[00:02] I did delete using Live CD movie (6.5GB) and got Avail: 5.4G. Tried to login without Live Cd - worked. But I didn't download today / yesterday any stuff so it is quite wierd that suddenly Xubuntu "says" there is NO free space. Lets see how long I have to wait for this issue again... [00:03] Using the system generates some temporary files. For example, firefox keeps a hug amount of information for every website. [00:04] editing a file may generate a backup, etc [00:04] s/hug/huge [00:04] logout/login may cause a session to be saved, more space used === `mOOse` is now known as m00se === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [00:23] Hello. [00:23] I have a question which may sound dumb. [00:23] I can't seem to find the menu for altering network connections/settings. === xGrind-off is now known as xGrind [01:19] anyone else have trouble using flux on xubuntu [01:20] it's not able to change my screen lighting. [01:21] hm, got it to work on one of my two monitors. [01:30] oh awesome, I can make it work by invoking xflux directly. [01:43] can anyone help me with a sound problem? [01:48] I'd start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems [01:48] hm, actually [01:48] there is a better page on help.ubuntu.com [01:49] here we go: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting [01:51] the question is: how to change the sound to a USB headphone? [01:55] monica_, there is probably a guide to this online, Let me help you with this [01:55] :) [01:55] ! alsa [01:55] If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [01:56] !sound [01:59] whats the model number? ill look it up online [02:02] Philipballew thanks for you answer, but the discription you give looks like the settings that you have in Ubuntu (Gnome), but this is Xubuntu and here I can not find the same kind of audio settings as there are in Ubuntu (Gnome). [02:03] yeah, someone should edit that bot. whats the model number of the headphones your running? i can look and see if I find anything [02:06] but i would personally see if anyone has had trouble with your model as well [02:06] * philipballew is curious if alsa mixer picks them up when pluged in [02:08] it is not realy a headphone but it is en external sound device were you can connect a normal headphone. The type is X-FI Go from SoundBlaster. [02:10] so the usb adapter has a female headphone jack at the end of it? [02:12] if a connect it than i can select it in the audio output modules from the VLC player but sellecting it is not working. You are correct that the sound divice has a normal analog headphone connector like the pc also has, but the pc sound unit is not very good and the external unit gives far better sound. [02:14] oh nice. what does alsamixer show? [02:15] you type alsamixer in the terminal to get the thing to change all your audio settings [02:15] ... well the main ones [02:16] if a select the X-FI in the VLC settings than after about two seconds the pc speakers start to play again. [02:16] i wil try you last sugestion [02:17] there is probably a way to get them to automaticly go to that on boot or when the program starts [02:17] its worth a shot. [02:22] in the terminal alsamixer i can select the X-FI Go but than i can only see the settings and change the volume. As you suggest i wil try to do a reboot with the X-Fi Go connected. [02:23] I this i will try a bit more tomorro, I go to bed now. Thanks for your help! === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [03:28] hey every one i need a little help im trying to get video thumbnails in thunar and i hav e everything installed but still no thumbnails any one know how to fix this [03:32] sorry to ask again.. but how do you install official java? [03:32] i know you do something with enabling a repo.. and then i'd enter an sudo apt-get install java [03:32] but i don't remember enough to do it on my own [03:33] unless i can skip the first step [03:34] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ#Some%20Java%20applications%20don%27t%20work,%20I%20want%20proprietary%20Oracle%20Java. [03:35] ^^^ Guide should be good for Any Ubuntu flavor [03:37] lol, no wonder i forget how to do this.. i need to write this down for future installations of ubuntu [03:39] There is no udevinfo or usbview in Xubuntu? [03:42] im gonna bookmark the page for community user documentation [03:42] hate bugging people to spoon feed me/being a burden [03:43] Eh, you can also search the wiki [03:44] wiki? [03:44] didn't even think of that [03:45] Usually googling "ubuntu ___" or "xubuntu ___" will turn up something, as well. [03:45] http://xkcd.com/627/ [03:45] :V [03:47] but, hell ive been using linux long enough where i should be able to take