
stuffed-crustAnyone here...00:02
stuffed-crustI would like to remove hellanzb completely, would i just delete the dir "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Hellanzb/"00:03
Azelphurdid you install it using apt00:04
Azelphurhow did you install it00:04
stuffed-crusti executed "hellanzb.py"00:04
directhexif it's in /usr/local apt didn't do it00:04
Azelphurstuffed-crust: best answer would be to read the manual00:05
ali1234lol what manual?00:05
stuffed-crustwell im just wondering if i delete that folder will that remove all instance's of the program00:05
stuffed-crustapart from the .conf file ofc00:06
funkyHatThere's probably a symlink or some kind of wrapper in /usr/local/bin or something00:06
ali1234did you install python-2.7 from source too?00:06
stuffed-crusti was using python2.7 before i installed hellanzb00:06
ali1234well yeah00:07
stuffed-crusti believe00:07
ali1234but if you install things the python way, i don't think they go in /usr/local if you use distro python00:07
popeyusefully the README makes no mention of uninstallation00:07
ali1234or maybe they do00:07
funkyHat"why would I tell people how to uninstall my software? Noone is going to want to uninstall it!"00:07
ali1234everyone always complained about that00:07
stuffed-crusti will double check the README but i dont think it does00:08
ali1234well, i have a /usr/local/lib/python2.7/ - so it must be what it is for00:08
popeyemail pjenvey@groovie.org00:08
ali1234there's a really useful python tool called virtualenv00:08
popeyask him how ☺00:08
ali1234it lets you create a virtual python install. you install your package using that python, and then you can just delete the whole lot when you're done00:08
ali1234saves messing up your distro python, and you don't need root00:09
ali1234it's great00:09
stuffed-crustno mention of uninstall in README00:09
popey01:07:21 < popey> usefully the README makes no mention of uninstallation00:10
stuffed-crustbut if u say deleting that folder is the way i understand how that works i think which is the important thing :P00:10
stuffed-crustlooks like thats all "dist-packages" holds00:11
stuffed-crustgonna delete that too00:11
popeyhah, directhex i totally wasn't expecting that keyboard to pop out 3 mins in :D00:13
directhexpopey, there's a battle raging - will i manage to wait for the pre3, before going "sod it" and buying something else? i didn't manage it last time with the n90000:14
popeyyou bought the n900 then switched to the pre?00:14
popeythat thing looks giant in his hands00:15
ali1234stuffed-crust: you probably shouldn't have done that00:19
stuffed-crustlolwat :)00:19
stuffed-crusti reinstalled it now anywayz, trying to fix an error im getting but it didnt work00:20
ali1234reinstalling things on linux never fixes the problem00:20
stuffed-crustwell i had an updated deb package which provides new versions of the dependencies < spellcheck00:20
stuffed-crustbut no joy00:21
ali1234what is the actual problem?00:21
stuffed-crustill paste it on pastebin one sec00:21
stuffed-crustits a small thread00:22
stuffed-crustim still getting his error00:22
ali1234so did you try installing the package from debian sid?00:23
stuffed-crusthmm hold on confused myself now lol00:24
stuffed-crusti thought that was just a dependency update00:24
ali1234i suspect you now have two versions installed00:24
ali1234and it's still loading the old one00:24
stuffed-crustme 2 now00:24
stuffed-crusthold tight then00:25
stuffed-crustok new errors but ones i understand00:26
stuffed-crustand shes working, cheers guise xD00:31
stuffed-crusti really need to get to bed haha00:34
stuffed-crustcya, thx again00:34
ali1234Azelphur: did you ever fix your arduino?00:38
Azelphurno, mostly pure lazyness though00:39
ali1234just seen this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1305856someone00:40
ali1234maybe it's not dead at all... maybe the arduino software just times out before the end of the 20 second delay00:40
ali1234(arduino uses a ftdi chip)00:40
ali1234didn't your just not even enumerate?00:41
Azelphurthink so00:41
ali1234hmm never mind, not related00:41
stuffed-crustguru's, i haz hellanzb running but its just sitting there in there terminal with zero kb/s, i created a log file and its basically connecting to the server then disconnecting itself with this message -- AUTHINFO failed: 502 Authentication Failed04:41
stuffed-crustany ideaz04:42
stuffed-crustmy news server does not require authentication btw04:43
lubotu3piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o04:43
stuffed-crustwhos talkin piracy04:43
stuffed-crustnot me04:43
stuffed-crustim talkin hellanzb04:43
MartijnVdSCome on, is there any other use for nzb?04:44
stuffed-crustare u an OP ?04:44
MartijnVdSDoes it matter?04:44
stuffed-crusti have talked no piracy04:45
stuffed-crustif ur an OP i shall obey you04:45
stuffed-crustif not04:45
stuffed-cruststfu ?04:45
stuffed-crustim actually not even tryin to download anything in particular im just learning ubuntu, getting hellanzb working is part of it for me04:47
lubotu3The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:47
