[00:00] Since this is a fresh install i probably dont have it. [00:00] any easy way to check? [00:05] ChristopherNG: you probably copy&paste from terminal, right? [00:06] yes [00:06] What you see on terminal is not the whole output [00:08] you should read the log using 'cat' and pipe it to easy to use pastebinit program [00:08] cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit [00:10] http://paste.ubuntu.com/661528/ [00:10] i used "more" and i copied it page by page [00:10] alot about Nouvea there [00:10] Sure you use it [00:10] It supports 3D as well [00:11] These guys did awesome job (I'll say impossible one) [00:11] nouveau developers [00:11] performance isn't that great, but it is quite usable [00:11] Yeah, well i already have it so i will try the additional driver now [00:12] Sure, nvidia drivers can be installed from ubuntu repostries [00:12] Probably that 'Hardware drivers' thing is the easiest way to install it [00:12] need to reboot [00:42] ok, i got a screenshot of the "unable to handle kernel paging request" error I mentioned earlier. [00:42] http://imgur.com/a/ZmQrW [00:50] Dropped by earlier and someone helped me get my top menu bars restarted. Now I am missing the Mazimize and minimize buttons in apps. Ideas? [00:50] the last few lines before the probelm in sys.log are here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/661556/ [00:56] Found it. This did it - xfwm4 --replace & [01:13] Unit193, you still there? [01:14] tanner_: Am noe === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [01:14] Well, now [01:15] oh, just posted the images from the error, and the few entries from sys.log before the last crash [01:15] tanner_: Set your screensaver to blankscreen or one you KNOW and have seen work [01:16] tanner_: To make sure you know the issue, set the screensaver to only "GLText" and type xscreensaver-command -activate in a terminal [01:18] i'm not sure i've seen one working, at least not since the upgrade to xubuntu. [01:18] 1 sec, let me go try that [01:18] Warning: That's what I think is killing it === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [01:20] when i came in to the room, the GLText screensaver was up [01:20] (it was set to random) [01:21] i came out of it, and set it to only one screensaver and set it to GLText and ran the command, it is now running the screensaver [01:23] So it's not happening everytime, is that really the issue is the question now. (Really seems like it is) [01:25] just stepped out to the bathroom, when I came back, the screensaver was gone with an error message in yellow: [01:25] radeon_bo_fixed_map failed to map bo [01:25] EE_Radeon... and i didn't get the rest before it went away [01:26] then i moved the mouse and it went back to the desktop [01:26] so I'm running the screensaver again to see if it happens again [01:26] Yep, I get that. Do you happen to have an 8xx chipset video card? :P (I don't remember if you already said what you had) [01:27] i'm not 100% sure what is in there, i might have some old paperwork, let me see. [01:28] lspci |grep VGA [01:28] ^^ Run that in terminal [01:29] ATI Tech.. RV620 LE [ Radeon HD 3450[ [01:32] got the drivers installed right [01:59] tanner_: using xscreensaver? Try deleting ~/.xscreensaver and ~/.gnomesaver [01:59] Carrying /home forward will cause those to be left over from the old install, and it will make trouble [02:00] true === `mOOse` is now known as m00se === xtrahi is now known as xtralo [04:22] charlie-tca, thanks i've removed the .xscreensaver and the gnome one wasn't there. no freezes yet. [04:22] * Unit193 makes a note [05:01] ohw do i change an exe from the internet so i can use it? [05:02] as in give permission [05:02] i forget the command [05:04] chmod +x virus.exe [05:05] what does chmod stand for so i can remember next time? [05:05] suppose even the +x [05:07] Change mode add executable [05:10] k === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [05:21] whats the best cd/dvd writing software preferably one that wipes discs well [05:23] !best [05:23] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [05:24] hello i have maybe a corrupt kernel if i play a video, i fly out and have to login again [05:30] k, well i hope brasero will wipe my cd-rw no problem [08:29] hi [08:30] how can i fix chinese character fonts not to appear like alien fonts? [08:30] i d/l the chinese fonts but some songs are still in alien fonts while some are in proper chinese texts. [08:38] i d/l the chinese fonts but some songs are still in alien fonts while some are in proper chinese texts. [08:44] !repeat| ionite [08:44] ionite: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [08:48] howdi folks, quick question; how do I go about setting keyboard shortcuts for moving windows between desktops? I usually have ctrl+alt+shift+(left/right arrow). === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [10:16] to open EXE files besides wine HQ what else can i use? [10:18] virtualization and sometimes mono [10:26] Hi, how can I manage the password keyring which is used by Thunar? [10:27] knome: how do i kill a window in terminal? what do i type? [10:27] ionite: xkill [10:27] knome: which is better? to use wine or virtualisation === MJBrune is now known as JMrune === JMrune is now known as MJBrune [10:31] ionite: on virtual windows every works, if you don't need graphics acceleration [10:32] ionite, depends on what you are doing, how often, how stable you need it to be... [10:32] and how much resources you have [10:32] Sysi: it's a text based research tool. graphics are minimal. [10:32] Sysi: how do i go about? [10:33] is it dos-program? [10:33] Sysi: no. it's just a EXE file. [10:38] ionite, does something in it NOT work with wine? [10:40] knome: nah but WINE can't run the EXE file properly. [10:40] you are being contradictory [10:41] "nothing doesn't work but it doesn't run properly" [11:07] ionite: On windows; is it a terminal program or a separate text window? [11:25] bolster: separate window text [11:25] ionite: and when you say its not working properly, what do you expect it to do and what does it do instead? [11:26] bolster: i checked the terminal it says alot of missing DLL files [11:26] bolster: i copied the entire CD to my external HDD and install it from my external HDD [11:30] ionite: dare I ask what is it called? It sounds like you might be better off with