
h00kI forget how to get Chanserv to set a topic for me02:19
rwwh00k: /msg chanserv topic #channelname topic goes here02:19
h00krww: oh yes02:19
rwwI usually do /topic #channelname [tab key] to get the current topic, then prepend msg chanserv02:19
elkyin xchat it doesn't give you topic, but rather a crapton of channel names to choose from02:21
rwwelky: I was assuming h00k was using a decent client.02:22
rwwanyway, in pointy clicky land, op up, then use the topic editor textbox02:22
h00kI just /opme'd, /topic'd, and /deopme'd02:22
h00kin #ubuntu-us-wi02:22
h00kprior to asking02:22
rwwit amuses me how #ubuntu doesn't know about sudoedit02:23
funkyHatrww: I didn't either until just now :P02:32
=== apachelogger is now known as dslogger
rwwh00k: he sure told you02:59
h00krww: apparently.03:00
rwwwols is abrasive but generally accurate. I go back and forth on whether the latter overrides the former.03:00
elkyI don't think we've had him stomp off in disgust because we wouldn't let him eviscerate a newbie for a while. Like a year at least I think.03:02
rwwah, a debianite. that explains a lot.03:05
bazhang_LjL2 ?05:17
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
rwwthey're multiplying!05:18
FlannelSomeone must've fed him after midnight.05:20
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (a8nchs_burrito is talking nonsense and confusing users here.)07:09
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (blahhhhhhh appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)07:19
MyrttiTm_T: you mean -ops07:23
elkywhere else is it?07:24
jussifun morning this07:25
elkyit's nowhere near a full moon either07:26
FlannelIt's nearing the end of Summer07:28
Tm_TMyrtti: no, I think -irc is more suitable for discussing the purpose of of our irc channels in general (:07:29
FlannelTm_T: That's not really congruent with the purpose of -ops vs -irc (seeing that #ubuntu is a core channel)07:29
Flannelbut, in all honesty, $ANYWHERE-IT-WONT-BE-DISRUPTIVE is better than #ubuntu :)07:30
MyrttiFlannel: almost over here. 2,5 mo of school holidays is over this week07:30
FlannelLooks like GoodAD discovered vertical tab?07:31
Myrttibad vibes07:32
MyrttiModus Operandi...07:33
Tm_TFlannel: the purpose of our irc channels, #ubuntu included, is benefitical for larger audience than what we have in here, thus -irc (:07:36
Tm_Tdiscussion of ...07:36
Tm_Tbut meh, both works07:37
* elky wonders if a8nchs_burrito is the racist troll from freenode earlier08:06
IdleOnesure does appear he is headed that way08:06
elkythey were PMing people with racist crap in spanish08:07
jpdsHmm, raro.08:23
topylii recently removed BajaCalifornia from -ot because they provided a bit too much information about the contents of their rectum. they're back, might want to keep an eye10:23
IdleOnethey are also in #u, quiet so far10:24
knometheir rectum is quite so far?10:32
* knome hides10:32
Guest93855Hello, I'm having a problem with sending to #ubuntu10:52
ikoniahello Guest9385510:56
ikoniaGuest93855: I'm looking into your issue now10:57
ikoniaGuest93855: it appears your hostmask has been banned from #ubuntu11:08
Guest93855Can you fix it?11:08
ikoniaGuest93855: do you know why you have been banned ?11:09
Guest93855I wasn't aware I was banned11:09
Guest93855The channel just says: == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu11:09
ikoniahave you used any other nicknames ?11:09
ikoniaGuest93855: correct, you cannot send because that hostmask has been banned11:09
Guest93855I don't use a defined nickname generally11:10
Guest93855used to use MarkShuttleworth but that's been registed now11:10
ikoniagive me a moment to look into it11:11
ikoniahave you ever used the nickname ubuntuGnuLinux11:12
ikoniamy records suggest you have11:12
Guest93855I don't recall11:12
Guest93855What do your records show my hostname is banned for?11:13
ikoniado you recall being banned for giving "joke" advice such as apt-get install hackintosh11:13
ikoniathen arguing with me and threatening to take your complaint to the council11:13
ikoniawell, that is the reason11:14