stuffed-crustdude you started it04:47
stuffed-crustif you got a piracy beef join the mpaa04:48
stuffed-crustotherwsie please and thank you are in my vocabluary04:48
stuffed-crustjesus im a hard working 9-5 man, i needz my nzb workingz!04:49
stuffed-crusti was up til 1am working on this04:49
stuffed-crusti had like 4 hours sleep04:49
stuffed-crust guru's, i haz hellanzb running but its just sitting there in there terminal with zero kb/s, i created a log file and its basically connecting to the server then disconnecting itself with this message -- AUTHINFO failed: 502 Authentication Failed04:50
stuffed-crustplease help me if you can04:50
stuffed-crustWhen helping: be helpful < IRC Guidelines04:57
stuffed-crustu dun pissed me right off now lol04:58
stuffed-crustim gonna make a forum post i think04:58
AlanBellmorning all06:09
AlanBelldead chicken :(06:51
hoovergood morning all07:05
hoovermorning daubers08:09
JamesTaitMorning all!08:41
daubersAlanBell: Camera number 2 acquired! Batteries only last 90 minutes, but I do have mains cords for them08:46
kazademorning everyone08:47
AlanBelldaubers: awesome08:48
AlanBelldaubers: both take SD cards right?08:48
daubersAlanBell: Yup, they don't do SD however :)08:48
daubersAlanBell: 8GB SD card is about an hour apparently (I tried with mine)08:48
AlanBellgreat, I have 6 16GB cards so we should be set08:49
daubersOh, and pitivi does support the avchd codec08:50
dauberscontainer even08:50
popeyMorning all!08:54
* directhex moos08:55
MartijnVdSdaubers: avchd isn't weird though, is it.. it's just MPEG-4/h264/aac in a weird directory structure?08:56
daubersMartijnVdS: Indeed! But really shouldn't assume these things08:57
daubersMorning popey08:57
MartijnVdSdaubers: Why not?08:57
directhexshotwell doesn't support MPO files properly08:57
daubersMartijnVdS: Because assuming makes an ass of u and me :p And we'd be stuffed if we had to transcode into an editable format before hand08:57
MartijnVdSdaubers: oh sure, don't assume the codec.. but the directory tree is pretty standard/detectable08:58
daubersMartijnVdS: Indeed, but I had to test PiTiVi to make sure it would work properly (which was the original point)08:59
popey\o/ Testing!09:03
* MartijnVdS runs "make test" a lot these days09:04
MartijnVdS\o/ Perl's testing culture09:04
daubersAlanBell: Will bring one along tomorrow evening so you can have a play09:05
gordtesting is fine, but it only ever checks for bugs you know about, i don't care about those bugs, i fixed them already. its the bugs i don't know about that scare me09:06
daubersHmmm, my history from today mostly contains "grep"09:08
MartijnVdSgord: And that's why we write test suites that cover all possible code paths beforehand09:13
gordMartijnVdS, eh, no you write tests to test for regressions during the life cycle of a codebase, they will never find bugs you didn't know about because those bugs are triggered in certain specific situations you would never test for09:20
MartijnVdSgord: sure, there will always be corner-case bugs.. but we try to prevent most bugs in non-corner cases09:20
MartijnVdSalso, they help creating a usable API09:21
bigcalmHowdy peeps09:40
bigcalm1 work day left and then oggcamp holidays :D09:40
* popey blogs oggcamp09:40
bigcalmI take it that you've taken tomorrow and Monday off?09:40
ali1234lol, unit test fail09:44
ali1234no wonder 11.04 is so buggy09:44
MartijnVdSali1234: exactly09:45
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:46
popeybigcalm: yes10:00
bigcalmGood, relaxing with an ale shall be done on Sunday then10:01
=== denny- is now known as denny
davmor2morning all10:05
* davmor2 prods czajkowski mornring 10:05
brobostigonmorning davmor210:05
davmor2morning brobostigon10:06
davmor2hey gord why is oneiric suddenly taking so long to get from login to desktop?10:13
gorddavmor2, i have absolutely no idea10:13
gord!wfm and all that10:13
lubotu3gord: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:13
davmor2gord: no it works it just seems to take it's time getting from login to desktop,  before the latest update it was fairly quick now it seem to sit for several second with just the cursor then the backdrop changes then finally the login jingle and unity appear10:15
ubuntuuk-planet[Andrew] A Better Firefox Menu - http://whyareyoureadingthisurl.wordpress.com/2011/08/11/a-better-firefox-menu/10:16
gorddavmor2, yup, no idea, maybe look at bootchart to see what is taking so long10:17
brobostigonmorning czajkowski10:32
TheOpenSourcererafternoon czajkowski10:33
* davmor2 prods czajkowski agian10:33
czajkowskino prodding10:33
czajkowskican anyone open http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/10:34
* davmor2 de prods czajkowski and blows raspberries at her instead10:34
bigcalmczajkowski: not so far10:34
bigcalmIt's sat on 'loading' in chrome10:35
czajkowskipossibly mentioning the petition that only needs just shy of over 2k petion to be debated over the riots has killed it10:35
davmor2czajkowski: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/google.comhttp://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/10:35
