[00:08] ah sleep all night... [00:11] und I grep all day [00:12] "oh he's a lumberjack and he's ok...." [00:13] . [00:13] yes yes [00:18] ... I search b-trees, I eat my lunch..." [00:22] ah go to /dev/null to p [00:33] I'm logged in as root and I added a new sh file to /etc/cron.daily It is +x. It runs fine when I run it as my root user (from any directory, all paths are absolute), but it is not being executed by cron. [00:33] are there any log files I can check? There is no /var/log/cron file. [00:34] crontab -e shows an empty cron file. Do I need to make an entry in order for cron.daily to be used? [00:36] maybe because my file does not begin with #!/bin/bash ? [00:38] you don't need the sh-bang but you do need to tell it when you want it to run [00:39] so I need to add a cron entry before cron-daily is run? [00:39] it's not automatic? [00:39] (I had assumed I could just dump scripts in that folder) [00:41] no, you [00:42] you're right [00:42] what user does cron run the script as? [00:42] that should work. You will see job info in /var/log/syslog [00:42] perhaps it's failing due to some environment difference. Is there a way to make it log? [00:42] ok [00:43] from ubuntu.com "When adding a new entry to a blank crontab, forgetting to add a newline at the end is a common source for the job not running. If the last line in the crontab does not end with a newline, no errors will be reported at edit or runtime, but that line will never run." [00:44] wow [00:44] I had no newlines [00:44] that seems like it should be a bug? [00:44] a bug that should be easy to fix and should have been fixed long ago? [00:45] grep server-backup /var/log/syslog found no instances of my server-backup.sh running. [00:45] I believe that the newline would follow all entries except the last one [00:46] the last line of my server-backup.sh had a complete command followed by no newline. [00:46] so the last line was not "black" [00:46] "blank" [00:47] I think you just need to remember to do a cr after the last line [00:47] so you have the backup script in /etc/cron.daily? [00:47] yes, and it is +x [00:48] there was no cr after the last line [00:48] I am thinking that cron.daily is run at 10:25am ? https://gist.github.com/e3281cd38fd62dbafc7a [00:49] I am wondering why that time was chosen? [00:49] so, in that case yes, you do need the shebang at the start #!/bin/?shell? [00:49] I've added that too [00:50] I am about to change my time to 10:24 and see if this is run. This is not a production server (yet) [00:50] unless there is a better way to test cron jobs? [00:52] you do need to add each one to crontab [00:53] and you can change the time from there [00:53] so cron.daily is not automatic? [00:53] no [00:53] 02 4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily [00:53] will run at 4:02 [00:53] then why is it an entry in the github post above? [00:54] the github post above is my current /etc/crontab file [00:55] I did not add any of those entries. I'm unfamiliar with the commands run, but I see /etc/cron.daily referenced. [00:55] sorry missed that [00:55] I set my time to 10:24:55 but my cron job was not run, and I do not see it referenced in /var/log/syslog [00:55] you're running anacron [00:56] I'm on ubunt 10.04; haven't modified this since install. [00:57] this is a cloud server. perhaps my host (rackspace) has it modified version of ubuntu that is used? [00:57] make sure it's at /usr/sbin/anacron [00:57] Not sure [00:58] it's not [00:58] JoeCoder: the run-parts script is what runs all the scripts in a directory, so it makes /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly} work. The reason for doing it is primarily flexibility; if you really need the daily stuff to run at a different time from usual, you can change /etc/crontab as needed. But by default, /etc/cron.daily/* scripts will run daily, etc. [00:58] Your issue is that you named the script server-backup.sh. Name it serverbackup instead and it will run fine. [01:00] there is another file in cron.daily named "man-db" dates to Mar 2 2010 and I suspect it is part of the ubuntu install. [01:00] JoeCoder: The namespaces for the scripts run-parts will accept are limited, man run-parts for the details if you really care. [01:00] I'm still renaming it and seeing if it works [01:00] JoeCoder: OK, so server-backup is probably OK... maybe it is the period that is breaking it... I just know the namespace stuff is odd from