=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond [04:56] rww:o [04:56] oh gods [04:58] ? [04:58] he left quick [04:58] well i think it was a he... [04:59] spillover from #ubuntu-offtopic [04:59] and yes, it's a guy [04:59] this can be a off topic channel to somewhat [05:00] I assume this sort of randomness is par for the course for ops. [05:00] it's par for the course for the Californian #ubuntu-offtopic users :\ [05:05] crazy people! === bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa === ryaxnb__ is now known as ryaxnb [21:47] nhaines is the man im lookin for... [21:48] my neighbor has a computer randomly shutting off and rebooting [21:48] im thinking power supply, but some people on forums across the net say it could be hard drive also [21:49] i was running ubuntu updates on his comp yesterday and the power went off right in the middle [21:49] inside of computer is clean and power supply is clean inside too [21:50] could be ram [21:51] ("it's always ram") [21:51] I'd say it's unlikely to be the harddrive if it boots reliably and you don't see filesystem errors [21:52] i wasnt seeing errors, although he now tells me before i put ubuntu on it 2 years ago it did this same thing but not as frequently as every day [21:52] he said "ubuntu fixed it" up until the past month [21:52] when i put ubuntu on i also put in a good video card and upped the ram from 512 to 3gb [21:53] my debugging spidey senses tell me they are completely unrelated :) [21:53] I'd run some memtests, if they come back clean I'd start pulling dimms and do hardware debugging [21:54] pull out a dimm, do stress tests, etc [21:55] joy, but i guess thats better than taking out the power supply [21:55] i have a 4GB caviar HD laying here at work i was going to swap in [21:59] thanks pleia2 [22:00] good luck [22:01] philipballew knock knock [22:02] you broke him! [22:03] i didnt touch the computer though :) i swear it [22:04] heheh [22:55] iheartubuntu: it's probably RAM. Also, a 4GB Caviar HD will probably not hold an Ubuntu install. [22:58] pleia: I saw a recommendation for "The Articulate Advocate: New Techniques of Persuasion for Trial Lawyers" (ISBN: 978-0979689505) that covers things like stance, pacing, gestures, and such things about public speaking. [22:58] thanks nhaines i will check it out [22:58] it was brand new memory chips too [22:59] nhaines: nice [22:59] iheartubuntu: "brand new" means "untested" [22:59] yes [22:59] and i bought some cheap chips too [22:59] pleia2: I've tried to work on my stance and gestures, but I don't speak enough anymore to perfect. :) [23:00] pleia2: actually, I haven't watched yet (still at work) but http://www.ernietheattorney/ has two links to clips from the author that might be insightful as to whether the book will be useful. [23:01] nhaines: yeah, until recently I've mostly just focused on communicating clearly and without nervousness [23:01] ooh, $9.99 as nook book [23:01] if bn.com didn't suck [23:01] not to kiss butt... you both did great at the SCaLE ubucon [23:02] iheartubuntu: it only looked that way because we're professionals. In actuality we both sucked, just that only ourselves can see our own failings. :) [23:02] (Also known as: you're your own worst critic.) [23:02] I did better at fosscon [23:03] pleia2: I bombed the UpScale talk. Spoke too fast. But I think I nailed the Ubucon intros and Q&A. :) [23:03] I'm more confident when I'm adlibbing. Thanks for setting me up for the "Ubuntu is an ancient African word for 'my wifi just works'" joke. [23:03] the whole UpScale thing was a bit hectic in general [23:04] Timing is really hard on ignite talks. [23:05] Especially hard not to go too fast. [23:05] yeah [23:05] akk: I was amazed that even when I started to ramble I still got the timing okay. Teaching day courses must've helped there. [23:05] Luckily, Gareth foobaring my slides got the audience rooting for me. [23:06] foobaring your slides? [23:06] nhaines: I love living now, 8 minutes ago you suggested "The Articulate Advocate", I have since read the description read a couple of reviews, bought it and now it's loaded on my nook :) [23:06] The modern girl! :) [23:06] He autoadvanced through all 20 slides in 3 seconds about 8 seconds into my talk. :) [23:06] nhaines: eek! That could throw off your timing a bit. :) [23:07] akk: I thanked everyone for their time and bowed, then when it was set up I introduced myself again as before and everyone cheered. [23:07] I've seen windows people do that in regular (non-ignite) talks -- apparently PPT has a mode you can get into that autoadvances, and it's hard to get out of. [23:07] Apparently Gareth found the afterburner (trying to go backwards caused the slides to flip through to the end--he did it two or three times.) [23:08] Hope you didn't have any slides that were meant to be a big surprise! [23:09] Just the xkcd comic that was hard to read in 15 seconds. But everything flipped by too fast to read. [23:09] i went to a 2 hour talk