[01:53] hey [01:53] how do I logout of my keyring [02:42] jrmy: ? [02:43] what? [02:52] MJBrune: what do you want? [02:54] jrmy: sorry nvm [03:45] who knows about thunar and how it mounts [04:25] hi, I have an ancient pc with 64mb ram and 600mhz celeron processor, will xubuntu work on it? [04:26] the-ubuntu-user: Nope, you need more RAM, do you happen to have any? [04:27] no, i don't think the pc can take much more ram, i'll buy some if it can [04:27] whats the minimum requirement for xubuntu? [04:28] Personally, with that CPU I think it may work better if you use somthing more lightweight like Lubuntu (Or something else) [04:28] i didn't know about lubuntu, i'll check it out, thanks [04:29] Still would need more ram though [04:32] is there any linux which doesn't require much ram? [04:33] SliTaz or AntiX *may* work on that, but I wouldn't bet money on that [04:34] This is just a tad outside the scope of the channel though:P[D[D [04:34] ok, will try those shortly, thanks [04:34] Check distrowatch too [04:34] So close... [05:23] im feeling really sick [05:23] ive got to go to the store and get my headset replaced because one of the ear plugs stopped working.. [05:24] sounds bad ChristopherNG [05:29] Yeah on the plus side off for 5 days from work [05:30] Got alot to do though, set up my VPS, sort out an old machine with xubuntu, tidy out the flat, etc etc [05:31] computers all day? ChristopherNG [05:32] all week [05:32] its all i do now [05:32] got a bunch of projects in the works [05:32] is that good? [05:33] These are my own projects not for anyone else, I have until september because then university starts back up. [05:33] So ive been gaming and working with computers like a beast for the past few months. [05:34] I made sure I passed all my exams so i had no resits and the entire summer free to do what i want. [05:34] I didnt just pass my exams, I gained a distinction which is really hard to get. [05:34] where you goin to school? [05:35] sept 21st [05:35] where? [05:35] UK [05:35] oh cool. never been there, I go to college is california [05:35] UCLA? USC? [05:35] USC is where I would have loved to have gone [05:36] point loma nazarene university! [05:36] haha [05:36] small school. lol [05:36] Ah kk, Never heard of it tbh [05:36] But its in California so it must be good! [05:37] its in san diego [05:37] Oh great! even better, thats the best city in Cali [05:38] for sure. I live in nor cal. but mover there for school a year ago. i live 100 miles from san franciso [05:38] right now [05:38] where in the uk is school? [05:39] Aberdeen [05:39] North, Very, Very North [05:39] Ie closer to Norway than London [05:40] san diego is syerotypical california. but here in nor cal it snows and rains. and the people are not as dumb and I have never surfed ever [05:40] norway seemes like a really nice place.I have family there [05:42] So your a small town boy in a big city now then? :) [05:49] exactly. and very confused [05:49] haha === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [07:07] hello friends i just installed xubuntu [07:07] shanu: congrats, want a cookie? [07:08] ya sure [07:08] perhaps a golden star? [07:08] no i don't have a safe to keep it :) [07:09] i'm amazed how fast is the install process [07:10] shanu: its a bit longer than I am use to. [07:11] shanu: most Unix's install a bit faster. [07:11] *ubuntu's are quit bloated but are much easier to use/setup [07:11] maybe, i never saw a real unix [07:12] shanu: Never used a Mac 10 machine? [07:12] it's faster than some previous flavours i used [07:12] mac 10,,, no [07:12] shanu: I did the same on saturday [07:12] shanu: never used IPhone, most routers and any BSD? [07:13] IPhone? HTC Ftw! [07:13] i live in india [07:13] So? [07:13] those are all offically unix machines [07:13] i didn't knew that [07:13] shanu you should have bought HTC in Pakistan if you dont get it in India [07:14] ChristopherNG: you should buy people an HTC to try :) [07:14] i was comparing xubuntu with my previous linux distros , that's all [07:14] i used an htc [07:14] shanu: what other distros have you used [07:14] MJBrune: Sure coming right up! would you like a HTC flyer aswell? [07:15] ChristopherNG: I.e. me. You buy me one and Ill develope for the platform :) [07:15] HTC Desire HD > IPhone [07:15] HTC Flyer > Ipad [07:15] ChristopherNG: I don't own any. [07:15] ChristopherNG: I own an old 20 dollar java mobile based phone that I don't care to even attempt to program for [07:16] fedora in college, sabayon in my home desktop [07:16] MJBrune: Your not fashion conscious then? [07:16] ok guys bye, machine is aking for a reboot [07:16] Iphone is more of a fashion accessory like a handbag for most people. [07:16] ChristopherNG: not very much, no. [07:17] meh I figure an IPhone could be nice to have a BSD on my phone [07:17] Apple is guilty of promoting Bimboism [07:17] Bleach blonde hair, small dogs, pink everything, designer handbags and iphones! [07:17] I own an IMac G5 which I bought recently for $100 dollars, the price was a major factor if I bought it or not. [07:18] !offtopic [07:18] #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [07:18] sidenote [07:18] yes we all must idle unless its on topic... ugh no one has asked any questions [07:18] if they had I would answer them [07:18] Yeah folks lets stop talking about how bad apple really is and stick to topic. [07:18] * MJBrune rolls eyes [07:18] now what was the topic? [07:18] Unix's [07:19] MJBrune: but your offtopic gets publicly logged :) [07:19] Sysi: so? [07:19] Sysi: I think its ok to speak a little when the channel is really idle even if it goes off topic a little but thats just my opinion. [07:19] Sysi: I just don't understand why I would ever, in my off time, without pay, not want to relax and talk and if it comes up, help people. [07:19] I know people will disagree [07:20] ChristopherNG: if they do their trolls. [07:20] or really uptight on pointless rules. [07:20] I just think any discussion is better than no discussion [07:20] MJBrune: I'm not saying you should, I'm saying you should do it in other channel [07:20] exactly. [07:20] Sysi: then what is this channel is for? [07:20] support [07:21] !offtopic [07:21] ah, too soon, well, see abowe [07:21] support should be via logged systems with paid professionals [07:21] this is _community_ support [07:22] if you want to discuss about ubuntu channel policies, try #ubuntu-ops [07:22] I don't see them posted [07:22] they really should be in the topic [07:23] isn't that what the topic is for? [07:23] Anyways [07:23] Apple isn't that bad [07:23] does anyone else find that flash player stops working and sometimes you need to close down all the browsers to get it working again? [07:23] and then start it back up, I dont know if thats a known bug. [07:24] 64bit? [07:24] ChristopherNG: what flash are you using? [07:24] flashplugin-nonfree [07:24] 64bit [07:24] I have had that issue with FBSD-9-Current [07:24] MJBrune: also, how would new user dare to ask support questions when channel is flooding with offtopic [07:25] Sysi: really? [07:25] Sysi: cause all new users are 10 years old? [07:25] if they are they shouldn't be on the network. [07:25] MJBrune: it's enough if one of them is [07:25] this network requires people to be 16+ [07:26] ChristopherNG: click on some flash and go to settings, set off hardware acceleration [07:26] folks do you think ubuntu will ever rename itself because of the political connotations the name currently has? [07:27] Sysi: thanks ive just done that, it should solve the problem? [07:27] Will let you know [07:27] ChristopherNG: at least reduce it [07:27] Ty [07:27] flash crashing isn't generally weird.. [07:27] Sysi: why would it reduce it? [07:28] because it's badly working feature (and worked for me) [07:28] are you sure its not just an error via hopeful oppservation? [07:28] or even random chance? [07:29] have you don't any serious testing with it on or off? [07:29] I know you can change it, It was one of the first things that i actually did, but that font and its size is really goofy in a default install of xubuntu.. [07:29] have you done* [07:30] Also I disagree with the notion that xubuntu should come with xchat over irssi because its "easier" [07:30] irssi uses the old skool irc commands [07:30] ChristopherNG: xchat doesn't? [07:30] irssi is just generally better. [07:30] xchat i have never even touched it [07:31] xchat usability and setting up is a lot easier [07:31] looks like a linux version of mIrc with a goofy gui [07:31] I've used irssi for three years, don't try [07:31] Sysi: thats opinion of a very minor group. [07:31] Sysi: dont try what? [07:31] Sysi: I have used it for 5 years at least. [07:31] ChristopherNG: don't try irssi [07:31] i use irssi [07:31] is what he was saying [07:31] I use it too [07:31] its awesome and powerful. [07:32] and rather easy to use. [07:32] "dont try" is a bad message lol! [07:32] very [07:32] "I wanna be a programmer" Sysi: DON'T TRY! [07:32] MJBrune: on 64-bit Ubuntu the flash that is available by packagemanagement is (AFAIK) the 32-bit over a compatibility layer. It's not the most stable around, but there is (again, IIRC) no official linux 64-bit flash, so that's how it is. Turning the hardware acceleration may make things better, if the 32-bit flash is trying to do something smart that the compatibility layer is messing up [07:33] s/Turning the hardware acceleration/Turning the hardware acceleration off/ [07:33] Myrtti: Yeah thats why I was templted to get a 32bit ISO even though i have a 64bit machine. [07:33] Myrtti: oh that makes sense. [07:33] you know there's something wrong with it when opening any video on youtube on new tab crashes [07:33] But I thought it would be better to get the correct iso for the correct hardware [07:33] Sysi: your using flash. [07:34] MJBrune: still worth a shot, not like it would break something [07:34] Sysi: break something? [07:34] ChristopherNG: then again I don't even bother with the package manager version of flash and use the beta Adobe has published, but it's not exactly trouble free solution itself [07:34] Sysi: flash is permabroke [07:35] MJBrune: destroy your computer and kill your cat [07:35] Myrtti: I even tried to get the .rpm version of flash and turn it into a .deb using alien but it doesnt work for a 64bit iso since its designed for 32bit. [07:35] Sysi: only one type of software can destroy your whole computer. [07:35] Alien didnt even try to convert it to a .deb [07:36] ChristopherNG: using alien is generally a bad idea [07:36] brb [07:36] MJBrune: Yeah lets all use RM with the "*" wildcard! [07:36] rm [07:36] ChristopherNG: doesn't destroy your phyiscal machine [07:36] ChristopherNG: you can try removing flash from repositories and download tar.gz version of flashplayer [07:37] ChristopherNG: then place it to /lib/mozilla/plugins/ or ~/.mozilla/plugins/ [07:37] Sysi: I really, really struggle with .tar.gz files, its different for each one, I would rather get a PPA if there is one out there. [07:37] the only software that will COMPLETELY sink your computer is flashing your bios. [07:37] ChristopherNG: that one is easy, just the binary .so inside [07:37] Not even errorous drivers can destroy your computer. [07:37] MJBrune: or cpuburn if your colling is failing [07:38] *cooling [07:38] Sysi: no, it will auto-shutdown. [07:38] Sysi: ever tried water cooling? [07:38] I would really like to do that [07:38] Sysi: the auto-shutdown because of high temps will save it. [07:39] thus bios flashing is the only harmful thing. [07:39] MJBrune: that can fail too [07:40] Sysi: not if previous damage wasn't caused to it before hand [07:42] ChristopherNG: might be /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ instead [07:54] ... [07:55] hum? [09:06] hi all [09:06] Italian online?? [09:06] !it [09:06] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [09:06] ok man [09:06] thank you [09:06] good luck === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [09:29] hey! im running 10.10 and my computer will not reboot. It will shutdown just fine, however will not reboot [09:31] philipballew strange thing [09:31] did you try in terminal sudo reboot? [09:33] philipballew: does it just shut down or does it hang to something weird state? [09:34] to shutdown type in terminal sudo halt [09:38] how can I substitute the thunar desktop with nautilus-desktop? [09:40] SaaMmY: just start nautilus, it will replace xfdesktop [09:41] it does not [09:41] I have to delete from autostart file cfg the xfdesktop [09:41] that is [09:41] and then I will have nautilus-desktop [09:41] hey SaaMmY [09:41] settings->sessions and startup [09:41] how to delete that from autostart [09:42] let me check [09:42] except that xfdesktop is not there [09:42] i type sudo shutdown -h