
ionitemay i ask: i am using KDE and i'm running a net book on batteries.  how can make display the battery life left?00:08
ioniteis there like a battery life indicator?00:09
gomiboyionite: first right click on desktop -> unlock widgets then right click on panel (or desktop) and "add widget" -> search for battery indicator00:14
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ionitegomiboy: thanks! how do i install chinese language?00:25
gomiboyionite: open System settings -> locale -> System Languages and add what you want00:31
tzahihello all. I have a question I hope some one can give me directions on this matter01:21
tzahino one there? please01:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:27
tzahiI am new here01:27
tzahiI wanted to know what is the process to become a contibutor to software which GPL01:29
tzahiI am student01:29
tzahiI also learn quickly01:29
tzahiand have fairly good programming skills01:30
tzahiand theory basis as well as ability01:30
tzahiand entusiasm to contribute on this important issue01:31
alex__HI guys, I have a problem here with network manager in kubuntu 11.04 with kde 4.7 ....few hours ago, I did an upgrade , and now after a restart, my network manager , doesn't works anymore01:39
alex__how should I try to fix it ?01:39
alex__I get an error on the WLAN saying "Error:Invalid State"01:45
DaixsoHey guys01:50
Daixson gals :D01:50
corinthHow do I increase my touchpad sensitivity in Kubuntu?01:54
Boomboycorinth: system settings ->hardware -> input devices01:57
alex__so no solutions for my network-manager problem  ?02:01
Boomboyalex__: What seems to be the issue?02:02
corinthBoomboy: Which setting do I tweak?02:07
corinthI don't see "sensitivity."02:07
Boomboycursor motion?02:08
corinthI don't see a cursor motion option.02:08
Boomboywhat do you see once you click on input devices?02:09
corinthNevermind, I found it. Thanks!02:09
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alex__after an upgrade few hours ago , i cannot connect anymore my wireless ....., network manager again ....., the worst thing that can happen to02:39
alex__leave you without internet , which means , without support ....02:40
alex__and I have no idea about fix it......, the network simply seems disabled ....., to way to make it works ....02:41
alex__any idea ?02:41
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jmichaelxalex__: there were two rounds of KDE updates todayyyyy from the backports ppa... for me, the network management plasma widget broke after installing the first batch of updates, but was fixed again after installing the second batch02:56
alex__yeah , but hot connect again my pc with wireless !?!02:57
jmichaelxalex__: ahhh... are you trying to connect to a home network?02:57
alex__yeah , but I don't have access to the router now ....02:58
jmichaelxalex__: is it that you do not know your key or something?02:58
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alex__yeah I know everything , but network manager just doesn't let me manage wireless .....02:59
alex__I'm on another pc chatting here ....03:00
jmichaelxalex__: you could just set up /etc/network/interfaces, and you would not need to depend on the network management widget until it gets fixed on your system03:00
alex__let's try , but I'll need some help , please .. :)03:01
alex__so I'm in the file jmichaelx, whqt should I write inside it !?!03:02
jmichaelxalex__: it should look something like this... but (of course) with your SSIDDDD and your key03:04
alex__ok , can I just write on the bottom ?03:05
alex__ahh ok , I got it .., sorry ..03:05
jmichaelxalex__: you probably can, is there anything at the top besides the section that starts with 'auto lo'?03:06
alex__save it , and now !?!, restart network ?03:07
jmichaelxalex__: you will also need to find out for sure what your systeeeeeeem is calling your network device... if you run 'ifconfig', you will likely see an entry labeled 'wlanX' (could be 0,1,2,3, etc03:07
jmichaelxalex__: restart network, if you can... you may just need to reboot03:08
alex__yeah , I check it , is wlan0 like your ...03:08
jmichaelxok good03:08
jmichaelxyes, restart network, or reboot03:08
alex__ok , so I'll reboot ....03:08
alex__so now, it should be already connected when I login ?03:10
jmichaelxalex__: likely so03:10
alex__is not working .. :(03:11
alex__there was a mistake , let's try again jmichaelx :)03:15
alex__no way ....03:18
alex__I think jmichaelx the problem is the IP , it doesn't seems to be correct ...03:23
alex__so jmichaelx is possible to set even IP, gateway and DNS !?! in the same way ?03:24
jmichaelxalex__: definitely03:28
jmichaelxalex__: had you not been using dhcp?03:28
alex__yeah I use ...., but the ip of wlan result different of the IP range of my lan03:29
alex__so of course it doesn't go anywhere I guess ....03:30
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jmichaelxthat seems reallyyy strange03:30
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alex__I know ....03:31
alex__a simple way to share the connection from this pc , by lan !?! could be a solution !?!03:32
jmichaelxalex__: are you sure that everything was entered correctly? spelling, capitalization, etc?03:32
jmichaelxalex__: that could possibly be done, but you would likely need a crossover cable03:32
jmichaelxalex__: can you not temporarily connect your wireless machine via ethernet, then apt-get update && apt-get upgrade?03:33
alex__actualy I cannot rigth now ....03:34
alex__so I have to wait , until I can connect it directly by lan ...03:34
alex__thanks a lot anyway jmichaelx03:35
jmichaelxalex__: if you have everything entered correctly in /etc/network/interfaces , your wireless access point should not give you an IP outside of the normal range it is configured to use03:35
alex__the only thing is that I have a wep password  , but I even try changin wpa with wep03:38
jmichaelxalex__: ok, if you are using WEP, things are done differently03:38