bigcalmczajkowski: I would hope that it would be a topic for discussion without needing to petition for it10:36
Myrtti♥  UK10:37
bigcalmMyrtti: yay, you're here then?10:37
Myrttioh yes10:37
bigcalmMight actually get to talk to you this year :P10:38
czajkowskibigcalm: the petition is to withdraw the welfare from anyone who is convicted of looting10:39
czajkowskiand violence10:39
bigcalmI see10:39
lubotu3Please take political discussion to ##politics-uk. Thank you!10:40
czajkowskiandylockran: wasn't talking about politics, was just asking was the website up or down for people and the reason why10:40
czajkowskiMyrtti: welcome :)10:40
bigcalmandylockran: you'll need a petition for that ;)10:41
MyrttiCambridge was so pretty yesterday10:41
daubersczajkowski: Anyone convicted and imprisoned already loses the majority of their benefits10:41
daubers(excepting universal ones like the NHS AIUI)10:41
andylockranok, now it's !politics :)10:42
brobostigonmorning s-fox10:43
s-foxHello brobostigon10:43
s-foxHow are you ?10:43
brobostigons-fox: some what tired, and my eczema is pretty dodgy and it has an infection. how about you?10:43
s-foxLate night? Sorry to hear about infection. I am okay thank you,  bit hungry.10:44
brobostigons-fox: not sleeping properly. due to the pain from my eczema.10:44
brobostigonquite, yes, :(10:46
* brobostigon gets some coke.10:57
davmor2andylockran: easy solution goto ##politics-uk it'll be silent as it's all going on here :D11:11
oimondavmor2: have the same slow desktop issue11:20
davmor2gord: these things mean nothing to me http://ubuntuone.com/p/19iO/11:30
oimondoes bootchart include time to the desktop?11:33
davmor2oimon: it includes bamf, app launcher and indicators so I'm going with yes :)11:34
oimonsomeone in #ubuntu+1 was complaining the other day too11:37
oimonanyone know how to "fix" software centre when it doesn't respond to clicking the install button for apps?11:41
davmor2gord: any clue?  Look like gnome-session is started and then bamfd etc is start 20seconds after unless I'm reading it wrong?11:41
oimonwow i just noticed the new lightdm login screen11:43
oimonanyone else think today's woot pic is bad taste? http://www.woot.com/11:56
livingdaylightmy new internal hd just arrived. Wondering Ubuntu 32-bit or 64-bit ?12:09
MartijnVdSalways 6412:09
MartijnVdSunless CPU doesn't do 6412:09
oimonlivingdaylight: how much RAM do u have?12:11
livingdaylightit does, but previously, I found adobe air not easy to install on 6412:11
livingdaylightoimon, about 4gb12:11
oimoni recently installed 64 and found everything straightforward12:12
oimonalthough i don't use air12:12
oimonany linkedin users concerned about privacy should change these settings http://countermeasures.trendmicro.eu/linkedin-optout/12:15
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Pope] Full Moon OggCamp - http://popey.com/blog/2011/08/11/full-moon-oggcamp/12:16
gorddavmor2, bamf coming up is pretty much "unity is now started" looks like gnome is taking a metric age to actually start compiz then compiz is being slow too12:37
gorddavmor2, pink = IO btw and blue = cpu, so something is loading slowly12:38
oimonmy desktop seems a bit faster today12:39
oimondavmor2: maybe run updates and reboot today?12:39
gordupdating today is not clever12:40
gordits feature freeze day12:40
oimonah, maybe that's why ubuntu one broke12:40
oimoni update every day though, it's not my prod box12:40
davmor2oimon: already have12:40
* oimon checks his bootchart12:41
gordreally bugs me when websites have a "search", but really its just google. i could do that myself12:41
oimonalthough it saves you typing site:www.fluffybunnies.com12:42
AzelphurSigh, appears I need to start hardening my IRC server since myg0t kiddies keep hitting it with botnets \o/. Any tips?12:45
daubersHooray! How many hundreds of people are going to retweetn the fake @skynewsticker account today12:45
AzelphurI assume I need to get join and flood limiting up12:45
oimonfinding it really annoying to have to type sudo reboot to restart 11.10 atm12:45
gordAzelphur, just password it?12:45
Azelphurhow on earth is that a solution?12:46
gordstops script kiddies getting in?12:46
MartijnVdSAzelphur: it keeps people out :)12:46
Azelphurstops everybody from getting in12:46
MartijnVdSAzelphur: or use a different port12:46
Azelphurmight as well just turn it off, silly suggestion was silly12:46
gordwell no, you give people you want in there the password12:46
Azelphurso I coordinate giving thousands of people a password and expect it not to get leaked?12:47
Azelphurreally why do people make these silly "go without" suggestions, they are totally pointless :/12:47
gordgeez, there sapps my interest in helping you, i'll go back to work12:48
oimonafaik botnets aren't sentient beings so you could probably be pretty liberal with who you give the passwword to12:48
Azelphurthat's fine, I don't want go without style answers anyway12:48
Azelphuroimon: they are targeted attacks at me, so they'll just give the botnet the password.12:49