Guest93855Could you please remove the ban?11:14
ikoniano, not at this time, as the user UbuntuGnuLinux has yet to resolve the issue,11:15
Guest93855Resolve the issue?11:15
ikoniayes, the one I just mentioned11:15
ikoniaGuest93855: anything more I can help you with ?11:18
Guest93855I still don't understand... how am I meant to get unbanned?11:18
ikoniaGuest93855: I suggest you try to think back when you have been using the nickname ubuntuGnuLinux11:19
Guest93855Are there any other ops who would know how to unban me?11:19
ikoniait was only a few days ago on the 01/08/201111:20
ikoniaGuest93855: I know how to unban you and I'm explaining to you11:20
Guest93855Possibly someone else on the same hostname, I don't recall using that nick11:20
ikoniathat is possible, but doubtful11:21
Tm_Twhat ikonia says11:21
Guest93855Can you not just ban the specific user?11:22
Guest93855As I'm being affected at the moment11:22
ikoniaI believe you are the same user11:22
Guest93855How long will the ban on the hostname last for?11:23
Tm_Tuntil it's resolved, usually11:23
ikoniauntil the user UbuntuGnuLinux resolves it11:23
Guest93855How am I meant to resolve it?11:23
ikoniaGuest93855: where are you connecting from ?11:24
ikoniaGuest93855: hello ?11:27
Guest93855A uni network11:30
ikoniareally ?11:30
ikoniawhich uni11:31
Guest93855I don't want to give out my personal information on IRC11:31
ikoniaok, then I guess we are done11:32
Guest93855I'm still having the same problem...11:32
Guest93855Have you changed something?11:32
Myrttiso Cambridge11:32
ikoniayou will have the same problem, you are banned11:33
Guest93855Please could someone unban me?11:33
ikoniaGuest93855: no, not at this time11:33
Guest93855Or let me know the procedure to get unbanned11:33
ikoniaGuest93855: the proceedure is to resolve the issue with UbuntuGnuLinux11:34
Guest93855How can I do that?!11:35
Guest93855I can't resolve issues for a different user11:35
Myrttiyou know11:35
Guest93855Is there someone else who could help?11:35
ikoniaGuest93855: contact your uni admin11:35
ikoniaGuest93855: explain the situation tot hem11:35
ikoniato them11:35
Guest93855I hardly think they'll be concerned with being banned from a single IRC channel11:35
Myrttiit's really very, very unlikely, that two people come from the same IP address, with the same intentions to our IRC channel, unless they either know each other from somewhere11:35
Myrttiso either you know the person who has been making trouble in our channels11:36
Myrttior you are the same person11:36
Myrttifreenode is a relatively small network11:36
Myrttiyou don't accidentally stumble in it11:36
Guest93855On a shared network it's perfectly possible to appear from the same IP11:38
ikoniaGuest93855: then contact your uni and explain that abuse from within their uni has caused the whole of your uni to get banned from a main stream network channel11:39
Myrttialternatively, we can send Graham Pullen some logs.11:40
Guest93855The easiest solution would be for you to unban the host and just ban specific usernames instead11:40
ikoniaGuest93855: I'll lay my cards on the table a.) I don't believe your on a uni network b.) I believe you are the same person as ubuntugnulinux - so I'm not prepared to unban you11:40
ikoniaGuest93855: no, the easiest situation is to leave it as is11:40
Guest93855ikonia: You're incorrect, but I'm fed up with this11:41
Guest93855You are very unhelpful11:41
ikoniagood bye11:41
Picibazhang: Please call for ! ops in -ot next time that happens.12:00
ikoniashamefully I was watching and didn't see it12:00
PiciI just turned on IRC and thats what I saw :(12:00
topylii was half-watching the channel specifically for this user, but of course i was on the phone when that happened12:08
topylisometimes the time is *just* right for trolling12:09
rww"11:10 < Guest93855> used to use MarkShuttleworth but that's been registed now" /me giggles12:18
bazhangPici, at the mention of enema?12:19
rwwikonia: I think that was a bad attempt at a joke12:19
ikoniaI hate people giving others bad advice12:20
