
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
jamespagegood morning - please could the NEW binary package for maven-hpi-plugin be accepted into oneiric - then jenkins will build! - thanks08:44
ogra_so seeing that the image builds fail since days because ubuntuone-client-gnome doesnt exist anymore in the archive, could we unseed it so we get working images again ?09:42
ogra_and why doesnt it affect x86 and amd64 at all09:59
ogra_cjwatson, i'm not sure i'm reading it wrong, but this log http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/oneiric/ubuntu/current/livecd-20110811.1-i386.out looks seriously strange, it seems to install a good bunch of things from universe and i see things like thunar and mythbuntu packages being installed10:08
ogra_hmm, looking closer i even see multiverse packages10:16
jibelogra_, it affects alternate too, I filed bug 82441810:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 824418 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "oneiric alternate fails to install: ubuntu-desktop Recommends ubuntuone-client-gnome which is not installable (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82441810:25
ogra_jibel, well, thats not as worrying as the x86 buildlog ... that one seems totally confused10:26
cjwatsonwill look in a bit, I have FF work ahead of this10:26
ogra_on ubuntu live filesyswtems universe and multiverse are usually disabled10:26
cjwatsonyes, I assume somebody has broken livecd-rootfs10:27
ogra_jibel, i will unseed the pffending package temporary (since my FF work is blocked by unbuildable images atm)10:27
ogra_cjwatson, well, i only added bits to the armel subarch check, that shouldnt affect x86 at all10:27
* ogra_ re-checks his commits10:28
cjwatsonor perhaps live-build I guess10:28
cjwatsonthough that seems less likely10:29
cjwatsonI will concede that this is pretty odd ...10:30
ogra_http://paste.ubuntu.com/663319/ is all i added10:31
ogra_and thats all under the armel subarch check, i dont see how it could affect x8610:31
ogra_there is one followup commit by infinity but that doesnt seem to have been uploaded yet (and it doesnt touch the components)10:33
cjwatsonquite so10:33
ogra_and intrestingly all ports arches do look ok (modulo the build failure due to ubuntuone-client-gnome)10:34
ogra_(i also think if my change was the offending one we wouldnt see multiverse in the log ... i dont enable it)10:36
cjwatsonyeah, it doesn't look related to your change.10:36
cjwatsonthis broke between the 20110808.1 and 20110809 builds10:40
ogra_oh, that predates all my work actually10:41
cjwatsonno live-build changes then either10:42
ogra_was antimony upgraded  ... so  that an external app could have changed ?10:45
cjwatsonlivefs builds don't happen on antimony10:46
cjwatsonthey run in a chroot of the relevant release on dedicated buildds10:46
cjwatsonthe communication channel with antimony is very narrow10:46
ogra_well, they are triggered by debian-cd10:48
cjwatsonI am aware10:50
cjwatson(actually they're not, but that's terminology)10:50
cjwatsonI'd rather investigate most plausible things first.10:50
ogra_right, what i mean is that cdimage and debian-cd use bits and pieces from antimony to assemble the cmdlines10:51
ogra_and i dont see a single commit either in debian-cd, the seeds or cdimage around the timeframe it broke10:51
cjwatsondebian-cd is not itself involved *at all* in livefs building10:51
cjwatsonit consumes the output, that's all10:52
ogra_yeah, only post processing, i know ...10:52
cjwatsonseeds are irrelevant10:52
cjwatsonI agree there's nothing obvious in cdimage10:52
cjwatsonand if the antimony side was broken, I expect that we would see even more obvious signs in the log10:52
cjwatsonI really don't think this can be a problem on antimony, honestly10:52
cjwatsonI am not going to investigate that10:53
cjwatson(unless I exhaust everything else)10:53
cjwatsonlamont: are you around?  I could use some debugging on the livefs buildds (if you aren't around, I'll just upload livecd-rootfs with debugging code in it, but would prefer not to)11:08
lamontcjwatson: here11:09
lamontplease state the nature of the disfunction we are debugging11:10
cjwatsonlamont: universe and multiverse showing up in Ubuntu livefs build logs, and I can't see whwy11:10
cjwatsonlamont: could I have 'set -x' in /usr/share/livecd-rootfs/live-build/auto/config in cardamom's oneiric chroot, temporarily?11:11
lamonti386 being representative?11:11
ogra_there is more, it also doesnt seem to proceed the seeds correctly, i.e. unity-2d doesnt show up at all11:11
cjwatsonogra_: yeah, but one at a time.11:11
ogra_sure :)11:11
cjwatsonstandard debugging practice, debug the first chronological failure first11:11
