[00:00] even aplay-ed and found the actual HDMI device, but it wont actually produce audio. === ade is now known as Guest56740 [00:01] KaZumaKat, and its not muted in alsamixer [00:01] well, thats where it goes funky [00:01] according to alsamixer, its not muted, but at the same time, it has no volume sliders. [00:01] soo... [00:01] errrr! my Maverick is shutting down by itself a lot recently.......I thought it was cuz of the overheating (laptop).....but now I'm thinking could it be a virus?......plz someone help [00:02] virus? on linux? === adam_ is now known as agike [00:02] KaZumaKat, there are *nix viruses you know.......they're just VERY rare. [00:02] gotta crash now [00:03] escott: thank u [00:03] * KaZumaKat is kinda thankful he grabbed clamAV. [00:03] Hi all! i accidentally installed Adobe Acrobat Reader from a packet i downloaded on the adobe-Homepage.. now i want to deinstall it, since document viewer suits my needs more than AR does.. how can i deinstall it? i couldnt find it in synaptic PM...? [00:04] funkeyy: of course not if you installed it from something that is not a .deb [00:04] anyway, alsamixer says HDMI audio out not muted, but has no volume sliders. What to do? [00:04] okay so how can i deinstall it then? [00:04] does anyone know if there is a way to change the panel icon in ubuntu 11.04? [00:04] what do I need in mtab to make a non root drive visible to me? when I try to access the drive I get an error saying I don't have enough permissions to view it [00:05] is there a software/application that will covert your speech to text on 11.04? [00:05] funkeyy, remove it with rm [00:06] funkeyy: you take apart the install package, figure out piece by piece where and what was put onto your system, and remove them, piece by piece [00:06] escott, i dont know the packet-name [00:06] Hi, I'm wondering if there is a config for logrotate which dictates actions for individual logs [00:07] funkeyy, if adobe did things correctly it should all be in /opt [00:07] funkeyy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=543045 <- old but may still apply.. and if you did install from a .deb, the official pkg is called "AdbeRdr" or something [00:07] acroread === jack is now known as Guest56414 [00:08] i think i installed it from a .bin -file [00:08] urlin2u: that's the pkg from the partner repo [00:08] does anyone know an easy way to install all packages? [00:08] szal, yep, we are assuming that the user has a clue. [00:09] szal, i cant view that page [00:09] urlin2u: obviously he hasn't, otherwise he hadn't installed Adobe Reader directly from Adobe in the first place ;) [00:09] funkeyy: then create a forum account [00:09] tommyfun, you don't want to do that. [00:09] tommyfun, you cant actually do so as packages conflict [00:09] ok [00:10] I've been using a shared server at school and everytime I try to do something, it hasn't been installed yet, I'm constantly asking the admin to install stuff [00:11] I was just wondering if it were possible to install everythign in universe easily [00:11] is there a software/application that will covert your speech to text on 11.04? [00:12] tommyfun, no and you don't want to unless you need a brick for a doorstop. [00:12] problem; i just downloaded heli-x and extracted it. when i click on heli-x64.sh it just opens it in the text editor. how do i get it to run [00:12] does anybody know library for c/c++ to catch pressing of keys like ctrl+shift+foo or fn+f7 etc. ? [00:12] k, thaks [00:12] tommyfun: if you don't have privileges, you can't install stuff from the repos, easy as that.. and if you think you should be able to, ask the admin to include you in the sudoers file [00:13] Guest56414: chmod +x heli-x64.sh [00:14] Guest56414: ./heli-x64.sh [00:15] in terminal [00:15] hi all [00:15] histo, I'm getting a certain error while trying to run a command, czz@czz:~/NSM-1$ sudo loopdev=$(losetup -s -f new.raw) [00:15] losetup: no permission to look at /dev/loop [00:16] czz, lsof is being run as you [00:16] what are you trying to do? [00:16] sad there are only 9 person at #fedora room === diagnosis_ is now known as diagnosis [00:16] you probably want loopdev=$(sudo losetup -s -f new.raw) [00:17] voxcroix: that doesn't entitle you to ask for support here [00:18] !register | voxcroix [00:18] voxcroix: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [00:18] arp, no error with your suggested command. [00:18] yo, I installed CVS on my ubuntu... when i go to connect to it it fails saying no such system user.... [00:18] any suggestions? [00:18] voxcroix: #fedora is only for registered users; you were likely redirected to their fallback channel [00:18] i did sudo cvsd-passwd /var/lib/cvsd/cvsrepo user [00:18] I set SysAuth=no [00:18] System [00:19] arp, no error with your suggested command. [00:19] sry [00:19] arp, thanks [00:22] Tommyfun do you have all packages downloaded already [00:22] Oops, left the laptop finishing upgrade to 11.04. Found it with a blinking Caps Lock, the hardrive light on and dead. Upon rebooting I get a Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fg on unknown block. DISASTER. [00:23] !pm | voxcroix [00:23] voxcroix: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [00:23] no, it's no big deal, I was just wondering, there really aren't many big shared unix systems like this anymore [00:23] Trying to set unity as desktop [00:24] hello there, does anyone know how to set a wi-fi printer with HPlip? [00:24] This is what I have in my fsab [00:24] /dev/sdb1 /media/Puker2 ext4 rw,noauto,noexec,user 0 0 [00:24] but when I try to access Puker2 it get this message: [00:24] You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "Puker2". [00:24] What am I doing wrong? [00:24] jjgalvez__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:24] sorry [00:24] Hi, I'm wondering if there is a config for logrotate which dictates actions for individual logs [00:24] it returns me an error as I try to connect a HP3050 via wi-fi [00:25] sorry didn't mean to flood [00:25] jjgalvez__: ls -l /media/ and see what permissions are for Puker2 [00:25] jjgalvez change it to auto [00:26] Datz, yes there is [00:26] then do chmod ug+rwx /media/"Directory" [00:26] jjgalvez do you have a terminal open [00:26] escott: perfect [00:26] when i try to use grup to get to recovery mode and then try to use the root shell it asks me for the root password. i cant for the life of me figure out what it is. i am the only user on my computer [00:26] I'm wondering where it might be [00:27] Hello, I have a server. I'd like to change the kernel that is loaded by default, but I'm unsure of how to modify GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub. [00:27] fizy run live cd and remove password in grub .con [00:27] .conf [00:27] EgyParadox: i tried and nothing happened at all jack@hail:~/apps/HELI-X$ ls [00:27] files license.txt ressources [00:27] libs other_startup_scripts_for_experiences_users runHELI-X64.sh [00:27] license_e.txt README.txt runHELI-X.sh [00:27] jack@hail:~/apps/HELI-X$ chmod +x runHELI-X64.sh [00:27] Datz, exactly where it should be /etc/logrotate.conf and /etc/logrotate.d [00:27] Guest56414: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:27] !pastebin [00:27] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [00:27] based on /boot/grub/grub.cfg I'd want 2, but that file can change. What's the proper way to do this? [00:27] la -la on media yields this: drwx------ 3 999 999 4096 2011-06-24 19:30 Puker2 [00:27] !root | fizy[laptop] [00:27] fizy[laptop]: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [00:27] escott: ok. I'll have to check in logrotate.d [00:28] logrotate.conf doesn't have that info [00:28] jjgalvez do (chmod 777 /media/Pucker2) [00:28] within terminal [00:28] can't anyone help me? :( [00:28] escott: i know that. in recovery mode, there is only one shell. the root shell. i cant log into any other user [00:28] Guest56414: runHELI-X.sh not runHELI-X64.sh [00:28] fizy[laptop], a init=/bin/bash shouldn't be asking you for a password. but since it is you can use a livecd and try to fix things there [00:29] whats your problem val_maio [00:29] I'm a wee bit confuzzled. I'm trying to understand all the services running in my stock 10.0.4 LTS config. One of the services is "console-setup" (service --status-all shows it as "?") but why is the config tool running as a service? [00:29] escott: im not sure how to do that. all im doing is selecting the root shell from the recovery prompt [00:30] how do i instal an iso image [00:30] Datz, its the section that starts with the /var/log/filename and then says rotate # monthly/weekly/daily missingok etc [00:30] WarOp: Thanks I will give that a try [00:30] Like a program [00:30] escott: perfect, I should have checked logrotate.d [00:30] yo, I installed CVS on my ubuntu... when i go to connect to it it fails saying no such system user.... [00:30] Arengorn, what is the image? [00:30] WarOp: I have an inkjet HP 3050, I've installed HPlip, needed to make it working on ubuntu, and that program won't recognize the printer if I choose to connect it via wi-fi [00:30] WarOp: need to reboot to see if that helps be right back [00:30] jjgalvez try this to make it go to all sub folders (chmod -R 777 /media/Puker2) [00:31] If I set z-shell as default shell over bash, will it affect how Ubuntu starts the next time I reboot my PC? [00:31] pmagic-6.6.iso [00:31] hello [00:31] any software to watch TV [00:31] escott: I did not see a bi-weekly setting, do you know if there is one? [00:31] Datz, check man logrotate [00:31] Arengorn, I don't think that is installable it runs in ram, burn it to a cd to use it or load a thmb [00:32] *thumb [00:32] any help trouble shooting 'unity'? [00:32] This is totally horrid. Why cant I specify an image in /etc/default/grub - why do I have to specify a magic number that can change depending on what kernels I install/deinstall? [00:32] vale_maio so if you connect it directly into the computer can you print to it all [00:32] fizy[laptop], what do you mean selecting the root shell? are you trying to login as root in recovery mode? [00:32] norc, what do you want to accomplish? you want to boot a specific version of linux? [00:33] WarOp: via USB it works very well [00:33] and HPlip reognize it as well [00:33] Arengorn, from the pm page. Parted Magic - LiveCD/USB with it's only purpose being partitioning hard drives. [00:33] what i do with an iso program file? [00:33] Oops, further problem - on second laptop I find that the 'Software index is broken' - Upon finishi it [00:33] with a buch of folders inside [00:33] Arengorn, burn it to a cd. [00:33] arengorn mount the iso image [00:34] only if I choose to connect it via USB, when HPlip asks to me [00:34] how [00:34] escott: yet. that is the only shell option in recovery mode [00:34] then access folders or burn it to cd as image then access it [00:34] gmoutiso [00:34] escott: yes* [00:34] Arengorn, burn it/loop mount it [00:34] is a mounting program [00:34] escott: I have a specific kernel I want to load on a server. I have a variety of kernels installed already, and the way I see it, to set a new default I'd have to COUNT the line in which the kernel I want would appear in grub, and insert that in /etc/default/grub, run update-grub, verify that its truly the right one [00:34] WarOp, why would yu want to mount it? [00:34] to save burning it to a dvd or cd [00:34] escott: it's just unusable. I want to specify an initrd, a kernel image as the default bootimage. Not a magic number that is dependent on the entries in /etc/grub.d/ [00:34] unless its already on a cd or dvd to access the folders withing [00:35] WarOp, that makes no sense, but okay. [00:35] i mount it but thers jut a buch of folders inside it [00:35] cant get 'unity' to my desktop--any suggestions? [00:35] so say you have a iso image on HD, mount the image with virtual drive then acess folders inside [00:36] norc, the idea is that you change the filenames in /etc/grub.d and always pick #1 because that is your most recent version of whatever you want (windows or linux etc) [00:36] Oops, further problem - on second laptop I find that the 'Software index is broken' - While finishing it is reinstalling grub.cfg Is there a problem with Synaptic that causes this? [00:36] I meant to say I didn't see one in man logrotate, but I'll check again [00:36] Arengorn, what do you want to do with partmagic? [00:36] escott: What is #1 then? The lowest number? [00:37] fizy[laptop], boot the livecd and chroot in. im puzzled that you cant get in with single boot [00:37] escott: I have a feeling that I shouldn't change the files that apt has put there. [00:37] escott: apart from 40_custom [00:37] i have an hd configured to mac i want to use it with windows and i dont know how i thought partition should be the anwser [00:37] norc, first entry, but grub-mkconfig iterates through the scripts in /etc/grub.d in filename order [00:38] norc, so you could add your own custom as 06 and it would be the first menu entry [00:38] Arengorn, then you want to burn the ISO to a cd, or load a thumb with like unetbootin, so you can boot partmagic and use it. [00:38] escott: Since 06_foo is already the default kernel, I'm assuming I should simply copy 10_blah (which is the one I want) to 05_bar ? [00:38] I'm still not able to boot mythbuntu. wols: setting these in mythbuntu and hitting return will bring up a blinking underline cursor in the top left corner and a second later the reboot. In XBMC, the kernel comes up with a single message: "Kernel panic - not synching: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0)"; [00:38] ya [00:38] escott: by single boot do you mean normal boot? i can for the time being. but my laptop has serious display issues, and in the event that i screw it up, i want to be able to login and undo it. being root doesnt matter. its just the only option i have [00:38] escott: naturally that would fail as soon as apt installs a kernel with a lower number. [00:39] wols: I've now also tried USB booting from a flash stick, same problem, "Unable to mount root fs fon unknown-block(104,1)" [00:39] norc, 05 is the theme for me, but yes thats the basic idea [00:39] escott: Yeah so since 05 is the theme already, should I rename this as well? (are you beginning to see how horrid this is?) [00:39] I guess I should try normal ubuntu now. [00:39] norc, my numbers are different from yours i go 00,05,10 etc [00:39] playing with gadgets anyone knows / used radar map on weather.com [00:39] Arengorn, a regular ubuntu live cd has gparted on it same as partmagic. [00:40] ? [00:40] escott: I have a feeling that if I touch any of that, apt will revert those settings in a while. === mat__ is now known as Guest40259 [00:40] escott: And that would be rather unpleasant - to say the least. [00:40] fizy[laptop], no i mean single mode boot (its part of the boot options to the recovery boot) [00:40] but i cant change anything at this hd [00:40] norc, apt should ask before overwritting, but you can install something like etckeeper [00:41] Arengorn, you have to boot a partitoner like the two mentioned here to change the partitions on the hd. [00:41] fizy[laptop], you should look into how to use a livecd to get a chroot control [00:41] i know but there is no options like 'format ' at this HD [00:41] I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and I'm getting weird password bugs, my user passwords is hardly recognized (i.e. I need to do the same sudo command over and over until it works)... Anyway idea someone? [00:42] escott: I guess that might work. [00:42] Also, I have lot of error in the log files [00:42] Guest15721, fat fingers? [00:42] escott: Time to reboot and *pray* nothing breaks. :) [00:42] TheHypnotist_: that would be my guess as well [00:42] Arengorn, your leaving out a bit of information, such as where and where and what your doing and with what. [00:42] can i get some help with setting up 'unity' as my desktop? [00:42] escott: i just think its weird that noone at ubuntu central has tested out recovery mode. its asking me for a nonexistant password [00:42] will chk later see if anyone takes my q [00:42] fizy[laptop]: it only asks you for a password if you've set a password for root [00:43] fizy[laptop], something else must be wrong, recovery mode should drop you directly into a shell without getty [00:44] Im trying to format an external HD taht is using the apple HFS achiving sistem i want to put it no NTFS but i cant cuse GParted doesnt lemme format it [00:45] Arengorn, can gparted even see the external, and thanks for clarifying that. ;) [00:45] I get this error (in auth.log) for 20 attemps out of 30: pam_unix(sudo:auth): auth could not identify password for [username] [00:45] yes it can see it [00:45] its named as /dev/sdc [00:45] Arengorn, so when you right click the partition on the external you have no delete option. [00:46] Arengorn, if you have partitioned it then just manually call sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdc1 [00:46] WarOp: Thanks for the help that fixed it [00:46] http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/08/07/1325209/KDE-Plans-To-Support-Wayland-In-2012 [00:46] nice [00:47] when is ubuntu using wayland? [00:47] unity [00:47] it says :bernardo@bernardo-System-Product-Name:~$ sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdc1 [00:47] [sudo] password for bernardo: [00:47] Device is too small (255kiB). Minimum NTFS volume size is 1MiB. [00:47] bernardo@bernardo-System-Product-Name:~$ [00:47] Arengorn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:47] ok [00:47] anyone knows where i could find an expert with PAM authentification ? [00:47] Arengorn, sounds like it is partitioned correctly [00:49] Guest40259, are you seeing conversation errors prior to the could not identify [00:49] saw that one. [00:49] Guys, I'm looking at having a webfacing ubuntu, its fully up to date, and in a home environment, from my router im going to be port forwarding ssh, and https ports to the server, apart from secure passwords, possibly changing the default ports for these and configuring it so only 1 (low privelige) user cna log in, can you think of anything else i should secure [00:49] escott: it happens from the begining of the fresh installation [00:49] VOTE E DIVULGUE!!!!!! PROTEJA A ITNERNET BRASILEIRA! ENVIE JÁ UMA MENSGAGEM AOS DEPUTADOS PARA SALVAR A NOSSA LIBERDADE NA WEB http://t.co/obryyhy [00:49] [00:49] VOTE E DIVULGUE!!!!!! PROTEJA A ITNERNET BRASILEIRA! ENVIE JÁ UMA MENSGAGEM AOS DEPUTADOS PARA SALVAR A NOSSA LIBERDADE NA WEB http://t.co/obryyhy [00:49] [00:49] o67pc: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:49] VOTE E DIVULGUE!!!!!! PROTEJA A ITNERNET BRASILEIRA! ENVIE JÁ UMA MENSGAGEM AOS DEPUTADOS PARA SALVAR A NOSSA LIBERDADE NA WEB http://t.co/obryyhy [00:49] escott: my password is so easy that i can't mistype it [00:50] Guest40259, but in your logs is it conversation error that is causing the could not identify. a conversation error would be like a ctrl-c hitting the process that is asking for the password [00:50] escott: I don't see any [00:51] escott: In which log files I could see conversation error? [00:51] Also, im running alot of other network facing services from this host, but not port forwarding these, thats not a concerin is it? [00:51] Guest40259, same one you see the could not identify [00:51] i cant execute KDE partition manager it asks for a password and when i put it it says:Cannot execute command ' '/usr/bin/partitionmanager-bin --dontsu'' [00:51] what i do [00:51] escott: pam_unix(sudo:auth): conversation failed [00:51] escott: I have conversation errorfinally [00:52] Guest40259, i guess the real question is: is there something before the could not identify (that would be the real cause of the problem) [00:53] i cant execute KDE partition manager it asks for a password and when i put it it says:Cannot execute command ' '/usr/bin/partitionmanager-bin --dontsu'' [00:53] plz help [00:53] escott: I don't know how to fix that :( [00:54] sometime there's no conversation error, juste auth error [00:54] escott: Well. Server is not coming back up. Funny, I double checked everything in the generated files and it should have worked. :)) [00:55] norc, well do you know how to use a livecd/chroot to fix things [00:55] Guest40259, could it be timeout related [00:55] How do i run stuff as root? [00:55] !sudo | Arengorn [00:55] Arengorn: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo [00:56] Arengorn, sudo is your best route. [00:56] escott: Nope. As I said it's a server located somewhere in France. :-) [00:56] Arengorn, since this is an hfs+ disk it might have a gpt partition. what version of gparted were you using? [00:56] escott: I knew I should have used kexec. Heh. [00:56] norc, thats no good [00:57] 0.7.0 [00:57] escott: it's so random I can't see any pattern [00:57] escott: could I replace some package of some configuration files in order to fix that ? [00:57] is there a software/application that will covert your speech to text on 11.04? [00:57] escott: ultimately, I'll reinstall the OS [00:58] escott: Nah no big deal. All servers have serial consoles, plus if all fails I can have them set the server back up again. [00:59] 0.7.0 [00:59] Arengorn, thats fairly old. it might be that gparted was writing an mbr partition on a gpt disk === diagnosis_ is now known as diagnosis [00:59] what i do? [01:00] Arengorn, take a screen shot of that HD in gparted, and image n=bin it. [01:01] does anybody know library for c/c++ to catch pressing of keys like ctrl+shift+foo or fn+f7 etc. ? [01:01] Arengorn, there is a command line tool "gdisk" which would be able to tell you if the disk has gpt and mbr partitions [01:02] sent [01:03] Arengorn, post the image, I don't take images that way. http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add [01:03] Arengorn, if you open the disk utility and look in the first column next to partitioning what does it say [01:05] seanmc98: as foar as I know, there is no (workable) one. Although dragon dictate is reported to work under wine. [01:06] http://imagebin.org/166874 [01:06] http://imagebin.org/166874 [01:06] my volum up and down key controls my master volume, but it does not control my headphones volume. it's annoying that i have to do it manually. whats the problem [01:06] Youll spend more time trying to get wine to work with crazy hacks, just setup a dual boot and call it a day.. =) [01:07] http://imagebin.org/166874 [01:08] Arengorn: Why are there red !'s on sdc1 and 3 [01:08] ? [01:08] Arengorn, this is fat32 and ntfs. where is this supposed hfs+ [01:08] I dont know wtf i do with that drive i just want my drive 2 work plzz [01:09] RocketLauncher, not sure about headphone volume contorls let me check,,, [01:09] k [01:09] Arengorn, the unrecognized drives.... do you how they formatted? [01:09] hey can someone help me out? [01:09] http://imagebin.org/166876 [01:09] look how its now :( [01:10] can someone help me? [01:10] Arengorn: Wht did you do? Erase all your partition and create an unknown ?! [01:10] krwagwithzach: with what? [01:10] ah thanks [01:10] Hi, I have an acer timelinex with "Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset HD Audio", and I can't seem to get my mic working! I can get audio output working fine and the external mic works, just not the internal. Does anyone have any recommendations? [01:10] !ask | krwagwithzach [01:10] krwagwithzach: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [01:10] ive got skype and its not recognizing my mic [01:11] i clicked creat a partition table and it sad error [01:11] but its recognizing my webcam which the mic is built into [01:11] fiber, first thing i would check in open a terminal type alsamixer , see if any of the sliders are down or muted for headphones [01:11] krwagwithzach: Does the mic work with sound recorder? [01:11] then i had 298gb unalocated i tryed to created new/ntfs and then thats it [01:11] Ive got the same issue with Skype on Ubuntu 11.04, the mic doesnt work [01:11] yes it works with audacity [01:11] fiber: Have you checked whether the proper channel us unmuted in alsamixer for example? [01:11] Arengorn, are thise physycally separate drives or are the partitions [01:11] edbian, I think there are overlapping partitions the fat was mounted now it isn't. [01:11] fiber, http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA [01:12] urlin2u: He should just reformat the whole thing [01:12] partitions [01:12] edbian, thats wjat I would do. ;) [01:12] coz_ norc: All the channels are on (especially the "internal microphone boost") [01:12] Arengorn, in windows.. are they recognized? [01:12] escott: thanks for the link, I'll check it out [01:12] hey can the people who want to help me got to the chat room #! so its less crouded? [01:12] nope [01:13] but now i dont know [01:13] fiber, mm ok,, not sure then,, I am not the best person for sound issues,, did you check also in the #pulseaudio and #alsa channels ? ..yes? [01:14] RocketLauncher, yeah I am not finding anything that might give an easier way to adjust headphone volumes ,, maybe gnome-alsamixwer but that is also manually [01:14] Arengorn, can you right click the one unidetified partition and delete? [01:14] aw [01:14] RocketLauncher, I am still looking,,, you could also google,,, ubuntu 11.04 headphone volume controls [01:15] hey guys something interesting the hdd still works on linux and all the files are there :) :( [01:16] Arengorn, when mounted the fat shows, but I think you have overlapping partitions, pull off what you ned then unmount it and delete . [01:16] how? [01:16] Arengorn, how what? [01:16] oops dum question [01:17] wat 5 mins [01:17] wait [01:17] 4min [01:18] if it doesnt work ill use a heavy formatation [01:18] I recently received a new laptop (Acer Aspire 4730z) that has bluetooth capabilities. However, after installing 11.04 the bluetooth isn't recognized. I'm not too sure what to do about it though. Any help would be much appreciated! :) [01:18] Coty91, I would start by checking the forums for that exact make laptop. [01:20] Not seeing any forums related to it. [01:20] RocketLauncher, yeah I am still not finding anythin,, I was hoping someone had made a new applet or something for headphone volume controls [01:20] 10.10 worked fine [01:20] i dont know if i did anything wrong here ot not when installing xfce [01:21] i'm using gnome now though, didnt really like xfce [01:21] nope [01:22] so I'm trying to adjust the opacity on windows... [01:22] RocketLauncher: you shouldn't have dumped xfce so fast, I have a slider in the volume control for headphoens [01:23] I use Xfce :) It's nice. [01:23] I have this utility compizconfig settings manager [01:23] diamonds, you can do it in compiz [01:23] how? [01:23] diamonds, open it,, on the left you will see a vertical list of categories [01:23] I have the opacity option open and it appears to be linked to alt+ button 4 [01:23] but what's button 4? [01:24] diamonds, mouse wheel [01:24] diamonds, figure it I would have to myself but I know that is where it's done. ;) [01:24] hold alt,. move wheel.... [01:24] thanks! [01:24] it wasn't working before... :/ [01:24] dr_willis, I forgot about that. [01:24] alt+mouse 4 & 5 shold make a window transparent [01:25] a debateable usefull feature..... :) [01:25] diamonds, if you need help spicifically for compiz you can me and a few other in the #compiz channel [01:25] thanks [01:26] one other thing... [01:26] when I alt tab, the windows are in a fixed order [01:26] ITS WORKIN FORMATATION ON NTFS IS WORKING [01:26] ITS FORMATING :) :) [01:26] diamonds, explain "fixed order" [01:26] Arengorn, good for you.. we dont need a play by play analisis... :) [01:26] how do I make them "most recently used first" [01:27] coz_: I mean if I opened compiz config last, it is always last. [01:27] I'd prefer that if I alt+tab FROM compiz, then alt+tab once, I' [01:27] and we dont need ur arrogance [01:27] m back to compiz [01:27] diamonds, ok you are using either the application switcher or the static applications switcher plugins [01:27] diamonds, the plugins in ccsm that handle the alt-tab have numerous settings you can tweak, theres also differnt switchers you can use. [01:27] diamonds, there are other options,, for example,,, the "Scale" plugin [01:27] coz_: how can I figure which one? [01:28] diamonds, well in ccsm as I mentioned,, on the left are the list of categories,, click on the " Window management" category [01:28] Anyone, I have a laptop where I was upgrading to 11.04 - I fount it with the Caps Lock light blinking, and the hardrive light on. Power down and try to reboot gets a Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block. [01:29] diamonds, there you will find several switchers,, including scale, [01:29] intrader, was this a upgarde from another distro? [01:29] oy [01:29] intrader, sure sounds like the drive is toast. have you booted a live cd and run fsck [01:29] urlin2u, yes, from 10.10 [01:29] sorry... [01:30] escott, I have 11.04 on a stick - what is next? [01:30] I hit windows key, that opened the search thing but didn't focus on it so when I tried to close it I closed empathy :/ [01:30] diamonds, ok in ccsm.. on the left column.. click the "Window mangement" category [01:30] ok looking at cconfig > windows now [01:30] intrader, escott makes a good suggestion, beyond that I would see if the HD mounts from a live cd and pull out what you need and do a fresh install. [01:30] diamonds, enable the "Scale" plugin [01:30] intrader, boot it. fsck your disks, check the smart status, verify the basic hardware is functioning. then start looking at the boot process [01:31] coz_: ok, it was on already [01:31] diamonds, the default bindings are 2,,one is upper right corner of the screen , meaning push the cursor there and if you have more than one window open you will see the effect of it [01:31] looking at the settings... [01:31] intrader, if the hardware is good and it just hung in the midst of the upgrade you could either reinstall or chroot in and attempt to continue the upgrade [01:32] coz_: this is not happening (top right hotspot) [01:32] diamonds, ok try shift+super+s [01:32] what's the super? [01:32] windows key? [01:32] diamonds, yes [01:32] diamonds, the original name for that key is "Super" [01:32] I have successfully created a software RAID array using mdadm but am unable to write to the array due to permissions. I am able to copy files to it if I use sudo in the terminal. Can someone point me in a good directions for setting up the permissions on the array? [01:32] the key with the windows logo, between Ctr and Alt [01:33] JZApples, permissions on the array are just like permissions on any filesystem [01:33] I thought it was "meta" :p [01:33] anyway [01:33] that does nothing [01:33] it opens the dock [01:33] er..... not dock but, launcher? [01:33] JZApples, you probably don't have permissions to write to the mountpoint [01:33] diamonds, and the original logo for that key is a diamond but that is just trivia :) [01:33] meta = another name for alt.. or was it ctrl.. [01:33] escott, i realize that, but i'm new to linux. Where do i set that up at. [01:33] diamonds, ah are you running Unity? [01:33] !permissions | JZApples [01:33] JZApples: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [01:34] coz_: yes, shouldn't I be? [01:34] It came standard... [01:34] diamonds, thats fine lets change that keybinding [01:34] JZApples, you probably just want to sudo chown user:user /media/array_mountpoint [01:34] is it secretly shit? [01:34] escott, urlin2u: I will do as you suggest - how do I determine if hardware is good? the windows partition gives me Boot disk failure. I will boot the 11.04 from the stick and then please help [01:34] !language | diamonds [01:34] diamonds, please see my private message [01:34] escott, I'm assuming chown grants owner to that user? That is exactly what I am looking for. Thank you very much. [01:34] diamonds, wait try shift + alt + up arrow [01:35] JZApples, change owner [01:35] intrader, I think escott will know more about checking the hardware. [01:35] coz_: that did it! [01:35] what is that setting called? [01:35] anyway that's not what I want, I'm talking alt-tab [01:35] diamonds, that is the keybinding for scale [01:35] escott, that worked like a charm. Thanks a million. [01:35] escott === Ool is now known as Ool_ [01:36] intrader, once the live cd boots run fsck /dev/sdX# whatever the disk partition is. then open the disk utility and find the disk and find the label called SMART and check that nothing is going bad there [01:36] I'll poke around for alt-tab settings [01:36] ola [01:36] diamonds, im not sure anyone rembers the original problem now.... [01:36] diamonds, alt+tab is the Application switcher or the static application switcher [01:36] diamonds, which of those are enabled [01:36] static [01:36] hi [01:37] diamonds, ok did you click on that plugin to see its options [01:37] yes I'm looking at "behavior" but I don't see anything about the order [01:37] escott, how do I stop the xchat so it does not scroll your message out of the way? [01:37] how do I take a screenshot? :) [01:37] diamonds, ok then its most likely not configurable within that plugin let me check the applications switcher hold on [01:38] diamonds, print screen usually [01:38] coz_: you're a peach <3 [01:38] peaches are good...yes? :) [01:38] intrader, copy and paste it elsewhere. im not sure [01:39] and "desktop?" [01:39] diamonds, one setting under Application switcher and the "General" tab is "Focus on Switch" that will not change order but may be helpful while switching [01:39] sorry, show desktop shortcut? [01:39] intrader, hit ctrl-f put in the nd and search to find al lthe posts of that nic [01:39] *nic [01:40] intrader: scrolling up a bit will do the trick (but don't forget to scroll down again when you're finished ;)) [01:40] http://i.imgur.com/JzT62.png < coz_ [01:40] diamonds, show desktop shortcut is not under the show desktop plugin ,,itis actually under "General options" Keybindings tab [01:40] wait wait, sorry. let's stick to the alt tab thing [01:41] coz_ so I should activate aapplication switcher? [01:41] nyoooo! [01:41] ah darn fingers again [01:41] coz_ so I should activate aapplication switcher? It warned of conflicting keybindings [01:42] diamonds, first disable static then enable application switcher [01:42] diamonds, however,, neither of the offer and "ordering" of the windows [01:42] of them rather [01:42] ffffff really? [01:43] so I have to alt+tab+tab+tab+tab to get to one then alt+tab+tab+tab+tab+tab+tab to get back? [01:43] that's ridic. :( [01:43] diamonds, now if you would like to have this feature,, I am sure it is not difficult to code in,, you can go to #compiz-dev and speak with smspillaz,, if it is easy he may go ahead and put it in,, however,, it may not show up as an update for some time [01:43] escott, the disk is sda5 - the disk utility is not showing the SMART one. [01:43] im having a problem with downloading torrents and getting disconnected from my wireless.. i have to do a full disconnect and reconnect, why is this? [01:45] you guys I'm raging pretty hard right now. I'm getting the "mon0 is on channel -1" issue, research says I need to download the compat-wireless source, patch it, recompile and re-install the mac80211...but wireless.kernel.org is down! are there mirros? [01:45] Troy^, weak signal? [01:46] urlin2u, no im like 7 feet from router [01:46] urlin2u, i never get disconnects any other time its not an obvious disconnect either internet just stops and i have to manually disconnet and reconnect [01:46] escott, there is something called SMART data [01:47] Troy^, have you checkeed if your still on the net at these times. [01:47] urlin2u, well yea but its not [01:48] Troy^, the manually disconnect and reconnect is confusing to me. [01:48] i have to do that to get a connection again [01:49] Troy^, disconnect from the router than, even though you get no internet access. [01:49] escott, in the SMART data there seem to have some problems, but I can't tell [01:49] yes disconnect from the router === root is now known as Guest69821 [01:49] i think it has something with torrents using multiple connections but i dont have a problem in windows [01:49] Troy^, does your provider maybe lock you out f your bandwidth is flying? [01:49] no [01:50] it doesnt happen in windows, also other comps on my network still have a connection at that time [01:50] Troy^, anybody else on the network have the skills to knock you off? [01:51] intrader, i need to sign off for the night, someone else can help you interpret the smart data [01:51] urlin2u, no its a home network i am the admin :P [01:51] Troy^, have you accessed the router when this happens? [01:51] no i have not tried [01:52] anyone know of any command line tools that upload incremental changes via sftp? [01:52] but i have a feeling its something to do with deluge and it using multiple connections] [01:52] Troy^, I would try that , but it will need the net to get there at least mine does, it may give more info if you can get to it but not the net in general, not sure here really. [01:53] Anyone, I have some SMART data info that I am not able to interpret. Trying to see why boot is failing - I am using 11.04 on a USB to look. [01:54] urlin2u, yes im trying the deluge torrent channel now [01:55] urlin2u, i might have solved it i just limited the connections in which deluge can use it seems ok so far [01:55] ok so my whole top bar went black [01:56] Troy^, cool I use deluge, but am careful with the setttings, never have problems. [01:56] but do you use wireless or a wired connection? [01:56] see how black it be http://i.imgur.com/Wlk11.png [01:56] Troy^, one or the other mainly wireless. [01:57] diamonds, if you run in the terminal compiz --replace it will reload it, or logout. [01:58] urlin2u: ty [01:58] I am trying to open a burned DVD (that I burned on a Windows system) using Movie Player (Linux) It keeps telling me that I might not have permission to open it. How do I give myself permission? [01:58] anyone know how to switch tabs in empathy? [01:58] does anyone actually use empathy? [01:58] I'm using it to get the ootb ubuntu experience... [01:58] diamonds, I put the fusion icon as a launcher on the desktop for such occasions in Natty it just reloads compiz. [01:58] diamonds, i use pidgin [01:59] pidgin + pidgin-otr > * [01:59] Anyone? [01:59] pidgin less than ideal for irc, imo [02:00] that's what xchat and irssi are for [02:00] yeah [02:00] take your pick ;) [02:00] diamonds, xchat and irssi are excellent irc clients [02:00] Quassel is wat I am using [02:00] I want to try xchat [02:00] irssi was a bit... complex [02:00] but I should probably give it another go [02:00] diamonds, you won't regret the time invested in memorizing the keybinds [02:00] diamonds, irssi has a bit of a learning curve,,more so than xchat [02:01] do they integrate with the desktop notification system? [02:01] on mac this was always an issue... [02:01] diamonds, yes there is an irrsi libnotify integration, just google [02:01] diamonds, not sure,, I have heard of a few issues with xchat on Unity [02:01] diamonds, as far as the launcher goes I mean [02:01] ejv: ty [02:01] s/irrsi/irssi/g [02:02] yw diamonds [02:02] coz_: I'll try irssi... I'm learning vim too tho so I'm not sure I've the time right now [02:02] diamonds, excellent choice [02:02] anyone know how to switch tabs in empathy? [02:02] coz_, isn't compiz fun in Natty. ;) [02:02] while I'm here? :p [02:02] I am trying to open a burned DVD (that I burned on a Windows system) using Movie Player (Linux) It keeps telling me that I might not have permission to open it. How do I give myself permission? [02:02] diamonds: you install a real irc client..lol [02:02] urlin2u, well under classic mode it's fine :) [02:03] should I just switch to classic mode? [02:03] I'm just learning, I don't really care that much [02:03] diamonds, well it depends,, do you like the way Unity is [02:03] I assumed the newest latest would be BEST but that's... it seems unclear now [02:03] coz_: eh... compared to what? [02:03] !best | diamonds [02:03] diamonds: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [02:03] diamonds, Linux has this weird thing called regressions. Sometimes things are better if they are older. [02:03] Never ASS U ME [02:04] coz_, I have it running great in natty I just have the fusion icon as a launch on the desktop when I occasionally lose the window header, no big deal. [02:04] diamonds, Unity interface as well as gnome3 will be the defaults for most distributions,, certainly Unity for ubuntu [02:04] KM0201: I mean "easier for a beginner" not best [02:04] natty unity [02:04] I just tried to move some files with mv and accidentally typed rm. Anyway to get them back? [02:04] diamonds, Well, easy for a beginner would be gnome. It's familiar to anyone who's ever used a mac. [02:04] diamonds: still, really.. the same thing... if you're really used to Unity, you probably won't like gnome, i was really used to Gnome 2.x, and found unity horrid [02:04] OmegaForte: I'm told I'm using gnome [02:04] odie5533, You're working on linux. If you make a mistake, there is NO undo button. [02:04] urlin2u, you may want to find and install displex app indicator ,, it would probably work better than fusion icon which was reallly desined for compiz 0.8.x an dpi [02:05] odie5533 Pray? [02:05] KM0201: I'm not used to it :p [02:05] and prior versions I meant urlin2u [02:05] aww cmon... [02:05] isn't there a trash bin? [02:05] or an undelete program? [02:05] there is in 11.04 [02:05] diamonds: if you intend to stick w/ Ubuntu, personally... i would stay w/ unity.. [02:05] since gnome 2.x is gonna be gone in a short few months. [02:05] Dragin: I'm on 11.04 [02:05] coz_, thanks I look for it it's not in the repos. [02:06] but don't know how thst would work with a Terminal app [02:06] basically my question is this: "It seems like Unity has some more complications that classic. Are there enough benefits for me to use unity? Is everything moving in that direction so I should go ahead and get used to it? Or is it just as safe/good to switch back to classic and there will be fewer headaches?" [02:06] urlin2u, no I dont think so hold on [02:06] KM0201: ok ty! [02:06] I am trying to open a burned DVD (that I burned on a Windows system) using Movie Player (Linux) It keeps telling me that I might not have permission to open it. How do I give myself permission? [02:06] diamonds, http://youramishdaddy.com/Screenshot.png Is that what your UI looks like, more or less? [02:06] anyone know how to switch tabs in empathy? [02:06] coz_, I found this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/displex-compizemerald-appindicator.html [02:06] hey, anyone in here know a channel I could go to to discuss IEEE 802.22 development? [02:07] urlin2u, here is the home page http://sourceforge.net/p/displex/home/Home/ [02:07] Twist9, This is not off-topic. [02:07] meaning get out or you know something about IEEE 802.22 dev? [02:07] OmegaForte: no, I don't have the windows style task bar with windows listed [02:08] my guess is the former [02:08] urlin2u, when installed,, is should show up under system tools [02:08] Twist9, No, It means that topic is not discussed in the UBUNTU SUPPORT channel. [02:08] diamonds, Then you're using unity. [02:08] coz_, cool thanks.;) [02:08] what's the primary Ubuntu dev channel on freenode? [02:09] Twist9, I don't know. [02:09] Twist9, And why ask specifically about 802.22? [02:09] Twist9: #ubuntu-devel [02:09] Twist9, ah well #ubuntu-dev perhaps but it is NOT a support channel [02:09] Anyone, I have some SMART data info that I am not able to interpret. Trying to see why boot is failing - I am using 11.04 on a USB to look. [02:10] because I'm trying to find out about mesh network capability of the new 802.22 protocol [02:10] is there a difference between standard ubuntu and ubuntu server aside from package selection? are the packages complied differently? is ubuntu server hardened more than standard ubuntu? [02:10] Twist9, Then go ask the right place. Why would you ask in a linux support channel? [02:10] Twist9, perhaps the ##linux channel can help [02:10] what was my first question? Oh right, if anyone knew what channel I should go to [02:10] thanx coz_ [02:10] I'm out [02:11] I guess no one can read MOTD's. [02:11] I am trying to open a burned DVD (that I burned on a Windows system) using Movie Player (Linux) It keeps telling me that I might not have permission to open it. How do I give myself permission? [02:11] Isn't that on topic? [02:11] Dragin, Yeah it is. But I don't know how you'd run into permission errors for reading a usermount. [02:11] Dragin, sounds reasonably on topic [02:12] thanks both [02:12] Dragin: fstab maybe ?? [02:12] At least I know I didn't make anyone angry ;p; [02:12] :) [02:12] In terminal I assume Dice-Man? [02:13] Dragin: hum you could check how to edit your fstab file located in /etc/fstab [02:13] Dragin: there are plenty of docs about it on the web [02:13] thanks [02:13] Anyone, I have some SMART data info that I am not able to interpret. Trying to see why boot is failing - I am using 11.04 on a USB to look. === diamonds is now known as Guest68253 [02:14] hm [02:14] intrader, What do you mean, you have smart info. Did you attach a JTAG and dump the packet data? [02:14] Dragin: or you could search on the mount options too [02:14] intrader: well try wikipeida [02:14] *mount is a cmd [02:14] it gives a not of info on the various smart attributes === needhelp1 is now known as Guest75924 [02:15] coz_, that is nice I made a launcher, stuck it in the natty left panel it appeared in the top panel fully functional. ;) [02:16] urlin2u, excellent :) [02:16] OmegaForte, I am looking at why boot is failing after upgrade to 11.04. The disk utility has a section called SMART data that may have info on why I have the boot problems === t0nic is now known as diamonds [02:20] OmegaForte, many problems with upgrade 11.04 are reported. I was told I needed to upgrade in order to use iPod. [02:20] A few months ago I upgraded to 11.04 (x64). An update a few weeks ago hosed my video. It included an ATI driver update but I was using Nvidia. === nickmoeck_ is now known as nickmoeck [02:21] After the update, the colors were wrong and I was getting artifacts. I checked the Nvidia driver and it read as active but not in use. [02:22] I activated the other Nvidia driver, rebooted, and same result. So I decided to deactivate both === tum is now known as Guest3677 [02:23] Nvidia drivers. Now I get no video at all when X starts after rebooting. How do I fix this short of a total reinstall? [02:24] hello [02:26] OmegaForte, can I reinstall 10.10 and use the backup I made with Smart Backup? [02:28] after installing ubuntu server 11.4 i get these errors. On reboot the file system /boot is corrupted. When i repair this disk with knoppix cd it says it was uncleanly unmounted. after repair it boots normal. But after a reboot i gives the same error. The error message is Cannot write bytes: pipe error. Basicly it does not unmount /boot correctly. Then i installed Debian to see if it was a [02:28] software issue. But the i get about a similar error. When Debian shuts down it says something like this: cannot unmount file system failed. So it seems it is some sort of same issue.. idears ? [02:29] wireless on dell 1505 [02:29] how do I move a folder that is inside another folder that is the same name as the parent folder with shell ie /home/user/foldera/foldera/ I need the second foldera to go into the first [02:30] hi people, i just got Ubuntu and trying to increase my resolution with xrandr, this is not quite a widescreen . im on 1280x800 at the moment, what would be the next resolution in this dimensions? [02:30] intrader, I don't know. I use rsync to back up my basic data and my code, then I just redeploy. [02:30] @Crash1hd move the files first then remove the second foldera [02:31] Lostvoices, 1440x900 and 1680x1050 [02:31] OmegaForte: ok i guess i did something worng them because when i go to 1440x900 it's really messed up haha. [02:32] can someone please help me? i disabled the unity plugin under ccsm now i cant get my desktop, just a blank background when i login [02:33] trying to get wireless working on my dell e1505 [02:33] I found directions for an older version of linux here: http://www.drewgreen.net/wordpress/2010/06/25/dell-e1505-ubuntu-no-wifi/ [02:33] but that directory doesn't exist on my install cd (11.04) [02:33] hi, I am sitting in front of my router, hostapd wont start, I get this error message: "rmdir[ctrl_interface]: Not a directory" the hostapd.conf is pointing to /var/run/hostapd at this section what am I doing wrong? [02:33] <|Slacker|> skpl: enable it again, dude [02:34] skpl, try the classic desktop from the dropup at login. [02:34] Is there a way to specify which version of lua is returned from lua-config? [02:34] Right now it returns 4.0, but only 5.1 is installed [02:35] fatman45, ok better how do you move folders if the folder already exist [02:36] can someone please google that error message for me? all I got is the terminal and irssi [02:36] i helped Twist9 any takers for my question? it is clearly a ubuntu question [02:37] johannes-gateway, you can't bring up a browser with the cli? [02:37] @Crash1hd, you don't. Enter the second foldera and cp * to .. (parent folder). Then cd .. Then rm -r foldera - should remove the second foldera only. [02:37] urlin2u down know how [02:37] johannes-gateway, tyoe firefox [02:37] type [02:37] fatman45, so there is no way to move recursive [02:37] how does one go about finding the appropriate drivers for their wireless nic? [02:37] have to do a cp [02:37] I think i'm in classic ubuntu, anyone know how to get the other back? [02:38] or, how does one figure out what model they have on this baby? [02:38] Reaper, at the login [02:38] is there a difference between standard ubuntu and ubuntu server aside from package selection? are the packages complied differently? is ubuntu server hardened more than standard ubuntu? [02:38] it is not installed, and I would probably need a lot of space for X server and so on [02:38] @Crash1hd it's safer - just my old habits creeping in. [02:38] theres no option at the log in.. it just logs in [02:39] hi folks [02:39] :) [02:39] OmegaForte, would you help with the upgrade problem - does not boot. I was told to reboot in order to get iPod running on ubuntu [02:39] diamonds you can try looking it up with lspci [02:39] johannes-gateway, yes i tried, it tells me lspci is not found [02:40] ok nm [02:40] Good evening everyone === o67pc is now known as the67pc [02:40] i can't upload files using "move_uploaded_file" in php [02:40] intrader, Unless you have dumps for me; I can't help you./ [02:40] johannes-gateway, then whichdo I note? [02:40] network controller, ethernet controller.. ? [02:40] and this error occurs in ubuntu , it have been working in win xp [02:40] diamonds Network controller [02:41] I plugged my external monitor into my laptop and it is recognized as "unknown" and it won't let me go to its fullest resolution. Any ideas on what I can do to force a specific resolution or get it to detect properly? [02:41] OmegaForte, what should I provide? [02:41] FFForever, I would reboot to start with or logiut. [02:42] johannes-gateway, where do I go from here? [02:42] urlin2u, I booted with it connected [02:42] just google it with "linux driver"? [02:43] 0b:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02) [02:43] which points are salient? [02:43] 3945abg [02:43] thats your card [02:44] urlin2u, Any other ideas? I did a few searches but ubuntu does not use an xorg config iirc [02:44] (anymore) [02:44] how can I tell if it's a driver issue or some other issue? [02:45] any idea on "move_uploaded_file" function error in ubuntu ?? [02:45] FFForever, not really sorry. [02:45] because I get "wireless disabled by hardware switch" but can't seem to turn it back on [02:45] normally fn+f2 does it [02:45] @geogeek1 probably a permissions error. [02:46] diamonds, no idea about that, maybe try another kernel version? I guess intel wlan drivers are part of the kernel, so this might help if its a driver problem [02:46] but... [02:46] johannes-gateway, how would I go about this? [02:46] sorry, maybe i'm over my head here :/ [02:46] fatman45: i had given all the permissions 777 to the destination folder [02:47] google: "Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG wireless disabled by hardware switch" [02:48] @geogeek1 sorry that is the only idea I have. [02:48] I just set up an apache server that can be viewed outside my network is it safe to just leave it on with onlythe defualt settings [02:48] hm... when I use "rfkill list all" (from a forum) I get "soft blocked YES hard blocked NO' [02:48] then when I do the hardware switch I get "soft blocked YES hard blocked YES" [02:48] fatman45: thanks a lot :) [02:48] so I'm able to turn "hard blocked" on and off :) [02:49] diamonds I probably wont be able to help you any further, as I am stuck here on a terminal only, without access to google [02:49] johannes-gateway, can I help you? [02:49] do you have lynx or curl? [02:50] diamonds can you google this for me: "rmdir[ctrl_interface]: Not a directory" [02:50] Does anyone have any idea on my issue? How do I restore my video drivers w/o being able to boot the GUI? [02:50] diamonds what are those? === Abc is now known as Guest97727 === Guest97727 is now known as d_atharva [02:50] how do I run radio tray in 11.04 [02:51] ? [02:51] I tried whitelisting it [02:51] but nothing happens [02:52] Hi...as wine runs windows programs....is there any software which run mac softwares on ubuntu ? [02:52] how do I run radio tray in 11.04? [02:52] d_atharva, No [02:53] OmegaForte, to go back to 10.10 how do I proceed - I have backup done with Simple Backup [02:54] I just set up an apache server that can be viewed outside my network is it safe to just leave it on with only the defualt settings? [02:55] jascase981, no it is not safe [02:55] intrader, what do i have to do to make it safe? [02:55] !edgy [02:55] Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details. [02:55] Where can I download Edgy [02:56] !eol [02:56] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [02:56] jascase901, I