Picibazhang: use common sense, it was clearly offtopic and he gave no intention of stopping.12:20
ikoniarandomly bashing microsoft may put a bad taste about it12:20
bazhangPici, well, I suggested he stop, then went away for a bit. did not see what transpired after.12:20
rwwikonia: if you happen to be looking for a factoid, I'm fond of !behelpful :)12:21
ikoniahe's talking to me in pm12:21
bazhang* BajaCalifornia has quit (Quit: Bix Nood Muggafuggas!)12:26
PiciI'm going to have to agree with what theadmin said.12:26
bazhangquit message from #ubuntu12:26
rwwbazhang: that quit message is familiar.12:26
Picibazhang: he was trolling in #freenode earlier too12:26
rwwoh, yes, that's AnalSplatter again.12:26
bazhangPici, multiple channels in fact, surprised he did not get the kline12:26
bazhangterry_, hi, how may we help you12:47
PiciI've asked AlexDevilLX numerous times to take his support questions to #ubuntu12:52
PiciYesterday (I think) he claimed that he was told to ask in -offtopic, but there was no record of anyone saying that to him in #u12:53
Myrttihi terry_12:58
terry_ikonia: Are you here?13:16
terry_What is your problem?13:16
ikoniahello usr1313:18
usr13Yes, hello.  What is your problem?13:18
ikoniausr13: I was trying to ask you to consider the advice you where giving in #ubuntu (or comments) to be a bit more realistic13:18
ikoniayou seemed intent on arguing this so I forwarded you to this channel13:19
usr13I said:  sudokill: Problem is, if you have a dual boot MS Windows / Linux, what happens is that sooner or later the MS Windows part get's neglected and ultimately takes up space for no reason.13:19
usr13No, YOU seemed to want to argue13:19
ikoniabecause it's nonsense13:20
ikoniawindows doesn't take up space for no reason13:20
ikoniaan unmaintained windows partition doesn't suddenly start eating space13:20
usr13Your argument was nonsense13:20
ikoniaI'm sorry, but it's not13:21
ikoniatelling people that unmaintained windows partitions will take up your space is not realistic13:21
ikoniait will take up no more/less space than a maintained system13:21
usr13Thats' not what I said.13:21
ikoniaapologies then I had idea what you're trying to say beyond Windows will take up space on your hard disk13:21
ikoniaand I still don't13:22
ikoniait was suggested you where trying to make some sort of joke, but I don't see it13:22
usr13sudokill: [IF you must dual boot]: I  recommend having Linux on a second HD, but I also recommend putting the bootloader on the primary drive.13:22
ikoniayes, I read that13:22
usr13That was the advise I gave:13:22
ikoniathen you followed up with the line you pasted a minute ago13:22
usr13Yea i sure did and dont see anything wrong with it.  I did not advise anyone to do anything by that comment.13:23
usr13and it was not nonsense.13:23
usr13Your arguments were nonsense13:23
ikoniacan you please explain to me how an unmaintained windows partition will take up space13:23
usr13can you explain to me how it would NOT take up space?13:24
ikoniausr13: it will take up the space you have allocated to it, because you want to dual boot,13:24
usr13Again, your arguments are nonsense13:24
usr13Yes, you are correct.13:24
ikoniaso why is that a problem ?13:25
usr13ikonia: Obviously it is beyond your comprehension and I am unable to enlighten you.13:26
popeyI completely get what he's saying.13:41
ikoniaI'm missing it then13:41
popeysaying an unused windows install "takes up space" is not a daft thing to say13:41
popey"that thing over there that I bought but now no longer need is wasting space"13:42
ikoniawhy would it be unused if the user wants help dual booting13:42
popeyis perfectly reasonable13:42
popeyhe didnt say that13:42
popeyhe was talking about the future13:42
ikoniawhat ?13:42
popeyin the future it will become wasted space if you dont use it13:42
ikoniaoh my word13:42
popeyhow is that not comprehensible?13:42
ikoniain that case he should also warn that an ubuntu partition is a waste of space13:43
ikoniaas if you don't use it and just use the windows partition, it's a waste of space13:43