alex__it shouldn't be right ?03:38
alex__really !?!03:38
alex__sorry mate , I thought it was unrilevant ......03:39
jmichaelxalex__: it makeees a big difference03:39
jmichaelxinstead of 'wpa-ssid', you need to have 'wireless-essid'03:41
jmichaelxinstead of 'wpa-psk', you will need to use 'wireless-key' (i bbelieve)03:41
alex__ok , so let's try again ....03:43
alex__I'm crossing my finger mate .. :D03:43
jmichaelxi hope it works for you03:44
alex__yeah jmichaelx, it works .... :D03:46
alex__thank you so much buddy .....03:46
alex__so now let's upgrade again ...03:47
alex__jmichaelx: after the upgrade , should I set back the file interfaces ?03:48
jmichaelxalex__: it is your decision, but if you want to use the network manager, you will need to at least comment those lines out in your interfaces file03:53
alex__and the comment char is # or something else ?03:54
jmichaelxyes, # works fine03:54
AlexZionjmichaelx: I'm alex__ on the other pc ....., after upgrade , averything nice and smooth as always .....03:58
AlexZionthanks again for your support .... , and to share with me your good knowledge .....03:59
jmichaelxi was a bit aggravated myself this morning, finding that the network widget was broken after the updates... at least glad they fixed it promptly04:00
jmichaelxAlexZion: no problem at all04:00
* Linkmaster hasn't had any problems with updates, so he has been wary TO update04:01
AlexZionyeah , I really hate when something happen to the network , because cut you off from support , updgrade and so on .....04:01
jmichaelxLinkmaster: your wariness is compeletely understood04:01
jmichaelxAlexZion: i agree04:01
LinkmasterBased on all these issues, I'm like "o.O?"04:01
jmichaelxthe 4.7 upgrade has nnot given me much, aside from a few bugs and regressions04:02
LinkmasterThough at the same time, I HAVE no updates. I had some about 3-4 days ago, where my network manager went wacko[in the sense that I simply couldn't connect] and I ended up needing to reinstall the STA driver, but other than that I was good04:03
Linkmasterthe 4.7, other than a few regressions I'm not pleased with, have given me quite a few benefits04:03
jmichaelxLinkmaster: i have been wanting to look into why ubuntu is not yet using the new libre broadcom  wireless drivers. i believe they are being used in fedora04:04
jmichaelxLinkmaster: what benefits did .7 give you?04:05
Linkmasterlibre broadcome drivers?04:05
AlexZionanyway kubuntu is growing up very well and fast .....and kde is always more lovable ..... :D04:05
jmichaelxLinkmaster: yes, broadcom released free/OS drivers for some of their wireless chipsets some months ago04:06
AlexZionI just think the default config should be a bit different .....04:06
Linkmaster4.7 allows some nice things for me to do, such as the 'view all' option to show all the windows. As well as window thumbnails. I could do both on 4.5, but when I upgraded to 4.6 using maverick, it froze my system all the time. Using 11.04, I could use window thumbnails, but not the 'present all' feature04:06
LinkmasterHmm...the STA seems to work for me, I'm not changing a not broken opject04:07
Linkmasterand we should probably move to #kubuntu-offtopic04:07
jmichaelxLinkmaster: ahhh... i think i do not even use many of those things04:07
AlexZionI have to go guys ...., so thanks again and see you next time .. ;)04:07
jmichaelxAlexZion: take care!04:08
Linkmasterjmichaelx: join #kubuntu-offtopic04:09
jmichaelxLinkmaster: there04:10
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ItBlendsWhen I switch to gimp. The gimp dialog boxes don't come up also. Is there a way to fix this?04:39
LinkmasterItBlends: the gimp dialog boxes have either been closed, or are 'hiding' behind gimp. Check the task bar to see if they show up04:41
ItBlendsLinkmaster, They aren't closed. And they aren't hiding behind gimp. They are hiding behind the non gimp windows.04:44
ItBlendsThey don't show up in the task bar either04:45
LinkmasterAre they stacked?04:45
ItBlendsI can only find them by minimizing all non gimp windows04:45
LinkmasterI know that in my taskbar, similar windows get stacked. You might be able to fiddle with something to have the dialog windows show up as well, though I wouldn't know. When I use gimp, and don't want to be bothered with other things, I just use another desktop for it04:46
ItBlendsLinkmaster, nope. sometimes they show up in the task bar, but in general they aren't there04:46
ItBlendsI'm not sure when they show up04:46
LinkmasterHm..I don't then :l I'm pretty tired, so I'm probably just stupid at the moment, maybe someone else will know04:46
DaskreechItBlends: what window manager are youusing?04:48
ItBlendsDaskreech, kwin.. or whatever is the default04:49
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Daskreechok and the Gimp dialogs are modal child windows ?04:49
ItBlendsDaskreech, they aren't modal.04:50
DaskreechAh. ok04:50
DaskreechWhat version of KDE?04:50
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calwighi, i seem to have no more taskbar. how can i get it back?07:43
calwigach brb07:44
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pistolatwo things , i have just installed kubuntu 11.04 on a laptop and every hardware`s recognized fine , but a problem is that a i have to click enter to forward the boot process otherwise it just stops at first boot screen , thats really annoying , another thing is that when i plug in my headphones  when try to listen to music the music comes from the speakers anyway , so i have to have the headphones plugged in from boot start to get sound08:15
pistola in there , so is there a fix for that ?08:15
ionitehow can i view chinese fonts in chinese programs?08:30
ionitehow can i view chinese fonts in chinese programs?08:38
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Efarth%C1,4 hello10:22
ioniteif i were to run exe files on KDE. what should i use? WINE? Virtual?10:35