Azelphurbecause that's what myg0t do, they pick a target to troll and then troll it :)12:49
oimonnever heard of him/them12:49
diploI haven't heard of them for a long time12:50
diploDidn't know they were still about12:50
diploAzelphur, can you determine a sequence to the attacks ?12:51
Azelphuryea, they are very easy to block when I'm here, the bots usually always have some very easily identifiable tag on them12:51
diploOr something like that, IE 100's connect at same time, a certain time etc12:51
Azelphuryep, basic every day stuff12:52
diploAll I'm thinking is if you detect lots of connections at the same time to maybe set it to lockdown for a short period of time 2-3 mins and then open again12:52
oimoniptables can do such throttling12:53
Azelphuryea, ircds support detecting these, I'm implementing that now. Was just wondering if anyone else had any interesting ideas :)12:53
Azelphurinspircd has join/nick/text flood protection builtin.12:53
diploNot really :( - You are doing basically what I would do12:54
diploTis the biatch with botnets is you can't block a certain ip range etc12:54
Azelphurif they keep on annoying me I'll just go after them, I've already got real IPs and times along with names and other info :)12:54
Azelphurthink they wouldn't be so bold if I was the top result on google for all their names. :)12:55
diploOr maybe attack you more for doing it.12:56
Azelphurtrue but any attacks on me once their information is public would just result in more, worse attacks on them personally12:56
Azelphurbecause my servers full of 4chan people who get annoyed with people who attack me :)12:56
diploSuppose, as long as your details are correct12:56
diploDont want to get as bad as them12:57
Azelphuryea, have to be very sure with things like that, I usually aim for at least 3 points of reference to ensure that it's definitely the right person12:57
diploWell if you ever want any help with stuff of an evening or day time tbh I have a lot of spare time now the wife has left me :)12:59
Azelphurthat sucks :(12:59
diploYep :(12:59
Azelphurdiplo I get attacked quite regularly now, I even had a (albeit small and a bit retarded) security company attack me using company resources12:59
Azelphurone of those denial of service for hire types I guess13:00
=== colin__ is now known as Zyzle
diploafternoon czajkowski13:04
czajkowskihow are folks today13:05
czajkowskiwho is coming to oggcamp over the weekend??13:05
hoovernot me... stuck in .de13:08
hooverare you going, biggie?13:09
diploLike to but not :/13:09
bigcalmhoovie: I am indeed13:10
hoovercool say hello from me then ;-)13:10
kaushalis there a way to configure Ipsec VPN Client in Ubuntu 11.04 ?13:11
hooverkaushal: Is that different from openvpn (sorry if that's a stupid question)?13:12
* hoover has only dabbled with openvpn and vpnc13:13
directhexkaushal, in a GUI way, or on a server?13:14
kaushalI mean for Ubuntu Desktop13:15
kaushalmay be CLI or GUI13:15
directhexkaushal, install apt:network-manager-strongswan13:15
directhexkaushal, then try creating a new VPN via the network manager gui (the icon in the system tray)13:15
directhexthat'll set up strongswan for you, which is an ipsec client13:17
bigcalmI've been given account details (server name, username, password) to a SSL VPN with a client. Having never used VPN before, I'm a little confused with all of the options that are available13:17
directhexbigcalm, there's no one VPN solution, there are several13:20
directhexbigcalm, you install the correct VPN client for their server, and set it up via the clicky boxes in network manager13:20
kaushaldirecthex: ok13:21
popeyAlanBell: http://victorpalau.net/2011/08/11/dell-vostro-3300-external-monitor-problems-finally-fixed/ seen that?13:21
kaushaldirecthex: Thanks13:21
kaushallet me work on it13:21
bigcalmNo idea what server they are using :) Will see if I can get anywhere with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91420213:22
directhexbigcalm, e.g. network-manager-openconnect for modern Cisco AnyConnect VPNs, network-manager-vpnc for older cisco VPNs, network-manager-pptp-gnome for Windows VPNs13:22
kaushaldirecthex: is there a daemonized mode available for Ipsec ?13:22
kaushalI mean i use openvpn using daemonized mode client13:22
directhexyes, but you /quit13:23
hooverHm, how can I start the connection once I have defined it as VPN in the network manager?13:24
directhexhoover, click the NM icon -> VPN Connections -> name of vpn13:24
directhexthe icon will do stuff, and a notification will tell you if the connect failed and why. padlock icon = secured13:25
bigcalmHumm, the client didn't give me domain information.13:25
hooverok thanks13:25
directhexoh, and you may need to log out/in for some types of vpn after installing the requisite packages. especially for vpnc13:25
bigcalmThem being on the west coast of the states makes working with them very slow13:25
hooverright now all I get is "configure vpn" when I click on the icon13:26
bigcalmF5 Networks apparently13:26
hooverof course it didn't work, would have surprised me if it did ;-)13:31
hooverdamn nortel and thei win-only client crap13:31