would install the version from apache and friends XAMPP. They have a script to protect it [02:57] intrader, Thankyou. [02:58] jascase901, np [02:59] Anyone, to go back to 10.10 how do I proceed - I have backup done with Simple Backup. I have problems with 11.04 upgrade. [03:03] johannes-gateway, no results with quotes === shadow is now known as Guest52756 [03:03] oh wait, yes there were [03:03] does any one know full form of IRC ? [03:04] d_atharva_: Internet Relay Chat [03:04] diamonds found elinks ^^ made me think about kernel update myself [03:04] : Thamks dude.! [03:05] Wb Diamondcite [03:07] how can I get wireless working with out fouling everything up? [03:07] I mean, I see "fwcutter" over here and "don't use fwcutter" over there [03:07] Hello, after safely removing the USB stick, it is automatically reattaching instantly. how to resolve this? Please help.. [03:08] I'm not sure if I should be going off the enet controller or network controller when looking for solutions... [03:08] I just don't want to try stuff and mess things up too much [03:08] diamonds has your problem be described before? [03:08] sort of [03:09] what solutions does it involve? [03:09] diamonds, are you trying to get ubuntu to recognize a wireless interface you have physically in the computer already? [03:09] hi guys, do i need Antivrus on ubuntu? [03:09] one was "get these files from live CD" but it was for an older version [03:09] johannes-gateway, [03:09] diamonds, maybe iwconfig or wicd might help [03:09] Lostvoices, generally no...just use common sense [03:09] rakathan, not sure what you mean [03:09] cool. i'm really starting to like ubuntu [03:09] a wireless interface "physically connected?" [03:10] Like it it internal [03:10] diamonds what is your current situation? you're "trying to get wireless to work" [03:10] can you be more specific? [03:10] rakathan, ok [03:10] one moment [03:11] rakathan, ParkerR johannes-gateway http://pastie.org/pastes/2337321/text [03:11] abhi: Unplug it [03:12] Polah, when i forcefully unplug it, there remain the traces like .trash1000 folder [03:13] abhi: Where the drive was mounted? [03:13] means it is not safely removed [03:13] diamonds, so you're just trying to connect to a network then? it looks like everything is working correctly [03:14] My apologies for the following modespam: [03:14] i broke amarok, it no longer has the media sources functionality. so i deleted it using synaptic. when i reinstall using either Ubuntu package manager or synaptic amarok is still missing media sources. how can i obliterate amarok so i can start out fresh entirely [03:14] it is s 2gb stick, attached to usb 2.0 port, Let me know if you need anything more [03:14] diamonds, what is your wifi network name [03:15] abhi: what filesystem is it? [03:15] OK, it is FAT [03:15] oxyrosis, its most likely your 'users settings' not the system settings.. thus the logic of remove/reinstalling it - wont fix it. :) theres most likely some amarok settings directory in your home that you should remove/rename. [03:16] awesome dr_willis, i'll try that before i reinstall it again [03:16] there is nothing stronger that sudo rm -frv direcotry right?? I'm getting a read file-system only? which it isn't. Very odd [03:16] oxyrosis, the whole remove/reinstall to 'fix' things is a 'windows-trained-mindset' The package manager tools should never touch anything in the users home dirs or settings. [03:16] abhi: Unplugging it should be fine, you can remove the leftover folders afterwards [03:16] diamonds, if you're trying to find a network you can use airodump-ng...if you want to connect to a network use iwconfig [03:17] oxyrosis, its just that many windows apps have a 'clean user settings...' feature :) thats not how the apt system works. [03:17] rakathan, it says wireless is off by hardware switch [03:17] well, i dont see an amarok folder or file after i enable hidden files [03:18] theres 100's of dirs of config files... [03:18] Polah: Won't it rise any errors? [03:18] at least, not an amarok file or folder i recognize as such [03:18] diamonds, the pastebin you linked says Hard blocked: no [03:18] diamonds, never mind [03:18] abhi: No. "Safely removing" the drive only makes sure all reads/writes are completed before dismounting it. Unless you're reading/writing from it when it's unplugged it should be fine [03:19] diamonds, I see it now on phy0...I was looking at dell-wifi [03:19] rakathan, when I click the icon top right [03:19] task manager is invoked with ctrl alt del in windows and there you can kick process or task delaying execution [03:19] diamonds this may sound obvious...but have you checked any possible hardware switches on the wireless card or laptop? [03:20] What key combination here on NAtty_ [03:20] rakathan: there's just fn+f2 === dvz- is now known as Guest92300 [03:20] which does NOT turn the "wifi" light on for some reason [03:20] it turns the bluetooth indicator light on and off [03:20] diamonds do you see wlan0 when you type in ifconfig? [03:20] johannes-gateway: no [03:20] eth0 and lo [03:21] Polah: Oh, great! Now I got how does it work. Thanks Polah. It means that it should not make any issue. Really thanks! Cheers! [03:21] diamonds, what brand/model laptop are you using? assuming it is a laptop [03:21] rakathan: e1505 dell inspiron [03:21] I've googled it, came up with stuff for older versions [03:22] diamonds have a look at /etc/network/interfaces and tell me, if there is a wlan0 mentioned in it [03:23] how do i run zenmap with root privledges> [03:23] diamonds can you link the output of lsmod please? [03:23] johannes-gateway: can't see... do I need to su? [03:23] rakathan: how do I redirect output to clipboard? [03:23] diamonds yeah sudo cat /etc/network/interfaces for that [03:24] diamonds yes, sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces [03:24] what's the default root password? :D [03:24] Polah: Have a great day! [03:24] abhi: You too [03:24] diamonds your password (user) [03:24] diamonds: Doesn't exist. [03:24] What key combination here on NAtty to invoke task manager? [03:24] task manager is invoked with ctrl alt del in windows and there you can kick process or task delaying execution [03:25] cntb: There is none, although you could go to System > Preferences and set up a keyboard shortcut to open up System Monitor [03:26] johannes-gateway: auto lo [newline] iface lo inet loopback [03:26] Polah ok any suggestion for a good combination not used [03:26] @search Scott Cleland [03:26] rakathan: http://pastie.org/pastes/2337371/text [03:26] pastorbelga: #ubuntu has no search bot. [03:26] diamonds now try this: open the same file with the editor you know best: gedit, kate, nano, maybe even vim, sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces [03:27] johannes-gateway: ok [03:27] "vim not found" o_O [03:27] vi is there :p [03:27] diamonds now look at the way the lines you mentioned above are formatted and apply the same to those two new line [03:27] johannes-gateway: now what? [03:27] and vi is vim. :) in most cases [03:28] johannes-gateway: not sure I follow you [03:28] what am I writing? [03:28] so you opened the file with gedit now? [03:28] cntb: Well you can set Ctrl+Alt+Delete to it if you'd like. [03:28] with vi [03:28] when is the next update coming out? [03:28] dont use vi, its too hard to learn for now, use gedit [03:28] or nano [03:28] goddard: If you're talking about the next version of Ubuntu, October. [03:29] johannes-gateway: I know vi/vim best [03:29] great [03:29] you guys I'm raging pretty hard right now. I'm getting the "mon0 is on channel -1" issue, research says I need to download the compat-wireless source, patch it, recompile and re-install the mac80211...but wireless.kernel.org is down! are there mirros? [03:29] I don't know how to use geddit [03:29] diamonds then use vim, you should add those two lines below the others [03:29] so copy the two lines? [03:29] diamonds, it's a GUI text editor [03:29] johannes-gateway: what two lines? [03:29] hi..wine install windows based softwares..is there any software to install mac(.dmg) softwares ? [03:29] first: auto wlan0 [03:30] copy and paste the existing lines? [03:30] w [03:30] the lines which are already there are not to be touched! [03:30] just write below [03:30] johannes-gateway: ok I added that line [03:30] Singham: no [03:30] and now the second: iface wlan0 inet dhcp [03:31] : Ok [03:31] admiralvorian, which driver do you need? [03:31] then source the file? [03:31] or restart? [03:31] save the file [03:31] saved, quit [03:31] rakathan, I need the source for the compat-wireless module [03:31] which includes mac80211 [03:32] admiralvorian I'll help you look for a mirror or something [03:32] now type this into the terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart (this will disconnect you internet though) [03:32] rakathan, thanks man [03:32] lemme link you to what's supposed to work [03:33] ok ttfn [03:33] rakathan, http://wireless.kernel.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/ [03:33] it's down :( [03:33] yeah, that's really unusual [03:33] is it down for you as well? I'm hoping it's just a DNS issue on my end [03:33] I'm looking through the google cached pages to see if there are any external mirrors listed [03:33] I can't get to it either [03:34] johannes-gateway: http://pastie.org/pastes/2337411/text :p [03:34] no such luck [03:35] diamonds have you seen this article? the comments at the bottom might be loosely related...? http://www.dotkam.com/2008/11/17/configure-iwl3945-driver-on-ubuntu/ [03:35] admiralvorian what is your current kernel version? [03:35] heh heh.... [03:35] not the one you want to compat to [03:36] you're not going to believe this, but... [03:36] 2.6.38-10-generic [03:36] diamonds ...wireless switch turned off? [03:36] x64 [03:36] no [03:36] SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill [03:36] that command "rfkill list all" that said wifi was soft blocked [03:36] I read the short manpage [03:36] "rfkill unblock wifi" :p [03:37] whodathunk [03:37] diamonds haha, congrats on getting it working then [03:37] we'll see if it works [03:38] it sees wireless networks... [03:38] whether it's going to connect :/ [03:38] diamonds :-D [03:38] doesn't seem to want to connect, but we're closer! [03:39] rakathan, just to make sure you got it, my kernel version is 2.6.38-10-generic on x64 11.04 [03:39] diamonds please pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces [03:39] admiralvorian yeah, I'm looking around for mirrors now...I've only seen mirrors that list packages so far...not the packages/sources themselves [03:40] rakathan, have you head anything about this 'interface is on channel -1" problem? [03:40] johannes-gateway: http://pastie.org/pastes/2337427/text [03:41] confirming correct password... [03:41] ok cutting the cord... [03:41] * diamonds crosses fingers [03:42] admiralvorian, yeah I've had to deal with that...it's a nightmare [03:42] you're on the right track though [03:42] admiralvorian do you know what chipset your wireless card uses? I'm willing to bet it's ralink [03:43] rakathan, yeahhhhhhh [03:43] rakathan, wait it might be atheros [03:43] rakathan, let me check real quick [03:43] My Lucid shows the package ubuntu-desktop with a lock symbol. What is the successor of the ubuntu-dektop package? [03:44] bullgard4_: there isn't one, we still use ubuntu-desktop [03:44] # Appears as ANNA [03:44] jb0nd38372: MS Comic Chat is not permitted in this channel. Please leave and come back with a real client. [03:44] rakathan, yeah it's the RTL8187L [03:45] admiralvorian hmm, realtek isn't much better...what exactly are you trying to do? monitor mode? [03:45] rakathan, i get into monitor mode pretty well, but I can't inject [03:46] rakathan, i get the same error as this guy, i'm reading this thread right now http://forum.aircrack-ng.org/index.php?topic=11246;prev_next=next === diamonds_ is now known as diamonds [03:46] admiralvorian yeah, realtek drivers seem to be pretty flaky for wireless security stuff -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open_source_wireless_drivers [03:46] rww: Does this apply to Oneiric also? === diamonds is now known as Guest37308 [03:47] bullgard4_: yes === t0nic is now known as diamonds [03:47] rww: Thank you very much for your help. [03:47] huzzah! [03:48] hello people... im using Nvidia X server Settings to configure my video card and i got a little problem, most of the configurations are saved and applyed when i do so but configurations like OpenGL Settings wont save for some reason [03:48] any suggestion? [03:48] can anyone assist me with drive mounting, trash, and thunar in xubuntu 11.04? [03:50] openkinect [03:50] !ping [03:50] another contentless ping... sigh... [03:51] ty johannes-gateway et al [03:52] Hiya [03:52] Hi all. I want to get rid of my login screen (Ubuntu 11.04) all sources online talk about Administration -> Login Window but I only have "Login Screen" there which opens a window that only has one tab... [03:52] rakathan, do you think this will work on my kernel?? http://forum.gnacktrack.co.uk/Installing-Compact-Wireless-patched-on-Ubuntu-Maveric-with-Kernel-2-6-35-to-2-6-37-td2641109.html [03:52] :-D happy fpr you [03:52] I think on that window there are the needed options but when I set it to automatically login as .... I cannot select any user. How do I add my user to that list? [03:53] admiralvorian nope, that's compat for a kernel older than yours, and it compats up to a kernel that's still older :D [03:53] rakathan, damn! [03:54] I saw another thread that says downloading the kernel source will download the compat source too [03:54] Hello, Ubuntu 11.04 is not detecting my Lenovo s10-3c netbook's keypad, does anybody have any idea regarding this issue? How to make it work? [03:54] admiralvorian yeah, I'm looking through kernel source for that now [03:54] I've a little understanding problem with PHP error reporting. In the php.ini I have display_errors = On; and error_reporting = Off; By default I don't want to display errors. However I want to be able to switch them on by script. When I add this line to my script: error_reporting(E_ALL); i expected it to display all errors but parse errors for example got straight into a blank page. Am I not allowed to override the php.ini directi [03:55] mbrochh: Your message is incomprehensible to me. Say it in other words, please. [03:56] I believe stev66 's question should be asked in either ##php or #ubuntu-server [03:56] Ok, is this room more for the desktop ubuntu? [03:56] stev66: yep [03:56] ok [03:57] As we normally observe, Fn key is in leftmost position in keypad. But my keypad has Fn and Ctrl key positions altered. Does this make any difference? [03:57] stev66: I don't think you're able to override php.ini, no. [03:57] rakathan, should be /usr/src/linux-2.6.38-10-generic/net/wireless === nisstyre_ is now known as Nisstyre [03:57] fedora 15 DVD has wi fi drivers or not? [03:57] stev66: but ##php would probably be a better place to ask, as args[0] says [03:57] ok will try, cheers [03:57] bullgard4_: I want to get rid of the login screen. When I start UBuntu it should login to my user automatically. [03:58] bullgard4_: Of course I googled the problem and all solutions suggest to go to Administration --> Login Window [03:58] bullgard4_: On my system, strangely, however this is called "Login Screen" not "Login Window" and it has a setting for automatically login user ... but the list of users is empty. [03:59] mbrochh: can you type in a user? [03:59] no its a drop down list which is disabled because there is no user in it [04:00] How to install wi fi drivers on fedora 15? [04:00] Rudolf_: ask #fedora [04:00] mbrochh: In my Lucid this list is not empty. You will probably have to tinker on the gdm configuration (which may prove to be difficult). [04:00] What is # fedora? [04:00] * sigh* ... [04:00] Rudolf_: the technical support channel for Fedora [04:01] I tried it. They suggested am [04:01] Rudolf_: You're in #ubuntu, which is unsurprisingly the technical support channel for Ubuntu, not Fedora. [04:01] admiralvorian I think at this point it would be easiest to just wait for the site to come back up - it's strange that the current drivers don't work for injection though [04:01] Lan ethernet cable as a solution [04:02] anyone know how i can remove libre office? sudo apt-get --purge remove libreoffice doesnt work [04:02] Hello, Ubuntu 11.04 is not detecting my Lenovo s10-3c netbook's keypad, does anybody have any knowledge regarding such issue? How to make it work? [04:03] abe: dpkg -l |grep libreoffice remove those packages [04:03] exodus_ms: "Doesn't work" is no precise description. What exact error message do you obtain? [04:03] rakathan, I'm going to try and get the source from the ubuntu source - what's the apt command for that? sudo apt-get build-dep --no-install-recommends linux-image-$(uname -r) [04:03] apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r) [04:04] bullgard4, "E: Couldn't find package libreoffice" [04:04] wols_: will that make the keyboard detect? [04:04] abe: keyboard detect? [04:04] admiralvorian you're going into uncharted territory for me; I don't know much about apt commands and source management [04:05] admiralvorian: download kernel source won't get your kernel source. it will simply get you the same source the kernel and its wireless was made of [04:05] admiralvorian: if you want to use compat wireless you download it from linux-wireless.org [04:06] wols_, yes i need to patch [04:06] wols_ it's down :( [04:06] wols_, it's down [04:06] What is the SAMBA configuration file that contains the remembered shares from a USB device? [04:06] wols_, the compat source is not in my kernel source? [04:06] I know :( nothing you can do but wait [04:06] lame... searching "libreoffice" in synaptic package manager brings up everything installed, but using the terminal I get "E: Couldn't find package libreoffice" [04:06] JZApples: /etc/samba/smb.conf ? [04:06] exodus_ms: So there does not exist a package libreoffice. I am sorry that I cannot help you any more because my Oneiric computer is just busy for an hour downloading. [04:08] exodus_ms: synaptic won't give you "Libreoffce" but things like "Libreoffice-common". there is a difference there [04:10] wols_, i read some of it and did a search for the mount point and it didn't find it. It must be in there as something else. [04:10] JZApples: what are you actually trying to do? mountpoints of different servers do't sow up there [04:10] but then your usb remark doesn't make any sense [04:11] admiralvorian: fwiw just logged onto http://linux-wireless.org/ from here [04:13] wols_, I have an external RAID array hooked up via USB and Ubuntu usually remembers the shares, but not always. It might be doing it, just slower sometimes so I manually do it, that I don't know. I basically was curious where these shares are remembered at so I could troubleshoot it further and learn more about it. [04:13] what "shares"ß are you saring out this raid as a samba share or are you connecting TO a share? [04:14] propman_, does that site mirror wireless.kernel.org? [04:14] propman_: but linuxwireless.org is what is needed [04:14] propman_, I'm looking for http://wireless.kernel.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6 [04:14] or any mirror [04:15] wols_, saring out? Uhh I basically mount the drive then right click on the folder in it and click Sharing Options. [04:16] JZApples: that's some gnome (or unity? setting. would be somewhere in your ~ [04:16] having a issue with NGINX, nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use) after a upgrade from 0.7 to 1.0 same config, i checked netstat -l and it states nothing is on port 80, and i did a simple connect, nothing is on that port [04:17] admiralvorian - http://www.orbit-lab.org/kernel/compat-wireless-2.6/2011/08/ [04:17] 10.04LTS is my release [04:17] OHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHH [04:17] rakathan, thanks man [04:17] haha [04:17] hope that helps and you get injection working [04:18] greatly appreciated. normally i would just inject from a bt5 vm but i need to do some special stuff and ive been looking for a mirror all day [04:18] how did you find it? [04:18] google magic [04:18] admiralvorian http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=ompat-wireless-2011-08-06.tar.bz2&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=ysc&channel=fs&sa=X&ei=CGM_To-NK4Hw0gHMi9yDAg&ved=0CC8QvwUoAQ&q=compat-wireless-2011-08-06.tar.bz2&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=661c0b1152c259b4&biw=1280&bih=855 [04:19] ... [04:19] admiralvorian: i just clicked on the following link.....think it must have been mis-typed then admiralvorian: if you want to use compat wireless you download it from linux-wireless.org [04:22] hey, does anyone know who's in charge of the Ubuntu website? [04:23] bnonn: Why are you asking? :) [04:23] i need help changing ownership of some mounted directories [04:23] I'd like to talk to that person about doing some pro bono consulting work (I'm a conversion optimization specialist and long-time ubuntu user, and would like to give back) [04:23] Hey so quick question. Say I had trouble with resuming and I added resume to my hooks in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf. Do I have to remove autodetect or is it ok for them both to be in there? [04:23] bnonn: #ubuntu-website might be the place to go, I'm not sure [04:23] to give you an idea, rww, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBAbuCDHcZs [04:23] thanks [04:24] wols_, ls ~ only shows folders. [04:24] NStech: chmod ? [04:24] i tried using sudo chown [myusername] sf_Data but its not saving it im getting no errors [04:24] er [04:24] #blackbuntu [04:24] NStech: chown user:group /path/to/file [04:25] user: what about it? [04:25] how can i see what group im in [04:25] NStech: id [04:25] user: ? [04:25] NStech: groups [04:26] or that [04:27] sorry I was trying to join the channel and did not but /join [04:28] sprocket adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare [04:29] NStech: what is your system username? [04:29] sprocket [04:29] NStech: chown sprocket:sprocket then. [04:30] trhat worked thanks\ [04:30] Enjoy. [04:37] WELL [04:37] Hey [04:38] rakathan, thanks for all that help, i patched that source, compiled it a loaded the new module...same result! [04:38] looks like I'm going to just install bt5 locally and use that :/ [04:39] admiralvorian that is incredibly strange, but I haven't worked with realtek drivers before so they might just not support injection [04:40] admiralvorian but I do know backtrack has its own special wireless drivers compiled for some chipsets - you could try looking into getting those compiled and installed on your system [04:40] k bye === Guest75924 is now known as needhelp1 [04:43] Network manager isn't working for me, so I had to set some configurations manually with the help of wols here in the IRC. Unfortunately, I put my eth0 'down' and when I brought it back 'up' it wouldn't get an IP. So, I assigned an IP manually using ifconfig eth0 192.169.. etc, and I'm having trouble connecting to the router. Can anyone help me get connect again? [04:43] ok i rebooted and now its acting up again. [04:45] endip have you tried dhclient eth0 ? [04:45] endip: how you setting it ?and why you use ip for wols? MAC address should work better [04:45] What? Network manager is working now!!! I have no idea why though. (Kind a wish I knew.) [04:45] rakathan no I hadn't tried that. [04:46] wildbat :: wols told me to use an IP address set manually. I don't know. You're right, though, I'd rather use MAC address. [04:46] i tried sudo chown sprocket:sprocket sf_Data and its not working again [04:46] hao [04:46] 好 [04:47] endip: errr you mean wols a human not Wake On Lan :> xD sorry [04:47] 有没有人? [04:47] !cn | xiaowu [04:47] xiaowu: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [04:47] wildbat :: I'm still learning about networking in Linux. I haven't had any trouble for the two years I've been using Linux primarily. All of the sudden I got a had trouble with this new PC. Now, NM is working, so I'm happy about that. [04:47] i used sudo chown sprocket:sprocket sf_Data and its not changing the owner. and im getting no errors or anything === bnonn is now known as Bnonn---AFK [04:47] After booting into Ubuntu, it seems that my icon pack(s) are missing. I didn't change anything, but mono-light is missing. Any clue why this would happen? [04:47] wildbat :: yeah, sorry about that. [04:47] /join #ubuntu-cn [04:47] 输入那里? [04:49] wildbat :: I manually setup network info in /etc/network/interfaces and I also used ifconfig command to set the same info. I was unable to ping google, until I went to my networking icon in the panel and click on Auto eth0 and it started right up. Wish I new why it's working this time. Hopefully it connects automatically when I restart the PC. [04:49] i used sudo chown sprocket:sprocket sf_Data and its not changing the owner. and im getting no errors or anything [04:49] rakathan, && wildbat thanks for responding. much appreciated. [04:49] Is there any reason why my icon packs and theme wouldn't load after restarting? [04:50] endip no problem, hope it works out...if it doesn't reconnect you can dhclient eth0 [04:50] endip and that should grab an ip address from the router [04:50] What is the configuration file that contains the remembered shares from a USB device when right clicking on the folder and selecting Sharing Options? [04:50] rakathan, yeah, I'm going to go read up on dhclient right now [04:50] endip, if you use DHCP / NM ~ you should remove the entry in /etc/network/interfaces. [04:51] wildbat :: ok. What will happen if i don't change the entries in interfaces? [04:51] wildbat, will it prevent dhcp from working? [04:53] endip: you will bound to the setting in the interfaces and NM won't work with your adapter. should you choose to use static ip ~ you need to set DNS sever setting to ping google.com etc.... [04:53] can someone help me? im trying to login to my ubuntu 10.10 desktop and im getting a 'grub rescue' prompt === jon__ is now known as skpl [04:54] skpl did you make any changes to your hard drive patitioning recently? [04:54] wildbat, gotcha, thanks. I'll try to use dhcp for the time being, but in the long run I want to manage the network myself in that regard. [04:54] endip: if you wanna NM , remove it. if you wanna use dchp w/o NM ~ you can change the setting in interfaces. [04:54] rakathan: no the only thing i did was install 11.04 to a flash drive [04:54] Hello, I have Lenovo s10-3c netbook of which keypad is not working with ubuntu 11.04 it did not work with 1010 also. how to check the issue? [04:55] skpl and you get the grub rescue prompt when you try to boot from the flash drive? [04:55] rakathan: no, when i try to boot from my hd [04:55] rakathan: it also saysm [04:55] wildat, I'll have to read up on that. [04:56] rakathan: it also says "error: no such device: and then a bunch of numbers [04:56] endip: you can DCHP + fix a IP to a MAC in router setting ~ that's better . [04:56] skpl so grub is installed on your hard drive? [04:56] rakathan: yes [04:57] wildbat, the only issue I'm having now is I'm installing updates and my download speed is really slow. My laptop (which i'm using to chat) isn't having this problem. I even had ubuntu find the fastest server and switched to it. [04:57] skpl what happens when you try to boot with/without the flash drive in? [04:57] Arrrrrrrg. This is so damn frustrating... Whenever I chose any theme, like Ambience for example, the panel doesn't change its color. Also for example Google Chrome, which is set to use the GTK Themes colors, stays blue. What is wrong with my Ubuntu? It's a fresh install... [04:57] skpl also what OS is loaded on your hard drive? [04:58] rakathan: i havent tried booting with the flash drive in because it is an older computer, should i try that? [04:58] endip: that's another issue . ~ DHCP don't affect the speed of the connection. [04:58] rakathan: ubuntu 10.10 on my hd [04:58] WHen I login, for a second I can see that the panel looks good and all but then it changes back to ugly white color [04:58] skpl yes, try to boot from the hard drive with the flash drive in the computer- grub is looking for the flash drive but can't find it [04:58] can anyone tell me how I can go about adding different fonts to the terminal [04:58] skpl you should be able to choose which OS to boot from in grub, ubuntu 10.10 from hd or 11.04 from flash drive [04:59] wildbat -- Right, I wouldn't think so. It seemed like the updates were downloading really fast until it got to the java update and now it's creeping...like under 20kb/s [04:59] rakathan: how will i fix that so i can boot without the flas drive in? [04:59] endip: the speed is depending on your connection and which mirror server you use and how busy they are ~ you have little control over it other then pick different server. [04:59] skpl when you get into your desktop ubuntu 10.10, try running sudo update-grub [04:59] skpl without the flash drive in [05:00] Dynamic: you are advised to add only monospace fonts only [05:00] wildbat -- fair enough. thanks [05:00] skpl it should remove the flash drive reference if the drive is out [05:00] rakathan: ok thanks, i'll go try it now [05:00] skpl good luck === Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja [05:00] rakathan: thank you [05:00] abhi no custom fonts allow? :( [05:01] Hey everyone. I am very new to Linux and having some issues. can I get a little help? === Kasjopaja is now known as Guest46654 [05:01] noahbanks: Sure, what's up? [05:02] I have an eMac that I'm trying to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04. My issue is that I can't get my wireless card to work. [05:02] noahbanks, hard to say without a description of said problems. ;) [05:02] It's a BCM 4306 card. [05:02] *chipset [05:02] !boardcom | noahbanks [05:03] sorry? [05:03] hmmm [05:03] noahbanks, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [05:03] Can someone tell me why Rhythmbox's track bar never moves? And it reports all tracks times as "Unknown". [05:03] Thanks. I may have questions over that. I'll come back if I get stuck. [05:03] Hello. I get the following error in Ubuntu 11.04 after slipping in a PNY 16GB flashdrive: "error mounting: mount: /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock" [05:04] How do I fix this? [05:04] It's strange, because it worked just fine the very first time I used this flash drive ... [05:04] wsbl-uhpd651, anything on it now? [05:05] Yes - that's kind of the problem - tons of pictures ... [05:05] urlin2u: Yes - that's kind of the problem - tons of pictures ... [05:05] wsbl-uhpd651: fsck it . [05:05] wsbl-uhpd651, do you just pull it out generaly without unmounting? [05:05] ok i did some reasearch and i need to be in a specific user group. [05:05] +1 the fsck [05:05] wildbat: what do you mean? Is that terminal command? [05:06] i am typing sudo usermod -G vboxsf sprocket is that correct? [05:06] urlin2u: No, I always unmount it the proper way, by "safely remove drive" [05:06] !fsck | wsbl-uhpd651 [05:06] wsbl-uhpd651: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [05:07] Can someone tell me why Rhythmbox's track bar never moves? And it reports all tracks times as "Unknown". Ubuntu 11.04. [05:07] wildbat: OK, so what would be the command I enter into terminal - if I want to "fsck" this flash drive? [05:08] is this correct? sudo usermod -G vboxsf sprocket [05:09] wildbat: I would I do a file system check on a drive that's not even mounted - and fails to mount? [05:09] wildbat: How, I mean? [05:10] i am trying to add myself to a usergroup but its not working and i dont know why. i am using this sudo usermod -G vboxsf sprocket [05:10] NStech: Does the "vboxsf" group exist? [05:10] yes [05:11] NStech: Why do you think that it doesn't work? [05:11] because right after i type groups and its not showing up [05:11] sorry i got it. -g instead of -G [05:11] Is there an ubuntu non-support chat room? [05:12] corinth: yes, #ubuntu-offtopic [05:12] Thanks gry [05:12] You're welcome corinth [05:13] is tehre a room for VirtualBox support? [05:13] NStech: Lowercase option changes "initial" group. Please use it with care. [05:13] NStech: Yes, #virtualbox [05:13] join #virtualbox [05:14] *facepalm* [05:14] No worries. ;-) [05:14] this is interesting [05:15] what is the differnce between -g and _G? [05:15] NStech: see man usermod [05:16] ok i dont get it [05:16] im still a linux newb [05:17] big fan, still newb [05:17] anybody know of a preferred meathod to block DDoS attempts? [05:17] zabomber: iptables, fail2ban [05:17] gry: ta === pyro__ is now known as Guest59894 === Guest59894 is now known as pyro_scatter [05:18] NStech: I have close to none experience with that, but from what I could see -G allows to add a few groups, while -g lets you edit the "initial" group [05:19] *tilt* [05:19] ? [05:19] Does empathy minimize or close to system tray ? [05:19] can anyone tell me how to get package info from CLI before i install it, say for w3m [05:19] NStech: ? [05:19] apt-get w3m info ? [05:20] i am still a bit unclear. but after my last reboot i finally got what i needed [05:20] goodnight [05:20] Is ubuntu completely free from viruses? [05:21] !virus | Infinite_ [05:21] Infinite_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [05:21] Infinite_: virtually free ~ not completely :> [05:21] Infinite_: A fresh install is, yes. [05:22] can anyone tell me how to get package info from CLI before i install it, say for w3m [05:22] How do I join #fedora with the same nickname? [05:22] apt-get w3m info ? [05:22] needhelp1: apt-cache show w3m [05:22] Infinite_: /join #fedora [05:22] Infinite_: /join #fedora [05:23] !irc | Infinite_ [05:23] Infinite_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [05:23] cool, didn't know about that [05:23] gry: thankns [05:23] Do I need to register for it? [05:23] Infinite_: no [05:23] register your nick,maybe [05:23] Infinite_: yes, the channel is registered-users-only [05:23] needhelp1: You're welcome! [05:24] !register | Infinite_ [05:24] Infinite_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [05:25] would yall recomend w3m? or is there somethign better [05:25] Can I join #fedora without quitting this channel? [05:25] Infinite_: yes, in the world of tech we like to do thing just to see what will happen, i suggest you try it out, its fun [05:26] To which port the keyboard is attached in ubuntu, please tell if somebody knows? [05:26] Please tell how to check that... [05:27] Does anyone else know how to fix a problem with an mounting error that comes up when I plug in a flash drive? [05:28] If I want to know the configure arguments used to build PHP in Lucid, are they the ones mentioned in the COMMON_CONFIG env variable in the debian/rules file of the PHP source? [05:28] wsbl-uhpd651: did you fsck ~ [05:29] wsbl-uhpd651: whats the error [05:29] Is there a tool that will set processor affinity for different processes based on their cpu usage? [05:29] wildbat: what command to I enter into to terminal to fsck this flash drive? [05:30] wsbl-uhpd651: fsck /dev/sdb1 [05:31] needhelp1: the error message reads as follows - "error mounting: mount: /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock" [05:31] narcoblix: i think the scheduler does that itself [05:31] sounds like my problem =-( [05:31] wildbat: OK, I'm trying that now ... [05:31] Is there a keyboard shortcut for displaying the desktop switcher in Unity? [05:31] im having trouble finding my hd too [05:31] corinth: It's a panel. If it's not visible, add it. [05:32] gry, yeah I know. I was wondering if there's a shortcut, though. It'd be faster (since I'm having trouble with adjusting my mouse sensitivity.) [05:33] wildbat: the fsck told me that both FATs appear to be corrupt. What do I do now? [05:33] corinth: "ctrl + alt + left/right" to switch desktops. [05:33] Thanks gry! [05:33] needhelp1: did you see the answer to your question that I posted? [05:33] corinth: You're welcome! [05:33] corinth: and up,down [05:33] smae commands will run in DSL distroo as they will in ubuntu? [05:33] sam* [05:34] same* [05:34] Overtim3: Some. [05:34] Overtim3: some [05:34] kk [05:34] wsbl-uhpd651: it is FAT32? do :fsck -p /dev/sdb2 [05:34] How do I join #fedora without quitting this channel? [05:34] im trying to fine my harddrive [05:34] find* [05:34] i have the OS running in RAM [05:34] Rudolf_: /join #fedora [05:34] Rudolf_: Please, identify to nickserv: /msg nickserv help identify [05:35] Rudolf_: Once that is done, join the channel like ActionParsnip says. [05:35] wildbat: OK. Let me try that ... [05:35] Overtim3: ask in the DSL channel please. This is ubuntu support === mocca_cappucino is now known as geo [05:35] nickserv help identify [05:35] where is dsl channel? [05:35] Hi, im having trouble burning with ubuntu.. in brasero it tells me my "blank DVD+R" disc does not have enough space to burn a 164mb iso file.. wodim tells me it cannot crate a new session.... can someone please help i need to record a windows repair iso so i can fix my laptop with all my uni assignments on it... the full wodim error is here: http://pastebin.com/UgaPuTzn [05:36] Overtim3: probably #dsl or #damnsmall [05:36] kk thanx [05:36] Lostvoices, it sounds like the disc was previously burned on. [05:36] Overtim3: #dsl [05:36] Lostvoices: Have you used that disk before? It sounds like you're trying to make a multisession disk with a disk that can only be written once... [05:36] nope it's a brand new blank dvd [05:36] * Rudolf_ [05:36] wildbat: when I ran that command on /dev/sdb2, it told me "no such file or directory". When I ran it on /dev/sdb1, it told me that both FATs are corrupt again ... [05:37] Lostvoices, Um...when was the last time the CD/DVD drive itself was cleaned? And have you also tried burning at a super-slow speed? [05:37] Lostvoices: Try it on a different disk... let us know how that fares. The disk may be damaged. [05:37] wsbl-uhpd651: can you pastebin fdisk -l /dev/sdb ; fsck -p /dev/sdb1 [05:37] wildbat: What is strange - that when I plugged it into a Windows PC - it assigned it drive letter G and thought it was a CD ... [05:38] ok i'll see if i can find another disc :) [05:38] wildbat: OK ... let me try that then ... [05:38] wsbl-uhpd651: or you can check the drive in windows [05:38] ...sticking brand new disks into a dirty drive isn't always a good option... [05:39] how do i find out the configure arguments that were used to build a particular package in ubuntu? [05:39] wildbat: when I ran the fdisk command, it told me it could not open it ... [05:40] AsadR: read debian/rules in the source package [05:40] !source | AsadR [05:40] AsadR: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html [05:40] wildbat: Let me try check it in Windows, just a sec ... [05:40] wsbl-uhpd651: are you running as root ? sudo -i if not . [05:41] wsbl-uhpd651: is it just some USB stick / SD card? === tfilipczuk is now known as makak [05:43] Is there something I can add to chromium to make it right click -> set as wallpaper? [05:43] So I just upgraded [05:44] So gnome 3 is the worst thing ever. [05:44] I'm so confused. [05:44] !classic | drewbert [05:44] drewbert: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". [05:44] Gasseus: i'd check the exte [05:44] stillParsnip Windows only... [05:45] gry: do you feel the future of ubuntu is ubuntu classic? [05:45] drewbert: you can choose "classic" as your session at the login screen if you don't want to use unity [05:45] or should I take the time to learn this? [05:45] Gasseus: i'd check the extensions page. Rallydriver busdriver today [05:45] jrib: ty [05:45] drewbert: If you like classic, switch to it. I think it would be supported. [05:45] * jrib notices the bot had already said that :D [05:46] * drewbert I noticed that too. Okay people, well I guess I'm logging out and switching to classic. [05:46] natty is the last classic desktop [05:46] Gasseus: there's a thing you can add to nautilus to do it. Could download image then do it there. [05:46] drewbert: See you on the other side. [05:46] gry: ciao! [05:46] ... how do I log out? [05:47] all my menu bars are gone [05:47] stillParsnip Nautilus? Oh you mean that file browser that goes untouched? [05:47] drewbert: top right button [05:47] drewbert: The button at right top. [05:47] stillParsnip: ah, thanks [05:47] Gasseus: what do you use. I'm a pcmanfm man myself [05:48] stillParsnip uhh... I don't really use a file explorer. Its terminal for minecraft stuff and chromium for web, nothing else [05:49] Gasseus: gotcha. You could make a script to set it using gconf [05:49] meh, it was worth a try... I guess there isn't a way in chromium? [05:50] Gasseus: is there a chromium channel? [05:50] stillParsnip not that I know of [05:50] Gasseus: you could make the extension yourself :-) [05:51] wildbat: I was running those commands as root. I don't think the check disk on it in Windows will work because that PC is not even identifying the "removable disk" correctly (it thinks it is a CD drive). [05:51] stillParsnip CBA if I don't have any simple explanation of the underlying API. [05:51] stillParsnip: Yes - it is a 16 GB PNY flash drive. I have tons of pictures backed up on here, which is why this sucks ... [05:51] what is the better way to do a fresh install? sometimes I have afraid about new technologies that Canonical adds in new versions that I don't get because my config or base package installed. for example: evolution to thinderbird [05:52] Gasseus: might have a whirl later, if you extract the extension files you will see their guts [05:52] stillParsnip: It's funny - because this flash drive worked just fine the first time I plugged it in. This was before I wiped the drive and reinstalled the OS, though ... [05:52] stillParsnip I meant the ubuntu side of the API [05:52] wsbl-uhpd651: what filesystem does it use? [05:53] stillParsnip: I believe it is FAT ... that is what the fsck gave me when I tried running it as root ... [05:53] wsbl-uhpd651 based on your description, I'm inclined to think its an ExFAT drive, in which case, it must be opened and converted on a windows computer before use on linux [05:54] mfilipe, you can add and remove what you don't want generally in a distro, except when dependencies to it are needed. [05:54] wsbl-uhpd651: ok. What steps do you take when you want to unplug the device? [05:55] hmmm never used ExFAT. ubuntu don't support it right? [05:55] wildbat absolutely not [05:55] Gasseus: OK. Two things. Before I reformatted my computer, I plugged it in and transferred pictures onto it in Ubuntu just fine (no problem). When I try plugging it into a Windows PC, it reads it as a CD drive ... [05:55] wildbat: no idea [05:55] morning people, does anyone know of a html/php editor with desgin view such as dreamweaver for windows [05:55] wildbat any flash drive formatted on windows 7 by default will be formatted exfat [05:55] stillParsnip: I have always used the "safely remove drive" option ... [05:55] wsbl-uhpd651 are you able to access the files? [05:56] urlin2u, I know, but sometime the ubuntu team change some applications to help users that I don't know and I use the old app [05:56] kennet: bluefish maybe [05:56] wsbl-uhpd651: good its important :-) [05:56] Gasseus: No - neither on Ubuntu or Windows. Did you see the error message I currently get when I plug it into my Linux machine? [05:56] jrib: ty [05:56] wsbl-uhpd651 no I didn't... mind linking it [05:56] to [05:56] stillParsnip, okay, i'll look into that thank you [05:57] wsbl-uhpd651: are the files ok in windows? [05:58] Gasseus: this is the error: "error mounting: mount: /dev/sbd1: can't read superblock" [05:58] stillParsnip: no ~windows id the drive as CDdrive ~ U3? [05:58] wsbl-uhpd651 Can you read it from a windows computer [05:59] stillParnsip: like I said, Windows reads the flash drive wrong when I plug it into that PC - it reads it as a CD drive. When go to open up the files it tells me "Please insert disk into the drive>' [05:59] Gasseus: Windows reads the flash drive wrong when I plug it into that PC - it reads it as a CD drive. When go to open up the files it tells me "Please insert disk into the drive>" [05:59] wsbl-uhpd651 Ok, give me a second, I have a tool to try to fix that. [05:59] actually... [05:59] wsbl-uhpd651 do you have administrator access to a windows computer? [06:00] wsbl-uhpd651 the windows case is probably a case of messed drivers [06:00] hey, i tried a new Blank DVD it still says blank dvd not enough space [06:00] Gasseus: Unfortunately, the Windows PC I have access to - I am not an administrator on it. [06:01] need help with video output on natty, using nvidia gt-430 hdmi and the display over hangs the monitor, any ideas? [06:01] Lostvoices, for what? [06:01] wsbl-uhpd651 Bad news first or good news? [06:01] 164mb iso file [06:01] Gasseus: Bad news first, I guess ... [06:01] wsbl-uhpd651 what type of files are they? [06:01] Lostvoices, is it a dvd-rw [06:01] a [06:01] Gasseus: They are pictures (JPGs). This sucks ... [06:01] dvd+r [06:01] Gasseus, wsbl-uhpd651: strangly fdisk can't read the drive . i am think the usb flash gone bad . [06:01] Gasseus: That's all that's on there ... [06:01] wsbl-uhpd651 Ok give me an hour and I'll write a script to try and recover them [06:02] actually... [06:02] Gasseus: Very strange. I don't understand how this flash drive could have gone bad. I just bought it !!! [06:03] wsbl-uhpd651: you have 16GB free in your hddrive? i would backup it frist. [06:03] Lostvoices, is that the only one you have, it is a write once. [06:03] wsbl-uhpd651 For now, do this as root: [06:03] So like, if I went back to Best Buy and told them what the hell happened - would they do me right? [06:03] if you have 16 gb space on drive [06:03] i have a reel of blank dvd+r they all say the same error [06:03] Gasseus: K, I'm listening ... [06:03] May i ask an ultra noob question? [06:03] "dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/home/wsbl/usbbak.img" [06:04] wsbl-uhpd651: Best buy won't recover the data ~ for you [06:04] #fai [06:04] wsbl-uhpd651 replace wsbl with your own username [06:04] Lostvoices: Is your disk drive a dvd-r only writer? [06:04] hey guys [06:04] noahbanks, go ahead [06:04] i'm having issues with gnome-vfs [06:04] I want to try out KDE, but I want to be able to easily uninstall all of the KDE packages and bundled apps if I don't like it. What's the best way to do this? [06:04] Gasseus: OK, so this is WITH the device plugged in? [06:04] not its a multi recorded does both [06:04] wsbl-uhpd651 indeed [06:04] wsbl-uhpd651 so that if there is a chance of recovery, it will happen. [06:04] Gasseus: block size? that can be slow with 512.... [06:05] wildbat better to do it safe... I've had issues with bigger bs [06:05] Gasseus: run that "dd ..." command in terminal? [06:05] wsbl-uhpd651 yes, replace wsbl with your computers username for you [06:05] Gasseus: really ~ what happened? [06:05] Lostvoices: The only thing I can recommend, try cleaning the drive itself and updating any drivers for it as well. [06:05] corinth, do you have a thumb drive? [06:06] wildbat: FSCK FSCK'ed it... [06:06] I stuck with a wireless card that isn't working. I'm trying to install drivers without an internet connection. I was directed earlier to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for help. I'm installing b43. I am stuck on step one. Where can I find the pool folder? [06:06] urlin2u, Yep. [06:06] wildbat The FSCK program ran the FSCK program for FAT-32, which is inappropriate and will break ExFAT formatted partitions [06:06] im going to try to partition my laptop and install ubuntu on there and see if i can get it on my lappy as this is an old computer maybe the drive is broken [06:06] wildbat he had the usb plugged in at boot and fsck fsck'ed [06:07] corinth, you mght just load it to a thumb with persistence and try it out, unetbootin, and the usb writer in ubuntu will give you a persistent setup. [06:07] Gasseus: hmmm ~ good to know ^^ thanks for the info :> [06:07] please ... anybody can help me with resources about gnome-vfs ?? [06:07] Lostvoices: ok [06:07] shivhack, Wassup mate? [06:07] wildbat yes. Lesson of the day: Always format flash drives NTFS [06:07] shivhack: Just Ask. [06:08] noahbanks, are you installing from a CD ? [06:08] I am. [06:08] Gasseus: always use linux ! XD [06:08] wildbat school [06:08] noahbanks, then you should find the pool folder at the root of the installation CD [06:08] YankDownUnder : I made a custom dekstop based on ubuntu lucid, using directly gnome-panel and nautilus [06:08] wildbat: I don't bring my laptop every day [06:09] shivhack, Right....and...? [06:09] YankDownUnder : everything went fine, but special paths are not opened [06:09] gledihan: I've only started using Ubuntu today. How can I navigate to tha? [06:09] shivhack, Ok...now, when you say "special paths" -> are you meaning like the mount points for GVFS? [06:09] Gasseus: K - it must be thinking about it - because I did what you said - and no error message yet. There are a lot of pictures on there, so maybe the backup will take a bit - if it is truly working at all? [06:09] glebihan: I've only started using Ubuntu today. How can I navigate to tha? [06:09] urlin2u, hm....that doesn't seem like the easiest way to me. [06:09] it' gives 'Nautilus can' handle computer: location' [06:09] the same for network:// [06:09] There isn't a way to remove packages installed by a meta-package? [06:09] noahbanks, the simplest way is to use nautilus (the file browser) [06:10] I need some help with the Ubuntu Software Center. I tried downloading the program "Gnome Partion Editor", and I got an error in return. [06:10] wsbl-uhpd651 that is expected behavior. If you have any way of moving that file to a windows computer, I can guarantee recovery of like 95 % of the files. [06:10] corinth: apt-get remove ? [06:10] corinth, okay. [06:10] shivhack, Ah...well, that sounds more like you'll have to muck around with gconf-editor and straighten out the URL's for network and the likes... [06:10] YankDownUnder : how ?? [06:10] gry, If I apt-get remove a package like kubuntu-desktop, won't it only remove the dummy package? [06:10] FazzyPlax - may not be what you're after, but I made a G-Parted CD from an ISO and I think it's indispensable. [06:10] Gasseus: OK. Are you talking about the usbbak.img file? [06:11] wsbl-uhpd651 Exactly [06:11] asl? [06:11] shivhack, What I'd do (if I were you) is to dig through the URL handlers in gconf-editor -> find what works and find the proper associations you're requiring. [06:11] the main problem is the unavailibility of resources out there :-( [06:11] wsbl-uhpd651: the dd command will backup all the data from the usb then can use some software like ddrescue to retrieve all the jpeg if possible. [06:11] Morgz: I was trying to avoid CD burning in order to install GParted [06:11] corinth, yes but running apt-get autoremove after removing the meta package should also remove all its dependencies [06:11] testdisk [06:11] YankDownUnder : yathzee, never occured to me [06:11] shivhack, I'd be digging through the gnome forums - not Ubuntu forums...cuz this is specifically a Gnome2 issue my friend... [06:11] glebihan, oh, great idea. Thanks! [06:11] glebihan: How can I view the root from there? I don't see it on either the desktop or within the file browser? [06:12] YankDownUnder : thanks a lot, you've been very helpfull ;-) [06:12] wsbl-uhpd651 you can watch the progress by opening the properties windows for the file in nautilus [06:12] shivhack, As well, you can get on the #gnome channels on the Gnome servers... [06:12] anony22: asl? [06:12] noahbanks, you don't see any disks in the left column in nautilus ? [06:12] Gasseus: how do I do that specifically? [06:12] asl = age/sex/locale [06:12] wsbl-uhpd651 right click [06:12] nothing is mounted other than my hard drive. [06:13] glebihan, the only way to remove any desktop completely is to apt-get remove every package. [06:13] i like poo [06:13] glebihan: nothing is mounted other than my hard drive. [06:13] zabomber this is not omegle [06:13] im happy for you zabomber [06:13] sorry [06:13] im testing [06:13] anony22, zabomber: This is a technical support channel, if you'd like to socialize, try #ubuntu-offtopic. [06:13] Gasseus: right-click where? Sorry ... [06:13] /server irc.digitalchatzone.com:13373 Delta1:Delta16894 [06:13] sorry =/ [06:13] Delta1: You'll want to change that password. [06:13] bye [06:14] wsbl-uhpd651 like you would open up the file's properties in windows [06:14] corinth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FromUbuntuToKubuntu [06:15] noahbanks, do you see the disk if you run "df -h" from a terminal ? [06:15] My problem still isn't fixed yet with the Software Center bugging out on me for a GParted download. The error returned was: "SystemError: E:I wasn't able to locate file for the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package." [06:15] urlin2u, true but most packages should be removed by running apt-get autoremove [06:15] Well well well, aren't you a handy little gnome, gry? :-) [06:15] corinth: Enjoy! ;-) [06:15] glebihan, not true. [06:16] urlin2u, as long as you don't install them manually, yes [06:16] glebihan, look at the link gry posted [06:16] glebihan: yes. the line says: /dev/hdc 694M 694M [06:16] Gasseus: OK, it's working - because I see the file size increasing in the Properties window ... [06:16] FazzyPlax - can u install it from command line : sudo apt-get update (enter) sudo apt-get install gparted (if gparted is the package name) [06:16] glebihan: it's mounted on "/cdrom" [06:17] What command-line command determines what GNOME version I am currently running? [06:17] urlin2u, that doesn't go against what I was saying... [06:17] glebihan, k [06:18] noahbanks, and is there a "pool" folder in "/cdrom" [06:18] bullgard4 gnome --version or apt-cache show gnome [06:18] glebihan: I feel like I keep asking dumb questions, but where can I find that? [06:18] bullgard4_, aptitude show gnome | grep Version [06:18] hello i have an odd issue that has arisen when i try to load xfce, i believe the display manager isnt working as i cannot see any window borders, also it loads the background i have set for gnome as well as desktop shortcuts and not the ones i had set up for xfce [06:18] I downloaded iwar from the backtrack pwnsource repost, it says it installed but I cannot find it on my system, locate and whereis failed to locate it, nor is it in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin? === tum is now known as Guest61292 [06:19] I wish to mount a SFTP resource as a local hard drive in Ubuntu. How can I do it so that it is always mounted when I logon? [06:19] bullgard4: skip the first hint [06:19] noahbanks, from nautilus, click "File system" in the left column, then should see the "cdrom" folder [06:19] wildbat: so it will automatically engage "ddrescue" after the file backup is complete ... because it seems to be working ... [06:19] glebihan: yes! success! [06:20] wildbat: right ??? [06:20] glebihan: thanks you! I really appreciate it! [06:20] wsbl-uhpd651: it won't ~ it just backing up . [06:20] noahbanks, you're welcome [06:22] what is the best dock for ubuntu 11.04? [06:22] cairo imho [06:22] !best [06:22] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [06:22] seclm193, Cairo-Dock (glx-dock) [06:22] ;) [06:22] Morgz: Well, the apt-get install command worked (and yes, the package was called gparted). Thanks! [06:22] hai [06:23] yankdownunder, you would take cairo-dock over docky? [06:23] seclm193, Yes. More mature. Yeppers. That, and pizza. [06:23] yankdownunder, pizza? the food? [06:23] fez: hi [06:24] seclm193, Is there another pizza I don't know about? ;) [06:24] lol === Timic_ is now known as Timic [06:25] a [06:25] bullgard4_: gnome-session --version [06:25] YankDownUnder: just supreme [06:26] bullgard4_: It's the one you can see in "System > About Gnome" dialog. [06:26] anyone know how to get ubuntu running in a virtualbox with more then a 800x600 resolution? [06:26] is there a way to install openbox along side of gnome [06:27] osmosis_, if you didn't already I think you have to install the virtualbox guest additions === fish_sticks is now known as XS3 [06:28] glebihan, there is a guest addition for ubuntu? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [06:28] glebihan, i thought that was just if the guest was windows [06:29] osmosis_, no there are guest additions for every OS [06:29] glebihan, you are right. thx [06:29] osmosis_, you're welcome [06:30] hi any1 know how i change the speed of my mouse wheel on lucid im using a microsoft wireless 2000 [06:31] Hello I have two hard drives grub is on the first the second has an OS already, but I made free space and I want to install windows there. My question is: 1) How do I install windows there? (just boot the CD rom and the windows partitioner will let me select where to install?) and 2) After I install windows how do I tell GRUB to let me boot from it? [06:31] wildbat: will terminal tell me when the back up is finished? [06:31] gnome-look.org is down?? [06:32] wildbat: then I have to run "ddrescue" manually? [06:32] wsbl-uhpd651: yes [06:33] p0a, you should be able to select that space from the windows partitioner [06:33] Whoa I just discovered I run Grub2 and there's no /boot/grub/menu.lst hehe [06:33] !recover | wsbl-uhpd651 [06:33] wsbl-uhpd651: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel [06:33] glebihan, ah thanks for the tip. Question 2) remains if anyone knows, how to let grub know I installed Windows on another drive... [06:33] !grub | p0a [06:33] p0a: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [06:34] p0a, but installing windows will overwrite the MBR, and you'll have to rerun grub installation from a live CD [06:35] p0a, the links OmegaForte just gave you will help you do that [06:35] wsbl-uhpd651: there are many tools you can use to recover the jpge [06:35] Hello all! [06:35] but that's impossible [06:36] p0a, Nothing is impossible in Linux. [06:36] I have 2 hard drives, A and B, I have grub on A and I boot from A so any change on B wouldn't affect A I think [06:36] p0a, I'm fairly confident AND with great certainty that linux can cure cancer, and end war. [06:37] also make chuck norris cry [06:37] :] [06:37] even express how disapointed i am with natty [06:37] !tab | p0a [06:37] p0a: You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [06:37] newbuntguy, Well, Half of your problems are from Unity. [06:37] wsbl-uhpd651: photorec may be the easilest fo you ~ [06:37] what a let down [06:37] does anyone know about where i can change the setting for what happens when i close my laptop screen to keyboard??? it seems to be crashing my system [06:38] Oh whatever I'll try it [06:38] OMEGAFARTE: what is unity? [06:38] gry: I am using Oneiric. In Oneiric I cannot see a "System > About Gnome" dialog. [06:38] adzy, This is why I don't use mobile technology. My portable system is an ITX box with one of those flip-DVD things, or I take my ipad. Mobile developers are pinheads who deivate from standards. [06:39] is there anyway to play mp3s though my pc speaker? [06:39] skilz, Can you turn lead into gold? [06:39] OmegaForte: Sure! [06:39] WHEN WILL THE TEAM LEARN TO SAY ITS NOT RECOMENDED [06:39] newbuntguy, Ditch the caps, homie. [06:40] wildbat: ddrescue or photorec - which one is easier, then? And what the specific terminal commands that I use once this backup completes? [06:40] OK HOMI [06:40] OmegaForte: I recall one of my old boxes done exactly that, played audio throught the pc speaker. So it must be possible to re-create this. [06:41] skilz, The PC speaker is powered by a 4 bit analog, driverless system. You'd have to connect it to a device that can actually process sound. [06:42] OmegaForte, Yea its time for an upgrade this dell laptop is not cutting it! [06:42] wsbl-uhpd651: photorec it is more interactive . sudo photorec [06:42] OmegaForte: What if I set up the pc speaker as an output device for your sound subsystem, and then playback the MP3 files with any MP3 player software? [06:42] OmegaForte:should i bounce unity or what? [06:43] skilz, You missed the whole possibility of that being shot down. The PC speaker isn't powered by an encoder/decoder set. It's driverless. You cannot pass non serial data to it. [06:43] adzy, And make it a new dell. Most of them work OTB with most debian distros. [06:43] wildbat: OK - pretty simple. "sudo [name of tool] [name of img fiile]" So it would be "sudo ddrescue usbbak.img" too, then - right? [06:43] newbuntguy, Unity was designed for Netbooks and stuff like ipads. Single screen, low powered devices. [06:43] wildbat: What does it do, then - like populate some directory with all the jpgs reference in the img file or something? [06:43] OmegaForte, Yea its lasted 3 years but i put a magnet on hdd accidentially and now its started to fail lol [06:44] OmegaForte: http://www.armadeus.com/wiki/index.php?title=PWM [06:44] OmegaForte:and [06:44] wsbl-uhpd651: ddrescue work differently [06:44] skilz, And your PC can't do that, idiot. [06:44] wildbat: OK - so that is what photorec does? [06:44] OmegaForte:questin was should i get rid of it :and would it help [06:45] wsbl-uhpd651: it try to recover any file. [06:45] OmegaForte: Why not? [06:45] adzy, A magnet won't hurt a hard drive. Proven. You probably caused a cap to offset and output bad power for a tick, and it just let a minor issue develop. [06:46] OmegaForte:thhis is the worst os i have ever used [06:46] skilz, Because PC's don't have APF transistors. Learn electronics. [06:46] wildbat: "recover" mean it does what - actually ... to the file? [06:46] Morning!, coes anyone have a good software load balancer equalent of balance? we are upgrading to 10.04 and this makes for a great time to try somthing new. esp when the old configuration doesnt work with the new version of balance :P [06:46] wsbl-uhpd651: yes [06:46] have to command line everything [06:46] wsbl-uhpd651: try to scan the whole image/device and extract the file out without the help of filesystem [06:46] newbuntguy, No, it's the worst UI you've used. Log out with the LOG OUT function in the bar, and click the dropbox where Unity is, set it to Ubuntu Classic. And CLI assists in Debugging. Get used to ti. [06:47] what a piece of crap [06:47] can i erase the distro's memory of the usb ports? [06:47] especially-corn, Memory of the USB ports. What? [06:48] wildbat: I see. So it then tries extracting out the files to some default location? [06:48] i do not see unity [06:48] wsbl-uhpd651: yes [06:48] newbuntguy, Look down at the bottom of the monitor. [06:48] i mean kind of like in windows, if you don't install the drivers correctly you get "unknown device" and every time you connect that thing you always get "unknown device" instead of getting a chance to reinstall the drivers [06:48] so you have to remove them completely and then try again [06:48] newbuntguy, It's there. You're tstill wearing your stupid goggles. [06:48] wsbl-uhpd651: aka the image file you just created. [06:49] lol OmegaForte [06:49] especially-corn, Just unplug it. If the driver didn't load, or failed to load, replugging it will give it another go. However this won't fix a bad driver install, which you'll have to deal with manually. [06:49] OmegaForte: try googling for pwm audio driver linux [06:49] skilz, For specific hardware. 100/100 your PC ain't got it. [06:50] how do i open multiple terminal windows>? [06:50] OmegaForte, it doesn't work anymore, yesterday i bought a keyboard with 2 hubs included, it worked flawlessly, that is, until i used the 2 hubs, now it doesn't work anymore [06:50] wildbat: right. Good deal. The file size is now at 8.5 GB. I can't remember how much data was on the thing - but it is definitely over halfway done ... [06:50] skilz, That stuff is for things like PHONES that use PWM for tone generation, alerting and getting you to clam them hell up. [06:50] especially-corn, Does it work in another port or system? [06:50] OmegaForte, it works on another system [06:50] OmegaForte: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_speaker [06:50] wsbl-uhpd651: 8.5GB ? i think yours is 16GB drive. [06:51] wsbl-uhpd651: it should be 16GB file or your drive is truely faulty [06:51] OmegaForte: I believe I have proven you wrong! pwm converts analog (or, digital audio, a quasi-analog) signal into a serial stream of 0 and 1 [06:51] wildbat: right. which is why it is over halfway finished ... [06:51] How do I edit my keyboard layout (edit != change)? I want to swap my ctrl and alt keys so that using Emacs doesn't hurt. [06:51] especially-corn, Okay. Then you've probably generated a bus conflict. Something a DEVELOPED driver system like windows can handle. Linux'es drivers are written by people who want the driver...Hang on dude. [06:51] wsbl-uhpd651: you mean the dd isn't finished yet? [06:52] wildbat: no - it isn't ... [06:52] wsbl-uhpd651: OK~ [06:52] wildbat: there are a lot of pictures on there, so ... [06:52] skilz, For DRIVER-RAN SYSTEMS. Your PC speaker isn't DRIVER RAN. It's RAW SERIAL. You would need a SERIAL INTERPRETER BETWEEN THAT DEVICE and THE DRIVER..Which your PC speaker DOESN'T HAVE. [06:52] * rww turns down OmegaForte's volume [06:52] There is a kernel module named snd-pcsp.ko which may be of interest to you! [06:52] wsbl-uhpd651: doesn't matter ~ even it is a empty new drive , dd will give you 16GB file. [06:53] OmegaForte, yes, thats what i meant, i want my system to "forget" what this keyboard means because i suspect it still thinks my phone is somehow connected to the system, [06:53] through it [06:53] wildbat: Oh I see. That is kind of what I thought ... [06:53] skilz, Pc manufacturers stopped putting drivers in the bios frontend for the PC speaker four years ago. [06:53] rww: What do you think 'forte' means? [06:53] OmegaForte: This pc is around 9 years old! [06:53] especially-corn, Well, I don't know how to do that, but have you given the system a good power cycle? [06:53] wildbat: so all the picture files I had on there will be captured in this 16GB rollup, then? Is that the idea? [06:53] skilz, Then how are...WAit...I keep forgetting. Debian will run on a toaster.. [06:54] OmegaForte, yep, unplugged and stuff [06:54] skilz, Then take your old box and cram it. === paijo_ is now known as bumblebee [06:54] :P [06:54] Is anyone even on-topic here? [06:54] hello [06:54] especially-corn, Well, plug it in and see what "dmesg | grep -i usb" outputs. [06:55] 16:54 < jmarsden> skilz: ask this guy what snd-pcsp.ko is, if it is not a pc speaker driver :) [06:55] wsbl-uhpd651: it is a 1:1 drive image. you can backup and restore a drive with dd. and from which , you can recover data too . if it is a working drive you can even mount the image file as if it is a drive. [06:55] skilz, A speaker driver, and a sound driver are different. [06:55] Is there any option for exchange email in Ubuntu? [06:56] skilz, Just go to wikipedia and figure it out. [06:56] sup, brobuntus? [06:56] corinth: Evolution? [06:56] Carmen_Sandiego, Make them take off their stupid goggles...Please? [06:56] wsbl-uhpd651: we doing this ~ so should your USB really failling ~ you get a copy of the USB asap , minize the chance of data lost. [06:56] OmegaForte: snd-pcsp as in sound pc speaker :p [06:56] OmegaForte, http://paste.ubuntu.com/660941/ [06:56] jpds: Does Evolution support exchange email and calendaring? I didn't think that it did.... [06:57] anyone running balance on 10.04 or later? [06:57] especially-corn, Is -:-:-.000E the keyboard that was plugged in; and now is not? [06:57] wsbl-uhpd651: if you don't back up ~ you can just run sudo photorec /dev/sdb :) [06:57] skilz, Go sit through an electronics engineering class for me homie...Just learn something...And stop harassing me. [06:58] How do I edit my keyboard layout (edit != change)? I want to swap my ctrl and alt keys so that using Emacs doesn't hurt. [06:58] fail! [06:58] OmegaForte: Playing pwm audio through speaker, with signal generated by software, was very common at a time when sound cards weren't that common. [06:58] wsbl-uhpd651: backing up to harddrive make your data safe and harddrive work faster then USB thumb drive in datarecovery (photorec) [06:59] OmegaForte: You claim to be an electronics expert yet you use frankenbuntu? Shame on you! Shame...... [06:59] OmegaForte, don't know, i did a before and after unplugging [06:59] OmegaForte, everything i pasted was after i plugged it in [06:59] wildbat: yeah - good call. It's good we are doing both. I don't know - I think it the USB just got formatted wrong when initially plugged it - to backup my pictures before reformatting ... It is currently formatted as FAT. Is there a way to reformat it? What format is Ubuntu 11.04 in - or what format does this flash drive have to be formatted in for it to be successfully read by my Linux machine, I guess? [06:59] Frakenbuntu? [06:59] Whats that? [06:59] Ubuntu [07:00] oh..ok lol Just never heard that term before [07:00] rww...Can you save me from this pinhead? [07:00] OmegaForte, look http://paste.ubuntu.com/660943/ [07:00] wildbat: Thanks for all your help, by the way. I have usually been successful in getting my problems solved on here - but not always. Sometimes failure has just been due to the nature of the problem, though ... [07:01] especially-corn, It looks like it sees something.. [07:01] wsbl-uhpd651: linux do read FAT16 and FAT32 ~ but not ExFAT . but FAT is outdated. use NTFS if you use windows with it or else just ext4 [07:01] i think fat can be read by linux flawlessly [07:01] skilz, Did you know fourty years ago we could generate 24 tones over a serial bus to a speaker...That was driven? [07:01] OmegaForte, yes, it does, but it doesn't work as it should [07:02] OmegaForte: Please don't get upset! You don't like to be proven wrong? [07:02] skilz, Did you also know that computer components used to cost more than some cars? [07:02] paijo_: I should think so, because my machine read it fine the first time I plugged it in. So I don't know what the deal is - sometimes Ubuntu is just kinda "squirrely" ... [07:02] OmegaForte: I sure did! === paijo_ is now known as bumblebee === Timic_ is now known as Timic [07:05] Hey guys, I have ftp folders bookmarked in ubuntu, all I have to do is click the folder on my nautilus window and bam I'm there. WELL, I want to access the folder this easily in terminal/bash because I will be editing the files on the server with NANO. How do I easily access these folders without having to do some bash FTP stuff [07:06] glenihan: I did it! I'm up and running. [07:06] rawfodog, you mean editing directly on remote ftp? [07:06] rawfodog: Look for them in ~/.gvfs ? [07:06] !yay | noahbanks [07:06] noahbanks: Glad you made it! :-) [07:06] Does anyone know if I am able to reinstall OS X if I fully install Ubuntu 10.04? [07:07] yeah, but going into that folder easily (cd /remote folder that I have bookmarked in my gnome session) [07:07] hi. anyone know how to setup dropbox through the terminal? [07:08] glebihan: I did it! I'm up and running. [07:08] rawfodog: you can access the nautilus mounted with ~/.gvfs [07:08] nice this will work I think [07:10] !info curlftpfs | rawfodog , you may wanna have a look [07:10] rawfodog , you may wanna have a look: curlftpfs (source: curlftpfs): filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FUSE and cURL. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-4 (natty), package size 29 kB, installed size 112 kB [07:10] Does anyone know if I can install ubuntu 10.04 and boot OS X 10.5 from a CD/Thumb drive? === bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa [07:11] Oh man, works like a charm thanks guys [07:12] Does anyone know if I can install ubuntu 10.04 and boot OS X 10.5 from a CD/Thumb drive? [07:13] noahbanks: ask Apple about booting OSX [07:13] noahbanks: idk about OSX ~ but ubuntu yes ~ you can install in a thumb. [07:13] noahbanks: does the osx liscence allow you to install to a usb stick (a little off-topic) [07:13] not a little [07:13] !ot [07:13] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [07:14] auronandace: I think I can image it to a CD and boot from that in a worst-case scenario. [07:14] Anyone, using Simple Backup I have saved /var /home /usr /etc. I would like to restore thunderbird to its configuration saved by the backup; need some help. [07:15] is there some sort of Remote Desktop ability for an ubuntu server via the web? [07:15] hey, I have trouble with installing this: https://github.com/LuaDist/lua-xmlreader [07:15] i want to be able to remote desktop my ubuntu server at home via a webbrowser at work [07:15] zabomber, ssh you mean? [07:15] can someone help me? [07:16] ph8: no. i have all that setup [07:16] zabomber: ssh via the terminal [07:16] what should I execute in my terminal? [07:16] zabomber, yes VNC [07:16] intrader: nope.. i have that... [07:16] wildbat: so in case I wanted to reformat this flash drive to ExFAT or ext4 - how would I go about doing this? [07:16] sudo Makefile? [07:16] im specifically looking for webbrowser based remote desktop like windows allows via IIS? [07:16] zabomber, Ok, you know then. [07:16] reason being [07:17] is that work only allows port 80 and 443 open and are filtering those ports so i can't proxy through them and VNC [07:17] wsbl-uhpd651: nono to ExFAT~ NTFS or ext4. you can use gparted. [07:17] so i was wondering if there was a mod for apache or something i could install that woudl display a webpage with my desktop... [07:18] zabomber, I see your good reasons and I know of webdav. [07:18] intrader: webdav? [07:18] wsbl-uhpd651: you may need a wipe first.~ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=32K *** this will wipe the drive make sure which sdX you are going to*** [07:19] zabomber, a protocol for web access. [07:19] intrader: runs on apache? [07:19] hey [07:19] zabomber, I don't know. [07:20] quick q -- upgrading from 9.10 to 11.x, is it _really_ required to hit everything in between? [07:20] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107503 [07:21] ajay: yes [07:21] upgrading has never worked well for me [07:21] I generally just backup all the data + do a fresh isntall [07:21] ajay: everything else is not official supported [07:21] zabomber, http://samiux.wordpress.com/2009/06/27/howto-webdav-on-ubuntu-9-04-server/ may help [07:22] icekk_: i don't know if my HDD space will support that! ;^) [07:22] ajay: what is the output of "df -h"? [07:22] ajay, Mate, I did one last week - one of my own, and I prefer doing a clean install - however, I did the 9.04 to 10.04 then to 10.10 and stopped there. I *could* have gone to 11.04, but in reality, the machine is old and I don't like 11.04's *lack* of things... [07:22] !paste | ajay [07:22] ajay: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. === Dreamer3__ is now known as Dreamer3 === wildbat is now known as wildbat_semi_afk [07:24] first off i want to start my aplg by saying i rely aprcat this resource. and seconndly thanks for the push in the right direction .PROBLEM SOLVED [07:24] icekk_: it's got 2 GB left. one partition. all in / [07:24] ajay, Back it up, blow it out. [07:25] YankDownUnder: oh i think i burned a CD too, don't remember where i put it.. :) I think I'd prefer a clean install too. That's what I'm going to do w/ my desktop.. [07:25] YankDownUnder: what's 11 lacking? I've got an old notebook too, i'm only upgrading from 9 because it's not supported, and wifi never (really) worked anyway [07:25] in bash I hit ctrl z to stop a job. How do I continue it ? [07:25] rawfodog, type fg or bg [07:25] foreground or background [07:25] my advice to people is to trust your intuition and listen to what people have to say. [07:25] depending on what you want [07:25] thanks ph8 :D [07:26] np [07:26] newbuntguy: dunno if that was random or directed, but listening to people (imho) can make it harder to hear/trust your intuition :) [07:27] sometimes someone will say something that will make you think [07:27] ajay, If yer hardware is "older", don't be fooled into thinking that the "newer" is going to be faster, or better...this is LINUX...whether or not it's supported doesn't really come into the issue...does it work? Can you get things to work that don't work? It's worth a thought. I've made the mistakes of upgrading older hardware only to find that things moved heaps slower...ergo, downgraded and dealt with it. [07:27] true that [07:28] hello\ [07:28] even when it isnt exactly what you are looking for intuition trust it [07:28] ajay, Upgrade to 10.04. It's an LTS version, you're good till 2013. [07:28] YankDownUnder: i hope it's faster, of course, but yeah i know that's not the trend :) the wifi is really the kicker.. [07:28] that doesnt make any sence like that but i know what i mean === ray_ is now known as JustinLei [07:28] #ubuntu-offtopic try it [07:29] urlin2u, STFU, try it. === gac_ is now known as gac [07:29] : | [07:29] YankDownUnder, you know the rules I was being friendly.;) [07:29] Hey let's bash the guys giving free tech support. [07:29] durp === netking is now known as NetKing [07:30] urlin2u, I also make money giving PRACTICAL UBUNTU SUPPORT, and with a sense of humour...ahem... [07:30] k [07:30] lol [07:30] ...meanwhile, back at the ranch... [07:30] wildbat_semi_afk: which one - NTFS, probably? I just found these instructions online: http://www.ehow.com/how_4963426_format-usb-flash-drive-ubuntu.html [07:32] on my main system I want to stay current though.. damn 10.04 runs like sh* on there right now though.. alas.. [07:32] ajay, If 10.04 runs slowly, have you thought about tweaking it to make it more optimised? [07:33] unable to connect to internet through huawei 3g e-stick on ubuntu 10.04‌‌, please help [07:33] ajay, Cars are not "tuned for performace" when you buy them off the lot. You have to tweak and tune them to YOUR specs...ditto with your OS... [07:34] YankDownUnder: it just feels easier to blow it out, it's way annoying.. too often X just locks up the whole system. (mouse moves, but i can't do anything else). gross [07:34] YankDownUnder: what is 11 missing for you? [07:34] ajay, Well, blowing it out and starting again with 10.04 or 10.10 is a good thing...however, think about things through and through... [07:35] virtualbox up and running [07:35] YankDownUnder: I like staying current, so i'll do 11, most likely. i don't know what you're saying [07:35] no errors [07:35] where do I find my fstab file in ubuntu for automatically mounting drives upon logon? [07:35] ajay, And 11.04 is missing the "friendliness" of window managers and choice...albeit, if you're happy to move into an alien territory with Unity and lack of features you may have been happy with in 10.04...well, your choice... [07:35] YankDownUnder: there's no compiz? [07:36] ajay: of course there is compiz [07:36] nickSwe, sudo gedit /etc/fstab [07:36] natty up and running in classic [07:36] nickSwe: /etc/fstab [07:36] wsbl-uhpd651: NTFS if you use it with windowa [07:36] ajay, Oh yeah, there's compiz...however, there are heaps of issues with Unity that you may NOT dig... === fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy [07:36] urlin2u, iceroot: thanks! [07:36] i don't really know what unity is.. (I keep thinking it's that weird netbook interface?) [07:36] ajay: what is the reason you want to update? [07:36] <_ramo> Hi [07:36] ajay: yes, its the netbook interface [07:37] file sharing up and running [07:37] everything is copsetic [07:37] icekk_: notebook - to get wifi working. desktop - want to be current, and current incarnation works pretty crappily. [07:37] I'll leave my opinions at what I've already stated... [07:37] eww, i don't care for that netbook interface, it's true. I can't keep the current setup? [07:37] <_ramo> i would like to log in to my vsftpd with my root account. somehow i can't get it run. i've edited the vsftdp.conf file and added userlist_deny=YES to it, edited the ftpusers file and commented the root entry out... restartet the ftp server, but still no luck [07:37] <_ramo> can anyone help here? [07:38] ajay, One way of looking at the entire situation - from an educational perspective - is that if your linux install is crawling, something is wrong. Find what is wrong and fix it. You've educated yourself in the process. [07:38] ramo i would help you but i type way to slow [07:39] YankDownUnder: looks like there's plenty of links online about not using unity, so what's the issue? i don't get it [07:39] <_ramo> newbuntguy: this is nor argument :) [07:40] just admiring my handywork my system OK [07:40] ajay, Unity - AND Gnome3 - have taken a drastic turn to making your DESKTOP into your NETBOOK or PHONE...therefore, alot of functionality has been lost - just due to "corporate" decision...Unity is still a child, and has many years to mature...think on that. [07:40] ajay: in 11.04 you can use gnome2 as you are using at the moment [07:41] !classic | ajay [07:41] YankDownUnder: please explain or show examples [07:41] ajay: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". [07:41] ajay, if you like Gnome2 I suggest you to consider Xfce. Ubuntu's getting rid of Gnome2 very soon. [07:41] this room helped me in the sence that it pointed me in the right direction. PROPS [07:41] oh, but GNOME 3 is "made of easy" [07:41] wildbat_semi_afk: what does that command wipe, specifically - everything off your flash drive? [07:41] ajay, If you want a real explanation from an "oldie", take it to PM and I'll be more than happy to explain... [07:42] YankDownUnder: I don't want to hear 10 mins of explanation.. [07:42] I need some help badly with GParted... [07:42] wsbl-uhpd651: yes [07:42] ajay, Simple answer: You're going to have to completely "re-learn" the interface and functions. [07:42] waiting for my kvm switch [07:43] so you're saying i'll have to install gnome2 in addition on 11? sounds like a bit of extra space.. hrmm.. interesting that this divide is forming.. [07:43] hi guys, i just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 on a vps (met some resistance" and now openssh doesnt work. service ssh yields ssh stop/waiting. Any ideas? [07:44] ajay: No, 11.04 still does have Gnome2 by default, you just have to switch to it [07:44] ajay, the classic desktopi s already there natty is the last release with it though [07:44] ajay: 11.10 won't, and it won't be in the repos either I suppose. [07:44] ok, so i don't see why Yank won't upgrade to 11 then.. [07:44] ajay, Gnome2 is the "classic desktop" on 11.04 => so you'll have to remove the scrollbar overlay and Unity in order to "create" a proper Gnome2 desktop...however, that being said, there are some issues you'll end up running across because the Ubuntu folks have decided FOR YOU that Unity is best...ahem... [07:44] I was trying to use GParted earlier, but when I was trying to adjust my windows partition size in order to make more room for my Ubuntu one, I found out that my hard drive supposedly has only one partition on it. [07:45] YankDownUnder: maybe it's time for a new distro for ya then? [07:45] ajay, As I've stated, 11.04 ain't all that great on older machines - new and fast and "cutting edge" as it sounds - we're talking about older hardware...mmmm... [07:45] FazzyPlax: that's normal behaviour? :) [07:45] wildbat_semi_afk: OK - it's telling me that the "photorec" command is not found. Do I have to install this first? I entered "sudo photorec /home/[my username]/[name of img file] [07:45] ajay, I try, experiment and use nearly all of them...I'm in biz...I'm not a hobbyist... [07:45] not spam but:http://www.geeks.com/search.asp?query=kvm&FIELD=ALL [07:45] wildbat_semi_afk: ... the pathname to the img file, I should say - off the end ... [07:46] gac: if that's the case, then how am I supposed to increase my Ubuntu partition size? [07:46] oh, I see, you've already installed it? [07:46] wsbl-uhpd651: yes, sudo apt-get install photorec [07:46] I thought you meant reduce windows to make room for a ubuntu installation, y mistake [07:46] bullgard4_: I suspect you may want #ubuntu+1; the command I gave gives different version that `apt-cache show gnome` and they might be able to confirm which menu item concurs with one of these two commands. [07:46] well it's either installed on another drive, or you've installed with Wubi [07:47] bullgard4_: s/that/than/ [07:47] gac: Oh, np. I don't understand what's happening, though. I'm on Ubuntu now, but I was on my Windows environment less than 15 minutes ago. [07:47] anyone how to fix service ssh status yielding "ssh stop/waiting"? [07:47] xeology: Where do you this status? [07:47] funny thing is amazon has the same one for 8 dollars less .oh well [07:47] FazzyPlax, did you install ubuntu from a live windows session? [07:48] gac: I don't believe I installed with Wubi. It was an offline installation. [07:48] Hi there...., how to i access the Ubuntu-DVD to install Software, i am not able to do so...., The Softwaresource is not recognize, although i enabled Natty-DVD as Softwaresource in the Menu of the Softwarecenter.... [07:48] urlin2u: I was in a Windows environment for most of the installation, but needed to reboot to finish it. [07:48] after tax and shipping ofcors [07:48] you can't resize windows in gnome3? woa.. [07:48] wildbat: mmmm ... "unable to location package photorec" ... [07:48] !ot | newbuntguy [07:48] newbuntguy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [07:49] yesir [07:49] FazzyPlax, that sounds like a wubi a booted live or alternate cd is a dual boot. [07:49] FazzyPlax: being in Windows for most of the insallation before a final reboot sounds like Wubi to me... [07:49] wsbl-uhpd651: yes, sudo apt-get install testdisk [07:49] ooo the workspaces in gnome3 looks hot [07:49] i did it in terminal using the vps's serial console [07:49] can i get a gnome2.5 in ubuntu11.1 please? thx :) [07:50] Okay... so what do I do then? Uninstall and boot from a live CD? [07:50] FazzyPlax, you can move the wubi to a regular partition if needed. [07:50] please feel free to send a message... [07:50] FazzyPlax: I think if you uninstall, you'll lose your data. you should look for a migration process of some sort [07:50] wildbat_semi_afk: what did that just do - update everything that I needed? [07:50] urlin2u: How so? [07:50] nvm found a work around ty thugh guys [07:50] wildbat_semi_afk: by the way, that command just ran successfully ... [07:51] wsbl-uhpd651: you should have photorec now [07:51] FazzyPlax, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1519354 [07:51] wildbat_semi_afk: OK, I'm trying it again ... [07:52] so is this gnome3 change driving people away from ubuntu? If so, i can't imagine where they'd go? (KDE & GNOME are everywhere no?) [07:53] wildbat_semi_afk: OK, running photorec now. It is asking me to select the partition table type. What do I choose? [07:53] ajay: I tell you, Xfce is almost a Gnome2 clone [07:54] ajay, does your gnome3 have a panel on the right top to bottom of the screen? [07:54] How do I edit my keyboard layout (edit != change)? I want to swap my ctrl and alt keys so that using Emacs doesn't hurt. [07:54] on the left [07:54] wsbl-uhpd651: intel [07:54] kcj, http://46dogs.blogspot.com/2008/05/remap-keys-in-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html should work fine in latest ubuntu all the same. [07:54] urlin2u: I'm still on 10.x, i know (little to ) nothing of gnome3. will be curious to try though.. [07:55] urlin2u: Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for. [07:55] gac: Thank you for the help! [07:55] ajay, I couldn't tell if you were calling unity gnome3 [07:55] wildbat_semi_afk: OK. No which partition no. do I choose? Sorry - I've never used this program before ... [07:55] ajay, Mate, Gnome3 and Unity are the "same visually and in usefullness" - the same ergonomic thinking - the "corporates" are trying to "turn your desktop into a simple phone" - aka iPhone and HTC/Android...THAT is the interface they're pushing...however, for those of us that USE our desktops/netbooks and the likes, we don't appreciate the "force it down their throats" approach...and it's not driving folks away (well, Unity i [07:55] s) but it's making folks think about their desktop environment instead of making folks feel GOOD bout using a linux distro...get it? [07:55] urlin2u: i think that's what people are saying.. [07:56] lion42, Will it mess with me being able to switch layouts with the keyboard preferences editor? [07:56] vmbox working.Check,natty working.Check, [07:56] YankDownUnder: Can we get back to support and less pontification. Thanks [07:56] In othrer words, unity sucks monkey penis. [07:56] kcj, it didn't for me, no. [07:56] THe end. [07:56] wsbl-uhpd651: you should have only one part [07:56] !language | Dulak [07:56] Dulak: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [07:56] lion42, Ok thanks. [07:56] (I remapped the location of my page up and page down keys. works fine.) [07:57] theadmin: i dunno man, from watching the gnome3 videos i realize how unsatisfied i am w/ gnome2.. no i don't care for 3 better, but they've actually a few cool features, and i'd hate to go to a clone of 2 instead.. [07:57] Hello I just installed 11.04 like two hours ago and i was wondering if some one could help me? [07:57] Yes, how dare I speak in monkey. [07:57] duranthebunny, don't ask for help, just ask your question. [07:57] wildbat_semi_afk: mmm. There are four options ... [07:57] wsbl-uhpd651: hmmm ? [07:57] ajay: Just a suggestion, if you like G3 stay on it [07:57] ewwwhhhh, ewwwwwwhhhh. [07:58] ajay: I honestly hated it. [07:58] ahhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh [07:58] wildbat_semi_afk: did you change your alias, by the way? [07:58] network printer.Check [07:58] Sorry, Does any one know how to install drivers for the hp pavilion dv6 6121he meaning the drivers for the mouse pad and finger scanner [07:59] wsbl-uhpd651: ya ~ [07:59] wsbl-uhpd651: which four you got? [07:59] oh you know what, i'm updating my backup desktop, and just realized i'm going to 11.04.. heh so soon will be on this I guess! I wonder if it'll support my wifi out of the box.. [07:59] wildbat_semi_afk: yeah - partition 3 (= OnTrack DM WO ???), partition 2 (Sys=79), partition 3 (Sys = 49), partition 1 (=Novell) [08:00] theadmin: for the issues you raised, i agree, i don't think i'll care for it. the workspaces and type to search for apps is all i liked, and i'd like a window manager with those features, and more. [08:00] wsbl-uhpd651: did you partitioned it ? [08:00] Sorry, Does any one know how to install drivers for the hp pavilion dv6 6121he meaning the drivers for the mouse pad and fingerprint scanner? [08:00] wildbat_semi_afk: I don't remember doing so. Like I said - I just bought the thing ... [08:01] I used to really like AfterStep+windowMaker, and always found enlightenment beautiful, but i need something new.. something innovative/ing [08:01] wildbat_semi_afk: OK - I would want to draw from the one with the file size that was stated in terminal once it was done backup up everythig right? [08:01] wsbl-uhpd651: ok there is a whole disk option right? [08:01] wildbat_semi_afk: yes - I was looking at that ... but wasn't quite sure ... [08:01] ajay: Well you can try anything you want, it won't hurt. [08:01] Forget it ill just google it more >.< [08:02] ajay: btw, there's a great app for... app searching, Launchy. See http://launchy.net [08:02] wsbl-uhpd651: yes ~ and pick whole disk ~ [08:02] Hello. I having some problems. I run ubuntu 11.04 server. When i upload files encoded as utf8 they become ANSI which displays my website all wrong. How can I fix this? I have no clue where to start. [08:02] wildbat_semi_afk: K - here we go ... [08:02] benjick: uploaded with what tool? [08:02] wsbl-uhpd651: fs type other. [08:02] iceroot: winscp [08:03] i have tried ti manualy install a graphic driver on my Ubuntu, and now i cant start my system, all it shows is Ubuntu starting screen (and instead of purple it is BLACK) and thoese moving dots, that's all, Any idea how to start Ubuntu again? or how to "reset" to the previus state??? [08:03] theadmin: nice, will check it. Now just need a better workspace manager... seems like if something can integrate well w/ compiz it'd be pretty sweet [08:03] wildbat_semi_afk: it's asking me about the file system type. I need to choose the one that includes FAT, right? [08:03] iceroot: And it's only 1 file [08:03] Everything's disappeared off my unity panel, like it's all scrolled off or something. Only I don't seem to scroll it back into view. How can I get the icons back? :-/ [08:03] theadmin: but can you seriously NOT resize windows?? that's too _crazy_ for me to believe! [08:04] benjick: i guess that is not a upload-issue. the issue is that the file on windows is bad already [08:04] benjick: scp is not changing any encoding [08:04] ajay: You can resize, but to get the maximize button you have to dig with dconf a little :D [08:04] iceroot: So what should i do? [08:05] can you recommend good resources on how to layout an _ubuntu server host_ for multiple virtual web servers? [08:05] <_ramo> hm, i don't know how to configure vsftd to allow root access... [08:05] <_ramo> hi MarcelT3 [08:05] <_ramo> ;) [08:05] elky: "unity -reset" iirc [08:05] lo _ramo [08:05] Im trying to mount a sftp path to a directory using the /etc/fstab file, issuing command: sshfs#nick@b3.local:/home/storage/video/ /home/nick/Videos/server/ fuse user 0 0 [08:05] but for some reason it fails to mount it. I believe it is because the user nick requires a password... How can I fix this? [08:05] theadmin: ok.. :) Man sounds like i'm going to trip _out_ next time i reboot this computer! [08:05] <_ramo> MarcelT3: do you have a hint how to realize that? [08:05] I Can't start my Ubuntu!! I have tried to manualy install a graphic driver on my Ubuntu, and now i cant start it, all it shows is Ubuntu starting screen (and instead of purple it is BLACK) and thoese moving dots, that's all, Any idea how to start my Ubuntu again? or how to "reset" to the previus state??? [08:05] ajay: ...11.04 uses Unity, not Gnome3 === dsafds is now known as thesss___ [08:06] oh [08:06] it's 11.04 [08:06] _ramo nope sry ;) [08:06] 64bit [08:06] YAY! it's working. I was able to point it right to my Pictures directory. This is awesome! [08:06] <_ramo> damn... thank you anyway [08:06] so gnome3 is the big complaint, not unity [08:06] wildbat_semi_afk: YAY! it's working. I was able to point it right to my Pictures directory. This is awesome! [08:07] wildbat_semi_afk: This has been one successful IRC chat~ [08:07] benjick: correct the file on windows-side [08:07] wildbat_semi_afk: !!!! [08:07] iceroot: i've tried that as well. just get changed during the transfer [08:07] I don't know why the upgrade removed wine tho [08:07] benjick: or open the file with your editor and save it as utf-8 (on windows-side or linux-side) [08:07] wsbl-uhpd651: so you have photo back ? [08:08] wildbat_semi_afk: It's going to take a few hours, so now I can just put it aside and go to bed - letting it run ... [08:08] !pm | Herakles [08:08] Herakles: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [08:08] ajay: using wine from the ubuntu-repos or from the wine-repos? [08:08] icekk_: ubuntu [08:08] I Can't start my Ubuntu!! I have tried to manualy install a graphic driver on my Ubuntu 11.04 64bit, and now i cant start it, all it shows is Ubuntu starting screen (and instead of purple it is BLACK) and thoese moving dots, that's all. Can anyone help me? idea how to start Ubuntu again? [08:08] wsbl-uhpd651: i am already in bed XD ~ ok nini ~ [08:09] Igor_Elez, we saw your post the first time... be patient. [08:09] wildbat_semi_afk: yeah - they are totally there !!! I opened up the directory where it is populating them - and the thumbnails are showing up, so - KUDOS !!! [08:09] Igor_Elez, you can insert nomodeset in the kernel line at the grub menu [08:09] !ops > Herakles [08:09] Herakles, please see my private message [08:09] theadmin: ? [08:10] wildbat_semi_afk: night night !!! You get some "major flair" for this one !!! [08:10] ajay: its easier when you are using the correct nick-names [08:10] IdleOne: He assumed I'm an admin, uhh... >.< [08:10] wildbat_semi_afk: Thanks again !!! [08:10] IdleOne: Had to correct him, sorry about those [08:10] anyone know why i woke up to a missing topbar in 10.04 ? [08:10] no problem [08:10] iceroot: oops, Blame BitchX, not me :) [08:11] holy crap i cant sleep [08:11] wsbl-uhpd651: lol you are welcome ~ i think your usb is corrupted ~ MBR is surely a mess ~ i hope you recover all ~ [08:11] ajay: dont use bitchx, its no longer supported and will not get security-updates [08:11] OY1R: log off, log on again [08:11] OY1R, no bottom bar either? [08:12] iceroot: I like to ask people to say "yes" rather than "no" (or, that's going to be my new thing to practice) [08:12] gry, faint545 only the top bar was missing, also after a reboot. [08:12] gry, faint545 it WAS missing, i fixed it. I'd just like to know why it was gone. [08:13] aka.. what else should I use? [08:13] wildbat_semi_afk: Nice. Yeah - we'll see if the reformat of my thumb drive is successful. Otherwise - Best Buy will hear from me ... but NOT like THEY CARE ... [08:14] wildbat_semi_afk: :) [08:14] wildbat_semi_afk: I might some "senior" dude - or might actually give a "crapjack" ... === sena is now known as senayar [08:15] wildbat_semi_afk: All right ... enough "bellyhooing". Get some sleep. Thanks again! === Timic_ is now known as Timic [08:18] IdleOne, so... no. i've rebooted and have my stuff back... unity --reset just nukes all the settings by the looks [08:18] Nothing like the old reboot. [08:18] sudo reboot :) [08:20] jpds, inorite. The other option was to not use the system at all. I think i chose the right method. [08:20] my dad's power off method back in the day was locate the power cord and yank *kerbow*. [08:22] OY1R, the eeepc hard reboot method with the dodgy firmware was moar fun. yank cork and battery. but this is offtopic for here [08:22] how do ssd's react to that ? [08:24] OY1R, better than spinning disks afaik [08:24] any problems with the alpha 11.10 i just now downloading [08:24] ok [08:25] wrongturn: People in #ubuntu+1 might know that. [08:25] wrongturn, I downloaded and installedtoday with no problems. [08:25] hi guys. i did reinstall the pulse audio preferences cause i did uninstall it accidently. the preferences work now, but if i click "sound preferences" in the "volume control" of the gnome panel, it launches the control center. does anybody know how to fix. i just can use the pulse audio preferences if i choose it via gnome-start->sound&video->pulse ... please help! thanks [08:26] k i'm givin it a try [08:28] but for some reason it fails to mount it. I believe it is because the user nick requires a password... How can I fix this? [08:28] Im trying to mount a sftp path to a directory using the /etc/fstab file, issuing command: sshfs#nick@b3.local:/home/storage/video/ /home/nick/Videos/server/ fuse user 0 0 [08:28] but for some reason it fails to mount it. I believe it is because the user nick requires a password... How can I fix this? [08:31] how would i go about checking the mx record of a domain from ubuntu? [08:31] AdvoWork: dig MX domain [08:32] nickSwe: Try adding BatchMode=yes to your mount options. [08:32] nickSwe: That'll prevent it asking for password. [08:33] oops i'm still here.. ok to figuring out how to get my wireless working in ubuntu.. ta! [08:35] Hey all, I ran sudo grub-install but I don't have a menu.lst file. I can't boot ubuntu. My grub menu is blank. Any help? [08:36] gack, do you see this when you boot grub> [08:36] gack: It's grub.cfg now rather than menu.lst. [08:36] ? [08:37] MichelPaulissen: ! [08:37] theadmin: it only came up with two txt files when I tried installing it. I'm not really sure what to do next. [08:37] szal: window just popped up, question mark was what i was typing [08:37] gack: Umm... Well, you need to chroot to your /boot partition and run update-grub? [08:37] i have dowloaded some gif with a script, i can see the preview but cannot open the image : could not load image 'name of the file.gif' file does not appear to be a gif file. gimp and Firefox are showing the imnage fine [08:38] gry: I have put a question in #ubuntu+1 but not got an answer for 4 hours. That channel is pretty sleepy. [08:38] theadmin, where in the sshfs#nick@b3.local:/home/storage/video/ /home/nick/Videos/server/ fuse user 0 0 shall I add the option BatchMode=yes ? [08:38] nickSwe: Where "user" is, replace that with "user,BatchMode=yes" [08:39] theadmin: aah now I get it! thanks! is there a way to try the fstab file without rebooting the system? [08:39] elfranne, try gimp [08:39] theadmin: how do I do that? I'm very new at this sort of thing. [08:39] nickSwe: Why, yes, just try "sudo umount /home/nick/Videos/server/" after which remount it again [08:40] !restoregrub | gack [08:40] !grub | gack [08:40] urlin2u, i said that i opened with gimp and was working but why and how to fix it ? [08:40] gack: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [08:41] omg 11.04 is a DISASTER [08:41] theadmin: thank you... does not seem to work though. I get the following: nick@nick-netbook:~$ sudo mount sshfs#nick@b3.local:/home/storage/video/ [08:41] read: Connection reset by peer [08:41] theadmin: do I put that in a terminal or in the grub screen that I have in front of me. [08:41] ubottu: thanks, i'll check it out [08:41] gack: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [08:41] gack: Read the links I gave you, they have detailed instructions. [08:43] gack, do you have the cd you installed with? [08:43] my video is all screwed up on 11.. why.. :( [08:43] urlin2u: i used a usb. yes I have it [08:43] gack boot it then in the terminal run sudo fdisk -lu and pastebin it. [08:44] urlin2u: doing it now... [08:44] gack, which ubuntu distro is it natty? [08:46] Hi. [08:47] happy mindfulness ;) [08:47] Anyone here have expierence installing Fireware FP-10 for Audio under ubuntu 11.04? [08:47] urlin2u: i'm not sure what ur asking? (i'm very new at this sort of thing!) i can't load the usb now. it comes up with the grub screen and I can't get past it. [08:47] I just broke qjackctl, and now I don't know how to reset it so I can try to figure this out.l [08:47] ZenMaster: I would think that someone in this channel has it, yes... unless you have strong motive to believe otherwise. [08:47] gack,hit the menu and see if it boots in [08:48] ok it's the effects, got to disable effects.. [08:48] hey...any one has any information on how the system works when i select langauge at the time of login??? [08:48] gry: I would hope osmeone does. [08:48] urlin2u: it worked this time to boot from the usb. should I do that instead? [08:48] how can i make a program a command? [08:48] gack, yes we v=can fix this from thee desktop. [08:49] ZenMaster: This is why you could just ask your question and wait for someone to respond... unless you have a strong reason to believe that we have a strongly separated "team" of experts in this area. [08:49] gack, once in run the sudo fdsik -lu command, and pastebin it. [08:49] urlin2u: cool. i clicked run from this usb. loading up now. [08:49] is there vidio converter like total vidio converter in windows for linux? [08:49] haha [08:49] sweet: Convert from what to what? [08:49] man fdisk [08:50] gack, it is sudo fdisk -lu [08:50] gry:convert from flv to any format like mideaplayer [08:50] gry: Ok. So how do you get a Presonus Firepod FP-10(FireWire) to work properly in UbuntuStudio 11.04. [08:51] gry: So far no guide is complete, and each one omits little details. Now Patchage is not working, QjackCTL is also non-responsive upon loading up. [08:52] sweet: you could try clipgrab [08:52] urlin2u: just copying it in to ubuntu paste now [08:54] gack, cool you have the pastebin link. [08:54] hi all [08:54] urlin2u: connecting to the internet at my parent's place. just a sec. [08:55] sweet: ok, there seems to be a number of tools available - see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=839564 [08:55] lilith, hello like the nic. [08:55] sweet: ffmpeg is one of them. [08:56] urlin2u: it's 660990 [08:56] gack, the page link a http [08:56] thanks [08:56] gack, http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [08:57] urlin2u: paste.ubuntu.com/660990/ [08:58] is there an option for grep to print n lines after match [08:58] ajah: -A xx [08:58] gack, in the terminal run sudo grub-install /dev/sda [08:59] I suppose moboquer is just as configurable post install as it is from the terminal during the curses selection. Anyone used it? I messed up the first setup. === user is now known as user12 [09:00] urlin2u: it says usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat 'aufs'. [09:00] llutz, thank u save me reading the manual :) [09:00] gack, okay lets do this lets run the bootscript. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ [09:00] hello i want to install alien [09:00] ajah: -A(fter) -B(efore) -C(before+after) [09:01] gack, run the script from the desktop and pastebin the whole generated text file. [09:02] urlin2u: so i download that file, run sudo bash then paste the text file to you? [09:02] gack, yep it will tell us what we need to know. [09:03] any one know that ? [09:03] hey...any one has any information on how the system works when i select langauge at the time of login??? [09:03] harry_: It works properly. [09:04] !info alien [09:04] alien (source: alien): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component main, is optional. Version 8.83 (natty), package size 82 kB, installed size 244 kB [09:04] need help here. how can my network not being renamed everytime i boot up ? [09:04] any one know how can i install alien app in linux to convert rpm to deb [09:04] user12: be carefull, converted rpms might break your system. sudo apt-get install alien [09:04] gry: Little tinkering, think I got it. Thanks for your magnificant support. [09:04] !info checkinstall [09:04] checkinstall (source: checkinstall): installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (natty), package size 129 kB, installed size 576 kB [09:05] gry::no in ubuntu 11.04 when we change the language at the time of login it is not getting chnage in its "locale" variable [09:05] user12: WHY do you need to install an RPM package?! [09:05] urlin2u: paste.ubuntu.com/660996/ [09:06] user12: What application? [09:06] quick question: why is it that everytime i boot my network is being renamed from eth0 to eth1. Usually my eth0 is my LAN and eth1 is wireless.. [09:06] how can i prevent this ? [09:06] gack, your missing some grun=b stuff so we are going to purge it and reinstall, unmount the thumb and remove it. [09:06] maalac: check /etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net.rules [09:07] urlin2u: done. [09:08] gack, in the terminal run sudo apt-get purge grub-pc grub-common [09:08] llutz i got error while installing [09:09] urlin2u: it says 'segmentation fault' [09:09] llutz_: what will i change here ? [09:09] How to open a program with root access from the gui and not using terminal? [09:09] !gksudo | chenthu [09:09] maalac: the MAC or just simply remove that file, it will be recreated with next boot [09:09] chenthu: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [09:09] do you know any good community site or forum about linux development? ( gtk/openGL/etc) [09:09] hi [09:10] gack, hmm, not sure what that means, are you typing the commands with a single space [09:10] anthony_dev: gtk and opengl has nothing to do with linux [09:10] can anyone recommend a most stable sound card for linux? hardy, usb or pci [09:10] urlin2u: yes. i'll try it again. [09:10] iceroot: I can understand about opengl, but GTK!? Please, it's a mostly-Linux GUI toolkit. [09:10] llutz_: my goal here is boot should be enabled LAN and Wireless > eth0: LAN and eth1: wireless. Is this the solution ? [09:10] for continous audio playback === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [09:11] anthony_dev: http://stackoverflow.com [09:11] theadmin: its the gimp-toolkit [09:11] theadmin: even gksudo is invoked from terminal....is there a way without using the terminal? [09:11] chenthu: Alt+F2? [09:11] chenthu: Create a menu entry/shortcut? [09:11] theadmin: you can use gtk everywhere not only on linux [09:11] urlin2u: same thing [09:11] iceroot: I'm aware of that, but it *is* used mostly in Linux :D [09:11] iceroot: yes, but it mostly used in linux. [09:11] maalac: look at that file, it designs iface-names to MAC-addresses. so yes, it should be the right place [09:11] theadmin: and has nothing to do with linux development [09:11] theadmin: or is the kernel using gtk? [09:12] theadmin: also bash is not linux [09:12] iceroot: loool, true, true [09:12] iceroot: I think the guy means "developing for Linux distributions" [09:12] llutz_: SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:26:82:c9:70:96", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth1" this is waht i have [09:12] Anyhow, I'll be back soon. [09:12] theadmin: thank you [09:13] gack, not sure why that error is happening, I have never seen that. [09:13] 00:26:82:c9:70:96 mac address isnt it ? [09:13] gry: any other links?