James147ionite: depends on what it does ^^ some work better in a vm some work better with wine10:36
James147(most of the time its even better to find an alternative that is native to linux)10:37
ioniteJames147: it's text based research. minimal graphics.10:38
James147that dosnt tell me much10:38
ioniteJames147: just that it's a EXE file. basically like an encyclopaedia that's with little graphics.10:38
James147You could try it with wine and if not then try a vm10:39
ioniteJames147: thanks10:43
gaelle_hi. i have a big problem. The networkmanager plasmoid does no longer manage my connections. I tells me that the wireless is deactivated on the hardware side (its not, works fine under windows) and even when connecting a lan cable, it tells me that the lan cable is disconnected. Its actually not, because i can still go on the internet (chating right now). so networkmanager seems disconnected from the "computer". any ideas?10:45
ioniteJames147: btw, why can't my KDE automactically connects to my WLAN @ startup? i have to click enable networking & enable WLAN inorder to connect. I'm also check the box to connect automactically.10:47
James147ionite: umm... they shouldnt be disabled on reboot :S10:48
ioniteJames147: so what should i do?10:49
James147ionite: not entirly sure... you could try deleting /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state  ^^ though I am not sure that will help10:50
James147ionite: what version of kde?10:51
yofelgaelle_: what version of kubuntu and kde?10:51
ioniteJames147: 4.07? how do i check?10:52
James147any kde app > help > about kde10:52
ioniteJames147: 4.0710:59
James147ionite: this happen after you upgraded to 4.7?11:00
ioniteJames147: no. i didn't upgrade. i just deleted my netbook remix and installed 4.711:01
James147ionite: only thing I can suggest is trying a new user and if it dosnt work for them try reconfigureing networkmanager11:09
James147(if it dose work for the new user then try resetting the networkmanager settings in your home dir11:09
ioniteJames147: how can i permanently check the box Enable WLAN?11:25
alvinIs the new Amarok in some repo? I don't care how experimental it is. 2.4.1 crashes way too much11:48
jemparingalvin: i just update amarok from 2.4.1 to 2.4.3 just now. quite changes12:02
yofelalvin: amarok 2.4.3 is in backports ppa together with kde 4.712:03
alvinlol, I see. I asked a minute too soon :-)12:03
jemparingionite: can you check updates again? coz i got the same issue with de 1st update. i then check updates then apply de 2nd updates. it should fix networkmanager.12:05
AlexZionyeah I had the same problem , fixed with new updgrade ....12:06
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alvinAmarok still freezes. Bug 777639 is still in effect.12:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 777639 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok hangs while holding down of next/previous track hotkey" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77763912:32
tonymcyay, new KDE update fixed network manager plasmoid13:06
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ionitewhy KDE cannot detect my external HDD?13:15
tonymccan linux detect it at all?13:16
tonymcif you go to terminal and type ls /dev/sd* do you see it?13:17
ionitetonymc: why do i have to type this command inorder for it to detect?13:19
tonymcno it's not to detect13:19
tonymcit's to see if linux sees the drive at all13:19
soeehow can i access some folder from windows os?13:19
tonymcsoee where is that folder?13:20
ionitetonymc: after i type the command my desktop prompted me detection why can't it detect prior to the command?13:20
tonymcionite that's strange, shouldn't happen like that13:20
tonymcionite anyway it's not KDE fault, it's more to do with udev i  think13:21
soeetonymc, my home folder13:21
ionitetonymc: what's udev? is it a bug or something13:22
tonymcionite i'm not too familiar with linux's guts so i can't help you with that... i'm not sure it'13:22
tonymcit certainly is a bug, i just don't know what kind of13:23
ionitetonymc: anyways are u using KDE?13:23
tonymcsoee i mean on which drive? if you open dolphin, don't you see it in that left sidebar?13:23
tonymcionite yes i'm using KDE13:23
ionitetonymc: how do i change the repo?13:23
tonymcionite and i don't have this problem13:23
tonymcionite KPackageKit -> settings -> edit origins13:23
tonymcbut why do you want to change repo?13:24
tonymci mean, you're not going to do something funny are you?13:24
tonymclike changing ubuntu repos to debian, like i did once13:24
ionitetonymc: oic. i'm gonna install wine. which 1 should i choose in the kpackage?13:24
tonymcionite for some reason the latest wine results in unresolved dependencies so you'd be better off with wine 1.213:25
tonymcionite you want to install wine or you want to change the repo? maybe you meant adding winehq PPA to your repos?13:26
ionitetonymc: u read me well13:27
ionitetonymc: :)13:27
ionitetonymc: btw, do u use wine? are u familiar with wine?13:27
tonymcionite we all were noobs at some point :-)13:27
tonymcionite well you just install it and then run windows exes as if they were regular linux programs13:27
ionitetonymc: i was prompted many missing DLL files13:28
tonymcionite what are you trying to run?13:28
tonymcyou don13:29
ionitetonymc: a research EXE file. with lots of text and minimal graphics.13:29
ionitetonymc: i copied all the files from the CD and pasted on my HDD so i'm installing from my HDD since my netbook doesn't have a CD ROM drive13:29
tonymci remember something about DLLs in wine config, you might want to check in there13:29
tonymcadd those DLLs to wine13:29
tonymci mean, if you *have* those DLLs on CD13:30
tonymcif not - you will have to find out what are these DLLs that are missing, and if they are capable of running under wine - it'll work13:30
tonymcyou might want to use dependency walker for that13:30
tonymcthere is a "Libraries" tab in wine config, so whenever you know which libraries your EXE depends on, you just get those DLLs and add library overrides one by one13:32
