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_mup_ensemble/expose-docs r311 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com01:42
_mup_Corrected example ensemble status output for exposed service in doc01:42
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_mup_Bug #824279 was filed: Security group functions for EC2 provider should retry <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/824279 >02:56
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_mup_Bug #824403 was filed: ensemble should support openstack as a provider <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/824403 >09:35
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kim0m_3: I updated the hadoop post to point to the updated formula locations13:30
m_3kim0: cool... I13:56
m_3'll update13:56
_mup_Bug #824557 was filed: Update formula writer tutorial for port exposing functionality <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/824557 >14:13
kim0hmm, I see the wordpress example uses "open-port" in the db-relation-changed hook14:16
kim0Wouldn't the install hook be a better place for this?14:16
kim0I'm updating the tutorial to add this, hence the question14:16
SpamapSkim0: install would be too early14:25
SpamapSkim0: the idea is to open the port when the service is ready to serve users.14:25
kim0Yeah .. ok14:25
RoAkSoAxfwereade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/663457/14:58
fwereadeRoAkSoAx: cheers14:58
RoAkSoAxfwereade: so yeah, given that thte provisioning agent gets started late, and appears to be after a machine has been obtained for the deploy15:05
RoAkSoAxfwereade: it tries to shutdown that machine first15:06
RoAkSoAxfwereade: so basically, if the agent gets started when it should, we should not see that issue15:06
fwereadeRoAkSoAx: yep, I think so15:06
jimbakerkim0, the tutorial looks good to me except for the following: we should have one more ensemble status after the ensemble expose15:12
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kim0jimbaker: mm ok adding15:24
jimbakerkim0, cool15:24
_mup_ensemble/expose-docs r312 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com15:25
_mup_YAML serializes as true, not True15:25
_mup_ensemble/trunk r310 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com15:33
_mup_merge expose-docs [r=jorge][f=824218]15:33
_mup_[trivial] Move expose docs from drafts to main, along with minor15:33
_mup_updates, given comprehensive expose functionality now in trunk.15:33
kim0jimbaker: ok pushed the one with status at the end15:38
jimbakerkim0, just taking a look - the drupal service in that status output doesn't have an exposed: true 15:42
kim0jimbaker: yeah .. I didn't want to change machine names, so I'm manually adding what I think should go there15:44
jimbakerkim0, no worries, that's the only danger in doing that :)15:45
kim0yeah hehe :)15:45
m_3jamespage: What are "labels" in the jenkins-slave interface?15:46
fwereadeRoAkSoAx:             # TODO: Obtain only systems in the management classes15:47
jimbakerkim0, anyway, good to have one more lookover, but with that change, it's ready to merge. looks like you're empowered, so please commit when ready15:47
jamespagem_3: labels are used by jenkins to control which builds run where; you automagically get some if you don't specify OR you can set them manually for a service15:47
fwereadeRoAkSoAx: I think it's trying to kill *everything*15:47
kim0jimbaker: cool, thanks15:48
fwereadeRoAkSoAx: I have a fix for that, but it hasn't made it into shadow-trunk yet15:48
fwereadeRoAkSoAx: consider me on it15:48
jimbakerkim0, just add a [trivial] tag, since it's that15:48
m_3jamespage: cool thanks... (I'm documenting interfaces, authors can update them later)15:48
jimbakerkim0, see our bzr log for the formatting on that... rather trivial15:48
m_3adam_g: is rabbitmq really two different interfaces?16:23
m_3maybe rabbit and rabbit-peer?16:24
m_3or rabbit-replication16:24
fwereadeRoAkSoAx: lp:~fwereade/ensemble/spike-catchup16:24
adam_gm_3: AFAIK, yes. one for clients and another for clustered rabbitmq servers16:46
m_3adam_g: cool... you good with 'rabbitmq' and 'rabbitmq-node'?16:52
_mup_Bug #824654 was filed: no MachineProvider base class <Ensemble:In Progress> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/824654 >16:54
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fwereadespeaking of phones and laptops: http://dilbert.com/2011-08-03/19:08
hallynniemeyer: http://golang.org/doc/go_tutorial.html   uh, what?  'fmt.Printf'?19:09
hallyni can't do that19:09
niemeyerhallyn: There's println for debugging19:10
niemeyerhallyn: Just to relieve you a bit ;)19:10
hallynok then :)19:10
niemeyerhallyn: The uppercasing has some good background, even though it takes a bit to get used to.  Every const/var/method/field/function/etc is public if it's uppercased, and package-private if it's lowercased19:14
niemeyerhallyn: Besides the ability to tersely define scope, this has the non-immediately obvious benefit of informing scope not only on declaration, but on every use19:15
kirklandto deploy into oneiric machines, do I need to give a specific ami in my environments.yaml, or can I just use "oneiric" as a keyword?19:20
kirklandSpamapS said this was under development ...19:20
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SpamapSjcastro: http://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/j8qc1/please_talk_me_out_of_writing_my_own_puppettype/19:21
_mup_ensemble/expose-cleanup r311 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:26
_mup_Spike on wait on terminated instances, then delete security groups19:26
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_mup_ensemble/formula-state-with-url r310 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com20:15
_mup_add formula bundle url to formula state20:15
hazmatkirkland, it looks like it needs an ami, adding support for release name would be easy though20:17
hazmatkirkland, and just grab a daily20:18
hazmator release20:18
hazmatkirkland, https://ensemble.ubuntu.com/docs/provider-configuration-ec2.html20:21
_mup_Bug #824787 was filed: default-ami appears in schema, but default-image-id is used in code <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/824787 >20:24
_mup_Bug #824792 was filed: cli api to store unit local data <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/824792 >20:37
m_3kirkland: default-image-id: ami-1335f37a21:24
kirklandm_3: thanks, trying .......21:25
m_3kirkland: lemme know21:31
kirklandm_3: oneiric!!!!!!!21:31
kirklandniemeyer: lp:~kirkland/ensemble/byobu-tmux is working nicely :-)21:33
kirklandniemeyer: shall I send over a merge proposal?21:33
_mup_ensemble/formula-state-with-url r311 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com23:39
_mup_formula publisher now creates formula states with bundle url23:39

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