popeyyes, thats true13:43
popeyif you split the disk 50/50 and only use one half, the other half is wasted13:43
ikoniaI didn't read it like that at all13:43
ikoniasurly that's common sense13:43
popeybut some people don't "get" it13:43
ikoniaif you need 2 partitions for each OS, if you don't use the other that spsace is wasted13:43
ikoniaI read it as not maintaining the windows partition will take up space13:44
popeyI can now see why he left exasperated.13:44
popeyhere's my story..13:44
popeyEee 1008HA, came with windows, installed ubuntu (dual boot) split disk 50/5013:44
popeymy wife no longer needs/uses windows13:44
popeyso I have a disk which has 50% 'wasted' on XP13:44
popeyI dont use it, neither does she13:44
popeyergo it's wasted space13:44
ikoniapopey: totally see that13:45
ikoniahere is the other guys story13:45
ikonia"I need help dual booting"13:45
popeysure I get his story13:45
ikonia"you do X Y Z, but unmaintained windows partition wates space"13:45
ikoniathe guy wants two OS's13:45
popeyit's just a side comment13:45
ikoniayou didn't13:45
popeyexcuse me!?13:45
ikoniayou didn't want two OS's13:45
ikoniaso I can see why it would be wasted13:46
popeyi did13:46
ikoniain the end13:46
popeyhence my initial comment13:46
ikoniaI see what you're saying, but it's just not appropriate to me, I'm fed up of people pushing peoplee off microsoft for no reason13:46
popeythats not what he was doing13:46
Myrttihe wasn't pushing Windows to anyone13:47
ikoniathe guy wanted 2 OS's - it's not a waste13:47
ikoniasorry, I disagree13:47
ikoniaI said pushing off microsoft13:47
popeyok, I dont seem to be able to articulate to you in words that you get.13:47
popeyforget it13:47
topylibtw, can't you just turn the old windows partition into perfectly good storage?13:47
ikoniapopey: you do, I understand what you're saying13:47
popeyno, you clearly do not13:47
ikoniawhy would he want to ? he wants to dual boot13:48
ikoniapopey: I do, I just disagree13:48
popeyI am not continuing with this13:48
popeyits pointless13:48
ikoniait would seem so13:49
popeyperhaps if you took a moment to consider the other side rather than dismiss it out of hand because it doesn't fit with your view of what is and isnt the defintion of 'waste' then it might be easier to discuss.13:50
ikoniaback at you13:50
popeyI see both sides13:50
popeyI just disagree with yours ☺13:50
ikoniayes, I know, and I disagree with yours13:51
ikoniaI fully understnad what you're saying, I just disagree13:51
h00kI got this in my away log, I feel it should be noted13:56
h00k= 2011-08-08 23:55:13#ubuntu: <            wols > h00k: I love your BS !language when you don't catch  them all. that is the problem with censorship :)13:56
y0rp2rHello, I'm having an issue with samba, Windows users can't connect. Currently banned from #ubuntu so thought I'd ask here14:18
Myrttiwell, this isn't the place for support either. This place is for discussing events that led up to you being banned, getting it resolved and possibly removing your ban14:18
y0rp2rWhere else is there to ask for support? #debian just said to use #ubuntu14:19
Myrttithey were correct14:19
h00ky0rp2r: there are forums, if you're not interested in getting unbanned14:19
* y0rp2r sighs14:19
y0rp2rI asked to get unbanned earlier, I was told a different user with the same host needed to do something to get unbanned14:19
y0rp2rSo essentially I'm stuck14:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:20
y0rp2rI'll try on the forums instead I guess14:22
Myrttiy0rp2r: so where are you connecting from?14:22
y0rp2rI went through all this earlier with ikonia, he refused to unban me14:22
y0rp2rHe said it was impossible to have two users on the same hostname14:23
h00ky0rp2r: Where are you connecting from?14:23
Myrttiwell then14:23
ikoniay0rp2r: no I did not say it was impossible14:23
y0rp2rYou believed it was not the case14:24
ikoniay0rp2r: I put my cards on the table earlier about it14:24
y0rp2rCan I get unbanned so I can get some support?14:24
h00ky0rp2r: Where are you connecting from?14:24