ionitetonymc: how to use dependcy walker?13:32
tonymcif it is going to work at all, it will work. if it doesn't - well you're out of luck then13:32
tonymcload it up and then lod your exe into dependency walker13:33
tonymcit will show which DLLs the EXE tries to load13:33
tonymci'm not sure if it will work under wine though, i never tried13:34
ionitetonymc: meaning i have to d/l dependency walker and install dependency walker?13:35
BluesKajhello folks13:35
tonymcIIRC you can run it without installing, but yes, you'll have to download it from here http://www.dependencywalker.com/13:35
tonymchey there digital out guy13:35
BluesKajhi tonymc13:36
tonymcionite i just checked - dependency walker works under wine. however, you would need a good knowledge of windows to distinguish the DLLs that are likely to be present on Wine versus the ones you actually have to find13:41
tonymcionite i can help you with that if you are willing to go down that route as opposed to just installing VirtualBox and having Windows on a virtual machine13:42
ionitetonymc: welcome onbard :)13:43
tonymcionite we better move to #kubuntu-offtopic as this isn't directly kubuntu-related13:43
ionitetonymc: see u there13:43
BluesKajwhynot dual boot13:45
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noaXesshey all.14:04
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noaXessmy xorg currently used 10 -30% cpu...14:04
noaXessyn idea how to get more information about xorg to see why it needs as much cpu?14:04
tonymcxorg should go away14:04
noaXesstonymc: that means?14:05
tonymcon my system it too starts hogging up CPU some times14:05
tonymcusually restarting X fixes that14:05
tonymcthat means i'm eagerly waiting for Wayland14:05
noaXessnot really. after few inutes.. it comes back..14:05
noaXessi think it' ssince upgrading to kde 4.714:05
tonymcwell that's really strange... what driver are you using? usually these problems are related to buggy drivers14:05
noaXesstonymc: nvidia14:06
naftilos76how can i get evidence after a total crash/freeze - suddenly everything crashed, nothing moves on the screen, no virtual consoles can be accessed nothing...What log files can be accessed in order to get any kind of data?14:06
tonymcnaftilos76 are you using nouveau nvidia driver?14:06
naftilos76i am using nvidia driver from repos14:07
tonymcnaftilos76 there are two nvidia drivers - proprietary nvidia and opensource nouveau. nouveau locks up after some time on my system the same way you describe. the solution is to boot with nouveau.noaccel=1 specified along your usual ro quiet splash14:08
naftilos76GeForce 9600GT is my Graphics board GPU14:08
tonymcnaftilos76 so, are you using nouveau or nvidia proprietary? both are in te repos14:08
noaXesstonymc: my system uses nvidia..14:08
tonymcnoaXess that's why i switched to nouveau - nvidia wasn't working well for me, but maybe for you it isn't an option14:09
noaXesstonymc: i tried nv earlier.. as you wrote.. not an option..14:09
noaXessbut.. it seems that this cpu usage is since kde 4.7.. hm..14:10
noaXessmybe some issue in kwin14:10
tonymcnoaXess maybe ask on #kde-devel14:10
noaXesstonymc: ok14:10
tonymcor #kde14:10
muntiKubuhave you tried  NV 280.13?14:10
BluesKajnaftilos76, there is a new 280.13 nvidia driver available at xorgedgers , which solved some of my graphics freeze problems on natty14:10
soeenoaXess, had the same with 4.714:10
noaXesssoee: and.. what solution?14:10
soeechanging drivers doesnt help14:11
naftilos76tonymc: i haven't got that option in my grub file. I still do not understand what i have installed.14:11
soeeim back on 4.6.5 :/14:11
noaXessinstead of back to 4.6 and wait :=)14:11
naftilos76tonymc: how can i get the info you need? with dpkg -l | grep something?14:11
tonymcnaftilos76 of course there is no option, you haven't added it there14:11
noaXessmuntiKubu: you mean a nvidia 280.13 or for nouveau?14:12
tonymcnaftilos just cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver14:12
muntiKubunoaXess: the latest Nvidia driver is 280.13 which you can get from Nvidia14:12
naftilos76    Driver         "mouse"14:12
naftilos76    Driver         "kbd"14:12
naftilos76    Driver         "nvidia"14:12
noaXessmuntiKubu: ok.. but not from repo..14:12
BluesKajor one can use the nomodeset in grub to over ride the default nouveau driver and thereby enable the nvidia-current14:12
tonymcOk so it's not nouveau14:13
tonymcthat means i'm useless here haha14:13
noaXesshey BluesKaj.. wasup?14:13
BluesKajhi noaXess14:13
noaXessBluesKaj: mine is the nvidia-current 270.41.06-0ubuntu114:13
naftilos76thanks tonymc14:14
BluesKajnox have you tried the 280?14:14
muntiKubunoaXess: what's wrong with nvidia-current?14:14
BluesKajmuntiKubu, nothing as long as it works14:15
noaXessmuntiKubu: since kde 4.7 i have some cpu usage from xorg.. 10-30% without doing big stuff14:15
noaXessnow an overall cpu usage of 10-12%.. seems xorg has ben recovered after closing some programms..14:17
noaXessbut that isn't normal.. for just three open apps and ovarall cpu usage of 10-12%, right?14:17
BluesKajnoaXess, yeah that seems normal14:17
noaXessBluesKaj: thats normal? 10-12% overall.. hm.. thought befor 4.7 it was lower.. like 4-8%14:18
noaXesscpu temp overall is 60-46°14:18
noaXess64° ^14:18
muntiKubunoaXess: I haven't paying attention to it but how did u get those numbers?14:18
noaXessBluesKaj: the 280 nvidia isn't in repos, right? so need to intstall it manually14:19
noaXesshow? what muntiKubu?14:19
BluesKajnoaXess, there's a ppa ..hang on'14:19
muntiKubuI'd like to see what those numbers are for me using the same monitor as yours14:19
noaXesscpu usage over top.. and cpu temp over the widget.. wait14:20
noaXessmuntiKubu: hardware temparature widget...14:20
noaXessmuntiKubu: the cpu usage also over the cpu monitor widget14:20
noaXessbtw.. cpu usage doesn't care about effects on or off..14:21
