[00:10] ScottK: well, this was for today, and I don't know why the builds would fail when they did on account of apt - the failure is well after the actual livefs build + downloading [05:52] Any thoughts on why the latest Kubuntu powerpc image failed due to unity, gnome-session, and ubuntuone-client-gnome not being installable? [05:53] I've looked through the germinate output and can't find it. [06:09] from what I see, ubuntuone-client-gnome has been superseded by ubuntuone-client? [06:10] (based on what I've just seen in a dist-upgrade here) [06:33] I've no idea how any of those even got on a Kubuntu CD, let alone fail an ISO build. [06:33] heh, good point === doko__ is now known as doko [13:22] Desktop images failed again today; same errors as yesterday [13:22] 2011-08-10 10:59:16 ERROR 404: Not Found. [13:22] for many items at end of build [14:02] cjwatson: do you have any idea what's up with the live builds failing to find live filesystems on the local disk? I don't see any pertinent changes to cdimage [14:04] no, it was like that when I got back from holiday ... [14:04] I'll see if I can dig into it today then [14:08] cool, thanks === Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha === Ursinha is now known as Guest8410 === Guest8410 is now known as Ursula === Ursula is now known as Ursinha === jamespage1 is now known as jamespage [17:06] skaet, feature freeze is today eod, or tomorrow eod? [17:06] meaning, are we safe tomorrow to upload new features? [17:09] ara: The latter I reckon but I'm not 100% sure. [17:09] It's definitely not today. [17:16] freezes officially take effect at 0000UTC on the indicated day [17:16] so you have about 7 hours left [17:16] thanks slangasek [17:58] slangasek: I thought skaet said 18:00 UTC tomorrow [18:00] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/08/05/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t15:02 [18:05] slangasek, freeze time was set for tomorrow at 18:00 UTC for last couple of weeks. More lands earlier though the better ;) [21:14] skaet: ah, well, bonus development time for everyone then ;) [21:16] slangasek, yup. :)