
JonathanDHi guys.01:47
Unit193Howdy JonathanD02:56
Unit193Cheri703: It was that, or fair + motor cross :P02:57
Cheri703hehe, good call02:57
Unit193Mod tractor pull tomorrow that I might go to also (And a demo derby sat :D:D:D )02:57
ashamshello everybody03:23
ashamsI noticed that your LoCo have a Council, this idea was suggested by some of our LoCo members, I want to ask how this idea helped you Or why did you do that?03:25
Unit193Howdy ashams and welcome to the Ohio LoCo03:25
ashamsUnit193: hi, thanks03:25
ashamsUnit193: what you think?03:25
Unit193Sweet, what one are you from? And Cheri703 ^^ :P03:25
ashamsUnit193: Egypt03:26
Cheri703I believe that it was moved to a council so that a. the work could be shared, b. it encourages more participation and delegation, and c. it avoids having one person trying to be "in charge" I know other teams have had people treat it as their personal kingdom, and having others helps avoid that03:26
ashamsCheri703: but wont this split your team into two layers?03:27
Cheri703not really03:28
Cheri703there are only 3 on the council, and it's not like we dictate anything, anyone can suggest anything, and people are totally free to take initiative on things. we are more here to help things go smoothly than to make official decisions and such03:28
ashamsCheri703: what new members think about this? do they have some envy on those on top?03:28
Cheri703I have no idea...I'd hope not, if they do, a. they can talk to us, and b. they can run in the next election03:29
Cheri703why would they not envy the ONE person in charge? if they would envy the 3?03:29
ashamsCheri703: :)03:29
ashamsCheri703: do you have any regulations for ppl to jump in/out and specially out?03:30
Cheri703of the council? the team? what are you asking?03:30
ashamsCheri703: sorry, I meant of the Council?03:31
Cheri703one year terms as far as I know03:31
ashamsCheri703: sorry, I didn't get what you mean?03:31
Cheri703council members serve for one year, and then we hold an election to replace them. current council members can re-run and get re-elected, but it gives the opportunity for new folks03:32
ashamsCheri703: great03:33
Unit193If they want to back out, we elect a person to fill in03:33
ashamsCheri703: do you regulate who give presentations or sessions to ppl from outside the community? I mean there can be some persons who really like to give a session but they not really qualified, do the Council have any sovereignty to say No, you can't.03:35
ashamsCheri703: I mean, Does the Council forms a governance?03:36
Cheri703Not at this point we don't/haven't03:36
Cheri703if someone wants to, but doesn't feel qualified, they'd be welcome to ask for help from the group (not just the council). help in preparing a speech or help by having someone who might be willing to do it instead03:37
ashamsCheri703: It happened in our LoCo, that someone really new, wanted to give a session by material he got from someone else and he insists to that session by himself only: It would help if the Council have governance powers in such case, do you recommend us to go ahead and give a council that power?03:39
Cheri703where did he want to give the session? and why should he not be allowed?03:40
ashamsCheri703: He is not qualified at all03:41
ashamsCheri703: :(03:41
Cheri703but what is qualified? what topic? who does he want to speak to?03:41
ashamsCheri703: Normally introduction to Ubuntu, but he wasn't even using it ;) !!!!03:42
Cheri703personally I wouldn't have a problem with it03:42
ashamsCheri703: why? How?03:42
Cheri703because it is a learning experience for him03:42
Cheri703who am I to say he can't have that?03:42
Cheri703like I was trying to get to earlier, it may depend on who he wants to talk to03:43
ashamsCheri703: outerspace!03:43
ashamsCheri703: sorry, to ppl who don't know about linux03:44
Cheri703so why would it matter? as long as he is mostly right, they will still learn something03:44
ashamsCheri703: that would be their first impression...03:44
Cheri703my first impression was my brother saying "here, boot this cd, tell me what you think next time you see me"03:45
Cheri703so...any intro is probably ok03:45
Cheri703anyway ashams, I'm not going to debate it with you. I would be perfectly fine with it, and in my opinion, forming a council for the purpose of telling people they CAN'T participate in sharing ubuntu seems very counter-intuitive03:46
ashamsCheri703: I'm not debating at all, I'm just trying to know how you really think about it, so sorry...03:47
