
bkerensaBug in Mailman version 2.1.1300:20
bkerensaWe're sorry, we hit a bug!00:20
bkerensa;( Excellent00:20
nhainesWell, guess I know what I'm wearing at Ubucon maybe!  http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?currency=USD&products_id=87900:31
nhainesOr else an orange Ubucon shirt.  ;)00:32
pleia2oh nice00:32
bkerensapleia2: I so used your Ubuntu Hour e-mail as a template and forgot to remove a line00:46
nhainespleia2: he left your cell phone number in, but I'm sure it won't be a problem.00:46
bkerensa=/ says Ubuntu Hour SF00:47
pleia2doh :)00:47
pleia2well, anyone from OR is welcome to come...00:47
nhainesSounds like a good thing to fix in the followup reminder in two weeks.  :)00:48
bkerensaNext time I come down I will come to a event... I go to California about once a year00:48
bkerensaIts kind of cool because I have lots of friends in SF and have family that owns a condo in San Bruno then my cousin lives in Napa valley so I get to bounce around for a week00:51
pleia2huh, for once our debian dinner had more attendees than the ubuntu hour had (5 vs 8)04:48
pleia2I guess that should be 8 vs 504:49
pleia2but you get the point :)04:49
DarkwingDuckpleia2: ping05:05
pleia2DarkwingDuck: pong05:05
DarkwingDuckpleia2: have you tried 3.0 on debian/ubuntu?05:06
pleia2the kernel?05:06
pleia2btw, you owe philip and email, he made a kickin' flyer for the jam!05:06
pleia2showed it off at the ubuntu hour :)05:06
DarkwingDuckWe have been talking about it.05:07
DarkwingDuckWe hosting that and I'll have two Kubuntu Jams setup.05:07
DarkwingDuckOnline that is.05:07
DarkwingDuckDoing a Kubuntu Bug Jam and a Kubuntu Doc Jam.05:07
DarkwingDuckThen the SD Jam will have testing, upgrading (If I get my server up and running as a local mirror) and bugs along with helping new people and introducing Ubuntu05:08
pleia2that's great05:08
DarkwingDuckI'll be adding it to the loco stuff.05:09
pleia2will you be at the meeting sunday evening?05:09
pleia2I think SD is the only area with plans at the moment, maybe talkign about it will inspire others ;)05:09
DarkwingDuckWow... leading the way for the fist time in... ever.05:10
pleia2jono usually does one near him, get yours planned first!05:10
pleia2it's nice to have a jono, then I can leave the state and not feel bad about abandoning the bay area to a jamless weekend05:11
bkerensatango down08:12
=== rbarot__ is now known as rbarot_
iheartubuntuHi all. Are there any other Ubuntu Hours or events for today to be posted on the Ubuntu CA twitter feed? Any in the next week? My calendar only shows the team meeting comping up.17:05
iheartubuntucoming, not comping or computering :|17:06
nhainesSummer has traditionally been a slower time for the team.17:06
* bkerensa drools my first android tablet arrived today and I didnt pay a penny for it17:25
iheartubuntubkerensa - make sure you feed it regularly17:27
bkerensaI havent even opened the box yet17:27
bkerensaIm kind not even amazed :)17:27
jyosweet, wrote my first irssi script named lowercase.pl but did uc instead of lc. d'oh.19:03
pleia2haha, nicely done19:12
jyopleia2: thanks! hopefully, i'll get my 'avoid typing mtr example.com on irc' script done soon. :)19:14
bkerensa:) Anyone wanna trade a Android Tablet for a CR-48? :)19:23
DarkwingDuckpleia2: ping21:19
nhainesDarkwingDuck: pong21:20
DarkwingDuckI was asking about Kernel 3.0 and Ubuntu yesterday... I just answered my own question... 11.10 A321:21
nhainesAh.  oneiric's had the 3.0 kernel for a few weeks now.  :)21:21
DarkwingDuckYeah, just installed it.21:21
nhainesI just uninstalled it actually.21:22
nhainesAnd now I'm reinstalling in virtual machines.21:22
DarkwingDuckI'm running it on my laptop with RAID21:23
pleia2DarkwingDuck: oops, I assumed you were asking because it was in A322:18
DarkwingDuckpleia2: No, someone from my LUG was asking and I hadn't run Oneiric yet.22:18
nhainesDarkwingDuck: you can use packages.ubuntu.com for that sort of thing.22:38
DarkwingDucknhaines: ??22:39
nhainesDarkwingDuck: http://packages.ubuntu.com/22:40
pleia2nhaines: oh nooooo, they're coming out with a red 3ds next month22:56
pleia2I think I still like the blue one more22:59
nhainespleia2: haha, well, at least we get 20 free games!23:01
nhaines(Make sure you connect to the Nintendo eShop tonight before 8:59pm!)23:01
pleia2I haven't actually bought one yet23:03
* pleia2 spent all her money on her fiance's wedding band last week!23:03
pleia2more than all actually, it's going to be an expensive year :)23:04
nhaineshehe  :)23:04
pleia2so I decided I have to wait until the price drop23:04
nhainesWalmart and Target already dropped the price and Best Buy is price matching.23:05
DarkwingDuckWhoot! Looks like I'm getting a Droid Charge on donation23:06
bkerensaDarkwingDuck: A what and from who?23:24
DarkwingDuck4G cell phone23:24
bkerensaDarkwingDuck: How did you swing a donation of that?23:24
DarkwingDuck:D Doing Android hacking for a couple years23:25
bkerensaI need to figure out how to put Official Android apps on a unsupported device23:26
bkerensaI tried just getting the apks and installing them but some dont work23:27
nhainesWhat are "official" Android apps?23:28
bkerensaMarketplace apps23:28
nhainesBetter to just install Android Market on the device.  :)23:29
bkerensawill that work23:30
bkerensawont the marketplace apk just say the device is not registered?23:31
nhainesIt did for my coworker when I did it to his tablet last week.23:31
nhainesIt depends on what isn't being supported... is it the Google experience apps, or are you thinking of an app that requires a specific model of phone?23:32
bkerensaI just want like Google Read, voice, google+, tweetdeck etc23:32
nhainesYeah, you'll just need the Android Market and the Google account registration thingy.23:33
bkerensaand good sources for working copies of those23:34
bkerensadont wanna waste my time getting broken ones :P23:34

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