care of myself [03:47] sure i keep switching between windows and linux but yeah [03:48] i have used linux for the past 10 years + [03:48] So ^^ would be better to answer questions than I :P [03:48] probly [03:49] lol [03:50] but i make good guesses cause i dont pretend to know it all [03:51] i should probably try and help people in these channels [03:51] i do sometimes [03:51] hell i know i can help windows users as long as its not techy stuff [03:52] well stuff thats not really complicated [03:52] i actually probably know a little bit of the techy stuff [03:52] but sweet ive got java and flash installed.. all done for now\ [03:52] i know winshit in and out from 3.11 wfw till now [03:53] and rh 3.2 [03:53] till now [03:53] and ubuntu from the first releace [03:53] whats rh? [03:53] i whent to linux for a new chalange [03:53] rh=redhat [03:53] ah [03:54] yeah i think i tried ubuntu(which was also my first try at linux) back when 5.x was out [03:54] i use warty worthog [03:54] that was a pain [03:54] hard to say though.. but i remember that the panels wouldn't work lol [03:55] I don't remember the names well [03:55] It's so much easier to fix your own problems than others :P [03:55] 5.4 or 5.10 [03:55] I'm usually pretty good at fixing my problems [03:55] kinda forced to when its a hardware issue where the computer won't start [03:56] i member the first linux install i used i reinstalled it about 10 times to get it the way i wanted it rpms were just being intruduced [03:56] linux has taught me more about hardware that windows has [03:56] that=than [03:56] ive had a good/fun use with both [03:57] i'd probably try mac for a while too [03:57] you can put linux on a mac [03:57] right.. im talking about the os [03:58] isnt it liek os/x or something? [03:58] i really have no idea [03:58] ya [03:58] os x [03:58] its backly unix [03:59] or based on unix [03:59] but, lol i'd never be stupid enough to buy a mac just to try the os out. [03:59] its ok [03:59] imho [03:59] macs are way to expensive [03:59] i'd rather make a custom build and then buy the os [03:59] its like windows execpt the expancive hardware that is locked in [04:00] i love linux just cause its so custimizable like the X86-64 hardware [04:01] much more stable too [04:01] that too [04:01] lol wish linux had it all [04:01] gaming audio creation and gaming [04:01] Audio? [04:01] whoops.. [04:01] the only tang i am really dispointed is gamming and webcams [04:02] try kxstudio heh [04:02] well i'm only saying audio because of what i've heard about mac [04:02] tho wine does play most of my games tho [04:02] wine will probably play most of the games i play too [04:03] wine has bine knowen to play some games faster than on windows [04:03] like wow(blah) [04:03] jrmy: afaik linux isn't that bad for music [04:03] I come from the ubuntustudio side of the wall. [04:03] there are good even commercial apps [04:03] Linux has certain good audio workflows, and some not so good, but they're better than most people suspect. [04:04] I will /never/ live without JACK again. [04:04] i used arbour [04:04] pretty good [04:04] not sonar but still not bad [04:04] Hours of fussing with questionable downloads of virtual drivers gone, just like that. Seriously. It's pretty awesome being able to wire things together, everything else on linux is icing. [04:05] Now don't get me wrong, I use LMMS, which is still beta enough that it doesn't yet have a working "undo" button [04:05] But it's all pretty cool. [04:05] jack has bine good for the audiofiles [04:05] i haven't thoroughly tested that yet because that last computer was too slow [04:06] not for the everyday linux usere [04:06] Yeah, that true. [04:06] but alsa has come a long way [04:06] not sure what jack is for never had a fast track to record with [04:06] There's some niches in which it is incomparably awesome, and many in which it is pretty good, but where it's bad, it's bad enough to scare everyone away from it. [04:07] yep [04:07] still talking about lmms? [04:07] Basically JACK connects program to program with super low latency [04:07] I meant Linux in general [04:07] ah.. right.. i'd agree [04:07] Mmhm [04:08] but linux will get thare [04:08] and will outshine [04:08] any other os [04:08] if linux had gaming i'd say buh bye to windows forever [04:08] It does. Just not the AAA titles. [04:08] i have watched it grow the last 10 years and it has gotten way better [04:08] And let me be honest [04:08] right [04:08] It's for those blockbusters that is the /only/ place the bazaar development model doesn't work. [04:09] yep [04:09] You can have many people chipping away at code, but herding artists is like herding cats. [04:09] jrmy: you can quit gaming :P [04:09] Sysi: lol [04:09] sysi lol [04:09] Heheheheh [04:09] never [04:09] I'll be honest [04:09] My gaming experience consists of a hundred hours of Desktop Tower Defense [04:09] * zenrox stomps his wand of justice [04:09] i do like consoles alike though [04:09] And really flash games are cool tbh, if you get the good ones [04:09] from the atari to current gen [04:10] I don't do high polygon super realistic stuff though [04:10] I understand Crysis is someone's piece of cake, but I don't get that, personally. [04:10] Eh [04:10] i need a little more action in the games i play [04:10] Probably my brain's fault really. [04:10] I don't get the uncanny valley effect either. [04:10] idk if i'd liek crysis to be honest [04:10] you have dosbox, what else could you need besides linux games [04:10] I'm not normal enough to make such judgements for other people. [04:11] like nwn for linux [04:11] whats nwn? [04:11] never winter nights [04:11] never played [04:11] its a d and d based rpg [04:11] gotcha [04:12] done by atari [04:12] I have a intel atom 330 nvida ion with 2GB ram...should I install 32bit or 64bit? [04:12] Renegade_, id do 32 bit [04:12] but thats a persional preff [04:12] any reason why? [04:12] i wonder if that cpu is even 64 [04:12] i'd doubt it [04:12] it is [04:12] i think [04:13] you don't really benefit from 64 there [04:13] really? guess i need to read up on intel... or not.. i actually prefer amd [04:13] lol [04:13] yeah the hardware isn't good enough [04:13] Eh, 64 introduces lots of incompatibilities [04:13] yeah it is 64 bit [04:13] i have a amd athlon x2 64 3200 [04:13] If you never venture outside the repos that's not too much of a problem [04:13] orngjce223: not really [04:14] Mmhm [04:14] an i run 32 bit [04:14] I installed 64 bit but not sure if I should stick with it or 32 bit [04:14] I just tried and failed to put in the 64 bit flash player a month or two ago [04:14] zenrox: i think i have a similar cpu [04:14] So when it's bad, it's bad. Yeah. [04:14] orngjce223: that works well for me [04:15] Renegade_: if everythong works, dont fix it [04:17] well it works but if one runs better I wouldn't mind using that instead [04:17] this is what I got http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16856176002 [04:19] hmm.. never seen anything liek that before.. kinda neat [04:21] very sleek and small. love it [04:21] got it on sale when it was $130 [04:22] nice [04:22] got a 2.5 inch 500gb lying around and bought 1x2gb ddr2 ram and got it running in no time [04:22] would of got 4gb ram but ddr2 sodimm are expensive [04:23] i'd still prefer an ATX though [04:23] yeah I'll probably get a matx for when diablo 3 comes out [04:24] this is my first upgrade since 2004 so the computer I'm using was ancient [04:24] amd barton +2500XP [04:46] how to change Xubuntu's default notify into libnotify-bin ? [05:43] what should i use to record audio? [05:43] apparently ardour doesnt work for 64bit [05:43] so now i regret installing xubuntu 64bit [05:47] Seen Audacity? [05:48] anything better> [05:48] ?* [05:48] yes.. [05:51] guess i'll just download lmms [06:01] anyone use midori? [06:02] toddlikesdesign, whats the question about it [06:03] Why does it have issues with gmail? [06:03] toddlikesdesign, what issues? [06:05] Gmail doesn't finish loading. Won't load the ajax version without identifying itself as another browser. I suppose that's on gmail's end though. [06:05] What does a red address bar signify? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [06:07] http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/gmail/thread?tid=19f570d38b8867e7&hl=en toddlikesdesign may want to check this, last post [07:03] Hi, is it a Italian speaker ? [07:04] !it | riccardo [07:04] riccardo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [07:51] So Xubuntu doesn't seem to have udevinfo or usbview. [07:51] What do I do to extract similar info? [07:52] Is it because Xubuntu doesn't even use udev anymore? [08:20] k_sze: lsusb? [09:09] What is more stable: Xfburn, K3b or Brasero? [09:10] can you try all and choose? [09:15] Yes, I can... :) [09:18] But I have wasted some DVDs with errors with brasero (always making a data disk, i don't no why) and I'd like to know wich of them runs better on xubuntu in order to not waste more disks. [09:26] I have good luck with k3b even though I don't use KDE === SaaMmY1 is now known as SaaMmY [09:32] thanks Ycarene. I'll try k3b. (I use xfce. But in this thing I prefer something to save money in disks that something faster) [11:43] I'm having problems with getting multiple monitors to work correctly. I don't know how to disable mirroring, I see no option for that in the xfce display settings. (xubuntu 11.04, notebook