Cheri703well, I'm just saying, I've stated my opinion, I get yours, I just think it's a non-issue03:47
ashamsCheri703: Yeah, it's really a non-issue. I was just trying to get your full idea. Thank you very much03:49
ashamsCheri703: Thank you for helping me :)03:49
Cheri703yup :)03:49
ashamsUnit193: Thank You :)03:50
Unit193ashams: Sure, I just knew who to call! :P03:50
Unit193Cheri703: Thanks, you would/are better at that than I03:51
ashamsCheers Ohio LoCo, Greetings from Egypt LoCo team, best wishes.....03:56
Unit193Welcome back Mr Bios04:26
BiosElementThanks Unit04:35
thafreakMorning Ohio14:03
Unit193Howdy, it already feels like afternoon :P14:04
thafreakwell...i guess it kind of is....i'm just rolling into work now...14:05
thafreakvery long mornings some days14:05
* Unit193 has been up since yesterday14:05
thafreakany reason?14:09
thafreakyou stay up playing a game...working on homework or a project? Or just not a fan of sleep?14:09
Unit193Had to do something the next morning or somebody will whine and complain and I don't do mornings :P14:10
thafreakoh....I've done that many times14:11
thafreakI tend to still get like 2-3 hours of sleep...unless I'm still working when they come in to work the next morning...14:11
thafreakLike re-build a server over night, and still be setting things up when people stroll into work in the morning...that sucks14:12
paultag03:56 < ashams> Cheers Ohio LoCo, Greetings from Egypt LoCo team, best wishes.....14:12
thafreakit was the hardware that failed....14:12
paultagawwww :)14:12
* Unit193 might be borg14:12
paultagI love the borg14:13
thafreakand FYI, for anyone building raid storage, buy an extra drive or two to have around14:13
paultagI want to be borg14:13
paultagimagine if I could sync my brain with other brains14:13
paultagI could talk about stuff and things14:13
thafreakcause if one drive fails 3 years down the road, you probably won't be able to buy the same drive anymore :)14:13
paultagthafreak: that's actually a good point14:13
paultagthafreak: never thought of that14:13
paultagthat's why I'm not a sysadmin14:14
paultagthafreak: so, after your little puppet clone, howsabout I get you to do some Syn work? It's so close to working >:D14:14
thafreakwell, if it's soft raid...you could TECHNICALLY, replace with bigger drives, and re-build, then replace another with a bigger drive, and re-build, and eventually have a bigger array...14:14
paultagthat sounds lame14:14
paultagand time consuming14:14
thafreakActually, I'm down...I think it would go nicely with my puppet clone work :)14:15
paultagjust rsync it over :)14:15
paultagthafreak: no shit? That's awesome news14:15
paultagthafreak: We've got about 5 of us on it now14:15
thafreakrsync would require a second array in place :)14:15
paultagthafreak: you'd be the 6th14:15
paultagthafreak: yeah, true, I guess :)14:15
paultagthafreak: but I don't have a sous-chef, someone who can hack without me standing over their sholder14:15
paultagI could use a solid hand on the project14:16
thafreaki've never done it, but supposedly you can replace a drive at a time, and eventually have a bigger array...14:16
thafreaki can hack and slash14:16
paultagit sounds time consuming and painful14:16
paultagthafreak: dude, I'd love you long time14:16
paultagthafreak: there are so many hacks14:16
thafreakyou have a coding standards doc, so some one as my self would be able to write code that fit in and didn't stand out?14:16
paultagthafreak: sure 'nuf -- http://docs.syn.pault.ag/syn-policy.html14:16
paultagthafreak: that's a WIP, so it's changing, but it covers the basics of every aspect of Syn, for the most part14:17
paultagthafreak: section 614:17
paultagthat's open to change if we need to :)14:17
thafreakI think we have this backwards14:17
thafreakI should be recruiting you :)14:17
paultagthafreak: I'm always open for hack trades :)14:17
thafreakwow, the tabs over spaces thing...that's a big one14:18
paultagthafreak: yeah I know14:18
thafreakI'd have to adjust my .vimrc :)14:18
paultagthafreak: I'm a bit odd when it comes to Python. If you really feel strongly and you'll be working closely with me on it, I could change14:19
paultagthafreak: but the way I see it is tabs are nicer14:19
paultagpeople can set the stop to where they want (4 versus 8 versus 2)14:19
paultagit's easier to indent / back up14:19
thafreakoh, I always use the tab key...i just set vim to expand them to spaces....14:19
paultagand it should be a smaller size of the file over a huge package14:19