past experience. [01:01] jmarsden, the script is running /usr/sbin/anacron, not run-patrs [01:01] run-parts [01:01] Wait... someone just pasted 02 4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily above... amd I confused?? === medberry is now known as med_out [01:02] that was me. I didn't see the github post [01:02] that was from a stackoverflow answer, as an example [01:02] swimfins: Why would a hosted server that is up 24x7 use a non-standard cron ??? Makes no sense. [01:03] not sure, check out his crontab here: https://gist.github.com/e3281cd38fd62dbafc7a [01:04] JoeCoder: You can test whether run-parts likes your script by doing sudo run-parts --test /etc/cron.daily to list all th scripts it will run from that directory. [01:04] renaming it to serverbackup has not fixed it. It has a shebang at the beginning and a line return at the end. grep serverbackup /var/log/syslog returns nothing [01:04] run-parts --test /etc/cron.daily lists serverbackup among all the other files there [01:05] JoeCoder: Who or what edited your /etc/crontab file? [01:05] it has never been edited [01:05] jmarsden is THE MAN by the way. Fixed a problem that I was working on for days in about 10 minutes [01:05] since setting up this server I have saved all modifying commands to a shell script, for reproducability. [01:05] I'm just thankful for all the help I'm getting here. This is a great channel. [01:05] JoeCoder: Hmm. OK... do you have anacron installed? what does dpkg -l anacron output? [01:05] I'm relatively new to linux sysadmin [01:06] * jmarsden has been doing Unix and Linux sysadmin work since 1994 :) [01:06] https://gist.github.com/0228fef1aad25bf054e0 seems it's not? [01:07] strange that it's set to be used but not installed? Maybe I'll have a chat with rackspace support if this turns out to be the cause. [01:07] JoeCoder: OK, good. No, you don't want anacron on a server that is up 24x7 [01:07] so I'll switch it to cron [01:07] leave it alone :) [01:07] becuase the current crontab references anacron? [01:07] It will use anacron if it is there, if not it will use run-parts. [01:07] ok [01:07] But swimfins said you were not using run-parts... [01:08] my /etc/crontab references run-parts [01:08] So, run-parts can see your serverbackup script just fine. [01:08] Is there any problem with us running all your cron.daily scripts right now, as a test? [01:08] nope. I was about to ask if I should remove the -test argument. [01:09] run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.daily/serverbackup: Exec format error [01:09] so there's a problem with my script [01:09] Aha. pastebin the script itself please :) [01:09] Probably an issue with the #! line [01:10] eww, I just looked at it again, didn't notice the pipe [01:10] https://gist.github.com/0228fef1aad25bf054e0 [01:11] aha, there's a line return before my #! [01:11] but pastebin doesn't show it (trims empty lines at start?) [01:11] OK, remove the empty line and retest :) [01:12] seems to be working now [01:13] Cool :) [01:13] thanks [01:13] You're welcome. [01:15] how do you pastebin the contents of a file, from CLI? [01:15] depends on what program is displaying the CLI [01:15] pastebinit filename [01:15] really? [01:15] hmm [01:16] KM or for pastebinning output from some commands, somecommand |pastebinit [01:16] wow, pastebinit actually is a valid package [01:16] apt-get install pastebinit [01:16] Of course :) [01:16] jmarsden: yeah, i know how to do it w/ commands [01:16] just didn't know how to do it w/ the contents of a file [01:16] KM0201: well, if you know it for commands, cat file |pastebinit would also work, cat is a command ... :) [01:17] It's just that pastebinit filename is more efficient :) [01:17] yeah [01:18] i'll be darned, it worked [01:19] Did you really expect me to tell you something that *wouldn't* work? :) [01:21] jmarsden: no.. just surprised i'd never figured that out. [01:21] lol [01:21] jmarsden: i had tried pastebinit | /path/to/filename [01:21] and that was no joy. [01:21] didn't think the way you did it, would work [01:21] KM0201: next time, man pastebinit and read the man page :) man pages contain useful information... [01:22] jmarsden: yeah, but they make my head hurt. [01:22] lol [01:22] i wish you could save them to a txt file, and read them that way [01:22] second, the man pages, often get a little to geeky for my understanding [01:23] Huh? man pastebinit >pastebinit.txt # if