cjwatsonotherwise you waste time11:11
* ogra_ keeps quiet and lets you do the work then :)11:11
cjwatsonjamespage: maven-hpi-plugin binaries accepted11:13
lamontlivecd-rootfs isn't installed in the oneiric-live chroot...11:13
lamontlive-build is11:13
jamespagecjwatson: thankyou!11:13
lamontthe only auto/config in live-build: /usr/share/live/build/examples/auto/config11:14
cjwatsonlamont: how about in build-oneiric-live/chroot-oneiric?11:14
lamontthat's where I'm looking11:14
cjwatsoncan you tell when livecd-rootfs was removed?11:15
cjwatsonI wonder if it got taken out by the apt transition11:15
lamontcjwatson: paste.ubuntu.com/66334111:16
lamontwell played, apt11:17
cjwatsonso python-apt was temporarily broken and we lost11:17
cjwatsonI'm going to put a bit of extra safety into BuildLiveCD11:17
cjwatsonin the meantime, can we have livecd-rootfs back in all the chroots?11:17
lamontwell... ok11:17
lamontwhat about germinate?11:18
cjwatsonlivecd-rootfs will bring it all back11:18
cjwatsonthis will certainly explain seed processing problems, and it will also explain why the livefs outputs weren't in a place where antimony could grab them11:19
lamontso... did the arm livecd builds fail, or work?11:20
ogra_arm is fine11:20
ogra_i got proper error logs11:20
lamontlivecd-rootfs restored on i386,amd64,powerpc11:20
lamontarm had it already11:20
cjwatsonlivecd-rootfs 2.22 uploaded with the relevant fix11:20
ogra_ppc looked fine too actually11:20
ogra_regarding the logs at least11:20
lamontcjwatson: spare me the pain and point me at a copy of BuildLiveCD to blat out?11:21
cjwatsonI was just going to RT it11:21
lamontvanguard this week, yay me.11:22
lamontattach the file in the RT?11:22
cjwatsonI did :)11:23
lamontmaybe I should sleep in more. :(11:24
cjwatsondiff should be http://paste.ubuntu.com/663350/11:24
lamontIt is currently 15th in the queue of tickets assigned to the Vanguard.11:25
lamontand with that, afk for a few11:25
cjwatsonthanks for the help11:26
* cjwatson kicks off Ubuntu desktop livefs builds11:26
cjwatsoncould somebody process ntfs-3g through NEW?11:27
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/oneiric/ubuntu/20110811.2/livecd-20110811.2-i386.out  more sensible failure now11:52
ogra_yep, that looks like the usual error11:54
ogra_i just uploaded a new meta that works around this11:55
charlie-tcaCan you kick new xubuntu builds too for the desktop? No desktop images have built for Ubuntu or Xubuntu since monday12:46
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ogra_The following packages have unmet dependencies:13:59
ogra_ ubuntuone-client-gnome : Depends: ubuntuone-client (= 1.7.0-0ubuntu2) but 1.7.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed13:59
ogra_RAAAH !13:59
* ogra_ checks rdepends 13:59
cjwatsonremember it installs the task, give it an hour or two to settle14:00
ogra_well, meta was uploaded 3h ago14:00
ogra_i missed and had to wait two publisher runs14:01
ogra_err, 2h ago14:02
ScottKThat same package is causing Kubuntu PPC builds to fail.14:03
* ScottK has no idea how it even gets involved.14:03
ogra_well, on ubuntu it was seeded14:03
cjwatsonScottK: that's very likely due to the general insanity fixed this morning14:03
cjwatsonI wouldn't worry about *that* part14:03
ogra_i dropped it now, but something still seems to keep it there, i might have been to careful with my seed change14:04
ScottKcjwatson: Good news.  Thanks.14:04
cjwatsonits Task field does seem to be gone14:04
cjwatsonwhich build log were you quoting?14:04
ogra_11.1 from ac10014:05
ogra_i'll wait 20min and try again14:07
cjwatsonah, ubuntuone-client-gnome still has Task: ubuntu-desktop on armel14:08
cjwatsonperhaps because ubuntu-meta was slower to build14:08
ogra_how can that be if i dropped it from desktop ?14:08
cjwatsonbecause it has to wait for ... right14:08
ogra_i thought there is a secret arch related seed i dont know about ;)14:08
cjwatsonubuntu-desktop is in the desktop seed so its dependencies are pulled into the task14:09
ogra_ports has the new ubuntu-desktop package already though14:09
ogra_i specifically waited until it showed up in the pool, i would expect the same publisher run to clean the task, isnt that the case ?14:10
cjwatsonyes, but it just missed the last publisher run, and task changes take an extra publisher run to settle.14:10
cjwatsonbecause there is hysteresis in the way that cron.publish-ftpmaster and cron.germinate are currently arranged14:10
cjwatsonthe germinate run at the end of a publisher run feeds into the next publisher run14:10
ogra_right, i wasnt aware of that bit14:10
cjwatsonit's a long-standing bug14:10