paultagthafreak: ah, I see14:19
thafreakthis is true...14:19
paultagthafreak: but if someone really really cared, I could change14:20
paultagI know I'm a minority14:20
thafreakI think you just need to pick one and only one, and it seems the python community at large went spaces...so that's what I did14:20
thafreakno biggie14:20
thafreaklike i said, I always use the tab key anyway14:20
paultagYeah, I'm keeping it all consistant for if we need to switch it later, and so it's not mixed14:21
thafreakexcept when breaking up long lines...trying to get braces to line up, tabs don't always work14:21
paultagthafreak: well spaces are fine there, since it's in the code line14:21
paultagthat's more about the identation14:21
thafreakit annoys me to break things up anyway....but, so do long lines now....14:21
paultagthafreak: most of us are in #whube, if you want the IRC room14:23
paultagthafreak: and the code's on Github :)14:23
thafreakyeah, I think I'm "watching" it already on github...not that that means anything to me really, except as sort of a bookmark14:23
paultagthafreak: issues exist on github/whube/syn/issues14:24
thafreaklike things I "watch" I don't always keep track of...it's more of a log in to github, and oh yeah, I wanted to keep tabs on that project14:24
paultagyeah :)14:24
thafreakSo I'm planning on building a much much larger system eventually...the puppet clone is just on piece...14:25
paultagthafreak: o'rly?14:25
thafreakit's essentially going to give a single sysadmin the ability to manage 10-100 times the servers he/she could normally manage14:26
thafreaklike the one system to rule them all14:26
paultagthafreak: that would be pretty goddamn badass14:26
thafreakdashboards and panels out the wazoo14:26
thafreakclickety click to update all your systems pacakges...deploy new systems for specific roles...see what systems are doing (performance wise)14:27
paultagit would be kinda fun to expose Syn functions through a TCP/IP layer14:27
paultagestablish a SSH link and be able to control package stuff14:27
thafreakI was thinking sort of a push system14:27
thafreakhave you looked at pushy?14:28
paultagthafreak: no, let me google it :)14:28
thafreakremote python execution over ssh14:28
paultagoh interesting...14:28
paultagoh shit14:28
thafreakso you could run syn functions remoteley14:28
paultagthafreak: that's brillaint...14:28
thafreakthere's also rpyc14:28
thafreakwhich is similar14:28
paultaghow did I not think of this14:28
thafreakyeah, I know right14:29
thafreakbasically, anything you think of, some one already did...and some one else already did it better than that guy14:29
thafreakor girl14:29
paultagthafreak: syn's open for hacking if you want to add some of this stuff, it would actually help the build farm I need to wire14:29
paultagthafreak: so we can have a central machine that can scp a file, move it over ssh, and then call syn-plumbing to kick a build14:30
paultagthafreak: because all user-exposed scripts are actually python "plumbing" calls wrapped in a try/catch14:30
thafreakI found some neat stuff to hook pushy into fabric and re-use it's paramiko ssh connection...so you can remote run python in your fabric code14:30
paultagthat's sweet14:30
thafreakthen it would be easy to run remotely with pushy I bet14:31
paultagthafreak: so, what's it going to take to get you hacking with me on this?14:31
paultagI need someone to be critical of my work, I need a peer :)14:31
thafreakI think I may also, instead of simply writing a puppet clone in python, I might actually base it on fabric14:31
thafreakso you want peer reviews...I could probably help with that14:32
thafreakwhat made you decide to go from toy/idea tinkering, to going full steam with syn?14:32
paultagthafreak: howsabout a hack trade. I'll actively work with your pet if you can help me with mine :)14:32
paultagthafreak: things just sort of lined up14:32
thafreaknot out of frustration with apt or anything?14:33
paultagthafreak: I saw the goal, and ended up doing 7 KLOCS in the last 4 weeks14:33
thafreakor dpkg i should say14:33
paultagthafreak: Well yeah, but only mild14:33
paultagthafreak: the real idea is that I can do it better, cleaner and modernly14:33
paultagthafreak: it's not that I'm mad now and I'll give up once I accept it14:33
paultagjust small things that annoy me about dpkg / deb generation14:33
thafreakwell, no matter what you do, I'm sure it will blow yum out of the water atleast :)14:34
paultagyeah fuck that mess :)14:34
thafreakgenerating debs is fucking nuts14:34