(urls). Stackoverflow is more like question/answer site. I prefer more like forum based site. [09:13] user12: yeah thats a mac address [09:13] anthony_dev: http://linuxquestions.org [09:14] anthony_dev: also http://ubuntuforums.org of course. [09:14] maalac: yes, check "ifconfig" to get MACs and change that file accordingly [09:14] urlin2u: no worries. i have to go now anyways. thanks for your help. I'll try on the forum later. [09:14] llutz i got this a the resutl [09:14] gack, cool [09:14] http://pastebin.com/gMGMXiP4 [09:14] llutz_: can i add two entries ? [09:15] gry: i found this one: linux.com. but it seems not so popular [09:15] maalac: sure [09:15] user12: check your sources.list. it is in main, definetly available [09:16] does ipconfig related commands works in linux ? [09:16] user12: no, use ip or ifconfig [09:18] hi *. I moved my system to a larger harddisk (travelstar 5k750) by using dd_rescue. System boots fine, but sometimes it crashes now, and resume doesn't work at all anymore (running of the old disk still works fine). Any ideas on how to debug this? [09:19] jhb: Check the logs. [09:19] gry: which ones? [09:19] gry: I didn't find anything in messages,dmesg.0 [09:20] kernel logs perhaps ? [09:20] hello, I'm running 11.04, I want to change a few things and can't seem to find the options [09:20] gry: will have a look a that [09:20] for example, I can't click and drag with my touch pad the way I want to === Wilczek is now known as multivitamin [09:21] I seem to need to 'gesture' to click and drag, but I don't see any options on that in the pointer configuration === multivitamin is now known as Wilczek [09:22] I'd also like to see window contents while resizing, set the window magnetism, increase the window decoration border, etc. etc. I can't find those settings where I expect [09:23] Hi [09:24] ioriveur: Hello there. [09:25] What does this mean "If you install Xubuntu-desktop, future updates will not include new items in The Ubuntu desktop system set. Are you sure you want to continue?" [09:27] dbolser: This means you will get xubuntu updates instead of ubuntu ones. [09:27] gry: ic, there are only two packages listed there (one of them being ubuntu meta) [09:28] sorry, ubuntu-desktop meat [09:28] meat [09:28] dam... meta [09:28] this looks scary, but ... gnome is driving me crazy these days http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome [09:29] dbolser: This is a meta-package which includes a number of other packages - by accepting this notice, you agree to follow xubuntu updates instead of ubuntu ones. [09:29] gry: cool, ty [09:29] yvw [09:30] if I un-install xfce later, will those updates come back? [09:31] dbolser, yes, gnome takes everyone mad. [09:31] Seems that my mouse down state is not reliable, when I paint in gimp using the mouse, I get this result: http://darkbox.dyndns.org:8888/screenshot_006.png [09:31] Its two strokes instead of one [09:31] I held down the mouse all the time [09:32] * dbolser dives into xubuntu [09:32] anli_: look what xev means [09:32] Its like that since I started to use sudo metacity --replace to get rid of compiz [09:32] ok [09:32] I uses awesome as main wm. [09:32] what the ... [09:32] anli_: do _not_ run a window manager with sudo [09:33] awesome is awesome, ja. [09:33] anli_: this is plain nonsence and it might break things such as the access rights to .Xauthority [09:33] Fuchs: If I dont use sudo, all that is happening is that I damage window titles and I have to restart the computer [09:34] anli_: then your system is already rather broken [09:34] But if I use sudo, I can work with the computer [09:34] and no, you don't have to restart, in the worst case you can still CTRL+ALT+F1, login, DISPLAY=:0 whateverwm --replace & disown CTRL+ALT+F7 [09:34] I cannot change the apperance of windows however [09:34] anli_: of course not, since it takes the settings of the root user [09:35] I have only done metacity --replace in an xterm (trying without sudo) [09:35] anli_: try fix the other problem first, by changing the wm-theme as an example. As your regular user, not with sudo. [09:35] My original problem is that I cannot use compiz together with blender actually [09:35] It locks up the graphics after a while so I have to reboot [09:35] then don't, switch to metacity while using it, and if not already existing, submit a bug report at launchpad [09:36] this sounds strange, what graphics card with which driver are you using? [09:36] nvidia 8600 GT [09:36] and the proprietary driver. What version? [09:36] hm, must check [09:36] I have to use synaptic then, I suppose [09:36] no [09:36] cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version [09:36] aha [09:37] if more than three lines, don't paste it here [09:37] I am only interested in the version number [09:37] NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module 270.41.06 Mon Apr 18 14:54:25 PDT 2011 [09:37] old, that might still have the bug in it which is similar to what you are describing [09:37] could you try fetching a newer driver via a ppa (do _not_ download an install the .run file from nvidia) [09:38] 280.13 should be available [09:38] So why do I get that driver when I am running the newest version of ubuntu? [09:38] how about nouveu driver [09:38] anli_: due to the update policy of ubuntu, which is not a bad thing, usually [09:38] anyone else have an invitation to google +? [09:38] But now its more than bad [09:39] !ot > NoNick [09:39] NoNick, please see my private message [09:39] anli_: if the problem still persists, please create a nvidia bug report (sudo nvidia-bug-report.sh), unzip it and put the contents (plain text file) in a pastebin service [09:39] NoNick, I have. [09:39] NoNick, ioriveur - there is ##googleplus if you're interested [09:39] I cant submit bug reports here and where, I have a job to do [09:39] anli_: no, it might not be a driver problem, this is just a guess for now, but probably a good one [09:39] anli_: well, pity, then I can't help you, since I as well have a job to do and not time for more guesses [09:39] Well, Im in already, thanks. [09:40] Well, Im in already, thanks. gry [09:40] I dont like guesses eitehr [09:40] either [09:40] anli_: creating a bug reports takes ~ 2 minutes, I guess you should have this time [09:40] anli_: so: try the new driver, if it works: good. If it doesn't: create a bug report. [09:40] A bug report then that synaptic is an application that can give me software that is so buggy that I consider switching operating system? ;) [09:40] ok [09:41] anli_: but due to the fact that you have to run a window manager as root to have a working system, I suspect that there might be already something broken on your system. [09:41] ioriveur: You're welcome! [09:41] Its a newly installed system [09:41] Yeah, gry! [09:42] :| I got kicked for no reason. [09:42] reportbug in ubuntu is same as in debian? It is spam of asking.... I was tired [09:44] ioriveur: No, ubuntu's bug tracker is separate. [09:44] Help! [09:44] Herakles: ? [09:44] My 9600GT nVidia card is well driven by nouveu in debian, what happened to his system. [09:44] ? [09:45] gry: Wow, great [09:45] ;) [09:45] hello everyone! [09:45] Hiya [09:46] Hello there. [09:46] I need a one-time ftp server, easy to configure. looked already at vsftpd, and proftp both not easy to configure. Any suggestions. Its just for transferring files from time to time from our scanner (so I can't use any other protocol, I need ftp.) [09:46] What is the best way to have 3g internet with ubuntu 10.04 and bluetooth with nokia e63? [09:46] Hi....... [09:47] gry; === MrsB_ is now known as MrsB [09:48] brubelsabs: I remember threre were ftp 2flps linux system. [09:48] Herakles: Good morning! [09:49] brubelsabs: vsftpd IS easy to configure, just check the default-config options === anonymous is now known as Guest93848 [09:50] try pureftpd [09:50] llutz_: ah come on: I tried it, set the local_users option, but still not working.., searched on goole but no one seems to have the same problem.. [09:51] ioriveur: 2flps, what that mean? === Guest93848 is now known as Golden [09:51] gry ???? [09:51] brubelsabs: Have you tried installing filezilla from repos? [09:51] Herakles: Is there something we can help you with? [09:51] Can the tendency of interrupted mouse presses be an effect of running metacity --replace as root [09:51] anli_: Hardly. [09:52] brubelsabs: Used it without issue when I owned my domain [09:52] bryantos: filezilla?, whats that? [09:52] anli_: But, if you have to do that frequently, it's a sign of some things going wrong. [09:52] brubelsabs: FTP client [09:52] brubelsabs: pureftpd and vsftpd is easy, but..... 2ftps means 2 floppies, but actually, only one. [09:52] brubelsabs: An FTP client - see addons.mozilla.org, search for it there [09:52] Hi gry, would you be so kind to help me a bit...., I am having a small problem installing Software from Ubuntu 11.04 DVD although i enabled the Sources in the Softwarecenter [09:52] brubelsabs: local_enable = yes, write_enable = yes, chroot_local_user = no and disable all "anon" related things. "man vsftpd.conf" for more help [09:52] Maybe the mouse itself is broken [09:52] Herakles: What happens when you try to install software? [09:53] brubelsabs: http://www.orange.co.jp/~masaki/1fd/ftp/ it is written in Japanese.... but You'll get same stuff in your language if you google it [09:53] llutz_: Sorry to say that again. I've exactly tried this! I did not work! [09:53] I get an error message telling me the Softwarecenter isn´t able to "Fetch" Software from DVD.... [09:53] I get an error message telling me the Softwarecenter isn´t able to "Fetch" Software from DVD.... gry [09:54] hackerqi: pureftp seems not to be in the repos [09:54] Herakles: Why are you trying to install it from DVD rather than the online repositories? [09:54] I am an offline FREAK.... [09:54] i like to be offline.... [09:54] anli_, congrat, because you got a bug. buy one! [09:55] bryantos: I search an ftp SERVER, and filezillas only offering one for windows I guess.. [09:55] Herakles: Did you add the DVD to the software center as a local repo? [09:55] Yes, gry... [09:55] How? [09:55] i hate dvd, optical disk drive is easy to dead...... [09:55] aha, I was trying the same mouse now in vista, its actually the mouse that fails [09:56] using "Menu, Softwarereposit..., klicking last box to install from DVD [09:56] gry [09:56] So I can stop blaiming linux or nvidia [09:56] llutz_: probably its because some LDAP pam modules here.. since vsftpd has a pam module/service name to configure. [09:56] Herakles: Did you untick the default repos? [09:56] vista? Smashed it saying "hasta la vista, vista" [09:57] yes, i did before... [09:57] good, anli_ ; ) [09:57] yes, i did before..., gry [09:57] hackerqi: sorry I over looked it, the package is named pure-ftpd [09:58] Herakles: Can you go to Terminal and type these two lines: "sudo apt-get update", "sudo apt-get upgrade" - and pastebin the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ? === jeremy-4201 is now known as g-style [09:59] gry, i don´t want to upgrade, i bought a new DVD......11.04.... === jeremy-4201 is now known as g-style [10:00] Herakles: Are you trying to re-install, or to upgrade software? [10:00] nooo [10:00] pure-ftp rocks, thank all of you. So if I want to transfer files, I just install pure-ftp copy them over and then deinstall again. Not mouch configuration, very easy and secure. [10:01] no gry, i do not try to reinstall or upgrade anything.... [10:01] Herakles: Can you tell what you want to do, please? [10:01] * Nuit Bom dia :) [10:02] I want to install a Software from DVD; but i don´t know which software is coming with Ubuntu by default..... [10:02] gry [10:02] guys, need help. [10:02] Herakles: Why do you want to install software from DVD? [10:03] Arz: We can't help you (unless we see your question) :-) [10:03] because my Internetconnection is very slow.... [10:03] gry [10:03] what make Herakles do such a thing? target is same machine, isn't it? [10:03] Herakles: What makes you think that the dvd contents may be used as a "repository"? [10:04] ??? [10:04] What is this now.... am i getting help ? [10:04] or what ? [10:04] have been trying to install ubuntu 64bit and when i restart to complete the installation, i select ubuntu in the boot option, it says completing installation and all, then the ubuntu load screen comes up but then a corrupted screen shows up and my keyboard is disconnected somehow and i cant do anything, tell me if you want to see how the screen looks like. [10:04] Herakles: I'm still trying to understand how you're trying to use the dvd. [10:05] Herakles:ah, I get. You want to install "software", not OS, right? [10:05] I want to install any Software from DVD, like say Xchat....gry [10:06] Herakles: the "dvd" option in software center is used to install software from a source which is a "repository"; if the dvd is not one, then it won't work. If the dvd is an 11.04 installation dvd, then it can't be a repository - the only way to use it is to boot into it and install (with a prior backup) [10:06] Herakles: why you want that? [10:06] Herakles: instead of using the repos [10:06] Herakles: its ALWAYS the best idea to use the software from the repos instead of old software from dvd (with security-issues) [10:06] gry, i bought the DVD with a easyLinux-magazine and it tells me that it can be used..... [10:06] hey guys, im more or less wondering a little about the basics of disk access in linux/ubuntu here but: if i write a cron job, that is going to do an ls on 3 directories, and possibly write that to a file, is this going to prevernt my harddrives from going to sleep, or is there some form of disk cacheing that will save me from the above? [10:06] ? [10:07] Herakles: Could you follow the instructions, then, and tell us what they were, and what errors you got, please? [10:07] Herakles: of course the normal install cd can be used as a repo [10:07] Herakles: but as i said its not a good idea to use old software from dvds [10:07] Arz, your console is blacked out and nothing to get? [10:08] ProstheticS: that will wake up the disks [10:08] ProstheticS: you cant cache the whole files [10:08] ioriveur : no, some weird .. oh god wait ill show you [10:08] oh bummer, so my disks would basically never go to sleep if i set that ? [10:08] gry, I start the Softwarecenter.... [10:08] ProstheticS: yes [10:08] hi people [10:08] can someone help me ? [10:08] gry, I go to the Menu of the Softwarecenter.... [10:08] !ask | sebalec [10:08] sebalec: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [10:09] gry, I select Softwaresources..... [10:09] is there a nice way to 'check' the output of ls? [10:09] where can i buy a kubuntu cd ? [10:09] ProstheticS: check ? [10:09] ProstheticS: what do you want exactly? [10:09] !ask where can i buy a kubuntu cd ? [10:09] sebalec: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [10:09] ProstheticS: working with ls is always a bad idea [10:09] gry, I give my password, as i beeing asked... [10:09] !shipit | sebalec [10:09] sebalec: Canonical is no longer sending free Ubuntu CDs to individuals through its ShipIt program. For more information please see http://blog.canonical.com/?p=551 !LoCo teams can request CDs through this link https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/ [10:10] Herakles: Could you please try to give information on one line, and not address me in particular unless I state that I am 100% knowledgeable on this topic? Thank you [10:10] sebalec: ubuntu.com should have a shop for them but not free (as in free beer) [10:10] yes i know about canonical, i already bought a CD of ubuntu [10:10] but i can't find any of kubuntu [10:10] gry, may i get back to you later....., am a bit tired now... === sparky is now known as eskim0 [10:11] Arz, I'm not great at English, plz tell me same thing in another word? [10:11] well basically, 3 disks, each has a directory in it called "something" , and within "something" is a heap of directories, per disk these are different, and i need, in order for an rss script to download to these directories onthe 3 drives, a folder full of links (which i generate regularly) so it downloads through the links and only has to check the 1 directory [10:11] bad explanation [10:11] sebalec: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=864 [10:11] ioriveur : this is what i get - http://i54.tinypic.com/33dfep5.jpg [10:11] so i need to check withineach of these 3 directories, if a new directory has been created [10:12] ProstheticS: have a look at #bash [10:12] how can i make a program a command? [10:12] goddard: ? [10:12] oki, thanks anyhow iceroot === g-style is now known as g-style[away] [10:12] instead of type /path/to/file just type file [10:12] goddard: but your program into your PATH [10:12] <_ramo1> can i install a mail server and define a testing tld for me on my localhost? [10:13] goddard: echo $PATH [10:13] <_ramo1> so that i have an email adress like: test@testmyserver.com [10:13] _ramo1: sure [10:13] if im in my home directory i can call ping any where [10:13] well, arz, and what you get after pushing Ctrl + Alt + F1? [10:13] _ramo1: but that will not work with outgoing mails if the domain is not pointing in your host [10:13] ioriveur : nothing happens, when this screen comes, the keyboard stops working [10:13] goddard: mkdir ~/bin and put your stuff there [10:13] goddard: because ping is in $PATH [10:14] ioriveur : but when i press ctrl + alt + f1 at the ubuntu splash screen then i can type but for a short time [10:14] hello, does anyone is familiar with ubuntu server 11.04 ? [10:14] iceroot: llutz_ ok thanks guys ill look into that stuff [10:14] CoreStyx: #ubuntu-server [10:14] hi! can the alternate installer install only ubuntu-core? [10:14] thx [10:15] :D [10:15] i mean ubuntu-standard [10:15] CoreStyx: This channel would be quite familiar with that, yes. [10:16] DawnLight: you mean only CLI? [10:16] rigved, yes [10:16] Arz, X seems crashed. How about booting without X? [10:17] what do you mean by X? [10:17] What should I do to fix my samba shares, Windows 7 doesn't see them at all, WDTV Live device sees my computer but says "There's no media in the current folder". My ubuntu computer also can't connect to Windows 7 shares, and has some error message when I execute smbtree command. [10:17] my printer was working fine under unbutu 10.04 10 minutes ago. Now, when I type "lpq" or "sudo lpq", it both says: "lpq: Unable to connect to server." So I unplug/replug my USB printer. Then I do dmesg, it shows lp0 connection. Then I do "sudo lpq", again "uanble to connect to server" ... waht is going on, how do I restart my print server / debu this? [10:17] Oh sorry, [10:17] !X | Arz [10:17] Arz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [10:17] DawnLight: i think yes...in the last step of the installation it will ask you what all tasks you want to install - in this screen, untick Desktop environment. and you should have only CLI then [10:17] I lost this > but when i press ctrl + alt + f1 at the ubuntu splash screen then i can type but for a short time [10:17] Arz === ross is now known as Guest55746 [10:18] accel: sudo service cups restart [10:18] short time? I think this must be login console. [10:19] thanks rigved [10:19] Arz:short time? I think this must be login console. Login. === javier is now known as Guest39854 [10:21] in a console? [10:21] will ubuntu see a sis video card? [10:21] but how come my keyboard stops working when that screen comes? [10:22] anyone here working for ubuntu? i'm interested in knowing what do you have to know to work as a software developer for them (more than what the job ad gives), and what's it like to work with their team. [10:22] by ubuntu, i meant working for canonical :) [10:23] I install ubuntu before but this problem never occured :( why is this happening now? [10:24] bahamas_: so u want to work as a devloper in canonical , right ?? [10:24] I wanna work as a volunteer in upper stream. [10:25] harry_: something like that [10:25] hi [10:25] hello [10:25] okay [10:25] Well, Arz, anyway, could you login in tty0(this means the screen that you get pushing Ctrl Alt f1) [10:26] Arz, and is your hardware obsolete? [10:26] ioriveur : yes but only when the ubuntu screen comes, and what do you mean by that? [10:27] obsolete means out of date [10:27] harry_: do you have any insight or you just asked? [10:29] i need mingw 4.3 or later but it is only 4.2 in repository [10:29] what should i do [10:29] Hello, I installed ubuntu on my hp pavilion dv5, everything is Ok, but internet is too slow, I installed windows 7 using virtual box and I found that internet is fast on it!! what can I do? [10:29] i tried to compile but it is too complex procedure for me [10:29] no i just asked actually working with canonical requiers ceratin level of expericne and high skeel or good command on the GUI or on the scripting i guess...u seems to have good experince??? [10:29] Arz, well, is there any login prompt? such : login: [10:30] If not, go tty1 (C-A-F2) [10:30] ah so what exactly do I have to do? [10:30] s/0/1 [10:30] what? [10:32] harry_: i'm a web developer at the moment and i know python really well. i'm also familiar with twisted, but not at an advanced level. i haven't played with go though [10:32] I wanna know whether your system is able to be login, or not. [10:33] Hello, I installed ubuntu on my hp pavilion dv5, everything is Ok, but internet is too slow, I installed windows 7 using virtual box and I found that internet is fast on it!! what can I do? [10:33] i got a problem i forgotten root password please help me [10:34] gr33n7007h: there is no root password [10:35] <_ramo1> iceroot: do you have an tutorial how to do this? [10:35] ioriveur : and how can I tell you that? [10:35] su root prompts me with a password [10:35] gr33n7007h_: you can try to login as root user vai terminal by typing "sudo su -" and then enetr the password of the current user [10:36] How do I make a new folder from terminal? [10:36] harry thats worked how do i change root pass [10:36] hello, can anybody help with mdadm RAID with lvm volume on top? [10:36] Arz, is there login:(your name) [10:36] and password: [10:37] gr33n7007h: please don't enable root password [10:37] Anyone know why I have over 30k ACPI CPU Interrupts per second? [10:37] why [10:37] gr33n7007h: it's not really supported method of using Ubuntu [10:37] causing my computer to overheat and have no battery life. [10:37] ok [10:37] gr33n7007h: now type "passwd" and enetr the new password [10:37] thanks harry [10:37] Punna: where do you measure it? [10:38] gr33n7007h: u welcome [10:38] I installed ubuntu on my hp pavilion dv5, everything is Ok, but internet is too slow, I installed windows 7 using virtual box and I found that internet is fast on it!! what can I do? [10:38] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE5vmSR3Ob4&feature=BFa&list=PL1CC7D0BB46BED595&index=98 [10:38] hi every one [10:38] Q: If installing more than one Linux based OS, do I need more than one swap area, id est, set up one swap area per install? Or all OS's will use the same Swap? [10:39] ioriveur : no [10:39] <_ramo1> iceroot: currently i need it just one way.... i would liek to write some emails to me locally.... [10:39] micols: powertop [10:39] Well, Arz, how many old your system is? [10:40] Auriga: as you won't be running more than one installation at a time, one swap partition will suffice [10:41] szal, Right so they do all use the same swap. Thank you. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be low on resources because of an oversight as small as that. [10:41] Auriga: the only reason I can imagine for wanting multiple swap partitions is if you want to swap-to-disk several distros at once [10:42] <[HzF]Rocker> Hey, can someone help me with a WIFI problem? [10:42] micols: any ideas? [10:42] ioriveur : not a problem with the system im damn sure cuz it worked before but i removed it and now it isnt working! i have windows 7 64bit and 32bit and also windows vista 32bit installed, so the system is rocking fast. [10:42] [HzF]Rocker: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) [10:42] jrib, How do you mean swap-to-disk? You mean switch to a live cd & configure a swap area? [10:42] * szal has 3 swap partitions and all activated, but this just as a precaution if one or more disks fail [10:42] Auriga: no, like "hibernate" in windows [10:43] Auriga: I meant "suspend-to-disk", not "swap-to-disk", sorry [10:43] <[HzF]Rocker> Connect button is greyed out, before that, the pc tried to connect with wrong settings, but the password was correct - now it can't even attempt to connect [10:43] <[HzF]Rocker> What to do? :'( [10:44] jrib, Ahhh okay, but how would that help? To have multiple swaps for that? You mean you would configure each swap to an OS, then that OS uses it's allocated swap area in suspend...? That sounds really convoluted lol. [10:44] need help. my eth0(LAN) is not working whenever i turn on my laptop HP probook 6555b on battery. pls. help .. [10:45] Man I'm at the point where the idea of ever doing anything in Linux is just a total waste of time unless you are 18 and have time to waste. [10:45] I am so sick of software requreiing modules that require depenedencies that require modules that don't work half the time, and documentation is scarce. [10:45] what has age to do with it? [10:45] I am getting to old of this crap. [10:45] <[HzF]Rocker> Linux is useful to me for debugging purposes [10:45] freedom has it´s cost :D [10:46] I guess yeah. [10:46] need help. my eth0(LAN) is not working whenever i turn on my laptop HP probook 6555b on battery. pls. help .. [10:46] That's quite deep. [10:46] "Freedom has it's cost" [10:46] Lets say my linux rig was the only thing I had to record this band tomorrow. [10:46] I would be in deep trouble. [10:46] ZenMaster: and thus apt was created [10:46] lol! [10:46] Anyone know why I have over 30k ACPI CPU Interrupts per second? This causes severe overheating and batttery issue. [10:46] every tool has a different purpose ZenMaster [10:46] Yeap, apt got my 50% of what I needed. [10:47] ZenMaster: do you have a support question? [10:47] A bunch of software that soft've connects to eachother and does not work. [10:47] Sure. [10:47] ZenMaster - " I am so sick of..." - not very Zen [10:47] Morgz, You said what I was thinking lol... [10:47] Arz, so I don't have any idea, go around and login without X === ZenMaster is now known as CoinOp [10:47] need help. my eth0(LAN) is not working whenever i turn on my laptop HP probook 6555b on battery. pls. help .. [10:47] im using 10.10 Ubuntu [10:47] is it recognised? [10:47] How do I move a file from one dir to another dir using terminal? [10:48] !best > adewisman1 [10:48] Yeah my name never lets me express my frustration in the half ass poorly patched linux distrobution. [10:48] adewisman1, please see my private message [10:48] I think this machine will go back to being waht most *nix is good for only. [10:48] A router...... [10:48] pfft [10:48] CoinOp: please stick to support. You have yet to ask a question [10:48] need help. my eth0(LAN) is not working whenever i turn on my laptop HP probook 6555b on battery. pls. help .. [10:48] !cli > mang0 [10:48] mang0, please see my private message [10:48] jrib: I did earlier. [10:48] jrib: thanks [10:48] mang0: mv /path/to/file /new/path/to/file [10:48] Just for the record #1 - apropos #2 man "result. [10:49] CoinOp: well it's getting lost in all of the non-support conversation [10:49] mango:mv "soure" "destination" [10:49] CoinOp: no you didn't, you just complained [10:49] harry_: yeah got it, thanks [10:49] :) [10:49] Uhhh scroll up about two hours. [10:49] yes maalac tell [10:49] So here is my support question give me three seconds to type it. === CoinOp is now known as ZenMaster [10:50] ....lol [10:50] harry_: my LAN network is not turning on whenever i'm on battery mode [10:50] Does anyone have any good doscumentation I can read on how to make Ubuntu Studio work with my Presonus FirePod FP-10. [10:50] on bettery mode only otherwose it works fine ? [10:51] ZenMaster - where does it all go pear shaped... [10:51] harry_: yes, but i need it to work on battery mode .. [10:51] Morgz: ? [10:51] ubuntu studio. does it install properly? [10:52] Morgz: Yes. :) [10:52] strage issues dude [10:52] so whats the problem, what documentation do u seek? [10:52] ioriveur : last time can you please tell me what exactly do i need to do? [10:52] Morgz: I can get Jack to detect my firepod, it is just unstable. I can't close it it just crashes, pretty much for every option if it does not work, I end up having to restart the machine. [10:53] Need a good office suite anyone can recommend?, I need the suite to be lightweight but has all the necessary function to run calculation (excel 2007 supported ), preferable not a java based platform, thanks [10:53] The Specific error that I get Ranges from cannont create a new client, to ardour not being able to connect o jackd. [10:53] micols: any ideas? [10:53] theeres thw ones that lubuntu has [10:53] ... [10:54] some fellas with experience in running ubuntu server as host for many virtual servers in here? [10:54] MarcelT3: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) [10:54] Zenmaster- at first glance firepod looks like old propriety hardware. are there supported drivers? [10:54] :why dont you check the proper connection is there or not may be the bettry input and the your netplueg may gets conflig over somewhere...?? [10:54] This FirePod FP10 is on the preffered hardware list for Ubuntu Studio. The driver to be used is Ffado or something like that. Used to be (freebob). [10:55] kk :) can you recommend a resource/tutorial on how to layout a host for later virtualized web servers? [10:55] ZenMaster - sorry, I gotta tap out. Way out of my league, plenty of other folk in here with know how.. [10:55] maalac:why dont you check the proper connection is there or not may be the bettry input and the your netplueg may gets conflig over somewhere...?? [10:56] harry_: that's the problem i dn't know where to look .. [10:56] Morgz: Thanks for the support and hearing my rant. I really wanted to try out this rig on a live recording. And I'm going on about 8 straight hours of no success. [10:56] did u start with ubuntu destop and upgrade to ubuntu studio zenmaster [10:56] vostro: Yes that is correct. [10:56] ZenMaster - I hear ya buddy. When google fails, hit x chat and keep keeping on till you get results ;) [10:56] I was thinking about downloading the Studio to the USB stick and trying that to see if I get less hardware trouble. [10:56] Yeap. [10:57] u should try non grafical install of ubuntu studio [10:57] by the way is it possible to have a wubi double boot?(having twwo wubus such as wubi ubuntu and wubi lubuntu? [10:57] Well when I did do the upgrade I did it through the terminal, with no errors. [10:57] i would say that a dep is not being met or a config error in the upgrade zenmaster [10:57] maalac:okay first of check you ur cable connection is proper or not [10:57] morri: Unfortunately nope, however, you can install LXDE from Ubuntu or such [10:58] vostro: Interesting. [10:58] zenmaster have u verified the port actually works [10:58] harry_: i'm sure is properly connected. [10:58] ok thanks, but it won't uninstall all the gnome only needed files then would it? [10:58] vostro: Port for which application we are talking about? The Entire Studio? [10:59] zenmaster a fresh install with ubuntu studio may work other then that try uninstalling jack and deps and reinstalling it [10:59] Got ya. [10:59] Going to try that. [11:00] Ok for my other question. I have installed a new video card, and still yet can't run Unity. [11:00] Geforce GTX 5800 PCI. [11:00] what vidcard zenmaster [11:00] The menu's blink repeatedly. [11:00] maalac:then it must went something wrong with your laptop hardware issue try to contact to the provider from hwre you bought laptop... [11:00] pci express zenmaster [11:00] PCI. [11:00] Older machines. [11:00] <[HzF]Rocker> ZenMaster isn't that card very very old ? [11:00] 256mb Video memory OpenGel 2.0. [11:01] Young'ens... :D [11:01] yes unfortunatly not enough power there in zenmaster the pci bandwidth no 3d [11:01] Hey the requirements I think for Unity were OpenGL1.4 and newer. [11:01] Oh, sorry Arz, but what I can say is just login without X.... [11:01] Gay. [11:01] zenmaster brb [11:01] Np. [11:01] harry_: oh man ..:-/ what the ... [11:01] ZenMaster: What? [11:01] ioriveur : how? [11:02] Apparently, the card I put in this machine is not capable of handling Unity. [11:02] unable to connect to internet through huawei 3g e-stick on ubuntu 10.04‌‌, please help [11:02] Though.... unless I was in a dream, meets the requirements. [11:03] <[HzF]Rocker> In rare cases it may work lol [11:03] malaac:lol,,yess there must be some confilict between your netconnection socket and bettry charging..... [11:03] try ndiswrapper [11:03] Spacewalker: Did that answer your question? [11:04] <[HzF]Rocker> Anyone able to help me ? [11:04] ZenMaster: Um. Nevermind. [11:04] Spacewalker: Let me guess did you want to say something about the "gay" comment? [11:04] [HzF]Rocker: Whats up brother? [11:04] move /etc/rc*.d/S*gdm /etc/rc*.d/K*gdm [11:04] yes. [11:04] <[HzF]Rocker> Connect button is greyed out, before that, the pc tried to connect with wrong settings, but the password was correct - now it can't even attempt to connect [11:04] Arz [11:05] <[HzF]Rocker> Hence i can't connect to the wifi network [11:05] Spacewalker: You can't rule me on that becuase you can't tell what my connotation is via txt. Thus making your judgement in accurate. So yes it was more wise to not say anything at all. [11:06] [HzF]Rocker: Is there a file that holds all of your wifi settings? like a ".wifi" in your home dir or something, back in the days of bsd there was "net-config". [11:06] <[HzF]Rocker> dunno, gonna go look [11:06] harry_: this is so strange. the only reason why i want this to work because whenever i boot up with adapter and then unplug it. it freezes. so i have to start it on battery mode.. [11:06] ZenMaster: network manager has a config file somewhere. or /etc/network/interfaces if you use that [11:08] someone registered my nick [11:08] okay the way for now seems charge ur laptop firt then user your netconnection....otherwise show it to some hardware expert :) [11:09] <[HzF]Rocker> No such file found [11:09] harry_: anyway, thanks for the help ...appreciate it .. [11:10] harry_: i'm thinking of upgrading it to 11.10 alpha3. for this version of Ubuntu there is a know bug issue on battery mode [11:10] mallac:anytime :) [11:11] but better be carefully do some research work as in ubuntu 11.04 there are some very know issues are there if your are devloper in linux else you want it for ur documention work then its fine,. [11:12] <[HzF]Rocker> ZenMaster, any other idea? [11:12] Would someone help me with this issue? http://askubuntu.com/questions/56278/acpi-30k-interrupts-per-second [11:12] ZenMaster, Please don't use pejoratives such as "gay" in this channel. It's simply not acceptable here. [11:12] i have very bad experience on 11.04..i'm going to try on the 11.10 this might fix all the other issues of 11.04 [11:13] maalac:yes thats better if you go for Ubuntu 11.10 === aknm is now known as monk [11:15] Punna: do you have the latest BIOS? [11:15] <[HzF]Rocker> Hello? - i need some help before i scratch a hole in my head >.< [11:15] ActionParsnip: yes [11:15] Punna: tried booting with the: noacpi bootoption? [11:15] [HzF]Rocker: wassup? [11:16] <[HzF]Rocker> The wifi Connect button is greyed out, before that, the pc tried to connect with wrong settings, but the password was correct - now it can't even attempt to connect [11:16] ActionParsnip: Just to clarify this started suddenly a couple of days ago. It didn't have this issue before (though I had a tonne of headaches with Linux on my computer in general..) [11:16] ActionParsnip: and how? [11:16] !bootoptions | Punna [11:16] Punna: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset. [11:16] hi there i am using a macbook and i installed refit and ubuntu but i am unable to use my isight camera even i did add appleUSBvideosupport file [11:16] [HzF]Rocker: if you run: sudo iwlist scan do you see wireless access points? [11:17] caferius: which macbook? [11:17] 13.3 black... last of his kind :) [11:17] caferius: can you give a pastebin of: lsb_release -a; lsusb please [11:17] ActionParsnip: brb lunch [11:18] hey...any one has any information on how the system works when i select langauge at the time of login??? [11:18] <[HzF]Rocker> it says interface does not support scanning [11:18] [HzF]Rocker: ok then reboot and run: dmesg | less read the boot messages, you will find clues in there [11:19] so i've just insert my old usb hdd box in my ubuntu, i see this in my /var/log/messages http://pastebin.com/sReaTXJ8 for some reason this hdd doesn't appear in my ubuntu's hdd list, any key to that? [11:19] i have typed it ti terminal, ActionParsnip. Which part do you want to know? [11:19] caferius: all, make a pastebin of the full output [11:19] harry_, it sets some environment variables (LANG and LANGUAGE) to the correct values [11:19] <[HzF]Rocker> @ActionParSnip - it does list the network i want to connect to, does that make a difference? [11:19] After I installed ubuntu, I found that access to internet is very slow, can anybody help me? [11:20] ffeegxh: if you run: sudo fdisk -l does it show? [11:20] ActionParsnip: one moment, btw Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS [11:20] [HzF]Rocker: is that the scan or the dmesg output? [11:20] <[HzF]Rocker> scan [11:20] No LSB modules are available. [11:20] Distributor ID: Ubuntu [11:20] Description: Ubuntu 11.04 [11:20] Release: 11.04 [11:20] Codename: natty [11:20] caferius: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:20] [HzF]Rocker: that's cool, what is the interface name used? [11:20] Bus 007 Device 003: ID 05ac:0229 Apple, Inc. Internal Keyboard/Trackpad (MacBook Pro) (ANSI) [11:20] caferius: use a pastebin. I told you TWICE [11:20] ActionParsnip: Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table [11:21] I am always here if someone need to compile something [11:21] ffeegxh: when you last unplugged it from a system, what steps did you take? [11:21] glebihan: yes precisely but what i am facing in Ubuntu 11.04 is that when ever i change the langauge at the time of login it wont set the environment and the locale variable to that lanague which i have selected at the time of login..?? [11:21] ActionParsnip: well it should be empty [11:21] ActionParsnip: i guess [11:22] ffeegxh: is it a brand new drive? [11:22] <[HzF]Rocker> eth0 i think [11:22] [HzF]Rocker: for wireless?, read the output and it says :) [11:22] harry_, one minute, let me have a look [11:22] yes please... [11:22] :) [11:22] <[HzF]Rocker> ow, wait, that's wrong, it's supposed to be NETGEAR [11:22] Hello all. What can I do, if the "Starter" (this thing on the left) wont hide again? [11:22] reboot? [11:23] ActionParsnip: hdd owner told me that he remved file system, so it is like a brand new [11:23] How do i stop ubuntu from keeping a history of the last documents I have opened. [11:23] ActionParsnip: so, i just format it and it will work? [11:24] ffeegxh: then I would use gparted and create a new partition. Make sure you select the sdb under the devices menu so you are working on the new drive [11:24] sam_mule- there should be a recently used file in home [11:24] ActionParsnip: thank you [11:24] ffeegxh: yes, its not partitioned so you cannot use it yet [11:24] sam_mule- do sudo chattr +i on it [11:24] ffeegxh: :D [11:24] sudokill: what will that do? [11:24] Elirips: it's called Unity. The settings are in ccsm. You may need to install compizconfig-settings-manager so you can run ccsm [11:25] sam_mule- make it so it cant be written to or deleted [11:25] Anyone know how to get the F10 key to work in the terminal on Natty so that I can close htop on my server? [11:25] <[HzF]Rocker> @ActionParsnip, i still don't get what to do, the scan doesn't say which interface was used, but it did use the wifi card (as it found 7 wifi networks) [11:25] sudokill: so in sudo cmd just put what you said. Or do i need to goto a folder first ? [11:25] harry_, it seems that the variables which values are set when you select the language are in fact LANGUAGE, GDM_LANG and LC_MESSAGES [11:25] [HzF]Rocker: try: sudo iwlist scan | head -n 20 eth0 wil be listed, underneath will be the wireless interface name [11:26] ActionParsnip: I didnt change anything in the configuration, I opened firefox, and now the thing wont hide again [11:26] After I installed ubuntu, I found that access to internet is very slow, can anybody help me? [11:26] Elirips: it may need tweaking [11:26] ActionParsnip: why, before it always hidded again after I opened a programm [11:26] oshekfeh: tried the google dns servers? may help (plus it's free to try) [11:26] Elirips: well its not doing it now so something must be wrong, right? [11:27] yes mostly GDM_LANG but this GDM_LANG is what ?? [11:27] ActionParsnip: indeed. [11:27] i use env | grep LANG command [11:27] i have 2 pcs with ubuntu on them and i want to send files from one to the other over wifi. how do i setup a network to do this on ubuntu? [11:27] ActionParsnip: Ok I will try [11:27] glebihan:yes mostly GDM_LANG but this GDM_LANG is what ?? [11:27] Elirips: instal the app then check the unity settings, you can set the hide style there [11:27] sudokill: so in sudo cmd just put what you said. Or do i need to goto a folder first ? [11:27] jasonmsp, its in the settings/profile for the terminal. its remaped to some other function. I always have to disable that for mc to work right [11:28] I can't seem to stream to a multicast ip address in ubuntu 10.04 [11:28] it seems like any connection to a multicast ip address fails [11:28] harry_, not sure, never saw that one before [11:28] jasonmsp, under 'keyboard shortcuts' it seems. [11:28] any ideas what could be causing that? [11:29] dr_willis There is a setting in terminal that does not enable the f10 key but when deslected it still does not send the f10 through the terminal. [11:29] glebihan:okay but by which command you got the LC_MESSAGE?? [11:29] harry_, GDM is the gnome display manager, which handles the login, so that variable must be set when you login when I don't know what it is used for [11:29] <[HzF]Rocker> @ActionParsnip: uhm, then waht? - i do get a list containing address, channel, etc. and it's the right one + some "IE: Unknown: " stuff [11:29] How do i stop ubuntu from keeping a history of the last documents I have opened. [11:30] harry_, the "env" command lists all environment variables [11:30] [HzF]Rocker: what is teh scanning interface name? [11:30] jasonmsp, odd.. This is in htop you are having the issues. I always use mc.. let me try htop and see if it works. [11:30] <[HzF]Rocker> @ActionParsnip: wlan0 [11:30] good evening [11:30] glebihan:okay thanks a ton :) [11:31] sam_mule: http://ubuntuguide.net/clearprevent-recent-documents-under-files-folders-in-ubuntu-unity [11:31] harry_, you're welcome [11:31] jemparin1: Good evening. [11:31] [HzF]Rocker: ok that's cool. Did you check the dmesg output? [11:31] everything should be fine [11:31] <[HzF]Rocker> i missed that [11:31] jasonmsp, hmm.. seems its broken.. odd.. for htop you can use 'q' to quit. but now in my case F10 dosent work for mc either.. interesting. [11:32] [HzF]Rocker: reboot and login, then run: dmesg | tail [11:32] jasonmsp, i never noticed thatbefor. i tend to use terminator instead of gnome0terminal [11:32] [HzF]Rocker: read the output, some lines will relate to the wifi setting up, may give clues [11:32] glebihan:now i just need to find out what the LC_MESSAGE means and how to assess it in my project using qt [11:32] jasonmsp, it could be compiz is grabbing the f10 key also [11:33] you guys need to create a way to we have ubuntu and windows on the same machine at the same time without installation, like a live cd [11:33] caferius: did you make the pastebin yet? [11:33] my dad dont allo me to use only ubuntu [11:33] Ramses: how will it be "on the system" if it's not installed? [11:34] II am thinking, wait [11:34] Ramses: you can install Ubuntu in a persistant mode to a USB stick / SD card / CF etc [11:34] My job depends on windows [11:34] ActionParsnip: I get no such file. [11:34] Ramses: just tell your system to boot the external storage when you want Ubuntu [11:35] my dad is always watching me all day long [11:35] jasonmsp, its looking like somthing else is grabbing the F10 key. even in xterm the F10 key is not working. [11:35] it would interesting to have ubuntu also in the machine like Cygwin [11:35] sam_mule: there is a lot here http://askubuntu.com/questions/34592/how-to-clear-recently-used-files [11:35] Ramses: it can be if you have it over LAN === heyzeus is now known as jmrodri [11:36] Ramses, 'colinux' has linux running in a virtual machine you access via xming on a windows box.. its not officially supportede here.. but its a neat tool. [11:36] a will llok at it, thanks [11:36] Ramses, andlinux is ubuntu setup with colinux (i think) but its also not supported here.. [11:37] ok, maybe it is what I am looking for [11:37] Ramses, then theres good old virtualbox. [11:37] well you can exit with Q so thats what I'll do for now. Thanks! [11:37] <[HzF]Rocker> @ActionParsnip: it listed some stuff, but nothing relates to wifi, except: "cfg80211: found new beacon on frequency 2472Mhz (Ch 13) on phy0" [11:37] [HzF]Rocker: nice, anything else? [11:38] ramses: why don't you run in a VM [11:38] <[HzF]Rocker> @ActionParsnip: it said wlan0 is not ready as well [11:38] [HzF]Rocker: any reason, should be stated in the dmesg output [11:38] [HzF]Rocker: if you drop the @ then your text will highlight to me, the @ nonsense makes it not work [11:40] <[HzF]Rocker> Sorry, the autocomplete on my client started go nuts ;o [11:40] <[HzF]Rocker> irc client* [11:40] can anybody helpme to get unbaned from #ubuntu-de [11:40] *unbanned [11:40] Herakles: Try asking in #ubuntu-irc [11:40] Herakles: ask in #ubuntu-ops [11:41] UBUNTu-who ? [11:41] Herakles: or wher Pici says [11:41] IRC OR OP [11:41] Herakles: -ops [11:41] no [11:41] Herakles: Please ask in #ubuntu-irc [11:41] eth0 on my computer is damaged, so i use eth1 bt Vbox doesnt report eth1 to any virtual box [11:41] *virtual machine [11:42] dam it.... i not gonna ask trice.... [11:42] Herakles: use the last response I guess [11:42] how can i compress a video using ffmpeg [11:43] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: i don't get what the "dmesg | tail" output meant, can you explain or shall i put it on pastebin so you can look? [11:43] aum___: `man ffmpeg` might clarify that - if you have certain things you tried and which failed, just ask in here. [11:43] eth0 on my computer is damaged, so i use eth1 bt Vbox doesnt report eth1 to any virtual machine [11:44] damno: vbox creates virtual interfaces. It should do NAT to whatever working interface you have on the host [11:44] gry, the `man ffmpeg` is very big i am just failed to follow it can you specify which switch to use [11:44] th0r: bt it doesnt [11:44] [HzF]Rocker: it's quite readable, its the kernel messages since boot. The reboot reduces the amount greatly. If you can get a wired connection you can always install wicd, uninstall network manager then reboot [11:45] damno: have you asked in #vbox [11:45] i think i got it [11:45] let me see [11:45] aum___: see http://linuxers.org/tutorial/how-compress-audio-files-using-ffmpeg [11:46] gry , thank you but that link was for audio not video... [11:46] aum___: ah [11:47] <[HzF]Rocker> Omg, so much trouble, Then i rather go find a ethernet cable and use that when i need internet on ubuntu [11:50] per favore ditemi che programma devo usare per scaricare i torrent con ubuntu lucid con fastweb [11:50] aum___: might try http://nederhoed.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/convert-and-compress-flip-video-on-linux-with-ffmpeg/ [11:51] #vbox is deserted [11:51] perche sto usando deluge ma va lentissimo [11:51] hello all [11:51] per piacere damno scusa puoi dirmi che programma va meglio per scaricare i torrent da fastweb? [11:51] I chose eth1 from bridge network adapters.. dsnt work [11:51] BenN, : ubuntu-it [11:52] re [11:52] rEFIt cant see my ubuntu live usb [11:52] i have natty installed on it [11:52] halp [11:52] ... [11:53] i have a macbook pro 6,2 [11:53] * [HzF]Rocker upgrades from v10.04 to latest (Wow, 304 days since it was "new"?) [11:53] [HzF]Rocker: You don't have to upgrade. 