ikoniaI'm not going to do it at this time for the reasons I gave earlier, so I'll back away now14:25
y0rp2rMyrtti: Could you please unban me? I just want some help14:25
y0rp2rUnless you can help with samba yourself14:26
Myrttiy0rp2r: if you are the same person that discussed the ban earlier with ikonia, then I don't remove the ban14:26
jpdsy0rp2r: You appear to be just dodging our questions.14:26
y0rp2rI don't wish to give out my location14:26
y0rp2rI value my privacy14:26
y0rp2rThis isn't facebook14:26
Myrttiy0rp2r: you realise that we pretty much know it already?14:26
y0rp2rWhat, from an IP lookup? Why would you be asking then?14:26
Myrttiy0rp2r: because the information you are giving us here is different than what we think it is14:27
h00ky0rp2r: It directly pertains to if 'you have the same hostname as someone else,' etc.14:27
y0rp2rThis has to be the most unhelpful IRC channel I've ever encountered14:28
y0rp2rI just want to receive support14:28
Myrttiif you yourself want to receive support, why have you been previously, with other nicknames, trolling and being an annoyance?14:29
y0rp2rI have never trolled14:30
Myrttiwell if you really are the same person who discussed their ban earlier with ikonia, they have used other nicknames associated with trolling14:30
y0rp2rIf you let me into #ubuntu I will just ask my question and levae14:30
y0rp2rI have no interest in trolling14:30
MyrttiI see a gap in the logic14:31
h00ky0rp2r: I was only trying to ask where you're connecting from, in an effort to help understand the issue.14:31
Myrttiyou are not interested in trolling, but you claim to be the same person who has discussed this ban earlier with ikonia, and that person while discussing the ban with ikonia, admitted guilt in using a nickname that we now associate with trolling14:32
Myrttiso what has changed?14:32
y0rp2rAdmitted guilt? I refute that14:33
y0rp2rDo you have a log?14:33
Myrttiyour brother used your computer?14:33
y0rp2rNow you want personal details of all my family! What are you, a data collector?14:33
Myrttiadmitted guilt of, not admitted guilt in, sorry14:34
Myrtti"my brother used my computer while I was away" just happens to be the oldest excuse in the book when people come in here after someone from their IP has been making trouble in our channels with their nickname14:35
y0rp2rNo, my brother (if indeed I have one) was not using my computer14:35
y0rp2rWhat trolling caused my host to be banned then?14:35
ikoniay0rp2r: I'm going to interput for a second.14:36
ikoniay0rp2r: I'm sorry to say that the connection you are using has been used for trolling with multiple nick names14:36
ikoniay0rp2r: we've had to take the step of banning the connection due to the abuse it's getting14:36
ikoniay0rp2r: we can't remove that ban as it will allow the problem users to start again, so you need to talk to your admin team to resolve it14:37
y0rp2rWhat are they meant to do?14:37
ikoniay0rp2r: secure their network to stop people abusing it,14:37
ikoniay0rp2r: either way, we can't let the #ubuntu channel have problems from your ocnnection any more, sorry.14:38
y0rp2rHow can you secure a network against IRC trolling? That is impossible14:39
ikoniay0rp2r: then that's an end to it14:39
ikoniay0rp2r: it will have to stay as it is. Sorry.14:40
y0rp2rI wish to raise this with a different OP if you're not going to help14:40
ikoniay0rp2r: I'm trying to help and explain the situation14:40
y0rp2rThe only thing you can do to help is revoking the ban14:40
ikoniay0rp2r: or you could accept the reality that the network you are on is causing a problem, speak to your network admin14:41
y0rp2rCould you explain how a network admin can stop a user on IRC trolling?14:41
ikoniay0rp2r: they can stop that user from using the network when a problem is reported14:42
ikoniay0rp2r: but either way - that is not our issue,14:42
ikoniay0rp2r: the bottom line is, your connection is a problem thanks to it's user/users - it's banned14:42
ikoniay0rp2r: I'm sorry we can't help any more14:42
y0rp2rAre you not aware you can ban a specific nickname rather than the hostmask?14:43
