
=== JoeMaverickSett is now known as MavJS
=== xtrahi is now known as xtralo
riddlerI remember someone was asking they installed LibreOffice but when they open the program it looks like windows 98'ish, I found a way to integrate it to lubuntu so it has the skin.04:13
riddlerjust install the libreoffice-gtk  plugin on synaptic package manager.04:14
LandonI've had a problem with my Lubuntu install for the past two releases (or more, not sure, but it's been happening since I first installed lubuntu)04:38
Landonhas anyone else here experienced fonts being broken in lxterm?04:38
jmarsdenLandon: "broken" is unclear and perhaps subjective... what do you do to lxterminal, and what happens that you are calling "broken" ?04:40
Landonin the process of taking a screenshot04:40
jmarsdenI can change fonts and font sizes without any obvious issues here...04:40
Landonbasically, bits of the letter/number are missing04:40
jmarsdenI've not seen that, but it could depend on which font and which size you are selecting?04:41
jmarsdenDoes it happen to you for all fonts in all sizes?04:42
Landon(is there no screenshot type utility with lubuntu?)04:43
Landonlet me try switching though04:43
LandonI was using Bitstream Vera Sans Roman at size 1004:44
phillwbug 62305204:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 623052 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wifi driver crash on HP Envy 14" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62305204:44
jmarsdenJust specify exactly the steps to reproduce the issue.  You install Lubuntu 11.04.  You log in, you click start -> accessories -> LXterminal.  Then you switch to... OK... I'll try that font...04:44
Landonswitched to Bitstream Vera Serif Roman, but now there's a new set of problems with some letters appearing far apart and some overlapping04:44
phillwbug 61523604:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 615236 in Bazaar "'bzr reconcile' unsafe for stacked 2a? (ignores parent inventories)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61523604:44
* phillw grrr.....04:44
jmarsdenphillw: Are you typing random bug numbers? :)04:45
phillwjmarsden: nope, just not lp ones! http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-lxde-maintainers/2011-April/000594.html04:45
Landonwhoops, I mean Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Roman had the missing parts of letters04:46
Landonthe other Bitstream Vera fonts have the spacing/overlap issues though04:46
Unit193phillw: Like this debian bug 61523604:46
ubot5Debian bug 615236 in lxde "Uses deprecated HAL" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/61523604:46
phillwUnit193: possibly, but there is also a true-type font bug kicking about04:47
phillwwhichj I think has been patched for oneric, but not older (exisiting) variants.04:47
Unit193phillw: Just giving you the syntax for non-launchpad bugs04:47
jmarsdenLandon: Those fonts do not seem to be in Lubuntu by default.  So your steps to reproduce are missing "install such-and-such" which is a font package that contains them??04:49
Landonlike I said, this has existed on this laptop since 10.10 or 10.04, so I'm not sure what all I've installed04:50
jmarsdenLandon: If you switch to something more standard like Monosapce 10  does everything look acceptable?04:51
Landonno, same problem04:51
jmarsdenLandon: and again, when reporting bugs it *really* helps to provide a full set of steps to reproduce the issue...04:51
jmarsdenLandon: OK.  It's not something that happens to all Lubuntu installations; so either it relates to your video hardware/drivers or to your specific configuration on your machine, I would guess.04:53
jmarsdenIf phillw finds the relevant Truetype bug that might help out, too...04:53
jmarsdenLandon: Do you get this effect if you boot the laptop from an Lubuntu LiveCD and test on that (very basic, standard) Lubuntu ?04:57
Landonno idea, I won't be able to test that though04:58
jmarsdenYou don't have an optical drive??04:58
Landonnot in this town :)04:58
jmarsdenCan you create a live bootable USB stick and boot from that?04:58
Landonnot unless lubuntu fits in 64mb04:59
jmarsdenOK.  Well, you have something to try next time you have access to a bootable CD or an empty 1GB or bigger USB stick :)05:01
Landonfound an older screenshot of it, if you're interested in what the problem looks like05:01
jmarsdenLandon: If you create a new user say landon2 and log in as that new user, do you still get the issue?05:01
jmarsdenThat user would have a nice fresh default configuration...05:02
