[04:47] ohai! [04:56] :D [04:56] Welcome urlin2u [04:56] hello === bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa [15:47] good morning [15:52] Morning Oregon [16:01] CustomInk just got payment for Ubuntu Oregon Global Jam T-shirts this mornining :) [16:02] Hi urlin2u! [16:02] morning [16:05] Hopefully the sun pokes through here sometime today [16:06] a bit chilly, but having webbed feet I'm used to it. ;) [16:16] :) [20:10] :D [20:24] hi, is anyone about? [20:26] i am [20:26] ! [20:26] hey do you know of any speicifc cases of the governement trying to take away our internet freedoms? [20:27] i know about this one H.R.96 - Internet Freedom Act [20:28] Yeah there is a big nice one called [20:28] U.S. Patriot Act [20:28] which pretty much allows anything [20:32] thanks bkerensa i am researching this for s persuasive speech [21:16] :) [21:16] cool [21:16] * bkerensa is still planning Ubuntu Global Jam :) [21:16] anything I can do to help? [21:24] Yes [21:25] thefinn93: I do have a task for you... I will call u and give u details because Im going for a walk and need to desync from the net :P [21:26] ok [21:26] no problem