now and it shuts down fine [09:42] because it is started automatically by xfce4-session [09:42] there is no xfdesktop in session and startup [09:42] but sudo reboot does nothing [09:42] nor the reboot button [09:43] SaaMmY: but you can put nautilus-desktop there [09:43] philipballew: what? [09:43] ok [09:43] im running thunar [09:44] philipballew: what sort of output do you get on sudo reboot? [09:44] it goes to where it says will now reboot at the bottom of the list of things its doing. the rest say ok next to them. but will now restart just sits there and i have to hold the button [09:45] I posted in the forms to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11130504#post11130504 [09:46] philipballew: did you add any special options to you kernel? [09:46] nope [09:46] your kernel [09:46] like noacpi or something [09:46] uname -r sayd 2.6.38-generic [09:46] philipballew: do reboot -p [09:46] is this an old computer? [09:46] philipballew: this will attempt to shut off a computer [09:46] TheSheep, hum... 5 years [09:46] xp era [09:46] TheSheep: old has nothing to do with it. [09:47] MJBrune: it does, if it's more than 9 years [09:47] MJBrune: then it has acpid support disabled in kernel [09:47] TheSheep: no it doesn't, my 233 supported acpid support. [09:48] MJBrune: at least for some motherboards [09:48] TheSheep: duh, you cant be sure. [09:48] i issued -p [09:48] MJBrune: I had this problem with an old pentium [09:48] مرحبا بكم فى قناة مجتمع لينكس العربي [09:48] so far it has not restarted [09:48] !ar | ChristopherNG [09:48] ChristopherNG: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe [09:48] sorry wrong fonr [09:48] hmm [09:48] philipballew: what has it shown? [09:48] google translate is needed haha [09:49] ChristopherNG: I didn't know you can RTL on IRC %) [09:49] its asking all prossess to terminate. i can take a picture of the screen and post it online easily [09:49] I wasnt sure either [09:49] philipballew: check /var/log/messages and stuff like that [09:49] ok, i had to hold it down. ill see what var says [09:50] some standard output might be there [09:51] I really dont like the way that xubuntu lists and shows files when you mount a new drive. [09:51] im trying to play around with it. [09:53] ChristopherNG: you can disable automounting [09:53] nothing readeable by me [09:53] * philipballew needs to understand the kernal better [09:53] ChristopherNG: thunar->edit->preferences->advanced->configure [09:55] TheSheep: Im actually there now it just gives options of auto mount or to switch it off, cant see anything for icons. [09:55] ChristopherNG: icons? [09:56] I think it comes under the side panel tab there is the icon size option.. [09:56] edit -> prefs -> advanced -> configure -> side panel -> icon size [09:57] that's just how it displays the side pane icons [09:57] tbh alot of this is mostly the goofy font that comes with xubuntu...what the standard one with ubuntu? [09:57] it's just looks [09:57] i really dont like this font [09:57] "droid" i set it to size 8 but its not just the size is the font itself. [09:57] huh? I think xubuntu comes with the same font as ubuntu [09:58] DejaVu Sans [09:58] kk let me see [09:58] droid is a good font too [09:58] can you show me a screenshot of what is wrong? [09:59] there is nothing "wrong" per se, I just dont like the font [10:00] hmm, if i change the font on the terminal it will only change the font displayed in the terminal and not the rest of the os right? [10:00] so where can i find the "main" place to change the font for the whole os.. [10:00] im still trying to find my way around xfce a little. [10:06] no one know? [10:07] settings → appearance [10:07] duh! i need to get my eyes tested! lol [10:07] remember only been on xfce for 2 days [10:17] wtf! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHv3qO_Y8kk [10:17] LOL! [10:31] hello all [10:32] hello [10:46] ylläri [10:46] umm [10:46] wrong channel [10:57] TheSheep I am not able to make nautilus-desktop start as autorun [10:57] I don't find the autorun [10:57] SaaMmY: settings->sessions and startup [10:57] and however I have tried with save the session but it does not work [10:57] SaaMmY: second tab [10:57] I know it [10:57] there is a "+ Add" button there [10:58] nothing to do I wish to find some script which finds for me the PID of xfdesktop and kill it in startup [10:58] SaaMmY: 'killall xfdesktop' [10:58] I know TheSheep but which thing should I add if there is no nautilus-desktop [10:58] I don't have sound [10:59] nice TheSheep [10:59] can someone provide some sound troubleshooting [10:59] link? [10:59] thank [10:59] SaaMmY: or even better, 'xfdesktop --quit' [10:59] New to Xubuntu and Linux [10:59] yes [10:59] !audio | gigenieks [10:59] yes [10:59] gigenieks: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [10:59] huh? [11:00] "!audio" ? [11:00] you asked for sound troubleshooting links [11:00] gigenieks: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [11:01] ahh.. I found that already [11:01] but there is SO MUCH info [11:01] don't know where to start... [11:01] gigenieks: lets start at the beginning [11:01] gigenieks: how do you test your sound? [11:02] by playing mp3 / flac / movie [11:02] and I tried some command from above link [11:02] aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav [11:03] this [11:03] silence [11:03] ok [11:03] try installing pavucontrol [11:03] sec [11:03] will give link to my motherboard [11:03] open a terminal and try this command: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp [11:03] I have internal sound [11:04] TheSheep it worked but there is a speed trouble... it starts like nautilus... then as thunar... then like nautilus again now like thunar and now again for my add in session and startup it starts definately nautilus [11:04] internal? [11:04] that's crazy [11:04] integraded soundcard I guess [11:04] I wish to get out within thunar [11:04] yes I ment integrated sound card [11:05] something like removeall thunar [11:05] http://www.biostar-usa.com/app/en-us/mb/content.php?S_ID=252 [11:05] wtf [11:05] this is my MB [11:05] lol [11:05] Permission denied [11:05] ubottu: tell SaaMmY about lol [11:05] SaaMmY, please see my private message [11:06] for that earlier command Sheep [11:06] will I have to do with sudo? [11:06] gigenieks: yeah, and to stop press ctrl+c [11:06] gigenieks: after you've fiddled with pavucontrol, check