y0rp2rPlease just ban the originanl user14:43
h00ky0rp2r: If you need other places to ask for help, there are the Ubuntu Forums, there's askubuntu.com (Stack Exchange)14:43
ikoniay0rp2r you've already told us you use different nicknames, so a nick based ban would not help14:43
h00ky0rp2r: Are you aware that leaves us chasing a user that just changes their nickname everytime they abuse the channel?14:43
y0rp2rikonia: Yes it would, as I haven't trolled14:44
y0rp2rh00k: Seems fairer than banning innocent users14:44
ikoniay0rp2r: other (if you say so) are and using differnt nicknames, so it wouldn't help14:44
ikoniay0rp2r: look - it's not going to change, and I'm sorry, others have given you other support options14:44
y0rp2rOk, seems you're not going to help. I shall use the forums, and hope they aren't so ban happy14:45
ikoniathank you14:45
h00ky0rp2r: I hope you're able to find an answer. We're sorry your connection is abused.14:45
y0rp2rThat's ok, it's not your fault14:46
ikoniahello usr1315:16
jribikonia: I thought we agreed you'd hide in the back so as not to scare people away!15:18
ikoniaI've pm'd him to ask him to rejoin to sort it out15:18
ikoniahe parted before I'd finished typing15:18
PiciYou can lead a horse to water....17:30
genii-aroundThen he'll buck you off in the rapids17:30
Stockholm_Angelhi i NEED to as how to remove all programmes i installed since i installed ubuntu18:37
h00kStockholm_Angel: this isn't the support channel, but this the place to discuss your ban in #ubuntu18:37
Stockholm_Angelh00k, im banned from ubuntu18:38
h00kStockholm_Angel: do you know why you were banned?18:38
Stockholm_Angelnot obaying the rules18:38
Stockholm_Angeli have been banned for over a month18:38
h00k!guidelines | Stockholm_Angel18:38
ubottuStockholm_Angel: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:38
h00kStockholm_Angel: take a bit to review these, while I look up your ban.18:39
Stockholm_Angeli posted a link and it was about rioting or something18:39
Stockholm_Angeli am sincerly sorry18:39
Stockholm_AngelI mean warning people so they stayed safe18:41
h00kStockholm_Angel: You understand why we cannot have people with offtopic conversations in the massively-active support channel, yse?18:41
Stockholm_Angeli was meant to post in #ubuntu-offtopic18:41
Stockholm_Angeli thought i had posted it in the offtopic18:41
Stockholm_Angeli thought i had posted it in the offtopic18:41
Stockholm_Angelfor LjL2's benefit18:42
PiciHes afk, no need to repeat things for him.18:42
h00kStockholm_Angel: also, before you're unbanned, we need to make sure you can properly use an IRC client to make sure you know what channel you're speaking in18:44
Stockholm_Angeli changed clients ad use xchat now not pidgin18:44
h00kStockholm_Angel: also, I need to be comfortable you understand the rules that we have governing our channels18:44
Stockholm_Angelyeah i do basicly be nice stay on topic and help people18:45
Stockholm_Angeli simplified my understanding for the benefit of the conversation18:46
h00kStockholm_Angel: please review the Code of Conduct as well, and then I will remove your ban.18:46
=== dslogger is now known as dickhouse
h00kStockholm_Angel: just note that it can be put back, rather quickly, so please mind them18:47
h00kubottu: CoC | Stockholm_Angel18:47
ubottuStockholm_Angel: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct18:47
Stockholm_Angelno one bothers about that when dealing with me18:48
Stockholm_Angeli mean in the past18:48
h00kStockholm_Angel: I'm not sure what you're referring to18:48
h00kStockholm_Angel: but I will remove it, please mind the proper channels for proper conversation18:49
h00kStockholm_Angel: Your ban is removed from #ubuntu, feel free to rejoin18:50
h00kStockholm_Angel: I see you joined okay.18:51
h00kStockholm_Angel: please /part this channel, and good luck with your support18:51
itiliousmay I appeal a ban here for #ubuntu ?19:38
itiliousi was banned for something I think may be able to be fixed if the situation is heard, please help who can, ty19:38