Landonok, let me try that05:02
jmarsdenYour screenshot shows transparency and stuff... that's not a standard Lubuntu configuration as far as I know :)05:04
Landonyeah, that would have been me playing with unity(?) on the same laptop05:05
Landonmonospace 10 works on a fresh user05:06
jmarsdenThen you misconfigured lxterminal for your real user... are you willing to wipe its config and start over (just lxterminal config, not any other programs)?05:06
Landonsame with bitstream vera sans mono 1005:06
Landon~/.config/lxterminal/ is what I'm looking for?05:08
jmarsdenOK, try rm ~/.config/lxterminal/lxterminal.conf05:08
jmarsdenand then exit and re-run lxterminal05:08
Landonwell, that worked, but what was the logic behind it?05:10
Landonthe only font related part of that config is the name, right?05:10
jmarsdenYou had wrecked your lxterminal config, so kiling it forced lxterminal to regenerate a clean one... that was my logic :)05:10
Landonawesome, it works, that was the kind of fix I came here looking for05:13
jmarsdenYou're welcome :)05:13
philipballewis there a pre-made iso for ppc?05:42
jmarsdenOf Lubuntu?  Not yet, as far as I know.05:43
Unit193Might be able to install lubuntu-core05:43
philipballewi see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1798792 but if there is a say community made one I would just use that05:44
jmarsdenThere's still not even an Alternate i386 ISO for 11.10 Alpha3, which is higher priority than ppc...05:44
bioterrormac users can use their precious OS X ;)05:44
philipballewbut I got the laptop for free... osx is kinds lame05:45
jmarsdenphilipballew: If there is one, it hasn't yet found its way into phillw's collection of Lubuntu ISOs at http://phillw.net/ISOs/05:45
philipballewif i made a instlation on a ppc laptop I could make an iso pretty easily I think05:46
bioterrorinstall Debian PPC and some lxde packages05:46
jmarsdenGo for it.  I know someone locally who would be interested in an Lubuntu PPC ISO if one showed up...05:46
bioterrorand get the theme stuff from lubuntu site ;)05:47
philipballewif phillw needed it I could play around with it05:47
philipballewmaybe get something together05:47
philipballewget a coupple bug testers to test the iso05:48
Unit193I have an old G3 that I think I could do a little testing on05:48
philipballewhow hard is it to make an iso05:48
bioterrorUnit193, it's old world mac?05:48
* philipballew likes a challenge\05:49
philipballewits an ibook05:49
Unit193bioterror: Not from what I understand05:49
bioterrorUnit193, new world mac = iMac, or PowerMac G3 with the yosemite form factor and newer05:49
bioterrorold world macs are those grey boxes05:49
Unit193bioterror: Blue and clear white05:50
bioterrorso that's a new world then05:50
bioterroryou dont have to use Mac OS as a boot loader for linux :D05:50
Unit193Yep, from what I understand05:50
philipballewyaboot is what they use05:51
philipballew! yaboot05:51
Unit193!info yaboot05:52
ubot5Package yaboot does not exist in natty05:52
ubot5PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ05:52
Unit193PPC only and ubot5 doesn't have those repos05:53
jmarsdenphilipballew: dpkg knows about it, ubot5 does not:05:53
jmarsden<dpkg> yaboot is the primary bootloader for New World Apple Macintosh, IBM RS/6000, IBM pSeries and IBM OpenPower machines.  ybin (YaBoot INstaller) installs yaboot on to New World Power Macs (it's akin to /sbin/quik or /sbin/lilo).  ybin can also create dual boot menus for GNU/Linux and Mac OS (X).  HOWTO at http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/doc/yaboot-howto.html .  http://yaboot.ozlabs.org/  Not for Old Worlds, ask me about <quik>.05:53
jmarsdenphillw claims I have the power to add new databases to DragonEyes on #lubuntu-offtopic, but I have not tried it yet... would be fun to add the ubot and dpkg factoid data to DragonEyes :)05:54
philipballewadd a bio of yourself to the bot in case someone asks you anything it will say crazy things you do (possibly fictional)05:55
philipballewjmarsden, asside from an avid linux guru, also .....(insert crazy things that are not true)05:56
philipballewsome channels do that\05:56
* jmarsden thinks he is quite crazy enough without needing to add fictional stuff :)05:58
* philipballew applauds jmarsden personal life accomplishments05:59
apanda_is there a way to change the defaultbrowser to midori in a central place? (eg for urls in lxterminal)10:07
bioterrorlubuntu 11.10 alpha 3 farts blood with Intel PRO/Wireless 496511:30
philipballewwhat connection manager does lubuntu use.12:22