cjwatson(and the next publisher run has to have some work to do)14:11
cjwatsonit'll be OK after the current publisher run completes, so for safety, say 30m14:11
* ogra_ crosses fingers that nobody uploads unity or nux now :)14:12
skaetogra_, cjwatson, ScottK, slangasek, pitti - heh,  on that note,  just a head's up that didrocks may miss the FF by a couple of hours due to the fact he's traveling today, and may not have enough connectivity en-route to get it uploaded.  He's expecting to finish uploads as soon as he's home.14:13
ScottKskaet: I'd suggest then moving the milestone back a few hours to match his requirements so others can keep working too.14:14
cjwatsongiven that I'm trying to test ubuntu-defaults-image with this syslinux-themes-ubuntu packaging, I'm not averse to a stable archive either just now14:14
* cjwatson goes for a walk while it sits and churns14:14
ogra_skaet, then i pray that his train is late ... to get  the ac100 images working i need at least one output from the live builder, implementing it is a matter of 1-3h of work but to get to that point i already spend the third day fighting the archive skews14:15
cjwatsoncan't you build a reduced livefs for testing purposes?14:16
cjwatsonsay, just ubuntu-standard.  that would be enough to do the scripting work14:16
cjwatsonyou could start that right away.14:18
ogra_standard is recognized as a flavour ?14:18
ogra_i tried -core yesterday but that isnt really designed to carry a kernel etc14:18
* ogra_ checks14:18
cjwatsonyou could use ubuntu-server (= minimal + standard), and then just mangle things into place14:19
cjwatsonor base which is like ubuntu-server without the preinstalled pool stuff14:19
ogra_that will take longer than desktop to build with the new pool we ship on server14:20
cjwatsonbase then14:20
ogra_i'll try base14:20
skaetcjwatson, ogra_,   to keep the churn down (and improve the testing I suspect ;) ) do we want to ask him to do the drop tomorrow instead?    That would give us an overnight set of builds before unity/nux hits,  and give some breathing room on that dimension of churn?14:20
cjwatsonand it shouldn't be about build time, it should be about probability of failure14:20
cjwatsonskaet: I don't have an opinion on that14:20
ogra_skaet, well, i expect to get a livefs today one way or the other14:20
ogra_i dont want to block anyone, i'm trying with ubuntu-base now14:21
skaetcjwatson, ogra_ - ok.14:21
skaetScottK, will get more details from didrocks and then look at adding a few more hours on.14:22
seb128skaet, didrocks is travelling still14:25
seb128skaet, he's on holiday starting tomorrow evening though, it might be better to still have him around for a day after the upload14:26
skaetseb128,  agreed.   As soon as he's in connectivity range,  will get a revised ETA from him.14:26
seb128skaet, i.e if he uploads unity today and get issues he can fix those tomorrow, if he uploads tomorrow and that breaks it's likely nobody will be around during the w.e from dx to sort it and then somebody else from desktop will have to figure what didrocks and dx did14:27
seb128(yeah, I don't like uploads on fridays :p)14:27
* ogra_ doesnt like uploads at all :P14:28
Laneywhy not just grant an exception for this upload?14:39
ogra_Laney, because that would delay the upload until after didiers vacation i guess14:39
LaneyI mean I don't get why we need to delay indefinitely14:42
ogra_because didrocks is traveling and cant upload ... there is no other delay14:43
Laneydelay the freeze14:43
Laneyif it's just for one specific thing, just say that it is alright to do that14:43
ogra_it os delayed ?14:43
Laneythat was the discussion14:44
ogra_its not 18:00UTC yet :)14:44
ogra_we can tell at 18:01 if it is i guess ;)14:44
charlie-tcaI don't know if anyone knows it, the respins all failed on the desktop images14:58
charlie-tcaUbuntu has errors like14:59
charlie-tcaW: Unable to read /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/daily-live/apt/oneiric-amd64/apt/preferences.d/ - FileExists (2: No such file or directory)14:59
charlie-tcaand xubuntu has hash sum mismatches14:59
cjwatsonthat's a warning not an error14:59
cjwatsonI'm afraid I don't have time to push images up the hill right now15:00
charlie-tcaSorry, I guess the error really is15:00
charlie-tcamv: cannot stat `/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/daily-live/tmp/oneiric-amd64/CD1/casper/filesystem.kernel-generic': No such file or directory15:00
charlie-tcamake: *** [/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/ubuntu/daily-live/tmp/oneiric-amd64/bootable-stamp] Error 115:00
charlie-tcaOkay, I will wait to request them again15:01
ogra_ah, but thats alternate, 11.1 of xubuntu live built fine15:01