you really need it as a text file.... [01:23] hmm, didn't know that [01:23] but why do you need them as a text file? [01:24] Use whatever pager you prefer, you get highlighting (bold, underline, etc) that way... [01:24] Or use xman or similar to view them in a GUI if you really want to have them look pretty :) [01:26] There are *many* ways to view man pages ... stuffing them into text files seems like a very low-end choice to me on a modern PC... [01:29] jmarsden: i just hate reading them in terminal [01:29] lol, call me crazyu [01:30] 1 plum.cyber.com.au mdadm: RebuildFinished event detected on md device /dev/md1, component device mismatches found: 22144 [01:30] So... use man -Tdvi and then dvi2pdf and read them in pretty PDF format, or whatever... just not a plain text file :) [01:30] Should I worry about that? [01:30] jmarsden: man -Tps | ps2pdf - tmp.pdf ? [01:30] lol [01:31] twb: Well, a RAID rebuild is a bad thing unless you specifically asked for it... and 22K mismatches doesn't sound nice, although I don't know exactly what they mean... it might have "fixed" them all? [01:31] jmarsden: ubuntu systems resync raid @monthly [01:31] The question is whether the mismatches are significant [01:32] OK, so it happened by design... If I saw something like that on a hardware raid controller I'd be worried... don't do enough with Ubuntu/Debian software RAID to know if it matters in that context, though. [01:33] The host in question has write-intent bitmaps turned on, 2×RAID1 250MB HDDs [01:33] I'll just lurk until an md expert wakes up, I guess [01:33] twb: Can you run SMART tests on the two drives? [01:34] Good question. smart ought to be already deployed, lemme check [01:34] OK, I need to go out for a while, but will be back later. I'd check SMART and also check your backups, while waiting for that md expert to arrive :) [01:35] That's odd, smartmontools starts without any syslog output, despite a missing -d ata in smartd.conf === nickmoeck_ is now known as nickmoeck [02:27] after installing ubuntu server 11.4 i get these errors. On reboot the file system /boot is corrupted. When i repair this disk with knoppix cd it says it was uncleanly unmounted. after repair it boots normal. But after a reboot i gives the same error. The error message is Cannot write bytes: pipe error. Basicly it does not unmount /boot correctly. Then i installed Debian to see if it was [02:27] a software issue. But the i get about a similar error. When Debian shuts down it says something like this: cannot unmount file system failed. So it seems it is some sort of same issue.. idears ? [02:28] Bernhard: that information is not precise enough to isolate the fault. [02:29] oke let me see the exact error [02:29] How was /boot "corrupt"? [02:31] ubuntu.. on reboot it says mountall fsck /boot [344] terminated with status 1 [02:31] could not write bytes : pipe error [02:31] That doesn't mean it's necessarily corrupt. [02:32] Exit status 1 from fsck actually means: 1 - File system errors corrected [02:32] after that it show about 60 times could not write bytes : pipe error on screen [02:33] The pipe error output sounds like dd or something is getting its knickers in a twist [02:33] It suggests there's some problem with the boot process' init scripts [02:33] I speculate that what's happening is that after fsck finds and fixes an error, it tries to report that to ubuntu's crappy in-house splash code, which fails [02:34] And because that fails, the entire boot process just hangs [02:34] Unfortunately upstart/mountall/usplash issues are a bitch to debug, especially over the phone (or IRC). [02:35] IMO your best bet at this point is to try installing LTS server [02:36] btw the system does not hang after that error.. i can login.. Its true i made an image with dd.. Both the source drive and target give these errors. both drives are new. But it might be that the source disk had this error earlier.. [02:39] What does "you made an image with dd" mean? [02:39] Maybe you did that wrong [02:48] i did dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb sb=4M [02:49] Ah, OK [02:49] That should be fine, except that grub will probably boot off sda still unless you physicall unplug it [02:52] when i make /boot only readeble it does not give those errors.. [02:55] Bernhard: that is interesting [02:59] jmarsden: FYI, the md issue appears to be caused by hosting swap on the md: debbugs 518834 [03:00] i'm