hoovervpnc worked fine for a while, then it quit all of a sudden13:31
directhexhoover, you logged out/in after installing vpnc?13:32
hooverbut I tried the strongswan stuff, not vpnc13:32
hooverno worries, I have my machine at work connect to my home router using openvpn / dyndns13:32
directhexstrongswan is for ipsec. vpnc is for cisco vpn concentrator13:33
hooverI'll try the svn vpnc version again13:33
hooverhaven't checked that in a while13:34
kvarleyHow can I install a package via apt-get avoiding the "Do you want to continue [Y/n]?" message?13:42
andylockranhey guys - if an alter table command fails on some mysql slaves, is it ok to run it manually on the slaves without breaking replication?13:45
jmlpopey: hi. I found this, http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/Creating_Screencasts, and thought "yay", and then I saw "edgy" and now I'm not yay at all.13:46
hoovervpnc works again, after adding only one line13:47
hooverNortel Client ID V06_0113:47
hoovercool, thanks for making me try out that one again13:47
* jml is trying to make a screencast. failing.13:47
MichealH<MichealH> Ubuntu gives up waiting for the root device, apparently /dev/disk/by-uuid/UID does not exist13:48
MichealHUbuntu drops into a initramfs shell13:48
MichealHI have tried reinstalling 10 times, same error13:48
MichealHSoon after udevd gives errors about worker13:49
hooverandylockran: have you stopped the replication?13:50
MichealHCan someone help me?13:50
hooverkvarley: --yes?13:51
MichealHI have tried for 2 days straight to fix this13:51
hooversorry MichealH no idea here... is it the failing mounts that are causing you pain?13:51
kvarleyhoover: Thank you :) Linux is so simple at times :)13:51
hooverman apt-get is even simpler ;-)13:51
hooveryou're welcome13:52
kvarleyhoover: Very true xD13:52
hooversorry, couldn't resist being a smartarse (again ;-)13:52
MichealHhoover, It seems they are failing mounts13:52
MichealHBut I dunno how to fix them13:52
hooverhave you tried modifying /etc/fstab?13:52
MichealHNope, This is a 10 minute year old install13:52
hooverboot off a live stick, mount the root fs and change /etc/fstab to the phys. device names13:52
MichealHIt has not even been touched13:53
popeyjml: I CAN HELP!13:53
hooverfdisk -l will show you the partitions13:53
MichealHLiveCD works?13:53
jmlpopey: actually, the answer turns out to be plughw:0,013:53
hooverit should, I guess13:53
MichealHSo I just change to /dev/sd Whatever13:53
hooveryep that should work13:53
MichealHCool, I shall try that now13:53
hooverok good luck13:54
jmlpopey: the question is, "What device to I tell gtk-recordMyDesktop to use in order to record sound?"13:54
kvarleyhoover: Any ideas about doing the same thing but with gksudo. It doesn't like --yes13:54
popeyjml: dont use rmd, it blows goats13:54
hooverkvarley: I haven't used gksudo, sorry13:54
hooverkvarley: what's the error you're getting?13:54
popeyjml: http://lwn.net/Articles/452233/13:55
kvarleyhoover: gksudo: unrecognised option '--yes'13:55
hooverso you pass the command along from the shell or directly in gksudo?13:55
jmlpopey: that has a recent date!13:55
jmlpopey: but, ach! meine Augen!13:56
hooverkvarley: have you tried using quotes around the argument?13:56
hooverlike so:13:56
hoovergksudo "apt-get --yes upgrade"13:56
popeyjml: wassup?13:56
popeyjml: install ffmpeg and parec13:57
popeyjml: the other option is to install kazam13:57
* hoover 's a very happy camper to find vpnc works again... yay! 13:57
popeybut I find this more reliable13:57
jmlthe same error that rmd had13:59
jmlALSA lib dlmisc.c:254:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so13:59
jml[alsa @ 0x82f340] cannot open audio device pulse (No such device or address)13:59
kvarleyhoover: Yes! Thank you once again ;) I used: gksudo "apt-get install python-pyexiv2 --yes" and it works a charm!14:02
popeyjml: have you removed pulseaudio or something?14:02
hooverkvarley: no worries, good to see it works14:02
popeyis pulse running?14:02
oimondavmor2: for your bootchart, did you get autologin working with lightdm yet?14:03
davmor2oimon: nope I just sat there waiting to login14:03
oimonseems to be broken for the mo14:03
jmlpopey: no, I haven't. although maybe I killed it trying to debug the issue w/ rmd14:05
jmlit's running though14:05
MichealHhoover, So I have it open14:05
MichealHHow do I need to edit it?14:05
MichealHI have UUID = SOME UID14:06
MichealHShall I change it with /dev/dsa9 ?14:06
popeysorry, not seen that error jml14:12
hooverdo you have a list of your partitionsw?14:15
hoovercomment out the lines by prefixing them with a "#"14:16
hooverin a root shell, type fdisk -l to see your partition table14:16
hooverthen use /dev/sda1 instead of the UUID stuff14:17
hooverMichealH: be careful though if you have booted from a usb device that might now come up as sda14:18
hooveryour drive may now be identified as sdb, but will revert to sda when you boot without the stick14:18
hoover(that's why the uuid stuff was introduced in the first place)14:19
MichealHfdisk -l showed nothing :/14:22
MichealHOh, root14:22