muntiKubuI only have quassel and konsole running but it varies widely from < 1 to 25%14:23
noaXessmuntiKubu: and cpu temp?14:24
noaXessmuntiKubu: do you also use a notebook?14:24
noaXessmuntiKubu: hm.. maybe a different..14:24
noaXessalso have a problem that firefox is slow after a while... some of you too?..14:25
muntiKubunoaXess: you might want to look at disabliong some of KDE stuff that runs on the background - like akonadi, strigi, file indexing, etc14:26
noaXessmuntiKubu: already disabled ;)14:28
tonymcwhat does it have to do with Xorg?14:28
BluesKajnoaXess, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates14:29
tonymcif Xorg is misbehaving, that must be related to something directly interfacing with Xorg - that is, either driver, or KWin (or Xorg itself could be broken too, and changes somewhere in drivers or KWin could trigger that bug)14:29
noaXesstonymc: hm... if i work with firefox.. and hav a lot of tab's open.. that uses aso grafic power and a lot of ram for fiefox.. sometimes 1GB+... then xorg is working hard.. and if i cloe ff xorg has a break ;).. you know what i mean14:29
muntiKubutonymc: not xorg but cpu usage14:29
tonymcyou said xorg was hogging 30% CPU14:30
noaXesstonymc: jep sometimes... 10-30%14:30
tonymcso KWin then14:30
noaXessmaybe new kwin version of kde 4.7 has some issues or does some badly thing with xorg14:30
tonymcit's true that they changed a lot of stuff in KWin for the 4.7 release14:30
noaXesstonymc: maybe waiting a week to get more updates14:31
tonymcfor example, my OpenGL doesn't work anymore, but that's because of the bug in nouveau14:31
tonymcmore like a few months14:31
noaXessbut.. anyway.. at your stations.. is firefox also slow?..14:31
noaXessit should be faster, right?14:31
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tonymcand it worked fine on 4.6, but still it's a bug in nouveau14:32
noaXessif ff eats to much memory it get's slow..14:32
noaXessand ff needs to me restarted14:32
alvinOn 4.7, my CPU is finally behaving.14:33
BluesKajtonymc, nouv driver isn't capable of DR or #3D from my experience , so why is it the default and why does it need to be blacklisted or over ridden with nomodeset . It seems to me it's a bug that been ignored by the devs14:34
tonymcBluesKaj i don't need 3D, and nouveau is working fine for me with noaccel=114:34
tonymcthough it's really bad that it locks up14:36
BluesKajtonymc, you're ok with that , but there are those of us who expect more , especially if we use pci graphics14:36
tonymci mean, without noaccel=1 it just locks up14:36
tonymcimagine someone loading up livecd on my PC and within minutes Kubuntu just freezes and you can't do anything until five minutes later it unfreezes and restarts X14:37
tonymcanyway it's still technically not nouveau's fault14:38
tonymci still don't understand what (other than politics) prevents nvidia from releasing their specs14:38
tonymcisn't more widespread adoption good for them?14:39
tonymcamd managed to compete just fine with releasing at least some of the specs14:41
ionite_tonymc: sorry i got DC14:50
ionite_tonymc: which channel is it? how do i set ubuntu main server?14:51
tonymcin KPackageKit go to settings, then press edit origins and select Main Server as opposed to whatever mirror you have there14:51
sharkmonkeyare the nouveau drivers being made by reverse engineering and register poking?14:53
BluesKajsharkmonkey, you'll have to ask the devs14:59
mehrabhey, I can't click on my kde desktop or panel, but everything else is OK. what's the matter?15:01
sharkmonkeymehrab, maybe plasma locked up?15:02
tonymcplasma is thinking of something and it doesn't want you to interrupt it15:03
mehrabsharkmonkey, how should I unlock it?15:04
sharkmonkeymehrab, i think it would restart if you killed it15:05
sharkmonkeymaybe not15:05
mehrabtonymc, :)15:06
ionite_tonymc: how i know which is the main server?15:06
sharkmonkeywell you could kill it and then launch it from krunner15:06
sharkmonkeykillall plasma-desktop15:06
tonymcit says "Main Server" in the dropdown box15:06
sharkmonkeythen press alt-f215:06
sharkmonkeyand run plasma-desktop15:07
mehrabsharkmonkey, not, not worked15:09
sharkmonkeymehrab, killing didn't kill it?15:09
sharkmonkeyrelaunching didn't work? relaunching worked, but it's still unresponsive?15:10
mehrabsharkmonkey, it did, but the problem is not solved15:10
ionite_tonymc: are u there?15:12
tonymcnope, i'm here15:13
mehrabsharkmonkey, I removed .kde folder, and it's OK now. thanks for responce15:14
tonymcand with that folder you removed all your kde-related config15:15
tonymclike passwords, kmail etc15:15
sharkmonkeycan a single plasma applet end up locking up the entire plasma interface?15:15
tonymcif it stumbles upon a bug in plasma - why not?15:16
sharkmonkeyignoring bugs. can the intended design allow that to happen?15:16
sharkmonkeyignoring bugs in plasma itself, and allowing for bugs in a given widget15:17
tonymci don't think so15:17
ionite_tonymc: i got this: A package dependency could not be found. More information is available in the detailed report.15:17
tonymcalthough nedless loops could make that happen maybe15:17
tonymcionite_ where are you installing wine from? winehq PPA or official repos?15:17
ionite_tonymc: i'm just done with WINE but i'm installing flash from kpackage15:18
tonymcionite_ i remember telling you that you're better off with version 1.2 as 1.3 breaks dependencies15:18
tonymcwell i can't really say anything about flash15:18
tonymcit was automatically installed and i didn't even think about it15:19
ionite_tonymc: but i was in miniclips.com and i get see some games or even play some online games15:19
tonymci don't play games, especially flash ones, so can't say anything about that15:20
ionite_tonymc: do u do PM?15:20
tonymcand PM is?..15:20
BluesKajionite_, if you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed then flash is installed as part of that package15:20
tonymcpackage management?15:20