visualization; virtualbox is generally the easiest. There are plenty of ways to acquire a windows iso. [11:31] !crosspost | ionite [11:31] ionite: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. [11:31] ionite: also, this is not a ubuntu issue, its a #wine issue, at best... [11:32] ionite, /join #winehq [11:32] !appdb | ionite [11:32] ionite: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [12:31] So, for a relevant question about xubuntu, how do I go about setting keyboard shortcuts for moving windows between desktops? I usually have ctrl+alt+shift+(left/right arrow)? [12:32] bolster, maybe better to ask #xfce :) [12:32] tbh i don't know if/how that is possible, but they might know [12:33] knome: darn! foiled again! Ok, thanks guys, I'll check them out. [12:33] no problem [12:39] http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/3030/201108090536371680x1050.png If you look at the font, xubuntu is really messing up on me for no reason. Any ideas even where to check? [12:55] MJBrune: what font are you using, does something other work? [12:55] Sysi: default [12:55] Sysi: no [12:55] try logging out and back in [12:56] Sysi: thats not a solution [12:56] Sysi: I am sure it will work but I don't want to have to do that every 3 hours [12:56] hello folks [12:56] Im just going insane trying to connect this laptop to the tv [12:56] MJBrune: it systematically happens every 3 hours? [12:56] Sysi: no but it happens often [12:58] MJBrune: up-to-date xubuntu? [12:58] what if you change antialiasing settings, like hinting [12:59] or actually I'd guess it's something with xorg, what GPU and what driver? [13:00] Sysi: yes [13:03] Sysi: how can I check my gpu? [13:03] Sysi: I am not sure my video card has an actual model... [13:03] lspci | grep VGA [13:04] Sysi: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) [13:07] hum, should work [13:07] it works fine [13:08] xubuntu just seems to have poor developers or something [13:08] ahem? [13:08] how does that relate to anything [13:08] well this system is bloated... [13:09] any rationales? [13:09] well I bet this font is messing up has something to do with the over bloatness of the current utilities [13:10] how do you think they would be connected? [13:10] so you are just guessing, am i right? [13:10] knome: well FBSD works well on this machine [13:11] with the same software without the ubuntu utils [13:11] 256mb ram? [13:11] yeah, and while xubuntu has one problem, does it mean it's bloated? [13:11] if you don't like xubuntu, you can try lubuntu [13:11] knome: no its rather bloated because it actually is rather bloated. [13:12] you could also do minimal install of ubuntu and install pure xfce on that [13:12] I don't call working on machine with 512MB ram bloated [13:12] I'm on a 512 MB machine [13:12] its pretty bloated to me [13:12] "it works, must be horribly bloated" what [13:13] It runs on a 512 MB machine but not well. [13:13] and it doesn't work obviously [13:13] if you want less "bloated", try lubuntu/lxde [13:13] or you can use freebsd [13:14] knome: but compiling 24/7 isn't really not-bloated [13:14] Sysi: FBSD doesn't require compiling 24/7 [13:14] Sysi, who am i to say that? :) [13:15] MJBrune: oh, great [13:15] anyways this system seems really dodgy [13:15] its been rather poor across systems [13:15] you are free to quit using it. [13:15] well I understand that [13:16] too bad you're having (unusual) problems [13:16] if you are not going to ask any support questions but only rant, please leave [13:16] but my real question is why does so many utils bloating it down? [13:16] that it would have features [13:16] i agree with Sysi. this is maybe the second time ever i see this problem in any system. [13:17] Sysi: I have the same features in BSD and xfce and it works well but I wanted to support linux [13:17] MJBrune, xubuntu is not trying to be as light as possible, it is also focusing in usability. did you have a serious support question? [13:17] well how can I disable all the utils? [13:17] MJBrune: maybe you're not using all features of xubuntu [13:18] !minimal | MJBrune [13:18] MJBrune: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [13:18] perhaps I just don't need them, I don't want to waste another CD or spend time reinstalling [13:18] what are the packages so I can remove them [13:19] wait, what? you are asking us which packages you think are bloating your system? [13:19] knome: no I am asking what packages are the system utilities [13:19] all of them that the xubuntu distro developes for the os [13:20] MJBrune, xubuntu does not develop pretty much any utils. [13:20] this includes ubuntu utils [13:20] MJBrune, xubuntu is providing xfce for the ubuntu core, with applications [13:21] im just looking for the list of ubuntu/xubuntu specific utils [13:21] MJBrune, those are in the ubuntu core, so they are in every *buntu* installation. i don't know what the specific list for ubuntu-specific applications/utils is. [13:23] if you wanted to support linux, ubuntu isn't actually the best choice :P [13:24] Sysi: what would you suggest [13:24] fedora is quite close upstream, so is gentoo and I guess arch is too [13:24] though ubuntu should work fairly well for contributing [13:25] fedora doesn't install on computers with 512 ram [13:25] fedora is offtopic here, but it does if you have swap [13:26] Sysi: umm no, the installer requires 512 MB of physical ram [13:26] no swap [13:26] MJBrune, you are being offered choice, please do not start to argue [13:27] MJBrune, if you need help with fedora, ask their support channel. this channel is not for it. [13:27] knome: im not arguing just presenting the issues to the suggestions [13:27] knome: You guys are the ones suggesting alternatives [13:27] not me [13:28] MJBrune, you were asking for suggestions, and Sysi was being helpful/nice to you [13:28] please stop arguing about everything [13:28] knome: im really not, I just wanted a list of ubuntu specific utils and you guys cant even provide that [13:29] try #ubuntu [13:29] MJBrune, we are all volunteers, and do not know the answer to everything. you can try to ask #ubuntu if you want. [13:29] * MJBrune rolls eyes [13:29] knome: yes but you act like this is your job [13:29] it would be a lot worse if he didn't [13:29] anyways I can carry on without support [13:30] Sysi: or it would be better. try it [14:09] Well, that was