10.04 is perfectly stable. :) [11:54] I have a folder with ton of pictures, why everytime I open it, it takes so much times loading pictures individually? [11:54] gry, thank you again but that didn't work :( [11:54] aum___: hmm [11:55] Blink: you don't use bleachbit or other cruft cleaning software do you? [11:56] <[HzF]Rocker> I'd like to, as it may solve a slow boot process [11:56] CBaggers, I don't so. [11:56] CBaggers, I don't think* so. [11:56] aum___: alternatively you could use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MEncoder - it's documented at the ubuntu wiki itself [11:56] Blink: And this is on an internal drive right? [11:56] CBaggers, exactly. [11:57] nothing is perfectly stable [11:57] is it possible to install natty to a macbook pro from a usb disk? [11:58] yes, it is [11:58] i cant seem to get refit to see my live-usb though [11:58] been searching for hours now, any help? [11:58] snn: yes [11:58] !usb [11:58] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [11:58] snn ^ [11:58] snn: did you MD5 test the ISO you transferred? [11:59] actionparsnip no not really [11:59] Blink: weird, well theres the crappy answer- turn off previews but that doesn't really help...have you found the system slow on any other ways? Let me have a google and see if theres anything [12:00] trying out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick [12:00] maybe thatll do the trick since windows didnt [12:00] Hi Gents. I have a HP Micro Server with 4x 2TB Drives. I use the raid config and setup Raid 0 giving me a total of 8TB. When running the Ubuntu install (64bit Desktop natty), and getting to the partition screen it only shows a total of 1.4TB and not 8TB any ideas? [12:02] snn: then how did you know the image was complete and consistant? [12:02] !md5 | snn [12:02] snn: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [12:03] <[HzF]Rocker> 8hours remaining? - that's slow 0.o [12:03] ActionParsnip: i assumed that it was okay since this has never happened with a pc i had before. I suppose you're right [12:07] Blink: seen a couple of posts suggesting turning off assistive technologies if you don't need them (log out and in once you've done this) bout strange bit worth a try. === zabomber_ is now known as zabomber [12:12] gry, thank you reducing the screen resolution done that... [12:12] aum___: Nice. [12:13] great === denny- is now known as denny [12:13] in crunchy now [12:14] vbox settings successful :) [12:14] crunchbang__: nice [12:18] <[Liberty_Prime]> +1 [12:18] <[Liberty_Prime]> Доброго дня всем) [12:18] md5 hash checks out [12:18] snn: good, remember to test beforehand in future :) [12:18] created live usb [12:18] refit did not see the live usb [12:18] snn: is there a key to hold for mac to mke it boot usb? [12:19] ActionParsnip: if u mean the alt key yes, but im using refit and it does this everytime i restart so no [12:20] also it didnt work without refit neither before i checksummed :p [12:20] maybe i have mount the usb from refit? [12:21] <[Liberty_Prime]> шозанах? [12:22] !ru | [Liberty_Prime] [12:22] [Liberty_Prime]: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [12:22] My Banshee player won't play music anymore. I restarted and it's stopped working. I have sound in youtube. Does Banshee have a different sound setup than the system sound? [12:23] snn: http://www.wonderhowto.com/how-to-boot-ubuntu-macbook-from-usb-0128013/ maybe [12:23] why do you keep saying that [12:23] ru [12:23] When I launch start x I get a sever error with no screens found/ [12:23] http://pastesite.com/25267 [12:24] ActionParsnip: meh. i dont have a cd with me right now maybe when i go to my house after work ill do this. [12:25] thanks anyway, ill go search on google summore. [12:25] learned how to md5 checksum though ^_^ [12:25] chaoshax: set the driver to nv, then remove and reinstall the nvidia driver. Switch back after it reinstalls [12:25] how do i access other pcs via remote desktop on my ubuntu 11.04 [12:25] snn: always a good thing [12:25] bjhaid1: what protocol? [12:26] How do I delete a file from a dir in terminal? [12:26] ActionParsnip: http, though its my first time with remote desktop [12:26] mang0: rm /path/to/filename [12:26] mang0: rm / [12:26] be careful though. [12:26] thanks [12:26] bjhaid1: no, is rdp or vnc? [12:26] snn: rm / is ot wise at all [12:27] ActionParsnip: vnc [12:27] mang0: don't run rm / [12:27] okay [12:27] what should I run then? [12:27] bjhaid1: then use vinagre [12:27] mang0: whre is the file and what is the name [12:27] ActionParsnip: sudo apt-get install vinagre? [12:27] bjhaid1: its in a default ubuntu install, running the command hurts nothing [12:28] /usr/share/opera/profiles/javascript/ is the dir, the name is 107907.user.js [12:28] ActionParsnip: ^ [12:28] mang0: sudo rm /usr/share/opera/profiles/javascript/107907.user.js [12:28] um [12:28] mang0: that will delete 107907.user.js [12:29] ActionParsnip: That's what I was going to do... [12:29] but you said don't use rm [12:29] *confused* [12:29] mang0: no, I only said don't run: rm / as it will harm your OS [12:29] whats the command for fixing X errors? [12:30] ActionParsnip: I wasn't going to run rm /, I thought "rm /" ment "rm filepath" [12:30] is anyone in here familiar with rooting/exploits that can point me in the direction of the general theory on what to look for? [12:30] so I was safe anyway [12:31] whats the command for fixing X errors? [12:31] ActionParsnip: thanks, already using it [12:32] !x [12:32] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [12:32] ah phew [12:35] anyone using lircs irsend with natty? [12:36] rileyp: guess if you're asking #ubuntu, someone is [12:36] ActionParsnip: i can access an ubuntu machine but not a windows server [12:36] mang0: rm / with delete EVERYTHING, if you set the file path to the file you wan to delete it will delete only that file [12:36] ah gotcha [12:36] thanks [12:36] bjhaid1: tsclient will let you connect to windows terminal services [12:37] rileyp: please ask your full question, explain problems you have and version details [12:37] ActionParsnip, I removed nv drivers and installed latest nvidia still says no screens found [12:37] ActionParsnip, should I manually configure one? [12:37] Something changes my statically defined IP address... is there anyway for me to figure out what does it [12:37] ActionParsnip: do i need to install tsclient? [12:38] I have a mceusb transiever works fine in lucid cant make it send in natty I know they have included mceusb drivers in kernel in natty and this has changed the way the mceusb must be set up [12:39] join #ubuntu.it [12:39] hi all === molly is now known as Guest97228 [12:40] I had lirc all worked out and along comes natty and I'm floored . [12:40] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fKBhvDjuy0 [12:41] gry Im on natty and installed lirc 0.90 [12:42] bjhaid1: i believe its default, no harm in installing it though [12:42] gry I have the mceusb receiving fine but sending it hates me... :D [12:42] where would I find a panel applet to show the current time with a customizable format? the default gnome-panel applet seems to no longer have that feature. (curse gnome) [12:42] CatFish: please don't, this is support only [12:43] rileyp: just don't assume that the oracle is *me* - but someone here should be able to respond to a question like that [12:44] well last 3 days i have asked and no one jumps.... no love even on #lirc .......though I'm never on for that long [12:45] googling irsend in natty is banging head on wall...... zip [12:45] lots of joins/parts and no reply :[ [12:46] Hi, I own an ATI graphics card and I'm not sure what model it is, lscpi shows "VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 760G [Radeon 3000]" [12:47] Sandra_: then its a Radeon 3000 [12:47] rileyp: if nobody responds, there is the Ubuntu-users mailing list and http://ubuntuforums.org - I'm here just occasionally; about to leave [12:47] ActionParsnip: does that model exist? In AMD page there is no 3000 model, just HD 3000 an related [12:47] rileyp: asking question in just one line here might be a good start [12:48] Ive just logged into ubuntu forums and will make a post [12:49] Sandra_: http://www.amd.com/us/products/desktop/chipsets/7-series-integrated/Pages/amd-760g-chipset.aspx === phoque_uni is now known as phoque [12:51] ActionParsnip: thank you, do you know if the newest version of the catalyst driver 11.7 support it? At least the one in lucid does, but it has tearing [12:52] Sandra_: not sure, I personally avoid Ati video cards [12:52] ActionParsnip: ok thank you. [12:53] Sandra_: others may be able to advise :) === axitkhurana_ is now known as axitkhurana [12:56] What should I do to fix my samba shares, Windows 7 doesn't see them at all, WDTV Live device sees my computer but says "There's no media in the current folder". My ubuntu computer also can't connect to Windows 7 shares, and has some error message when I execute smbtree command. [12:56] hey guys i have a problem with jack sense when i plugin my headphones the internal speakers on my msi windtop wont disable [12:56] strange_: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh [12:58] http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4d47275b8b6dab0afe264d09cf08af456e2f763e [12:58] strange_: try: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/unstable; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall install alsa-base alsa-utils; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse* [12:59] ActionParsnip, reboot after that [12:59] spexi, try entering the serverip/sharepath/ directly. Browsing of the windows shared networks seems to be broken more in every ubuntu release.. and in every windows release i find.. [12:59] ActionParsnip, or should it work instantly [13:00] spexi, ie: ctrl-l smb://ip.of.the.server/sharename [13:00] strange_: to my knowledge yes bt a reboot is no bad thing [13:01] Has anything changed with Natty that means that you cannot usermod while you're logged in? [13:01] dr_willis: doesn't work.. [13:02] when typing smbtree, \\WDTVLIVE says "Server requested LANMAN password (share-level security) but 'client lanman auth' is disabled" [13:02] and failed tcon_X with NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED [13:03] anyone else have any suggestions about jack sense? actionparsnip was helping me but left and his solution didnt work when i plugin my headphones my internal speakers dont disable [13:03] I ran out of disk space with an ecryptfs home. I now have several zero length files in $HOME/.Private, how can I find the corresponding corrupted files? [13:03] how can i track the ips of people who have/are connected to my website (apache)? [13:03] spexi, ive learned that smbtree dosent work very well any more these days... it used to (a few years back) work better for me. [13:03] spexi, theres also findsmb, but it seems quirky also. [13:03] blup: netstat [13:04] blup: also you can enable the "status-mod" from apache [13:04] speakman, smbclient seems to work well with the right options. [13:04] blup: http://alpha-unix.de/status [13:04] spexi, , smbclient seems to work well with the right options. [13:04] mmkay [13:04] thanks iceroot [13:05] spexi, also ive noticed that my Boxeebox seems to detect/show ALL the machines and shares... while none of the other pcs on the lan, (wndows or linuix) seems to find them all. [13:05] just can't get it why sharing has to be always a big problem [13:05] spexi, ive basically fallan back to using static ip's and entering in the ip/sharename directly in most cases. [13:06] well, i can't do that with WDTV Live device [13:06] spexi, its gotten worse with win7 added into the mix. Ive not tried that FuseSMB tool in ages.. it was a handy on they fly share finder also. [13:06] and that's the main reason why I'm trying to get shares work [13:06] Greetings. I'm wondering if there is a fix or stable release of the package "fglrx" (ATI) for Kernel 2.6.39-0-generic. I've been searching the net but haven't found something conclusive. === jesus is now known as Guest38810 [13:06] spexi, ive had issues with my WD video player (OPLAY) also. but its just a client. not a server. [13:06] yeah [13:07] spexi, for my Oplay i had to enter the ip/sharename directly. === jack is now known as Guest2284 [13:07] wdtv live is just external device connected to my tv and network with lan cable === Guest2284 is now known as jack^_ [13:07] and it sees my ubuntu computer, connects to it but says, that there's no media [13:07] hi everybody [13:07] may I ask questions here [13:08] researcher123456: Only if they are related to the Ubuntu distribution. [13:08] spexi, yep. My Oplay is the older version. You may need to set up a guest user perhaps. or enabvle verbose logging of samba and watch the logs to get a clue as to whats needed. [13:08] well i will bbl. good luck spexi === raven is now known as Guest40135 [13:08] ty [13:08] I'll try verbose logging [13:09] hello [13:10] got new seagate 500 GB EHDD, copied all files from Windows, now ubuntu doesn't recognise my EHDD, what to do? [13:11] rabbit1, was the drive properly unmounted in Windows? [13:12] if i ssh into my server and run something .. it runs well but when i quit ssh it terminates how can i keep it running on the server irrespective of my connection also how can i screen into it it [13:12] rabbit1, that is, did you click "Safely Remove Device" in tray and choose this drive, and chose "Stop", and were told "It is now safe to remove ..."? [13:12] Nicolus: nohup yourcommandhere [13:12] Nicolus: or use screen or tmux [13:12] Nicolus, "screen" command is your friend [13:12] tmux > screen > dtach [13:13] can u give me an example [13:13] I don't really know any others [13:13] Greetings. I'm wondering if there is a fix or stable release of the package "fglrx" (ATI) for Kernel 2.6.39-0-generic. I've been searching the net but haven't found something conclusive. [13:14] Nicolus: nohup cp ./reallybigfile /to/new/path [13:15] can anyone recommend an SSD for my laptop primary hd, not looking for lots of GB rather reliable/fast. [13:15] Nicolus: after this even if you quit your ssh session rm will remain running on server [13:15] OY1R: go with vertex2 or vertex3, also later is more expensive [13:15] OY1R, ##hardware [13:17] What can I use to enter working hours and get the minutes calculated in a nice gui not a spreadsheet? [13:17] hwo can i find if screen is installed on my server or not [13:17] its CENTOS [13:17] Nicolus: ask #centos [13:17] kefmella: There is a nice Java app called Rachota for working-time-tracking [13:17] kefmella: http://rachota.sf.net [13:17] Nicolus, open a terminal type screen === Nicolus is now known as c_nick [13:18] love you @ theadmin [13:18] C-S-B, type screen in terminal [13:18] kefmella: Woah there, you're crossing the limits :/ === c_nick is now known as Nicolus [13:19] Hi all. I'm looking for a editor with SVN,CVS,GIT,"Work on remote server through sshs/sftp". Basically I'm looking for a program like netbeans - except I don't want it to kill my computer. [13:20] Would you also like a unicorn that takes you to work on a rainbow? [13:20] krger: You do realize that this is somewhat offensive, right? [13:21] dddbmt: emacs :) [13:21] I am manually configuring xorg how do I find the bus id? [13:21] wat is the channel for gentoo linux? [13:21] krishnan: try gentoo [13:21] krger: oh...can ubuntu do that? [13:22] th0r: Yeah. Just gotta find the right HOWTO. [13:22] chaoshax, look through /sys [13:22] troydm, will I have to "learn" emacs? - Or can I use it as I use most other editors/IDEs. [13:22] chaoshax, or use lshw. but why manual config why not use Xorg -configure [13:22] now? [13:22] whew [13:22] Srry room [13:22] escott, it's failing [13:22] escott, it ends up like this [13:23] escott, http://pastebin.com/WEaBjiHL [13:23] Why does it not have a gpu secrion? [13:23] Without the monitor stuff, I added that manually. [13:23] section* [13:23] dddbmt: emacs is even weirder than Vim, in my opinion [13:23] dddbmt: you will have to learn it, but it's worth time spent [13:23] Okay, so.... Purged pulseaudio and lost the volume control that is present with a fn key combo [13:24] Why is xorg config not generate the gpu section and screen section? [13:24] F-B-T: install pulse again ;) [13:24] xangus I uninstalled it because I lost sound in a game I play. [13:24] also can anyone suggest console text editor with cua and and shift select for quick file editing [13:25] ? [13:25] troydm: There aren't really any [13:25] If I could remember the pasuspender command and how to use it, I guess I could re-install it. === EyeWare is now known as EyesIsMine [13:25] Greetings. I'm wondering if there is a fix or stable release of the package "fglrx" (ATI) for Kernel 2.6.39-0-generic. I've been searching the net but haven't found something conclusive. [13:26] i'm thinking of messing with nano source code in order to add those feautures to it [13:27] troydm: You could try of course... [13:27] troydm, You don't know of anything that I can take in use over night? I have a deadline the day after tomorrow, and if I can't switch from Netbeans before that - I'll kill myself. === sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin [13:28] dddbmt: try jedit, also it lacks svn support, but if you know svn commands you can work this over [13:28] dddbmt: don't know if it is still available, but have you looked at nedit? [13:28] hi everybody, is here somebody to answer a technical question? [13:28] troydm. I'll look at that, then I'll just do the svn stuff cmd line. [13:28] th0r, i'll look at that as well! [13:28] Thanks both of you troydm and th0r! [13:29] protauk: please assume that in support channels - it's annoying when new people ask "can I ask?" each time they join [13:29] protauk: there are plenty of tech ppl here, what's your problem [13:29] it alwats is a yes [13:29] always even. [13:31] dddbmt: ohh i forgot about Aptana, i use it from time to time for remote sftp file editing [13:31] is there a way to sort files by the mask like in windows like "a*f.*" or "*.jpg"? [13:31] in nautilus [13:31] or some similar program [13:31] protauk: I dunno about Nautilus, but in command-line of course you can [13:31] protauk: i don't think so, you could use command line [13:32] maximize and resizing windows when moving at the edge of the screen don't work. How can I activate this feature again? [13:32] protauk: what does it mean to sort by the mask? You want to arrange files according to their file type? [13:32] jrib: no === memphis is now known as Memphis [13:33] jrib: He gave an example, he wants to filter files to only match a certain "mask" [13:33] protauk: did you mean "filter" when you said "sort"? [13:33] may be, exuse my english [13:34] troydm, that [13:34] maximize and resizing windows when moving at the edge of the screen don't work. How can I activate this feature again? [13:34] that's exactly what I'm trying to do! I'll try that out as soon as I get a break! ;) [13:34] Thanks again! [13:34] Serafeim: You don't have to repeat. [13:34] dddbmt: ur welcome [13:34] theadmin: I'm really sorry for that. [13:35] protauk: to options that may do what you want... 1) edit -> select items matching 2) search button [13:35] Would someone be willing to talk to me for a bit about bash scripting with ssh, expect and loop for connections to multiple servers running some commands and moving on to the next server [13:35] s/to/two [13:36] urthmover: ask an actual question though if you want scripting help, #bash may be a better channel [13:36] jrib: jumped in there and it appears that I was the admin so I figured that it wasn't alegit channel [13:36] s/alegt/a legit [13:37] haha [13:37] jrib: thanx a lot, exatly what i was looking for [13:37] I'll googly around for a bash channel it might be on efnet [13:37] thanx to all others [13:37] urthmover: umm, try again as #bash is pretty active channel on freenode [13:38] urthmover, isnt it #bash [13:38] protauk: no problem [13:39] good morning folks [13:39] jrib: my irssi was goofing up I've found it now [13:39] thanks jrib coz_ [13:40] i am trying to edit .profile using 'vi .profile' and that obviously is not working can someone help me plz [13:40] mcl0vin: Whats happening instead? [13:40] Pici: empty file [13:41] as if i am creating a new one [13:41] mcl0vin: Are you sure that it exists? [13:41] yes, its doing it for alll my dot files [13:42] i need to edit my (dot) file , the configuration files [13:42] mcl0vin: I know what a dot file is. The question was whether the file actually exists. For example, I don't have a .profile. [13:43] hello everyone! [13:43] ok show my how to edit any . file [13:43] mcl0vin, they should open in gedit easily,, as does the .profile on this system under the home directory ,,,yes? [13:44] GreenClo1d: howdy [13:44] How do i install python 2.7 [13:44] i wonder if i have to give it the whole path to the file Pici [13:44] mcl0vin: In Nautilus, or other GTK file selectors, hit Ctrl+H to show .files [13:44] mcl0vin: Is that what you want? [13:45] mcl0vin: If you're in the same directory as the file in question: vi .filename [13:45] theadmin: no i want to know how to edit them vi .ssh i.e [13:46] mcl0vin: Well, that'd work... if .ssh exists [13:46] mcl0vin: I never heard of such a file however. You sure that's not a folder? [13:46] How do i install python 2.7.... [13:46] sam_mule: On Ubuntu it's unfortunately impossible [13:46] sam_mule: Well, except from source of course [13:47] Hello, I don`t know why the sound doesn`t work on ubuntu 11.04 ...can someone help me? [13:47] sam_mule: However it'll break your things, maybe, we're not responsible for any damage caused. [13:47] theadmin: hwo easy is source to complie and install ? [13:47] well am in / and i do "ls -a | grep '^\.'" [13:47] sam_mule: Honestly? ./configure ; make ; sudo make install [13:47] then i try to edit any of the (dot) and its empty [13:47] sam_mule: python is 2.7 on natty [13:47] theadmin: There shouldn't be any dot files in / [13:48] jrib: thats 11.04 yes... [13:48] yes [13:48] Pici: /? Okay, that indeed is a very awkward place to search for them [13:48] sam_mule: yes, natty is 11.04 [13:48] Pici: I thought he's in ~ [13:48] theadmin: Pici ^^ [13:48] mcl0vin: What? You just said you are in / [13:48] so i got a problem, post kernel update nvidia driver wont load anymore, whats the command i need to do cant remember off the top of my head [13:48] well am in / and i do "ls -a | grep '^\.'" [13:49] alazare619: could boot to net root recovery and reinstall dkms [13:49] well am in '/ 'and i do '"ls -a | grep '^\.'"' [13:49] mcl0vin: that will take a long time [13:49] ActionParsnip: No it won't. [13:49] Is there any way to power down an unused discrete video card without using vga_switcheroo? [13:50] Pici: from / using grep, it takes a long time here. I've tried [13:50] Pici: so i list the dot file , and when i try to edit , thats when i get the empty file [13:50] ActionParsnip: Not unless you plan to do a ls -R [13:50] ahhhhhh [13:50] i guess i am not in the same dir [13:50] Pici: my bad, yeah should be fast :D [13:50] theadmin: or grep -R ;) [13:50] mcl0vin: You need to navigate to your user's home directory. I don't know why you're looking in / [13:50] ActionParsnip: Yeah or that [13:51] Pici: blond moment man , am telling you [13:51] ?? [13:51] Hiyas all [13:51] BluesKaj, hey guy :) [13:51] hi coz_ [13:52] so you get unbanned theadmin? [13:52] alazare619: Told you I resolved that problem [13:52] alazare619: In about 5 minutes after got banned actually, but that's highly offtopic === yCrazyEdd is now known as CrEddy [13:53] Anyhow, I have to leave. [13:53] Is there any way to power down an unused discrete video card without using vga_switcheroo? [13:53] quatitos: BIOS setting [13:54] wols_, this laptop doesn't have a setting to disable it in bios. [13:54] oo [13:54] quatitos, and why dont you want to use switcheroo? [13:55] coz_: doesn't work everywhere. no decent mux -> no switcheroo. crappy hardware [13:55] wols_, ah ok [13:55] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! kloeriblowjob AcidRain zth ymasory camil [13:55] kloeriblowjob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:55] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! brianchidester slipp3d blamar_ ZMR igues [13:55] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! Unidentified6302 AaronMT strange_ djBoLo [13:55] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! Elv13 wainersm rumba EndorphinE ryperven [13:55] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! aLeSD b0ot fazoinvertor shifuimam_ iridi [13:55] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! m4dc0d3r Vemboca SWFu nand mns_ stealz v [13:55] kloeriblowjob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:55] kloeriblowjob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:55] kloeriblowjob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:55] kloeriblowjob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:55] kloeriblowjob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:55] oy [13:55] zomg [13:55] tg [13:56] Can the CLI tool: split be used to split a file only once, the first chunk having the specified size and the remaining in another chunk? [13:56] i'm going to call lorez's mom.. i like mothers [13:56] very educational [13:56] ubottu, plz stop flooding [13:56] :) [13:56] AcidRain: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:57] AnxiousNut: I suppose one stupid way to do it would be to split by that size then join the remaining parts back together [13:57] you really arent. i was never crediting you that far [13:57] well. that was interesting... who was that strange sad person? [13:57] AnxiousNut, is this a text file? [13:58] coz_ No, I need something general [13:58] AnxiousNut: otherwise, use dd I guess [13:58] jrib: dd sounds pretty good [13:58] ActionParsnip: Sorry. i'm back now. What were you saying? [13:59] my keys stop working until for about 10 minutes, i cant figure out what's wrong. Its only a few keys that stop working, delte, left key, sometimes alt or control too [13:59] AnxiousNut, I believe awk can split text files ,, ah for other files ,, let me check [13:59] ActionParsnip, your suggestion didnt fix the jack sense issue [13:59] Punna: no idea, just had food [13:59] strange_: gah [14:00] ActionParsnip: ACPI 30k interrupt === KurtB is now known as CaptPDB [14:01] ActionParsnip: http://askubuntu.com/questions/56278/acpi-30k-interrupts-per-second/56290#56290 [14:02] AnxiousNut, not sure then look here for some info http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-compress-and-split-files-in-ubuntu/2008/10/06 [14:02] Punna: ahh yes, not sure then [14:03] coz_, thanks anyways, I found cut which seems exactly what I need. [14:03] AnxiousNut, if you are going to compress the file you could use rar rar a -v100m foo.rar foo [14:04] AnxiousNut, that would be ech part a max of 100mb [14:04] each [14:04] Ok, i noticed that leftalt+right is working, but leftalt+left is not. And right alt+left/right works. Delete still not working. Can anyone suggest a way to check what might be wrong? [14:04] AnxiousNut, there is also mkrar for a ui [14:05] coz_ Thanks, dude. :) [14:05] !keytouch | tavish [14:05] tavish: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://goo.gl/Pwxq1 [14:10] Hey i need help, im gonna reinstall the os on my dedi but i was wondering where do i save to is it / or /var since the directory for deluge is /home/username/torrents i think / right [14:11] what does this mean from dmesg: <3>[63425.156677] ipc_attach : ipc_proc_sync_start failed [0xffffffff] [14:12] InfectedSoul, does deluge have the option of chaning directories? [14:12] ya [14:13] but shouldnt / be bigger anyways? [14:14] hello guys... does anyone knows how to convert a FolderFLAC (contains .flac audio files) to FolderOGG...? flac to ogg... [14:15] GreenClo1d: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90948 [14:16] GreenClo1d, I have heard of dir2ogg but have not used it [14:16] I will be getting a new netbook tomorrow and plan on dual booting ubuntu with windows 7. I've used fedora for over a year now but want to give ubuntu a shot now. Which should I install first in order to effectively have the ability to dual boot? [14:16] GreenClo1d, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man1/dir2ogg.1.html [14:17] !dualboot [14:17] jessicajames: windows [14:17] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [14:17] jessicajames: install Win7 to a portion of the drive, if its preinstalled then Win7 can shrink it's own partitions then install to the free space [14:17] how would one save to /var? [14:17] i know i can do it using Sound Converter but i would like to see if there's a work-around it using the command line [14:18] GreenClo1d: the like coz gave is what you need [14:18] thanks xangua and ActionParsnip [14:19] coz_: nice one dude [14:20] GreenClo1d, and that link should have command line options available ,, I believe dir2ogg is command line anyway [14:20] SexyBoBo, whats d pckg for gk+- [14:20] does anyone use amd llano with ubuntu? i've installed ati driver from amd site, but it is still slow [14:20] gksu asks for a password to start nautilus at boot, how do i fix this? [14:20] are there ant terminal mti-player games... [14:21] hylian: do you have any startup items? [14:22] sam_mule: there are MUDs [14:22] ActionParsnip, not that I added myself, no. [14:22] wait, i think i may have solved this, brb [14:22] sam_mule, maybe read this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=603292 [14:23] what are MUDs ? [14:23] sam_mule: overkill [14:23] MUDs are Multi-User Dungeons [14:24] sam_mule, are the grandfather of the MMORPGs, multiplayer text based games [14:24] sam_mule, I believe the BSD games in the repositories may have terminal based games [14:25] ActionParsnip, yeah, i figured it out. whenever you remove all that *ahem* crap form the top right toolbar, your desktop becomes wonky. I fixed it. [14:25] !info overkill [14:25] overkill (source: overkill): bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game in ascii-art. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-14.1 (natty), package size 338 kB, installed size 2748 kB [14:25] yey its in the repos [14:26] hi [14:26] sam_mule, one example is this [14:26] http://www.ishar.com/connect/ [14:26] Darkmode, hey guy [14:27] Hallo! [14:27] G-host, hey [14:27] Sorry) [14:27] G-host, for what? [14:28] G-host, I meant to say "hey guy" as a greeting not a repramand [14:28] guys i need some help [14:28] sup Darkmode [14:28] I am from Ukrain and my english very bed( [14:28] ineed help with bridging 2 networks [14:28] Windos xp | --------crossover cable----------> |ubuntu 10.04 LTS |----------wifi antena ------> router [14:28] G-host, understood,, go slowly,, I am sure it will be fine [14:29] what help& [14:29] !ics | Darkmode [14:29] Darkmode: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [14:29] thanx i will check this out [14:29] coz, sps) [14:29] Darkmode, you are trying to connect via crossover to your other system...yes? [14:30] are you Hakers? gays? [14:30] G-host, if you ask your question ,, slowly,, even if you use google translate,,, someone should be able to handle it,, I have to go to work now so someone will be able to help [14:31] yes coz_ [14:31] Thank you, coz_ [14:31] Windos xp | --------crossover cable----------> |ubuntu 10.04 LTS |----------wifi antena ------> router [14:31] with this diagram guys [14:32] i tried every thing [14:32] but nothing works [14:32] hi all, i am finding the preseed documentation and configuration file to be extremely hard to follow. after dumping the configuration after a clean install to preseed.cfg text file, it's just a huge mess that is virtually impossible to read / edit. is there a better way to do this? [14:38] Dear Ubuntu friends, I have some question related to Proxy settings. Could you pls. help answering... [14:38] In the "network proxy", I have two locations. [14:38] 1) Default (used for office with some proxy settings) [14:38] 2) Home (Used for home network, i.e, direct internet connection) [14:38] Here my question is, when I switch from "office" location to "default" location, still the environtment variables (like https_proxy) are set and not resetting at all. This is forcing me to restart my laptop to get updated the new environtment settings. [14:38] a)So, how to get the environment variables updated without restarting? [14:38] b)Is there any way to automatic proxy config for home/office network? [14:38] Balaji_TVR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:38] what does +zq do ? === ninwa_ is now known as ninwa_work [14:40] overkill server? how do i get that ? [14:40] In ubuntu 11.04 running unity and 3D Cube, I think turning on 3D Cube turned off the Window Max. and snapping to the sides of the screen. How can i turn that back on? [14:40] can I have the 3D cube and this other feature on at the same time? [14:40] designbybeck, cube and unity fight... if you dont set them up right.. [14:41] Balaji_TVR, the environment variables will only be changed by a logout/login. the network manager can only change the env for its session and any newly created sessions, but not for the existing session [14:42] designbybeck, to reset compiz back to defaults ---> gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1 [14:42] Thanks escott, Is there any way to set auto proxy settings between home and office network? [14:42] Balaji_TVR, as for (b) what are you hoping to accomplish. is your main concern that when you switch connections you are now attempting to go through a proxy that doesn't exist [14:42] Hmmmm dr_willis ....i've got everything working pretty nice with each other... i'm just affraid to turn that back on [14:42] LOL [14:43] the Grid [14:43] designbybeck, to reset unity --> unity --reset [14:43] designbybeck, just forget that silly cube ever existed.. :) [14:43] cube4life! [14:43] .....Actually! I turned on the GRID... nothing else broke... AND i still have the cube as well! [14:43] they really really need a 'reset settings' gui/button... [14:43] I'm going to keep holding my breath! [14:44] dr_willis: Might be worth it to file a wishlist bug. [14:44] Pici, i wont hold my breath. :) [14:44] there is a way in the compiz settings manager to reset to defaults [14:44] hi [14:44] but i will mention the 'unsupported by this channel tool' "Ubuntu-tweak" does have a reset-stuff-back-to-defaults feature. [14:44] of course when you are draggin to close to the edge for it to snap and maximize it tries to flip around to the other side.... but I can live with that! [14:44] how do I change my touchpad settings? [14:45] Balaji_TVR, i dont have much experience with proxies on my own machine, but one approach might be to install squid proxy on your local machine and force all your connections through it, you could then adjust squid to go through the corporate proxy or not depending upon the situation [14:45] Thanks for the help dr_willis === rabbit1 is now known as Guest50448 [14:45] is it possible to set up LVM for all partitions except for /boot ?? [14:45] bernhard1, yes, but you probably want to use the alternate installer [14:45] I found system -> settings -> mouse preferences, but it covers very little [14:46] is it possible to set up LVM for all partitions except for /boot ?? [14:46] Thanks escott, I will go through that. BTW I wonder why linux could not come out with nice auto proxy config like how MS Windows does! [14:46] ok i just upgraded my ubuntu version to 11 [14:46] this new interface , i dont like it === Mud is now known as Guest47990 [14:46] and chance to get old interface? [14:47] !classic | tq|Memphis [14:47] tq|Memphis: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". [14:47] ty very much [14:47] Pici: how do I do things like customize window decorations? [14:48] Balaji_TVR, i suspect it has more to do with your use of environment variables. windows still requires a logout login for an environment change to take effect. is there some way for you to accomplish things without relying upon the env variables [14:48] nice info about how to turn natty to ubuntu classic [14:48] how to connect windows xp with ubuntu with crossover cable ? [14:48] Darkmode: them them into each other and set static IPs [14:48] dbolser: Via your appearance preferences. Its in Preferences>Appearance in gnome [14:48] Darkmode: depends what you intend to do. usually static IPs but not always [14:49] Darkmode, if you have specific questions about the ics documentation please ask those otherwise we just say [14:49] Pici: I just see a few choices of window decoration there [14:49] !ics | Darkfoe [14:49] Darkfoe: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [14:49] !ics | Darkmode [14:49] Darkmode: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [14:49] Darkfoe, sorry [14:49] dbolser: If you modify one of those, you will see more options. [14:49] it's almost impossible for me to grab the right border of the window to expand it [14:49] Pici: ahh, ty [14:49] im trying to do this [14:50] Windows xp pc | --------crossover cable----------> |ubuntu 10.04 LTS |----------wifi antena ------> router [14:50] Need help on installing usb e-stick huawei on 10.04 AMD 64, kindly help [14:50] Pici: you have saved my sanity [14:50] Escott, I had used Windows laptop between office and home network and I never bothered about any proxy config issues. Everything was working seamlessly. But after moving to Linux, so of the application like UpdateManager / Ubuntu One are not working unless I change to direct connection. [14:50] dbolser: heh, you're welcome. [14:51] Darkmode: You wanna share you Internet connection? [14:52] Darkmode: you already were told by ubottu how to do it. the !ics thing above [14:53] yes edbian [14:53] Darkmode, other day someone asked same question.. and discovered he just had to check some checkbox in the network manager settings... [14:53] Darkmode: hang on [14:54] dr_willis: I think it was him! [14:54] :P [14:54] edbian, :) or his evil twin! [14:54] Darkmode: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [14:54] Darkmode: Look at the GUI method near the top :) [14:55] is it possible to set up LVM for all partitions except for /boot ?? [14:55] Balaji_TVR, it may be easier to just leave the proxy setting on, and then start update-manager from the command line by saying: unset http_proxy; unset https_proxy; update-manager [14:55] !GNOME [14:55] GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. [14:57] bernhard1, yes. i think thats the third time you have asked that. but you probably need to use the alternate installer. please ask a more specific question [14:59] !lvm [14:59] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [15:00] Escott, Thats great info, thank you. Only for these two application (Update manager / UbuntuOne) I bother about proxy settings). Hope this could solve my problem until Linux community manage to find better solution. BTW any idea on how to run UbuntuOne? [15:00] Balaji_TVR, i don't use it myself. theoretically you could kill it and restart it from the command line, but I wonder about all the nautilus plugins [15:02] does anyone else have this problem, using touchpad, double click and drag is very difficult, because you have to start dragging on the second click [15:02] is alexfish here? [15:02] on my old box, you could double click and then drag later [15:02] <[HzF]Rocker> Hey, how comes i can't change the stupid label of the usb stick i installed ubuntu on ? - The name doesn't quite fit the content >.< [15:03] have anyone tried using BruteScan, its a window app used to scan network details... does anyones here knows a linux alternative for this app? thanks~ [15:03] I'm not talking about drag loc, just the ability to drag more civily [15:03] [HzF]Rocker, what filesystem is it? you can change FS labels.. [15:03] Need help on installing usb e-stick huawei on 10.04 AMD 64, kindly help [15:03] <[HzF]Rocker> It's FAT32 [15:03] hi, how do i make xset permanent? i've added "xset fp+ [fontdir] &" and "xset fp rehash" to .xinitrc and made it executable, but it won't work? === Memphisau is now known as Memphis [15:04] [HzF]Rocker, its often a label in the usb stick partition, or a file in the usb that includes the name. repartition and relabel, or add the uuid to your fstab with a different name [15:04] Escott, would this "unset http_proxy; unset https_proxy; update-manager" command unset temporarily or until next logout/login? [15:04] [HzF]Rocker, gparted can relabvvel it. theres command line tools to do it also. [15:04] Balaji_TVR, for that terminal session and any sessions spawned from it [15:05] ah, do i need to have "exec" in .xinitrc too? [15:05] I got external HDD, copied all files from Windows, but now, HDD is not mounting in ubuntu.... I didn't format the drive initial. is this the prob? [15:05] <[HzF]Rocker> Can it relabel it if i run the linux on that stick? [15:05] znt^, exec hands controll over to the thing being exec'd so id say no. [15:05] znt^, you are using some unusual font directory? [15:05] dr_willis: so why won't the xset commands in .xinitrc get executed? [15:06] dr_willis: nah, /usr/share/fonts/proggy/ [15:06] escott, then its fine. Hope it should save me from logout/login every day eve from home. I will try today from home network. Thank you. [15:06] znt^, .xinitrc only gets ran when you select the custome/xsession entry at the gdm login screen.. its not auto ran by every x session.... [15:06] i need help usbmuxd [15:06] znt^, you could just copy the fonts to your ~/.fonts dir [15:06] i cant do anything with my ipod except ssh [15:07] dr_willis: will its contents automatically get added to x's font dir? [15:07] i have no usbmux group and no usb group [15:07] znt^, thats its purpose.. so yes [15:07] <[HzF]Rocker> dr_willis: Can it relabel it if i run the linux on that stick? [15:07] *font path [15:07] i have been trying to fix it for 2-3 hours [15:08] if anyone could help that would be awesome [15:08] <[HzF]Rocker> :o [15:08] dr_willis: okay, but i mean, do i need to do anything else than putting the pcf file in .fonts? the folder will automatically appear below 'Font Path:' upon executing 'xset -q' after a reboot? [15:08] !fonts [15:08] <[HzF]Rocker> the new version looks much better than v10 :D [15:08] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/ [15:08] ubuntunewb: System -> Admin -> users and groups [15:08] i tried that [15:08] znt^, i only use ttf. try it and see... [15:09] znt^, i never need to use any xset commands.... [15:09] usb group and usbmux group dont excist [15:09] <[HzF]Rocker> dr_willis: Can it relabel it if i run the linux on that stick? [15:09] znt^, and .fonts would be for the user only. not system wide. === jack is now known as Guest33210 [15:09] [HzF]Rocker, try it and see.. the change may not take effect till you reboot. === Guest33210 is now known as jack^_ [15:10] dr_willis: okay, will do [15:10] so i can't change the permissions [15:10] because the groups dont exist [15:11] <[HzF]Rocker> dr_wills, ok [15:11] i am on ubuntu 11.04 natty narwhal upgraded from maverick [15:11] original install was 10.04 lucid [15:11] upgraded lucid to maverick and maverick to natty [15:11] by update manager [15:12] !enter | ubuntunewb [15:12] ubuntunewb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [15:12] oh sorry [15:12] i didnt know [15:13] <[HzF]Rocker> Ehrm, Where did the settings/prefeneces and application menus go? - can i re-add them ? [15:14] I got external HDD, copied all files from Windows, but now, HDD is not mounting in ubuntu.... I didn't format the drive initial. is this the prob? [15:14] [HzF]Rocker, in unity? they are gone. hit the windows key and start typing keywords like "keyboard" or "monitor" and you should get access to what you need [15:15] <[HzF]Rocker> o [15:15] <[HzF]Rocker> i see [15:15] Guest50448, can you please plug in the device and !paste the following: (a) the output of "groups" (b) the contents of /etc/fstab (c) the output of "mount" (d) the contents of /proc/partitions [15:15] !paste | Guest50448 [15:15] Guest50448: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [15:16] escott: i use dual boot, now i am in windows as my e-stick not working in ubuntu..... :( [15:17] <[HzF]Rocker> How odd, the device label was changed, but i didn't see it on the pc i did edit it on 0.o (I did plug it in several times) [15:17] Guest50448, not sure what an e-stick is, but we can't tell you much without seeing things from the ubuntu side [15:18] escott: will be right back [15:18] [HzF]Rocker, thats common you have to tell the kernel to rescan for partitions [15:18] helloo [15:18] [HzF]Rocker, partprobe [15:18] does anyone use preseeding here? [15:20] [HzF]Rocker, try it and see.. the change may not take effect till you reboot. <--------------- Like i mentioned.. :) its still seeing the old info. [15:21] [HzF]Rocker, i forgot about partprobe command.. its rarely used. [15:21] please tell me how to configure thunderbird for Ms exchange server in ubuntu 11.04 [15:21] <[HzF]Rocker> What the ? - I thought reinstalling ubuntu would allow the pc to access the WIFI - but no the Connect button is still greyed out, why ? :( [15:21] I never saw thunderbird work [15:22] I need a new printer. I'm leaning toward laser that scans and faxes. Anyone have particularly good luck with a specific model? Brothers always work, but printing pdfs over the networks is always waaaaaay slow for some reason. [15:22] [HzF]Rocker, have you verified drivers are installed and that you aren't blocked with rfkill [15:22] Using the brother linux drivers anyway. [15:22] <[HzF]Rocker> craigbass1976 - I got a Samsung ML1650 it's great if your interested in a black/white one [15:24] preetam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThunderbirdExchange [15:25] craigbass1976: HP love linux [15:25] craigbass1976: check the HPLIP project ;) avoid Kodak to the maxxx [15:26] <[HzF]Rocker> escott: nothing is blocked except a bluetooth adapter (No need for me to use it at the moment) [15:26] [HzF]Rocker, I'm leaning that way, mostly because I've yet to meet a home printer that prints photos well (I'm talking local photo shop quality -- not Wal-Mart developing), so there's no sense in getting one. [15:26] <[HzF]Rocker> oh === missinglink is now known as Linkstar [15:28] <[HzF]Rocker> What's wrong ? - i wanna use wifi :F === Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker [15:29] hi, i'm plugging in an sd card reader into my ubuntu (11) machine, and the computer can see the slots of the reader, but it can't see the card itself....i tried plugging in the reader with a card into a windows machine, and it worked fine. what's going on? [15:30] hi, i am trying to set up a user that will be able to access the server by ssh and sftp but only to his own folder. i changed the sshd_config with ChrootDirectory and the sftp is working fine, however when trying to login with ssh it immediately exits with the error "/bin/sh: No such file or directory, Connection to closed" i suspect that this is simple because the /bin/sh is not accesable to the user, anyway to go around this issue? === root is now known as Guest9416 [15:30] [HzF]Rocker: what is the driver module it uses? [15:30] uro, that is impossible. if you chroot into their $HOME then they wouldn't have any programs they could run [15:30] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: uhH? - Sorry, i'm not that much of a linux guru ^^ === RA_drc_ is now known as RA_drc [15:31] hai [15:31] Has anyone successfully used a touch screen monitor with ubuntu yet? [15:31] [HzF]Rocker: run: sudo lshw -C network it will show the driver module [15:31] escott: so how would you accomplish this task? [15:31] funkster no (i dont have ubuntu) (and no touch screen) [15:32] uro, you should be more specific about what exactly you want them to be able to do. you want them to have shell access, but you don't want them to have a shell... so you should try to come up with a list of things you want them to have === adeel is now known as Guest10613 [15:33] sad [15:33] escott: you know what, what they need is sftp and no more than that [15:33] i will leave it at that, thanks [15:34] hey all [15:34] hi skrite [15:34] !info scponly | uro is this what you want [15:34] uro is this what you want: scponly (source: scponly): Restricts the commands available to scp- and sftp-users. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.8-4.1 (natty), package size 35 kB, installed size 176 kB [15:36] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: it says: "PCI-E Arthos AR928X logical nmae: wlan0" and some other stuff [15:37] [HzF]Rocker: in the block at the bottom it will say driver= [15:38] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: ath9k [15:38] [HzF]Rocker: cool [15:38] [HzF]Rocker: ok try: sudo modprobe -r ath9k; sleep 3; sudo modprobe ath9k [15:39] i need some advice on buying hardware. we are setting up a mysql-cluster and need two to three machines at the least to kick it off. We looked at some servers and were quoted some $24000 for both machines. My question is.. is it more efficient to buy more less powerful machines or is bigger better? [15:39] I havent seen a reliable program in ubuntu to send AT commands to a Broadband modem, Is their any specia setup required to send AT commmands or are AT command sent to the modem as just any data to be interpreted by the modem? Anyone with a little bit more infor to help [15:39] skrite: ##hardware [15:40] hi, i'm plugging in an sd card reader into my ubuntu (11) machine, and the computer can see the slots of the reader, but it can't see the card itself....i tried plugging in the reader with a card into a windows machine, and it worked fine. what's going on? [15:40] what subtitle formats does Totem Movie Player take? [15:40] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: Tried it, but that connect button is still grey [15:41] nmvictor, ive never even knew a 'broadband' modem used AT commands.. I just used them with my serial port modems years ago. I could send them via echo "ATDT" > /dev/ttys0 or similer commands back then. === zz_RobinJ is now known as RobinJ [15:41] <[HzF]Rocker> RA_drc, the device might be disabled when you plug it into a linux pc [15:41] wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [15:41] RA_drc, does the kernel see the partitions? cat /proc/partitions. also if you can provide more information about the card reader (model and driver) you can get that with lshw [15:41] RA_drc: when you plug in the device run: lsb_release -a; dmesg | tail whenyou then plug in the SD card run the same command, pastebin the whole thing please [15:42] anyone there? [15:42] what subtitle formats does Totem Movie Player take?? [15:42] <[HzF]Rocker> NeurotoXinee: I'm not :P [15:42] :O [15:43] i see unconected people [15:43] maximize and resizing windows when moving them at the edge of the screen don't work. How can I activate this feature again? [15:43] newb: I'd try srt as a good starting point [15:43] <[HzF]Rocker> lol [15:43] Serafeim: it will be in ccsm somewhere [15:43] ActionParsnip, tks [15:43] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: Tried it, but that connect button is still grey - next step ? [15:43] wols, thanks [15:44] [HzF]Rocker: is there any output in terminal? What is in the end of dmesg ? [15:44] Remind me in 1 hour and 30 mins to watch TV. [15:44] xvilo: Okay, I'll remind you about that on Mon Aug 08 19:14:17 CEST 2011 [15:44] Remind me in 10 mins to go on shower. [15:44] xvilo: Okay, I'll remind you about that on Mon Aug 08 17:54:34 CEST 2011 [15:44] xvilo, no bots in this channel please [15:44] please kick the bot [15:45] Reminderbot-xvil help [15:45] help [15:45] !help [15:45] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [15:46] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: (NETEDV_UP): wlan0 is not ready cfg80211: Found new beacon on freq. 2472Mhz (Ch 13) on phy0 [15:46] xvilo, please use something like "at now + 10 min[ENTER]alert take a shower[ENTER][ctrl-d]" in your own terminal [15:46] xvilo: please remove your bot from this channel. [15:46] busted! [15:46] escott: === rabbit1 is now known as Guest42710 [15:47] xvilo: as mentioned in the IRC Guidelines in the topic of this channel, unauthorized bots are not permitted. [15:47] ActionParsnip: Thank you. All i had to do was to activate grib at ccsm [15:48] anyone managed to install intel video drivers in ubuntu 10.04?? [15:48] escott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/661205/ [15:48] when i am told to chmod 755 a file will there be a output in terminal of it? [15:49] seanmc98, not if successful [15:49] Is it possible to resize an LVM partition on the fly without any data loss? [15:50] I mean the partition the LVM lives on... not partitions within [15:50] Guest42710, that all looks ok. what about your /proc/partitions [15:50] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: it said: (NETDEV_UP): wlan0 is not ready cfg80211: Found new beacon on freq. 2472Mhz (Ch 13) on phy0 [15:51] Is there any way to power down a discrete video card without using vga_switcheroo? My bios doesn't have an option to dos. [15:52] [HzF]Rocker: could try disabling ipv6 [15:52] ok . thank you [15:54] [HzF]Rocker: or change wireless channel [15:54] [HzF]Rocker: did wicd not work? [15:54] escott: how long is lshw supposed to take? [15:54] ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/KE3minFC [15:54] [HzF]Rocker: have you tried changing (or even disabling encryption) to test [15:55] RA_drc: ok if you run: sudo fdisk -l do you see an sde with 1 partition of 4Gb which is sde1 [15:56] Is there any way to power down a discrete video card without using vga_switcheroo? My bios doesn't have an option to dos. [15:56] ha ha ha ha ha [15:56] quatitos, you may be able to put the pci device in the d3 power state. i saw a tool for it in google yesterday but now i cant find it again [15:56] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: the wireless channel should be fine, encryption takes really long time to change, so i'd like not to. What's wcid ? [15:57] escott, I'm brand new to linux, so I have no idea what a d3 power state is! ;) But I'll Google it now and see if I can sort it out. Thank you! [15:57] [HzF]Rocker: an alternative to network manager [15:57] [HzF]Rocker: not all adapters can connect to WPA in Linux, its worth exploring [15:58] RA_drc, what about cat /proc/partitions? does the card show a fs on any of the exposed devices sdc-sde [15:58] hi , my ubuntu server 10.04 just had a powercut and now it wont boot - what do i do? [15:58] rayvtirx: test your RAM [15:58] rayvtirx: also boot to liveCD and fsck your partitions [15:58] <_-[Kopp]-_> hello [15:58] <_-[Kopp]-_> i need help [15:58] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: how to get it? [15:58] <_-[Kopp]-_> i want to write xp iso to pendrive on ubuntu [15:59] it goes to an initramfs promt , and says that it cant find sbin/init [15:59] <_-[Kopp]-_> can i use dd? [15:59] [HzF]Rocker: wired network and install it, and uninstall network manager [15:59] quatitos, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=66577 just make sure the module is fully removed first [15:59] <[HzF]Rocker> Ah [15:59] ActionParsnip: i see the following: http://pastebin.com/LvRztAmr and then it hangs. that is, even if i try to use control-c to break, it doesn't work - i have to close the window and open a new one. [15:59] <_-[Kopp]-_> anybody help me? [15:59] whats ram got to do with it - the electric went === barbule is now known as Pindrusinda [16:00] rayvtirx, can you boot the livecd and run fsck on the disk [16:00] can i use an 11-04 live desktop cd to do the fdisk watsit? [16:00] <_-[Kopp]-_> I want to write xp iso to pendrive on ubuntu! [16:00] rayvtirx, seems the power outage corrupted your file system. [16:01] pindrusinda? [16:01] escott: Awesome, can't thank you enough! I'll give it a shot now. [16:01] ramses what? [16:01] escott: i don't think so, but i'm really not sure: http://pastebin.com/zz6Qjdin [16:02] I like your nick, just it [16:02] _-[Kopp]-_, ive seen similer questions asked in here.. with no answers.. You may want to check #windows and your fave search engine.. [16:02] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: Can't install it [16:02] what is the question without an answer? [16:02] _-[Kopp]-_, and i pertty sure you cant just dd a xp iso to a flash drive.. [16:02] <_-[Kopp]-_> dr_willis, no answer in #windows :( [16:03] RA_drc, it looks like it is sde try mounting that [16:03] _-[Kopp]-_, i have seen 'xp usb images' on some web sites... [16:03] hi [16:03] it is suposed possible [16:04] Ramses, ive seen XP usb images... so yes.. never tried them.. [16:05] I will try it [16:05] elo [16:05] so i booted the live desktop cd how do i get the promt and run fsck? [16:05] PL? [16:05] !pl | Radson [16:05] Radson: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [16:05] escott: i should type sudo mount /dev/sde /mnt ? [16:05] hi all [16:06] rayvtirx, open a terminal and then type sudo fsck /dev/sdX# you need to fill in the correct X and # for your device/partition [16:06] I know a person that speak this language [16:06] huj [16:06] witam [16:06] will sudo fsck / not work? [16:06] RA_drc, sure, but it may be better to sudo mkdir /mnt/sdhc; sudo mount /dev/sde /mnt/sdhc [16:06] są polacy?? [16:06] rayvtirx, / is not a device [16:06] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: Can't install it [16:07] Radson how we say 'fuck you and your daugther" ? [16:07] Ramses: stop that immediately [16:07] * szal recommends Radson to clean his glasses and read up a handful of lines further up [16:07] !language | Ramses [16:07] Ramses: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [16:07] ok [16:07] elo [16:07] Radson: Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [16:07] elo [16:08] ok i went for sda1 and it says its recovering the journal- that sound right? [16:08] chanel list [16:08] rayvtirx, yes. fsck any other partitions you might have as well [16:09] escott: when i run sudo mount /dev/sde /mnt/sdhc it hangs....it won't do anything. what should i do? [16:09] eu somente quero matar um polaco [16:09] Ramses: english only [16:09] Which ssh version am I using. --version tacked on the end of ssh isn't helping. [16:09] !guidelines > Ramses [16:09] Ramses, please see my private message [16:09] ok [16:09] attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read abort y/n? [16:09] craigbass1976, ssh -version (?) [16:10] sorry ignore error y/n [16:10] craigbass1976, erm... or even ssh -v ;) [16:10] hey I'm looking for a wiki that has good support for code, syntax highlighting in the articles. I know Mediawiki has a plugin, but are there any others Wikis that are maybe lighter weight and support code in the articles? [16:10] RA_drc, how badly is it hung? [16:10] rumpe1, thanks. I was being too verbose... [16:11] Wavesonics: maybe try #ubuntu-offtopic, since that's not an #ubuntu issue [16:11] ill go y [16:11] oCean, thanks [16:12] escott: it won't terminate when i type ctrl-c [16:12] Hi there. I recently resized my partitions to make more space fo my Windows C drive. I used up all the unused space with GParted and it worked fine. However, not when I turn on the computer I get "GRUB loading, please wait.... Error 15". Is it possible I have taken up the space Grub was using? [16:13] Hey, someone mind helping me with a grub error? [16:13] you guys need to work on a cygwin like version of ubuntu [16:13] I would love it [16:13] rightlegred: Error 15? [16:13] Ramses: What do you mean, "Cygwin-like"? [16:13] ok #ubuntu. i have a webcam and 9.04 jaunty [16:14] how do i get this thing working? [16:14] jack_eire: it says no such device [16:14] I want to do everything that is possible with ubuntu but on a xp machine [16:14] AcidRain: Jaunty is no longer supported [16:14] I tried removing my linux partition, when I did so I rebooted. The partition is gone [16:14] oCean, dont mean you cant help me? [16:14] But I keep getting the same error [16:14] Ramses: please keep to the support topic. Discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic [16:14] AcidRain: exactly [16:14] !upgrade | AcidRain [16:14] AcidRain: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [16:14] helooo [16:15] RA_drc, but the computer is still responsive. it could be a bug in the driver for your device. have you tried searching for the device online? [16:15] dokhtare sen bala nist az shiraz [16:15] its very hard to upgrade when you run at least 20 servers [16:15] dokhtare sen bala nist az shiraz [16:15] Ramses: have you tried wubi? [16:15] dokhtare sen bala nist az shiraz [16:15] takpar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:15] upgrading for me is suicide [16:15] !grub | jack_eire i would just reinstall grub [16:15] jack_eire i would just reinstall grub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [16:15] wait, u removed a linux partition and rebooted..... [16:15] I will check it later [16:15] rightlegred: Is it because Grub is looking for the partition you erased [16:15] AcidRain: it would be even harder to support *all* ubuntu versions [16:15] and now it's gone.....I don't get the quandary [16:15] jack_eire: how would I go about fixing that? [16:15] ubottu: Thanks for that [16:15] jack_eire: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:16] escott: not yet, i'll see if i can find updated drivers online [16:16] rightlegred, grub relies on files in /boot if you removed those your grub will be non-functional [16:16] mhm, I probably did remove those [16:16] I need a newer ssh on this lucid box (at least 5.8) and wondered if getting http://http.