off. .bey [04:00] hiya [04:00] I've a little understanding problem with PHP error reporting. In the php.ini I have display_errors = On; and error_reporting = Off; By default I don't want to display errors. However I want to be able to switch them on by script. When I add this line to my script: error_reporting(E_ALL); i expected it to display all errors but parse errors for example got straight into a blank page. Am I not allowed to override the php.ini [04:02] I'm running Ubuntu 10 LTS and php 5.3.2 [04:02] I don't know how, but our PHP weenie made his PHP app report errors via syslog(3). IMO this is desirable. [04:03] Could be /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini:error_log = syslog ? [04:04] yes, I'm looging the errors too but there's demand for external developers that they can also see errors while running the script. [04:04] Dunno, sorry. [04:04] You could also try ##php of course [04:06] I think you only get in there by invitation....(Channel) [04:09] More likely you need to register your nick [04:09] FWIW I can get there [04:21] having a issue with NGINX, nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use) after a upgrade from 0.7 to 1.0 same config, i checked netstat -l and it states nothing is on port 80, and i did a simple connect, nothing is on that port -- Ubuntun 10.04LTS === erichammond1 is now known as erichammond [04:26] JRWR: that's [::]:80, not *:80 [04:26] JRWR: i.e. IPv6 [04:26] For the logs, The issue was resloved, Had a extra config from install in sites-enabled [04:27] and with nginx [::]:80 listens on ipv4 and v5 [04:27] v6* [04:32] I am trying to get 'fuppes' running on ubuntu-server, but I am having some problems. I'm not sure where to start looking for the cause? [04:35] Is this significant? e1000: eth0: e1000_clean_tx_irq: Detected Tx Unit Hang [04:36] elz89: http://bugs.debian.org/426048 [05:02] twb: I have had a look but I can't see what will help? [05:03] If you want fuppes on Ubuntu you should work with those people to get it packaged. [05:03] elz89: Did you install fuppes from a package? If not, then doing so might well help. [05:04] jmarsden: I was eliding the "some deb I found" case, because I don't consider it substantially better than "some tarball I found" -- ref. e.g. webmin [05:05] twb: The packages mentioned in that bug should be quite a bit better than a random tarball, they were at least aiming for Debian/Ubuntu packaging quality... [05:10] jmarsden: mea culpa, I didn't bother to read the whole ticket [05:14] I use the GetDeb Apps PPA. The 'fuppes' package is from the repo. [05:19] http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/getdeb_apps ? [05:20] Ah, http://www.getdeb.net/welcome/ [05:20] Sounds like arch-for-ubuntu: "integration testing? What is that?" [05:21] twb: your first url was right [05:31] ever used it, or do you have any ideas how I can fix it? [05:32] I don't provide support for third-party PPAs, but if you can describe the precise issue, it might be something I can help with anyway. [05:34] To be fair, I am only looking at 'fuppes' because I have used it as part of FreeNAS a while ago. Can you recommend an alternative upnp media server for ubuntu server natty? [05:34] I avoid UPNP because I heard it's basically a big gaping security hole. [05:35] How else can I stream music to my PS3 then... [05:36] * lickalott researches elz89's host [05:36] i kid, i kid... [05:40] I'm cloaked? [06:11] elz89: apparently you are cloaked: 16:11 *** 311 elz89 ~elz89 unaffiliated/elz89 * Elliot Still [06:12] elz89: and yeah, unless you're going to reflash ubuntu onto your PS3, I don't know how you can make it play your music [06:12] I remember when I first ran into that (with a 360) -- "what do you mean it's not just talking CIFS to the NAS?!" === bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa [07:46] hi all [07:46] is there an easy way to see what formulas I have available (for ensemble)? [07:47] Hrmph; "formula" sounds like a bit of a mixed metaphor for orchestra/ensemble [07:47] rickspencer3: (I don't know.) [07:48] Surely it should be more like "score" [07:48] hi twb [07:48] they are musicians who are also chemists [07:48] eer, mathematicians? [07:49] rickspencer3: either holds [08:28] twb, btw, I figured it out [08:29] k [08:29] you branch the specific recipes that you want to use [08:29] it was just *too* easy ;) [08:56] New bug: #822566 