jribitilious: yes, this is the right place19:38
itiliousi had left my computer unlocked for a moment and my little brat cousin got on and was saying quite stupid things which ended in a ban19:38
itiliousit will most definitely not happen again, can I be allowed to use #ubuntu again?19:39
itilioussorry bout that,, please help when available :)19:40
jribitilious: as long as you realize you are responsible for taking proper measures to prevent others from using your computer in the past, I will remove the ban19:41
jribfuture :P19:41
itiliousi understand19:41
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:42
itiliousand can promise it wont happen again, ty19:42
jribitilious: take a few moments to familiarize yourself with those while I remove your ban please19:42
itiliousawesome, thanks again jrib19:45
jribitilious: have a good day :D19:45
itiliousjrib, will it take time for server to see that i'm unbanned or must i do something else to join #ubuntu again?19:47
jribitilious: try now19:48
itiliousI apologize if simply seem like i'm rushing the process,19:48
itiliousstill cannot join19:48
jribitilious: one second, there may be multiple bans19:48
jribitilious: try now19:52
jribthanks Pici19:53
itiliousworks, ty jrib and everyone else who helped :)19:53
itiliousgood day to you all :)19:53
* jrib was looking at wrong column in bt :)19:54
Juesttest me20:08
PiciYou're using the webchat.20:09
PiciJuest: And it shouldn't be vulnerable. Are you having difficulty joining one of our channels?20:09
Juest@ #ubuntu-read-topic <FloodBot1> Juest: Sorry, but I am unable to test you (are you using your usual nickname?). Please contact the operators (type « /topic » to find out how).20:09
Juestnah just want to run test20:10
Juestno reason, i just want to run this test20:11
Juestalso im banned frm #ubuntu20:11
PiciIts not going to magically unban you from the channel if you were banned by an operator.20:11
Juestlol ok20:12
Juestbut that does not matter20:12
Juesti just want to run test20:12
ubottuJuest called the ops in #kubuntu ()20:13
Piciwhats wrong with people?20:13
Picinevermind, don't answer that.20:13
IdleOnelack of vitamins I think20:13
charlie-tcasolar flares!20:15
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu snapperss (~IdlePrick@ join flooding.20:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:30
IdleOne!staff | please check snapperss (~IdlePrick@ in #ubuntu, flooding.20:31
ubottuplease check snapperss (~IdlePrick@ in #ubuntu, flooding.: hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)20:31
marienzIdleOne: it also tried it in ##windows right afterwards, so idoru got it already20:32
ikoniaphoton: hello21:49
photonhi. just read the topic and already gone. sorry.21:50
Myrttiwhat is Ramses_ about...22:07
Myrttilastlog isn't nice22:07
Myrttiwell, it isn't pretty22:08
ikoniaMyrtti: you can help this guy - I don't believe what he's actually saying22:08
ikoniadamn chanserv, slow22:10
MyrttiI have no idea22:18
funkyHatWhy is that not working for me?23:01
popeywfm ⍨23:09
bazhangthought castizo was banned23:09
bazhang* [Castizo] (~MuhDik@ MuhDik23:09
Myrttiwell there is a plethora of trollish nicks on the channel anyway23:11
MyrttiI bid you good luck and good night23:12
bazhangcastizo is clearly that GNAA troll of past. and there23:19
bazhangthere's a ban on him from yesterday in re: Analsplat23:19
bazhangso ban evading, yes?23:19
h00kbazhang: sounds right, yses23:20
bazhangh00k, thanks23:20
h00k18:22 <   [THC]AcidRain > hax are upon us23:22
h00kwere they banned?23:22
bazhangsounds very familiar23:23
h00kogramses - that took me like 5 straight minutes to read correctly.23:25
jribhaha... (after scanning the beginning of that sentence like 5 times)23:38
funkyHatWho do I need to speak to about not being able to access the bantracker? #ubuntu-bots?23:41
bazhangIf I'm going to get blamed when -ot gets out of hand, I may as well apply for ops there23:42
* jrib prepares bazhang's room in the insane asylum23:45

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