that you have everything turned up in alsamixer (run that in terminal) [11:07] Sysi is bot? [11:07] no [11:07] sorry :D [11:07] I am trying to remove all thunar sorry for my bad and useless speech [11:08] SaaMmY: you could try asking at #xfce [11:08] SaaMmY: or at #thunar [11:08] nono it's fine [11:08] SaaMmY: because I have no more ideas [11:08] doesn't matter [11:08] thank you however [11:08] Permission denied [11:08] sudo or not sudo [11:08] that's quaint [11:08] aaa [11:08] gigenieks: do 'sudo -i' and then try that command [11:09] Sysi: everything is turned on [11:09] without sude then [11:09] i typed alsa mixer in terminal [11:09] i tried without [11:09] already [11:09] gigenieks: do it after sudo -i [11:09] gigenieks: that's like su, makes you a root in that terminal [11:10] also, make sure your user is in the 'audio' group [11:10] I have only 1 user [11:10] freshly installed [11:10] Xubuntu [11:10] gigenieks: there might have been something wrong with groups, I don't know [11:10] gigenieks: just check, in users & groups [11:11] sec [11:11] all fixed with removing thunar in synaptic thanks to all [11:12] okey I opened User Privileges tab [11:12] and it has [11:12] Access external... [11:12] administer the system [11:12] configure printers [11:12] monitor system logs [11:12] share files ... [11:12] use cd-rom [11:12] use modems [11:12] nothing else [11:13] there isnt checked "Use audio devices" [11:13] check it [11:16] ok this is really epic lol [11:16] I was set the wrong amplifier [11:17] everything was fine out of box [11:17] just inserted wrong cable (or what that thing is called..) [11:19] TheSheep, apparently you didn't start from early enough [11:19] can someone help me with changing ownership of many many files [11:19] I created topic in ubuntu forums [11:19] no replies yet.. [11:19] also for me is epic lol... I have installed nautilus but not removed thunar to substitute entirely thunar with nautilus I was stupid [11:20] gigenieks, do you have the forum link handy? [11:20] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11130584#post11130584 [11:20] just even in ubuntu documentation is stated [11:20] "extremely dangerous" [11:20] SaaMmY: why do you want change Thunar? [11:20] 'man chown' [11:21] It is my first day and i dont see any problem with that file manager [11:21] it was slow [11:21] now everything is quick [11:21] ahh [11:21] I hate to go bb [11:21] did you check link Sheep? [11:21] or just typed automatically that "man chown"? [11:23] gigenieks: I skimmed it and read the last answer [11:23] gigenieks: I'm at work, can't really read forums openly too much here [11:24] gigenieks: but chown lets you change the ownership of files in bulk easily [11:24] gigenieks: (that's why it's dangerous when you change the wrong files) [11:25] did you meant chmod instead of chown? [11:25] no, chmod changes the permissions [11:25] chown changes ownership [11:25] aah [11:26] what I really need is to change ownership right? [11:26] not sure, but possible [11:26] all files have ownership: root [11:26] you can check the onwership of files in their properties [11:26] so only way i can open is [11:26] open thunar as root [11:26] sudo thunar [11:26] ew [11:26] so, there are two ways [11:27] but i will not [11:27] either you change the owner to your user [11:27] everytime open it as root ... [11:27] or you leave them owned by root, but allow all users access to them [11:27] the former is done with chown, the latter with chmod [11:27] I'd recommend changing owner [11:33] i tried gksudo thunar [11:33] and then just properties [11:33] change group [11:34] files become accesible in thunar without root privileges [11:34] but ownership still is "root" [11:34] is that bad? [11:35] will it make some issue later maybe? [11:35] it would be better to change the user (too) [11:35] and that only could be done via [11:35] terminal? [11:35] dont from gui [11:35] like i now can change group [11:35] but not ownership [11:36] in properties [11:36] it's relatively easy from the terminal [11:36] can you give one example [11:36] from files i have [11:36] i inserted in topic [11:36] attachment [11:36] of documents folder [11:37] in /home/yourusername, "sudo chown -R username:username Documents" [12:18] hi? [12:20] hi [12:20] trying xubuntu 11.04 on a Dell Optiplex 745 with dual monitors, but can't get them not to clone [12:22] use arandr or nvidia or ati tool [12:23] ummm... what's arandr? fairly sure nvidia/ati won't be much use as it has onboard intel video driver? [12:24] !info arandr [12:24] arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.3-1 (natty), package size 43 kB, installed size 280 kB [12:24] in other words: tool for setting up dualhead [12:24] cool... I've just found it in software centre, I'll give it a go... [12:33] INGORE Channels #xubuntu * PARTS JOINS QUITS NICKS [12:35] try with /ignore [12:47] thanks to ... that did the trick! :) [12:48] knome: you here? [12:52] mhm [13:18] hey folks i have a old computer that was lying in the closet, i dug it out and im thinking of using it as a nas or something to back up some files. [13:18] but i dont think it has built in wifi so i used to have to use a usb adapater from netgear.. [13:19] how hard that going to be to configure and get running with xubuntu to connect online? [13:19] install xubuntu and click applet in the panel, possibly install drivers [13:20] if it has less than 256mb ram it won't run xubuntu [13:20] oh its got a gig or something [13:20] deffo over 256 [13:21] ah, not that old [13:21] Sysi: you dont see any problem of the computer connecting to wifi using that usb adaptor since its got no built in wifi? [13:21] its a windows xp era 2004/2005 machine [13:21] actually maybe 2003 [13:21] cant remember [13:22] if there's driver for that usb-thingy it should work [13:22] you mean the driver disk? [13:22] or get one online? [13:22] i dont think i have the disk anymore. :( [13:22] no, I mean in the kernel [13:22] ah kk [13:22] ok well let me give it ago.. === EyeWare is now known as EyesIsMine [14:08] Sysi: I got it working, the old pc is officially running ubuntu and connected to the net. [14:08] Now im just going to change it to xubuntu [14:08] Im trying to think of a purpose for this machine though its still ok as a back up or something, i was thinking a nas but what else could i put it to work for ? hmmm]# [14:10] or maybe a HTPC [14:10] with XMBC and Xubuntu [14:13] I soon have two machines with quite little use.. [14:13] well I have 2 old machines and two new ones, now 3 are running linux [14:14] I was thinking of making this one a NAS or HTPC [14:14] macbookpro (maybe will run non-virtual xubuntu) and newer desktop, netbook as network server [14:15] dang the terminal in my "old" system turned linux machine went black [14:16] now its purple again [14:16] lol [14:16] I dont blame it its been switched off for almost 3 years [14:19] dang i should really do lshw on the machine see what it actually has because i dont remember [14:20] its a abit laggy but i think thats because of a usb boot [14:23] Sysi: what you going to do with those machines then? [14:33] hi [14:33] i need some help guys [14:33] Hi Darkmode [14:34] Whats wrong? [14:34] i need to make this connection [14:34] Windows xp | --------crossover cable----------> |ubuntu 10.04 LTS |----------wifi antena ------> router [14:34] i try to install bridge utils [14:35] Darkmode: its easier to first try it between two linux machines [14:35] make a bootable disk and boot the xp machine from it [14:35] and reconfiger the /etc/network/interfaces [14:36] but nothing [14:36] Darkmode: this is xubuntu technically speaking, im not sure if they will like us speaking about ubuntu, have you asked in #ubuntu? [14:37] i have just connected an old xp machine with not built in wireless to a wireless networking with a usb dongle. [14:37] xp machine is now running ubuntu 10.04 lts with the netgear usb adatper [14:38] no problem in discussing networking (it's pretty much the same with nm-applet), but #ubuntu might offer more wider support, since they have more users [14:38] knome: any ideas then to help Darkmode ? [14:38] but yes, ChristopherNG is right that this is generally speaking only for xubuntu issues [14:38] can you past me your /etc/network/interfaces content [14:39] Darkmode: im not using a crossover cable between the machines like you want to do. [14:40] the xp machine did not have built in wifi so i used a usb wifi adapter and luckily ubuntu recognised it straight away. [14:40] ok [14:40] usb wlan dongles are very easy, if that's a feasible solution :) [14:40] Darkmode: why are you trying to connect an old xp machine to a ubuntu machine? for internet, file sharing? [14:41] whats the purpose? [14:41] Or are you just doing it because you dont have built in wifi and you dont want to buy a usb wifi dongle? [14:41] i have 2 old computers [14:41] and just one wifi antena [14:41] Exactly [14:41] no real easy solution to that.. [14:42] Darkmode, i'd suggest asking #ubuntu [14:42] it will be easier just buying or borrowing a usb wifi dongle from a friend. [14:42] this why [14:43] Darkmode: The price of usb wifi dongles has come down alot, just save yourself alot of headache. [14:43] with windows xp it works [14:43] Well im not sure what kind of network setup you have. [14:44] ChristopherNG: if you don't know, you don't need to say anything [14:44] i did it like that ubuntu box | --------crossover cable----------> windows xp|----------wifi antena ------> router [14:44] routing isn't that hard to get, but then using wifi isn't that fun [14:45] kk Sysi is here, he can help with this kind of thing [14:45] brb [14:46] ok Sysi [14:46] any idea how to do that [14:47] i try to bridge the connections [14:47] but nothing [14:47] fist what to do to connect windows xp with ubuntu with crossover cable ? [14:48] Darkmode, i'd suggest either asking #ubuntu or searching the forums [14:48] you have some options for doing that [14:48] .... [14:49] all I can say is that you need general guide for route and apply using wifi without networkmanager [14:49] but you can still try #ubuntu [14:50] What about using the Ubuntu box that connects to wifi as a vps and tunneling using that in xp [14:51] anyway thats it for me, ask in #ubuntu [14:51] you still need same setupping afaik [15:07] im trying to output to my tv using my HDMI out [15:07] im not getting a picture on on the display settings box [15:08] i mean im not getting a mirror which is what i want on the tv of the screen [15:08] ati or nvidia GC? [15:08] nvid [15:09] did you try with nvidia-settings? [15:09] I mean on the display settings it shows the laptop and the HDMI-1 [15:09] no i havent [15:09] if you have propietary driver installed, use nvidia's tool [15:09] nvidia-settings is a very good GUI [15:10] I was outputing to a monitor via VGA [15:10] that was working fine [15:10] I didnt think it would be a driver issue for outputing to a tv [15:10] is the tv set to the hdmi output channel then? ;) [15:10] errm, input [15:11] yeah im flipping both of them just to make sure [15:11] ahem, in linux that GUI isn't "driver settings" but xorg settings [15:11] HDMI1 and HDMI2 [15:11] xorg being the graphics system [15:12] so what exactly do i need to do? [15:15] ? [15:15] im unsure about nvidia settings, i had something similar in windows never in linux [15:16] it should be pretty simple app [15:16] is it in the repositories? [15:17] installed with the nvidia driver [15:17] you have it in menu under Settings or System, if not you can try arandr [15:18] if it can't be done with arandr you propably need to install the binary driver (System → hardware drivers) [15:18] Ok, well "No Proprietary Drivers are in use on this system" [15:18] there is the drivers icon on the top right asking me to get it. [15:19] "Experimental 3D support for Nvida Cards" [15:20] nothing about "Nvidia current or something"? [15:22] No i cant see that [15:22] whats the easiest way to check the driver installed on the gc? [15:22] because this is "additional drivers" [15:22] and it says "No Prop drivers are in use on this system" [15:22] if you had it it would be telling you [15:23] what nvidia/xubuntu version? [15:23] 11.04 Xubuntu [15:25] description: PCI bridge [15:25] product: Mobile 4 Series Chipset PCI Express Graphics Port [15:25] vendor: Intel Corporation [15:25] physical id: 1 [15:25] bus info: pci@0000:00:01.0 [15:25] version: 07 [15:25] width: 32 bits [15:25] clock: 33MHz [15:25] capabilities: pci normal_decode bus_master cap_list [15:25] configuration: driver=pcieport [15:25] resources: irq:40 ioport:5000(size=4096) memory:d0000000-d2ffffff ioport:c0000000(size=268435456) [15:25] *-display [15:26] description: VGA compatible controller [15:26] product: G98 [GeForce 9200M