ionite_tonymc: private message15:21
ionite_BluesKaj: i did that and i still cant play some games.15:21
tonymcof course i do private messages, five a dollar15:21
tonymcjust kidding15:21
BluesKajionite_, ok try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer in the terminal15:22
ionite_tonymc: alright. it worked! my exe file worked! thanks so much tony :)15:22
tonymcgreat to hear that15:22
tonymcone more man helped and i am guarateed to go to heaven15:23
ionite_BluesKaj: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer15:23
ionite_BluesKaj: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.15:23
mehrabsharkmonkey, additional info: I think the problem was gmail plasmoid, I added it and it locked up again15:23
ionite_tonymc: btw why some of my chinese fonts were displayed as alien fonts while some appear perfectly fine?15:23
=== Bodia is now known as Dan`ka
BluesKajionite_, make sure you have multiverse, universe and canonical partner repositories enabled in kpackagekit15:25
ionite_BluesKaj: how do i do that?15:26
BluesKajionite_, and it won't hurt to have other software sources enabled as well15:26
ionite_BluesKaj: what about chinese programs? can it display the alien fonts?15:28
UninstallI'm the kdeartworks maintainer, can anybody report a kubuntu bug for me on your bugzilla?15:28
BluesKajionite_, sorry I have no idea15:30
alvinUninstall: That would be Launchpad. It's discouraged to reports Kubuntu bugs on Launchpad, unless they are packaging bugs.15:31
alvinThe automated tools are also not working for those of use who use the backports ppa in order to have bugfixes.15:32
Uninstallalvin: it's a kind of packaging bug15:32
Uninstallyou've added a button on wallpaper settings dialog15:32
alvinTell us about it15:32
Uninstallthat allows to install extra wallpapers15:32
alvinIs that the 'Get new Wallpapers' button?15:32
Uninstallthat button doesn't install kdebase-wallpapers15:33
Uninstallbut it installs wallpapers from kdeartworks15:33
alvinYes, it uses OpenDesktop or something. Never tried it.15:33
Uninstallit should install before kdebase-wallpapers and eventually kdeartworks wallpapers15:33
Uninstallso please change it if you want to provide a good kde experience15:34
alvinThere's no kdebase-wallpapers in the repositories15:34
alvinOh, yes there is. It's probably kde-wallpapers and kdeartwork15:35
alvinIs the default KDE behaviour to install these packages?15:35
Uninstallalvin: I mean kdebase-workspace-wallpapers15:36
Uninstallyou should install it15:36
Uninstalland optionally kdewallpapers15:36
alvinI see. That package is also there. The description says it's not installed by default in order to save space. Makes sense.15:36
Uninstallalvin: yeah, but that button should instead install that package15:37
Uninstallnot kdewallpapers15:37
alvinAnd the Kubuntu developers have added that button? They mostly try to follow default KDE behaviour. We don't even have UbuntuOne15:37
Uninstallalvin: sorry, it has been added from KDE people15:38
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Uninstallbut there problem is still there15:39
alvinYou'll need to be in #kubuntu-devel for that discussion. A feature request can be made to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace (report a bug). You better do it yourself. It's a quick process and you'll get updates by mail. The bug can be linked to an upstream report.15:40
ionite_BluesKaj: tonymc: how do i enable cookies?15:40
tonymcerm... you have to disable them first, they're enabled by default15:41
alvinUninstall: I just noticed there is another button in that window. It says 'Install Default Wallpapers'. Mind you, I'm on KDE 4.7, and that is not a part of the released Kubuntu15:42
* alvin pressed shiny button15:42
Uninstall2 buttons?15:42
alvinYes, Install Default Wallpapers, Open, and Get New Wallpapers15:43
alvinIt's installing a 'package file', but the window doesn't tell me what package. I guess that's no useful information15:45
alvinI would file a bug for that little progress window, but I won't bother now. We get a new package manager and default browser every release anyway. It's probably already deprecated.15:46
ionite_BluesKaj: tonymc: how do i enable cookies?15:46
yofelalvin: it installs kdewallpapers15:47
tonymcionite_ in the preferences of your browser15:47
alvinthere you have it. I'll have some new wallpapers in a few minutes.15:47
* alvin wonders if any of them can be used for his dual-screen.15:47
yofelkde-wallpapers was only recently splitted into kde-wallpapers and kde-wallpapers-default so that was probably just missed15:47
Uninstallalvin: Get new wallpapers is related to get hot new stuff15:48
alvinyes, it is15:48
Uninstallalvin: while the other one install the wallpapers from distro packages15:48
yofelUninstall: right, the right button uses get hot new stuff, the left one installs the kdartwork wallpapers15:48
alvinAnd yofel is right. Now, kdewallpapers is installed15:48
yofelUninstall: but indeed some of the kde-wallpapers wallpapers are probably missing15:49
yofelalvin: is 'kde-wallpapers' installed?15:49
alvinNo, kdewallpapers. No dash.15:49
Uninstallit should install kde-workspace-wallpapers15:49
Uninstallthey are "more important"15:49
yofelUninstall: *that* doesn't exist. it's kde-wallpapers15:50
yofelyou're right anyway15:50
alvinUninstall: You'll probably mean kdebase-workspace-wallpapers. That one is not installed.15:50
yofelUninstall, alvin: kdebase-workspace-wallpapers is 4.6, kde-wallpapers is 4.7 - just for clarification15:50
alvinRight :-)15:51
alvinThey can both be installed. (I'm on KDE 4.47)15:51
yofelkde-wallpapers and kdewallpapers can, rigtht. One is former workspace and the other is artwork (and yes, we know the naming is confusing)15:52
alvinErm, just to clarify. I was wrong about the dash. There's kde-wallpapers (not installed) and kdewallpapers (installed) now. kdebase-workspace-wallpapers is not installed15:52
