
apacheloggerrbelem: sort of pong00:04
rbelemapachelogger, :-D00:05
rbelemapachelogger, how was you flight?00:05
apacheloggerQuintasan_: before core-dev you should touch more packages than kubuntu ones :P00:05
apacheloggeralso you should get brushed up on all the techy wacky stuff, the interview is quite horrible00:06
apacheloggerrbelem: short and pointless00:06
nigelbDS over?00:16
rbelemapachelogger, :-)00:16
apacheloggernigelb: no00:16
* apachelogger is still not quite sure he should go to the kde e.v. general assembly00:16
rbelemapachelogger, do you had chance to take a look on those branches?00:19
apacheloggerdidnt read mails for like 3 days00:19
rbelemapachelogger, np ;-)00:41
apacheloggerrbelem: did you see dragon player 3?00:41
rbelemapachelogger, yup :-D00:47
rbelemapachelogger, awesome00:47
apacheloggergroovy :D01:02
=== apachelogger is now known as dslogger
debfxyofel: we can't install org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer*.xml because there are other players which implement the MPRIS stadard as well08:48
felimwhiteleyhi folks09:31
* felimwhiteley been suffering serious issue since 4.7 upgrade09:32
felimwhiteleynot sure if there is any major known issues with akonadi? Mine is eating all processor up and seems to complain of corruption.. lseems very related to 4.7ppa upgrade.. can't say for certain but it does look realted09:33
felimwhiteleyif I don't disable akonadi the whole desktop is compeltely unusable09:33
Tm_Tlaunchpad spamming?09:43
debfxoh dear09:47
debfxwe need to unsubscribe kubuntu-members from our branches09:47
skfinTm_T: alt?10:45
Tm_Tskfin: altparty10:46
skfinOkay...if someone is going there10:48
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
Quintasan_what the hell12:14
* Quintasan_ got 20+ emails about merges12:14
jemparingquitasan: izzit spam? coz i got too in my mailbox12:14
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanno idea12:15
QuintasanI just opened my inbox and poof12:15
yofelsomeone cleaned the moderation queue I think12:16
Quintasan20 emails from LP about merges12:16
Quintasancrap and batteryy is dying12:16
Quintasanwhat a stupid phone12:16
QuintasanI open it and it shows 46%12:16
Quintasan2g transmission on and bam, goes down to 15%12:17
Quintasanand then mumbles its less than 5%12:17
* Quintasan demands less features and moar battery12:17
ScottKfelimwhiteley: I've not heard of any similar reports related to 4.7.  There is an open ntrack bug where libntrack will sometimes cause a process to take 100% CPU and you have to kill the process.12:17
Quintasanyofel: You gotta explain this NM mess to me later when I get back home12:18
ScottKMaybe it's related to that.  12:18
yofelQuintasan: rather easiy, kde-workspace ships solid for NM 0.8. We have 0.9 in oneiric so the solid stuff doesn't build but the plasma widget ships it's own solid lib instead.12:19
QuintasanScottK: Do you recall your Droid's battery capacity?12:19
ScottKQuintasan: "Not very much"12:20
QuintasanThat's quite descriptive. And I though it's only me who gets battery made out of wood12:21
felimwhiteleyScottK: no it's the 4 or 5 akonadi_[contact...etc] processes that each hog 25-40%12:21
Quintasanyofel: so backporting workspace to natty shouldnt pose any problems, should it?12:21
Quintasanfelimwhiteley: IIRC akonadi uses ntrack12:22
felimwhiteleymaybe I really do have corruption.. is there an akondi check.. I struggle finding info on it12:22
ScottKfelimwhiteley: No idea then.12:22
* felimwhiteley is a bit clueless with akonadi tbh12:22
* Quintasan pats felimwhiteley12:22
ScottKJoin the club.12:22
QuintasanYou are not the only one ;)12:22
yofelQuintasan: well, the solid stuff doesn't build in O, but does in N and natty plasma widget DOESN'T ship it's own solid lib12:22
yofelos if you do a straigth backport without fixing install files you have no NM solid backend12:23
kubotuyofel meant: "so if you do a straigth backport without fixing install files you have no NM solid backend"12:23
ScottKQuintasan: My droid is a year and a half old and the not so great battery capacity that I started with is not what it once was.12:23
ScottKAnd if you don't have a solid back end it's hard to sit properly.12:24
Quintasanyofel: so that's how I broke nm in ~ppa5 upload?12:24
* yofel is starting to get a headache from looking at digikam linking errors...12:25
ScottKyofel: Don't panic about digikam.  If it's not ready by Thursday, I'll give an FFe for it as long as it's soon.  I'd rather have it right than now (fsvo right and now).12:27