GS] [15:26] !pastebin [15:26] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [15:26] vendor: nVidia Corporation [15:26] i should have used pastebin [15:36] hello [15:39] hi [15:42] !offtopic [15:42] #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [15:42] heh i was just kidding [15:44] !hi [15:44] Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [15:44] ⢁) [15:44] Sysi: ive just installed these driver from the software center and im still not having any luck! [15:44] i never knew that outputing to a tv via HDMI was so overly complex [15:44] the experimental isn't the nvidia one [15:45] i went to the software center and typed nvida and installed "NVidia binary X.Org driver version 185" [15:47] that should work, you rebooted after that? it isn't used before you reboot [15:48] well thats my problem i cant reboot without loosing all my settings on this install its a live boot without persistence [15:48] so if i reboot i would be back to a fresh install of linux [15:51] Sysi: You think NVidia binary X.org driver 185 should solve the problem? I will try it on the other machine l8r [15:51] im straving! I think im going to KFC or something bbl [15:52] it maybe could be fixed with default driver too, bu I don't really know [15:53] you dont know? [15:53] hmm kk [15:53] I know it should work with propietary driver [15:54] so i will need to go to the nvidia website and get the driver from there because it wont be available from the repository right? [15:55] no, you just installed it from repository? [15:55] Hardware drivers will not work without a reboot, though [15:55] So square one in my position [15:56] OMG! [15:56] there is a package in the software center called NvTv Out [15:56] Control the tv output of Nvidia cards [15:56] duh! [15:57] My Nvidia cards have a TV out port [15:57] I didn't do anything to get my HDMI working with propietary driver, s-video was harder [15:57] charlie-tca: so how are you outputting it to a television? [15:58] I just connect to hdmi, with the proprietary driver [15:58] I don't think you are going to be able to test that without a persistent install [15:58] charlie-tca: you got that from the Nvida website, can you tell me the version... [15:58] charlie-tca: I know i will make a persistent install [15:59] here are things that will not work without being able to reboot [15:59] with a persistent install, you just install the nvidia drivers and it works [15:59] charlie-tca: what version is your prop driver? [15:59] depends on my card that day [15:59] there are all the same drivers in repositories than in nvidia website [15:59] I have cards from the nvidia mx-400 up [15:59] ok well im going to try to make a persistent stick to try this. [16:00] 9xxx should work with newest driver [16:00] on actual install "Additional drivers" would propably work better too [16:01] ok i will give it ago [16:23] Hello. How do I turn off session restore on Xubuntu? [16:24] When you log out/restart/shutdown, use the panel logout [16:25] which version of Xubuntu? [16:25] Latest one. [16:25] 11.04 [16:25] right-click the panel, panel, log out [16:25] uncheck save session [16:26] Ok, let me try... [16:26] also go to menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager, Sessions and Startup, General tab, make sure "save session" is not checked [16:26] wait [16:27] then go to ~/.cache/sessions and remove whatever is there [16:27] then also remove ~/.gconfd [16:28] Then restart [16:28] It should never save the session again [16:31] I think it works. I did two reboots and I don't get Firefox popping up anymore or double instances of startup applications. [16:31] Thanks. [18:06] need help with thunar and internal drive mounting [18:11] feyd: please ask :) [18:12] !details | feyd [18:12] feyd: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [18:13] Hey all. After logging in, my desktop shows the Home, FileSystem and Trash icons... but no menu bar at all on the top or bottom of the screen... was working before last reboot. Ideas? [18:13] 10.04 btw [18:13] !panels | WallyJ2K [18:13] WallyJ2K: Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels [18:14] Nice. Thanks! I am getting a failure in my mixer [18:15] Nevermind. The failure happened when I ran it in terminal mode [18:16] Worked perfect! Thanks!!! [18:25] Does anyone know if you can only make a persistent usb from a persistent usb, or should even a normal bootable xubuntu be able to create a new persistent one? [18:29] any xubuntu should be able to do that, on different stick [18:33] im downloading the iso now [18:41] Xubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 18 minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings [18:45] charlie-tca: Xubuntu doesn't use #ubuntu-meeting ? [18:45] We haven't been, because the times conflicted too much [18:46] When we moved to mondays at 19:00 UTC, there was other meetings being held [18:46] Ah [18:47] genii-around: Howdy, how long you been here anywho? [18:47] forever [18:48] :) [18:48] Unit193: 4-5 hours today, hadn't actually been in this channel for a while, used to hang here as well as all the other *buntu channels [18:50] genii-around: You should be sad to know the only current coffee is decaf :( [18:50] Heh [19:08] apologies got caught up [19:09] I'm wondering how I can mount an internal drive automatically on boot, but have it behave like it does when you mount the drives in the thunar sidebar [19:09] Hi all, I just accidentally enabled compiz and I want it gone. How do I get rid of it? [19:10] the trash works like normal when mounted from thunar, but when mounted in fstab, trash is ruined [20:32] Hi [20:33] !hi [20:33] Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [20:34] I've got a problem with xubuntu, when it goes to the screensaver firefox, thunderbird and other programs close. How do I fix this? [20:34] Which Xubuntu and which screensaver? [20:38] xubuntu 11.04 [20:39] and it's random screensaver [20:41] Hey all. Before I continue trawling through google, has anyone got a global menu working with xubuntu 11.04? [20:48] It might not because of the screensaver [20:48] but they do close when I'm not using the computer for a while [20:50] They are not minimizing or just changing workspaces? [20:50] nope [20:50] when I open firefox again [20:50] it says "restore session" [20:51] weird [20:51] yeah [20:51] never had this problem with ubuntu 11.04 [20:51] I have never heard