=== 14WABV4VR is now known as sunnydrake [07:41] * apw yawns === ehw_ is now known as ehw [10:19] zul <-> apw <-> NCommander [10:19] discuss. [10:19] ? [10:19] zul: Share what you just showed me please. [10:19] it looks like some lxc containers stuff is not enabled on omap4 (i ran lxc-checkconfig on the board and this is the output) [10:20] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/662527/ [10:29] Daviey, where was the bug on these [10:30] zul, some of this is known i believe and sitting fix committed [10:31] ah ok cool then [10:34] is there a ppa with the latest omap kernel that might have these fixes? [10:41] zul nope, but i can make you a kernel shortly once i've checked they are all set correctly [10:42] apw: yes please :) [10:47] zul can you tell from your tree what the File capabilities: missing [10:47] is checking ? [10:48] CONFIG_SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES i think [10:49] ok that check is just bogus, that security option is gone [10:49] the code it enabled is always enabled now [10:50] ok cool [10:50] doesn't bode well for the code actually tracking the kernel very well, as it was removed in .33 [10:58] zul: http://people.canonical.com/~apw/lp787749-oneiric/ [10:59] apw: thanks [11:49] hi.. i could use some help, i hope there's somebody awake.. [11:50] I've used my tv as screen via HDMI with my old ubuntu 9 without a problem, but it won't work with newer versions.. I'm starting to thing it has something to do with recent kernels [11:50] rings any bell? [12:08] tekess, doesn't ring a bell for me no, i think i've used my hdmi right up to natty [12:10] it works on natty for you? [12:10] without any tunning? [12:14] tekess, yep, plug it in and on it comes [12:14] which kernel version are you using? [12:14] what happens for you, does running xrandr --auto do anything [12:14] whatever the latest in natty is [12:15] i have no idea, could you check it please? [12:15] i'd have to reboot to confirm confirm, as i am running an oneiric kernle right now for testing [12:16] oh, it's ok.. thanks anyway [12:17] bummer :-/ [12:17] tekess, i'd suggest you file a bug anyhow. though do plug it in and run xrandr --auto [12:17] it may pick it up [12:18] i can't run xrandr, when doing it remotely it won't work [12:18] export DISPLAY=:0.0 first ? [12:19] mmnn [12:25] sorry.. apw, still there? [12:31] i exported display and then ran xrandr --auto... it said "can't open display" [12:39] are you the same user as logged in ? [12:40] i've tried with my user and with root as well [12:40] but i don't follow.. what do you mean? [12:41] well you can only access the display server as the logged in user [12:41] which logged in user? [12:42] you mean there must be an xsession opened? [12:42] i was assuming so yes [12:43] well.. it's hard to initiate an xsession when i can't see anything [12:43] but i guess i can try if then there's something i can do to check if i did it correctly [12:43] hmmm [12:44] but since it's a just installed system i have no idea what the screen will look like.. [12:45] since during the instalation i created my non-root user.. can I asume the login window will have my user already selected and I just have to type my password? [12:45] probabally return return will do the trick; but first [12:45] see what modes you have avilable on that connector [12:46] apw@dm$ cd /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1 [12:46] you should have something like that directory available [12:46] in there, what do status and modes contains [12:46] status: connected [12:47] modes: lots of them.. [12:47] first one is 1920x1080, which is the one it's working on my old ubuntu 9 [12:49] is there any log in which i can track if i do any login attempt? [12:49] cat dpms ? [12:49] On [12:54] sorry again :( [12:54] apw, i hope you're still there, you're helping me a lot! [12:55] tekess, well those parameters imply the kernel thinks that output is on [12:56] what the hell can be happening then? [12:56] well the mode could be incompatible with the monitor so its switching off [12:56] unfortuanatly the kernel is not telling me which mode is enabled [12:57] but the mode that is active should be the first one in modes file, right? [12:57] can i force one specific mode? [12:57] tekess, i have no idea, mine are in order largest to smallest, and yes the first one happens to be selected [12:58] but 1) i can't say for sure it always is, and 2) that list has no refresh rate info [12:58] ok [12:58] so ... i think you need to attempt to login on that console [12:58] and then run xrandr remotly to find out the real mode selected [12:58] ok, would you help me to do that? [12:58] i think ret ret should do it, and if your sound works you should hear the login sound [12:59] i think i've already tried and i didn't hear anything, let me try again [13:00] no sound [13:00] no logs I could check? [13:00] <_ruben> this might not be the best place to ask, but i'll try anyway :) .. the statistics as shown by 'ip -s link', can they be fetched (easily) from the kernel "manualy"? like through proc/sys/whatever? [13:01] _ruben, you could try stracing the command to see where it gets them [13:01] <_ruben> why didn't i think of that.. sigh [13:02] <_ruben> ah, uses netlink it seems, wonder how friendly that interface is [13:04] apw, i think i might have logged in, w command reports me in tty7 running x-session-manager and there are a lot of processes running, such as gnome-screensaver, etc [13:04] tekess, sounds good, then export DISPLAY=:0.0 and run xrandr [13:04] pastebin the output or something [13:05] ok [13:06] "no protocol specified, can't open display :0.0" [13:10] can you paste the exact commands please [13:10] as that combination works here for me [13:10] sure [13:11] http://pastebin.com/hYv4ab8K [13:17] tgardner, remind me how wireless channel overlap, there is some complexity [13:18] hey, apw.. I found this in Xorg.0.log: "Output HDMI1 using initial mode 1920x1080" [13:18] is that a reasonable output [13:18] but I also found "Output HDMI1 connected" a few lines upper [13:19] reasonable? i guess so.. it's a hdtv, and that mode works on ubuntu 9 [13:19] tekess, what Xorg.*.log files do you have in /var/log [13:20] 0 and 6 [13:20] and whats the machine called with the hdmi output [13:21] mmnn.. what do you mean? [13:22] the hostname of it [13:22] i'm really sorry, my english sucks :( [13:22] it's rubik [13:22] and you logged in as tekess ? [13:22] yes [13:22] it's the only non-root user existing [13:23] ps -ef | grep compiz, does that show anything [13:23] nope [13:24] apw, its most common in the 2.4Ghz band using 802.11bg. channels are 5Mhz wide, but the radio uses 15 Mhz. therefore, the only completely non-overlapping channels are 1,4,8, and 12 (IIRC) [13:24] tekess, can you pastebin the ps -ef output [13:24] sure [13:24] tgardner, so 2 5 9 would be a valid combination [13:25] trying to work out why my wireless perf has gone to turd all of a sudden [13:25] and i am on 8 [13:25] but ... there are peeps on 6 (and a lot of em) [13:25] apw, yep, as long as there aren't any sources on 1,4,8 etc [13:25] so perhaps they are my problem [13:25] possibly. [13:25] apw, http://pastebin.com/7wuPd97P [13:28] what about running xrandr from .xinitrc and redirecting its output to some file, would that work? [13:29] or .xsession.. I never remember which one to use [13:30] can you pastebin the output of cat -vet /proc/2547/environ [13:31] here, http://pastebin.com/RSVSJ38t [13:32] DISPLAY=:0 ... so the X server really is on :0 [13:32] I also tried export DISPLAY=:0 [13:33] XAUTHORITY=/var/run/gdm3/auth-for-tekess-PbBgRZ/database [13:33] you could try exporting that too [13:33] ok, let me try [13:36] bummer [13:36] http://pastebin.com/LNBL8zEy [13:36] tekess, ok so ... what resolution is this external monitor [13:37] it's a high definition tv [13:37] either the manual will tell you the resolution, or you'll have to tell us the make to make sure [13:38] as HD tells us almost nothing [13:38] yeah, i know [13:38] let me check [13:38] with ubuntu 9 i never had to do anything special [13:38] just select the correct aspect ratio so the whole screen would fit [13:39] tekess, 9.04 or 9.10 [13:41] <_ruben> hm, seems ifconfig uses /proc/net/dev .. that seems more "accessible" [13:41] 9.10 [13:41] I can run it if there's some command output that could help us [13:42] tekess, you might try xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1280x720 [13:43] tekess, what make and model is your display/tv [13:44] give me a minute, its owner's manual is a pain in the ass [13:46] it's a LG, 32LG30 [13:46] i can't believe it, but i can't find resolution or whatsoever in the manual [13:47] oops, sorry, correct model is 32LG5600 [13:48] did xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1280x720 change anything [13:49] actually it did [13:49] still blank, but there's no "no signal" message [13:50] and you've tried to wiggle the mouse to wake it up [13:50] yep [13:51] that's weird... i do ctrl+alt+f3 or f4, and I get the "no signal" [13:51] but not in f7 [13:52] not so supprising as the other vts are in their own modes [13:53] mmnn.. with xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 I get back the "no signal" thing [13:53] also not supprising htat was the mode you were using before [13:53] yep, i know [13:53] aaaaargh, i hate this! [13:54] am i supposed to keep ubuntu 9 till the end of time? or buy a monitor? arrgh [13:55] tekess, nope, something is broke, but you have reached then end of my X knowledge. you should get a bug filed and move this over to #ubuntu-x, they should know more than I [13:56] ok [13:56] thank you so much though [14:00] tgardner, looks to be worse than we thought, 1, 6, and 11 are the only non-overlapping combinations [14:01] apw, the only _truly_ non-overlapping channels. its an analog kind of thing. [14:01] right [14:01] left [14:02] *slap* [14:02] *duck* [14:02] toooo slow [14:02] *ouch* [14:03] I'll give it another try after having lunch, good bye you all, and Andy, thanks again [14:03] bye [14:31] <_ruben> hm, got errors in 'dmesg' about ata4, wonder how i could find which disk is attached to it [14:44] _ruben, Should be possible to find looking at dmesg [14:44] If there is still the beginning [14:44] <_ruben> couldn't find any hard references really [14:48] _ruben, Hm, currently not be able to verify with more disks, but I believe there is /proc/scsi/scsi and a relation to the host controller [14:49] <_ruben> the problem slightly changed, box hang, rebooted, now stuck at boot :/ .. last line is regarding fsck exiting with 1 for /boot [14:50] Maybe problems with ata4 was trying to hint you something... [14:54] Sometimes a manual fsck recovers thing, though (without knowing/seeing more) it also could be some more serious trouble with the driver. [14:54] <_ruben> pretty much unrelated, pulled all drives from that software raid volume, leaving only the flashdisk with /boot and root-on-lvm .. still bails at the fsck [14:54] I mean drive [14:57] <_ruben> guess i'll be hooking up an usb cdrom drive later on to boot a recovery cd .. few reboots later no fsck errors, but it completing remains the last lines on screen [15:00] "it" meaning the fsck? Or dropping to the recovery shell? [15:01] Oh, otherwise hanging... could it have the raid in fstab and mountall waiting? [15:01] Then hitting "s" may help [15:11] <_ruben> ah right, lets try that (didnt know that 's') [15:12] <_ruben> s just prints on screen .. ctrl-c's show up as ^C .. [15:12] <_ruben> and yes, the raid's in fstab === apw changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Oneiric Kernel Version: 3.0 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - August - 16 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer! [17:47] tgardner, i am wondering if we should upload oneiric ti-omap4 given all the pending config stuff [17:47] apw, I've no problem with that [17:48] want me to do it? [17:48] tgardner, ok i'll tie a bow on it and shove === bryceh_ is now known as bryceh [19:06] apw: where did your "ALL" export move to? [19:06] s/~apw/~kernel/ [19:06] cool, thanks [19:06] sorry didn't realise you used it [19:06] it's pretty! :) [19:07] its curtianly something :) got a bit smaller today [19:07] any idea what the ETA is for ti-omap4 and fsl-imx51 ? [19:07] yup [19:07] kees, i am unsure as to whats going on with them. i'll ask sconklin [19:07] sconklin, ^^ [19:08] kees: dunno. Honestly we sort of throw those over the fence. I'll check [19:08] sconklin, that in part is why its odd they are lagging, they almost should lead :) [19:09] they can't lead the branch they are rebased from [19:11] sconklin, well they can pass in testing :) [19:11] sconklin, if there is something we can do to help get them out let me know [19:11] oh, wait, we're talking about ~recent~ kernels [19:12] i can always find time to poke arm people with sharp sticks if they arn't testing [19:12] yeah, actually about those carrying lots of cves now [19:13] apw, sconklin: this week the bot should be opening bugs for the arm packages, once they get copied to -proposed [19:14] herton: using create-cve-tracker, or is this something else? [19:14] herton: that's right - this should mostly resolve the issue [19:14] kees, he means release trackers [19:14] ah, okay [19:14] which drives them to get uploaded etc [19:14] kees: something else, the stable bot (sru-workflow-manager aka shank bot) [19:15] herton: okay, cool. should we add them to create-cve-tracker too? [19:15] kees, arm branches are already in the cve bugs [19:16] kees, that reminds me 2011-1833 as your magic script added the missing nominations etc ? [19:16] *has [19:16] apw: ah, true. it's missing -ec2 [19:16] yeah we should fix that [19:16] though you are fixing it anyhow right automatically [19:16] apw: it has the