entertaining to come back to... [14:23] Hi, I have 4 workspaces in 2 rows, in older versions of xubuntu changing workspaces by dragging windows to the edge or pressing ctrl+alt+arrowKey only worked if there was a workspace located there, does anybody have any idea how I can set xfce to that behavior again in 11.04? [14:27] you mean configure the shotkeys ablomen? [14:28] SaaMmY, no i mean that what i want is, for example, if i am at the top-left workspace, i can only drag windows to the workspace right of it or under it [14:29] not, what i does now, that if i drag it to the left it goes to the top-right workspace [14:29] in 10.10 or 11.04? [14:29] 11.04 [14:29] 10.10 had it by default [14:29] and my brain is set up for that behavior ;) [14:30] you want this that have 10.10 in your 11.04 of now [14:31] ablomen: I don't think it is possible any longer due to changes in Xfce 4.8 [14:31] oh nvm my question, i finally found it, "Wrap workspaces depending on the actual desktop layout" in "window manager tweaks" => "workspaces" whas what i was searching for [14:31] and it works? [14:32] Thank you [14:32] yes :) [14:32] thanks for what [14:32] * charlie-tca goes to bang head on wall, again [14:32] no problem maannnnnn [14:32] LOOOOOOOL [14:32] haha [14:33] SaaMmY: I am thankful for an answer next time someone asks that question. [14:33] lol [14:33] someone does speak a clear english [14:33] I need to ask what? [14:33] what? [14:33] what? [14:33] ect [14:33] does not* [14:35] btw, i must say, i installed xubuntu with the graphical cd for the first time since ubuntu 6.04 (or somewhere near there) because i needed to resize an ntfs partition for the first time, and i must say, it really came a long way from then, great job you guys are doing, it was easy as could be [14:36] Most of that work is done by the installer developers. [14:36] (and it did not destroy my windows install, which is a plus too) [14:36] They do work hard improving it as much as possible [14:36] well it shows [14:40] oh one more thing, i also cant center my bottom panel (without the expaning spacer "hack") i guess this is a limitation due to 4.8? [14:41] *expanding [14:41] i can just unlock it, sure, but if it is possible to keep it "locked" that would be nice [14:42] oh, it snaps to the center, nvm, another question i asked to quickly [14:43] my brain is in holydais I can't understand english [14:43] bb [14:43] yes, the only way to center things is to expand a spacer on each side now [14:44] charlie-tca, well it seems that, once you unlocked it and centered it by hand, it does keep itself centered when you add new stuff or change the size, then you can lock it again [14:45] I just use the spaces, it self-centers when you add things [14:54] yeah but i have some debugging tools in firefox and chrome there, so it expands when i try to click those, ah well, this seems to work, and overall it 4.8 feels a lot slicker then the old version [15:18] Trying to connect to a Windows 7 share, but it doesn't accept my login info through Gigilo. Is the domain supposed to remain as 'WORKGROUP"? [15:19] WORKGROUP is the name windows gives it [15:21] gotcha... sidenote. It finds the shares, via the IP address, but when I choose $C and click Connect, it brings u the Password Required screen [15:21] this is where I get stuck [15:23] I am putting in my Windows username, my password, and leaving domain as "WORKGROUP" [15:24] When I click "Connect" it jut pops the window back up asking for the info again [15:29] The share list does not mention specific share names, but only shows the drives. This might suggest a problem as wel [15:29] *well [16:27] hello guys [16:27] something really wierd has happened to my Xubuntu [16:27] is here somebody or should I join other ubuntu channel? [16:28] pop a question and somebody hopefully has ansver [16:29] yesterday I did shutdown my PC [16:29] and today when i booted it [16:29] there is only 1 workspace (was 4) [16:29] I can't get 4 again... [16:29] AND [16:30] there is no minimaze, maximaze or close button [16:30] or that button where you could change to other workspace (desktop) [16:30] don't know how it is called [16:30] have you experimented with compiz? [16:30] ahhh [16:30] NO! [16:31] alt+F2 "xfwm4" [16:31] AND it doesnt show that i had opened for example IRC program in Xubuntu [16:31] in any place [16:31] xfwm4 [16:32] Firefox can't find the server at www.xfm4.com. [16:32] x f w m 4 [16:33] I need to check something brb in 5-10min .. [16:35] still can't connect to my Windows 7 Share. It only lists the $C drive type shares in Gigolo. So Gigolo can see the PC and its drives, but not any specifically shared folders... ideas? [16:36] find out IP of window machine and directly use thunar [16:39] I know the IP, but I'm not familiar with thunar... time for google I guess. :) [16:39] it's the file manager [16:39] you need to have 11.04 to have thunar 1.2 that supports network mounting [16:40] I have 10.04 [16:40] I have been thinking about upgrading to 11.04, but I have an older machine [16:41] okay, I don't know about gigolo [16:41] yeah all is the same [16:41]  [16:41] whoops [16:42] My system monitor says I have 433MB of memory and a mobile AMD Athlon XP2400+ [16:42] something is really messed up [16:42] for example if i open another window [16:42] it is on top of previous window [16:42] I am currently on 10.04 Lucid [16:42] meaning I CAN'T Make other to top [16:42] gigenieks: do you still have the same problem? [16:42] understand what i mean? [16:42] YES [16:43] it is so big [16:43] that i cant really do anything [16:43] press Alt and F2 and type "xfwm4 --replace" [16:43] if you need to close xchat to do that, Ctrl Q should work [16:44] Sysi Thank you! It fixed everything [16:44] what in hell was that? [16:45] that command restarted XFCE dektop? [16:47] is it easy to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04? And do you think my system is too old for 11.04? [16:47] Your PC's specification (cpu, ram, vga) ? [16:47] My system monitor says I have 433MB of memory and a mobile AMD Athlon XP2400+ [16:48] gigenieks: window manager, takes care of window borders, workspaces and everything [16:48] Vid card is an ATI Radeon 320M (aka U1) (aka old as dirt) [16:48] WallyJ2K: you can't directly upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04, only reinstall [16:49] oh [16:49] ok... that answers