[00:01] wrst: join the crowd...I too grew up watching hee-haw :) [00:03] going to try and learn python with my daughter using the python4kids (http://python4kids.wordpress.com) might be fun, might be just pure anguish....not sure yet :P [00:05] wrst: just read (skimmed) that article...didn't know about Arch and unsigned packages [00:05] read about Jeoss just yesterday from the same author [00:23] netritious: weird [00:47] cyberanger: what's weird? [00:54] yeah netritious i don't think arch would be a good production server I like it on the dekstop [00:57] netritious: old code [00:57] wrst: idk which is worse though, stale code, or brand new code [00:57] cyberanger: typical from open core projects :/ [00:57] not much of a middle ground, unfortunately [01:00] netritious: suppose so [01:00] well cyberanger depends on what you are doing on my laptop i love arch but I don't think I would even want it on my home server [01:06] I've looked into Arch... never installed it, but they have more docs on LxC than any other distro, unless I've overlooked something [01:11] netritious: arch is very cool, but certainly not an easy to install/setup distro [01:14] wrst: from what I've read so far looks more like a BSD derivative than Linux, where you build most of your packages versus installing binary packages [01:14] is that a correct observation or...? [01:15] netritious: on arch? [01:15] wrst: yeah [01:16] no you don't have to build them it uses pacman as the package manager with similar functionality to apt-get [01:16] you just have to configure everything [01:16] that's right...forgot about pacman [01:17] right, no "system best defaults" [01:17] so *not* more like a BSD derivative [01:17] yeah you can do it the other way if you want [01:17] i've heard that pacman is similar to a ports system from bsd [01:19] hmm...yeah with FreeBSD ports it's simply cd'ing to the port dir (eg "cd /ports/web/apache2) and performing a "make all && make install && make clean" [01:19] then you watch your console fill up with lines of strange texts :) [01:19] yeah this is much simpler to install something you just simply "pacman -S package_name [01:20] I guess I'm wondering what under the hood of pacman is like FreeBSD [01:20] and with arch you have the AUR (arch user repository) for software that aren't in the official repos, sorta like a PPA in ubuntu [01:20] or the ports system rather [01:20] yeah I noticed that the other day poking around on the site [01:21] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman [01:22] Arch from all reports supports ARM in lots of flavors, and I've been researching that for a few years now (Linux on ARM) [01:23] hmm netritious i didn't know the official one did [01:23] i have seen this: http://archlinuxarm.org/ [01:24] hmm that looks pretty cool [01:34] wrst: yeah I've really wanted to get into embedded design/programming, but there is just not enough concise information out there, I mean there are tons of different types of ARM (RISC) CPUs, distros have dropped support for some of the older CPUs, even Ubuntu dropped support for the ARMv6 (ARM11) CPUs with Karmic (which is not that old and in a ton of devices), but Ubuntu does support the Cortex A8/A9 CPUs now, but it costs $200-$300 f [01:35] you have to pay for ubuntu on those platforms netritious? [01:35] so it's just been one hurdle after another for me and embedded Linux :/ [01:36] oh no, nothing like that [01:36] Ubuntu is (atm) still free [01:36] I see Ubuntu moving to open core though, but I could be wrong [01:37] oh ok I misunderstood that I thought that was not very Ubuntu like but htought maybe on the embedded stuff it could be different [01:37] the OS is free, but the hardware platform is not reasonably priced for not knowing which version and which distro of Linux will support it [01:38] ahh gotcha netritious [01:38] almost like a dog chasing it's tale lol [01:38] i must say that ubuntu in general i think is still good but man unity absolutely ruined it on the desktop for me [01:39] have you heard about Linus Torvalds recent comments on Gnome 3? [01:39] he bashes it pretty bad [01:39] but, I've read he did that with Gnome 1 and 2 lol [01:40] I would say don't use Gnome? :) [01:42] back from meatloaf and a store run. Just scrolled back and read yalls convo [01:48] orangeninja: troll much? :D [01:50] I don't think I troll much. DO I give the impression I have a troll problem? [01:51] netritious: yes i read those comments, i'm rather fond of gnome 3 i'm using it all the time [01:54] wrst: I have not personally tried Unity but from some videos and what you have said I don't know if I would like it either. Too much like a netbook or tablet OS. [01:55] Kind of has me thinking about other distros. [01:56] orangeninja: well in 11.04 you can use the "classic" desktop and in 11.10 you can use gnome 3/shell if you like [01:56] and gnome shell has those same netbook feel at times also [01:56] and unity will improve I'm sure but its just not my favorite way of doing things [01:58] Well I just bought a $16 LinuxUser Magazine that came with a Triple Distro DVD. [01:58] orangeninja: I've only met you a few hours ago, and would say you're the trolliest person I've ever met [01:59] Linux Mint 11 Ubuntu 11.04 Fedora 15 [02:00] orangeninja: there you go you can try unity and gnome 3 [02:00] f15 has gnome 3 [02:00] netritious: how did I troll you? or would you like to take this to pm? I would like to know what I did. [02:01] orangeninja: you know I'm kidding right? [02:01] Well like you said we just met so I didnt know what you think... [02:01] heh [02:02] I was thinking I really need to work on my IRC manners or something..... lol [02:02] ha ha [02:02] haha gotcha orangeninja ;) [02:03] netritious: looks like linus ditched kde for gnome when kde 4 came out i'm thinking linus is just another opinonated user when it comes to desktops [02:03] I guess my meatloaf dinner made me extra sensitive or something....lol [02:03] my bad, my bad [02:05] orangeninja: meatloaf has a way of doing that, both the food and the singer [02:05] I would do anything for love.... uh huh, what wrst?? [02:06] but I won't do that... [02:06] Ohhh Nooo [02:06] i've always wondered what "that" was [02:06] lol [02:07] lol me too, hmmmm? [02:08] wrst: where are you? [02:08] the Meatloaf references flying around in here is giving me gas :D [02:10] ok, going to stop joking now.... orangeninja doesn't know me well enough yet [02:10] anyhow, going to go play some drums in a few... was nice to meet you orangeninja... BBL wrst! :P [02:11] ha ha see you later netritious, i'm about to head to bed , happy drumming [02:11] orangeninja: i'm in livingston [02:11] netritious: I am sorry bro. I really thought I had pissed you off or something.. Well played sir, well played. I wont be so sensitive now. [02:11] ;) [02:11] see you guys [02:12] wow livingston? And that makes you middle Tn? [02:16] officially but we are just about to east to be middle, to west to be east [02:17] upper cumberland to be correct i'm sorta on the plateau where I live [02:17] kinda on the side of it [02:19] bet it is a nice area though [02:20] I really like it [02:20] orangeninja: you are from west tn correct? [02:21] I am in Nashville [02:22] ahh cool [02:23] nice place there too [02:23] well orangeninja i'm going to turn it in for the night have a good night! [02:45] you too gnight [14:37] Good morning everyone [15:10] * cyberanger yawns [15:11] B-E-A-UTIFUL DAY! [15:18] wrst: how's yours? [15:19] same here cyberanger I'm loving that hint of fall in the morning [15:23] it's not a hint here [15:23] I made it to Maryville, not even 5 miles from the smokies [15:24] and compared to cleveland, it is right there [15:37] it was 62 this morning when I got out, I'm loving that [15:42] when was that? [15:42] Unit193: still loving pianobar [15:42] it does look like it's messing with the cap a little [15:43] so I think the cap ignores it [15:46] wrst: wasn't that good when I was out, 9:30-10 (8:30-9 there) [15:46] when was is 62 [15:46] * cyberanger is jealous [15:46] 7ish [15:50] ah, an hour an a half sooner, that maybe [15:51] it was a cool night, left in my jacket, still no more than 80 [16:00] yeah I am digging this over 90+ [16:15] seems it went up some, high noon it does, might be 85 now [16:16] it'll drop soon enough [16:20] yeah this is leading into a really nice time of the year I'm sure we will have one more heat wave before we get to the real good stuff [16:48] yep, esp next week for me, Arkansas & possibly Texas too [16:49] but that means the following week is a win for just about anything [16:51] filling out e86 forums (for anyone who isn [16:52] 't aware, it's Federal Security paperwork) [16:52] so I'll bbiab [17:27] http://www.textfiles.com/internet/electrop.txt [17:30] cyberanger: Yep, it's sweet! I wouldn't think you would go for Pithos (I don't really either) and the one with the most features is windows/mono/wine only :P [18:11] wtf [18:11] that was far too many hours disconnected ... unacceptable [18:35] what happened pace_t_zulu? [18:37] wrst: dunno ... nothing to do with uptime [18:37] perhaps i accidentally hit the "Disconnect from IRC" button on the toolbar in the client UI [18:37] that is weird [18:37] * pace_t_zulu hides the quassel-client toolbar [18:38] I have done that before its easy to do [18:38] if that's what i did ... [18:38] you still tolerating quassel it appears [18:38] too easy ... no need for the toolbar [18:38] wrst: yea ... the persistent connection + GUI is a solid combination [18:40] yes and the phone app is nice also [18:43] we are glad you are back pace_t_zulu [18:49] wrst: android? [18:50] wrst: it wouldn't be a bad thing to get a cocoa implementation ... kind of the same way that Transmission has native GUIs with the same codebase under the hood [18:51] yes pace_t_zulu [18:51] quasseldroid [18:51] works pretty well [18:52] wrst: yea, i've talked to the guy who wrote it [18:52] ahh cool [18:52] i''ve just free loaded off of his work :) [18:56] kernel update ... reboot [18:59] wb pace_t_zulu :) [19:01] ty wrst :) [19:02] just checked I have a 25 day uptime on my phone [19:03] 72 on the one router :D [19:06] always has to be someone to out do you :) [19:06] hello Unit193 [19:07] wrst: Howdy. I'm sure ranger can out do that too :D [19:07] i'm sure of that [19:07] he always does! [19:07] hey wrst, do you know if the nvidia / kernel updates for arch are safe? [19:07] My computers can't do it because they have problems [19:08] my highest computer uptime is around 40days [19:08] chris4585: I still have my box, boxed up I'm guessing it shoudl be [19:09] hrm, well I'm sure it probably is, why is your box, boxed up? [19:09] I am moving [19:09] and don't use it much [19:10] ah [19:10] but chris4585 I have never had any issues before unless the release name might be an issue changing kernel26 to linux [19:10] but that was no issue on my laptop [19:10] well the update is kernel 3.0 I believe [19:11] also got a grub update but that shouldn't be bad [19:12] no and according to the web site you have links to link kernel26 to linux in grub etc if something does go wrong [19:12] chris4585: http://www.archlinux.org/news/changes-to-kernel-package-and-filenames/ [19:13] ah cool wrst [19:14] looks like those changes will take effect due to the grub update, I'm still gonna wait a week or two to update... [19:14] the one thing I was told would happen to me, total system breakage, has never happened to me they test things more than people think [19:15] well I've had issues before with nvidia / kernel updates on arch so I'm taking this carefully [19:16] wise move because just due to the kernel number changes etc you stand a greater chance of breaking something [20:28] wrst: Got a Sec? [20:36] wrst: see pm when you get a chance please [21:44] cyberanger: I'm in and out but you got a PM :) [21:46] wrst: thanks