
poolieistr there was a patch from the o'rally to make mp pages automatically reload when the diff was ready03:27
poolieis that still waiting on infrastructure to allow the notification, or something like that?03:28
wgrantpoolie: Right, it's waiting on txlongpoll being made to comply with the new microservice guidelines.03:32
wgrantpoolie: Red Squad expects to do this once they complete their current feature rotation.03:32
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
odonyHello everyone! Is there a help contact now?09:19
odonyWe have someone subscribed to several of our project notifications, and that person is on vacation with a very dumb auto-responder that keeps sending the same auto-reply to every notification it receives...09:20
odonyas a result, we have useless spam comments in bugs, merge proposals, etc..09:21
odonyI suppose there is no way we can delete these comments, but perhaps we could unsubscribe that person temporarily from our project notifications? Can someone help with this?09:22
jmlgmb, adeuring or henninge might be able to help.09:27
adeuringodony: can you tell me the name of the project, mailing list and the of the user with this annoying autoresponder?09:28
henningeadeuring, odony: I think it would be best to put that informatio in a question.09:29
odonyadeuring: sure, here's an example of a bug with that auto-response: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-client/+bug/82378809:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 823788 in OpenERP Server "exported po files are buggy for gettext utils" [Low,Confirmed]09:32
odonyadeuring: the user is https://launchpad.net/~ovailly09:33
odonyadeuring: and he has many notifications on the various OpenERP projects: "openobject-addons", "openobject-server", etc.09:33
odonyadeuring: I've also seen the same kind of auto-response on our mailing-lists, e.g on the "openerp-community" mailing-list: https://lists.launchpad.net/openerp-community/msg00457.html09:34
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odonyjml: thanks for your reply, btw :)09:35
odonyadeuring, henninge: if that help I can write an initial question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad09:36
adeuringodony: yes, please. I can clean up the spammed bugs, but we need to ask a launchpad admin to unsubscribe the guy from the mailing lists and from bugs. So, could you name the affected mailing lists in the question?09:36
adeuringthen the admin knows where to look09:36
odonyadeuring: sure, I'll mention that09:37
ams_csjelmer: ping09:41
jelmerams_cs: hi09:41
ams_csjelmer: did you do the gcc 4.6 import?09:41
jelmerams_cs: yep, Now on revision 108030 (svn revno: 177641).09:45
jelmerams_cs: I had to restart the push to Launchpad though, that's still in progress09:46
jelmerams_cs: In other news, the upstream bug is fixed now so manual imports should soon no longer be an issue09:46
ams_csjelmer: thanks very much09:49
ams_csjelmer: I don't see anything on lp just yet .... I'll keepo refreshing09:50
jelmerams_cs: It's still pushing, as I had to restart the push from my local machine.09:50
jelmerams_cs: I'll ping you when it's done, that should be in the next hour.09:51
odonyadeuring: after looking further, I don't think this user is on the openerp-community mailing-list (he's not a group member), so I think the reply on the mailing-list came indirectly because he replied to a merge proposal notification for a MP that is assigned to that list09:54
odonyadeuring: so the auto-responses come only through his various notification subscriptions09:55
adeuringodony: ok. so we need to unsubscribed him from all notofications. I'll ask an admin to do that09:55
odonyadeuring: thanks, and I posted the corresponding question: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/16764310:01
odonyadeuring: I suppose you can take that as a basis and turn it into a FAQ10:01
adeuringodony: too late :) already everything done. sorry for the mess...10:01
odonyodony: okay, it will be there for further reference, thanks a lot :)10:02
odonys/odony/adeuring/ d'oh10:03
jelmerwhat's up with the debian bug importer? I'm getting *a lot* of email about debian bug watches this morning10:07
wgrantjelmer: Debian moved the archived bugs, so syncing of them was broken until yesterday.10:15
wgrantI guess it had been broken for a while.10:15
jelmerams_cs: Updated10:19
jelmerwgrant: ah, thanks10:20
ams_csjelmer: I see it now, thanks :)10:20
hrwbug 824431 - can i get opinion?10:22
jelmerhi hrw10:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 824431 in Launchpad itself "Blueprint names are cut" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82443110:22
hrwblueprints anyway looks like unwanted child ;(10:24
hrwnot even advanced search10:24
wgrantThey are.10:24