the first question, plus a clean install wouldn't be a bad idea [16:49] what about the age of my PC [16:49] thoughts? [16:50] "window manager" = "xfce desktop environment" ? [16:50] your machine should run 11,04 about as well as 10.04, but you could just try something alternative for network mount [16:50] for Xubuntu [16:50] gigenieks: no, xfce is also panel, desktop, filemanager and some apps [16:50] windowmanager just does all kinds of stuff [16:51] it is the same for any of *buntus? [16:51] for every linux GUI :P [16:52] if something like that happened to Kubuntu (my father's pc) what would be command? he have Kubuntu [16:52] or you don't know? [16:52] kwin and maybe --replace [16:53] I used kwin with xfce for some time to get some features [16:54] ok folks... gonna reformat and go for 11.04. Thanks for all of your help! [17:32] I said the other day that linux is becoming a full time job. [17:32] How many people here use linux but arent actually working in "computer" related fields? [17:33] * charlie-tca [17:34] OTOH, I am retired [17:36] ChristopherNG: "computer" related? [17:36] ChristopherNG: is there any field that is not "computer" related? [17:36] TheSheep, like amishes, i think [17:37] I think that 100% amish people use linux whenever they use a computer ;) [17:46] * madnick is also retired, but also have friends working in non-tech fields using Linux [17:56] what i meant to say how many have jobs that dont require them to sit infront of a computer all day and still use linux? [17:58] Me, ChristopherNG! [17:59] I did, as a plumber and builder [17:59] I know quite a few non-technical end users. [18:00] likemindead: but how many of them visit irc? ;) [18:00] Few. [18:01] They hit up our forum ( www.amarillolinux.com ) quite a bit, though. [18:01] irc kinda goes well with sitting in front of the computer all day [18:01] yes, I for example, started using IRC only when I switched to Linux week or so ago ;D [18:01] my mom uses linux [18:01] how old? [18:01] 54 [18:01] 11.4 [18:01] ;) [18:01] lol [18:02] I got tired of cleaning up viruses [18:02] it's very good for non-technical end users [18:02] :D [18:02] my parents use linux too, come to think of it [18:02] I like linux and i will continue to use it, but it really is very time consuming. [18:02] I like Linux "philosophy" [18:03] exactly [18:03] because I refused to reinstall windows at some point [18:03] My wife & I have used Linux exclusively for over four years now. :D [18:03] ChristopherNG, how so? [18:03] xrdodrx: getting things to work, finding drivers etc [18:03] ChristopherNG: it only consumes as much time as you let it [18:03] if anything troubleshooting windows problems takes me longer [18:03] :s [18:03] xrdodrx: thats easy to say [18:03] ChristopherNG: plus, you save a lot of time because there are so few games ;) [18:03] my sister is a cafe waitress and uses Ubuntu. On my insistance that I will not help her with her Windows 2000 anymore. [18:03] In windows forums people will just say "reformat" etc I think of them "users who collect post count" [18:03] TheSheep: I know! I havent played eve online for months. [18:04] however in Ubuntu forums or linux forums people actually want to help [18:04] also I bribed her with a "new" computer. [18:04] ChristopherNG, are you saying I'm lying? [18:04] :< [18:04] ChristopherNG: there are console emulators though... [18:04] xrdodrx: im not saying your lying its just making a statement like "its only as hard as you make it" is over simplistic. [18:04] * TheSheep <-- nintendo addict [18:04] ChristopherNG, I didn't say that [18:05] I did [18:05] but I don't think it's overly difficult either [18:05] xrdodrx: ok you said it only takes as much time as you let it. [18:05] ChristopherNG: it takes effort to switch, but it takes less effort in the long run [18:05] TheSheep: You think the switch is the biggest step, not being consistent and carrying on using it? [18:05] ChristopherNG: also, you put more time into it becuase it is more interesting ;) [18:05] I think both are hard [18:06] ChristopherNG: not with ubuntu [18:06] it depends how deep you want to go... [18:06] ChristopherNG, It really depends on how you use your computer... [18:06] ChristopherNG: ubuntu/xubuntu/etc. is pretty much "install and forget" [18:06] if you had used Linux for 10 years [18:06] and switched to Windows [18:06] TheSheep: I openly admit the feeling of getting it working is very rewarding and perhaps a tab addictive, but its very, very demoralizing and daunting when it doesnt work. [18:06] you would think windows is hard!! [18:06] :P [18:07] what is it exactly [18:07] what is what? [18:07] unfortunately, the more you pay for something, the less difficult it becomes in your mind [18:07] ^ :) [18:07] lol [18:07] ChristopherNG: I don't know, I find that there are fewer and fewer things that don't work out of the box -- I used to spend hours to get my scanner or graphic tablet to work, now it just works with new installs. [18:07] ChristopherNG: and on windows I still need to spend some time to install the drivers etc. [18:08] (well, I would if I used windows) [18:08] (I guess) [18:08] I firmly believe paying $200 US Dollars for Xubuntu would make it easier/less difficult [18:08] TheSheep: I really do feel that drivers are the archiles hell of linux and unix in general. [18:08] charlie-tca: true [18:08] heel* [18:08] to be honest the blame for nonworking peripherals falls equally with end users of linux as to companies [18:08] ChristopherNG: it's not that bad [18:08] you wouldn't buy a graphics tablet advertised to onyl work with mac computers and use it with windows [18:09] +1 [18:09] it's your job to make sure your peripherals will work before you buy them [18:09] ChristopherNG: well, I pick my hardware for linux compatibility [18:09] but everything on the market should work with linux, shouldn't it? [18:09] charlie-tca, one would hope :) [18:09] Are there devices which work only in linux, and won't work on Mac or Windows? [18:09] after all, it is free! :) [18:10] genii-around: my door bell :) [18:10] genii-around: sure, most experimental stuff :) [18:10] genii-around: none that I know of, as far as computers go [18:10] genii-around: microsoft kinect ;) [18:10] ^ lol [18:10] I meant commercially produced products.. ;) [18:10] the computer making the car work? [18:10] genii-around: kinect isn't commercially