paultagthafreak: oh yeah, and all package maintainer files are in JSON14:34
thafreakhonestly, I think I prefer making rpm's....14:34
paultagthafreak: and with a few scripts to curl a project page and regex for a package number, it can auto-upgrade syn source files and push them automatically, and only need human help when it fails14:34
paultagthafreak: Syns are super easy to make14:35
thafreakalright....I'd like to help steering at the very least... :)14:35
paultagthat would be more then useful14:35
thafreakcause i honestly haven't liked any package system 100%14:36
paultagthafreak: me neither, hopefully this can help a bit. I have a feeling if it's executed right, it can do a lot of things really well14:36
thafreakclosest I've come is apt4rpm....so the easy building of rpm's, with the nice management of apt14:36
paultaghumm :)14:36
thafreakcourse the rpmdb part sucks a dick14:36
thafreakback in the day I was forever running rpmdb-rebuild or whatever14:37
paultagthafreak: I worked out if we do it right, Syn should be a few orders of magnatude faster at installing large batches of packages then dpkg or rpm14:37
thafreakstupid corrupt dbs14:37
paultagwe use a gzip compressed JSON file. Simple, easy, braindead simple to read if you need to14:37
thafreakto track what packages are installed?14:37
paultagalso rebuilding it is a snap if you need to, it fragements package data in the package directories as well14:38
paultagthafreak: yeah, for now. I don't see a reason to use something like SQL :)14:38
thafreakyeah, sql is overkill...14:38
paultagI worked it out and tried it with about 10,000 package entries14:38
thafreaki really don't know what I would use honestly...haven't thought about the needs of a package system much14:38
paultagit was still faster then both pickle using the same method and dpkg14:39
thafreakpickle, or cPickle?14:39
paultagthafreak: yeah, it's one of those decisions that literally does not matter. It's really not blocking anything14:39
paultagthafreak: pickle, but I don't like the way it stores stuff, so I ditched it.14:39
paultagand it's not readable by any other language, really14:39
thafreakah...this is true14:39
thafreakso what about BSON14:40
paultagthe json dict would make it easy to post-mortum if the machine broke14:40
thafreakbinary json?14:40
paultagthafreak: all the json read/write is abstracted with classes, so if you wanted to change it, it should be a few line delta14:40
thafreaknot readable necessarily, but still cross platform14:40
paultagthafreak: it's pushing json compressed with gzip now14:40
thafreakwatch the mongodb/couchdb space, as they're heavy json users...anything they come up with will be useful for you I'm sure14:41
paultagthafreak: http://docs.syn.pault.ag/?p=json_file.json_file -- base interface for json_file, http://docs.syn.pault.ag/?p=json_bfile.json_bfile -- delta for the binary version14:41
paultagthafreak: I'll have to :)14:41
thafreakSo, here's a q for you14:43
paultagsure sure14:43
thafreakyou seem very pro json14:43
paultagI am :)14:44
paultagit's a scitch smaller then XML, which is nice for over the line / persistant stuff14:44
thafreakwould you make a new syntax that's close to puppet's, but using json/yaml/or even plain python14:44
paultagalso a snap to process :)14:44
paultagthafreak: hummm14:44
thafreakOR, write a parser to parse puppet syntax?14:44
thafreakThe upside is that people could theoretically continue to use their already written puppet files14:45
paultagthafreak: true, but then you have to bind yourself to puppet's feature set14:45
paultagit's a toughie14:45
thafreakWell, I was kind of modeling it after puppet anyway with it's dependancy graphs14:46
thafreakI'm open to doing both too I guess14:46
thafreaka new syntax that's more flexible, but also supporting puppet's to make it easy for people to switch14:46
paultagthafreak: it's an odd problem14:46
paultagthafreak: I don't think there's a right answer here14:46
thafreakessentially, I'm parsing the file, and turning it into sets of resource objects arranged in a graph14:47
paultaghumm :)14:47
thafreakso you could define a file, and what properties it needs, ownership, mode, should it exist or not exist, etc...14:47
thafreakthat's all modeled as a file resource object14:48
paultagyeah, sure14:48
thafreakhaving more than one parser at that point shouldn't affect much other than allowing them to be defined differently14:48
thafreakthe guts still work the same14:48