of it before [20:51] I have two firefox windows open all the time, 24 hours a day [20:52] well thats what I want :) [20:53] Try switching to a single screensaver, maybe [20:53] Is there anything in particular happens before they close? [20:53] actually I have no idea, i'm always afk when it happens =X [20:54] switch to a single screensaver, try that and see if it works. It is possible that one of the screensavers is segfaulting, and causing other windows to close [20:55] iinga: never tried it myself. I don't like unity enough to use any of it [20:55] i don't like unity either, but on a netbook having a global menu bar certainly saves space [20:57] alright thanks [20:57] I'll just try a single screensaver [20:57] Thanks for the help! :) [20:58] cya [21:43] hello [21:52] !needhelp [21:52] Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude [21:53] For some reason i dont get the option to create a persistent usb, just a normal one.. [21:53] Im doing this using the start up disk creator that comes with the OS. [21:53] it doesnt give me the option at the bottom to allocate spacec.. [21:54] it remains unhighlighted [21:54] I would use unetbootin [21:54] i have used the start up disk creator for this purpose before.. [21:55] For some reason its just not letting me select space to assign to the usb drive. [21:59] stupid question, but have you checked the format and partitions on the drive? [22:01] its a usb flash drive and i just got it today, its blank [22:01] or rather it was blank before it made a usb start up disk without persistence. [22:01] It did not let me select file space to allocate [22:02] try formatting the drive with FAT32 [22:02] it's silly but you can just rule 1 thing out after you try that [22:09] how does thunar mount internal drives? thats the only way to preserve the trash bin functionality that im looking to keep [22:14] may I ask, how it's possible that in Pidgin's Buddy List the text is small and on the rest of the system is OK? [22:28] Will XFCE be ported to GTK3? [22:33] Xfce should switch sometime after 4.10 (That will be a bit from now) [22:33] heh! I managed to fix my own problem [22:34] Linux is becoming a full time job [22:34] ChristopherNG: yep :-) [22:35] especially when gnome developers became dicks and piss off users. (sorry for flamebait, but I really lost so much time because of this) [22:35] MaximLevitsky: Linux users are the Maquis of the modern world fighting the behemoth that is Microsoft and Apple. [22:36] MaximLevitsky: Here is a link for you http://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.10/roadmap and as you said, watch the wording please [22:37] Unit193: Fine [22:37] in fact XFCE in 11.04 is way batter that one in 10.10 [22:37] My last rant of the day: Im not sure if using linux is more of a political and philosopical motivation as opposed to being practicle. [22:37] thunar support ssh! [22:38] ChristopherNG: for me is pure egoistic matter [22:38] I just love reverse engeneering [22:38] And its Linux that best support it [22:38] MaximLevitsky: Ill tell you something, Its really painful at times but the feeling of getting it working really makes it feel worthwhile. [22:39] ChristopherNG: yep [22:39] Its abit addictive, solving the problems [22:39] You are in a low and you get the high when you solve the problem! lol! [22:40] one problem solved and now on to the next one, To output via HDMI to my TV with the proprietry drivers, touch wood lets hope it works. [22:40] ...im not holding my breath [22:41] ChristopherNG: you can say that again: [22:41] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/160763 [22:41] Ubuntu bug 160763 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Acer Aspire 5720 hangs on second resume from suspend, i.e. suspends only once [BIOS PROBLEM]" [Medium,Fix released] [22:41] I will remember forever that moment I hit a key and it resumed second time [22:41] * Unit193 can't hold breath anymore [22:42] Unit193: is a chain smoker [22:42] he probably became a chain smoker since he started using linux! lol [22:43] For some reason downloading the xubuntu iso from Russia is much faster than any of the UK mirrors where i live. [22:43] Started on the exhale [22:43] Could have less people on there right now [22:44] I did the md5sum test on the iso and checked the size, Dont mean to be cheeky but Russia has a reputation. [22:44] Heh, it's mostly for bad downloads anywho [22:45] yeah that check and compare the iso size with what it should be gives you a good idea if someone has been playing around with the iso and maybe putting in a keylogger somewhere. [22:47] Keylogger would be a disaster all my bank details, my address details, vps details, shell details, email, irc, my PPV subscriptions, my social networking sites, everything. [22:47] It would ruin my life, almost. [22:47] ...Steam! [22:47] the list just goes on [22:54] I read this census that said approx only 2% of people use linux is that accurate or just said to over hype the others? [22:54] ChristopherNG: its sadly probably an overestimation :-( [22:55] MaximLevitsky: over-estimation? [22:55] Here at tech university, computer science facility I see maybe 1-2 Linux users per class [22:55] We really are small minority. Sad but true [22:56] Yeah well its to be expected [22:56] But seriously only 1 or 2 use linux at your college? [22:56] Yep [22:56] Its all Vista/W7 and a bit of Macs [22:57] And that taking in account that Linux is recommended for developement [22:57] In fact all code has to compile on REL server [22:58] In the end they use Linux... by sshing into that server [22:58] Its hard to blame, Linux has too many bugs [22:58] Gnome is more or less more or less OK [22:59] But with the direction its heading, its pure disater [22:59] disaster [22:59] These universities are churning out "Microsoft" certified, "Cisco" certified drones which fits the industry, if they taught them linux the employers would have to retrain them a little. [22:59] Here its not the case. Linux is recommended, and even some professors use it. [23:00] We develop C/C++ only, not .NET or even Java [23:00] And they find any exuse not to use it. Even use Cygwin... [23:00] Where abouts are you? [23:01] ChristopherNG: Israel, Technion [23:01] Shalom MaximLevitsky, Ma nishma? [23:01] now im going to get the language warning [23:01] lol [23:01] ChristopherNG: Great to meet you :-) [23:02] hello