[00:42] pleia2: Let me know when you are ready [00:42] nhandler: now is good :) [00:42] sounds scary [00:42] * nlsthzn-at-work watches [00:42] popcorn ready [00:43] hehe [00:43] er, how do I refresh a bzr branch? [00:43] pleia2: Just bzr pull [00:43] thanks [00:44] Once you update, make sure you toss your login info into the fridge script (right near the top) [00:45] there [00:46] * nlsthzn-at-work finds this movie boring... he can see the people talking but it is all foreign... back to work... [00:47] Next, edit the wiki page to remove all of the comments, the WIP, and check for cammelcases that don't have `` [00:48] oh right, for the audience: all the scripts used by the team are available at: https://code.launchpad.net/~uwn [00:48] bzr branch lp:uwn [00:49] oh good, you have LP set up properly. the Planet Ubuntu setup drives me nuts :P [00:49] nhandler: done [00:50] rww: That is mainly due to the fact that the branch was around before a lot of improvements were made to LP code, and nobody has bothered to fix it [00:50] pleia2: Run the publish script with 227 as an argument [00:50] You should get the URL for the fridge post as output [00:51] You will also have an issues/227 directory [00:52] elizabeth@r2d2:~/uwn$ ./publish-uwn.pl 227 [00:52] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=3977&action=edit [00:52] elizabeth@r2d2:~/uwn$ [00:52] You should then be able to copy/paste the files the script generated to the appropriate places [00:52] cool [00:54] alright, these look good - off to start publishing! [00:54] Thanks pleia2. Let me know if you have any problems/questions [00:54] Using scripts make things easier... but for those (like myself) that have never really used them it sounds daunting [00:55] I really should add support for a config file that specifies the login credentials for the different sites [00:55] I also should find a nice way to interact with the forum [00:56] nlsthzn-at-work: The scripts are rather straight forward. Try running it yourself [00:57] nhandler: will do as soon as I can drop the -at-work part from my name thanks :) [01:01] nhandler: the forum posting has lots of whitespace between sections [01:01] (yours last week did too, compared to earlier ones) [01:03] replacing \n\n with \n fixes it [01:12] The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue227 [01:13] (I really don't like spamming the other channels :P) [01:14] pleia2: I've only been posting that announcement in here (not the other irc channels) [01:14] me too [01:15] pleia2: I'm also not sure what the extra whitespace is from. The publish script just uses reformat.py. I could easily add a regex to replace \n\n with \n, but I'd like to determine why that is necessary [01:16] * pleia2 nods [01:17] I just did the search/replace in vim for now, was all good [01:17] might be good to have some stdout that spits out some info [01:17] like for forums you need to do some sticky steps [01:17] * pleia2 forgets where that's documented [01:18] * pleia2 does wiki stuffs [01:19] I'm still hoping to find a more automated way for the forum. [01:22] sweet... thanks for all the hardwork in getting another edition out... (downside form me iis I have basically read everything already) :0 [01:22] :p [01:24] hehe [01:25] Thanks a lot for handling the publishing pleia2 [01:25] thanks for writing these awesome scripts :) [01:25] akgraner may just come kill you for not doing it sooner [01:25] :D [01:25] yes shame... :p [01:26] release in 30 minutes, we haz it [01:26] (really, more like 20) [01:26] hehe - no nhandler's will be killed - I am just glad the team has the power of nhandler's awesome scripts now :-) [01:27] see another GREAT thing to come from moving everything to the public channel...yay! [01:27] elizabeth@r2d2:~/uwn/issues$ ls 227 [01:27] forum.post microblog.txt ubuntu-news-team.email [01:27] loco-contacts.email ubuntu-news.email ubuntu-translators.email [01:27] ^^ you just copy stuff! [01:27] well, you need to sanity-check a little :) [01:27] now we just need to wait for nhandler to write scripts to scrape planet and the popular aggregation sites, autogenerate summaries... [01:27] * nlsthzn-at-work ponders a countdown timer... one that you can get excited about once a week rather than once every six months [01:28] rww: I think scripting a pleia2-based nagging-people-to-write-summaries bot would be easier [01:29] sweeeetttt! [01:29] I'll just write an irssi script to post the google doc in channel 6 times every weekend begging for summaries ;) [01:29] hehe [01:29] * nlsthzn-at-work can see a lot os spam in the future [01:29] template should be up to date now too [01:29] *of [01:35] rww: I started working on a daily newsletter that was 100% automated, but I never finished it [01:36] I see a strange space in "In This Issue" on the wiki... 4 points, space then the rest... small issue... [01:53] nlsthzn-at-work: the wiki style has odd spacing issues with bullet points for me [01:54] yeah, that happens when you have a camelcase word, or pretty much anything even slightly unusual [01:54] the theme is a bit of a disaster :) [01:54] yes, it seems to be only a wiki issue :) [01:54] not the biggest issue at least :) [05:50] * nlsthzn waves [05:58] * philipballew doesnt high five [06:08] :p [20:09] oops, should dmb restaffing email have gone to fridge? [21:02] pleia2: Probably. Want me to toss it up? [21:09] sure [22:12] Published