UninstallI'm not really interested about what happens on the distribution side15:53
yofelUninstall: uh, that was renamed on the kde side, blame them...15:53
Uninstallbut I would like to see workspace wallapapers installed15:53
Uninstallno, we didn't15:53
yofelUninstall: I'll have a look at it15:53
yofelUninstall: yes you did, it's trunk/KDE/kde-wallpapers in svn15:53
Uninstallooh, right, yeah, I did it some month ago15:54
yofelsee :P15:54
Uninstallthe other should be named kde-artwork-wallpapers instead15:54
yofelUninstall: It'll probably need a rename, but kdewallpapers would need to stay for transitional reasons, so there's no hurry on our side.15:55
yofelUninstall: I'll have a look at that anyway, thanks for mentioning it. (but next time in #kubuntu-devel please ;)15:55
Uninstallyofel: oh, I didn't know that chan15:57
benli fail to understand the purpose of "activities" and the widget dashboard16:10
DarthFrogYou and me both.16:10
sharkmonkeyyou can have different widget dashboard and panel layouts depending on the "activity"16:11
homeThe trash has reached its maximum time, error. I canot delete a blu ray file ! weird ?! some help ?16:11
sharkmonkeyhome, it's screwing up when it tries to put it in the trash? or when deleting from the trash?16:13
homeno ok I found it16:15
sharkmonkeyhome, if it's the former, you should be able to skip the trash by doing a shift-delete16:15
homenow I want to delete a folder. I canno tdelete it16:15
homeno option o elete it16:15
homeok thanks16:16
calwighi, im back and I wonder still how to get the KDE taskbar back. It somehow got turned off and I cant see my apps16:44
BluesKajcalwig, right click on the desktop , add widgets , then find the taskbar16:45
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calwigBluesKaj: on the Kde desktop?16:47
sharkmonkeydid you loose the entire task bar panel? or just the task manager functionality on the panel?16:47
BluesKajmaybe he did mean panel16:48
calwigI dont have that option, i have " create new, run command etc16:49
calwigrefresh desktop, configure desktop...16:50
BluesKajcalwig, choose add panel if you lost whole thing16:50
calwigcreate new.... folder, text, html, link to device, application, URL16:50
calwiganywhere on the desktop i should click? to get that option?16:51
BluesKajno 'add panel' option ?16:51
calwigim running gdm manager on Kde desktop16:52
calwigfunny thing is that upon logging in, the panel at the bottom showed up for about a second, then a window up on the top FLASHED. then both disappeared16:52
BluesKajok , choose kdm at login16:53
calwighow can i run it from a terminal16:53
calwigkdm manager?16:53
calwigbut I have been using GDM manager all this time, and its worked just fine16:53
BluesKajyou can drop to a tty , ctrl+alt+f1 , the sudo service gdm stop , then sudo service kdm start , then ctrl+alt+f7 or 816:55
calwigBluesKaj: k brb17:08
devilchaoshi folks having trouble setting up vpn with kvpnc has anyone delt with kvpnc here?17:21
devilchaosbrb afk17:22
=== TheJoker is now known as Hayso
simontolHi, strigi search in Dolphin not working since I've upgraded to 4.7.0 via PPA, I can't get any results17:35
Peace-simontol: systemsettings17:35
Peace-desktop search17:35
simontolPeace- : yes?17:37
simontolall enabled17:37
Peace-simontol: screenshot please17:37
simontolPeace- can't you believe I have both Nepomuk and Strigi enabled?17:38
Peace-i want see please17:39
simontolPeace- : satisfied?17:47
Peace-simontol: are you italian ?17:47
Peace-omg e allora dillo e vai in #ubuntu-it17:48
=== dslogger is now known as dickhouse
calwigHi again18:55
calwigso um18:58
calwigGdm started and Kde desktop is on18:58
calwigbut i still have no taskbar, how can I start it from the console18:58
BluesKajcalwig, no i mean kdm , not gdm19:00
calwigok here is the thing19:01
calwigkdm has to be ON to start KDE19:01
BluesKajthat's why gdm must be stopped , then kdm can run the desktop and the options for panel etc will be different in the right click dialog19:01
BluesKajyou can drop to a tty , ctrl+alt+f1 , the sudo service gdm stop , then sudo service kdm start , then ctrl+alt+f7 or 819:02
calwigi changed the service19:02
calwigdpkg-reconfigure gdm19:03
BluesKajkde can run on gdm19:03
BluesKajthat''s the whole point I'm trying to kane j=here19:04
calwigBluesKaj: right19:05
calwigok here is what i will do19:05
calwigI will remove Kde and kdm19:06
BluesKajwhy ?19:06
BluesKajremove gdm19:07
calwigwell Gnome environment on top of gdm is working fine19:07
calwigits Kde and KDM that are weird somehow19:07
BluesKajkde and kdm aren't weird ...it works fine ...if you want to run kde then it's best run with kdm ..and if you don't want to follow my suggestions then you will continue to have problems19:09
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Daskreechcalwig: What are you trying to solve?19:32
BluesKajlost his panel , and running kde on gdm , Daskreech , but has no 'add panel' option when right clicking on the desktop19:34
Daskreechwhat options does he get on right click? Assuming calwig is a he19:34
DaskreechI'll also assume that there isn't a black bacground?19:35
=== dickhouse is now known as dragondrop
BluesKajDaskreech, options are : create new.... folder, text, html, link to device, application, URL19:39
DaskreechSounds like a folderview plasma container. is that right calwig?19:40
calwigso kdm is uninstalled19:52
Daskreechcalwig: do you have a folderview containment?19:53
calwiggdm is running with Kde desktop19:53
calwiga what??19:53
calwigI have a desktop but i have no taskbar19:53
calwigI cant access any programs19:53
Daskreechwhen you right click on the desktop and you go into settings. Is the Layout a folder view?19:53
calwigwhen i right click i have no settings option on the menu19:54
DaskreechWhat is on the menu?19:54
calwigCreate, Run, Refresh Desktop, Configure Desktop, Log Out, Switch User, Turn off19:55
calwignothing more19:55
ashwinwhy is all my new mails going directly to trash im kmail?19:55
