=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [15:46] chrisccoulson: hi, I was wondering what your plans were going forward on update preparation for Firefox in the stable releases, did you want me to just collate the updates from the PPA? [15:52] micahg, that's up to you [15:56] chrisccoulson: are you interested in driving the maverick update to Firefox 6? [16:02] micahg, i wasn't planning on it. i shall push to the firefox-stable PPA as usual, but it's up to you what you do with maverick [16:04] chrisccoulson: ok, well, we discussed couple weeks ago to migrate maverick to Firefox 6 with the final langpack updates for maverick, I'd like it to go through -proposed/-updates before hitting security for Firefox 7 [16:05] you want to not push it to security? [16:06] what new issues are fixed in 3.6.20 then? or are we just going to ignore those for 6 weeks? [16:06] I'll push 3.6.20 to -security and 6 will go to -proposed [16:07] hmmm, ok [16:07] then we get ~5 weeks to work out any issues [16:07] of couse, i've already been working out issues for the last 6 weeks, but i guess that doesn't really matter [16:07] I'd rather be more cautious than less [16:09] I'd rather the first jump not go through -security as it makes updating for regressions harder [18:57] bRoas [19:02] hi m_conley, how are you? [19:02] hi BUGabundo [19:03] hey chris [19:05] chrisccoulson: hello! [19:05] chrisccoulson: I'm alright, how are you? [19:05] m_conley, yeah, good thanks === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away