produced? [18:10] Ive been trying desperately since yesterday to get my laptop to output via HDMI to my tv, i tried and tried, asked on irc, checked forums, tried different ways and i gave up and went back to outputting to a monitor [18:10] thats not defeatist its saving my time for the short term [18:11] ChristopherNG, look into xrandr [18:11] TheSheep: I hadn't heard about the Kinect working only for Linux [18:11] genii-around, the kinect has ootb support in recent kernels [18:12] genii-around: well, I suppose it also works when you connect it to some game consoles... [18:12] genii-around: but who would do that [18:12] Heh [18:13] xrdodrx: yeah i will need to check that. [18:13] How easier would it be though if Ati and Nvidia lifted a finger for linux. [18:13] just don't buy their stuff [18:13] I use ATI and Nvidia, even a very recent card, got the ATI drivers from AMD's webiste :) [18:14] Proprietary however :( [18:14] yeah.. [18:15] I can understand why for Ati and Nvidia making drivers for less than 2% is not top priority, even though i dont agree with it. [18:15] well, just get the hardware that works well with linux [18:15] with this I get a tool called amdcccle [18:15] if they are ok with losing that 2%, just let them [18:15] TheSheep, wait, what, what's the alternative for ati/nvidia? [18:15] Intel HD graphics! :P [18:16] knome: the cli! [18:16] knome: my laptop has intel [18:16] TheSheep, nvidia *does* work well with linux! [18:16] TheSheep, but they aren't common on desktops? [18:16] ChristopherNG, bah, "replacement" then [18:16] I think intels are pretty common as build-in cards [18:16] yeah [18:17] i have parts in the mail and am using intel's hd graphics [18:17] Yeah the solution to drivers from Ati and Nvidia not being supported to go back to the CLI, its the only way! :) [18:17] how often they have two dvi/displayport outs? [18:17] it's much cheaper too because you don't need a high wattage PSU ;) [18:17] i have 450W, and that actually works with my brand new nvidia! [18:17] ChristopherNG: what does one has to do with the other? [18:18] ChristopherNG: you are using a command line interface right now, with your shiny graphics [18:18] though i think there is some power shortage now and then when booting; some of the devices seem not to work with every boot. need to buy a new one. [18:18] ChristopherNG: irc is controlled with commands [18:19] Ok let me put it this way... [18:19] btw, all this discussion should probably go to -offtopic ;) [18:20] Will ubuntu have dedicated people to make drivers? or will that never happen? [18:20] TheSheep, probably yes, but as it's at least somewhat ontopic/distantly related, it works well with the relaxed nature of the channel [18:20] kk lets go offtopic [18:20] well you're free to use -offtopic as well... ;) [18:21] i think as long as its civil and linux related should not be too big of a problem. [18:21] as long as it doesn't interfere/block support questions. [18:21] I was looking for help yesterday in here and I got a few vague answers from sysi. [18:22] knome: you never know that [18:22] I might need help from you folks to find out whats wrong with this HDMI out [18:22] ChristopherNG: we are only humans [18:22] no, but i have the superpowers to make people go quiet! [18:22] or sheep [18:22] or gnomes [18:23] or little furry animals from alpha centauri [18:23] to quote a classic [18:23] The official line is LCDs are "not as tested as monitors" so dont work as well as monitors in linux. [18:23] ChristopherNG: huh? that must be from 10 years ago [18:23] Yeah well thats what it said lol! [18:24] ChristopherNG, what was the exact problem again? there is NO picture AT ALL, or the picture is fuzzy? [18:24] I can;t remember when I last saw a crt monitor [18:24] ok let me start from the beginning. [18:24] nooooo! [18:24] :D [18:24] I have a laptop with HDMI out [18:24] just tell me which it is ;) [18:24] I want a mirror of my laptop on my LCD tv using HDMI [18:24] I have no "propriatory drivers" installed [18:25] ChristopherNG, what does 'xrandr -q' say? [18:25] well im outputting to a monitor atm [18:25] (use a pastebin) [18:26] plug the hdmi device in and try that command [18:26] i went back to my monitor becacause i needed it for my Nikon [18:26] knome: ok one sec [18:27] hey do you know if there some improvment about flash player for linux ? [18:27] http://paste.ubuntu.com/662113/ [18:28] found this hello annoying to go on fash site [18:28] thats the output of xrandr -q [18:28] lighta: are you using the 64bith iso? [18:28] LVDS-1 is your primary screen? [18:28] ChristopherNG, ^ [18:28] 32bit, why do have nothing selected on hdmi ChristopherNG ? [18:29] now try xrandr --output 'HDMI-1' --same-as 'LVDS-1' [18:29] knome: I see it now [18:29] its on the display settings [18:29] just appeared out of nowhere [18:29] the lcd [18:29] one sec [18:29] so it's actually working? :P [18:29] hello [18:29] knome: i havent outputted yet [18:29] !hi | carver [18:29] carver: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [18:29] sec [18:29] ChristopherNG, the command which TheSheep is the next step :) [18:29] hello carver [18:30] yeah ChristopherNG xrandr tell you wich setting you set by a little *. You had none on hdmi that mean you was connected but with no config [18:30] lighta, afaik, flash on 32bit shouldn't be too bad [18:30] it's laging like hell knome [18:31] it's working but laging like hell my cpu and ram offten at 100%... [18:31] lighta, try to watch your language [18:31] my computer quite small [18:31] lighta, how much ram do you have then? [18:31] 1gb [18:31] shouldn't be that bad [18:31] that shouldn't be too little, but flash is... well, flash [18:31] lighta: what graphics card do you have? [18:32] lighta: and which driver do you use with it? [18:32] well I'll gave you a pastebin of lshw [18:32] * TheSheep scrolls up [18:32] ah, you *will* [18:32] sorry [18:33] http://pastebin.com/cSQ4xVVA [18:33] can anybody help me about how to change the login screen resolution in xubuntu natty? [18:34] knome: your a genius i dont know why but its up and running [18:34] ChristopherNG, heh, good to hear that [18:35] lighta: hmm, I have the same card and driver and no problems [18:35] lighta: but it *is* slow in fullscreen [18:35] lighta: that's actually a bug in flash for linux [18:35] hmm, ok [18:36] actually depend on website, really do