Daskreechwhat happens when you click on run?19:55
Daskreechif you get a floating cli can you type desktop settings in there and open the Plasma settings19:56
Daskreechashwin: Filters I would suppose?19:56
calwigshould i type desktop settings?19:56
calwigdo you know the command?19:57
BluesKajcalwig, right click , choose configure desktop ...what are your options19:59
calwigIts Kicker20:01
calwigKicker is screwd up20:01
calwigI killed Kicker and restarted it and it wont start20:01
calwigIt will restart show the taskbar for a second and disappear20:02
calwigwhcih means one simple thing20:02
calwigim not going to deal with problems20:02
calwigonly solutions20:02
calwigKDM is out20:02
calwigand Kde too20:02
FloodBotK1calwig: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:02
calwig@FloodBotK1 Hi Glad you could join us20:03
* BluesKaj wonders why he wa here ...didn't follow anyone's suggestions , just complained20:04
Daskreechhow can he acll kicker?20:04
Daskreechthere is no kicker20:05
BluesKajconfigure desktop option maybe20:05
BluesKajBBL ... gonna setup dual boot on my other machine ..gotta keep my "hand in" windows. Wife sorta depends on me and it's best if I run it on a different pc20:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger20:13
IdleOnenice trolling20:13
IdleOnewas just in -ops asking to have a ban removed, when refused joined here and called !ops20:14
txwikingerI thought it was someone from London or Bham using same tactic as against riot police20:15
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, I've got a problem with graphics being off-center when I run a game.20:26
LINKSWORD2Any ideas?20:26
DaskreechSmack the side of your monitor?20:27
OerHeksgraphics off centre, you can't hit the target ?20:27
* LINKSWORD2 smacks Daskreech instead.20:27
DaskreechI don't think I deserved that. I'm Capn Daskreech Sparrow20:28
LINKSWORD2OerHeks: Thanks for reminding me... The mouse cursor isn't even showing up.20:28
OerHekstry diable compiz ?20:28
LINKSWORD2I've tried both on and off.20:29
LINKSWORD2Compiz doesn't seem to be interfering.20:29
OerHeksfull screen or maximized ?20:29
OerHeksi used to know a setting 'disable compiz when full screen'20:30
OerHeksah ok20:30
LINKSWORD2Let me see if I can find that.20:31
LINKSWORD2DarkwingDuck: I blame you.20:31
OerHeksthat was in my gnome-period .. i'm on KDE 4.7 now20:31
LINKSWORD2OerHeks: I found a setting in Desktop Effects that says; "Suspend Desktop Effects for full-screen windows."20:32
OerHeksyes, that is the one.20:32
LINKSWORD2I have enabled it. Attempting to retry the game.20:32
=== dragondrop is now known as dslogger
LINKSWORD2It's still acting weird. Oer, I'm going to upload a snapshot.20:34
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.20:34
LINKSWORD2BTW, OerHeks may I use /query?20:36
OerHeksi don't understand, /query ?20:37
LINKSWORD2One-on-one chat mode. Direct communication.20:38
OerHeksah PM, sure20:38
LINKSWORD2DarkwingDuck: Yo. What's up?21:05
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:05
LINKSWORD2Thanks, OerHeks! Let me know how that goes when you have a chance.21:08
LINKSWORD2Oh, look. I'm back! lol21:23
szallol, do you expect ppl to cheer now? ;)21:24
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=== _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_
_BS_BluesKaj - Very sorry I got called away from the keyboard yesterday, unable to see the results of any sleuthing you might have done on getting a BCM57781 going. Per http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/661198/. By any chance, did you discover anything?21:54
_BS_When I boot with my lts connected to my (hardware) KVM, the screen size is not understood - going to 800x600. When I have the monitor connected directly, I am able to choose a range between 640x480 and 1280x1024. What might the steps be to wire in the monitor settings so when I boot with kvm I can get back to my normal res? Thanks.21:57
vuth_how good is kubunut?22:13
LINKSWORD2Kubuntu is a VERY good operating system.22:14
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
LINKSWORD2Take it from me. I've had a well-rounded experience with Windows and Mac systems, as well as Linux, and Kubuntu is one of the best.22:15
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
vuth_wanna talk private Linksword2?22:19
vuth_unless ur busy..22:20
vuth_i have tons of noob question22:20
Daskreechvuth_: It would be better to ask questions here22:38
DaskreechLINKSWORD2: Sorry just got back Did hitting the monitor work? If not was it resolved otherwise? :-D22:39
* LINKSWORD2 smacks Daskreech. No and no.22:39
LINKSWORD2No and no....22:39
vuth_i dont want to waste bandwidth but the CD and DVD version of kubutnu is the saem other than the language package. am i correct?22:41
Daskreechvuth_: the DVD version has Kubuntu and the entire Main repos on it. You can install the OS and a number of packages (including ubuntu and xubuntu) without the internet using the DVD22:43
DaskreechThe CD just has the default items in a compressed image (also means it can't be used to install packages)22:45
vuth_so im better off downloading the dvd version huh?22:47
DaskreechIf you need that22:48
DaskreechRemember that they will likely be outof date in a short time. If you have access to the internet pretty reliably then the CD is probably going to be more useful22:49
DaskreechIf not then spend more time getting the DVD but you will then have the ability to at least install a semi customized Kubuntu even if there is no internet available22:49
=== ron is now known as Guest30857
Daskreechvuth_: see above23:16
Daskreechvuth_: Jsut in case you had missedwhat I said. I hadn't directed it to you23:17
vuth_yeah i went witht he cd23:17
vuth_thnx again23:17
DaskreechSure. Anything else you would like to know vuth_?23:17
vuth_none atm23:17
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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