charlie-tcaactually, daily-live 11.1 failed to build15:01
charlie-tcaThat was Ubuntu error15:01
ogra_oh, sorry, i'm looking at the livefs build15:01
charlie-tcaXubuntu shows W: Failed to fetch file:/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ftp-universe/dists/oneiric/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch15:02
charlie-tcamany times for different files through the log15:02
charlie-tcaOh, warnings again15:02
cjwatsonthat one probably does add up to a real error.15:03
cjwatsonbut there's nothing I can do short of repeatedly retrying it.15:03
cjwatson(which as I said I'm not going to do now, perhaps somebody else can)15:03
charlie-tcaYeah, we can wait, since it will probably eventually fail for the same thing Ubuntu is failing for.15:03
ogra_right, its apt-update thats failing according to the log15:04
ogra_hmm, more reports about hash sum mistmatches with the archive15:46
skaetScottK,  have connected with didrocks.  Consider the Feature Freeze time adjusted to 2100 UTC.15:56
ScottKskaet: I think you should write to u-d-a.15:57
skaetScottK,  makes sense,  will do.15:58
tseliotpitti: I'm uploading fglrx-updates, nvidia-$flavour-updates and nvidia-settings-updates right now16:20
cjwatsonI have now changed the driver for all stable releases to ubuntu-release, and verified that this does not regress the ability of a core-dev to target tasks to a stable release16:44
cjwatsonskaet: my external memory in the form of bug 174375 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/703002/comments/3 says that the next step is to add ~canonical-qa to ~ubuntu-release so that they can manage bug nominations without being in ubuntu-drivers.  Are you OK with me making that change?16:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 174375 in ubuntu-community (and 1 other project) "Distribution drivers permissions may need redesign (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 7)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17437516:46
ubot4cjwatson: Error: Bug #703002 is private.16:46
* skaet looking16:47
tseliotpitti: are you still around?16:52
tseliotprobably not..16:52
tseliotcjwatson, slangasek: can either of you approve my sources in NEW, please? nvidia-graphics-drivers-96-updates nvidia-graphics-drivers-173-updates, nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates, nvidia-settings-updates and fglrx-installer-updates16:55
skaetcjwatson,  go ahead,  it seems the most pragmatic approach for now.   Lets see how it works out, and revisit if there are issues later.16:59
slangasektseliot: having a look, sure17:02
tseliotslangasek: thanks17:02
* ScottK wonders how we are doing to document "Members of ubuntu-release who are not members of the release team"?17:10
cjwatsonis it an issue?  I'm having a hard time imagining canonical-qa people having the time to do bogus freeze exception approvals17:11
cjwatson(I know this is a sledgehammer, BTW - it's just a smaller sledgehammer than the awful mess that is the ubuntu-drivers team)17:11
slangasektseliot: what's the logic of having these as separate source packages from the existing non-"updates" ones?17:16
tseliotslangasek: so, according to what we decided at UDS, we're going to keep the -updates flavours updated during the stable release cycle, until the next Ubuntu release17:17
ScottKAs a general practice I think that the actual teams in LP should match the roles/authority in the project.17:18
tseliotthis way users can decide whether to stick with the stable drivers or to try updated drivers17:18
slangasektseliot: ah, ok - so these will receive SRUs updating them to the new upstream version within each driver series?17:18
ScottKI agree it's unlikely to be problematic, but it's not ideal.17:19
slangasek(tseliot: and that's been preapproved by the SRU team?)17:19
tseliotslangasek: we were thinking more of a permanent ack on the -updates packages, as for the module backports, I guess17:19
slangasektseliot: right, but that's still an SRU, preapproved or otherwise17:19
tseliotslangasek: so, yes that's the plan. pitti can confirm that17:19
tseliotslangasek: ah, ok, I've never deal with one myself17:20
tseliota preapproved one, that is17:20
slangasektseliot: right, provided that pitti has said this is ok, it's ok with me - accepting17:20
tseliotslangasek: thanks a lot17:20
tseliotslangasek: so now we'll have to approve the binaries too, right?17:21
slangasektseliot: yes; that's trivial17:22
tseliotwhen they're built, that is17:22
tseliotslangasek: have you approved fglrx-installer-updates too?17:27
slangasektseliot: now I have :)17:27
tseliotslangasek: excellent. Thanks again, Steve17:27