that when there lot of animation [18:36] don't your ram get satured ? [18:36] lighta: that's normal, I use flashblock [18:36] hmm i'll google that [18:36] lighta: I have 2GB of ram, but the most I ever use is about 400MB [18:36] you running mozilla alone then ? [18:37] maybe 800 with things like javam flash or gimp [18:37] no, chromium [18:37] firfox is a memory hog [18:37] firefox [18:39] hmm ok, I'm runing chromium too, but I didn't know about flashblock, i'll try to install that [18:39] doest this one fine ? https://github.com/343max/Flash-Block-for-Chromium ? [18:40] lighta: I use this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gofhjkjmkpinhpoiabjplobcaignabnl# [18:41] can anybody help me about how to change the login screen resolution in xubuntu natty? [18:42] carver: I suppose nobody knows [18:42] TheSheep: ok, thanks [18:43] That's using gdm, and the resolution should be fixed, I don't know if it is changable. [18:43] gdm2setup (available from a PPA for at least maverick) could change some preference in gdm, but i can't remember if it had anything about screen resolution [18:45] charlie-tca: the problem is that my screen resolution is 1980x1080 but in login screen it isn't the same... it's 800x600 [18:45] I suppose it uses whatever is the default in xorg.conf or autodetected [18:46] carver: that doesn't change my not knowing if it can be changed [18:48] i've tried the gdmsetup but it hadn't anything to change resolution... and i looking for xorg.conf but it isn't in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [18:48] carver, gdmsetup OR gdm2setup? [18:48] gdmsetup,sorry [18:49] i'm looking for gdm2setup [18:49] thanks [18:52] knome: i cant install gdm2setup in natty [18:53] http://ppa.launchpad.net/gdm2setup/gdm2setup/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found [18:53] only for lucid and maverick... [18:53] !xorg.conf [18:53] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [18:53] huh? [18:54] really? [19:01] is it possible to get xfce to manage your ssh-agent like gnome did/does? [19:04] charlie-tca: Seems the factoid could be at least updated for upstart [19:07] genii-around: at least. also, I thought they moved the default xorg.conf file now, but can't remember where it moved to. Someplace in /usr [19:27] knome: you still there? [19:27] mm [19:27] was it "xrandr -q" command you had me run? [19:27] mm [19:27] im helping my friend with the same problem [19:27] thanks [19:28] np === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [19:59] is it normal if I run Task Manger and it on itself uses 40% cpu? [19:59] I have Celeron 1.8GHz [19:59] bug? [19:59] why does shutdown never shutdown? [19:59] in Xubuntu? [19:59] ubuntu in general [20:00] it does shutdown.. [20:00] not for me [20:00] what happens instead? [20:00] gigenieks: yes, for the first few seconds, at least [20:01] charlie-tca: it doesn't matter first minute or first hour [20:01] constan 39-43% [20:01] *constant [20:02] That would be a bug then. Mine does it for just a few seconds, then it will go to 0% [20:03] Ok then other question is it hard to report bug if a. Im new to linux b. english is not my first language [20:03] ? [20:03] gigenieks, it is by no means impossible, and it gets easier every time [20:04] No, it is easy. just open a terminal, and type [20:04] gigenieks, language is not a problem, not for you at least. your english is well enough, and people can just ask for more details if they need. [20:04] ubuntu-bug xfce4-taskmanager [20:04] it will open a firefox window, you will sign into launchpad, and complete the report [20:04] mm-hmm, you need to have a launchpad account. [20:04] i retract earlier comment, i meant why does it take so long [20:05] just want start slowly to help *buntu community somehow :) [20:05] incorrect, probably needs to shut down processes [20:05] incorrect: usually because it is shutting down network connections [20:05] ah [20:05] weird my nat box doesn't take long to shutdown [20:06] and its running all sorts of services [20:06] it might be other stuff as well. [20:06] Well, those are improvements, aren't they? [20:06] :) [20:06] another question guys: [20:06] is xfce getting a lot more interest now linus said he uses it? [20:07] my current system is CPU: Celeron 1.8Ghz and 768MB RAM (not DDR2, just DDR) and GeForce 6200 [20:07] if I could get, lets say, Pentium 4 2.8GHz and 2GB Ram [20:07] Xubuntu would run quite smooth right? [20:08] gigenieks, the xfce devs talk about the "linus-effect" (more load in their servers and more spam in the mail), so at least partially yes, people do at least look at xfce. [20:08] incorrect: most people do not bother changing based on someone else's comment [20:08] gigenieks: yes [20:08] that's true what charlie-tca said too. there is no evidence that anybody is switching by the comments, or if they are really "interested" in it genuinely or just watching [20:09] must admit i've converted all my unity desktops over [20:09] gigenieks, just get some 8GB of DDR3 and you'll never notice a bump ;) [20:10] (except when launching firefox ;)) [20:10] I guess the big thing is that Xfce on it's own does nothing. It takes a distribution to put it into a full environment for use [20:10] knome: will you give me some $ for that? [20:10] :D [20:10] nah. :) [20:10] There really are many distributions to pick from, so ... :) [20:10] :( [20:11] another question ---> [20:11] Can I run XP on Virtualbox on Xubuntu with only 768MB DDR RAM? [20:11] I managed to install XP already [20:12] but installation went like forever [20:12] =1.5 or 2h [20:12] How much ram does XP require? [20:12] i suppose.. you can "run" it, but using... not so sure if it would be enjoyable or usable at all [20:12] I set XP to have 256 [20:12] for now [20:12] havent done much [20:12] just installed [20:12] I didn't think it would run in 256? [20:12] It runs on 128MB iirc [20:12] well you can assign more RAM for it, but then your xubuntu will be slower... [20:13] only reason I am going to set XP on Virtualbox [20:13] is for studies [20:13] "run" is far away from "usable" [20:13] need microsoft programs to use [20:13] like Mathematica [20:13] Delphi [20:13] Pascal [20:13] Yes, it runs in 128. I have old P2-400 here with 128Mb running it [20:13] etc [20:13] Then, yes, you can run it [20:13] but was it normal that installation went like 2h? [20:14] xubuntu