MichealHhoover, Right, rebooting now14:25
MichealHhoover, I commented out the UUID line, but that still looked for /dev/disk/by-uuid14:28
MichealHOh, Its in grub14:28
MichealHEditing Kerneline14:31
MichealHAnd It works14:31
MichealHLooks like I need to do a bit of GRUB love14:32
hoovercool ;-)14:34
hooverGrub has saved my butt a couple of times, too ;-)14:35
hooverOk folks I'm off for today, catch you later! Cheers all14:35
AlanBellpopey: yes, seen it, TheOpenSourcerer filed that bug and the new kernel does work (but breaks virtualbox as there is no source package for dkms to use14:59
oimonjust remembered its oggcamp this weekend15:13
popeyYes! :D15:14
mfraz74will oggcamp be on IRC?15:14
oimonmy wife wanted to camp in surrey all week when our town was getting smashed up15:15
mfraz74which town?15:15
popeymfraz74: "on irc"?15:16
mfraz74popey: some sort of feed for those of us that can't make it15:16
mfraz74didn't you do twitter there one year?15:17
popeywe had a twitterfall, yes15:17
mfraz74popey: yes the twitterfall15:18
LaneyDear meteorologists, is it going to rain later?15:22
LaneyI see grey clouds.15:22
AlanBellis there a twitterfall this year popey?15:22
popeyAlanBell: we haven't planned one15:26
bigcalmThings just happen15:26
czajkowskifeckin hot on the tube15:48
oimoni find the central line the worst15:49
oimonlike an oven15:49
kazadenah Northern is worst :)15:49
oimonnorthern smells of wee15:51
oimondistrict smells ...weird15:51
* Laney lives in vague awe and fear of londoners15:52
oimonriding the tube is pretty inhumane15:54
AlanBellnorthern is pretty grim15:54
AlanBellthe odd one is waterloo and city in the morning15:54
AlanBellso horribly overcrowded, but if they had a whipround on the platform they could probably buy an extra train15:55
Laneywhat's the one with the separate door thingies on the platform?15:56
Laneythat's posh15:56
czajkowskinot bad 40 mins from place in victoria back to elephant and castle home at 4pm in the day15:59
czajkowskibakerpoo line to embankment to district line  to victoria16:00
* TheOpenSourcerer went from Farnham to central Leeds and back yesterday. Each journey took exactly 3:35mins - 447.4m round trip.16:19
TheOpenSourcererBy car.16:19
HazRPGbrobostigon: hey dude you about?16:22
TheOpenSourcererI hear the HTV2 13,000mph aircraft is taking a spin this afternoon...16:30
TheOpenSourcerer3.6miles per second...16:30
TheOpenSourcererLondon -> Sydney in about an hour.16:30
MartijnVdSaircraft or spacecraft?16:31
MartijnVdSscary fast16:32
TheOpenSourcererAnd Darpa have just lost it...16:32
TheOpenSourcererTwitter #htv216:32
MartijnVdSah it's unmanned and over the ocean16:33
MartijnVdSnot quite as bad than it could be :)16:33
TheOpenSourcererI think bloefelt has nicked it in true James Bond style.16:34
FeatureFreakdang starbuck, they blocked irc, had to socks proxy ssh to get it working.16:47
FeatureFreakdon't think that was the case 6 months ago16:48
FeatureFreakahh well.16:48
HazRPGhmm, this doesn't look right (ls -la): d?????????  ? ?     ?            ?                ? .gvfs17:23
HazRPGany reason why it'd do that?17:23
MartijnVdSHazRPG: try as yourself instead of root17:23
MartijnVdSit does that on my oneiric box.. what are you running?17:23
HazRPG11.04, its my sister's /home not mine17:24
MartijnVdSHazRPG: are you logged in under your sister's user atm?17:24
HazRPGnope, ssh'ed as me17:24
MartijnVdSHazRPG: because it should show up correctly if you were17:24
HazRPGyeah, just told my sister to type in ls -la in terminal and it was fine on hers17:25
directhexHazRPG, fried FS.17:26
MartijnVdSdirecthex: nah, .gvfs is the GnomeVFS mount point, it's fuse-y and shows up weird if you're not the owner of the gvfs process17:26
HazRPGdirecthex: it's a fresh install, I only just installed it 2 days ago... o.o17:26
MartijnVdSor GVFS17:26
=== hamitron_ is now known as hamitron
HazRPGgetting very use to walking around the O/S with my terminal now :)17:29
HazRPGI've set all the boxes in my house to only allow my account to ssh into anything, so it's a pain when trying to move other peoples files around, but a simple chown does the job to give them back their files :)17:30
HazRPGthink my sister is getting more use to unity then I am...17:32
HazRPGMartijnVdS: thanks for the help/info btw, was starting to panic I'd done something wrong with my find and chown/chmod commands ^_^17:33
ali1234HazRPG: use sudo17:49
MartijnVdSsudo -u someuser \o/17:59
MartijnVdSHazRPG: ^17:59
=== carlosr is now known as Guest55581
livingdaylightDoes anyone know/remember the component to the clock that enabled us to be able to add cities and their time and basic weather info as a drop down menu?19:00
livingdaylightthere is gworldclock i see in synaptics, but it is ugly and I prefer it integrated with the digital clock in the panel19:01
dwatkinslivingdaylight: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta#World_Clock_Applet ?19:35
livingdaylightdwatkins, YES!!!19:36
dwatkinsLinux saves the day!19:37
livingdaylightwhy have they removed that from 11.04 ?19:37
livingdaylightdwatkins, you saved the day ;)19:37
