[01:07] Hey guys. What do I have to do to get unbanned from -ot? [01:25] Pretty quiet in here. :O [01:28] Yes, I suspect people are being otherwise social on the weekend. [01:29] Could be. What is the recommended course of action in this situation? [01:30] Wait for someone to return, since I suspect you really don't want this decision resting in the hands of someone who you've previously decide to harass in channels on a different network for being an op here. [01:30] The past is the past, is it not? [01:31] That wasn't the case at that time, so I see no reason why it should be now. [01:31] No, at the time it was the present. [01:31] No, it wasn't. [01:31] ? [01:32] Unless "the previous fortnight" or similar time distance qualifies as "present", in which case I'd like the blueprints for your time machine. [01:33] No blueprint. You just travel around a black hole multiple times. [01:33] I'll return in a minute. I have to make a pit stop. Let me know what I can do to resolve this issue between us. [01:35] This isn't something that I alone can decide one, since it impacts the rest of the op team. Someone will get back to you when it's time to discuss it. [01:35] s/one/on/ [01:38] elky: I meant the private issue you have with me which might be better discussed in a private message, or if you prefer, not at all. I just want you to know that what happened was quite a while ago, and I'm sorry for it and wish that I hadn't done it in retrospect. [01:39] The issue regarding the ban I can wait for others. Don't know who to wait for though. [01:39] The way you can resolve it is to make sure it doesn't happen in the future. No need for private discussion. [01:39] I'm still going to defer the ban resolution until it's been discussed with someone else. [01:40] Do you know who I should wait for then? [01:40] Probably rww or flannel [01:41] I suspect they're dinnering around now. [01:41] Is it okay if I wait for them in this channel? Or how do you suggest I know when they're around? [01:42] Someone will pm or memoserv. [01:43] Alrighty. It'll probably have to be a memoserv. rww can contact me on G+ if that's appropriate. I'm not on freenode as much as I used to be. [01:56] * rww hrms, open BT to refamiliarize himself [02:43] rww: Greetings. [02:44] g'day [02:45] I took a look at your bantracker record when I noticed you dropped by before, and I'm fine with removing it if you do the usual "I've read the IRC Guidelines and Code of Conduct and will follow them." thing. [02:45] !guidelines | convenient link [02:45] convenient link: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [02:47] I'll read it. It appears to have changed. [02:53] rww: Most of the guidelines seem sane. I'll abide by them in ubuntu channels. [02:54] both the sane and insane ones? :P [02:54] In ubuntu channels, yes. [02:55] I assume that this agreement doesn't require me to follow the guidelines in other channels also. [02:56] For example. The whole "No obscenities" clause is one I deem not sane. I'll abide by it in ubuntu channels, but I don't exactly have the intention of actively doing so in other non-ubuntu channels. [02:56] right [02:57] Follow the rules of whatever channel you're in, but what I'm specifically talking about right now is #ubuntu-offtopic. [02:57] what you do outside the Ubuntu namespace is none of my business :) [02:57] Makes sense. [02:58] So, problem is resolved then? [02:58] yup, have a good evening [06:56] !coc > OmegaForte [06:56] OK, OmegaForte is being random. [06:56] random and annoying/rude/a pita [06:56] bread [06:57] sorry for the bad word acronym. I know better. [06:57] there are some weird mushrooms being eaten by some it seems [06:58] someone was driving 30kph too slow on the freeway today. so yes. [06:58] fail [06:59] hold on [06:59] nope, it's a fail [07:00] a briton living in us talking about iso standard measurement units? I lubs u [07:00] I also write dates correctly. [07:01] Myrtti: In you? Who did you eat? [07:01] you are my hero, kind sir! [07:02] Someone please lart OmegaForte [07:02] jpds: mobile phone vkb is ... mobile phone vkb [07:02] do it yourself to make up for you dismal first attempt [07:02] jpds did it better [07:03] rww: took me a couple minutes to realize what the fail! was for. [07:03] go to sleeps, IdleOne [07:03] I should. [07:03] oh goddess, jpds is sending them this way [07:03] fun times for all [07:04] Myrtti: were you aware that cellphones sometimes have keyboards? also something about serial buses. [07:06] dundundun [11:08] someone could