display + external monitor) [11:44] try with xrandr or grandr, latter has a gui [11:46] grandr did the trick, thank you! [11:47] np :-) [11:49] Myrtti: do grandr and arandr have any (major) difference? dependencies if not usability [11:56] Sysi: I have experience only on grandr === `mOOse` is now known as m00se === NikonElite is now known as NikonElite|AFK| [15:30] Does anyone one else find it difficult to know which hdd is which when they are given names like sdd1, sde2 etc [15:31] is there an "easy" of telling which one is which [15:31] especially when you have a few hdds the same size [15:32] but you know where your filesystems are right? [15:33] I normally do ls /media [15:33] and then change to the directory if thats what you mean [15:34] madnick: I would rather they were named better so its easier to tell which hdd is which one especially when they are the same size [15:35] picking a hdd is sometimes like picking a wire to cut in defusing a bomb. [15:35] the red or the blue? [15:35] So give your disks names [15:35] let me see how to do that [15:45] you can name partitions with gparted [15:47] HDDs are in same order that they're connected to sata- and other connectors [15:48] yeah im looking into it now [15:52] I sometimes find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive#Filesystems useful, it shows all the command line ways to change volume names on drives, depending on what filesystem is on them [16:15] hey folks, im outputting from my laptop to my screen, but the resolution on the tv is much higher than the laptop so it looks a little off, instead of an exact mirror.. [16:16] any easy way to get an exact mirror of the laptop to fit exactly on the television screen, i have been playing around with the resolutions [17:03] ChristopherNG, it really depends [17:04] for instance the max resolution of most TV's isn't higher than 1080p even though they might be 40" [17:04] really whatever you do it's going to look a little off [17:05] the best you can get is to run xrandr -q [17:05] find out the television's highest possible resolution [17:05] and set it to that [17:05] a TV does not make a good computer monitor :) [17:06] they did back in the 70s! [17:07] madnick, ;) [17:44] xrdodrx: Hi sorry for the late reply ive been multi tasking [17:44] ChristopherNG, that's okay [17:44] So there is "no fix" for a "perfect mirror resolution"? [17:45] can you post the output of xrandr -q to pastebin or something? [17:45] Its fine for movies because VLC has the aspect ratio feature [17:45] xrdodrx: kk [17:46] xrdodrx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/662842/ [17:46] ChristopherNG, this is part of your problem [17:46] 1680x1050 60.0* [17:47] the * denotes which resolution the monitor is currently at [17:47] or in your case the TV [17:49] xrdodrx: should i change the 60.0? [17:49] to match the laptop? [17:49] xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1440x900 --pos 0x0 --output HDMImode 1920x1080--pos 0x0 [17:49] let's try something like that first [17:49] xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1440x900 --pos 0x0 --output HDMI --mode 1920x1080--pos 0x0 [17:49] sorry [17:49] xrdodrx: you want me to put that into the terminal then? [17:50] the second one? [17:50] xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1440x900 --pos 0x0 --output HDMI --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 [17:50] yes [17:50] try that [17:50] made sure all spaces and things were right :) [17:52] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1440x900 --pos 0x0 --output HDMI --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 [17:52] warning: output LVDS not found; ignoring [17:52] warning: output HDMI not found; ignoring [17:53] ChristopherNG, o [17:53] ? [17:53] xrandr --output LVDS-1 --mode 1440x900 --pos 0x0 --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 [17:53] sorry [17:54] xrdodrx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/662850/ [17:55] you didn't copy the whole command ChristopherNG [17:55] i didnt? let me check :( [17:57] xrdodrx: i ran the command and it changed the screen a little [17:58] ChristopherNG, it should have [17:58] how does it look now? :) [17:58] abit worse actually [17:58] explain [17:58] is anything off screen [17:58] is it taking up the whole screen [17:58] etc [17:59] there is more off the screen now [18:00] okay [18:00] its hard to explain to someone who can not see it. [18:00] ChristopherNG, play with xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos *x* [18:00] don't paste that command as is, change the numbers after pos [18:01] xrdodrx: yes change the "*" [18:01] yes [18:01] give me a number to start at plz [18:01] roughly and i take