dwatkinsheh, I just searched around for images of what I remembered using19:38
livingdaylightdwatkins, not sure the name though. intlclock is not bringing anything back in Synaptic19:46
dwatkinsyeah, perhaps it's a component that got removed, or it's just called "Gnome World Clock".19:47
dwatkinsI can boot my 10.04 virtual guest to see if it's there if you like.19:48
livingdaylightno don't worry... I'll keep digging or ask in #ubuntu19:49
dwatkinsChecking on my server, as it was already up ;)19:49
livingdaylightyou've given me a good lead19:49
dwatkinsheh, you can have two clocks with different time formats19:50
dwatkinsSeems the applet identifies itself simpy as "Calendar"in 10.10, livingdaylight.19:53
livingdaylightCalendar?! ok...19:54
livingdaylightyoung man tells Boris Johnson how it is - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsF3j3bS0h819:57
dwatkinsI enjoyed the video taken on the M1 today, people were parked on the hard shoulder so someone decided to interview them and point out their folly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY_CzPD2cYs20:00
livingdaylightdwatkins, couldn't finish it- found the guy very annoying. Asking everyone their name20:05
dwatkinsI imagine that was the point. He's passed the video on to the police.20:06
livingdaylightbut he was speaking and asking the name of people that weren't in the hard shoulder20:08
dwatkinsoh yeah, I think he was just giving them a chance to be famous for 15 seconds20:08
dwatkinsand being friendly20:08
livingdaylightI think he was giving himself a chance to be famous for 5 seconds, lol... I do know what you mean, there is this generic yet contrived manner of being "friendly" which personally makes my skin crawl. Maybe I'm an old grouch but it s not my style.20:09
dwatkinsFair enough :)20:10
livingdaylightsomeone in #ubuntu is reporting that the World Clock Applet is there in 11.04 if run in classic. However, I am in classic, but only by default because I didn't have 3-D enabled and hence got kicked over to classic mode earlier after a fresh install. So, going to reboot and see whether that helps.20:13
* popey should really write a talk20:25
* marxjohnson has written one but needs to write another20:27
marxjohnsonI might just do that now20:27
gorddo you want my prepared talk about how awesome cats are?20:31
gordits three hours long20:31
ali1234lol, someone gave wireshark only 4/5 on the software centre reviews because it is too "Compilacted"20:40
ali1234i wouldn't want to be compilacted, it sounds painful20:41
Guest84927stupid freenode is being crap lately20:41
=== OmNomDeBonBon is now known as RaycisCharles
brobostigonHazRPG: meep.20:55
* czajkowski prods marxjohnson 21:01
marxjohnsonhi czajkowski21:02
czajkowskimarxjohnson: fix your mail please  :D21:02
czajkowskipretty please21:03
marxjohnsonah yes :P21:03
marxjohnsonsorry about that, I never got around to it21:03
marxjohnsonAnyone in here good with Roundcube?21:03
czajkowskii miss all your mails21:03
davmor2evening all21:12
czajkowskidavmor2: booooo21:18
davmor2booo to you to czajkowski how's you21:19
czajkowskintb u21:19
davmor2I ntb either thanks21:24
brobostigonQT. now, bbc121:38
HazRPGbrobostigon: hello :)22:19
brobostigonHazRPG: you hightlighted me.22:20
HazRPGbrobostigon: indeed, so what's the plan about oggcamp?22:20
brobostigonHazRPG: i wont be able to attend, due to my eczema, and its infection getting considerably worse.22:21
HazRPGbrobostigon: car seems to be working fine at my end, did a test run of about 30-40 miles and it was still going smoothly, and no errors, so all good :)22:21
HazRPGbrobostigon: aww :(22:21
brobostigonHazRPG: i am on load of meds, and it isnt getting better.22:22
brobostigonHazRPG: my concern is, last time, it put me into hospital, and i dont want that happening, while down with everyone.22:23
HazRPGbrobostigon: no worries dude, I can understand that :)22:23
HazRPGbrobostigon: just hope you feel better soon22:23
brobostigonHazRPG: me too yes, thank you. last time, it got worse fairly quickly, and it hasnt improved over a week.22:24
HazRPGbrobostigon: I'm sure it'll be fine ^_^22:25
brobostigonHazRPG: me too, yes/22:26
HazRPGbrobostigon: I was looking at alternative methods to get down this week, and for me to get a train there is going to cost like £109... that's like o.O22:26
HazRPGconsidering the train from here to Euston is the cheapest bit of £39 return22:27
brobostigonHazRPG: in point, i dont want to come, with it only getting worse, and me then being in hospital, miles from home.22:27
brobostigonHazRPG: ouch, yes, that is extorcienate.22:27
HazRPGbrobostigon: yeah I know what you mean, better to be closer to home where people can be there to support you, then to be miles away from home :)22:28
brobostigonHazRPG: yes, you are right.22:29
HazRPGbrobostigon: did you see popey's post about the open-source 3D printer?22:32
brobostigonHazRPG: i did not, no.22:33
HazRPGbrobostigon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUB1WgiAFHg22:34
HazRPGbrobostigon: http://reprap.org22:34