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.3-1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_postfix.py', which is also in package postfix-pcre 2.8.3-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/822566 [09:11] New bug: #822573 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/822573 [09:26] twb: did you have any ideas on fuppes in the end? [09:33] elz89: hmm? Sorry, no [09:33] elz89: "not my field" or so [09:35] do you know any good dlna media servers for ubuntu server? [09:38] See above: not my field [09:38] elz89: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Comparison_of_UPnP_AV_media_servers ? [09:40] twb: OK, thanks all the same. [09:40] I don't understand what the "source control" column of that page means, since it has "FTP" and "HTTP" in there for some rows [09:51] New bug: #822585 in quagga (main) "Please sync quagga 0.99.18-2 from Debian unstable." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/822585 [10:17] hello, anybody familiar with ubuntu-server 11.04 [10:20] very specific problem, and I nailed it down on the weekend. does not seem that it was already noticed in that way. It is regarding "mdadm -> RAID1 and on top LVM volume. As soon as lvm sits on top of md0, respectivly no specific file system was created on top of md0 ->udev-work throws inotfy_add_watch(6 ,/dev/md9,10) failed: no such device. [10:24] This is because udev tries to add some kind of event watcher, which I can not get rid of. Does anybody knows ubuntu so deeply to give an answer to this? I googled... bug/feature...etc. but nobody saw it in this context. All I need to find out how to tell udev to leave md0 as it is, since lvm locks it and of course a watcher can not be installed anymore. [11:06] New bug: #822613 in etckeeper (main) "etckeeper should depends on hostname" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/822613 [11:29] Anyone know how to send the F10 key in terminal to close htop? Im on Ubuntu 11.04 connected to my server which is 10.04/ [11:30] jasonmsp: There's a button on your keyboard [11:30] labeled 'F10' [11:30] :) [11:30] nice.. [11:30] problem is it isn't sending it through the terminal. [11:31] close htop? I just press 'q' [11:33] yikes! I was so channelized on the fact that the F10 key is listed at the bottom for exit that I didn't even try q! ha. thanks! [12:01] nobody here who knows? [12:03] CoreStyx: You're doing md on top of lvm? [12:03] the other way around... [12:03] lvm on top of md [12:05] Ah, ok [12:05] That makes more sense indeed [12:06] Sorry [12:06] I'm not running 11.04 anywhere [12:06] did you ever try something like it ? [12:07] No, I don't really like Ubuntu 11.* [12:07] So i'm still at lucid [12:50] bom dia [12:53] guys how do I make my package depend on java JDK without specifying implementation ? [12:54] I don't want to force sun jdk or openjdk [12:57] beric: java5-runtime java6-runtime? [12:58] beric: or those are for -jre's; for jdk's there seem to be java5-sdk and java6-sdk [13:00] reisi: how can I verify that? apt-get install java6-jdk says no such package [13:01] beric: java6-*sdk* [13:01] thanks !! :) [13:01] beric: aptitude show opendjdk-6-jdk | grep Provides: [13:02] beric: though, i'm no debian packager, but afaik this is exactly what those virtual packages are for [13:03] Yes and that's exactly what I wanted. I knew there was a virtual package for that but I just couldn't figure out the names. [13:16] RoAkSoAx: pong [13:35] Ursinha: bom dia! [13:35] lynxman: bon dia :) [13:38] Ursinha: good dia [13:38] hggdh: bonjour :) [13:38] :-) [13:43] Daviey: did you get with Colin? (I am curious) [13:43] * nigelb blinks, looks at channel name, blinks again. [13:47] * RoyK doubleblinks [13:48] * hggdh closes eyes [13:48] hggdh: not grabbed him yet [13:48] http://xkcd.com/924/ [13:48] * Jeeves_ is thinking about tmi [13:50]  [13:50] /win 2 [13:50] [14:07] smoser: ping [14:08] Hi, can someone give me suggestions for webmail clients available in Lucid repos? [14:09] The more user-friendly, the merrier. People here don't like the vanilla squirrelmail [14:09] philsf: either roundcube or squirrelmail [14:10] +1 for roundcube, it looks pretty nice [14:11] roundcube doesn't handle very large mailboxes with lots of folders that well. [14:12] I haven't had any problems with it, what kind of IMAP had problems? [14:13] roundcube would be simple and easy [14:21] will check them out, thanks [14:25] how to report a server bug... 