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/o/openssh/openssh-server-udeb_5.8p1-7_i386.udeb (with the corresponding ssh package) is going to cause much trouble. We got scanned by someone official lately and have to update. [16:16] I'm assuming the fix would be to reinstall ubuntu? [16:16] so you are saying that ubuntu 9.04 didnt have webcam support? [16:16] wow [16:16] rightlegred: u need to respecify the partition is fstab unless you formatted it [16:16] Iḿ allowed in here again :P [16:16] cool [16:16] craigbass1976: what's the reason for requiring the update? [16:16] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: I can't install it, anything else i can try? [16:16] AcidRain: no, of course it did. But we cannot provide support for that version any more [16:17] dokhtare sen bala nist az shiraz [16:17] Hachya: it wasn't formatted, I've been messing with the partition though [16:17] who is we? im just curious [16:17] craigbass1976: not good isea to mix repositories [16:17] rightlegred:.... [16:17] did you help create ubuntu? [16:17] right thanks - i did a sudo fsck /dev/sda1 and it is booting now, should i have ignored the errors during this check or not? [16:17] AcidRain: this channel [16:17] jrib, it's an "OpenSSH GLOB_LIMIT Denial Of Service Vulnerability" issue... [16:17] and by some sworn secrecy you cannot help people in need [16:17] Hachya: I' [16:17] oh. just this channel [16:17] Err, sorry bad keyboard [16:17] well tell the admins to create me a channel called #unfortunate-ones [16:17] craigbass1976: and you're sure it hasn't been patched? Security patches usually get cherry picked [16:17] AcidRain: and there are no more updates provided. The product is end of live [16:18] Hachya: I rarely mess with this kind of stuff. I assumed it was OK to delete my partition [16:18] rightlegred: that's fine....so you removed the partition from the table completely? [16:18] Yeah, completely [16:18] I removed it and expanded the drive it was from [16:18] rightlegred, you need to install whatever bootloader is appropriate for the os you run. if you dont want ubuntu it might not be grub [16:18] rightlegred: how did u remove it? using what tool/command [16:18] Hachya: Win7 disk manager [16:19] rightlegred: !@#$@#$ [16:19] mhm [16:19] rightlegred: XD [16:19] rayvtirx, there were errors in your fsck that you ignored? [16:19] I probably did something very stupid :P [16:19] rightlegred, what is remaining OS? [16:19] righrlegred: THAT may not be fixable...sometimes if done withgparted it can be recovered.... I dunno about removing with win 7 disk mgr [16:19] Win7 [16:19] urlin2u: Win7 [16:19] escott: i take that back - control-c will (eventually) break it properly [16:20] rightlegred, do you have a recovery or install disc? [16:20] rightlegred, at least in the past the correct tool to reinstall windows bootloader was fixmbr. don't know if that is still the case [16:20] I have a usb with the live stuff on [16:20] rightlegred, a W7 thumb [16:20] I probably have a W7 thumb around [16:20] RA_drc, its just getting stuck as the kernel tries to read the fs. if it is very large and the device very slow that could take some time [16:21] escott: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392 [16:21] rightlegred, find it boot to the cli and run bootrec.exe /fixmbr [16:21] urlin2u: how will that recover his linux partition? [16:21] <[HzF]Rocker> Grr.. [16:22] I don't want to recover it [16:22] ahhh [16:22] my fault, yeah fixmbr [16:22] I was trying to remove it completelyt [16:22] the bl is still there [16:22] Hachya, I thought that was gone and they wany W7 to boot. [16:22] want [16:22] so fixmbr, and is that doesn't work, then first do fixboot, then fixmbr [16:22] rightlegred: presumably you wouldn't have removed the partition and resized your other over it if you had wanted to keep it [16:22] mhm, urlin2u where abouts could I find this software? [16:22] with either thumb or Install Disc [16:22] rightlegred: I think this is really a windows question [16:22] rightlegred, what software. [16:23] rightlegred: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392 [16:23] ne2k: why yes, yes it is XD [16:23] Probably, I dislike the windows support though, seems terribad [16:23] I'll move to google [16:23] Thanks guys [16:23] rightlegred: you still have ur windows install disc? [16:23] rightlegred, I will see you at #windows [16:23] XD [16:24] it's just funny tho, asking in ubuntu channel "how do I remove ubuntu and keep windows" we'll tell you anything ti screw up the windows partition :D jk jk [16:24] ok thanks guys - escott [16:24] bfn [16:25] does 'gcc' need to be run on the specific machine to compile or can I compile on 1, and send to another [16:26] i need help [16:26] help me [16:26] takpar: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) [16:26] Hachya: I would hope most people here would be of the opinion that if someone wants to use Windows, let them use Windows. it's about choice. Microsoft wants to remove your choice and lock you down to their products. Apple is worse. Open source is about choice, and freedom. [16:26] commond register nick ? [16:26] !register | takpar [16:26] takpar: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [16:27] greets all [16:27] krazykrivda: if the architecture and libc (and any other shared libraries) are the same, then you shouldn't have any problems. if not, you will need a cross-compilation toolchain. [16:27] cmd identify [16:27] ? [16:27] takpar: stop that [16:27] takpar: join #freenode for help on using the network [16:27] ne2k: wait, Apple's worse? XD [16:27] ne2k: i'm trying to use gcc to compile a file for my phone :-\ [16:27] ne2k: even though I use them, I understand that to be true [16:28] Hachya: I don't blame them, they're trying to run a business [16:28] craigbass1976: I would check to see if the issue hasn't been patched. If not, open a bug. If you need an immediate fix, grab the source package for the openssh package in a later ubuntu and build that [16:28] !register | takpar [16:28] takpar, please see my private message === himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf [16:28] krazykrivda, its called cross-compiling. you should find plenty of docs on how to do that [16:29] krazykrivda: it is unlikely, although not impossible, that your "phone" has the same architecture as your desktop [16:29] escott: ok thanks.. as always [16:29] krazykrivda: from bitter experience, I can tell you that by far the easiest way is to compile natively, if that is possible. [16:29] krazykrivda: i.e. compile on the phone itself. [16:29] ne2k: i don't even have gcc on the phone.. ha [16:30] krazykrivda: what is "the phone" anyway? [16:30] ne2k: yeah, one will find that when you lock ppl out of certain things, things tend to perform better, ie, when MS gets rid of the registry......ie never [16:30] Hachya: use #ubuntu-offtopic for discussion please [16:31] oCean: it's hardly busy === rabbit1 is now known as Guest7529 [16:31] ne2k: that's not the point [16:31] escott: [16:31] ne2k: android.. Droid 3 [16:31] escott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/661221/ [16:31] oCean: did you follow the conversation that ended up at that point? [16:31] ne2k, I believe you dont want to get banned from here [16:31] ne2k: android.. Droid 3 [16:32] ne2k: It ended offtopic, so the offtopic will only continue in #ubuntu-offtopic [16:32] escott: sorry for the delay, was unable to login to irc..... [16:32] krazykrivda: can you not get a build environment for it? [16:32] I'm sure I can.. === shane_ is now known as NewToThis [16:33] Guest7529, unclear why it is not working. open a terminal and try the following: "sudo mkdir /media/EXTDRIVE; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/EXTDRIVE; ls /media/EXTDRIVE" [16:33] any one know tools about add and drop foreign key in mysql on ubuntu with gui? [16:33] Hello friends, I installed mysql to install a local wordpress. But i forgot the password. Here is what i am getting.. any help lpease.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/661226/ [16:33] @IAmNotThatGuy hey dude.... [16:33] krazykrivda: I would search around for either "android 3 native build" or "android 3 cross compile" and see which you reckon is easier [16:33] hey rrajbe. Lemme look for ya [16:34] krazykrivda: if you can get the cross-compiler working it will obviously be faster for bigger projects [16:34] krazykrivda, for android most of what you compile is java/davlik. you shouldn't need to be using gcc (unless you are writing low level stuff) === NewToThis is now known as skh_on1 [16:34] temongantengbgt: MySQL workbench [16:34] escott: I am booting in and out, could you please guide me what will be the next step, if that doesn't work, also i got a snapshot of the error message. How can i send it to you ? [16:34] escott: still working on root.. so yeah.. low level kernel exploits [16:34] krazykrivda: what are you actually trying to run on it? [16:35] ne2k: http://lwn.net/Articles/419141/ looking in adapting this [16:35] Hi guys, how do you get your "taskbar" on natty to look like this? [16:35] Guest7529, [repeating in case you missed it] unclear why it is not working. open a terminal and try the following: "sudo mkdir /media/EXTDRIVE; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/EXTDRIVE; ls /media/EXTDRIVE" [16:35] idk if anyone will be able to help me because i dont know whats causeing the problem but i used to get this black screen crash with white text all the way down the screen but recently its been happening more and more , anyone have any ideas? [16:35] Guest47990, and you can paste a screenshot [16:35] http://ubuntu-art.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/133892-1.jpg [16:35] rrajbe, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset that will help ya dude =] [16:35] !paste | Guest7529 [16:35] Guest7529: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:36] krazykrivda: has that been plugged? [16:36] <[HzF]Rocker> I'm getting tired of not being able to get the WIFI working, what to do? [16:36] rrajbe, also http://ubuntu.flowconsult.at/en/mysql-set-change-reset-root-password/ [16:36] <[HzF]Rocker> I have tried installing Wicd/Wcid but i get an error saying it couldn't be located. And i have no .wifi file [16:36] <[HzF]Rocker> "sudo iwlist scan | head -n 20" shows wlan0 and some other data, I have tried "sudo modprobe -r ath9k; sleep 3; sudo modprobe ath9k" [16:37] Ralph124c: hem?? any link ? I try to search on ubuntu software center... but nothink found === [1]Ice is now known as RetroMetro [16:37] <[HzF]Rocker> dmesg gives: "(NETEDV_UP): wlan0 is not ready cfg80211: Found new beacon on freq. 2472Mhz (Ch 13) on phy0" === zz_RobinJ is now known as RobinJ [16:37] <[HzF]Rocker> But the Connect button is greyed out, what to do? [16:37] ne2k: we have an older kernel than mentioned there [16:37] thanks IAmNotThatGuy.. that solved the issue [16:38] [HzF]Rocker, can you connect to an unprotected network. it could be a problem with wpa_supplicatnt [16:38] good luck rrajbe =] [16:38] temongantengbgt: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/5.2.html [16:38] :) [16:38] krazykrivda: does it have econet? [16:39] ne2k: I highly doubt [16:39] krazykrivda: well then it won't work, will it? [16:39] escott: http://imagebin.org/166957 [16:39] guys, to can i install ubuntu if i have 4 primary partitions already? i have 3 for windows, restoration, etc., and 1 for opensuse which is located on the extended one. do i install ubuntu to the same extended partition, right? [16:39] ne2k: no it will not.. but I'm tryuing to compile and see how it works.. I'm not sure how to check if device does have econet [16:40] einseenai: yes, install it extended [16:40] Guest15721, please do what the error message tells you and chkdsk the drive in windows. if you don't have a working windows system please don't use ntfs [16:40] krazykrivda: it's not the device that needs to have it, it's the kernel. the kernel econet module needs to be loaded [16:40] einseenai: primary partitions are not located on extended partitions; the extended partition _is_ a primary partition and holds virtual partitions [16:40] ne2k: yes.. but I"m not sure hwo to check the kernel for the econet module [16:40] einseenai: extended partition is fine - but you need to set up it's own logical partition. [16:40] is takpak her? [16:41] indeed, logical, not virtual [16:41] escott: did you see the dialogue ? [16:41] krazykrivda: I guess modprobe econet; lsmod |grep econet; and see if it's there [16:41] <[HzF]Rocker> escott: Attempt to connect to my neighbors wifi (No encryption) resulted in same problem as on my own wifi [16:41] Guest7529, keep sending to the wrong Guest nick please do what the message tells you and chkdsk your drive in windows. if you dont have windows don't use ntfs [16:42] escott: yeap, i did run check disk, but no result found. 2nd option, have no idea what to do.... [16:42] jrib, where do I find out whether or not it's been patched? [16:42] Guest Nicks May want to select a actual Nick... via ---> /nick PickANick [16:42] so my cam is detected [16:42] krazykrivda: obviously to do a real attack the kernel would need to autoload it for you, because you can't modprobe unless you're root [16:42] craigbass1976: read changelog/source code [16:42] Ralph124c, thanks, will it be ok, if i just resize opensuse's one and make free space, and then use as target partition, right? [16:42] as "usb camera" as its iProduct [16:42] ne2k: I would most likely need SU to run that [16:43] krazykrivda: yes you'd need to be root to do the modprobe for the test to see if the econet module is available [16:43] ne2k: mhmm.. so again, idk how to check the kernel for econet === Guest7529 is now known as PickANick [16:43] krazykrivda: can you not become root, then? [16:43] but Cheese is not detecting it [16:43] AcidRain: you're ubuntu version is not supported. You have to upgrade first. === PickANick is now known as rabbit2 [16:44] right, I gotta go [16:44] is ocean a bot? [16:44] ne2k: not on the phone.. it is locked by motorola.. ths .c script i showed u is to achieve root [16:44] has anyone experienced black screen crashes on ubuntu 11.04? [16:44] escott: i am now know as rabbit2 [16:44] AcidRain: no [16:44] Guest7529, the ntfs driver doesn't like something about your ntfs filesystem. not a lot you can do. you can try and manually mount things with ntfs-3g drivers. you could also try turning off features of the fs in windows (i think shadow copies are a problem) [16:44] krazykrivda: I guess just try it, then [16:44] einseenai: Yes, but backup OpenSuse data first. Repartitioning without backup works MOST of the time. [16:45] <[HzF]Rocker> escott: Attempt to connect to my neighbors wifi (No encryption) resulted in same problem as on my own wifi [16:45] Hi guys. Will DRBD replication work great with Ubuntu server 10.04? [16:45] krazykrivda: you might be better off looking at reflashing the whole phone with your own OS, if you want a jailbroken phone [16:45] escott: ok, thanks a lot will try doing it... thanks for your time [16:45] ne2k: bootloader is locked, and img flashes check for some sigs === RA_drc_ is now known as RA_drc [16:45] [HzF]Rocker, usually the atheros is well supported. im not sure what the problem could be. something about the frequencies legally allowed in your country? maybe? [16:47] Ralph124c, ok, thanks a lot -). and how about bootloader? installer will install it anyway, won't it override my current one? it would be catastrophy... :-D [16:47] krazykrivda, so much for motorola's promises [16:47] <[HzF]Rocker> escott: the channel should be fine, it works with a Win9x/FreeBSD pc, a media center and some other things that is usually very cranky about the channels [16:47] escott: i think their promise is to release late 3rd quarter this year [16:47] so not quite there [16:48] ne2k: and the link.. it mentions it is intentionally limited in scope, but seems as though it could be adjusted to not rely on econet === o is now known as Guest77985 [16:48] einseenai: Bootloader shouldn't be a problem. Grub is grub - more or less. I'm quadbooting Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSuse and Slackware. That hasn't been issue yet. Other than a looooong boot list. === RA_drc_ is now known as RA_drc [16:50] Ralph124c, :-D yup. thanks a lot. [16:51] ok, thx everybody === LooneyLoonz is now known as Guest81217 [16:55] <[HzF]Rocker> escott: Any idea? :/ [16:55] im using 11.10 and software center closed unexpectedly is there something wrong with software center? [16:56] wrongturn: support for 11.10 in #ubuntu+1 [16:56] !11.10 | wrongturn [16:56] wrongturn: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [16:57] jrib: i went there they gave me a list or other irc chats to go to lol === zz_ng_ is now known as ng_ [16:57] * [HzF]Rocker pokes the FloodBots [16:57] wrongturn: who said what exactly? [16:58] jrib: used !irc [16:58] wrongturn: ask your question in #ubuntu+1 [16:59] wrongturn: more than likely there is something wrong with it. It's alpha software [17:00] In Compiz Windows Decorations... I'm trying to have all windows decorated except MPlayer: [17:00] i have: any & !title=MPlayer [17:00] but that isn't working... any suggestions? [17:00] [HzF]Rocker, not really. the things i know to check are that the driver is correct and loaded, that rfkill is off, and that nothing in /etc is preventing network manager from managing the device (if you put stuff in some network related files network manager will yield to manual control) you could try and connect manually to see if that last bit is the problem [17:00] designbybeck: have you tried reloading compiz [17:01] designbybeck, you might need to adjust your pattern matching. use xwininfo to verify the window title [17:01] yeah it is refreshing AcidRain [17:01] ActionParsnip, [17:01] I have gotten this to work before but I think i'm typing the wrong "window matching" [17:01] i can get it to turn off ALL decoration on all windows === t0nic is now known as Guest12075 [17:02] <[HzF]Rocker> escott the driver should be ok, it's loaded rfkill is off and about /etc i dunno [17:02] I'm not sure how to use xwininfo escott [17:02] designbybeck, type it in a terminal and click on the window you want info about [17:03] that is correct "MPlayer" [17:03] My dad has an intel graphics card and was wondering if the mesa-* was the driver for the card by default [17:03] [HzF]Rocker, perhaps someone else can help you manually attempt to connect. all i know is iwconfig, but i dont know the wpa_supplicant part of things [17:04] samthewildone, should be. for more modern sandybridge best wait until 11.10 [17:04] <[HzF]Rocker> escott, ok === [1]Ice is now known as RetroMetro [17:04] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip: I'm stuck :/ - I couldn't install Wcid/Wicd - How can i connect manually ? === Unidentified6302 is now known as TheNull [17:05] <[HzF]Rocker> to the wifi* [17:05] escott: well thank you my good kingsman! === Dvyjones_ is now known as Dvyjones [17:05] What's the best linux for that intel card ? [17:06] [HzF]Rocker: could try iwconfig [17:07] samthewildone: there is no best linux for an intel vga chip [17:07] [HzF]Rocker: are you fully updated? [17:08] LOL well crap... i get get all or nothing.... [17:08] hello, i am trying to mount an SD card. when i type "sudo mount /dev/sde /mnt/sdhc" i get an error: "mount: you must specify the filesystem type". however, when i try "sudo mount -t fat32 /dev/sde /mnt/sdhc" or variations thereof, i get the error: "mount: unknown filesystem type 'fat32'". what am i doing worng? [17:08] *wrong [17:08] but not just the MPlayer to NOT have windows decoration [17:08] <[HzF]Rocker> ActionParsnip, i made a fresh install of latest ubuntu, and the iwconfig says ESSID:linksys - which is my neighbors wifi [17:08] RA_drc, it's vfat [17:09] RA_drc: I think you want a partition number there and not the main drive designation... like sde1 and not just sde [17:09] man wtf [17:09] ok lets say i wanted to upgrade my box [17:09] my main concert is how do i backup my sql databases [17:09] Hi guys! had a problem updating to ubutu Lucid 64 and narrowed it down to 'nouvaou' not upgrading properly. it sends out error http://paste.ubuntu.com/661254/ in Synaptic when i try manually [17:09] hello all, quick questoin, when ever i watch videos on ubuntu eversince i upgraded to 11.04 my videos have black blocks on them and the time bar is all blacked out [17:09] on every site [17:09] i updated flash [17:09] works fine on my windows box [17:09] anyideas? [17:09] alphanobody: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:10] also when its paused it seems to show the whole picture [17:10] alphanobody, its likely an issue with compiz and your graphics driver [17:10] alphanobody, install the firefox add on flash aid [17:11] dont have compiz andi didi just get a new grahp card, ill try flashaid first ty [17:12] where would the openvpn configuration files go? [17:12] ok so if i just copy the squirrelmail directory from my var/www and its sql entries, it should work after upgrade, right? [17:12] urlin2u: Hi. The other day You gave me a link on a big Wubi thread. I just wanted to thank You. [17:13] alphanobody, did you try different web browsers and do you get the same behaviour ? [17:13] RetroMetro, no problem. [17:13] not sure, ive only used firefox so far and i hope to use only FF [17:13] .join #linux [17:13] join #linux [17:14] alphanobody, try flash aid it fixes mo.st problems === thegladiator is now known as envee [17:15] amazing it works. Ty urlin2u [17:15] escott: ne2k i realized it won't work [17:16] alphanobody, no problem.:) [17:17] im having to backup over 5 gigs of server files and 1.3 gigs of sql data just to get a web cam to work [17:18] lol [17:18] I installed synaptiks, and I see "Drag items by taping the touchpad and then immediately touching it again" ... this seems to mean, 'immediatly moving the cursor' [17:18] well if im not back in 2 hrs. you know that ocean screwed me [17:18] I find this really annoying, I just want to double click the title bar and then have it 'grabbed' [17:19] that's the way it used to work [17:19] it gives me about 1 ms to perform this gesture and its very annoying for resizing windowns === sergio is now known as Guest71610 [17:19] windows [17:19] the new ubuntu is finally using a more sane terminal background, instead of white , but F1 still annoys me bigtime , only function key that seems to be binded [17:19] anyone have ideas on my faulty upgrade posted earlier?? nouveau's always was a pain in the rear since it was introduced way back when, but now it seems impossible to update... it might b a repo problem, but I have no way to know w/o someone's help... [17:19] how do I get the old 'double click and drag' behaviour? [17:19] I have my screen(1) windows on F1-F12 , so F1 starts gnome help window lol [17:20] but F2-F12 toggles my screens , mutt , irssi etc [17:20] except for that it is impressive, everything just works, even apt .. no dependency problems ever [17:20] you carefully lign up the cursor with the window edge, double click, then when you see the hand, drag [17:20] all my debian systems break with dependency problems [17:21] now you have to move like some lunatic, ligning up, clicking and gesturing, lineing up, clicking and gesturing [17:21] it's a real pain [17:21] just installed 15 debian packages I downloaded without any dependency problems, and they all depended on each other [17:21] Interesting. [17:22] holas [17:22] none of the touchpad configuration tools I've tried seem to help === sergio_ is now known as Guest84837 [17:22] I can either turn off tap-n-drag, or turn on drag-lock, but I don't want either [17:22] phoque: thanks [17:22] genii-around: thanks [17:22] I want it to work properly like it did before [17:23] if anyone can help, I'll click on them with joy [17:23] dbolser, do you just want to increase the timeout === JEEBcz is now known as JEEB [17:27] does ubuntu not have an "unmount" command? [17:27] Hi guys, how do i get this "taskbar" http://ubuntu-art.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/133892-2.jpg [17:27] RA_drc, "umount" [17:28] or even just the name [17:28] rumpe1: thanks [17:29] im trying to play a movie and i get an error that says cannot read from resource... what should i do [17:29] RA_drc, if you are looking for a command, "apropos " is always a good source for informations [17:29] ekseniks: heh that could be any dock, unless someone with extensive experience with docks can chime in :) [17:29] escott: what timeout? [17:30] I haven't seen any settings that look promising [17:30] meh, i'm just looking for any alternative to the Unity thing [17:30] kde ? [17:30] ekseniks: ubuntu-classic, no effects [17:30] dbolser, you might be able to manipulate things with synclient [17:30] escott: yeah [17:30] can someone help me with a very strange problem? [17:30] dbolser, i tried that but they won't be shipping that with the next ubuntu :( [17:31] ekseniks: swines [17:31] rumpe1: thanks [17:31] escott: MaxTapMove? [17:32] set to 58 - is that ms? [17:32] feels right ;-) [17:33] Hi I have bought the Fujitsu T901 and now I have a problem whit the touch screen, the pen works fine but when I use me finger the mouse jumps back to te left top corner. any body an idea to solve this? [17:34] i have a problem, I'm using ubuntu live on a usb stick with a persistent file system. now i have a couple of executable files in a folder. but when i try to run them from terminal, it says 'no such file or directory', while i can find them otherwise just fine [17:35] Simon____, type ls in the terminal, do you see the files? [17:35] yeah [17:35] Is there a way to edit a launcher in the unity bar? I need to add a flag to launch chrome [17:35] i'm in the right directory [17:35] Simon____, and you are trying to run them with ./somefile [17:35] Simon____, how are you trying to execute them, and is the folder they are in part of a partition that is mounted with noexev [17:36] it would say permission denied if it was on a noexec filesystem [17:36] well there is another file in there that i can execute without any problems [17:36] execute permissions? [17:37] ls -lh says i do [17:37] slide: you can edit /usr/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop (might be a different name. Edit the Exec= line and it will apply [17:37] thanks [17:37] Simon____, try making them executable and see [17:38] hwilde how do i do that? [17:38] chmod +x or something? [17:38] yeah [17:38] because i already did that [17:38] ActionParsnip, do i need to restart or something for that to take effect? [17:38] Simon____, chmod a+x filename [17:38] TapAndDragGesture = 1 [17:39] is that 1ms ;-) [17:39] i did that and didnt help [17:39] are those binary files or executable scripts? [17:39] binary files [17:39] maybe check what file type they are using file [17:40] dbolser, it's 1 or 0 like true/false [17:40] slide: no, should be fine [17:40] mgolisch how do i do that? [17:40] like compare the output of file filename for the one its working and one of those not working [17:41] oh wait the launcher disappeared from my unity bar hrm heh [17:41] hwilde: but it isn't working [17:41] dbolser, it should just say "true" [17:41] nothing else says true [17:41] synclient [17:41] fastboot = file that doesnt work: fastboot: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, not stripped [17:42] revolutionary does work = revolutionary: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped [17:42] dbolser, Option "TapAndDragGesture" "boolean" [17:42] dbolser, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man4/synaptics.4.html [17:42] how to make samba share files without login [17:42] Simon____: maybe run ldd on the file that doenst work [17:42] <[HzF]Rocker> EH? WHYu can't i set the name of the stick i installed ubuntu on ? - it still shows as "Install Ubuntu" - even tho i DID set the label earlier and i did restart the pc [17:42] might be due to unresolved shared objects [17:43] meh, its not good [17:43] somhow I need more time to drag [17:43] ldd fastboot not a dynamic executable [17:43] when using that gesture [17:43] i think i had a similar problem where it would say file not found where actualy it failed to load some 32bit shared object the file was linked ageinst [17:44] [HzF]Rocker, maybe try set the label and then eject the drive so it writes all the changes [17:44] Simon____: what ubuntu version are you on? [17:44] dbolser, Option "TapAndDragGesture" "true" # Switch on/off the tap-and-drag gesture. The gesture is enabled by default. [17:44] ubuntu live [17:44] 10.04 [17:44] latest i guess [17:45] Simon____: install ia32-libs [17:45] Simon____, 10.04 means "month 4 year (20)10" [17:45] anyone get the radeon driver to work? [17:45] [HzF]Rocker, see if there is a file in the root of the filesystem that sets the label. i think macs do it that way [17:46] hwilde: if I turn it off, I get no 'tap and drag' what so ever [17:46] ah [17:46] my bad [17:46] its 11.04 [17:46] downloaded it today [17:46] what I want is this 'double tap on window bar, mouse becomes a hand, then drag' [17:46] dbolser, right, that's what turning off a feature does :) [17:46] currently I've got 'tap and move cursor very quicky' [17:47] is there a way to fix this? gnome --panel No command 'gnome' found, did you mean: [17:47] hwilde: turning it off gives me no dragging at all [17:47] @dbolser You need to hold after the double tap... just saying [17:47] i cant get my panel back === sigsegfault is now known as a-dot-aout [17:47] <[HzF]Rocker> hwilde: it doesn't matter, it just refuses the name change [17:47] [HzF]Rocker, you gotta be sudo [17:47] @dbolser You need to hold after the double tap... just saying [17:47] MrDave, you can apt-get install gnome-panel --reinstall [17:48] hi i got locked out of my main machine apparently because a mounted fs got stuck. now I can use ssh to send single commands to it but I can't start a shell, probably because the shell starting routine touches the dead mount or something [17:48] <[HzF]Rocker> what? [17:48] ty [17:48] hwilde: is there perhaps some other setting that I need? [17:48] [HzF]Rocker, you gotta be sudo to change the label of a filesystem [17:48] dbolser, here is a page with all the options :) http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man4/synaptics.4.html [17:48] can someone help? I'm in IRC on a mobile phone so it's a bit difficult to follow the chat [17:49] zec0, the ssh-connect itself starts a shell [17:49] <[HzF]Rocker> hwilde: i don't get it and i used Acronis Disc Director 10 on a windows pc to set the label [17:49] dbolser, look at Option "LockedDrags" "boolean" [17:50] hwilde: I don't want locked dragin [17:50] hwilde: I don't want locked draging [17:50] it sounds like you do [17:50] no [17:50] I have a problem with TAB key, not complete de command on ubuntu 11.04 [17:50] <[HzF]Rocker> It changed in the program, but when i reconnected the stick, it reset its' name [17:50] please help mi. [17:50] dbolser, that is specifically what you described [17:50] hwilde: I specifically said I didn't want it [17:50] hwilde: imagine the current tap and drag gesture, OK [17:50] what I want is a bigger timeout between the second tab, and the 'movement' [17:51] I just want to 'double tap' then 'move' to drag [17:51] dbolser yeah that is called LockedDrags [17:51] currently its more like 'double tap move very quick' [17:51] hwilde: don't be a jerk, I tried it, it's not what I want [17:51] hwilde: lemmy try again [17:51] <[HzF]Rocker> how to become sudo ? - i'm the only user, so the account shouldn't be limited 0.o [17:52] !sudo | [HzF]Rocker you should take a look at this [17:52] [HzF]Rocker you should take a look at this: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo [17:52] rumpe1 is there a way to start a shell that doesn't touch the dead mount and thus gets stuck? tried moving .bashrc, no good [17:52] @edenjose try under edit --> profile preferences [17:52] hwilde: nope [17:52] dbolser, Option "SingleTapTimeout" "integer" [17:52] I think there's an option threre somewhere [17:52] hwilde: ahh... thank you very much [17:53] zec0, if you can send single commands, why not umount -f badbadfilesystem === BlaDe__\ is now known as BlaDe^ [17:53] hwilde,ck. i did your comand, no luck. [17:53] zec0, are you sure, it's caused by a filesystem-error? [17:53] <[HzF]Rocker> ubottu: ow [17:53] hwilde: may I kiss you on the mouth? [17:54] thanks so much [17:54] rumpe1 & zec0 why not try a live boot and edit the mount files? [17:54] no but you can read the man page next time @ dbolser [17:54] hwilde: agreed [17:54] rumpe1 I have no superuser via ssh login, would have to be in the shell for sudo [17:54] I thought it would be a specific option [17:54] dbolser: pwned by hwilde [17:54] hehe [17:55] hwilde, any other ideers? [17:55] zec0, ? ... why wouldn't it work? [17:55] http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page @ zec0 use to gain superuser privilegs on any filesystem [17:55] edenjose, http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/28/turn-on-bash-smart-completion/ [17:55] rumpe1 pretty sure it's a fs error because I can ls / but not ls /mount/badfs [17:56] rumpe1 (gets stuck) [17:56] MrDave, are you sure you're using gnome? [17:56] yea, im logged into unity2d as of now, but i should still be able to lauch panel [17:57] MrDave, I don't think you can have gnome-panel in unity2d. [17:57] Can I get hlp printing from a Linux comppputer to a network printer connected to a Mac? [17:57] hwilde, ok, all logout an in. thnx [17:57] hwilde: confirmed, unity2d and panel don't mix [17:57] Penguin I don't want to restart the system if possible [17:58] Does anyone else have a problem with Unity where the menu bar is show when a app goes full screen? [17:58] zec0, try 'ssh user@host "sudo -u username umount -f /mount/badfs" ' [17:59] anyone got an ssd 6g running on ubuntu? [17:59] @zec0 sec, i'll look into it [17:59] !anyone | lotuspsychje [17:59] lotuspsychje: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [17:59] noahbanks, both os's are using CUPS so it should work. [17:59] PRIVMSG zec0: what distro are we talking about here? [18:00] dr_willis: When I go to System>Administration>Printing, I can't find my printer. [18:00] <[HzF]Rocker> Why can't i see the usb stick in "computer" which ubuntu runs from? - i need to access it >.< [18:01] Penguin Ubuntu 10.4 on 2.6.38 [18:01] ugh, not used to this bot, how do i send a private message? [18:01] /msg [18:01] tnx [18:01] noahbanks, i dont use macs.. i do know that they are using CUPS. could be you need to share it a specific way on the apple. [18:01] !pm | Penguin [18:01] Penguin: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [18:02] helvete ! none of the three psx emulators work.... anyone got a clue? psx worked fine and suddenly returns a segmentation fault... :( === avernos_ is now known as avernos [18:02] !pm | zec0 did you check the log files, or do you not have access to them? [18:02] zec0 did you check the log files, or do you not have access to them?: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [18:03] holas [18:03] jjjajaja k fom esta wea [18:03] rumpe1 tried sudo already, won't work because no tty [18:03] <[HzF]Rocker> How can i view the usb stick in "computer" which ubuntu runs from? (It's not listed, but GParted finds it) [18:04] [HzF]Rocker, click the / [18:04] WHOAH! [18:04] [HzF]Rocker, how did you install ubuntu onto the usb stick? [18:04] dude hold up [18:04] [HzF]Rocker, over on the left, FileSystem [18:04] Does natty support 6G ssd drives? [18:04] this is not how god indended ubuntu to look like [18:04] how do i install flash on chrome in 10.10 x64? [18:04] hello [18:04] xD [18:04] how do i get this ugly ass side bar to go away? [18:04] zec0, well.. theres another trick on the net: ssh -t -t -t $host sudo -S command <EOF (-t -t -t forces the allocation of a tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty ) [18:04] lotuspsychje, sure why not? [18:04] how do i get a trash can on my desktop? [18:05] hwilde: do you have one running? [18:05] acidrain, log out, and change window managers, then log back in [18:05] lotuspsychje, should. [18:05] acidrain: lemme guess...unity. [18:05] anyone uses psx? any segmentation faults lately? [18:05] idk [18:05] im so scared though [18:05] <[HzF]Rocker> hwilde: not that place [18:05] acidrain: i switched back from 11.04 to 10.10 [18:05] acidrain, you may want to go read up on some guides about using unity. [18:05] acidrain: breathe [18:05] adgjlĺjgda [18:05] lotuspsychje, I have run on 160G SSD... I don't see why not 6. I have run on 2G flashcards as well [18:05] oCean lead me down the path of destruction [18:05] zec0, referenced link: http://www.shermann.name/2011/02/sudo-over-ssh-magic.html [18:05] holas [18:06] any psx problem redeemer? ;P [18:06] hello, any terminal command to record pulseaudio ? thanks [18:06] bigtom21485, install ubuntu-restricted-extras [18:06] Acidrain: editing nautilus from gconf should place trash can on your desktop [18:07] blueskaj: outstanding, thank you. it's been awhile and i couldnt rememeber what i did before :-) [18:07] <[HzF]Rocker> dr_wills: i used Universal-USB-Installer on a windows pc, and then installed ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso on the stick [18:07] hwilde: i was reading about ssd 6G new technology..just wondering if someone had tested it [18:07] changing to ubuntu classic was the best advice ive ever been given in my life [18:07] help [18:07] acidrain, do you have a question? [18:07] !ask | dejwit [18:07] dejwit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:08] <[HzF]Rocker> dr_willis: i used Universal-USB-Installer on a windows pc, and then installed ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso on the stick [18:08] Anyone had a new login just appear? ("fidonet" on my system) [18:08] i have tried pacat --volume=32768 --format=s16ne --channels=2 --rate=44100 -r -d alsa output.pci-0000_00_07.0.analog-stereo.monitor > /home/user/Desktop/pulsetest.wav and the files don't play [18:08] sort of decent unity 'manual' ---> http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2011/04/my-effort-at-writing-help-for-unity.html [18:09] hey, is there chance i can install jaunty off shipped live cd, on 50Mb RAM laptop, booting stops on APIC blabla, and Loading... [18:09] CrustyBarnacle, fidonet is a classic virus name. [18:09] teknikaly "hangs" [18:09] hwilde: did you bought your ssd slc or mlc? [18:09] CrustyBarnacle: Are you sure that you didn't install any packages recently that may have created it? [18:09] hwilde: :-(....So, a reinstall? [18:10] CrustyBarnacle, you can try some utilities like rkhunter [18:10] FidoNet is a worldwide computer network that is used for communication between bulletin board systems. It was most popular in the early to mid 1990s, [18:10] hiii guise i wanna learn linux kernel can anyone suggest me a good book ...... ( practical based ) [18:10] CrustyBarnacle, sounds like you may have installed a bbs... [18:10] CrustyBarnacle: apt-cache search fidonet brings up a number of packages, perhaps something you installed brought one of those in as a dependency. [18:10] is there any way to get Rsync to speed up with its file list generation? [18:10] Thank you all!!! [18:10] I dont recall a fidonet 'virus' :) but i do recall using fidonet years ago [18:11] vikram, anything from the o'reilly "in a nutshell" series [18:11] I now it's 11.04 now, but jaunty came to me through long way of passed on.. [18:11] <[HzF]Rocker> Help? - I still got no clue how to access the root of the usb stick [18:11] what is the option in preferences to make all my windows wavy [18:11] when i grab them [18:11] zaklucheni, don't think so. Use some smaller distributions. Much smaller. [18:11] how do i set it so that - in a virtualbox guest - ubuntu will pick up the correct time when the virtualbox host wakes up from hibernation? [18:11] [HzF]Rocker, nobody understands what you are asking dude [18:11] acidrain, check your compiz config settings for wobbly windows [18:11] im a newbi .... i haven't read any book yet [18:12] whoah. slow down dude. [18:12] lotuspsychje, I dunno if it was slc or mlc [18:12] rumpe1, but XP is running slowly, pin ball playable, prince4d too! [18:12] [HzF]Rocker, if you mean the vfat partition of the flash drive. you can mount it to whever you want. You would see the iso file and some o ther files there.. 'mount' may show it mounted someplace allready [18:12] i just made a terrible "upgrade" choice. and i cant find anything [18:12] !ccsm | acidrain [18:12] acidrain: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz [18:12] How can I disable 3rd-mouse button emulation forever? [18:12] thanks hwild [18:12] <[HzF]Rocker> Linux is installed on a FAT32 usb stick, and in the space that was left i put a file but since i can't reach the root of that device, i can't access the file [18:12] wavy windows.. makes you so much more productive acidrain ... [18:13] acirdrain install a package called simple-ccsm [18:13] dr_willis: i cant live without wavy windows [18:13] you will be able to customize things without getting lost lol [18:13] acidrain, be a manly man and full screen all the apps and alt-tab..... [18:13] omg [18:13] can i see the each sector of my flash drive ? [18:13] aptitude not found. [18:14] acidrain: aptitude isn't installed by default, use apt-get [18:14] acidrain, so? [18:14] apt-get acidrain [18:15] vikram, if you are curios about the filesystem structure you can just cat the device to a file and inspect the file. you need root access to read the raw device [18:16] Depends: compizconfig-settings-manager (>= 0.8.2) but it is not going to be installed [18:16] i just installed that... and it says its not installed... === a-dot-aout is now known as a-dot-out [18:17] @escott : sorry , i could not get you ..... will you plz give me command or reference ..... [18:17] acidrain, done a sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade recently? [18:18] dr_willis: man im sry. im just freakin out. i am forgetting my life as we know it [18:18] vikram, sudo cat /dev/sdb > raw_disk_image.img [18:18] Anyone have an invitation from Google to give me +? [18:18] google is evil ;) [18:18] Anyone have an invitation from Google+ to give me? [18:18] try ddg.gg [18:18] !ot | juninhomachado [18:18] !ot | juninhomachado [18:18] juninhomachado: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:19] how can i tweek my application to go fullscreen [18:19] ddg.gg is the best search engine out there (ot sorry) [18:19] a-dot-out, thats a little vague [18:19] i cant tell if 11.04 is faster or not [18:19] Plz help. I cannot format my second hard drive. The message I get is that the device is busy, however the drive was never mounted. How do I get the disk to show as not busy so I can format it. [18:20] hey, kind of a long shot, but do you think it'd be feasible to somehow run my windows installation on the other partition inside of ubuntu? [18:20] giraffy, what fs do you want to format it to? whats on it now? [18:20] i'm thinking of using virtualbox to do it, perhaps, but i'm not sure where to start or if it's even feasible :\ [18:20] I want to format to xfs, there is no file system on it now. [18:20] <[HzF]Rocker> I suspect my file is located in /root - but i can't gain root permissions - But i never set a password... [18:20] Escherial, you can install a windows vm with virtualbox, but it's almost impossible to get it to use an existing partition [18:21] [HzF]Rocker, are you asking where is the persistent storage an a live usb stick? === rypervenche1 is now known as rypervenche [18:21] <[HzF]Rocker> i think so [18:21] hwilde: ah, good to know...i just found an article to the same effect, something about how the kernel and drivers configured at installation become specific to the hardware [18:21] * [HzF]Rocker kicks FloodBot2 in the crunch [18:21] giraffy, you mean its not partitioned? you will need to partition it. then you can use sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdXX as needed [18:21] Escherial you could install virtualbox in ubuntu and create a virtual machine that boots from the windows partition === Mud is now known as Guest25938 [18:22] Dynetrax: right, that's what i was thinking about doing, but sadly it's not cut and dry [18:22] Escherial, i've setup many virtualboxes from scratch and it's simple. i've tried for a few hours to get it to use an existing partition and never got it [18:22] Escherial: you can use wine and run many apps from a live ntfs partition [18:22] IO APIC resources could be not allocated; Loading please wait... that's a result inserting jaunty on 50Mb RAM [18:23] #ubuntu-offtopic [18:23] meh, my only concern is that i have a single-user license for my windows installation. i'm not sure how that applies to having virtual machines running on the same box. [18:23] Escherial: I play wow and ddo both off my windows partition while I'm booted into linux. [18:23] * [HzF]Rocker bites FloodBot1 [18:23] [HzF]Rocker: Can you stop that? [18:24] hwilde, Escherial KVM can boot physical partitions quite easily [18:24] Dulak you're running ubuntu? [18:24] Dulak: using wine, huh? :) yeah, i use wine for a few things (ragnarok online, for one), but it'd be nice to have access to my windows installation as though it were booted (i.e. with the window manager, etc. available), so i'll continue to look into vming it [18:24] <[HzF]Rocker> What else should i take out my frustrations on? :P [18:24] I have my caps lock remapped to meta (via xmodmap) but something keeps 'switching it back' while I'm logged in after an unknown number of minutes, any ideas? [18:24] zykotick9: KVM? like a keyboard-video-monitor switch? wouldn't i need two machines running for that? [18:24] Dynetrax: yes, I run 10.04 [18:25] Escherial, ;) Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) [18:25] dr_willis, OK, here's the deal. I've already formatted one partition on this 3T drive by putting it in an external drive box. The box can't recognize anything over 2T, so I partitioned it using my Gentoo laptop. I did this b/c I COULDn't get the Ubuntu to partition this thing with fdisk or gparted. In gparted, the message says the drive is busy. Tried umount although never mounted. Message: not mounted. What is Ubuntu doing that mak [18:25] es this drive look busy? [18:25] did you install 10.04 from alternate iso? or regular ubuntu desktop dulak [18:25] Escherial: umm wine explorer.exe /path/to/windows/mount/point [18:25] zykotick9: ah, heh, that makes a ton more sense :3 [18:25] @escott ..... sudo cat /dev/sdb > raw_disk_image.img .... is still working , how much time it will take ? [18:25] Escherial, your CPU must support virtualization to use KVM [18:25] vikram, no no use dd [18:26] <[HzF]Rocker> hwilde: where is that "other storage" ? === iqpi is now known as iqpi|bici [18:26] vikram: If you send SIGUSR1 to dd you'll get a status printed. [18:26] Dynetrax: just the normal iso, I am using the wine 1.3 ppa repo though for wine. [18:26] giraffy, you should try using gdisk i your version of gparted is too old to handle gpt tables [18:26] Dulak: How does wow run when you run it like that? [18:27] That's the external box that cant recognize the 3T. dont want to spend $80 just to partition this thing and then put in the Ubuntu. btw, tried just formating w/ext3. Doent matter [18:27] could someone please tell [HzF]Rocker where is the persistent storage located on a liveusb stick [18:27] Dynetrax: not as well as natively booted to windows, but it's very playable. I wouldn't raid under linux. [18:27] zykotick9: hmm, i have a core i5 in this machine, so perhaps it's possible? :D [18:27] vikram, depends on how big that disk is. you are copying the entire contents of that fs to a file, failed to mention that you probably want to umount that partition prior to running that command [18:27] Escherial, i haven't used Windows in close to 10 years so really don't know how they work/perform in KVM in that manner, but it worked pretty well with Linux Dual boot installs. [18:27] vikram, you want to use the command "dd" [18:27] now i see, SQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block 0xXXXXX [18:27] No, the gparted will do gpt tables, so I cd have used that. [18:28] is there anyway to make a symlink to a file that doesn't yet, but will later? [18:28] zykotick9: no problem; thanks for the idea. seems promising :) [18:28] safire_, yes. you should be able to force it (or you could touch the file, create the symlink then remove the symlink) it is known as a broken symlink [18:28] Dulak: I want to install 11.04 but i really dont like unity and was thinking of just going for debian, would there be a way to install 11.04 without unity? like at all lol [18:29] Dynetrax, just logout and change wm [18:29] Hey [18:29] !classic | Dynetrax [18:29] there are also xubuntu. lubuntu, kubuntu [18:29] Dynetrax: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". [18:29] how to use dd command .....its 4 gb pendrive /dev/sdb [18:29] i wanna see its boot sector [18:29] !dd | vikram === RobinJ is now known as zz_RobinJ [18:30] I mean is there any way at all to get Ubuntu 11.04 bare bones no stock packages and build it up like you can with debian? [18:30] and, SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, bock and fragment cache block ... [18:30] Dynetrax, what would be the point of this? [18:30] !minimal | Dynetrax [18:30] Dynetrax: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [18:30] escott: can you explain this http://pastebin.com/Zb4QTytx === fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy [18:30] Escherial, a screenshot of 7 KVM dual boot "VMs" in action https://plus.google.com/115403891429547707849/posts/1VuHdVVzCn7 [18:30] nevermind [18:30] retarded, didn't see the typo for weeks [18:30] ;p [18:30] thanks pici [18:31] how to get fork function definition? [18:31] I thought there was some clever trick I was missing [18:31] there are hax upon this ssystem [18:31] this is obvious [18:31] Dynetrax: yes I have done that before, it's a pain in the butt, but doable. There is a ubuntu net install iso somewhere or other [18:31] zykotick9: neat :D [18:31] I didnt know about the gpt tables until I researched last week. Wd like to reformat the whole thing but I still have this pbm of ubuntu saying the drive is busy. Said the same thing about a 16g thumbdrive I wanted to format to ext3, but that I cd put in the Gentoo laptop and format. What is going on with the Ubuntu? Cant find a solution by googling at all. [18:31] what ! dd | vikram means ? [18:31] vikram, dd bs=512 count=1 if=/dev/sdb of=mbr_only.img to copy a single block of 512 bytes. see man dd [18:31] <[HzF]Rocker> where is that persistant storage on a linux live cd ? (it's put on a usb stick, and the persistant storage dont show in Computer) [18:32] thanks [18:32] Dulak, well I've install Arch linux many times so couldnt be any more tedious [18:32] lol [18:33] In comparison to just using the normal iso it's not fun, but in comparison to arch it's probably a walk in the park. [18:33] giraffy, personally, id grab a gparted live cd, and use it to partiton the drive.. i use it for all my hd work like that. [18:34] safire_, can you confirm that folder exists in /etc? [18:35] Pici, thanks for link, i didn't know about alternate install there [18:35] zaklucheni: no problem [18:35] what is a good git gui client to use..? [18:35] dr_willis: OK, I'll try that, thanks. If anyone knows why this is a pbm, wd like to know solution. It's one of those things that make it hard to move to Ubuntu on all systems. Thanks again. [18:36] how do I open a terminal window from the folder I am looking at in Nautilus ? [18:36] can anyone tell me how to further customize the login window in ubuntu 10.04? I only found the option to enable the Appearance manager, but I want to make the