everyone [23:02] hey xubuntu390 [23:03] how are you? [23:03] im good thanks [23:03] yourself? [23:03] where are you from? [23:03] UK [23:03] i'm ok thanks [23:04] i'm gfrom Colombia [23:05] How long have you tried linux? [23:05] failed attempt in the early 2000s [23:05] got lazy and went back to windows, a huge mistake [23:06] been back for almost a year [23:06] umm... and you know so much about linux? [23:06] anyone seen any issues with "unable to handle kernel paging request" in xubuntu? I just upgraded from 9.04 Ubuntu to 11.04 Xubuntu, and now I am randomly getting this error [23:07] xubuntu390: whats the problem? [23:07] Its better to just ask the question and someone who knows will try to answer it. [23:07] basically causes the whole machine to crash and i have to hard recent to get it back up. [23:08] I installed xubuntu 9.04 and it works perfec, but the wireless red card doesn't work [23:08] Did you go directly from 9.04? How did you upgrade? [23:09] yes i did [23:09] and i upgrate it [23:09] i guess not "upgrade" in the official sense. I just installed 11.04 over 9.04 without overwritting my /home directory [23:09] but i still doesn't work [23:10] no no [23:10] !wireless | xubuntu390 [23:10] xubuntu390: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [23:10] i upgrate it using install manager [23:10] i tking [23:10] tanner_: Did you happen to check logs/dmesg? [23:11] need to reboot MaximLevitsky and co bbl [23:12] yes, the screen blacks out and I see dmesg which is where I see the invalid paging request message and a bunch of other stuff, but the machine is frozen, so I can't copy the text to anything, just have to reboot, and I think dmesg get overwritten every time you reboot. [23:12] well now i'm tring to install xubuntu 10.04.02 [23:12] i'm working in a old computer it's a travelmate 2200 [23:13] and it has only 250 ram memory [23:15] xubuntu390: its kernel bug [23:16] tanner_: Do you open a program when that happens? can you copy the number after that or check /var/log/syslog ? [23:16] you could take a snapshot of the message using camera too [23:16] no [23:17] no specific program is opened when it is happening, i will take a picture next time it happens [23:17] in fact I am pretty sure it just happened at home, so I can take a pic when I get home [23:17] now i'm waiting for the finish of the installation [23:17] xubuntu390: I use here my own cooked patch (not accepted upstream unfortunately), to save dmesg of old boot and see it on next boot [23:17] if you are willing to recompile kernel, I can give it to you [23:18] ok [23:19] when the laptop finish i'll [23:20] xubuntu390: which kernel you use? [23:20] i dont know [23:21] Then I won't be asking you to recompile it [23:21] Although its not that difficult, it takes some time to learn, but benefit is large [23:22] the installation is at least 61 porcent [23:22] When you recompile it and follow latest kernel, distro update won't catch you in a surprise [23:22] As I always keep my own compiled kernel [23:24] Mr let me see firs if the problem is gone, if it is still, i want to know how to know my wireless car version === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [23:39] Ok folks, Im wanting to output via HDMI on Xubuntu to my TV. [23:39] I have a NVIdia card, I was told to get the prop drivers and it should touch wood work. [23:41] Supported operating systems: Microsoft Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Media Center, Vista and Windows 7 [23:41] So NVida does not "offically" support Xubuntu or Ubuntu with drivers. [23:42] So where do i get these propreitary drivers for Nvidia? [23:42] Usually that means look in System -> Additional Drivers or Hardware Drivers to install the driver there [23:43] No one ever supports Xubuntu specifically, but they might support Ubuntu or Linux [23:43] or Debian [23:43] charlie-tca: there is one available in additional drivers: "Experimental 3D support for Nvidia cards" , "This driver provides a highly experimental 3D acceleration for NVIDIA graphics cards, as a free alternative to the proprietary driver." [23:44] I can easily activate that one and restart for the changes to take effect since im now on the persistent install. [23:44] but... [23:44] That is gallium driver, and it works quite well most of the time [23:45] You might need xrander to use two monitors with it [23:45] Is that what you are using to output via HDMI to your tv on your Nvdia machine? [23:46] Its jus tthat if you type Nvidia in the xubuntu software center you get NVTV which is apparently for the tv output of nVidia video cards [23:46] I don't run video to the tv most of the time. I test it periodically [23:47] yes, that is the driver I used [23:47] nvtv ftw? [23:47] hdmi is not tv output [23:47] is it? [23:47] HDMI out on my laptop [23:47] I never install nvtv here. [23:48] HDMI out is for high def monitors, isn't it? [23:48] It really doesn't care if the monitor is a LCD, or TV, as far I as I know [23:48] HDMI is for high defition televisions yes [23:48] televisions only? [23:49] well camcorders and even some phones have hdmi now aswell [23:49] as do all three of my monitors [23:49] alright well im confused as to which one to try, you said the "experimental driver" under the additional drivers is what you use? [23:50] PC HDMI Out --> HDMI Cable --> TV [23:50] using that driver? [23:51] im going to give it ago [23:51] ChristopherNG: which nvidia card you have btw? [23:52] product: G98 [GeForce 9200M GS] [23:52] ChristopherNG: nice [23:53] It should be more or less well supported by open source reverse engennered driver [23:53] nouveau is called [23:53] my Vaio has Ati and its going to be fun finding drivers for that aswell im sure. [23:54] you probably use nouveau right now [23:54] look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to find out [23:55] I have a bad tendency to plug things in and see what happens before I worry about what won't work === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [23:57] let me link the output of Xorg before i install any drivers [23:58] I am trying to setup automatic login in xubuntu-desktop. I have the login screen setting window open and the "log in as ____ automatically" selected. However my username is not available in the dropdown...in fact no users are....help? [23:58] http://paste.ubuntu.com/661519/ [23:59] That doesnt say anthing about Nouveau does it