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hakermaniaHell - o :P09:41
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dupondjecan things still get synced today ?16:51
dupondjeas FF is today right ?16:51
micahgdupondje: 2100 now16:51
dupondjeuh ?16:52
micahgdupondje: Feature freeze is 2100 UTC16:53
dupondjeoh ok :D16:53
dupondjecan you sync clang for me ? :)16:53
dupondjeit will fix some ftbfs currently, so guess we'd like it :D16:57
micahgdupondje: can you file a request please, I"m about to step out17:02
geserdupondje: is it a new upstream version? we can still sync new revision from Debian after FF as long as it doesn't violate the FF17:07
dupondjeIts a new version in debian yea17:07
balachmarHi, I have asked here about a new version of eclipse (3.7) and I was told to see whether the version in debian experimental would install properly18:16
balachmarHowever, I am unsure, how I should proceed.18:17
balachmarI have read something about packaging earlier, and I remember something about using the "dsc" file should I use that now as well, or start with the debian.tar.gz?[eclipse_3.7~exp-2.dsc]18:19
jtaylorpulling the dsc with dget will fetch all that is needed18:23
jtaylordget -ux url-to-dsc18:23
jtaylorbut its probably a bit late to get it into oneiric18:23
jtaylorfeature freeze in  3 hours18:23
balachmaryeah I know18:25
balachmarBut if it works flawlessly (which I do not expect) I could always ask for an exception18:25
balachmarAnd if it doesn't work flawlessly, it is good to know, right :)18:26
balachmarOr maybe later for backports or something18:28
hakermaniaWait, feature freeze wasn't expected to take place today? Or at 23:59:59 today?18:33
jtaylor2100 UTC18:33
hakermaniajtalor, that means...?18:41
balachmarUTC = GMT18:42
balachmarso that is in 2:1818:42
jtaylorcoordinated universal time18:42
balachmarI will try to build Eclipse 3.7 in pbuilder. And will post results here18:54
OwaisLHey guys, could someone help me out with mentioning dependencies in debain/control ? The problem is I've a bunch of dependencies on GIR files.19:33
OwaisLto be more precise how to do something like this gir1.2-package-*19:33
OwaisLActually, i had mentioned gir1.2-indicate-0.5 as dependency which was just bumped to 1.6 and now I have to manually update the control file. Is there a "wildcard" way of doing this?19:35
jtaylorfor build dependencies no19:36
jtaylorruntime dependencies usually via substitution variables, but that requires that there is a tool to create them19:36
jtaylorI'm unfamiliar if that exists for gir19:36
OwaisLIt is runtime dependency. So I have to manually edit control each time then. Bummer,  got like bunch of gir deps.19:37
jtaylorjust googled that: http://www.makelinux.net/man/1/D/dh_girepository19:38
OwaisLjtaylor, thanks mate! will check it out.19:39
pindongahey ajmitch , I just happened to see you uploaded django-configglue! a million thanks!20:19
ajmitchpindonga: no problem, sorry I cut it close :)20:19
pindongaon the contrary20:19
Laneywhat a great guy!20:19
ajmitchLaney: :P20:19
pindongaI'm grateful you took  all the work20:19
Laneywas this an rdep of something cool?20:21
ajmitchLaney: django-configglue wasn't, configglue itself is used by U120:21
ajmitchso that depends on your opinion of ubuntu one :)20:22
Laneymy fingers hurt20:23
ajmitchbeen too busy working?20:23
Laneyif only20:23
Laneyjust climbing20:23
Laneygot mocked by a teenage girl for being pants at one climb20:24
* Elbrus is not good enough in English to understand the expression "for being pants"20:26
* Elbrus also climbs (but only outdoor)20:27
Laney= bad20:27
ajmitchyou need to understand British English :)20:27
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pindongaLaney, django-configglue is cool by itself ;-) (don't heed to the developer :p)20:30
ajmitchright, but nothing in oneiric depends on it yet :)20:31
Laneyheh, I believe you :-)20:31
pindongaajmitch, yeah20:31
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clang/+bug/824800 => could somebody ack? Package builds fine21:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 824800 in clang (Ubuntu) "Sync clang 2.9-8 (universe) from debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]21:04
=== ScottK changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Natty Released! - Natty SRUs can be uploaded | Oneiric: Feature Freeze - Open for bug fixing | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://bit.ly/fz6AyQ | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | Congrats to new core-dev: SpamapS
micahgdupondje: I think that's more bugfix than feature personally21:07
micahgdupondje: ignore me :), that's still a feature...21:08
dupondjewe need it to fix ftbfs of some packages :)21:08
dupondjeAnd another question, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apcalc/+bug/817579 . When do we choose libreadline-gplv2-dev, when libreadline-dev?21:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 817579 in apcalc (Ubuntu) "Fix FTBFS on oneiric" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:09
micahgdupondje: well, that should be easy enough for an FFe21:09
micahgdupondje: it depends on the licensing, anything that's not compatible with the new readline6 license, needs to use libreadline-gplv2-dev21:10
dupondjereadline6 is indeed gplv321:11
dupondjebut don't ask me whats the difference ... :)21:11
micahgdupondje: I think this is why doko wanted the transition handled in Debian :)21:12
dupondjeyea he reported a bug 2 years ago in debian ...21:12
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found21:12
dupondjeno response21:13
dupondjeguess somebody should nmu it ...21:13
micahgI thought apcalc was just uploaded in debian21:13
micahgoh, maybe not, that was another thing w/readline21:13
dupondjehttp://packages.qa.debian.org/a/apcalc.html guess not :D21:13
dupondjepackage builds with libreadline-dev & libreadline-gplv2-dev ... but no idea what one is the one to choose for this license21:21
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tumbleweeddupondje: you'll notice that one depends on libreadline 5 and one on 6. If you don't have a good reason to need gplv2, stick to -dev21:44
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