is great on my netbook, unity, gnome were so slow [20:14] But keep in mind, each application/program will also have requirements [20:14] genii-around, is it at all usable? i'm assigning 4GB of RAM to my XP, and it crawls after running photoshop. [20:14] even eclipse is now pretty usable [20:14] I will ONLY set school programs [20:14] 3-5 [20:14] will not watch movies [20:14] or go in net [20:14] or something like that [20:14] JUST for studies.. [20:15] Well, it is an emulation layer, you can slighly improve it by enabling hardware virtualzation in VBox [20:15] knome: It crawls but works. Always going to swap. [20:15] genii-around, mmh. doesn't sound very enjoyable :) [20:15] I guess I am wondering -> [20:15] knome: Thats why they dual-boot XP and Xubuntu [20:15] if that was normal [20:16] that just installing XP [20:16] it required like 1.5h [20:16] or 2h [20:16] genii-around, yeah, but should't make much difference with these resources. [20:16] i wish xubuntu didn't install abiword etc [20:16] genii-around, XP is ancient anyway [20:16] incorrect, free to remove abiword [20:17] aah remembered [20:17] can abiword open .docx? [20:17] MS Office 2007 word documents? [20:17] * charlie-tca thinks mousepad/leafpad is really bad for reading .docx [20:17] tried one didn't open [20:17] some error [20:17] gigenieks, i wouldn't have thought so === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [20:17] It should, with the plugins installed. [20:17] libre office is probably the best we have on linux [20:18] but by default: no? [20:18] no [20:18] I don't think so [20:18] think or know? [20:18] there is difference :D [20:18] gigenieks, if the file doesn't open, then it won't open. try installing the plugin and try again [20:19] gigenieks, it might very well be that some docx files won't open anyway [20:19] when I have time to fix that [20:19] did you just say it won't open them? [20:19] where I need to go to find that plugin? [20:19] whether or not I know doesn't matter. [20:19] its amazing to think, in the 80 to mid 90's they were many word processors [20:20] yeah, Microsoft took care of that choice, pretty much [20:20] haha [20:20] gigenieks: I use Synaptic Package Manager. [20:20] actually, i think abiword should be able to read .docx [20:20] by default [20:21] at least when reading their website [20:21] they don't mention about plugins, just improved support in 2.8.0 [20:21] ok doesn't matter for now [20:21] just asking ;) [20:21] !info abiword [20:21] abiword (source: abiword): efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-0.3build1 (natty), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4480 kB [20:21] Should be there, then [20:22] When I setup this box, I was the only user, and selected Dvorak for the keyboard, now there are two other users, and I need to set the system default keyboard to Qwerty, but I don't know where the global setting is? [20:22] ahh can someone recommend some "time management"? [20:22] I tried few years ago [20:22] gigenieks, korganizer [20:23] yeah [20:23] have tried that [20:23] that's kde, so will drag in lots of libraries [20:23] i was hoping for xfce type [20:24] gigenieks, me too, if you find one let me know! [20:24] how? [20:24] there is orage, but i'm not sure how good in time management it is (at least it supports alerts!) [20:24] gigenieks, I hang out here. [20:25] btw my father asked me to find this out: [20:25] Do someone knows a browser which supports syncing of bookmarks to some account? [20:26] meaning if you go to another pc [20:26] you log in your account [20:26] and there you have your bookmars [20:26] etc [20:26] via some plugin/webservice, probably [20:26] kinda cloud thing [20:27] whats the topic of discussion? [20:27] offtopic [20:27] !offtopic [20:27] #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [20:27] I am just asking random questions [20:27] for now [20:27] right next get selenium to load at login [20:28] searching synaptic for "time management", there is at least 'redmine', 'taglog' as well as 'hamster-applet' for the gnome panel (accessible via the xfapplet -applet), but i don't know how they are [20:28] Ah great! Well i have a huge smile on my face becase im using soon the XMBC and outputting to my tv on xubuntu [20:28] gigenieks: firefox now has a thing called sync your bookmarks [20:28] ! ubuntuone > gigenieks [20:28] gigenieks, please see my private message [20:28] n2diy_, ubuntu one is not really working on xubuntu AFAIK [20:28] n2diy_: doesn't work well at all in Xubuntu [20:28] !behelpful [20:28] As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. [20:29] ChristopherNG, gigenieks: we're not offtopic, we're just on completely random things around xubuntu [20:29] knome, charlie-tca, I'm using ubuntuone, admittedly from the cli. [20:30] That doesn't make it "working in Xubuntu" though [20:30] When I setup this box, I was the only user, and selected Dvorak for the keyboard, now there are two other users, and I need to set the system default keyboard to Qwerty, but I don't know where the global setting is? [20:30] Add the keyboard plugin to the panel [20:30] n2diy_, maybe you want to share your experiences then, with ubuntuone in xubuntu (even in the terminal), in a blog maybe. that might be helpful for a bunch of people [20:30] charlie-tca, that doesn't help at the login screen. [20:31] hm, [20:31] n2diy_, is it set in Xorg.conf? [20:31] hm, xorg.conf [20:31] knome, I followed a blog I found with google for ubuntuone help, let me check xorg.conf. [20:32] knome, I cant "find" or "locate" Xorg.conf. [20:33] I am sorry, that should be dpkg reconfigure-keyboard, I think [20:33] Maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup ? [20:33] i love that i can reboot my vm now and i can be logged in, in less than 7 seconds [20:33] charlie-tca, ok, let me try that. [20:33] no, they changed it to keyboard itself [20:33] n2diy_: dpkg-reconfigure keyboard [20:34] charlie-tca: Ah, OK [20:34] But thanks for the correct syntax! [20:34] used to be console-setup, and probably still is in 10.04 [20:36] do you folks think it would be easy enough to set my old computer up as a nas? [20:36] ..using xubuntu [20:36] "nas"? [20:36] or will you folks say that freenas will be better.. [20:36] nas = network attached storage [20:37] charlie-tca, genii-around console-setup worked. [20:37] ok clear (not that I know what