11.04 [14:29] kirkland: nevermind :) wanted to know how warm were TX nights [14:29] RoAkSoAx: "very" :-) [14:30] kirkland: hehe feels just like Miami === smb` is now known as smb [14:30] Hello. I have an existing CSR and private key with no subjectAlternativeName field. I'd like to add a pair of DNS names as SANs to the pre-existing CSR. I tried something like: "openssl req -new -in original.csr -config test-conf -out revised.csr -key myprivkey.key" and the config file has some stuff in it and a list of the DNS names to go into the SAN field. Does this sound like the correct approach? [14:36] hallyn: ping === med_out is now known as medberry [14:45] is it possible to set up LVM for all partitions except for /boot ?? [14:48] <_ruben> that's how i setup 99% of all my systems [14:49] bernhard1: mount a different partition onto /boot/ [14:49] kirkland: when you coming btw? [14:50] RoAkSoAx: tomorrow [14:50] (he just told me) [14:50] RoAkSoAx: either this afternoon, or tomorrow [14:50] RoAkSoAx: robbiew recommended that I come tomorrow, I think [14:52] if I setup an lvm system, I set /boot as non-lvm [14:52] but I am so used to using vm's now, I never use lvm on a vm [14:53] <_ruben> patdk-wk: why not? [14:53] just doesn't seem any use for me, and adds extra complexity [14:54] if I need to make it larger, grow the vm disk size, and expand partition [14:54] and the issue I mainly have with lvm, mounting that disk on another system gets to be a pain if they have the same lvm names [14:54] is it possible to set up LVM for all partitions except for /boot ?? [14:55] bernhard1: What part of the answer that I supplied doesn't help? [14:55] kirkland: ok cool ;) [14:56] lynxman: lol [14:56] <_ruben> probably the part where his connection had already died... ;) [14:56] pici, the part that he has a crappy irc connection, and it hasn't timed out yet [14:56] RoAkSoAx: hey btw do you have experience with LXC? [14:57] lynxman: nope unfortunatlely :( [14:57] RoAkSoAx: dang, trying to get ahold of smoser :) [14:57] lynxman: zul hallyn might be able to help you too [14:58] RoAkSoAx: i already beat him over the head with the lxc stick this morning :) [14:58] can you repeat your answer i was disconnected.. [14:58] zul: hahah good :) [14:58] RoAkSoAx: it's out of zul's range and hallyn doesn't reply either :] [14:58] bernhard1: bernhard1: mount a different partition onto /boot/ [15:02] zul: you cry from the beauty that is Milbank, yet [15:05] robbiew: he does :) [15:06] robbiew: a single tear went down my cheek [15:13] ~> [15:13] ~> [15:13] ~> [15:13] sorry [15:14] lynxman: hi [15:14] hallyn: hi o/ [15:15] lynxman: i'll be slow responding, whats up? [15:15] hallyn: I have an issue with LXC and several people here pointed me in your direction [15:15] hallyn: got openstack + LXC running, all good except that when I try to start an instance the instance complains about lack of permissions, for example for creating dev entries [15:18] hallyn: have you found this problem before and if so, any suggested solution path or places to look further? [15:20] lynxman: you probably need to add whitelist entries to the devices cgroup for the container [15:20] you can set those in the contianer config file [15:20] (and/or in the one used at container create time) [15:21] hallyn: cool, will look into that [15:21] hallyn: libvirt though [15:21] zul: that's true, it's libvirt [15:23] zul: lynxman: oh! [15:26] sorry, libvirt is not extensible like that. so you'll have to change the whitelist at run-time [15:26] hallyn: hmm okay... so how can I do it? =) [15:27] switch to liblx? :) [15:27] lynxman: look at /proc/$$?cgroups for a task in the container, [15:27] get the path for the devices cgroup, [15:28] and then echo something like "c 1:3 a" > /sys/fs/cgroup/path/to/cgroup/devices.allow [15:28] (if youwant /dev/null access:) [15:28] substitute b for block, and maj:minor [15:29] hallyn: cool! [15:30] lynxman: but talk to zul, i thought he had a patch for using lxc.sf.net with openstack [15:30] hallyn: almost....not ready yet [15:30] hallyn: I have him sitting just in front of me [15:30] * lynxman stares at zul [15:30] careful with those daggers [15:31] ok, thx, lemme know if you have problems :) [15:31] hallyn: he has a huge ruler, like... 70cms long [15:31] hallyn: thanks :) [15:51] 3g for the rescue [15:51] (or not) [15:54] zul: Daviey: DMB opening (wink wink) [15:54] lol [15:55] robbiew: uh huh :) [15:56] zul: just sayin...would be nice to have some more server folks ;) [15:56] we gotta represent! [15:56] dont you have to nominate people? [16:05] AFternoon folk [16:06] Anyone here familure with Mdadm? Using a RAID6 array and added a disk to the array and "Grew" the array into it. [16:06] But its giving an ETA of 6000mins.. [16:10] BDoes that sound right? === Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Guest6606 === Guest6606 is now known as Ursula === Ursula is now known as Ursinha [16:16] lynxman: hey, you really should be assigned to bug 807233? [16:16] Launchpad bug 807233 in mcollective "mcollective not working with rabbitmq" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/807233 [16:16] Ursinha: I marked it as incomplete I think... let me have a look [16:17] lynxman: yes, you did, but you're also assigned to it [16:18] Ursinha: ah okay, I'll assign it to myself then :) [16:18] adam_g: you in london yet? [16:18] Ursinha: ah I did already :D [16:18] Ursinha: the guy didn't reply so I reckon I can close it? [16:18] haha but why? are you going to work on that? [16:19] lynxman: I believe you should wait for him to reply... if not, the bug will expire [16:19] Ursinha: I asked for more info but he didn't reply, that's why I'm asking, first time I got one bug hanging [16:20] Any ideas how I could force a cups job to retry printing and tell me what caused it to fail if it does? [16:21] not sure what to do there (why the bug isn't set to expire?) [16:26] kirkland: so we'd need a new package to install the ensemble related stuff right? such as ubuntu-orchestra-ensemble ? [16:29] Ursinha: not me either :D [16:29] win w [16:29] hmmm [16:30] RoAkSoAx: yessir [16:30] adam_g: cool. were you able to deploy openstack yet? [16:32] anyone know why an update to .bashrc might not take effect even after exiting and logging back in or typing bash? [16:33] Right, obviously something was wrong since. Well mdadm segfaulted [16:33] and it appears to have crashed my entire array [16:34] So now Im kind of panicing to try and fix this :P [16:35] Anyone any tips? [16:37] would anyone be able to sanity-check a libvirt patch for me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/661171/ [16:37] checking that libvirt still works with that would be nice if possible; I don't use it myself ... [16:43] Anyone? [16:43] I've tried to rebuild the array, but its showing all the disks as "Inactive" and "Spares" [16:43] Im guessing thats *really* bad# [16:43] wtf why wont applications open. stupid kde === medberry is now known as med_out [16:46] I would just like to take this moment to say *fuck* you mdadm [16:46] x.x [16:49] now now, no need for harsh language [16:49] RoAkSoAx: actually, I'm about to head over to the sprint [16:50] RoAkSoAx: can be there in ~25 minutes; what time are ya'll breaking for lunch? [16:51] kirkland: supposedly in 10 mins [16:54] Hey guys, what tool do you use for db (postgreSQL) clustering? [16:54] RoAkSoAx: okay, i'll call you and find out where to meet [16:55] kirkland: cool, though the meeting rooms are in the ground floor to the right of the lobby, and we should be right there i think [16:55] RoAkSoAx: are ya'll going out for lunch? [16:56] OK, so Mdamd has screwed me over and killed my array x.x === zz_ng_ is now known as ng_ [16:58] kirkland: no lunch is suppodsedly in the hotel [18:14] hallyn: do you see a chance of getting https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=601494 into Natty? [18:14] bugzilla.redhat.com bug 601494 in kvm "qemu-io: No permission to write image" [Medium,Closed: errata] === otubo is now known as otubo[AFK] [18:22] <_johnny> hi, any matlab wizards here? :) === otubo[AFK] is now known as otubo [18:27] hggdh: yeah i think so, though it depends on exactly what the fix was [18:29] hggdh: have you looked at the rpm source to see what exactly they fixed? (git log for qemu isn't glaringly obvious) [18:30] hallyn: will grab it & look. The bug it [18:30] self is amazingly lacking in details === otubo is now known as otubo[AFK] [18:31] hallyn: all of that because I was giving your make_kvm_vm a go & changing it a bit :-) === otubo[AFK] is now known as otubo [18:40] hggdh: eh? :) actually vm-new from ubuntu-qa-tools should soon work the same way (auto-pulling down of mini-iso) as my make_kvm_vm [18:42] ah, cool. I will consolidate myself on the u-q-t, then === otubo is now known as