capability, yes. [19:17] apw: I add nominations automatically, but not missing packages (e.g. -ec2) [19:17] oh i see [19:17] then you won't fix 2011-1833 ... as someone added a different package bug to the cve i assume you won't use the create-tracker to fix it ? [19:18] I _can_ have it add the missing packages, but I've left that disabled for now since it wasn't clear yet if it had value. [19:18] * kees looks [19:18] kees perhaps i'll ask a differnt way. what should i expect to happen to that CVE [19:18] as its not in a workable state right now kernel wise [19:19] ah right, let me stab it with my script... [19:22] kees, should it have a new bug, or should we aim to fix the existing ? [19:22] apw: I'll update the existing. one moment. [19:25] kees, ok i'll add -ec2 to the creater [19:26] apw: 732628 should reflect reality now [19:26] bug #732628 [19:26] Launchpad bug 732628 in ecryptfs-utils "TOCTOU in mount.ecryptfs_private" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/732628 [19:29] kees, linux-ec2> added and pushed to the git repo [19:31] apw: cool, thanks. [19:31] kees, you seem to have added linux-source-2.6.15, and linux-ti-omap [19:32] yeah, just noticed that. removing from the list now.... [19:32] kees, but i don't think either have anything but Invalid across the board, and you haven't applied that either [19:32] cool [19:33] kees, on the Introduced-by: Fixed-By: ... if we have more than one bug they are hard to pair up, why did we not use a Break-Fix: type thing instead. either Break-Fix: or just Fixed-by: but with two parameters ? [19:34] s/bug/fix [19:34] apw: I can swap that around. Just using "Break-Fix:" there seems the most sane. [19:34] yeah i concur [19:55] sforshee, hi! do you think that intel bugfix will be release in 11.10? [20:08] mfilipe, I think so -- I just checked, and it looks like it has been merged to the i915 maintainer's tree as a fix for 3.1 [20:12] ;) [20:12] thanks [20:33] why does LP have to be so slow? :P [20:33] OOPS-2048CP55 [20:33] https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=2048CP55 [20:41] apw: I see that linux-linaro is not in your ALL report. what's the support state of that kernel? [20:46] ogasawara: brad told me that may be you know, or may be someone else, do we have a machine to build powerpc test kernels (like tangerine)? [20:47] herton: yep, use davis [21:21] sforshee, did I not respond to your trackpad email? [21:22] if I did I'm really sorry [21:22] I try to hit everyone who emails me, but sometimes stuff slips through... [21:27] cnd, I did't see a reply, but don't worry about it :) [21:28] sforshee, it looks like you're making progress on alps :) [21:28] when I decoded the magic trackpad I would do things like two finger drags in only the X or Y direction [21:29] and then watch the bits to see what's changing [21:29] dunno if that helps [21:29] cnd, I've been trying that, but I still haven't found the pattern for some of the stuff [21:30] ok [21:30] * herton -> eod [21:30] I'm glad we're getting somewhere with alps though [21:30] the values seem to vary based on position, I just can't find the relationship [21:30] hmm [21:31] cnd, at this point I could get pretty close to a workable driver without multitouch [21:31] sforshee, with multifinger? [21:32] cnd, I could give one position and number of touches [21:32] the main problem is that sometimes that position seems to jump to a different contact point [21:32] that's a big improvement in itself :) [21:32] that's not too surprising actually [21:33] yeah, but it makes for a jumpy cursor sometimes :) [21:33] we see the same issue with the semi-mt multitouch trackpads [21:33] if you look at the synaptics driver, I believe we always emit the smallest of the two values in one slot, and the largest in the other slot [21:34] cnd, I think I remember seeing that [21:34] I'm only getting one value right now tho [21:34] but even in semi-mt mode, synaptics tries to provide the best single touch coordinate [21:34] is that because you haven't decoded the second packet? [21:34] maybe, I'm not sure whether the second packet contains a coordinate or not [21:35] the values can seem very haphazard [21:35] sometimes they look like they might be tracking position, then they do something crazy that doesn't make sense [21:36] hmmm [21:36] it's quite a puzzle :) [21:36] no doubt [21:36] if you could use a second pair of eyes on a trace to try to decode it, I'd be happy to try :) [21:37] it can't hurt [21:37] let me clean up my notes, and I'll send those to you along with some traces [21:37] ok === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan