[08:54] hi there [11:55] morning [12:35] o/ [12:38] after our conversation yesterday i am feeling energized again [12:38] astraljava: ^^^ [12:38] YES!! Mission accomplished. I can go slack off again. [12:39] lol :) [12:39] Hehe. :) Seriously, it was really good for me to host the meeting. I seem to have gotten more excited as well. [12:39] good :) [12:40] that coincides with my question about hosting the meeting and an potential increase of involvement [12:40] Also, in a week, I'll be having a 100/10 line at home, so I get to really devel and test, I mean, seriously, so I'm getting pumped up right now. [12:41] i believe that many people are hesitant to speak in meetings because they don't feel honestly involved or part of the project [12:41] Yeah. It's just the thing of getting your hands dirty, you get to the feel of things. [12:41] * astraljava is all about things today, it seems [12:41] once they lead the meeting some of the mysteriousness or unfamiliarity dissapates and people seem to be more willing to be active [12:41] Right, exactly. [12:42] * scott-work wonders if that will translate to project lead as well [12:42] holstein: Do you recall seeing the minutes of the meeting you hosted in July? [12:43] scott-work: I would assume as much. After all, we're not seeing really long-term leaders in teams of ubuntu-land. It's an exhaustive position, and will need fresh blood every once in a while. [12:43] The rotation should utilize for that nicely. [12:43] utilize that* ? [12:44] or not utilize at all, maybe something else. [12:44] But you get the point. [12:44] * astraljava wishes he knew more English [12:56] 8.9-lowlatency kernel is available. [12:56] I meant 8.10 [13:08] astraljava: many people in this channel are not native english speakers, however i have not found many occurrances for which i could not undestand them [13:09] i have pointed out several times that i have found many English Second Language (ESL) speakers to speak better than many native English speakers [13:09] this is a position for which i speak honestly [13:10] ah, alessio is gone before i could thank him [13:30] ah, abogani , good afternoon to you my friend! [13:30] scott-work: good afternoon to you! :-) [13:31] thank you for mentioning the -lowlatency kernel [13:31] is this the 3.8.10 kernel? and is it in your git repository? [13:33] scott-work: Yes! [13:36] abogani: in the past have you ever considered if the debian multimedia team would accept your kernels, particularly the -lowlatency kernel? [13:37] i wonder if they would or not [13:38] scott-work: I don't care because kernels are never imported in Ubuntu from Debian directly . [13:39] ah, a very astute point [13:39] scott-work: For same reasons: different patches, different versions, different toolchain and so on... [13:39] yes, i should have realized this [13:41] abogani: emmett has been unresponsive for the currently packaged kernel in my ppa and therefore i am hesitant to devote time to packaging this one as well :/ [13:42] my time has been overly taxed and i am trying to be judicious with it of late [13:43] astraljava: i spoke with skaet last night/this morning regarding the A3 image and whether it had been published [13:43] i was concerned that i did not speak to her in a timely fashion and the image had been published, apparently i did and it didn't :) [13:44] i was quite surprised when she PM'ed me stated she had read the meeting logs and saw my comments regarding this and was concerned if she had done the correct thing [13:44] i assured her that she had [13:44] scott-work: I'm waiting so long that you start to be judicious about your time. If you remember I advise that you a lot of times ;-) [13:45] I have advised [13:45] abogani: yes, yes, my friend, i remember it very clearly :) and i do appreciate your concern, i cannot stress enough my appreciation for you [14:07] astraljava: july didnt happen [14:07] i sent out the email late though [14:19] * abogani is wondering if UStudio has received requests about -rt kernel. [14:43] scott-work: Wow! Damn. She's hard-core, _so_ dedicated! :) [14:44] holstein: Okay, I'm just wondering where I can find the meeting minutes as the site where they should have them has last been updated at the end of June. [14:44] right.. we didnt have a meeting [14:45] i mean, no one came, so i didnt start it [14:45] i didnt do a stub about it... [14:50] Okay cool, no worries, I was just informed the minutes are there, but the web interface doesn't update. [14:50] So I gotta ask for them. [14:50] yeah? [14:51] i didnt start the bot, and i didnt grab anything from #ubuntu-meeting [14:51] i think i said 'the meeting is postponed' [14:51] we could grab that [14:51] Right on. :) [14:51] No, I don't mean from the July meeting. :D [14:51] Just from yesterday. :D [14:52] AH... :) [14:52] i see [14:54] Hehe, that would hilarious. See meeting minutes here: "Meeting postponed". Cheers! [15:01] lol [15:05] but there was a meeting the holstein chaired for which he did use the bot if you are interested in those as well, astraljava [15:05] astraljava: but i do also realize that you are looking for the minutes from the meeting yesterday as well [15:06] astraljava: i can put the channel output in a pastebin if you need... === paultag is now known as prt [16:07] ailo: astraljava: holstein: i feel that our conversations yesterday were powerful, would it be possible to set a time we can get together as discuss plans for the remainder of this release? [16:07] sure [16:07] and possible discuss the direction of oneiric+1 [16:07] how about loosely a daily thing? [16:07] just hang when/if we are around? [16:08] i would prefer something more organized originally, just to set a loose frame work of what we can reasonably accomplish and agree upon it as a group [16:08] ubuntu 12.04 codename practially panther ;) [16:08] then i think loose, daily discussion are good :) [16:08] holstein: i like your other one better [16:08] hehe [16:09] scott-work: Definitely. We would need a lot of workshop sessions to get everything going. It's too seldom that enough people are here otherwise at the sametime. [16:09] same time, even [16:11] i don't think it needs to be a formalized meeting for everyone to attend [16:12] just the four of us because we are the most active and will be doing the actual work [16:12] it could be an ad hoc, pickup meeting if we happend to be here at the same time [16:12] or we could agree on a time and do it [16:13] That's the thing, we will hardly ever be here at the same time, unless we agree on a date beforehand. [16:13] But outside of that, we can drop all formalities. [16:17] maybe we might shoot for three out of the four then and give the fourth notes of the discussion for which he can comment [16:18] i am very frustrated with the lack of progress and am very motivated to over come obstacles and make progress [16:22] Exactly. Hell, even 2 would be great. Most days, it's someone shooting some ideas on the channel, and 8 hours later someone +1's. [17:10] then perhaps we should define a framework to discuss these things on IRC over time [17:11] maybe we should all mention the top five tasks we feel is imortant to finish this cycle's development, wait a day, comapre the list, decide which ones to attack, prioritize them, and assign responsibility [20:00] My timeframe would be around 1500 UTC to 2200 UTC, and the things I'd like to be worked on are (in no particular order): 1. lowlatency kernel, 2. package selection (includes everything from seeds to workflow description), 3. user-friendly documentation, 4. contributior-friendly documentation, 5. continuity of the project [21:47] I'm close to a computer usually between 06.00-20.00 UTC [21:48] The rest of the time I might be sleeping [22:32] Ahh... yeah, on a normal week, my comp.time is usually from around 0500 UTC to that 2200 to 2300 UTC, but this week, I played it safe and gave it a reduced schedule, as we're... you know, busy with two releases due Friday. :D