it from there [18:01] ChristopherNG, 100 :) [18:01] troll [18:01] lol [18:01] I really can't see to help you [18:01] this is where the left corner of the screen is [18:02] in x, y [18:07] any luck, ChristopherNG ? [18:09] ChristopherNG: doesnt your tv/monitor has an autosetup? try shutting it off and on to see if it fixes itself [18:10] what gridcube said also might work, as it would re-adjust to fit the output X is giving to it [18:10] :) [18:10] yeah im trying and i think im getting closer [18:10] the thing is this command that im running only changes the display on the tv not the laptop right? [18:11] yes [18:11] doesnt your output has a 1080 or 720 set? you should try those too [18:12] ChristopherNG: whats your tv model? [18:14] acer 23" model no: AT2365M 1080P [18:16] at2365? acer page only lists 2326 on the 23" [18:16] let me find it [18:17] on 32" there is a 3265 [18:18] sorry its actually at2356m [18:18] multitasking here [18:21] > 1920 x 1080 pixels @ 60 Hz refresh rate (for 23” models ). [18:22] xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos [18:22] so what to change that last part to? [18:22] 60x60? [18:22] this is really irritating lol [18:22] yeah its a 23 inch [18:22] ChristopherNG, you either auto adjust the monitor or `guess and check' [18:23] 20x60 the 20 is the left and the 60 the right? [18:23] no [18:23] it's 20 to the right and 60 down [18:23] or should be [18:26] 66.6h 60v [18:27] im confused aswell [18:28] :< [18:28] so am I [18:28] you said your only issue was that the picture was offscreen [18:29] http://support.acer.com/us/en/product/default.aspx?tab=1&modelId=3405 [18:29] ok gotta go [18:29] :D good luck [18:39] back sorry i got dc [18:40] now here is what i think [18:40] 1. I should lower the resolution on the tv becaues its far too high [18:40] ChristopherNG, sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words [18:40] if you take one I can help you much better :) [18:40] sure where to upload it? [18:41] imgur, imageshack [18:41] your choice [18:41] give me a minute [18:41] um wait! [18:41] i think it just auto adjusted there [18:41] wow! [18:41] its almost fixed [18:41] :D [18:42] let me xrandr -q and paste it [18:43] http://paste.ubuntu.com/662873/ [18:44] how is that different from the first xrandr -q i posted? [18:44] it looks much, much better on the tv [18:44] not 100% but 90% [18:44] glad to hear it :) [18:44] sorry the resolution I recommended was too high [18:44] every TV is different [18:45] 1680x1050+0+0 [18:45] is that what the tv is now? [18:45] yes [18:46] that means --mode 1680x1050 --pos 0x0 [18:46] great because i need to shift it to the right a little on the tv i change the y axis? [18:46] HDMI-1 connected 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) [18:46] try changing the x axis [18:47] x goes left to right, y goes up and down [18:47] ok remember the current settings in case i forget them plz. [18:47] sure :) [18:47] this is the closest ever! [18:50] xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1680x1050 --pos 5x0 [18:50] im going to try that [18:51] move from the left to the right alittle [18:51] okay [18:56] ok [18:56] ChristopherNG, fixed? [18:56] mostly, just want to fix the pannels now [18:57] the dock pannel at the bottom is not appearing on the laptop but appears massive on the screen [18:57] and the laptop shows the top pannel which the tv doesnt [18:57] i think that is more with the pannel preferences [18:57] yeah [18:57] I can't help too much in that department :( [18:57] I'm glad your TV is displaying the best picture it can though :) [18:58] yeah thanks for the help [18:58] btw what does "span monitors" do in the pannel preferences? [18:58] ive clicked it and unclicked didnt seem to do anything [18:59] ChristopherNG, you should try simply restarting the panels before going through all these preferences [18:59] killall xfce4-panel && nohup xfce4-panel & [18:59] xrdodrx: i do that and they will reappear? [19:00] yes [19:00] last thing i need is no pannels lol! [19:00] kk let me do it [19:00] that's what the second part of the command is [19:00] :) [19:02] kk thanks [19:02] did restarting the panels help? [19:02] yeah it appears in both now the bottom panel [19:02] good :D [19:03] im going to reboot and see what happens [19:04] xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1680x1050 --pos 0x0 [19:04] thats my settings for the television [19:04] ChristopherNG, might not want to do that :< [19:04] also your settings are 5x0 [19:04] xrandr's state usually is not preserved between reboots [19:04] xrdodrx: i changed it back to 0x0 because it was pointless trying to move the screen to the right when you can easily move the icons. [19:04] you're