philipballewnetwork manager or wicd?12:23
philipballewalright. so sudo aptitude install nm-applet will install it12:24
* philipballew is setting up a minimal system and building lxde on top12:25
bioterrorif you're not going to use vpn's or mobile phones as modem, go with the wicd12:25
philipballewalright. ill try it12:29
ActionParsniphey guys14:22
ActionParsnipanyone getting that when running bluetooth-applet ?14:27
* KM0201 looking14:27
KM0201hmm, i don't do bluetooth14:28
ActionParsniphappens in all themes too14:28
KM0201yeah, my first thought would be a problem with the theme.. but.. if it's on all of them.14:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 742398 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Missing icon for bluetooth applet" [Low,Fix released]14:30
KM0201well, i guess that answers tha tquestion.. :)14:34
KM0201ActionParsnip: did you see #10, that apparently "fixes" the problem?14:35
ActionParsnipyeah saw that but I'm using english14:35
ActionParsnipseems weird14:35
KM0201oh ok14:36
ActionParsnipI'll just log a bug, it's not earthshattering14:37
KM0201"dogs and cats sleeping together.. mass hysteria!"14:38
ActionParsnipdid y'all get this too: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jbkafmnknpfncneoiphgjeoccaibacmp?hc=search&hcp=main14:38
ActionParsnipmakes Chrome integrate better with the blueness in Lubuntu14:38
KM0201hadn't tried that14:39
KM0201not bad14:39
KM0201i'm not usually much of a 'themer' though14:40
ActionParsnipJust thought I'd snoop around. Had some spare time14:41
KM0201i haven't tried 11.10 yet14:41
KM0201how's it coming along?14:41
KM0201been so busy w/ NAS problems14:42
ActionParsnipSeems fine here but my hardware is super linux friendly :)14:43
ActionParsniphad the old slow mouse issue in the Alpha 2 which has gone so all is good14:43
KM0201hmm, good14:45
KM0201and yeah, my hardware is all linux friendly as well.14:45
KM0201i was a bit concerned buying a enw laptop a few weeks ago, but.. i did some research, and came away perfect.. everything "just works"14:45
KM0201webcam, sound, mic, 3D, etc.  can't complain really14:46
KM0201is there a way to substitute thunar, for PCMan?15:05
KM0201i know w/ gnome, its pretty easy.. just not sure how to do it w/ lxde15:06
phillwjmarsden: DE is still poorly, my fix of the database did not work :(17:58
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
silverarrowanyone who knows about grub errors?23:42
KM0201grub is such a pita.. what is the error?23:43
silverarrowI have reinstalled lubuntu, seemingly successfully23:43
silverarrowI don't dare to the first update, because I have had repeated troubles with grub after23:44
phillwsilverarrow: what problem with grup are you having?23:44
silverarrowone of the messages I get is something about "line supported" something, or the hard drive is not detected properly23:46
silverarrowlubuntu will work fine as long as I don't do any updates23:46
silverarrowa bit weird23:46
silverarrowI spent a lot of time on this yesterday, and made a new atempt at it now23:47
phillwsilverarrow: what version of lubuntu & what version of grub are you running?23:48
silverarrowmaybe it's the hard drive, but I can't detect anything wrong23:48
silverarrowlubuntu 11.04, and everything default23:49
silverarrowfrom the  CD, no updates yet23:49
silverarrowthough it downloaded packages during install23:49
phillwtat may be a bug in the installer for 11.04, please try it with updates during install turned off. that way I can follow it better on a VM23:51
silverarrowthanks, I will try that, but darn many installations by now23:52
silverarrowso there's nothing I can do now?23:53
phillwsilverarrow: we need to narrow down where the issue is. If you get a 'clean' 11.04 running we have a starting point.23:53
silverarrowok, I will do it all over right now23:53
phillwsilverarrow: indeed there is, we can force the system to re-install grub23:54
silverarrowthough it takes forever, maybe tomorrow then23:54
silverarrowgrub is pretty safe, the new version?23:55
phillwsilverarrow: head over to http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5 and pay attention to "good grub becomes bad grub"23:55
phillwsilverarrow: grub is pretty good at recovering :)23:55
silverarrowIt seems I have grub 223:56
phillwsilverarrow: those are my notes... you will deffo have grub2 with 11.0423:57
phillwfollow through the track from there to the relevant parts of DRS305's tutorial23:58

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