brobostigonHazRPG: if memory serves, this was mentioned on bbc lick several weeks ago.22:36
HazRPGbrobostigon: I didn't hear about it until I saw his post about it22:36
brobostigonHazRPG: that a company was developing it commercially, however what owuld happen, if it is possible for everyone to make precise duplicates, in this way, was reported.22:37
brobostigonHazRPG: what do you think about that autism spectrum alert card?22:39
HazRPGbrobostigon: oh right22:42
HazRPGbrobostigon: autism spectrum alert card?22:42
HazRPGbrobostigon: what's that?22:42
brobostigonHazRPG: it is to give to people. to help them understand about my autism,22:42
HazRPGbrobostigon: oh right22:43
HazRPGbrobostigon: that's pretty cool I guess22:43
brobostigonHazRPG: if it is cool or not is not the issue. it is if it is worth its while, and be useful.22:44
HazRPGI'm not sure really, I guess it could be useful... but at the same time, autistic people are still people... and many people are still friends and talk to autistic people... so its kind of pointless in that sense ^_^22:46
brobostigonHazRPG: and what about those people that clearly cannot and or wont understand, and need something simplified infront of them, ,to understand, like employees within service industries.22:48
HazRPGbrobostigon: for those situations, then yeah, definitely it would be useful :)22:48
brobostigonHazRPG: yes, that was my thought, as that can often be a difficult situation for many people.22:50
brobostigonaspecially the stuckup prat, im my local kfc, who thinks we have to be kind and nice to him, for serving us, and not that he has to be nice and kind to us, whatever.22:57
brobostigonand that it is his duty, within his remit, of serving me, to be nice and kind to me.22:59
stuffed-crustWhats a good app to fully clone your hard drive then restore it so that all programs are still there22:59
AlanBellor clonezilla23:00
stuffed-crustill check them out, tryed a few so far but no real joy23:00
brobostigonsorry, rant, apologies.23:01
stuffed-crusthmm clonezilla looks a lil complicated, dont like the idea of messing with my network manager23:06
stuffed-crustwill the clonezilla live cd backup to my external hard drive ?23:07
stuffed-crustdd looks nice23:11
stuffed-crust1 question23:13
stuffed-crustsudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc23:14
stuffed-crustwhere will sdc go ?23:14
stuffed-crustin dev ?23:14
stuffed-crustconfusing lol23:15
funkyHatstuffed-crust: if you think clonezilla looks complicated, please don't touch dd ;(23:17
stuffed-crustSok ill blame AlanBell!23:18
funkyHatstuffed-crust: fair enough then ;D23:18
directhexstuffed-crust, that command will open the file "/dev/sda" at the beginning, and read it 1 byte at a time. it will open the file "/dev/sdc" at the beginning, and write 1 byte at a time. the "files" in this case are disks, of course. but they don't "go" anywhere.23:18
directhex(hint: bytes at a time are slow)23:18
stuffed-crustjust gotta read up on the commands that are possible and how i would restore23:19
directhexthere's no restore. dd is pure unix philosophy - i.e. it does exactly what you ask it to do, not what you want it to do23:20
funkyHatstuffed-crust: clonezilla will back up to an external drive23:20
funkyHatstuffed-crust: it will also (for most filesystems) take up a lot less space than a dd dump23:20
stuffed-crustspace is not a prob23:21
funkyHatWell, external drive is one option23:21
directhexif i wasn't clear, if sdc is your output, it will replace that drive's contents, byte for byte. you need to be sure that's the behaviour you want23:21
stuffed-crustsudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc     will copy /dev/sda entirely right23:22
funkyHatclonezilla will walk you through the steps to back up your drive, giving you a range of options. I would go with that. dd is also viable, but it will just do exactly what you tell it with no confirmation, and probably take longer23:22
stuffed-crustto /dev/sdc23:22
directhexstuffed-crust, it will replace the contents of sdc with the contents of sda, yes. byte by byte (i.e. take forever).23:22
stuffed-crustoh you mean the full drive23:23
stuffed-crustnot just whats populated23:23
stuffed-crustdont want that lol23:23
directhexwell, not just that. but it will seek each byte one by one.23:23
directhexrandom seeks are slow on magnetic disks23:23
stuffed-crustyeah that sounds a bit insane23:23
directhexyou can pass a bs= value to increase the buffer, of course23:24
directhexbs=10M reads and writes 10 meg chunks at a time23:24
funkyHatOr just use clonezilla (but I'll stop going on now ;))23:24
stuffed-crustgonna look at the clonezilla live cd option23:24
AlanBellstuffed-crust: this is dangerous stuff remember, get a source and target the wrong way round and your data is toast23:29
* funkyHat wobbles23:30
stuffed-crustAlanBell, yeah wont be rushing into it lol23:31
stuffed-crustmind you ive reinstalled ubuntu so many times gettin to where im at now is no problem23:32
stuffed-crustso no biggie23:32
stuffed-crusttryin to cut that out :)23:32

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