have a look at Zendmaster or whatever [11:08] I need to go for a while [11:12] !guidelines > zenmaster [13:15] hey guys... [13:16] F-B-T, hi [13:16] I need help. [13:16] with? [13:16] I can't change the default nick I log in with and it's going to continually get me removed from #ubuntu [13:16] ? [13:16] I even registered my current nick so that I could use it instead. [13:17] take #ubuntu off the auto join list [13:17] My original nick is FatherBadTouch [13:17] Which, earlier this week it was brought to my attention how it can be seen as offensive. [13:17] yep. that won't change. [13:17] I'm not saying it will, nor do I expect it. [13:18] remove #ubuntu from the auto join list, problem solved. [13:18] What I need help with now is changing what it uses my nick as when it logs in. [13:18] which client [13:18] XChat [13:18] #xchat [13:18] I know how to remove it from my auto-join list, provided I'm in the channel. [13:18] ohhhh [13:19] since this is not a support channel, ask there [13:19] I need a ban lifted though [13:19] I have a support problem again. [13:19] specifically with Ubuntu. [13:19] if you can say that. [13:21] no ban in #ubuntu that I can see. [13:22] ty [13:23] there is one, but I left it on purpose [13:23] it's to prevent him to use that nick [13:23] ok [13:23] how anyone could think that's NOT offensive is beyond me [13:23] indeed [13:43] * jrib passes the patience tea to Pici [13:51] O____O [13:55] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (kloeriblowjob appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) [13:55] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16)) [13:55] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16)) [13:55] hrm [13:55] you're so eager ubottu [13:56] if he was muted, then why did I see the flood [13:59] irc's racy like that (it'll only reliably work right if the thing setting the mute is on the same server as the thing getting muted) [14:39] is Darkmode banned in #ubuntu? [14:39] he's asking ubuntu (network) stuff in #xubuntu [14:39] Do you remember seeing a ban? [14:40] no [14:40] I see a mute that was set and then removed. [14:40] is it recent? [14:41] Last week. [14:41] okay... is there any notes about mutes? [14:41] Looks like it was a floodbot mute, nevermind. [14:41] heh, okay :) [15:54] hai [15:54] can somebody delete my bann [15:56] xvilo: Have you looked over the channel guidelines like I asked? [16:13] xvilo: hello [16:17] Iḿ allowed in here again :P [16:17] ? [16:43] xvilo: can you please respond [16:45] *chomp* [17:23] AcidRain> well if im not back in 2 hrs. you know that ocean screwed me [17:50] yupyup [18:13] We're going to have a big problem with Unity come release day. [18:13] Pici: why's that? [18:13] need to do a straw poll on how many of us actually use it :-> [18:14] * jrib has never even tried unity [18:14] I have [18:14] it was horrid [18:14] I tried using it and then I remembered that I don't like docks. [18:14] are the rumors about classic being gone in 11.10 true? [18:15] Yes. [18:15] "welcome to Xubuntu" [18:15] I've actually been using KDE :/ [18:15] !yay Xubuntu [18:16] see you should have all jumped ship to a more obscure wm before unity was even thought of [18:16] Xubuntu is nice, but I wanted to try something different. [18:16] Pici: do you prefer kde to gnome 2? [18:16] it actually doesn't really matter what I'm using, lubuntu would probably be a better fit for me [18:17] jrib: No, it doesn't run that well on my laptop. [18:17] oh [18:17] it's shame that the resources of canonica/ubuntu are not being put into developing gnome3 [18:17] Just replace the window manager in Xubuntu to get something different [18:17] gnome3 is the most realistic "future" but it's too early and needs input [18:18] is gnome 3 available in oneiric, ikonia? [18:18] gnome shell isn't [18:18] not as a core product [18:19] hmm [18:19] Its in the repos. [18:19] gnome 3 is ofcourse what unity is built on, so it is there [18:19] Pici: which repo ? [18:19] I meant shell, yes [18:19] jrib: I get caught out miss-using the gnome3/gnome-shell combo [18:19] that was my fault for bad wording [18:19] gnome-shell is in universe afaik [18:19] better than multiverse [18:20] it's free software :) [18:20] I'm just a little dissapointed that the resources haven't been put behind such a big and undoubtedly big player project [18:21] i'm sure gnome is still seen as important as ever, it is after all the very core of the ubuntu desktop [18:22] Anyway, my point in bringing this up was to perhaps discuss