Window Background transparent, so you can only see the login input field and username [18:36] can anyone recommend either a visual traceroute program or a site you can go to and view the locations of nodes? [18:36] giraffy, i cant even think of the any time ive repartioned a 3TB hd.. i have 2 of them. but they are NTFS-external USB. so havent really needed to mess with it. yet. [18:36] rawfodog, install nautilus-open-terminal then it's an option in right click [18:36] rawfodog: there is a plugin for nautilus called open therminal here, or something like that [18:36] oh that is :D [18:37] escott: it doesn't, didn't see the typo [18:37] Hey, I have win7 and ubuntu installed on my pc, how do I remove the windows completely and give all the space for ubuntu? [18:37] giraffy, i would highly recommend at least looking at the partition tables with gdisk. i find that gparted doesn't tell me what is going on if there are multiple partition tables on the disk [18:38] how to open that .img file ??? [18:38] stealz: transparant? Why not use your desktop background as background in login window? [18:38] dr_willis: I might have thought it was just the 3T, but I had the same problem when reformatting the thumbdrive, the "busy" message. [18:38] why does it seem that transferring data via ssh that there is a cap of 3mBps [18:38] safire_, neither did i... but it was the only thing you didnt test [18:38] vikram, a hex editor [18:38] escott: I can try that. Do you think the gdisk would work when the fdisk didn't? [18:38] thanks [18:38] eat dick [18:39] faggots [18:39] fucking niggers [18:39] george5: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:39] oCean, The "Desktop Background" is already changed, I am looking for a way to further integrate it into the background [18:39] stupid fucking nigger support channel [18:39] I love seeing the bots stomp out failures... [18:39] I'm not a bot. [18:39] oCean, for the background of the window, I only get to select a colour, not an image [18:39] <__Alex_> Is there a way to remove the ugly Thick Ubuntu bar from the Default install of Ubuntu? [18:40] Pici: You have the precision of a bot :) [18:40] edbian: thanks ;) [18:40] Pici: If we can't tell the difference. Maybe you are a bot... [18:40] stealz: oh but it is possible to actually change the background [18:40] Pici = Cleverbot? O_o [18:40] Pici, well either way I love seeing someone get pwnt for being an ass. [18:40] ubottu, do you think Pici is a bot ? [18:40] edbian: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:40] lol [18:40] giraffy, fdisk doesn't know anything about gpt as far as i can tell. gdisk understands both and can deal with hybrid partition tables [18:41] #ubuntu+1 [18:41] giraffy, parted/gparted knows about both, but doesn't do a good job exposing the complexities of hybrids [18:41] Any ideas as to why my ssh transfers are running so slowly over a gigabit lan? [18:41] ocean, how? [18:41] giraffy, if you find it is a hybrid partition table check rodsbooks.com for some excellent documentation [18:41] chamunks: because encryption happens too [18:42] <__Alex_> Is there a way to remove the ugly Thick Ubuntu bar from the Default install of Ubuntu? [18:42] Myrtti, hmm but both computers are fairly high end machines. === sergio_ is now known as Guest16595 [18:42] stealz: 10.04 right? [18:42] chamunks: ftp is king for speed if you're doing lots of transfers, it might be worth setting up [18:42] hello, is there a way to click a certain icona nd it will go straight to you r desktop without having to minimize all open programs? like in windows, you click it and it shows desktop [18:43] bsdunix, do you think that I could rsync over ftp? [18:43] oCean, to make myself clear: I have something like this: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-SEbMh2ospl8/TX9sgmvgZ2I/AAAAAAAAAgg/U8zAp-n2isg/s1600/Ubuntu-login-screen.jpg and I want it to look more like this: http://slim.berlios.de/themes/slim-lake.jpg [18:43] __Alex_, try the classic desktop, the left panel can only be reduced in width. [18:43] oCean, yes [18:43] chamunks: it still isn't instantaneous. if you're in a LAN and don't have to worry about file encryption, try some other method like ftp, samba or nfs [18:43] oCean, I already changed what would be the desktop wallpaper [18:43] chamunks: not sure how to implement that [18:43] seanmc98 theres a way to do it with KDE but i dunno if you're using KDE [18:44] escott: thanks, I'm downloading gparted iso right now, will check out rodsbook.com and then will probably try gdisk first to see if it can bypass this "busy" stuff. Thanks for the info. [18:44] oCean, I want the login window where you enter your info be transparent, except for the button where you select the user and the input box [18:44] bsdunix, because as far as I know rsync is by far the best method of copying something with any sort of assurances that your data is intact. [18:44] stealz: aah, the actual loginbox [18:44] oCean, yes [18:44] Myrtti, I'd like to use ftp but still would like the precision of rsync. [18:45] chamunks: you're correct there about rsync, i'd just use that [18:45] stealz, just so there is no confusion, that berlios screen cap is using a different DM called Slim, not GDM [18:45] stealz: ok, sorry, don't know about that. And haven't a 10.04 available to try [18:45] zykes-, I know [18:45] Dynetrax, im using basic 11.04 with unity [18:45] hey guys, want to connect to my friends computer through ssh, even he is using ubuntu, i use ssh friend_username@ip_address , is that correct ?? [18:45] chamunks, you can use rsync over rsync protocol (unencrypted) [18:45] I wouldnt know how to do what you're asking ith unity. I dont use unity [18:45] I was just thinking it should be possible to just make the window background transparent, didnt want to install a different login manager for that [18:45] Hi all! I need help with something... Id rathe not reformat/reinstall my computer from scrats.... heres what I did: [18:45] ip_address is external [18:45] pratz: Yes, your friend will need to make sure that they are forwarding port 22 from their router to their computer though. [18:46] bsdunix, escott seems to have mentioned something of interest thanks for your attention to my issue :) [18:46] oCean, thanks anyways [18:46] zykotick9, I was just thinking it should be possible to just make the window background transparent, didnt want to install a different login manager for that [18:46] escott, hi again. Thanks for pointing this out I will look into it some. [18:46] chamunks, you just need to enable an rsync server on one of the machines [18:46] chamunks: my experience with rsync was that i could have it copy over only diff between endpoints and resume broken transfer and verify. lovely stuff, indeed. try scp yet? [18:46] Pici: but when i try to connect , i get no route to host [18:46] I ran a "chown root -R /usr" [18:46] (Did I just hear the comlete linux community face slap itself....?) [18:46] Dont ask me why... I was young and careless... [18:46] Please... can I fix this without reinstalling everything??? [18:46] NorthByNorthWest: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:47] Dynetrax, i want to try gnome but i know that you cant revert back to unity [18:47] pratz: Can you ping that address? [18:47] stealz, unfortunately GDM isn't very configurable these days, best of luck. I certainly have no suggestions. [18:47] !hello [18:47] Pici: just hold on [18:47] bsdunix, I just have some 500 gigs of very important data to be transferred from a harddrive that was in a bad computer. [18:47] Pici: no i can not ping the address [18:47] .: 49: Can't open /etc/apache2/envvars [18:47] why? [18:47] bsdunix, I really dont want to take any chances and I dont really care for the encryption overhead anyways. [18:48] trying to restart [18:48] zykotick9, thanks. The Idea I had was to launch ccsm from the login screen, but that didnt work either. Gonna keep trying =) [18:48] Still, I wonder if there's something different about how Ubuntu tries to mount stuff. Friends using slackware haven't had this problem. Isn't there a way to get Ubuntu to recognize that the disk isn't really busy, or is Ubuntu continuously trying to mount something that it can't mount? [18:48] pratz: That might be an issue, most of the time residential ISPs still allow pings to be sent. Perhaps you don't have the IP correct? [18:48] escott, hmm I'm starting to think that I have no idea how to get started in using the rsync protocol [18:48] stealz: found this: https://answers.launchpad.net/gdm2setup/+question/101329 It seems not an easy task [18:49] giraffy, once you unmount the partition nothing should mount it again until you hotplug the device [18:49] escott, for the unencrypted transfer. do i need a daemon running on the target? [18:49] chamunks, yes you would need to enable an rsync server === easter_egg is now known as court_jester [18:50] chamunks, rsync can use SSH for some things? never used that method myself, but seen the option. [18:50] escott, ok I may need to bug you again as I'm not really familiar with this sort of setup. [18:50] chamunks, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync [18:50] escott: This disk was never mounted. Just for luck, I gave the unmount command to /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2. Response: not mounted. [18:50] Pici: my friend visited whatsmyip.com and then gave me his ip address [18:50] Pici: then is that ip wrong ?? [18:50] i got what i want ..... thanks guys [18:50] pratz: No, thats probably right. [18:51] umount, obviously. [18:51] Pici: then what may be the issue ?? [18:51] pratz are you using the right port? === Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth [18:51] pratz: Are you getting the same 'no route to host' when you try to ping it? === acidrain is now known as [THC]AcidRain [18:51] giraffy, you could try and lsof the files and see if anything pops up [18:52] Pici: yes [18:52] chamunks: here is one of my history uses of rsync; #rsync -avrt --delete rsync://centos.mirrors.tds.net/CentOS/5/os/x86_64 \ [18:52] zykotick9, im targeting a ssh endpoint hence my issues but I think that escott has pointed out that if i learn how to use the rsync daemon on my freenas box I can do this unencrypted. [18:52] Dynetrax: port 22 correct ?? [18:52] quick question... If I want to have a persistent, bootable Ubuntu disk on a 4GB drive, how much space will I need for the casper-rw file? [18:52] pratz: Can you ping anything else outside of your network on that computer? [18:52] pratz is the computer you're trying to connect to behind a router? [18:53] if i got my friends ip address then what can i do ??? [18:53] bsdunix, that looks about right. === TheDreamer is now known as Youri [18:54] Dynetrax: no, we both are using WiBro connection [18:54] escott: ok, thanks === court_jester is now known as Ayrton [18:54] Pici: yes i can ping google.com [18:55] bsdunix, thank you for a good example now i just need to figure out how freenas handles rsync from the web gui. [18:55] you're both on the same network then pratz? [18:55] Dynetrax: no ,we both are using same service providers service and the technology is wibro [18:56] Dynetrax: i am not that good at networking, but i know they are using wibro tech [18:56] chamunks, if you have a mount from your freenas box (samba/nfs) on your local machine, just use that mount for your rsync command... [18:57] chamunks, ie. your freenas box doensn't need any rsync support, just the file sharing it already uses [18:58] zykotick9, hmm well i guess I could try that :P hmm ok well basically my understanding of it now is that rsync prefers unencrypted channels first. [18:58] zykotick9, but it generally can aim for encrypted src/dest's [18:59] chamunks, i've never used rsync's "encrypted" options before, i've used rsync over ssh channels though. I'm not sure what your asking exactly. But rsync can be used to copy/move files around a local computer as well, i just consider it an advanced copy tool. [18:59] chamunks, rsync is just a protocol for transmission of data, its rather agnostic regarding the channel. you tunnel it over ssh and you get overhead for ssh, you tunnel it over nfs/samba you get overhead there. the least overhead is to have to distinct rsync servers on the different machines [19:00] lol ubuntu in a virtual box oon ubuntu [19:00] Would i have to have a spotify premium account to run the spotify linux client?? [19:00] Dynetrax: yup [19:00] lol i installed windows 2000 inside windows xp inside windows 7 once, just out of boredom [19:00] Dynetrax: windows client runs in wine fine, too, though [19:01] Dynetrax: Pici any idea guys ?? [19:01] Pratz i wouldnt know what to do with a wibro connection, never fiddled with that kinda networking [19:01] i'd say try a different remote connection protocol? [19:02] Dynetrax: but i can ping all other ip [19:02] Dynetrax, thats like super inception [19:02] lol [19:02] zykotick9, my problem currently is that I'm usually experiencing painfully slow (3mBps) xfers over my gigabit lan [19:02] pratz: Does the ip that your friend gave you match what you see when you go to whatismyip.com or ipchicken.com ? [19:02] any mac-linux people here? [19:03] Pici: no my ip is different [19:03] is there a way to burn iso on a mac? [19:03] hey guys, i messed something up with my ubuntu partition a bit ago and was wondering how i can COMPLETELY uninstall so that i can reinstall fresh, because it seems every time i reinstall using the uninstall-wubi.exe and then wubi.exe again, the same problem comes back [19:03] Pici: my friend has visited whatismyip.com and he sent me his ip address [19:03] escott, exellent well I've found a decent tutorial on FreeNAS 's rsync server so now I just need to point the destination at my target module. [19:03] gparted, erase and formate [19:04] silverarrow, was that to me ? [19:04] what does this mean? :sprocket is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. [19:04] noneabove, sorry yes [19:04] chamunks: that's too slow for overhead of encryption to account. you have some major bottleneck elsewhere, provided your definition of fast machines is as i assume... [19:04] i am sprocket and im trying to do s sudo apt get [19:04] NS_tech: it means you don't have permission to run sudo [19:04] i used to [19:04] silverarrow, whhats this gparted thing? can you go a bit more step by step or give me a guide to follow ? [19:04] NS_tech, sprocket is not in the admin group. only the admin group is allowed to sudo [19:04] ok [19:04] pratz: I'm not sure what to suggest then. [19:05] how do i get back in the admin group [19:05] Pici: but that is the standard way , right ?? [19:05] pratz: Yes, it is. I suspect something else is going on, perhaps your provider has done something weird. [19:06] bsdunix, well my main box is a 6core amd 3.7ghz and the freenas box is my old quad core 3ghz and its all pushed over gigabit lan my smb xfers can handle sometimes upto 50mBps [19:06] chamunks: army artilley labs made a small c code server/client throughput metrix gathering tool. maybe search for it. quite handy for identifying bottlenecks [19:06] how do i get back in the admin group? [19:06] silverarrow ? [19:06] NS_tech, add yourself to the admin account with a user who is a member. if this is your only user boot the livecd chroot in as root and add yourself there [19:07] noneabove, gparted is a partitioning tool, it is there in the live CDs on Ubuntu and Linux, but can be downloaded an burned for separate boot up cd too [19:07] Pici: no i try to ssh , i am getting destination host unreachable [19:07] NS_tech, if you type "groups" in a terminal, does it show admin? [19:07] bsdunix, I really dont know where to begin looking for that tool :S [19:07] hi guys [19:07] test [19:07] no i lost all my user groups i used to have [19:07] bsdunix, http://www.google.ca/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=army+artilley+labs+bottleneck+identifying+tool#hl=en&sa=X&ei=1zNATt6JHM_FsQKhkoE2&ved=0CBkQvwUoAQ&q=army+artillery+labs+bottleneck+identifying+tool&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=9eeecae9766a8360&biw=760&bih=825 is basically what I ended up with. [19:07] Pici: any idea i am getting distination host unreachable [19:07] pratz: Thats better than no route to host. Are your use that your friend's ssh server is running and is running on port 22? And that they've forwarded the proper port? [19:08] silverarrow, i can use that even if i used the "install on windows" thing ? [19:08] i must have accedentally removed them when ai added myself to the vboxsf group [19:08] !test [19:08] tomtiger11_, are you testing something? [19:08] Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test ) [19:08] bsdunix, sorry for the ugly link google is apparently bad for that. [19:08] noneabove, yes [19:08] noneabove, but you might have to fuzz a bit with grub [19:08] how can i make my nautilus open with different tabs ? [19:08] NS_tech, be careful when using usermod and always use the -a option. assuming this is your only user you need to chroot in [19:08] tomtiger11_: remove that bot [19:08] NS_tech, try logging into "recovery mode" from Grub - then re-add your user to proper groups. Oh and learn to add users to groups properly ;) [19:08] silverarow, and theres no other way with wubi? just want to make sure before i go out and find my usb or a cd haha [19:09] Pici: how to check if he has forwarded the proper port ?? [19:09] pratz: You need to ask him. [19:09] thanks ill try the recovery mode [19:09] Pici: i am afraid he is not that technical guy [19:10] noneabove, there might be, do you have a windows recovery cd? At least it can erase and reformate with ntfs file system [19:10] tomtiger11_: thanks [19:10] NS_tech, you will also want to add yourself to plugdev cdrom sambashare lpadmin (dialout adm) not sure what the last two do === mang0 is now known as Olson` [19:10] Pici: how do i restart ssh server on my computer ?? === Olson` is now known as mang0 [19:10] ok, how do i log in in recovery mode? [19:10] pratz: sudo service ssh restart [19:10] !test [19:10] Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test ) [19:11] . [19:11] NS_tech, do you see grub menu? if not, hold shift while booting. [19:11] silverarrow, well i mean ive been able to uninstall it using wubi but for some reason every time i reinstall the same problem comes back (it gets stuck in boot up once in awhile, then when i install the driver for my graphics card it says i can no longer use unity) [19:11] NS_tech, reboot and select it from the grub menu. if your grub menu doesnt appear you have to press and hold some key not sure which [19:11] oh yeah [19:11] escott, shift for grub2 [19:12] noneabove, hmm, I'm not shore why you get that [19:12] noneabove, though I have had similar happen to me [19:12] Pici: when i ping to my friends ip i get destination host unreachable , any ideas ?? [19:13] pratz: Its possible that they're blocking ICMP packets. [19:13] oCean, just saw the link you posted me [19:13] i held the shift key and it said loadign grub but no menu came up [19:13] pratz, it may not be a global ip address. if it is 127.0.* then it is behind a nat and not a global ip [19:13] oCean, seems helpful, but as you said, not an easy task [19:13] oCean, thanks a lot [19:13] chamunks: ttcp is what i was referring to. sorry [19:13] silverarrow, yea it was all fine until i tried to install more drivers from my graphics card the other day because i have a switchable graphics card so i wanted it using the good one, then all of a sudden it switched out of unity, and then when i reinstalled it gets stuck on a boot screen after i do the updates (like when you install and run first time theres updates it asks you to install) [19:13] escott: what does that exactly mean [19:13] got it [19:14] Pici: escott both mine and my friends ip address start from 113 [19:14] pratz: Thats fine. [19:15] pratz, network address translation, its a subnet that is not visible to the rest of the internet. 113 is a global ip though. you could try and traceroute to it === urock is now known as uRock [19:16] what is the name of the package for the dictionary, which is normally under the Office menu? [19:17] silverarrow, gonna try ANOTHER install, one last time, see if it works... [19:17] uRock: aSpell? [19:17] Is linux realy beter, then Windows? [19:17] yes [19:17] G-host, no [19:17] goodbye === whitesquall1 is now known as Whitesquall [19:17] Why? [19:17] Urock: apt-cache search office | grep -i dict may show it [19:17] thanks bsdunix [19:17] It depends on your definition of better. It's different, and some people like it more than windows, but you'll never know if you don't try it. [19:18] G-host: apples and oranges (also your off-topic) [19:18] ActionParsnip: (btw, package names are lowercase) [19:18] ActionParsnip, I recently dumped xubuntu by installing ubuntu-desktop and it didn't install the dictionary. WIll give your command a shot\ [19:18] G-host: depends on requirements. One OS isn't universally better than another. Each has its own strengths === mint is now known as Guest2200 === Guest2200 is now known as Felix_Indahous [19:19] Pici: cool, was covering the descriptions too ;-) === Felix_Indahous is now known as Felix_Indahouse [19:19] G-host, plus we all know that the CPM was the Best OS ever out.. :) [19:19] And it is right answer!) Thanks!) [19:19] ok so i dont screw this up, what is the correct command to add myself back into the groups i need to be in? [19:19] Hello, I am having a problem with scp between my laptop running 11.04 and my netbook running 11.04. When I try to copy a folder from my netbook to my laptop using the command "scp -v ." it will run for a while, but then it will stall. When I cancel it and try again I get the following message "ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host" both pc's are still on [19:19] i am having a problem concerning flash, firefox and ubuntu 10.4 lts 64 bit; i can't watch any flash films with firefox even if chromium and flash works [19:20] G-host there is no best or better Operating system, its all about what yuo need it for, For instance i use windows 7 for gaming and audio production, and linux for regular everyday use [19:21] Pici:escott Dynetrax any idea guys [19:21] Dynetrax +1 [19:21] ok so i dont screw this up, what is the correct command to add myself back into the groups i need to be in? [19:21] aswift: you more than likely are experiencing a networking problem [19:21] NS_tech, usermod -a -G groups,go,here [19:21] xerox1: what is the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf [19:22] both computers are using wireless through a d-link router and both are still able to access the internet [19:22] NS_tech, sudo usermod -a -G admin,plugdev,... your_login_here [19:22] Aswift: can you ping between? [19:22] ActionParsnip: ii flashplugin-installer Adobe Flash Player plugin installer [19:23] xerox1: that's it? [19:23] ActionParsnip: yeah, that's all [19:23] There is a problem ((. Webcam is defined as the keyboard and does not work. Please help [19:23] what all groups should i be a member of? [19:23] NS_tech, this is my list you may need others adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare [19:24] nope, but I have just found my netbook has lost internet access, don't know why tho [19:24] xerox1: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer === zzzz is now known as zzzz_zzzz [19:24] ActionParsnip: i am even wondering why this package is still there, thought it is only for transition [19:24] do i need to include any groups im already a part of? or does -a mean append [19:25] NS_tech, -a for append don't forget it next time [19:25] xerox1: then websearch: omgubuntu 64bit flash you will find a guide witha PPA with 64bit flash for your 64bit OS [19:26] how do I debug the network connection for my netbook? [19:26] aswift: Check network cables, the router, the NIC. Check to see if there is an IP conflict.... there are a number of possibilities. [19:26] ActionParsnip: ah it was the non-free which was for transition [19:26] aswift: You would have to tell us some specific information about your situation before we could give you any type of specific advise. [19:27] aswift; man ifconfig, route ifup, see /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts [19:27] okey-dokey [19:27] Xerox1: it is the adobe 64bit flash. Works a lot cleaner imho [19:27] even with all my frustrations with linux, its still awsome [19:27] ActionParsnip: thx, will give it a try [19:27] xerox1, actually that flashplugin-installer SHOULD be installing up-to-date 64bit Flash... [19:28] zykotick9: yes, but i didn't :) [19:28] i have had more issues with linux (mostly cause its a non-pure linux) than i ever have had with windows, but i still like it better [19:28] xerox1, i re-ran it the other day to update my installed flash on one machine [19:28] zykotick9: did it work? [19:29] xerox1, well yes, but perhaps the debian vs ubuntu makes a difference? [19:29] Have a problem ((. Webcam is defined as the keyboard and does not work. Please help [19:29] aswift: primarily; ifconfig. see interface name. then dhclient (interface name) - then call route. see that only one default gateway route exists and there is a generic subnet route both for said interface. [19:29] hm...i have had these issues with ubuntu 9.04 and lenny [19:30] most times a simple link helped...not this time [19:30] den4ik_13rus: does cheese show it ok? [19:30] Why would I get a Network is Unreachable when I try to ping a multicast address? [19:30] Black screen( [19:30] and how would I fix the problem [19:30] aswift: but seeing that you're doing wireless; router and winterface configs must match also [19:31] xerox1: debian lenny is offtopic here anx jaunty is eol, so also offtopic [19:31] ActionParsnip: i know... only reacted to zykotick9 [19:32] hello, i am a friendly PA for CyberSurfer [19:32] Gotcha [19:32] mplayer show green screen( [19:32] hey guys [19:32] hello! I just installed xubuntu on my laptop and am finding it's default configuration is not as gentle with the power management (as windows), and is completely unable to successfully hibernate & come back up, where as windows is flawless at this. Is this to be expected / dependent on laptop? or are there configurations I can go dig into and possibly improve the situation? [19:32] what i didn't know is, that 9.04 questions are not answered any longer - it hasn't been that long [19:32] den4ik_13rus, nvidia? try "mplayer -vo x11 foo" [19:33] it seems strange that it can be working for 20mins and then suddenly stops working. I have ran ifconfig and wlan0 is up and running. route gives 3 destinations,, link-local, and default. [19:33] b0ot: We would need to know some specific information about your network and PC before being able to help you with any specific advise. [19:33] , ATI.. [19:33] what group has network access? [19:33] nevertheless: thx to all of you [19:33] den4ik_13rus, still try "mplayer -vo x11 foo" [19:33] This is what i hate about IRC, PEOPLE GIVE THERE IP's AWAY [19:34] CyberSurfer: please see freenode.net and look at getting a cloak [19:34] NS_tech: What exactly are you trying to do? [19:34] CyberSurfer: most do not [19:34] above [19:34] look [19:34] CyberSurfer: and you think that's limited to IRC? [19:34] [19:34] Rule #13 [19:34] well i fixed my group problem but now i dont have network access anymore. it says im connected but im not getting out [19:34] laptop powermanagement / hibernation thoughts? [19:35] NS_tech: What do you mean you are not getting out? [19:35] LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0 tv:// -vo x11 foo ------ show green screen(( [19:35] NS_tech: Can you ping the router? [19:35] no but people on irc have to be a bit computer savvy so its likely they will own a bot net [19:35] CyberSurfer: that would be an assumption [19:35] aswift: i would suspect driver for the netbook's wireless interface or poor signal strength. for driver: dmesg | less (look for driver load on last boot) lsmod | grep (driver name) then check logs /var/log/messages, etc [19:35] CyberSurfer: this isn't anything to do with ubuntu, so can we please drop the topic [19:35] ok [19:35] with webclients making IRC easy and accessible, I would not agree [19:35] Hi, a friend of mine is have an issue booting from a Live CD Ubuntu he says all that comes up when he boots from the disk is a blinking cursor then it shuts down. He is trying to backup files. [19:35] i know [19:36] thanks [19:36] cybersurfer is here to foxnews people into getting cloaks [19:36] xD [19:36] Dynetrax: please drop it [19:36] NS_tech: If you can ping the router, see what the default route is; route -n (The default should be the gateway router). [19:36] yea yea [19:36] dropped [19:36] thanks [19:36] but still why would they search in google or click on a link that says IRC even though they don't know what IRC stands for [19:36] NS_tech: Next, see if you can resolve domain names; host av.com [19:37] can anyone tell me where to find the option for opacity or transparency in glade? [19:37] gotta have fun sometimes though [19:37] cant always be so serious [19:37] lifes too short lol [19:37] my routing looks fine [19:37] but yeah anyways [19:37] ubuntu [19:37] NS_tech: If you are unable to resolve domain names, check /etc/resolv.conf for valid nameservers [19:37] i had internet before i rebooted. === mohammad is now known as Guest17491 [19:37] !ot [19:37] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [19:37] guys pls help with webcam( [19:38] !webcam | den4ik_13rus [19:38] den4ik_13rus: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [19:38] no one runs a laptop with ubuntu? or power management is great for all of you folks? [19:38] :P [19:38] den4ik_13rus: webcams can be tricky.. I think there is a list of supported webcams somewhere.. ah.. there it was.. see ubottus little factoid above [19:38] den4ik_13rus, install/run cheese - see if it works in cheese.. if so.. it works. :) [19:38] Can someone help me [19:39] CrazyGir: works nicely for me.. although I have to shut down my second graphics card if I want to get the extra hours of battery time [19:39] or you can try with guvcview too [19:39] Slart: hibernation works? [19:39] !ask | GuestDJ [19:39] GuestDJ: Sure. Ask your question(s). [19:39] GuestDJ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [19:39] my name server is correct [19:39] did you need to fiddle with any settings? [19:39] CrazyGir: hmm.. I rarely use it.. but I think it does [19:39] NS_tech: Can you ping your router? [19:39] yeah [19:39] not work on cheese and other( [19:39] A friend of mine is have an issue booting from a Live CD Ubuntu he says all that comes up when he boots from the disk is a blinking cursor then it shuts down. He is trying to backup files [19:40] NS_tech: And you can resolve domain names? [19:40] CrazyGir: my daughter is using ubuntu on her laptop now and says when she closes lid, it stays running, heats up in her courier bag and freezes up in that sleep state [19:40] no [19:40] w00t [19:40] CrazyGir: but that might just be plain luck.. laptops are a bit random when it comes to what works and what doesn't [19:40] NS_tech: Is your router's IP address listed as default gateway? [19:40] NS_tech: route -n [19:41] i i think so, here is the tricky part, im using this in virtual box so i dont know how it connects to my router [19:41] sir [19:41] hello [19:41] yea, I'm just sad going from a crappy windows setup (but flawless pm and hibernation) to a wonderful ubuntu setup with hibernation that crashes and 2 hours of battery life [19:41] and i have long tive boot(( [19:41] i need some help [19:41] is there a way to display cpu load in the unity system tray? [19:41] can someone kick Surfboard [19:41] he's my PA [19:41] Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd Acer CrystalEye Webcam MYCAM [19:41] Travis-42, theres indicator-applets that can show that info. many are not in the repos. Check the list at the askubuntu.com site. [19:42] hey I have a dlink usb wifi adapter and it worked the first time I plugged it into ubuntu by itself. now, when it tries to connect, the wifi indicator in ubuntu blinks and glitches [19:42] dr_willis, how safe is it to install programs outside of the official repos? [19:42] can someone kick Surfboard [19:42] CrazyGir: sorry to hear about that. maybe there are some power management applications / tools available in synaptic? [19:42] CyberSurfer: stop that [19:42] y [19:42] ping: unknown host www.google.com [19:42] he's my pa [19:42] CyberSurfer: stop it now [19:43] Travis-42, how safe is it to be asking for support from people you dont know.. life has its risks.. [19:43] atually [19:43] NS_tech: Is your router listed as default gateway? [19:43] Travis-42, theres other system moniotr tools in the repos you could use. conky, gkrellm, gdesklets... [19:43] how do I get a connection to my desktop from my laptop so I can view what is on my desktop screen? [19:43] can u kick me [19:43] hey I have a dlink usb wifi adapter and it worked the first time I plugged it into ubuntu by itself. now, when it tries to connect, the wifi indicator in ubuntu blinks and glitches and doesnt connect. I know its not the wifi [19:43] NS_tech: route -n [19:43] someone slap me with a trout please [19:44] does anyone know how to make a window transparent in Glade? [19:44] GTRsdk, you could try vnc which is more windowsy or use ssh and xnest which is more pure unix [19:44] GTRsdk: apt-get install tightvnc [19:44] !vnc | GTRsdk [19:44] GTRsdk: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [19:44] hey I have a dlink usb wifi adapter and it worked the first time I plugged it into ubuntu by itself. now, when it tries to connect, the wifi indicator in ubuntu blinks and glitches and doesnt connect. I know its not the wifi [19:44] help? [19:45] bsdunix: not sure, I guess I can look :) [19:45] i dont know exactly because my linux is running in VirtualBox [19:45] so my network onfig in the box doesnt match my actual network [19:45] wifihelp_: wait at least 5 minutes.. or more.. before repeating yourself.. you might want to add some information about what your wifi-adapter is listed as in lsusb and what version of ubuntu you're running [19:45] usr13, Unable to locate package tightvnc [19:46] NS_tech, you can set up vbox networking where the guest os appears on the local lan as a normal machine. (bridged?) or on its own subnet. and i think a few othe rways.. [19:46] slart: sorry. it used to work and I didnt play with the settings which is making me frustrated [19:46] GTRsdk: tightvncserver & xvncviewer [19:47] GTRsdk: And/or x11vnc (I use x11vnc) [19:47] wifihelp_: try running lsusb in a terminal... it should give you a list of 10 or so lines.. figure out which one is your wifi-dongle and write down the numbers preceeding it.. something like 1234:5678 [19:47] sorry [19:47] i never configured anything so its whateer the defaults are [19:47] but i said kick not ban [19:47] thats abuse [19:47] wifihelp_: that number will identify what kind of hardware is in that dongle.. you can even google for it [19:47] i will report ur ip [19:47] CyberSurfer_: stop it now [19:47] GTRsdk: x11vnc - VNC server to allow remote access to an existing X session [19:48] fine [19:48] Does anyone here have ubuntu installed on a lenovo ideapad (S205) ? [19:48] GTRsdk: tightvnc-java - TightVNC java applet and command line program [19:48] CrazyGir: my daughter said there is a work-around for this common problem in the ubuntu forums that permenantly shuts down hibernation [19:48] usr13, so would that work to 'see' the other computers and to gain access to them if I know the passwords? [19:48] I'm running Ubuntu Server 11.04. I was hoping to set up some sort of QoS which, rather than explicitly throttling P2P traffic and such, would set out a guaranteed amount of bandwidth for things like HTTP, and allowing the remainder of the bandwidth to be saturated by whatever else wants it. [19:48] slart: none of the information can allow me to identify it. they all say device 1 and linux foundation [19:48] i got it installed on lenovo ideapad [19:49] Does anyone know of a good solution to accomplishing this? [19:49] GTRsdk: There are a number of options. I use x11vnc on server end and vncviewer (part of tightvnc) on client end. [19:49] slart: nevermind [19:49] Felix_Indahouse, PM? :) [19:50] wifihelp_: here's what it looks like on my computer.. notice line 10.. that's my portable hard drive.. it has the usb id 1058:0702 [19:50] wifihelp_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/661375/ [19:50] slart: 07d1:3c0d [19:50] GTRsdk: So if you install x11vnc and tightvncviewer on both, you will have it. BUT, you can install xtightvncviewer tightvncserver on both and that will work too. [19:50] ok i can get out i can ping but i cant ping google.com [19:51] Hey guys, i was wondering if ubuntu 11.04 is PAE Enabled and address's 4GB of ram? [19:51] wifihelp_: include that when you ask for help... you can even just put those numbers into google and it will give you some good hits [19:51] is it possibl that im having a groups issue? [19:51] !pae [19:51] To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info [19:51] GTRsdk: Probably just install tightvncserver & xtightvncviewer on both and see if you like what you have. If not, try x11vnc [19:51] cause thta was the last thing i changed before it stopped working [19:52] wifihelp_: I've got a d-link DWA-140 myself that I haven't been able to use in ubuntu.. but perhaps your model is better supported [19:53] hm [19:53] says for 10.04 and 9.04 [19:53] i guess 11.04 is just enabled by default? [19:53] nankura, there are pae kernels in the repos.... [19:53] i get that, but thats not what im asking, im asking if 11.04 is enabled with pae by default [19:53] i remember something about 10.10 having pae [19:53] nankura: it is indeed. [19:53] oooh! i found a netgear WG111v3 at radio shack for $25 that not only works automagically with ubuntu, but does packet injection. this is nice to know for some i thought [19:53] thankyou pici [19:54] i cant get name resolution after i modified my groups can anyone throw me any suggestions? [19:54] Hi, anyone here with experience with 3ware raid cards? [19:54] have a processor question [19:54] nankura, see if your kernel has pae in its name.. i guess.. [19:54] NS_tech, undo what u did [19:54] vboxsf adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare This is what i have [19:54] HSL: i am [19:54] i gave myself my admin privs back [19:54] fosburg: just ask... there is no queue.. just a big wild free-for-all =) [19:55] NS_tech, /etc/resolv.conf have nameservers? [19:55] yeah my modem [19:55] bsdunix: ever had it that only 2 drives where shown when 4 are attached? [19:55] HSL: are we talking about scsi, sas, sata? [19:56] bsdunix: sata [19:56] AMD ATHlon 64 processor 3200+ how do I know it's running 64 bit? [19:56] fosburg, uname -a [19:56] fosburg: uname -a [19:56] brb [19:56] fosburg, "uname -m" [19:56] fosburg: that will tell you the name of your kernel.. 64 bit kernels end in a special way [19:56] like maybe a 9690sa-4i card? - well. yes i have had this occur. [19:56] if it tells something about i386... it isn't [19:57] bsdunix: it's a 9550SX-4LP [19:57] bsdunix: how did you fix it? [19:57] bsdunix: scanning with tw_cli just says, no drive connected to port [19:58] HSL: double check power to the drives. make sure you clear all existing RAID configurations in 3DM2 and check system bios settings. then check drive jumpers [19:58] it might be that powersave is being turned on for wlan0, how do I disable this? [19:58] Hi there. I can't start my Transmission... The error-message I get: "Couldn't open '/home/paul/.config/transmission/lock': In/out-error" I'm not sure if the translation where okay.. [19:59] uname -m how do I find that? Not sure how to look at the kernel [19:59] bsdunix: they where working fine before a reboot yesterday :/ [19:59] bsdunix: and what is 3DM2? [19:59] fosburg, in a terminal type "uname -m" what is the output? [19:59] NS_tech: You should also be in plugdev [19:59] fosburg: sorry.. you open a terminal.. like a command line window.. then type uname -m [19:59] ok thanks [19:59] SoftarPaul, http://www.rhyshale.com/blog/archives/307 [19:59] HSL: 3DM2 id the GUI configurator for the controller. [19:59] fosburg: on my machine.. that is running 64 bit ubuntu it will print out x86_64 [20:00] bsdunix: I'm on a gui-less server [20:00] how to get fork function definition? [20:00] bsdunix: and yes, it's remote :) [20:00] HSL: i would suspect your system bios setting; set to legacy sata or use onboard sata controller - etc [20:00] hwilde: Thanks a lot! [20:01] bsdunix: that's weird, i didn't change the bios and it worked fine yesterday :) [20:01] Anmol, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_%28operating_system%29 [20:01] HSL: and last of all; the worst case scenario; bad drives. [20:01] aswift: I doubt that the WiFi nic has a powersave function. [20:01] Hello, I need some help ASAP. My friend is trying to backup some files via a Ubuntu Live CD. He is having an issue with a blinking cursor then it shuts down. Any help? [20:02] HSL: 3DM2 does work with remote servers === max is now known as Guest73025 [20:02] dyjodapa, is the computer working properly or is something on it dead? [20:02] !bye [20:02] Au revoir! [20:02] !bye [20:02] dyjodapa: having an issue with a blinking curser when it shuts down? What do you mean by that? [20:02] HSL: is there any way to check these drives? [20:03] dyjodapa, try an old ubuntu livecd (if you have one), try a non-ubuntu livecd, or see if nomodeset is an option for the ubuntu livecd. If it is shutting down, probably no livecd will work. [20:03] bsdunix: yeah I have to drive to the datacenter tomorrow. [20:03] dyjodapa: you do need a minimum amt of RAM to load a Live CD, is it an older computer? [20:03] i looked in the /var/log/pm-powersave.log and on of the last entries was "Turning powersave for wlan0 on...Done" [20:03] !tomtiger11 [20:03] dyjodapa: Here is a good one: http://www.slax.org/ [20:04] tomtiger11_: please use the bot in private: /msg ubottu !bot [20:04] HSL: most suspect is that a reboot - then this. boot device maybe never set properly in system bios? [20:04] ok !bye [20:05] His system crashed and he is trying to recover imprortant files. When he tries to boot from a CD all that comes is a blinking cursor then it shuts down. [20:05] aswift: If this is a laptop, check to see if the WiFi device is toggled off, (via switch or kestroke combo, such as F-key). [20:05] dyjodapa: He may have a problem with RAM. [20:05] bsdunix: not likely, last few reboots I had no problems at all [20:06] dyjodapa: If there are more than one stics of RAM, remove one and try again, if same thing happens, switch to another one and try again. [20:06] no both have the wireless is on, and the scp was working for the first 20mins or so and then stopped [20:06] dyjodapa: you may want to just recommend he purchase an external USB enclosure, pop the hard drive in there, and retrieve the files that way [20:06] zykotick It said i686 when I entered the line uname -m [20:07] fosburg, so that's 32bit [20:07] dyjodapa: If it only has one stick of ram, try re-seating it. Next, try another knon-to-be-good RAM stick. === Gujs_ is now known as Gujs [20:07] !tab > fosburg [20:07] fosburg, please see my private message [20:07] Ok, I will ask him about the RAM [20:07] Universial USB-Hard Drive Adaptor. does Ide/sata/laptop sized ide. all in one.. like $25 - Worth the$$$$ :) [20:07] thanks--is there a way to change the speed [20:07] hello! is anyone can help me? [20:07] ubuntu 11.04, notebook Asus A6000 [20:07] wifi interface detected but DISABLED [20:07] Fn+F2 doesn't work [20:07] HUYA: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. === KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG [20:08] fosburg, you can't go from 32bit to 64bit without reinstalling (currently) [20:08] dyjodapa: Ok, good. But that is only one of several possibilities. The first thing to check is RAM because it is most likely. [20:08] HSL: then two drives going at once under these circumstances does point to loss of that sata channel on controller [20:08] anyone use gnump3d? === KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_ [20:09] Zopiac, I used to. Had issues with id3 tags. [20:10] zykotick9: you got it working externally though? I can't get my music to show online [20:10] HSL: i don't think card is really bad. i had this recover once after resetting everything on controller. they go bonkers at times [20:10] anyone here likes turtles [20:10] Zopiac, yes i had it working externally. [20:10] bsdunix: or it's the firware on the drives. [20:11] bsdunix: yeah, resetting is not really ideal :-) [20:11] I can access it (http://zopiac.dyndns-server.com:8888) but cant see my music [20:11] I have its root folder set for one of my music folders, but nothing is showing. zykotick9, would you be able to help me with this? [20:11] HSL: subtle hint; R1-soft [20:12] can i list all unix groups on the system ?' [20:12] Zopiac, probably not. but have you tried restarting the server? "sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart" sorta thing? [20:12] bsdunix: whut? [20:13] zykotick9: yeah I have, still nothing. Even trying just "gnump3d --root=/path/to/music" doesn't work. [20:13] Zopiac, sorry it's been too long, I simply don't recall. Best of luck. [20:13] zykotick9: all right, thanks anyways [20:14] HSL: i have since implemented xenserver/gluster and i no longer worry about loss of data from failure like this. R1-soft backup solution. pretty good stuff [20:14] bsdunix: yeah I was thinking of getting rid of my server and get 4-5 VPS servers [20:15] HSL: 4-5 virtual private server servers huh [20:15] ok my laptop is fine, I am using to communicate here therefore internet is fine. The asus eeepc 1005ha keeps losing the wireless connection whilst I am using scp even though it is less than 3m from the router. I no longer have internet access on the netbook until I reboot it... [20:16] aswift: As a work around you can try removing the module and reinserting it using modprobe -r and modprobe commands [20:17] edbian: -servers :P [20:17] zykotick9: ah, I was able to get it. huzzah! [20:17] Zopiac, nice :) [20:17] HSL: :) [20:18] edbain: sorry what is the module name I should remove? is it the driver ath9k? [20:19] aswift: You can find out the exact name by looking at the device in the output of sudo lspci -k [20:19] can anyone help me with Glade? [20:20] how do I install a rt2870sta driver? [20:21] ok that got the wireless back up === KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG [20:21] hi, please do you know, where can i find shared folder from virtualbox in ubuntu? [20:21] aswift: So, you can do that each time (not really a good solution I know) [20:21] aswift: I think there is a bug in the wifi driver. scp should not cause the connection to drop (obviously) [20:22] Hey guys, I know this isn't the channel for GS, but their IRC is so damn underpopulated, so please, if anybody has experience with gnome-shell, please query me. Thank you. [20:22] KNUBBIG: You want us to ask you questions about gnome-shell? [20:22] @.@ [20:22] edbian: no I need help =( [20:22] KNUBBIG: oh sorry :( [20:23] edbian: no problem :-=) === sergey23 is now known as subzero [20:23] Do more people have the problem that f-spot crashes. === subzero is now known as sub-zero [20:23] It crashed on date. === sub-zero is now known as Sub-Zero [20:23] I am not sure, but I think it has a problem with on reading the date or with localization. [20:23] hi === Sub-Zero is now known as Guest20687 === Guest20687 is now known as subzerro === subzerro is now known as sub-zerro [20:23] Does anyone know how to fix it? [20:24] ce qualche figa disponibile??? [20:24] mazz_: hi [20:24] !fr | mazz_ [20:24] mazz_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [20:24] I hope fr is right :) === sub-zerro is now known as subzerro [20:24] or .pt? Dunno :( === subzerro is now known as subzeero [20:24] Hey [20:24] I think its it [20:24] italian [20:24] please do you know, where can i find shared folder from virtualbox in ubuntu? === subzeero is now known as subzerrro [20:24] hahah [20:25] !it | mazz_ [20:25] mazz_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [20:25] oh that might be right, too. So many options :p === mort_tu_erres is now known as votre-pseudo [20:25] ce ne sonoooo [20:25] how do I install a rt2870sta driver? [20:25] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! missmist arash_ chaddy ericmuyser melanie [20:25] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! jnsl_ merlot smw HSL lepanen g-style[away [20:25] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! bullgard6 peterwald craigsaboe Felix_Inda [20:25] missmist: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:25] missmist: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:25] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! n4nwq missmist arash_ chaddy ericmuyser melanie_ [20:25] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! jnsl_ merlot smw HSL g-style[away] lepanen mackal [20:25] !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! WATCH KLOERI TEACH FREENODERS HOW TO SUCK DICK FOR STAFF FAVORS / SEE HOW MRMIST GOT HIS OLINE , HINT IT REQUIRED LIVING UNDER LOREZ'S DESK FOR A SUMMER / SEE HIDDEN FOOTAGE FROM THE PDPC/CANONICAL GAY ORGY / SEE NIKO LOSE HIS VIRGINITY TO A 400LB BLACK MAN . CALL NOW! (405)949-1961 IF LOREZ'S MOM DOESN'T CUSS YOU OUT IN SPANISH SHIPPING IS FREE !!- FREENODERS GONE WILD -!! bullgard6 peterwald craigsaboe Felix_Indahouse as [20:25] missmist: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:25] n4nwq: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:25] n4nwq: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) === votre-pseudo is now known as mort_tu_erres [20:25] n4nwq: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:25] ohmy [20:25] Someone should put a catch in ubottu for if somebody floods her. [20:26] Can't hear that in any voice but george takei's anymore [20:26] I bet if someone did it right they could flood ubottu which would make ubottu flood the channel with general responses which would in turn cause the flood bots to react [20:27] :D [20:27] lol [20:27] maybe 10 hosts all saying sthing with ! :p [20:27] !be smart, dont get tricked [20:27] stealz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:27] wont help -_- [20:27] Does nobody use f-spot anymore? [20:28] omfg [20:28] Yo [20:28] i found a bug in the timeradd man page [20:28] pretty legit bug [20:28] Somelauw, I moved to g-spot ;) [20:28] sry, that was cheap [20:28] G'night! [20:28] I mean, shotwell looks nice, but there is no button to import photos from my android or did I miss something. [20:29] <|Slacker|> Somelauw: guess you missed something [20:29] f-spot doesn't work anymore. Even after I remove my configuration it crashes again, if I try to sync it with android. [20:29] ice799: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs [20:29] guys there is a driver for a usb adapter I want to install but don't know how to [20:29] NEvermind, I found it. [20:29] edbian: why is this so much work [20:29] <|Slacker|> okies ;) [20:29] ice799: Can you elaborate? [20:29] sous: What kind of adapter [20:29] reporting a bug [20:30] is such a pain [20:30] Maybe f-spot was removed for a reason. === jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer [20:30] <|Slacker|> i find it pretty much simple and straight foward [20:30] i need to create a launchpad account bleh [20:30] bkerensa: DLink DWA-125 Wifi adapter [20:30] true for the first time, but if it weren't, the devs might be spammed with bug reports :-) [20:30] bkerensa: it used to work before I update to 11.04 [20:30] like "my screen went blue plox fix" ;) [20:30] nah thats simple KNUBBIG [20:30] ice799: Umm, I think it's the culmination of a lot of things. e.g. that bugs are hard to fix unless excruciating detail is given. Plus launchpad is a forum (or sorts) so they have to keep bots / spammers out. [20:30] <|Slacker|> sous: what's the chipset [20:30] im a dev [20:30] anyone good with Glade interface editor? [20:30] Somelauw, ding ding ding! ;) f-spot may stand for fail-spot, but i'm not sure. [20:30] and i just ignore bug reports [20:31] ice799: I agree it seems more difficult than it needs to be. There is a GUI tool in Ubuntu I think. [20:31] <|Slacker|> sous: I think you've restarted your system after the upgrade [20:31] ice799: reportbug ? [20:31] <|Slacker|> s/think/believe [20:31] zykotick9: Maybe, I am too lazy to find the place to report this bug and to remove private info from the debug output. [20:32] Slacker: not sure what that means but when I plug it in its recognized and it says Ralink and displays wifi names [20:32] Although that is the right thing to do in such a siutation. [20:32] <|Slacker|> sous: so..it's being recognized [20:32] sous: ya [20:32] <|Slacker|> sous: do ya get any error msgs or it just doesn't connect [20:33] Does anyone know why after suspending my laptop power use remains at least 75-100% higher (7-10 watts) until I reboot? Double checked and my discrete card appears to be powered off. [20:33] slacker: doesnt connect [20:33] slacker: my normal wifi card connects. but the adapter doesnt [20:33] And then I consider myself a programmer, but I usually can't find buttons to click in a program. [20:34] <|Slacker|> sous: if you ifconfig in a terminal, do you see the adpater there? [20:34] Somelauw: that can be a pesky thing :) [20:34] slacker: lsusb sees it [20:34] Somelauw, f-spot is mono-crap anyways, perhaps a native linux app would be better ;) [20:39] <|Slacker|> sous: good, so it exists...what about ifconfig? [20:39] is f-spot not a native linux app? [20:39] usr13: it is [20:39] Does anyone know why after suspending my laptop power use remains at least 75-100% higher (7-10 watts) until I reboot? Double checked and my discrete card appears to be powered off. [20:39] one needs to define 'native linux app' [20:40] slacker: how do I know? [20:40] melanie_: Yea, well, I suppose it just means that it's not cross platform. [20:40] Hello. What can I do if the "Gnome Alsa Mixer" only opens an empty window where I can do nothing but close it again? [20:40] <|Slacker|> open a terminal and type: ifconfig -a [20:41] <|Slacker|> wifi should be representend as wlanX [20:41] usr13: that would be rather sad, actually. :) [20:41] Mrokii: Try alsamixer from terminal. [20:41] I did, with the same result [20:41] melanie_: What? What would be rather sad? [20:41] usr13: if native would imply non-crossplatform i meant! === KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_ [20:42] usr13: I did, with the same result (sorry, forgot your nick). [20:42] slacker: I see wlan0 and wlan1 [20:42] <|Slacker|> so it's there! [20:43] slacker: yes but it doesnt connect. I think I should update the driver? [20:43] melanie_: I guess that is not a good definition "not cross platform". I'm sure there are a number of applications that are cross-platform which started life as a native linux app. There may not be a good way to define the term "native linux app" [20:43] <|Slacker|> sous: which one is the adaptor? wlan1? [20:43] Mrokii: What? Same result...? [20:44] Somelauw, usr13 melanie_ I don't consider MS's C# even if implemented on linux through Mono to be truly "native" but perhaps my initial statement went too far. [20:44] usr13: I agree. 