going to need to save that somewhere, and maybe even the command to restart the panels [19:05] oh [19:05] I see ;) [19:05] xrdodrx: the best test is probably going to play a movie let me try that before i reboot [19:19] xrdodrx: do you remember what the laptop settings were in the xrandr -q? [19:19] the first one? [19:20] your sure the xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1680x1050 --pos 0x0 [19:20] only changes the display on the television not the laptop right? [19:24] ah its cool it got it now [19:49] Folks, how about this, cant there be a program written that automaatically detects what devices are connected from a graphics card out put and calculate the best output resolution to that screen? [19:49] Or does this already exist and ive been wasting my time? [19:49] Sure, when do expect to have it started? [19:50] Sure, when do you expect to have it started? [19:50] well im not actually a programmer, im an accountant [19:50] There is, as always, a severe shortage of those who can write such programs [19:51] charlie-tca: I really wish i came across this problem the other day when xubuntu devs were meeting in that channel. [19:51] It is not an easy program to write, even though it may make it easy to set things up [19:51] but i doubt they would want to spend time to make it. [19:51] They don't have time to make it [19:51] so there is no such program written by anyone for any linux distrobution? [19:52] I don't know. Linux has many distributions, and I am not familiar with most of them [19:53] well i will see if there is one out there for other distros and if its open sources maybe we can make a ppa or something from it for the ubuntu distros? [19:53] ive been doing this for a while and its long, dull and generally quite depressing. [19:56] I don't understand this issue :) [19:56] I have ATI and Nvidia cards, infact i use HDMI daily, and amdcccle works fine, same with nvidia-settings [19:58] madnick: you use HDMI daily, now tell me this.. [19:58] How did you get the correct resolution to output on the television so it was a perfect mirror of your laptop/desktop? [19:58] did you use xrandr and keep moving it around? [19:58] No [19:59] I used amdcccle / nvidia-settings [19:59] and its a perfect mirror? [19:59] yes it is [19:59] :) [20:00] I dont think manually using xrandr is recommended, especially for new users [20:00] well ive been trying to play around with that all day with mixed results [20:01] ChristopherNG: what card do you have? [20:02] product: G98 [GeForce 9200M GS] [20:02] vendor: nVidia Corporation [20:02] i havent tried nvidia settings, not even sure where it is? i dont see it in the software center, is it in the repositories? [20:02] and when you installed the drivers for this, it did not install nvidia-settings? [20:03] Look at Settings -> [20:03] i havent installed prop drivers or any graphics drivers, tried doing it manually [20:03] sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings [20:04] shall i? [20:04] No, you should get the proper driver if you dont have it :) [20:05] i ok ive went system -> additional drivers [20:05] its searched and there is an "experimental 3d support for nvidia cards" [20:05] thats the only one, activate? [20:05] sure, but also try typing: sudo nvidia-settings in a terminal [20:05] The program 'nvidia-settings' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: [20:06] i did sudo aswell [20:06] i dont have it. [20:06] okay, then activate that driver [20:06] activating, i think i will need to reboot and come back [20:06] It has been ages since I installed the nvidia drivers :) [20:06] activated and in use, its asking me to reboot. [20:06] brb [20:09] back [20:10] now rerun sudo nvidia-settings :) [20:10] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo nvidia-settings [20:10] sudo: nvidia-settings: command not found [20:10] I think i have to get it from the repos [20:11] it doesnt come with that driver i dont think [20:11] Perhaps [20:11] i tried it without sudo aswell. [20:11] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ nvidia-settings [20:11] The program 'nvidia-settings' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: [20:11] sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings [20:11] im going to get it from the repos ok? [20:12] sure [20:12] I find this whole deal very wierd, but Im still using 10.04 on the nvidia computer :) [20:12] done ive got it [20:12] ok ive typed "nvidia-settings" and its opened up [20:13] then just set it up :) [20:13] but I get a message "You do not appear to be using the Nvidia x driver please edit your X configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root and restart the x server" [20:14] sudo nvidia-xconfig ? or do i need to edit it with a text editor? [20:14] iirc it should do it all for you [20:15] well there is an "ok" button there click it then? [20:15] and ok button for that message i just tyoed. [20:16] I don't really remember the details :) [20:16] well how you gets your working? [20:16] I got the driver from their website [20:16] and installed it from there [20:21] http://www.nvidia.co.uk/content/DriverDownload-March2009/confirmation.php?url=/XFree86/Linux-x86/280.13/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-280.13.run&lang=uk&type=GeForce [20:21] that is the driver apparently i need. [20:21] When i click to download, it opens up a bunch of text [20:21] a .run is that a binary installer of somekind [20:21] ? [20:22] chmod +x file [20:22] ./file [20:22] ok let me use wget to download it [20:22] kk wget worked and its in my home directory [20:23] Sorry, I have to go for a bit, i bbl [20:40] hey guys [20:41] how do I upgrade my xubuntu to 11.10 A? [20:41] update-manager -d [20:41] ah [20:41] alpha support at #ubuntu+1, I guess you already know to exept some flicks [20:42] I know quite a bit about the CLI but I am still learning [20:42] :) [20:43] its gonna restart me [20:43] late [21:03] Hello can someone help me with the file manager thunor as regards my mp3 player [21:07] coyoteuk5, maybe [21:08] how are the two related? :) [21:09] ok I got a creative mp player and when I delete the files on thep layer usung the file manager thry go to a thrash file on the player so I now have an mp 3 player that is full of stuff but I cannot delete them [21:09] sorry for mispeling [21:10] is it clear or do you have any questions [21:10] oh [21:11] I had this problem as well [21:11] did you solve it [21:11] go to the root of your mp3 player's file system [21:11] hit ctrl+h [21:11] delete the ,Trash-1000 folder [21:11] shift+delete key [21:12] in the future when you want to delete a file use shift+delete instead of just hitting delete [21:14] I got the folder open now I wil try it now [21:15] its saying unable ot move file to wate basket [21:15] waste [21:17] one minute I am going to disconnect it and try it again [21:18] No still the same message [21:19] dso you think if I put it on the boards someone might have an idea [21:22] well thank you for your help anyway [21:22] I will try that [22:23] Ok folks, I have a perfect mirror image on my television of my laptop. [22:23] Here is how to do it if anyone has the same problem and they cant get the resolutions right. [22:24] its 100% [22:25] ChristopherNG: why not write up a wiki page for it? [22:25] charlie-tca: Thats actually a very good idea [22:25] because I know there will be other people out there with the same problem who dont want to spend all day getting it fixed. [22:26] charlie-tca: where to make the wiki? [22:26] something like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuDualMonitor maybe or similar [22:26] ? [22:26] excellent [22:26] It will be good to give something back to the community. [22:27] That pins it to Xubuntu, DualMonitor is whatever you think it should be [22:27] That would be great! [22:49] charlie-tca: is it just me or does xubuntu not have "add new monitor" button like ubuntu? [22:49] I never heard of such a button [22:50] There are very definite differences between Ubuntu and Xubuntu, that may be one [22:50] that is why it took me 7 hours to get my laptop to output correctly to the television. [22:50] That's why I say Xubuntu is not for new users of linux [22:50] Basically if i use monitor A to output with my laptop. [22:50] then I disattach A and connect a new screen B [22:50] It really is not as simple as Ubuntu to make work [22:51] Xubuntu tries to make the same output for B as it was for A [22:51] thats why i spent 7 hours trying to fix it [22:51] I was tyring to tweak the settings for monitor A to fit B using xrandr lol! [22:51] ...a little to the left, up, no down! [22:51] waste of time. [22:52] Im going to make a wiki for this tomorrow [22:52] apparently, I still use one monitor for each computer here [22:52] It seems so much easier [22:52] with ubuntu or xubuntu? [22:53] Xubuntu, of course. I test everything, I run Xubuntu [22:53] K, well just so everyone knows, If you attach a new monitor when you have been using a different one, Xubuntu will try outputting the same resolution on the new screen as it was for the old screen. [22:54] ..so dont spend all day using xrandr trying to make the old settings for the old monitor fit the new one. [22:55] I planned to setup my vps today! but never had the time lol! [23:12] can someone help me with this. I keep getting an error: file not found when booting into OPENELEC http://imageshack.us/f/814/parion.png/