wgrantThey have not had an assigned Launchpad engineer since 2007.10:25
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=== henninge is now known as henninge-afk
hajhey... I was wondering, is it possible (without too much hassle) to run launchpad on my own server to host a closed project?12:54
hajalso, does the license allow it to be used like that?12:55
poolie1haj, it's allowed and it's possible but it may be some hassle to set it up13:18
nigelb"some" is probably a "slight" understatement :)13:27
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hrwthere were rumours that someone managed to setup it14:12
nigelbI have a local setup.14:14
nigelbBut running it for practical usage means changing all the icons.14:15
nigelbBecause that's owned my Canonical.14:15
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bdmurrayThe bug watch in bug 691194 was oddly set to Fix Released when the debian bug is archived.14:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 691194 in mutt (Ubuntu) "using "-i" to include file in body mutt exits if mail file not saved again in editor" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69119414:43
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: Topic is "https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gary_poster | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
LaneyDo packages have to be in the primary archive for PPU rights to be added?15:42
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jmlhttps://launchpad.net/~jml/+archive/demo/+packages says that the amd64 build of my package was successful, however I don't see it in my PPA.16:10
bigjoolsjml: looks there to me16:12
jmlbigjools: for me too... now. I guess 8-10 mins is a usual publishing delay?16:13
bigjoolsjml: not unheard of, depends on current load16:13
jmlbigjools: ta.16:13
* jml is making a screencast that involves uploading to and then installing from a PPA16:14
jmlI think heavy editing will be required.16:14
bigjoolsjml: didn't mrevell do one of those?16:18
jmlbigjools: undoubtedly a similar one, the kicker here is that the starting point is me running "$ pkgme ppa:jml/demo" in an unpackaged app.16:19
bigjoolsI keep meaning to use that16:19
jmlman, I hope openshot is up to this16:20
jmlbigjools: it's pretty neat.16:20
jmlbigjools: and getting better.16:20
bigjoolsI have a python app I want to package16:21
jmlI don't, actually.16:23
jmlI had to write a hello world app to do this demo16:23
jml(it's for packaging binary apps)16:23
Quintasanjelmer: ping16:35
jelmerQuintasan: hi16:35
Quintasanjelmer: I was wondering if source format 3.0 would be available in recipes at any point16:35
Quintasanas in 3.0 (quilt)16:36
jelmerQuintasan: they sort of are at the moment16:36
Quintasan(quilt) too?16:36
* Quintasan wonders why bzr dailydeb couldnt handle that16:36
jelmerQuintasan: yes, although that currently means it converts the package to "3.0 (native)" before starting the actual build16:36
jelmerQuintasan: deploying a new version of bzr-builder that adds some support for non-native packages is on my todo list16:37
Quintasanjelmer: So, I can use Debian's packaging branch (3.0 (quilt)) in Recipes and it will work?16:38
jelmerQuintasan: yes, it should - for some values of work16:38
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Quintasanjelmer: Could you tell me what's wrong with https://code.launchpad.net/~quintasan/sm-ssc/main ?17:07
jelmerQuintasan: timeout from the server17:10
jelmerQuintasan: unfortunately, hg imports aren't yet as reliable as git or svn imports17:11
QuintasanI see17:13
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EvilPhoenixquestion regarding PPAs.  Is it possible to allow someone who is not myself to edit/add to a PPA that is owned by my LP account and not a team?17:29
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tsimpsonEvilPhoenix: I guess, if you gave them a shared GPG key, maybe17:33
EvilPhoenixewww shared keys :P17:33
tsimpsonyep, this is why teams exist :)17:33
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=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
figure002hello. it seems that LP Translations ignored fuzzy entries. Each time a text is changed, it's translations are marked as fuzzy by gettext, and then the outdated translation is removed by LP. What is the proper way to deal with fuzzy entries?19:15
figure002(this means that translations are lost every time the original English text is changed)19:18
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=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: Translations are currently not being imported from branches. | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gary_poster | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
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