbuilder-dist === kentb is now known as kentb-afk [22:03] can i somehow install a local package onto that chrooted environment? [22:04] pbuilder --architecture i386 --login --saver-after-login [22:04] then do what you want to do in the chroot and logout [22:04] the changes will remain [22:05] there is also --extra-packages you can use [22:05] for packages in the repo [22:06] wow [22:06] thanks [22:09] looks like everything's working now [22:09] many thanks, you've been really helpful [22:10] also have a look at pbuilder-dist, it makes a few pbuilder operations a bit simpler [22:10] lots of info here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#Building_32-bit_packages_on_64-bit_or_for_older_Ubuntu_versions [22:11] one more noob question [22:11] where does pbuilder store built packages? [22:11] i can't seem to find them anywhere [22:11] /var/cache/pbuilder/result [22:12] or in --buildresult=... [22:12] you can mount directories from your host with --bindmounts=/dir/... [22:13] but note if you create files in there they will be root owned [22:15] if i make /var/cache/pbuild/result writeable by me, i won't have to run it as sudo and thus the packages will be owned by me, right? [22:15] i mean /var/cache/pduilder [22:15] or it's not adviceable? [22:15] no pbuilder will always need root rights so far I know [22:16] ah OK [22:16] i build everything with scripts anyway, another two lines with chown won't matter [22:16] thank you very much [22:18] np [22:43] pbuilder doesn't download build time dependencies - is it how it's supposed to be? [22:46] it displays an error in which it says that in order to resolve the situation it needs to remove pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy [22:46] however when i login i don't see this package [22:51] ah i got it, sorry [22:51] needed to enable universe in sources [23:01] it is aliiive... once again thanks for your help, quite a crash course in packaging i had