last week and the guy was just horrible. it almost felt like he was a used car salesman at his previous job. i couldnt take it anymore and got up and left. [23:09] and both of you sound very natural [23:10] iheartubuntu: what turned you off to the speaker? [23:10] he never made eye contact for one [23:10] iheartubuntu: pleia2 will probably concur with me that sounding natural takes lots of practice. :) [23:10] A car salesman who doesn't make eye contact probably wouldn't do very well either. [23:10] it felt like he had the whole speech memorized and felt like i was invisible ot him [23:10] it made it boring [23:11] pleia2: actually the 15 minute version of my UpScale talk played well at OCLUG. :) [23:11] I tend to dislike those rehearsed "motivational" speakers. Unless they're really really good. [23:11] iheartubuntu: oh, right... what was the topic? [23:11] yeah, teleprompter/memorized talks are much easier, it's much harder to be aware of your audience and look natural [23:12] stocks :) [23:12] You have to know the material inside and out in order to adjust to your audience, for one. [23:12] i had to try and not look at him and just take notes [23:12] I bet it's extra hard to make a speech on stocks interesting. [23:12] there was one speaker at an event recently who was just reading from a script [23:13] he had really good presence, but it was pretty dry, and he was really thrown off his game by questions [23:13] pleia2: that's almost always an instant fail. [23:13] Although, I might do that for a future talk... I'll bet I can make that funny. [23:14] pretty much the only funny I can pull off is self-deprecating, but it works for me [23:14] (The "script" would be a prop, obviously.) [23:15] pleia2: I like using that, and I also like using very mild jabs at common computing frustrations, that invite the audience to smile along. [23:15] when i was in toastmasters one of the things was to make eye contact in small audiences, much larger ones and you can look at their foreheads and they wont know :) [23:15] I mostly go with funny pictures (and sometimes the frustrations too). [23:15] nhaines: ah yes, I've done that from time to time too [23:15] "who has every used some foss that had poor documentation?" "HAHAHA" [23:16] Yup! The "Add/Remove Programs" one was my favorite... I'm sorry that one's gone. [23:16] iheartubuntu: I saw a great presentation demonstrating eye contact -- you choose groups of people and make eye contact with the center of the group [23:16] interesting [23:17] and then everybody in that group thinks you've made eye contact with them, close enough. [23:17] Oh, this one was well-recieved. "If you tell others they should only run Ubuntu and Free Software, but you have a Macbook... Well, that's not going to be very persuasive." (Eat your own dog food!) [23:17] i havent spoken in public for a while now. would be fun to do again. and im sure i can do a lot better than this guy i listened to [23:17] So you don't have to cover all 300 people, just each 5x5 subset (or whatever, depends on room size). [23:17] dogfood, yeah ... it used to be so common for speakers on linux to use mac or windows! [23:18] I made an accidental joke at my last talk, I called the ubuntu bug squad "bug people" [23:18] *pause* "hehe, bug people" [23:18] My local LUG got all mad at me when I pointed out that 6 of their last 7 speakers had used windows laptops. [23:18] there was much laughing [23:18] But I noticed that most of the next few speakers used linux laptops. :) [23:18] hehe, nice [23:19] I have an idea for a Linux comedy routine. [23:19] RAID [23:20] nice, this books starts out with "The Paradox of Naturalness" :) [23:21] whats the routine nhaines [23:21] Was it Churchill who wouldn't let someone interrupt him on the way to a meeting because "I'm busy preparing my extemporaneous remarks" ? [23:25] iheartubuntu: I want to do some fun Ubuntu stuff. "I got tired of all the ease of use and handholding. I decided I wanted to go back to basics--the raw, genuine Linux experience with compiling my own code and everything. So I typed 'sudo apt-get install gentoo'..." [23:26] Then I might do a monologue from the "typical" computer user who refuses to learn anything, probably one from the " [23:26] typical" Linux geek who thinks everyone should have to learn everything. [23:27] That sort of thing. Hopefully make fun of everyone in a way that invites people to laugh at themselves. [23:30] im going to attempt to start an Ubuntu Hour in LA union station where a bunch of metro lines, buss lines, metrolink, amtrak, etc all converge [23:31] i need to scout around the best place to do it. there are a couple places with tables and then there is that big hall where people sit and lounge around waiting for a train [23:33] It would be cool to have an Ubuntu Hour in a place where there were a lot of newbies killing time. [23:33] Might be able to talk some of them into checking it out. [23:37] hope to make it down to philipballew global jam