that is hehe) [20:37] Ideally you need no gui on a NAS [20:38] genii-around: maybe the keyboard is just oneiric, now? [20:38] off for now. see you later [20:39] see you :) [20:39] knome: bye [20:39] gotta reboot for the keyboard change, brb. [20:39] charlie-tca: Maybe, this is the first I've heard of it. But then i don't always review the oneiric-changes [20:40] Yeah, I am running it, and that makes it harder to get things right, sometimes [20:43] ChristopherNG: You can do something like install ubuntu-minimal ( command-line system ) then add services selectively like CIFS or iSCSI or however. With an internal facing webserver and some control software like ebox/zentyal [20:44] genii-around: I was thinking of something like that or even the first slackware cd with is pure cli [20:50] all is well [20:50] ChristopherNG: I previously made one like this for an experiment which used raid5 on 4 usb sticks [20:51] any good? [20:52] tried for 1st time to open Transmission [20:52] Not really :) I eventually worked out to have mirrored boot from usb, and then just used all of the space on the internal hard drives for pure storage [20:53] got: Transmission cannot be started. Couldn't open "/home/gigenieks/.config/transmission/lock": no such file or directory [20:53] nice :P [20:53] ^ ChristopherNG [20:57] genii-around: yeah perhaps you over complicated the thing abit too much [20:57] ive been hearing alot about freenas === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [21:44] guys? [21:44] How can I check free space on Xubuntu? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [22:00] gigenieks: thunar displays it in the status bart [22:00] bar [22:00] gigenieks: also, you can use the 'df' command in terminal [22:01] gigenieks: 'df -h' displays it in readable units [22:09] TheSheep: I have problem can't really describe it but here it goes (copy-paste froem #ubuntu) ----> [22:10] I have some problem (not important what) and I wanted to post "new thread" in Ubuntu Forums, BUT I can't make full use of possibilities (meaning editing text (colors, bolding, adding urls etc)) I can only post PURE text... Issue is that I can't click (in other words when I click for example on B nothing happens there is no [B][/B] on screen) on any icons (even smilies!) [22:11] understand what I mean? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [22:13] not really an xubuntu issue, contact the forum moderators/admin team [22:13] I don't think it is forum problem [22:15] gigenieks: why is that ? [22:16] in Kubuntu for example with Firefox (what is installed in Xubuntu by default) everything worked [22:17] gigenieks: by that same logic then, it's not a problem with xubuntu as no-other xubuntu users are reporting it [22:17] gigenieks, maybe some javascript blocker is active [22:18] does the forums post options run off javascript ? [22:18] lukinfore: exactly what I thought (didn't know how it was called) [22:18] How would I troubleshoot this? [22:18] probably should install some browser and check in that [22:18] f.e. chromium [22:19] but Ubuntu Software center doesn't open [22:19] ok - so it sounds like your install has an issue here [22:19] Can it be because i have only 50mb free of RAM? [22:19] as i know neither of it is installed by default [22:19] gigenieks: how much ram do you have overall [22:19] 768MB DDR (not DDR2) [22:19] ok I will restart pc [22:19] that should be fine [22:19] brb [22:49] I am back (kinda) [22:49] now I can't login :D [22:49] writing from Kubuntu [23:11] need help with this ---> [23:11] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11135849#post11135849 [23:11] Can't anymore login in Xubuntu [23:20] gigenieks, seems like $HOME have no free space [23:21] yes! [23:21] I remembered [23:21] when I typed "df -h" [23:21] it showed something like this ---> [23:21] 110G [23:22] 105 used [23:22] 0% free [23:22] or 100% full [23:22] can't really remember details [23:22] in other way: [23:23] it showed that I have 5gb free but also showed that 100% hard disk is full [23:24] !enter | gigenieks [23:24] gigenieks: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [23:25] If /home is full, you won't be able to log in. [23:25] You will need to boot a live cd and delete some files from /home [23:27] !mx [23:28] bazhang: I think it is easier to read few lines that 1 long paragraph [23:29] *than [23:29] gigenieks, you would think wrongly; also please do NOT crosspost to multiple channels [23:32] O.K. I will post 1 long paragraph from now on. :) But I dont see any issue with posting in 2 channels (especially because in other channel there is much, much less people) [23:32] gigenieks, its the same people, and you may get conflicting advice [23:33] !crosspost > gigenieks [23:33] gigenieks, please see my private message [23:37] bazhang: "conflicting advice" - huh? How is that? (and whatever, I will decide on what advice to do) === xGrind is now known as xGrind-off [23:38] gigenieks, at any rate, please do NOT do it in the future, thank you. [23:38] Can't promiss. :P [23:44] gigenieks: you agreed to follow the guidelines when entering the channel. That is a guideline you agreed to. [23:44] OK I booted from Live CD. Typed in terminal command "df -h" and got --> /dev/sda6 (Xubuntu) Size: 110G Used 105G Avail 0 Use% 100% [23:45] Avail 0 == full drive [23:45] you will need to remove some files [23:45] Used 105G [23:45] not 110G [23:46] It is a good idea to remove music or videos [23:46] Use% 100% [23:46] You have no space left. You can insist you do, but it won't change the numbers [23:48] charlie-tca: OK I have to agre about that stuff about guidelines. But to be honest you with bazhang made me quite ANGRY.... yes I did post in 2 channels, but I don't flood or post in same channel like 5 times same question... or any that kinda stuff. grrrr [23:49] Well, okay [23:50] That's allowed. We try to keep the crossposting stopped because too many times people do that, two people say different things, in different channels, and you (the user) don't really get a usable answer. [23:51] Also, the user doing that can not posibly talk to both channels at once, if an answer in given in both at the same time. [23:51] but to resolve the space issue, you will still have to remove some stuff [23:52] a small amount of drive space is always reserved for use by the filesystem. In this case, that is the missing 5GB.