what we can do as ops to help people either use Unity or easily transition away from it. [18:22] yes, gnome is, but the default shell, which is really what makes the desktop is pretty much zero interest [18:22] Pici: discuss....... [18:23] ikonia: I don't know, we have a few months, maybe we should pester the documentation team or someone for some good wiki pages detailing how to move to $OTHERDE [18:23] Xubuntu really appreciates any mention [18:23] charlie-tca: I think it will gain a lot of traction in the Ubuntu world very quickly [18:23] as for using unity, i did move back to ubuntu and used unity until it stopped starting with my session [18:23] Pici: I guess a cheat sheet of gnome->unity mapping would be a good start [18:24] maybe i should add it to the 'startup applications' or something to remind it [18:24] a common problems page, eg: nvidia version $X doesn't work, pulse has a problem with $Y [18:25] swapping to another desktop, that's a touch call, I think a re-install is the most simple way to deal with that to not leave tons of gnome stuff around [18:26] or the creation of a meta package to strip gnome out of the system once another DE is in place [18:26] I could look into that ? [18:26] there must exist a basic unity 101 document somewhere [18:27] there is stome stuff on https://help.ubuntu.com - but it's more how to use, rather than how to swap from gnome [18:27] we don't need to remove gnome, what kind of problems do you have in mind? [18:27] topyli: if you swap to say xubuntu, you don't want gnome on your system [18:27] personally, I think just telling people they can install xubuntu-desktop to try something more classical (and then swap back and forth at gdm) is good [18:27] xubuntu still uses gtk, doesn't it? [18:27] yup [18:27] xubuntu uses most of gnome anyway :) [18:28] As does lcde. [18:28] lxde* [18:28] topyli: I wasn't saying remove gnome, I was suggesting a meta package that cleaned up gnome once you'd installed another system [18:28] how much does it use ? [18:28] I didn't think it was much [18:28] abiword and gnumeric [18:28] "unity wiki pages" on http://unity.ubuntu.com/projects/unity/ just links to wiki.ubuntu.com -_- [18:28] :( [18:28] jrib: thats teh kind of sloppyness that shouldn't be inplace, [18:29] Canonical are launching a major product, and this stuff should be top notch before release. [18:29] gtk screensaver perhaps [18:29] not much [18:29] gtk yes [18:29] gnome, no [18:31] it runs the gnome-settings-daemon to keep the apps sane, no? [18:31] * rww reads scrollback [18:32] * Oneiric uses GNOME 3 by default, with Unity instead of GNOME Shell. Shell is in universe. * It's possible to install GNOME 3 fallback and pick that in GDM, it's probably the cloest we have to GNOME Panel in oneiric. [18:32] !find fallback oneiric [18:32] Found: gnome-session-fallback [18:32] that package ^ [18:32] rww: what does that take you to ? [18:33] yes, I'm curious how that panel differs from the one in classic now if anyone knows [18:34] ikonia: GNOME 3 Fallback [18:35] topyli: well I do have gnome-settings-daemon, but I'm not too sure about when has it entered my system [18:35] jrib: it's similar to the gnome2 default panel arrangement, but not quite as good. in 3.0 anyway, i suppose they're improving it form 3.2 along with everything else [18:35] jrib: it's GNOME 3 instead of GNOME 2, looks completely different, etc. It's malleable into something that looks like GNOME 2, though [18:35] that sounded wrong [18:35] sorry [18:35] looks/works [18:35] other than looks, is there a functional difference? [18:35] you need to hold down the Alt key to actually config anything. Apart from that, it works similarly for me [18:36] jrubyes, the panels aren't really gnome-panel and can't run gnome applets etc. [18:36] (alt-right-click on things instead of right-click) [18:36] topyli: oh [18:36] yeah, that too. I don't use applets much though [18:36] I guess that would bother people [18:36] Amaranthus: your client pinged out, /nick and identify svp :) [18:40] * jrib makes note of what to program bots to say [18:40] 'I am not a bot' [18:43] yeah, maybe with a '-_-' at the end for some emotion === Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth [20:25] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (missmist appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) [20:25] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (n4nwq appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) [21:46] synapse is attempting to troll #ubuntu-offtopic.