otubo[AFK] [18:43] kirkland: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/661323/ [18:43] kirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/661320/ [18:44] hallyn: well, anyway qemu-img does not seem to work on natty, at least for qcow2 (have not tested other formats) === otubo[AFK] is now known as otubo [18:49] kirkland: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/661331/ [18:54] kirkland: lp:~andreserl/orchestra/ensemble === jamespage1 is now known as jamespage === otubo is now known as otubo[AFK] [19:26] hggdh: qemu-img, or qemu-io? I use qemu-img all the time on natty... [19:27] hallyn: qemu-img [19:27] weird [19:28] hum [19:28] hggdh: i can qemu-img on my natty netbook right here. but qemu-io indeed does not work for me [19:28] hggdh: would you mind filing a bug? [19:29] hallyn: will do. That's interesting. And this is a brand-new Natty install (gave up on oneiric), I had to bloody format the HD [19:32] hallyn: I am starting to suspect local FUBAR -- I can qemu-img create on the local dir [19:32] * hggdh goes find out WTH is going on [19:32] can i pip contents of a file into chmod if i wanted to change the group owner of a bunch of different files and directory? [19:32] pipe* [19:32] * hggdh uses part of the time to blame the laptop manufacturer [19:36] i know i can use find / -group thegroupname but how can i pipe that into sudo chmod :newgroupname [pipe from find here??] [19:36] i have like 500 files to change... [19:45] robbiew: hey, want to have that call? === otubo[AFK] is now known as otubo [20:01] New bug: #822394 in samba (main) "package smbclient 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/822394 [20:01] kirkland: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/661386/ [20:05] Im having a issue with nginx/1.0.5 on ubuntu 10.04.3LTS with add_after_body, Its not grabbing the contents and adding it to the pages, here is my main server block http://pastebin.com/Dqr0CsNS and other configs http://pastebin.com/Vb7AR3TB [20:48] Ursinha: hey...sorry...had to go pickup a rental van for jcastro [20:49] I was about to ping you again :) === ng_ is now known as zz_ng_ [21:56] How do I install the xslt-filter on my server? I installed libapache2-modxslt and reloaded, but my application still fails. a2enmod does not show it on the list. How do I enable it. [21:57] ? === kentb is now known as kentb-afk [22:16] Hi all. What is a good base for a free VM server? I've used Virtual Box and VMWare. I'm looking at Zen right now. Any other really awesome VM servers? [22:17] Xptical: kvm is very good, though graphical tools are seriously lacking. [22:18] I'm more of a CLI guy anyway. I just want something that will allow me to quickly spawn guests and install them from an ISO. Or to quickly clone a guest to another guest. [22:19] heya guys.......can I have two web servers running on the same vps? [22:19] smoser: ping [22:19] Being able to pass options like hostname and root/password would be great [22:19] Hey guys, I just want to follow up on a fix for a critical / high bug affecting memcached on lucid. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/memcached/+bug/637114 [22:19] Launchpad bug 637114 in memcached "Large multiget requests randomly broken" [High,Fix released] [22:19] I've tracked the problem down and outlined the fix, but not sure who to nudge to get it shipped / reviewed? [22:21] Xptical: Check out LXC or OpenVZ. I've set up LXC and can create a new machine in about five seconds. I've heard, however, that OpenVZ is better for production. [22:22] sw0rdfish: You can run a dozen web servers if that's what you want. However, only one can bind port 80 at a time. [22:22] I see. [22:22] can I use other ports for http purposes, e_t_ ? [22:26] sw0rdfish: Of course. You can run HTTP on port 22 or SSH on port 80. You can use any port number (that's not already in use on your box) between 0 and 65535, but 0 - 1023 are so-called "well known ports" and certain services are expected at those ports (http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers). [22:26] cool cool.....I just wanna experiment on both apache2 and nginx :) [22:26] thanks e_t_ [22:31] hello, I am having issues getting grub/grub2 installed on a software RAID1 from ubuntu server 10.04. I get the following error: Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed. [22:46] meh not worth the wait === otubo is now known as otubo[AFK] === otubo[AFK] is now known as otubo