yofelsure, I probably won't finish this in time, seems like it'll need a MIR for openvc too unless I try to rip libkface out12:27
yofeloh, and kipi-plugins is inside digikam too as additional crazyness12:28
dsloggeryofel: did ye push a nu amarok yet?12:36
yofeldslogger: amarok is in backports12:36
dsloggerScottK: yofel is jolly useful I might say12:37
ScottKdslogger: Definitely.12:37
QuintasanGah, Back.12:37
ScottKIn case there was confusion the sigh was at digikam upstream, not yofel.12:37
QuintasanIt's damn hot outside and it's raining at the same time12:38
* yofel is pretty happy12:38
yofelwe finally got a wired connection here :D12:38
Quintasanand back to cleaning the house :S12:39
ScottKyofel: Since digikam didn't conveniently release a new kipi-plugins you might mail them and ask if we are expected to ship the embedded one as our new system kipi-plugins.  Be forwarned they don't seem very distro friendly.12:39
yofelScottK: will do12:39
ScottKGood luck.12:40
yofelgrrrr, I don't get this13:00
yofel/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/libgphoto2.so: undefined reference to symbol 'gp_port_free'13:00
yofel/usr/bin/ld: note: 'gp_port_free' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/libgphoto2_port.so so try adding it to the linker command line13:00
yofel/usr/lib/libgphoto2_port.so: could not read symbols: Invalid operation13:00
yofelit links with:13:00
yofel-L/usr/lib -lgphoto2_port -L/usr/lib -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port13:00
ScottKMight be an ordering issue.13:16
=== crysknife_ is now known as crysknife
yofelbah, someone else that icecc 0.9.7-1 still errors out on liblto_plugin.so?14:13
=== Bodia is now known as Dan`ka
cyphermoxScottK: to get back to ntrack/kde-runtime; I've uploaded both to https://launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/+archive/kubuntu-dev ; will be done publishing any time now15:51
ScottKAnyone on Oneiric can test ^^^?15:51
ScottK(my oneiric box has no networking at the moment due to an install failure for Alpha 3)15:52
cyphermoxI'll be installing a kubuntu box with the daily image shortly, but I'll need pointers to know exactly what to test15:52
ScottKIf it fails badly and you're on a network, you'll know...15:53
cyphermoxguess so, I was expecting that it would be a little bit more subtle16:01
ScottKIt might.16:27
ScottKthe current issue I'm seeing is Natty is a once per few  days some newtwork using process will take 100% CPU and not give it back.16:28
dsloggeryofel: ping 16:28
dsloggeryofel: you make a tomahawk package16:28
dsloggerlike right now16:28
dsloggeror muesli will give yer a beatin16:29
dsloggerfind him in #tomahawk16:29
yofelwell, I can take a look at it...16:29
CIA-52[kde-workspace] Philip Muškovac * 543 * debian/ (changelog patches/kubuntu_03_kdewallpapers_install.diff) make the default wallpapers install button install kde-wallpapers as well16:34
ScottKyofel: Make sure you're working with an up to date workspace.  I uploaded it last night.16:36
yofelI used ubuntu4 as base, this needs a review anyway16:36
yofelhttps://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace_install-workspace-wallpapers-too/+merge/70924 someone look at it please. So far IT BUILDS™16:37
yofelsince qapt-batch crashes in oneiric I can't really test it16:37
CIA-52[kde-workspace] Philip Muškovac * 544 * debian/patches/kubuntu_03_kdewallpapers_install.diff Fix cout syntax17:39
yofeldebfx: fixed, thanks17:42
dsloggerBlizzz: pingggggggg18:04
dsloggeryofel: are you not islanding?18:05
yofelDslogger: i just arrived18:14
dsloggeryofel: we are not attending18:14
dsloggerits like 50 minutes away from our apartment18:14
yofeltake the s-bahn ?18:14
yofelWell, + bus18:16
dsloggeryofel: still 50 minutes18:38
=== dslogger is now known as dickhouse
=== skreech__ is now known as Daskreech
=== dickhouse is now known as dragondrop
=== dragondrop is now known as dslogger
ScottKbambee: Back ashore?21:28
bambeeScottK: yeah until tomorrow :)21:33
ScottKbambee: OK.  How's it going?21:33
bambeeScottK: really fine, except I got seasick today lol 21:36
ScottKMake sure you get good drugs for tomorrow then.21:37
bambeeScottK: no drugs needed, just sleep and water for me (I sleep a lot when I am sick :P)21:37
ScottKRight, but as a preventative.21:38
bambeethe weather is better tomorrow, today it was bad... the sea was very agitated21:38
bambeeScottK: I've drugs if I'm really sick :)21:39
ScottKIME prevention works way better than the cure for sea sickness.21:40
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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