thafreakI'm really leaning towards having it be basically python syntax, as it would be easiest to implement...just need to work out what it should look like14:49
thafreakthen add a puppet parser later14:49
paultagthafreak: I think python is tempting, and it could lead to some interesting things14:49
paultagthafreak: like extending it locally, and having conditionals and cases14:49
paultagbe able to have an upgrade path function14:49
paultagbut it adds complexity14:50
paultagand you have to provide a full interface14:50
thafreakI was thinking build a cli tool, and you point it at a "manifest", and it automatically does all the imports you need, then parses the file as python14:50
paultagI think that could be really solid14:50
thafreakso you don't need to import anyhting in your manifest...14:51
thafreakbut that opens you up to security stuff...you know, never execute untrusted code...14:51
thafreakthe whole use of exec/compile to run python from strings14:51
paultagthafreak: if they're about to execute a puppet script, at this point, if they're going to fuck up the datacenter, they'll fuck it up14:51
thafreakthis is true...puppet allows you to execute shell commands willy-nilly14:52
thafreakso the sysadmin should be not stupid, and not execute something from the internet without reading it14:52
paultaga hacker should not be able to even make the connection to auth outside the datacenter14:52
paultagthafreak: I mean, they could rm -rf manually, too14:53
thafreakvery true14:53
paultagif the sysadmin sucks, he should not be there :)14:53
thafreaki could throw some regex's in there maybe to look for things before execing it too...14:54
paultagthafreak: yeah, but it's not your job to ensure this is a safe plastic rounded toy14:54
paultagthafreak: this is for managing a datacenter14:54
thafreakand maybe run it through lint first to make sure it's even correct syntax14:54
paultagthat would be awesome14:54
paultagsyntax checking is awesome14:54
thafreakcause it would be silly to run it, and your tool blows up with an exception because of bad syntax in the manifest14:55
paultagthafreak: not only that, but it's nice to know how you're doing from time to time, so running lint often would be very useful14:55
thafreakyou think if I name my tool sockpuppet, I'll get sued?14:55
paultagthafreak: nah :)14:55
thafreakor is there a snake/puppet reference to be made?14:56
thafreakmore snakey...ie python14:57
thafreakoh...or I could go not the snake, but the comedy troupe14:57
paultagright right14:57
paultagoh good point14:57
thafreakshould see if they had puppets for anything memorable14:57
paultagI was just googling14:58
thafreakcool...I'll bbl14:58
thafreakgot it...15:26
thafreakproject code named "killer rabbit"15:26
thafreakafter the rabbit from holy grail15:26
thafreakthat's atleast the name for now while I develop it...15:28
thafreakotherwise I'll spend too much time trying to name it15:28
thafreakand never write anything15:28
paultagthafreak: for sure15:29
paultagthafreak: P.S., most of the synners are in #whube :)15:31
paultagthafreak: and I'm sure most of them would be willing to help with killer rabbit too15:31
thafreakhaha cool15:31
thafreakw00t! they got spice into debian testing! damn, wheezy is gonna be pimp16:42
thafreaklook out fedora16:42
paultagthafreak: :)17:01
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
Unit193Casps Lock... Howdy17:45
itsaforkneed an opinion::  what are your thoughts on a presentation about gaming on Ubuntu???17:48
Unit193It has games? ;) Who is the target?17:49
itsaforkwell yeah, like "mainstream" games17:51
itsaforkmmo-rpg's god-knows-what-else-people-play17:51
Unit193Sure, but most gamers have their "own" games they like17:51
itsaforkwell, yeah. but i think what i'm trying to say is; using ubuntu for your gaming pc is a great option17:53
itsaforkor do-able option. or something like that, basically you dont NEED windows to play 90+% of your games17:54
Unit193Also, some windows only games work ok with wine (Didn't StarCraft2 do a little testing even?)17:55
Unit193AppDB is their friend ;)17:55
thafreakI like it18:13
thafreakcounter strike played BETTER on wine than windows18:13
thafreakit crashed ALL the time under windows, but never for me under wine18:14
itsaforkgood deal!18:14
thafreakcourse games like those from the humble indie bundle which are built for linux work best :)18:17
Unit193IRCer I know like this one :( http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1914118:19

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