'native app' even reminds me a bit of 'legacy app'. :) === sysadamin is now known as sysadamin|away [20:44] if i want to add an existing user to a group i would do sudo usermod -G right? [20:44] slacker:wlan1 [20:44] hi i have the problem with apache2 it is going wild [20:45] <|Slacker|> sous: is wlan0 connected right now? [20:45] usr13: It opens an empty window labelled "ALSA Mixer" (no controls visible in it). [20:45] if yes, i have a problem :P [20:45] slacker: ya [20:45] apache2 -S [20:45] apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER} [20:45] <|Slacker|> if you disconnect it, does wlan1 connect? [20:45] ^^ somebdy an idea whats wrong? [20:45] Hi, I said of a issue earlier of a issue with a blinking cursor then the computer shut down. I aquired the RAM Specs it is 1GB Ram. What else could be wrong. The Computer is a Toshiba A215-S7422. [20:45] melanie_: Yea. I don't know. If you ask is gimp or firefox a linux native app? How would you answer? I don't think "linux native app" really has any meaning. [20:45] jnsl_, careful! you need "usermod -aG ..." that -a is VERY important [20:45] slacker: if I connect wlan1 tries to takeover and connect. but then it doesnt connect === Sickki_ is now known as Sickki [20:46] Is mono a better or a windows only java. [20:46] Mrokii: Is your sound card enabled? (Does it have a driver loaded?) [20:46] slacker: If I connect the device itself. it tries to have priority and fails [20:46] <|Slacker|> sous: hmm...are you in a different computer? so we can do some testing? [20:46] zykotick9 that gives me same error: sudo; unable to resolve host [20:46] usr13: d'accord! [20:46] thanks everyone for your help. I have eventually managed to copy my files. It appears that the problem is that I can't have multiple scp open at once. I was trying to scp simultaneously from my laptop and my netbook... [20:46] slacker: ok just 1 sec [20:47] <|Slacker|> :) [20:47] jnsl_, if you changed your hostname, you probably broke sudo! you need to change both the /etc/hostname AND /etc/hosts - they MUST match! [20:47] usr13: Well, I can listen to music via the soundcard, so yes. My problem is that I have a headset and only the mic doesn't work, which I wanted to set via alsamixer [20:47] ahhh thanks a lot :) that was the case! ill remember that [20:48] !hostname | jnsl_ [20:48] jnsl_: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. [20:48] Mrokii: So alsamixer in therminal is just blank? Hummm.... never saw that problem. [20:48] Mrokii: does it 'hang'? [20:48] slacker: its me with an extra s [20:48] Mrokii: because if it does, it might be helpful to see a strace log. [20:48] hey! [20:49] lol [20:49] <|Slacker|> ok [20:49] <|Slacker|> souss: let's do the easiest way first, aye [20:49] melanie_: I don't know if it hangs, but I can close the window without problems. [20:49] <|Slacker|> disconnect wlan0 and try to connect wlan1 [20:49] melanie_: How do I do a tracelog? [20:49] slacker: k [20:49] man trace ? [20:50] i have trouble mounting nfs shares at boot using fstab. bootings hangs error is rpc.statd would not be running, but sudo mount -a after booting works [20:50] Mrokii: sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils [20:51] Mrokii: strace -o trace.log I guess [20:51] #python [20:51] usr13: Both are installed [20:51] I need help ASAP. I said of a issue earlier of a issue with a blinking cursor then the computer shut down. I aquired the RAM Specs it is 1GB Ram. What else could be wrong. The Computer is a Toshiba A215-S7422. [20:51] slacker: the indicator looks like its connecting normally, but every two seconds it blinks a loading circle . ...then it fails to connect [20:51] whoops [20:51] Mrokii: it might also be helpful to figure out if you could reproduce such a 'hang' behaviour with one of the alsa command line utils (the non-interactive ones i mean) [20:52] <|Slacker|> souss: ok.. [20:52] <|Slacker|> souss: try now in a terminal window [20:52] melanie_: I don't know any of them, so I will first have to investigate that [20:52] <|Slacker|> iwconfig wlan1 scan [20:52] slacker:how [20:52] k [20:52] Mrokii: sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio [20:53] slacker: edit to my account. it says YOU ARE NOW DISCONNECTED [20:53] Mrokii: I guess one of the first things alsamixer does is something like 'get a list of all available devices'. === mack is now known as Guest39878 [20:53] <|Slacker|> souss: but does the scan detects anything? [20:53] |Slacker|: I think it's iwlist [20:53] <|Slacker|> usr13: oh yeah [20:53] <|Slacker|> thanks === aschro is now known as aschro|away [20:53] <|Slacker|> souss: sorry, my bad, try iwlist wlan1 scan [20:53] slacker: no the GUI way says that. the terminal says "unknown command "scan"" [20:54] usr13: That wouldn't be a good idea because it would deinstall ubuntu-desktop [20:54] <|Slacker|> it's because I'm dumb and told ya the wrong command [20:54] slacker: no results [20:54] <|Slacker|> hmm...not even detecting [20:54] slacker: in like 1 second [20:55] <|Slacker|> souss: hmmm... [20:55] how can i add czech language to the seamonkey mail? [20:55] <|Slacker|> souss: it's a ralink chipset right? [20:55] melanie_: taht strace command gave me a pretty long doc, but I have no clue what I should look for. [20:56] ya [20:56] slacker:ya [20:56] tomatto_: install all languages you want on the Language Support menu [20:56] Mrokii: well... [20:56] <|Slacker|> souss: weird..I have a ralink adaptor and it runs ok....have you tried checking for updates after you upgraded? === miki is now known as wrongturn [20:57] Mrokii: if the app 'hangs' then this log tells you 'where' it hangss. [20:57] Okay, the app does not hang. I can open the preferences-window, but when I try to open the soundcard properties, it crashes [20:57] Mrokii: ah, okay. [20:57] slacker: ill check [20:57] <|Slacker|> souss: okies [20:58] <|Slacker|> souss: one more question, when did you upgrade? [20:58] slacker: couple of days ago [20:58] slacker: worked fine on maverick [20:58] <|Slacker|> souss: ah ok...and you've rebooted since then I believe [20:58] Mrokii: in that case the log would point you in the direction of the crash [20:59] slacker: I think there may be a bigger problem === lion42 is now known as Guest37072 [20:59] slacker: my wlan0 does the same blinking problem but still connects? [20:59] <|Slacker|> souss: 0.o [21:00] slacker: no updates [21:00] melanie_: That gave me this in the terminal: (gnome-alsamixer:5614): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_instance_get_private: assertion `instance != NULL && instance->g_class != NULL' failed [21:00] Segmentation fault [21:00] <|Slacker|> souss: go to a terminal and do lsmod [21:00] <|Slacker|> souss: see if the ralink module is loaded [21:00] Mrokii: that's hardly a help, I think. :-( [21:01] slacker: what does it look like [21:01] <|Slacker|> gimme a sec [21:01] slacker: rt2870sta? [21:01] does anyone know what does this command mean "sudo su - releaseuser"? specifically what is the dash ? [21:02] <|Slacker|> souss: guess so [21:02] sieson: i think it starts a login shell, no? [21:02] slacker: does my adapter have to be plugged in? [21:02] <|Slacker|> souss: it helps [21:02] <|Slacker|> :) [21:02] sieson, su - means to run somtning as root.. but that command is redundant.. sudo su, is redundant. :) [21:02] sieson, "su -" means switch user the - means, fake a login [21:02] sieson: at least this dash notation i remember from 'login' [21:02] sieson: dash is the thing which shows when you press SuperL (Windows key) [21:02] :) [21:02] ya it is [21:03] slacker: i just googled it [21:03] <|Slacker|> ok [21:03] sieson, sudo releaseuser would be the same thing.. basically [21:03] <|Slacker|> souss: let's try reloading the module ok: [21:03] <|Slacker|> souss: sudo rmmod modulename then sudo modprobe modulename [21:03] zykotick9: what do you mean by fake a login? is that the same as switch a user? [21:04] ughh im logged in as root on my server, but i cant edit /etc/sudoers, it says readonly [21:04] l [21:04] dr_willis: right, thanks [21:04] sieson, as an example (don't do this) "su -" would log in as root, with root environment and into root home folder. Using "su" would just switch to root user in current directly with the origional user's environment. [21:05] what should i chmod sudoers to ? [21:05] jnsl_, try sudo visudo [21:05] slacker: it just worked without reloading the module [21:05] slacker: it worked randomly [21:05] <|Slacker|> souss: did it connect? [21:05] melanie_: Sorry, computer crashed. I'll have a look at the tracelog [21:05] BluesKaj same, im thinking i need to chmod it ? -r--r----- 1 root root 674 2010-12-25 06:54 sudoers [21:05] zykotick9: ah right, thanks for the clarification [21:05] slacker: ya. how can we troubleshoot while its working [21:06] <|Slacker|> souss: that's a good question :p I'm just a humble user with some minor advanced skills, but apparently it was a module problem [21:06] <|Slacker|> souss: now reboot and see if it connects [21:06] slacker: what does lsmod do because it fixed it [21:06] Mrokii: damnit! :-/ [21:07] <|Slacker|> souss: lsmod only lists the active modules [21:07] slacker: hmm? [21:07] <|Slacker|> souss: rmmod removes it and modprobe loads it [21:07] hi [21:08] dr_willis: su is super user. su - someother-user would switch you to someother-user [21:08] I thought su was 'switch user' [21:08] su - was the default to switch to root. [21:08] I have A SSD disc with 12gb free. Still when I start after grub it tells med hd0 out of discspace press any key to continue. How do I get rid of this message? [21:08] su - change user ID or become superuser [21:09] 'su -' = 'su - root' but its not to be used on Ubuntu. :) so we better hush hush.. [21:09] usr13: su is switch user, without a username it assumes root [21:09] slacker: it works [21:09] dr_willis: Yes, su - with no further argument means switch to superuser [21:09] <|Slacker|> souss: guess we've solved it uh [21:09] slacker: I guess so? [21:09] ActionParsnip: Actually, it is superuser not root, but same priviledges, so essentually same in a way. [21:09] is er een nederlandse chat hier? [21:10] aghhhghgh when i edit /etc/sudoers with vim or visudo it says readonly :S [21:10] <|Slacker|> souss: I guess so, either..I believe it was some module weirdness [21:10] slacker: I just disconnected the usb and it disconnected. [21:10] dr_willis, su is switch user [21:10] as root !! [21:10] slacker: success? [21:10] <|Slacker|> souss: guess so [21:10] usr13: how is super user different to root? [21:10] socket: #ubuntu-nl [21:10] <|Slacker|> souss: connect it again and see if it works [21:10] usr13: the man page says superuser too :) [21:10] Try #ubuntu-nl [21:10] Somelauw Thank you [21:10] slacker: I did. and to a different port even! [21:11] <|Slacker|> souss: success? [21:11] ActionParsnip: It is different because logging in as root is one thing and switching to superuser is another thing. [21:11] slacker:yep [21:11] <|Slacker|> souss: cool, dude! enjoy your wifi then :p [21:11] usr13: i see, so is it a different UID? [21:11] hello [21:12] is lzma -9 the best compression available (that doesn't require obscure packages)? [21:12] !nederlands | Somelauw [21:12] fagel: The error message "out of disk" is not reffering to disk space. It means that a read was attempted past the end of the disk. This means that you have a buggy BIOS which cannot properly handle large disks, you can work around the problem by creating a small /boot partition near the beginning of the drive. [21:12] Somelauw: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [21:12] slacker: I guess you can upgrade your status from minor advanced commands guru, to super skilled magic executer [21:12] When I click on the ubuntu logo under unity and start to search the interface freezes for a moment or two then shows the results is there anyway to stop that from happening? Its a problem because my keyboard characters are typed multiple times when it happens [21:12] <|Slacker|> souss: lmao! [21:13] Looking for advice on accessing an ssh server I'm hosting from a windows computer, and transferring a file(s) between them [21:13] slacker: haha thanks man cya [21:13] <|Slacker|> souss: np dude...o/~ [21:13] <|Slacker|> another happy user :) [21:13] nessonic: what was it's name... putty? [21:13] when i use visudo and save it saves the file in .tmp :S [21:13] That's what they will be using, yes [21:14] im logged in as root [21:14] CoJaBo: http://www.maximumcompression.com/data/exe.php [21:14] My issue is having a windows-only friend use command line to copy a file from my computer, to his. [21:14] , === mint is now known as Felix_Indahouse [21:15] melanie_: The trace is a very long document (not that it would tell me anything): http://pastebin.com/UXU01Jdt [21:16] . [21:16] ActionParsnip: yeh, that's the problem I'm getting when I google- mostly chink patios of obscure tools under well-defined data. I'm compressing assorted data, but need something common like lzma, just wondering if theres something even better. [21:17] mostly comparisons of* [21:17] CoJaBo: how big is the data you are shrinking? [21:18] ActionParsnip: root is a user but superuser is not a user. when you do su - the user just gains root priviledges. [21:18] usr13: gotcha [21:18] ... the user becomes superuser [21:18] Hello, im having some problems with partitions, is here anyone to help me? [21:18] up to 320 gb. it can't use a hojillian gigs of ram to compress, but time is a lesser issue. [21:19] usr13: but using su needs root to have a password === Nexus6 is now known as Foxy6 [21:19] this is what i get on fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/661437/ [21:19] ActionParsnip: On other systems, root password is given after envoking command su === Foxy6 is now known as Nexus6 [21:20] usr13: sure but there isn't one in ubuntu by default, so su doesn't work. Makes it look like you become root [21:20] ActionParsnip: So on a ubuntu system, sudo su or sudo su - is a valid command process. [21:21] Any idea on the unity launcher freezing? [21:21] ActionParsnip: Yes, but after becoming super user, (with command sudo su - ) You will not see root as a user (after invoking who command). [21:21] please help. After a reboot my LAN and Internet is not working. the little network icon has a white/red cross on it. It should just be dhcp from my router [21:21] It makes it very hard to pull up apps because I have to correct it all the time [21:22] ActionParsnip: Because the user has simply gained superuser privileges and a root session has not been opened. [21:23] ActionParsnip: up to 320 gb. it can't use a hojillian gigs of ram to compress, but time is a lesser issue. [21:23] Hey ActionParsnip === Al__ is now known as al_nz1 [21:23] tera__, how much RAM does your system have? [21:24] CoJaBo: i'd go with the lzma or whatever, should be fine [21:24] 8GB [21:24] ActionParsnip: probably.. just wondering if theres another common tool lol [21:25] Intel i7 quad core =\ [21:25] tera__, so it's not from the hardware, obviously. [21:26] I don't think so [21:26] But fresh install same thing [21:26] QUESTION: can I chmod +x mutiple files at once? [21:26] I reformatted once already just to make sure =\ [21:26] philipballew: sure [21:26] Thinking about just using classic but I kinda like unity *ducks* [21:27] tera__, what about graphics card maybe thats the problem [21:28] optimus [21:28] heya, im trying to figure out why i cant edit /etc/networking/interfaces as root on ubuntu 11.04 server.. and google only gives explanations of sudo as answer.. :( [21:29] I chmod +x'ed an entire filesystem once. oops === ng_ is now known as zz_ng_ [21:29] that was a mes to fix:/ [21:29] would love some help since im utterly confused ;) [21:29] !ubottu help [21:30] !helpme [21:30] Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude [21:30] stef__, have you tried something like sudo gedit /etc/networking/interfaces ? [21:30] stef__: Can you sudo nano /etc/networking/interfaces or not? [21:30] mASOUD_42: thats the answer i got through google and the thing is im doing this as root [21:30] chmod +w stef__ [21:30] !details | stef__ [21:30] stef__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [21:30] stef__: How are you logged in as root? Ubuntu uses sudo, not a root password [21:30] check the acces rights [21:31] stef__ ls -l file [21:31] didnt really want to spam a lot of lines here, would pastebin be preferred? [21:31] and there is no real root actually [21:32] Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 [21:32] stef__: topic [21:32] i guess this might help a bit, im used to just doing sudo su and working as root when im setting up some things, i guess it might bug cause root doesnt really exist? [21:33] stef__: Yes, though long comments (without newlines) are greatly prefered to vegue short descriptions of problems, even without pastebin. [21:33] stef__: of course root exists?? [21:33] Jordan_U: understood, ill test more then write up one concise question [21:33] stef__: root exists and sudo su is a valid way to get to it. There is no root password. What are the permissions on the file? [21:34] stef__, sudo -i [21:34] !saymyname ubottu [21:34] :( [21:34] :D === nisstyre_ is now known as Nisstyre [21:39] due to my epic art of trolling here, can someone please give me multiple reasons why I shouldn't switch to debian or redhat? [21:40] synapse: Ubuntu developed with users like you in mind. They have the latest software (unlike Debian) and care about their desktop hobby users (unlike fedora). [21:40] synapse: Don't be trollin' [21:41] ubuntu does not have the latest software, ever [21:41] I'll bring this to the offtopic channel if you want [21:42] synapse: why don't you switch to whatever you'd like to switch to? [21:42] synapse: wanna talk in #offtopic ? [21:42] #ubuntu-offtopic that is === iqpi|bici is now known as iqpi [21:44] :) [21:44] hello [21:44] ello [21:45] Hello. Do ubuntu updates generally create new versions of files in the system or do they patch old versions? [21:45] for what its worth, man lsattr solved my problem, file was set immutable :( [21:45] quit [21:47] how can i change the grub color [21:47] natschil: it overwrites the old with the new [21:47] purple isn't manly ;d [21:47] natschil: depends [21:48] natschil: for 'configuration files' backups of the old file are usually created. other files get replaced. === KindTwo is now known as KindOne [21:48] how do i get 10.10 x64 to have flash and mp3 capability? [21:49] melanie_: ActionParsnip: so If I want some file do definately keep some changes I make to it, what would be the best way to do so even that the changes survive any minor updates... patch the file on every update? [21:49] natschil: what file are we talking about? [21:49] bigtom21485: there is a PPA with 64bit flash if you want === Ramses_ is now known as Ramses__ [21:49] melanie_: say /etc/init.d/somescript. [21:50] melanie_: say I wanted to make it do something before it does something else. [21:50] natschil: not sure there dude [21:50] natschil: Any files in /etc/ which have been modified by the user should, by debian policy, never be overrwritten without user consent. [21:50] actionparsnip: can you remind me how to go about doing that? [21:50] Jordan_U: what about /lib/ ? [21:51] Jordan_U: thanks. [21:51] and this time im gunna write it down in case i have to do another computer install [21:51] ActionParsnip: I can create a patch that has my changes, my q [21:51] uestion is how to make that persistent. [21:51] natschil: for /lib there's no such policy, i _think_. [21:52] natschil: That said, you will usually be prompted on every package update which modifies that file if you want to replace the file, keep the current one, try a merge etc. [21:52] natschil: actually the clean solution would be to add some kind of 'hook'-mechanism to allow for your situation, if it makes sense. [21:52] Jordan_U: but that is only for configuration files, no? [21:52] natschil: Files in /lib/ I believe will always be replaced, unless you use dpkg-divert to explicitly prevent that for a given file. [21:52] Hi, I am trying to help one of my friends recover some files. He says everytime he tries to boot up all he gets is a blinking cursor then the PC shuts down. Windows crashed so that is why I am trying to recover these files the computer has 1 GB RAM and the Computer is a Toshiba A215-S7422. Please help ASAP. [21:52] melanie_: Jordan_U: yese, probably something like that. I mean the user may not know what to choose, and it would suck if security updates were not applied just to keep my minimal changes to the file. [21:52] purple isn't manly ;d [21:52] how can i change the grub color [21:53] natschil: What is your actual problem? [21:53] Jordan_U: I see, dpkg-divert may be my friend. let me look at the man page. [21:53] Jordan_U: that I have a modification to a file in /lib/ that is essential to the system, but that I still want security updates to be appliable to the file, for example. [21:55] natschil: Please describe your exact situation in detail. [21:56] Jordan_U: that is my exact situation. Take it as a premise that I need to modify a script in /lib, and that these modifications need to be persistent, and that I am now wondering about how security updates can still be applied. [21:56] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14446548 [21:56] natschil: What file in /lib needs to be modified, how, and why? [21:56] thats a nice image [21:56] Im trying to make a persistent usb stick using the start up disk creator but its not letting me allocate space to the usb drive thus no persistence, anyone know whats going on? [21:57] natschil: how is that ubuntu related? [21:57] Jordan_U: that is irrelevant. [21:57] ActionParsnip: because I need to know how the ubuntu packaging system deals with things like that so I can solve this problem. [21:58] natschil: solve rioting in london with a package, good luck [21:58] 21:56 < ChristopherNG> Im trying to make a persistent usb stick using the start up disk creator but its not letting me allocate space to the usb drive thus no persistence, anyone know whats going on? [21:58] hihi [21:58] test 123 [21:58] hi, i have installed ubuntu server and lamp, now i want to admin mysql from my windows xp using sqlyog, the problem is that i cant reach the server in ubuntu, i tryied sudo ufw delete deny 3306 and sudo ufw enable then i open the access to root from % in mysql table user [21:59] natschil: No, it's not. Many questions don't have a generic answer, and this seems like one of them. I cannot help you without specific details. Please read: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#goal [21:59] I just installed a new nvidia card and the nvidia acclerated graphics driver (version 173). I restarted my computer and now the Additional Drivers program says that the drivers are installed but not in use. [22:00] Bookman- i think thats a bug [22:00] Bookman: what nvidia chip is it? [22:00] Bookman: that stupid gui is very buggy [22:00] Bookman- try glxgears youll know if its nouveau or not [22:00] ActionParsnip, Geforce 6200 [22:01] Bookman: what is the output of: lsb_release -d [22:01] sudokill, glxgears gives about 800 fps [22:02] Hey [22:02] hmm maybe its nvidia, i cant tell with a 6200 tbh [22:02] nouveau gives me 1200 with gtx 460 [22:02] Jordan_U: ok. Imagine that I am modifying /lib/bridge-utils/bridge-utils.sh to include a line at the start that logs something. I want this line at the start to stay there despite security updates. [22:02] I use a 6200 and its fine :) [22:02] and 19500 with nvidia [22:02] ActionParsnip, what is your glxgears fps? [22:02] natschil: log what? [22:02] sorry to be so thick. what's the PDF Viewer from which I can copy text. Thanks so much! [22:02] Bookman, open a terminal and type sudo nvidia-xconfig then reboot again if it say's command not found run sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig [22:03] tripelb- evince? epdfview [22:03] both can copy paste [22:03] evince didnt do it. I tried selecting it but no. I thought it did sudokill. [22:03] tripelb- you sure its not a scanned pdf? [22:04] Bookman: 954 === sandok45 is now known as adaggIO45 [22:04] actionparsnip: where would i found a 64 bit repo? [22:04] *the [22:04] ActionParsnip, then maybe it is running. [22:04] Bookman: what is the output of the command I gave please [22:04] tripelb- my bad, i cant copy either i thought you could [22:04] Jordan_U: say whenever the script was run. say it simply ran echo "The script was run" >> /var/log/some_file somewhere in the middle. sorry that I am not able to give you the exact problem, but I have my reasons for doing so. [22:04] hello, I am having issues getting grub/grub2 installed on a software RAID1 from ubuntu server 10.04. I get the following error: Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed. [22:04] lack of pdf knowledge [22:04] bigtom21485: omgubuntu reported it [22:04] Hey all :D [22:04] Hi Guest! [22:04] sudokill, it's called Dutch with Ease. BTW what's a scanned pdf. - I found a site that will pronounce dutch with a choice of voices. I was stoked then "stop" [22:05] tripelb- i mean scanned with a scanner ie not actual text [22:05] natschil: 1: As long as you are starting your question with "Say I want to do X", rather than "I actually am trying to do X" I think you are missing the point. 2: I need to leave now. [22:05] :P [22:05] Guest3258, the command /nick YourNewChoice will change your nick [22:06] tripelb- is that just temp until you login again? [22:06] never tried it.. [22:06] no ideas eh? [22:06] sudokill I never heard of that. I suppose now that I dont understand how pdf works. You might be right. [22:06] what package is holding the printer-driver? with ubuntu-desktop my system can use the printer, with lubuntu-desktop there is no driver found for the printer [22:07] iceroot: cu [22:07] iceroot: cups [22:07] actionparsnip: what about mp3's? [22:07] tripelb- im not sure. i literally only have one pdf file and i use epdfview. i cant copy text either, and i dont think its scanned in im 99% sure its not [22:07] chi: you gave the channel all of 120 seconds to answer, give them a chance [22:07] Jordan_U: look if you dont know the answer to the specific problem I have then that's fine, I do not want a way to solve the general problem, but a way to solve the specific problem of a small change to a script in /lib/ to be persistent even if there is a security update that changes the script. thanks for the help though. [22:07] tripelb- so nio idea sorry [22:07] tripelb, Ya about that, I set the stupid thing in empathy, but it keeps choosing another name everytime I log on. How do I make it permanent? [22:07] daan4711: dkpg -l cups == ii [22:08] bigtom21485: install ubuntu-restricted-extras and you will be able to playMP3s [22:08] sudokill I lost context. what do you mean, is that just temp until you login again? You mean the namechange? Your original nick is primed by whatever is in your login software. watch me change. [22:08] daan4711: so there must be another package [22:08] ActionParsnip, sorry things scroll so fast here I'm not sure anyone even saw it === tripelb is now known as quadrupleb === quadrupleb is now known as tripleb [22:08] tripelb- yea changing nick. do you need to change back or will it do that by itself when you exit / login [22:08] tripleb- dont answer that lol just me being stupid [22:09] ActionParsnip, Output is: Description: Ubuntu 11.04 [22:10] slt [22:10] ici [22:10] Guest3258, tell me how you get into irc. I use 10.04 are you in Ubuntu 11.04 ? (I am in Lucid, 11.04 is Natty) I use xchat for IRC. I cant tell you about Empathy. Pidgin was standard before Lucid [22:11] Im trying to make a persistent usb stick using the start up disk creator but its not letting me allocate space to the usb drive thus no persistence, anyone know whats going on? [22:12] Bookman: I recommed you remove that driver and install nvidia-current you should get the 270 driver [22:12] Guest3258, I would guess that somehow you are not saving the setting for the nick. --- I also suggest that you go into terminal and do -- sudo apt-get install xchat2 -- this is my choice for ease. [22:12] !list [22:12] This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [22:12] ChristopherNG: usb disk creator doesn't make a persistent install [22:13] ActionParsnip: start up disk creator [22:13] ActionParsnip, it used to has it changed? [22:13] tripleb, I use 10.10 Ubuntu. I log into IRC through Empathy by: Room - Join. . . . . [22:14] ActionParsnip: Start up disk creator does allow persistent install [22:14] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [22:14] looks like it does [22:15] sudokill, the program that you use to get into irc (pidgin, mibbit, xchat, and others I never used yet) is what sets the nick you have when you initiate irc and sign into the server. I would guess that somehow you are not saving the setting for the nick. --- I also suggest that you go into terminal and do -- sudo apt-get install xchat2 -- this is my choice for ease. sudokill [22:16] sudokill (amendmended: I would guess that someone who fails at that having the nick they want at login is not _saving_ the setting for the nick inside of the program that gets her or him onto IRC. [22:17] sudokill, I copied text to guest-whatever which made what I told you awkward [22:20] sudokill, look I found something. maybe I can do it anyway. thanks for telling me about "scanned text". http://www.google.com/search?aq=f&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=scanned+pdf [22:21] Im trying to make a persistent usb stick using the start up disk creator but its not letting me allocate space to the usb drive thus no persistence, anyone know whats going on? [22:23] ChristopherNG, what do you exacly mean by 'presistence'? [22:23] ActionParsnip, I'm pretty sure the driver is indeed working. Unity is working fine. Compiz is working great. Sysinfo program shows that the driver is running as well. Must be a problem with the Additional Drivers program. [22:25] Bookman: if it's working then I'd go with it :) [22:25] herro [22:26] Now, I do have one other unsolved issue. Ubuntu does not seem to recognise one of my SATA hard drives. It started once in awhile, but a reboot would work. Now not at all. [22:26] ChristopherNG, just install ubuntu to your USB stick. To be safe I disconnected my HDD and installed to the USB and everything works fine. [22:26] anyone vim experts? [22:28] tainted, we all use nano instead, its so cool :) . (joke) [22:28] lol [22:28] i accidentally removed my /usr/share/vim folder and apt-get remove vim | apt-get install vim doesn't fix it.. :( [22:29] i like nano :D [22:29] so yeah, thanks for the help [22:29] =( [22:29] I like nano too [22:29] guess, I'll have the customer pick a real OS [22:30] tainted: well, I'm not a vim expert, but if I were I would suggest reinstalling vim-common [22:31] chi try #ubuntu-server see if anyone can help you there [22:31] oh [22:31] thanks mASOUD_42 [22:32] th0r: doiesn't fix it [22:32] th0r: E484: Can't open file /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/syntax.vim [22:32] seems like it didn't recreate the folder [22:34] tainted: well, I have squeeze installed and it is vim72, not vim73. and there is no syntax folder in there [22:34] argh [22:34] what is the proper way to include files in /usr/include ? [22:34] I got wireless working yesterday [22:34] How can I set dpi in Ubuntu 11.04? [22:34] now it sees the network and asks for pass then spins and spins and asks for pass again ad infinitum [22:34] how can I figure out what's going on here? [22:35] hello [22:35] tainted: I don't have all of vim installed, and don't have that folder or file. You might check in synaptic and reinstall anything 'vim'. There is vim-gnome, vim-gtk, etc....whatever you have already installed. [22:36] tainted, th0r , i have the /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/syntax.vim on my system. [22:36] tainted: what about downloading a tar and extract (recreate) that files manually? [22:37] what is the proper way to include files in /usr/include ? [22:39] Can I ask a question about the Ubuntu Software Center? [22:39] JohnnyZero, yes ask plz [22:39] Thing is I used to hit install and things would install. Now I click install and nothing happens. How can I fix it? [22:40] this is so ackward! ive never seen this. [22:40] bigtom21485: neither has anyone else [22:41] I can show you guys what the terminal says [22:41] If this would work [22:41] I mean help [22:41] I'll pastebin it [22:41] th0r: im installing ubuntu restricted extras and its asking me about microsoft true type fonts but after i read the agreement it won't let me click yes [22:41] and it in the tty so it wired anyway [22:41] '*wierd [22:42] bigtom21485, in the teminal hit the tab [22:42] http://pastebin.com/SiLn0Kfq [22:42] ulin2u: THANKS! 8-) [22:42] urlin2u: THANKS! 8-) [22:42] bigtom21485, I looked at it for 5min the first time that happened to me. ;) [22:43] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/cups is pretty embarassing. [22:43] The software center used to work. Not sure why it isn't working currently. [22:43] JohnnyZero, can you run a update upgrade in the terminal? [22:44] urlin2u, I did that and it didn't do anything unfortunately. [22:44] urlin2u: I'm trying to figure out why my wifi is slow all of a sudden when my router hasn't moved and i havent added any other computers to my network and the other computers are fast like they've always been :-( [22:45] Do I have to reinstall Ubuntu? [22:45] probably not [22:45] JohnnyZero, did you get an error in the terminal? [22:45] mh [22:45] urlin2u, nope [22:45] JohnnyZero: try starting it as sudo [22:45] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [22:46] JohnnyZero, so your saying when you ran a update upgrade nothing at all happened/ [22:46] Alright I'll try the software-center as sudo [22:46] urlin2u, yeah thats right [22:46] JohnnyZero, not a god idea. [22:46] good === Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam [22:46] right, urlin2u [22:47] but it should be ok just for a test [22:47] trying software center as sudo [22:47] Odd [22:47] It works in terminal as sudo [22:47] But not when you run it from the menu [22:47] If the terminal isn't running a sudo software center wont eithier. [22:48] Yeah it seems from the menu, it doesn't work [22:48] But typing sudo software-center does [22:48] JohnnyZero, did you perchance stop any installs while running them? [22:48] JohnnyZero, i think there's somethig wrong with that password asking prompt [22:49] Yeah mASOUD_42 [22:49] i got a similar problem with kpackagekit [22:49] IU think that may be it also [22:49] anyone who knows about updates and grub messups? [22:49] This is what the menu command says [22:49] /usr/bin/software-center %u [22:49] silverarrow, what's the problem? [22:49] There is no sudo before it [22:49] hello, just bought new hardware for DIY build, im runing the memtest on the ubuntu livecd, it says I have 15G of RAM, but I bought 16... is this... logical? [22:50] I have a newly installed lubuntu, and updates ruined it completely [22:50] silverarrow, can you be specific? [22:50] you mentioned grub for example. [22:51] JohnnyZero: that's correct [22:52] I see [22:52] usually grub is a hardly noticeable start up process, but now I am stuck in a black screen at bootup with the text "minimal bash line suported" or something like that, and a grub number [22:52] usually it's asking for your password, doesn't it? [22:52] urlin2u, does it make any sense? [22:52] ubuntu 11.04 GeForce GTS 360M installed nvidia driver it says = this driver is activated but not currently in use ? [22:53] silverarrow, like grub 15 error? [22:53] no, not a typical error message === matt_ is now known as Guest12850 [22:53] wait, I shall get pen and paper, computer is in a different room [22:53] Yeah it doesn't ask for a password before Ubuntu Software Center starts [22:53] silverarrow, can you still boot in or are you locked out? [22:53] Is it supposed to? [22:54] no [22:54] does php run as a daemon, or does it run as a call script? [22:54] JohnnyZero, but when you click install, it should ask [22:55] mASOUD_42, yeah unfortunately it doesn't [22:55] Just won't install [22:55] is php supposed to run as a daemon? [22:56] not really, imho [22:56] :x [22:56] JohnnyZero, i think its something wron with GTK [22:57] mASOUD_42, Is there something I need to do to fix it? Maybe reinstall the GTK VIA synaptic? [22:57] hello guys, is there somebody who could help me with installing 9800gtx nvidia drivers on ubuntu 11.04 [22:58] JohnnyZero, I don't know how to fix it, but i can google about it. [22:58] ok cool [22:58] JohnnyZero, have you checked to see if the apt/sources.list still exists? [22:59] When I go to Software Sources it asks for a password [22:59] But not when I go to install something [22:59] Hmm [22:59] Lets see if I can install now that I passworded for that [22:59] I've got a couple quick questions .. first, how do I connect to the irc through my vpn? -- 2) how do I disable sudo so that I can have scripts run admin commands? [22:59] Yes [22:59] I can install [23:00] But [23:00] Thats a silly way of doing it [23:00] Go to Software Sources just to have a password popup [23:00] urlin2u GNU GRUB version 1)) rc1-13ubuntu minimal BASH like line editing is supported. For the first word TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAV lists possible device or file completions. grub_ === IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon [23:00] silverarrow, did you install startup manager [23:01] does the message make any sense urlin2u. If I don´t do the update after first boot up, it will work fine [23:01] urlin2u, well I only used the default installation process from CD [23:01] and update manager [23:01] :S cant get gfx drivers to install, automatic driver tool dont detect my card, and when i run the driver from official nvidia site it says unsupported driver [23:01] silverarrow, can you get into the OS? [23:02] The problem is exactly what mausoud_42 said it was. The password prompt is not appearing before I got to install something. [23:02] no, I only get this black screen message at bootup urlin2u [23:02] However if you hit software sources the password prompt does pop up and you can then install stuff [23:02] hey [23:03] :) [23:03] i am already here [23:03] :) [23:03] dont repeat [23:03] yuka did you ask'em allready? [23:03] :) [23:03] yea [23:03] yuka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:03] silverarrow, boot the install cd and run this script and pastebin the generated file. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ [23:03] haha [23:03] yuka: you talk to fast [23:03] edbian yeah i know [23:03] urlin2u, I have suspicion something goes wrong with a grub update package, but it is not a one tine fluke, more like really faulty [23:04] JohnnyZero: at least we could nail down the problem, so i guess googling for "ubuntu software center not asking for password" or something similar would do the job [23:04] silverarrow, stranger things have happened but the bootscript will get us farther along [23:04] he could give you the password, it's pointless virtual machine anyway [23:04] :D [23:05] if he had sshd running [23:05] urlin2u, thanks, I shall reboot right away [23:05] Oh wait [23:05] AlexThunder I was wrong [23:05] I was hitting remove [23:05] No even after typing in the password in Software Sources it still will not install items [23:06] It will only remove them [23:06] and that is just 7Zip too it can remove [23:06] urlin2u, but how do I make the live CD reach the already installed os on hard disk? [23:06] silverarrow, did you see the link I posted? [23:07] yes, I am studying it [23:07] and before you hit "software sources" it wouldnt even remove things? [23:07] JohnnyZero [23:07] AlexThunder it gives me the prompt only for 7zip am I sure I want to remove this [23:07] But nothing else [23:07] silverarrow, just download the script drag it to the desk top and run the bash command sudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script.sh [23:07] silverarrow: It would be able to mount and read existing data. [23:08] I wish I could do a screen record somehow [23:08] and then show you the prob I'm kinda having [23:08] JohnnyZero, prtsc key [23:08] urlin2u, that will show you the screen [23:08] The problem I believe is that [23:09] Its not authorizing a password before an install [23:09] Synaptic does this [23:09] JohnnyZero, it takes a screen shot, you can then imagebin it. [23:09] and I can install anything in synaptic [23:09] Ok urlin2u [23:10] urlin2u, I shall logon from xchat in the live cd, then I don´t have to run from library to kitchen, to check between computers [23:10] silverarrow, good idea.;0 [23:10] 0 [23:11] http://imagebin.org/167013 [23:11] You can see install is being clicked and nothing is occuring [23:11] No windows are popping up, nothing [23:12] JohnnyZero, will that particular app install fro synaptic? [23:12] urlin2u, yes [23:12] strange [23:12] hi, where does banshee store its library data? I'm trying to figure out how to mass import radio stations. === aron is now known as Guest67603 [23:13] whats the name of the notifications, etc, that ubuntu uses for things like thunderbird, etc? I would like skype to use the same thing. I keep missing messages with the default setup of skype [23:13] how do i get mp3 for k3b? [23:13] Hello , need help ubuntu dont boot anymore on virtualbox, PLEASE HELP! [23:13] yuka: post your actual error [23:13] we cant help without info\ [23:14] MACscr.. i start virtual box [23:14] and expect to get slapped next time you shout like that [23:14] urlin2u, yes [23:14] I start virtual box, with ubuntu 11.04, and i get the red screen, doesent come to login.. it happened after i tried to install gfx driver for nvidia, and startx === ubuntu_ is now known as sliverarrow [23:15] I believe maybe yes it may have something to do with how its functioning however, even if I try to reinstall the software center the same issues keep occuring [23:15] urlin2u; I am afraid I lost the bash paste link [23:15] yuka, start VB holding down any key and see if you get a grub menu? [23:15] how do i get mp3 for k3b? [23:16] yuka: is this a new system? [23:16] silverarrow, http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ [23:16] urlin2u ftw [23:16] :) [23:16] now i got to the recovery menu [23:16] oh, thank you :-) [23:16] does anyone here know where banshee stores library/playlist/radio station data? [23:16] yuka, hit edit and replace splash with nomodeset hit crtl-x to boot [23:17] pgrace_, .banshee ? [23:17] ejv: doesnt appear to be. [23:17] yuka, might have to use recovery depending on the keys be used by the host or guest. [23:18] how can i come to edit [23:18] pgrace_, try .config/banshee-1 [23:18] there is options only for normal boot 2.6.38-10 generic , or recovery [23:18] does anybody know why in yuka's case graphic card doesn't get detected by that automated searched -> Hardware Drivers [23:18] wish me luck, first time cooking lamb [23:18] or something simillar on 11.04 [23:18] yuka, e at the grub menu will bring you to a edit option. [23:19] ejv: ah... the data is in banshee.db... [23:19] prodriver, yuka is in a virtual not really exactly relevant. [23:19] pgrace_, right that means its sqlite driven most likely [23:19] I know. [23:19] urlin2u : in edit i see setparams etc recordfail and so on no splash [23:19] ejv: sqlite. bleh. [23:20] but the Hardware devices searcher doesn't detects the nvidia drivers to install [23:20] gpu is not recognized [23:20] ah ok i see quiet splash vt.handoff=7 is that what i need to replace with what you said? [23:20] ejv: thanks for the help, I guess I'll need to find a sqlite interface to mass import the records. Thanks! [23:20] yuka, replace the no splash with nomodeset you will boot in in low graphics no graphic driver. [23:20] pgrace_, my pleasure [23:20] pgrace_, chances are someone has done it, when in doubt google [23:21] prodriver: When running as a guest the OS doesn't have access to the nvidia card, only Virtualbox's virtual GPU. [23:21] i am owner of this virtual [23:21] lol [23:21] no guest [23:21] no I own your box yuka [23:21] :) [23:21] Jordan_U, is that the problem yuka is having, that was a asumption on my part at least? [23:21] ejv: yeah, lots of people are complaining about the radio stations missing in banshee in 11.04, but it doesnt appear that anyone's come up with a mass-upload process yet. SQLite may be part of the search required to find the answer though. [23:21] lol [23:22] urlin2u, I am having touble making terminal finding the zip package? [23:22] pgrace_, yea I miss winamp's plethora of stations, the open source alternatives aren't there yet [23:22] I downloaded with chromium, and it is in download file I think [23:23] silverarrow. drag the script to the desktop then run the bash command with desktop in it. [23:24] urlin2u ok i done what you said, now instead of a red screen i got a black screen:) [23:24] yuka, that is about all I know to do. [23:25] :) [23:25] well guess ill have to run it in recovery then [23:25] thanks anyway mate [23:25] yuka, other then removing the drivers from the recovery cli. [23:25] urlin2u, yes, it willingly dropped to desktop, but how to extract? [23:26] silverarrow, in the terminal run sudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script.sh [23:26] I am too used to idiot proof wizards [23:26] me to at times [23:27] that is what I am doing, and I get "No such file or directory [23:27] " [23:28] I might have to extract before I use the command in terminal? [23:29] sliverarrow, no extraction it is a bash script you downloaded correct? [23:29] oh, it works [23:29] at least something happens [23:29] sliverarrow, a text file should appear. [23:30] I got this boot_info_script version: 0.60 [17 May 2011] [23:30] "gawk" could not be found, using "busybox awk" instead. [23:30] This may lead to unreliable results. [23:30] Identifying MBRs... [23:30] Computing Partition Table of /dev/sda... [23:30] sliverarrow: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:30] Searching sda1 for information... [23:30] sliverarrow, this isn't just your channel, you have to share, use a paste service ^_^ [23:30] sliverarrow, paste the whole text d=file here then post the http link. http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [23:30] I am being scolded [23:31] sliverarrow, the bot cares for no one.;) [23:31] hi all, so I have a package I built using dpkg [23:31] http://paste.ubuntu.com/661512/ [23:32] the path of the environment is set and works correctly on debian, but on ubuntu it is always set to / [23:32] it does not inherit the default path like in the other env.. [23:32] does ubuntu do some funny stuff to the path ? [23:32] sliverarrow, did a text file appear on the desktop? [23:32] given that it does normally not allow people to login as root [23:33] sliverarrow, "RESULTS.txt"located in "/home/ubuntu/Desktop/". [23:33] there's no issues in centos / rpm based systems either [23:33] hello everyone [23:33] question here [23:33] anyone ? [23:33] Tharlinn, ask it please [23:34] dsa [23:34] running xubuntu 11.04, stuck on boot with 'xubuntu' loading - tried to get into GRUB by pressing shift multiple times on boot, it said 'GRUB loading' but after that it immediately got into the stuck 'xubuntu' loading screen [23:34] hi [23:34] how can I define a static route for ff02::1 via a given interface? [23:34] the fix might be: comment out /etc/default/grub/ GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=00. and rerun grub-update (from a LiveCD) [23:34] urlin2u there http://paste.ubuntu.com/661513/ [23:34] but how do i do that [23:35] Hi, I've got a question about a known bug and a workaround. [23:35] urlin2u, I don't really understand the error message? [23:36] anyone ? [23:36] silverarrow ? [23:36] sliverarrow: sorry [23:36] Is it possible to apply the workaround of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/661321 automatically at startup? [23:36] Ubuntu bug 661321 in linux (Ubuntu) "Opening /dev/ttyUSB0 hangs, pl2303.ko module" [Medium,Confirmed] [23:36] sliverarrow, open the terminal I will give you two commands to copy and paste to run one at a time. [23:37] Is there a separate partition for grub? [23:37] karter, you issue is above my expertise [23:37] gry: depends ~ on your setup === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [23:37] gry: No, but grub is written in the first sector of your hdd [23:38] urlin2u, terminal ready [23:38] How do I list partitions? [23:38] sliverarrow, let me know when you ready. [23:38] you're [23:38] gry: fdisk -l [23:38] ok [23:38] yes [23:38] gry: sudo fdisk -l [23:38] What is the linux equavalient of windows' startup folder? [23:38] ready for action [23:38] sliverarrow, sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt [23:39] nothing seemed to happen [23:39] It lists ntfs (the windows partition), extended (?), linux (guess the main one for ubuntu), and swap. What is the 'extended' one? [23:39] sliverarrow, wait for it [23:39] oh, of course [23:40] sliverarrow, should go quick you hit enter and whats happening? [23:40] I am a bit dim with the terminal, I should get a book or something on it [23:40] I pasted, hit enter, but get nothing [23:41] sliverarrow, get nothing means what the command is still sitting there. [23:41] ohh, I re entered and "already mounted" [23:41] sliverarrow, did you mount the OS from the cd [23:41] yes [23:42] unmount it then run the command [23:42] I am in live cd now, [23:42] hmm sudo unmount? [23:42] sliverarrow, unmount lubuntu then run the command. [23:43] a bit ticky that tone [23:43] that one* [23:43] sliverarrow, go to home in the left panel unmount the partition by clicking on the little triangle [23:43] how can I define a static route for ff02::1 via a given interface? [23:44] ...hmm... [23:44] got a quick question about my integrated sound card. [23:45] sliverarrow, can you find that partition=lubuntu in the left panel in home? [23:45] any takers? [23:45] ryan__, ask and we will see. [23:46] I am afraid not urlin2u [23:46] sliverarrow, it might be shoe=wing on the desktop as well if so right click and click unmount. [23:46] showing [23:46] under file manager? [23:46] #join gnome [23:46] i recently made the switch with my RA-840g sony vaio desktop, and when i play music, it comes in very low in comparison to with windows [23:47] sliverarrow, do you see it on the desktop? [23:47] desktop have the "install lubuntu" and cd ikon [23:48] sliverarrow, if you go to computer in the menu you can find it there . [23:48] there's not much to fiddle with when it comes to those settings [23:49] urlin2u, there is no place named computer, but under aplications, or system tools there are lots of possible stuff? [23:49] sliverarrow, if you can't find it just reboot the cd and don't open anything but a terminal. [23:49] it looks like the best option [23:49] ...rebooting [23:50] sliverarrow, been awhile since I used lubuntu lets make it easy and reboot the cd [23:50] cool [23:50] oh, I need to go back to the library, and be on the irc there [23:51] How do I keep my screen from closing and having to log in continiously when I am trying to watch streaming material. === administrator is now known as Guest15740 [23:51] hello , [23:52] I could use some help.. mind if I just paste the error message?? Trying to mount my storage drive... [23:52] !pb | jbarcus81 [23:52] jbarcus81: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [23:52] Of course not [23:52] Oh ok.. hang on.. [23:53] no takers on my sound problemo [23:53] How do you do [23:53] http://paste.ubuntu.com/661517/ [23:54] guys is it normal that i dont see hardware tab under system / administrator [23:54] 5.1 Channel - Intel® High Definition Audio [23:54] that's the only description on the audio [23:54] nothing else... :( === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [23:55] ryan__, have you right click the d=sound icon and gone to sound preferences? [23:55] yes [23:55] ok i now have a livecd running [23:55] how can i change my grub on my main HDD from a livecd? [23:55] ryan__, it might help if you describe what you have checked. [23:56] i'm not sure on whether or no the hardware is correct [23:56] i checked all the setting under sound prefs [23:56] Tharlinn, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy%20LiveCD%20Files this is defaulting to reloading the mbr from the live cd [23:56] how can I define a static route for ff02::1 via a given interface? [23:57] Any clue to my paste? http://paste.ubuntu.com/661517/ [23:57] ryan__, any volume keys on the keyboard? [23:57] yes and they are cranked all the way up === antonio_ is now known as antoDeb [23:58] cguima: man route #There are examples. [23:59] it is turned all the way, but not achieving the same volume as before (on xp) [23:59] I was wondering how I can get Clementine to play .spc files in ubuntu. I have libopenspc installed, I just need to somehow allow the player to use it. [23:59] urlin2u, so the command [23:59] اه [23:59] hi [23:59] anyone here ? [23:59] i need help