lamontScottK: is your benevolence going to extend to bind9 getting in this evening?  (gonna be killing a couple hours in an airport later today, plus airtime, I expect I'll be wanting to upload bind9 and postfix around 2330 pacific)17:32
ScottKlamont: I think it sounds reasonable.17:32
ScottKI wouldn't want to be the one that had to explain to kees where there was no DNSSEC in oneiric.17:33
lamontand I'd prefer to not bail on current work tasks to finish it up17:33
lamontbecause writing exception documents can be so much fun, and all that17:33
slangasekwell considering I have the same gripe as kees about bind9 not supporting DNSSEC, I think a FFe review can be arranged :P17:34
lamontslangasek: you gonna bitch if I make it 9.8.0 instead of 9.7.3?17:34
lamontit wants to be at least 9.7.3.dfsg.P117:34
slangaseknot if it's done today17:34
lamontit just won't make the 2100 UTC deadline17:35
* slangasek nods17:35
lamontI still need to roll a couple security releases into the git tree, too  :(17:35
cjwatsonScottK: acknowledged; I just really want to finish breaking down the ubuntu-drivers problem, since it's been dragging on for years17:36
ScottKcjwatson: I'm not objecting to doing this.17:36
ScottKI'd just like to see it further refined in the future.17:36
cjwatsonI think we're in agreement there ...17:36
ScottKLast I checked (it's been awhile) ubuntu-sru had similar issues.17:37
cjwatsonubuntu-sru seems to have a reasonable membership list at the moment17:40
ScottKI think thought it used to have canonical-qa in it, but it does seem fine now.17:42
slangasekev: are you uploading ubiquity today to land the timezone reorg work?17:43
cjwatsonpitti: syslinux-themes-ubuntu is in NEW for you now18:04
cjwatsonpitti: I don't know how you want to handle dependencies of ubuntu-defaults-image; it will need syslinux-themes-ubuntu and gfxboot-theme-ubuntu installed18:05
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Laneyanyone got a handy URL showing outstanding FFe requests that need tending to?21:09
ScottKLaney: How about https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release21:11
Laneyif that will remain the link, sure21:12
ScottKThat's the one I usually use.21:13
skaetScottK, Laney - was working through some of the pages,  and came across https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StandingFeatureFreeze,  there are some things we've known are going to need an exception,  and am wondering if it makes sense to revive this page?  thoughts?21:14
LaneyI guess filtering it to New will be enough later21:14
Laneyskaet: yes, probably. Is the standing FFe policy documented elsewhere?21:15
ScottKskaet: Yes.  If we need them, I think it's a good idea to document them.21:15
ScottKLast cycle we just had FFe bugs that were left open.21:15
ScottKI think that's OK too.21:15
skaetSpotted the links from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze_for_new_upstream_versions21:15
skaetbut that's the reference I've seen so far.21:16
LaneyFor some reason I thought they needed two acks, but I don't know why21:16
ScottKLaney: That was once true for motu-release.21:16
LaneySo you could either track through that wiki page, or by leaving bugs open (possibly with a tag). Perhaps using LP is more sensible, as it'll be more current and searchable.21:18
skaetWould prefer to have one way, and if custom is the leaving the bugs open,  that may be the right solution, and updating the process page may be appropriate.21:25
skaetcjwatson, pitti, slangasek, other release team members,  ^^ any preferences?  background info?21:26
Laneyhaving a tag may be useful as you can then get a list of all that are in effect21:27
micahgLaney: that would require modifying the current tools like requestsync as well to add the tag (or have a script like bdmurray does for needs-packaging)21:28
Laneymicahg: no tools deal with standing FFes now anyway21:28
Laney(and RT members could easily just add any tag when approving such)21:28
micahgLaney: oh, this is post-approval, nevermind21:28
ScottKWe've done both wiki page and via bug.21:32
slangasekskaet: certainly I think ~ubuntu-release bugs is the lightest-weight, most scalable approach21:41
skaetslangasek, ScottK, Laney,  ok will make a note to update that process page to remove the reference to the stale exceptions page.   We'll standardize on the bugs this time around.21:53
ScottKNow that we are processing exceptions for new features and not all new upstream versions, I think that they will be less necessary (e.g. I expect KDE 4.7.1 will be bugfix only).21:55
micahgin general through the end of the cycle, do we still want multiarch changes from Debian?22:26

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