
JuzzyI might be presenting "cloud technologies" to the local county computer club05:01
cyberangerJuzzy: ouch, that stinks05:44
* cyberanger isn't a fan of cloud computing05:44
Juzzyyou just don't understand it fully06:10
Juzzythe problem is "cloud" term is abused every way from sunday06:10
Juzzya real "cloud" is the only way to build high traffic sites06:11
cyberangerJuzzy: so your talking load balancing, CDN's & such13:43
wrsthowdy cyberanger13:43
cyberangerhey wrst13:45
cyberangerwrst: how's your day13:48
wrstgoing well cyberanger no wrenches in the fan yet13:49
wrsthow about you cyberanger?13:49
cyberangerCarpe diem, quam minimum credula postero13:51
cyberangerwith that in mind, doing great ;-)13:51
wrstha ha good cyberanger13:52
Unit193Howdy peopole :P13:54
cyberangerhey Unit19313:54
wrsthey Unit19313:55
cyberangerwrst: this e86 thing will take time, a real uncertainity atm13:55
cyberangerso yeah, small concern13:55
wrstcyberanger: well if I can help any other way let me know13:55
cyberangerwrst: so far, that's as far as I know, the tricky part is boarding school & IRC13:56
cyberangermeans I know more than just the US, and I enjoy talking13:56
cyberangersomething that security clearance isn't a fan of, and the testing will either shrug it off, or red flag it13:57
cyberanger(I don't think they'll deny it to me, just a headache, and concern for a bigger one to follow)13:58
cyberangerwrst: how's the move?14:24
wrstgoing well closed on the house yesterday cyberanger, so may move a few things tonight actually14:26
wrstor may go purchase blinds I'm not for sure which one14:52
cyberangeror perhaps both :-)14:53
wrstwe have a baby that is asleep by 8:30 probably don't have time for both :)14:53
XpistosHey all16:17
Xpistoswrst: Capo16:18
wrsthello Xpistos16:19
cyberangerhey Xpistos16:45
cyberangerwrst: depends how quietly you can come back home16:45
cyberangerbut yeah, it'd be hard to do both16:45
cyberangerXpistos: how's it going16:46
Xpistoswife still looking for a job16:46
cyberangerXpistos: same here, but I think I found one16:47
Xpistosgood on ya16:48
cyberangeryeah, if it happens16:48
cyberangerwhat's your wife do, what's her career?16:48
cyberangerbest I can do is keep an eye out, it's another pair16:50
wrstcyberanger: she is a teacher16:58
wrstXpistos: what does your wife do16:59
wrstand cyberanger sorry I answered the question you asked Xpistos!16:59
cyberangerwrst: that's fine, I thought that's what it was, but wanted to be double sure17:00
cyberangerthat stings, with school in session in most of the state17:00
wrstoh no cyberanger that's what my wife does...17:00
wrstI had a terrible shortcoming in reading there for a moment17:01
cyberangeroh, and I had misunderstood17:14
cyberangerI thought you answered for him17:14
=== Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos
cyberangerXpistos: what job is she trying to find?17:27
Xpistosteaching, teaching aid17:27
Xpistossomething in that field17:28
Xpistosbut she has never had an actual teaching job17:28
Xpistosbut she does have a masters in elem education17:28
cyberangerthe hard part is the schools starting, and my ties aren't elem.17:29
cyberangerI'll keep an eye out17:29
wrstXpistos: we found out that process is highly political in our area18:06
cyberangerwrst: public it seems political nearly everywhere18:09
cyberangerwhich seems stupid to me, there is a point when your too young for (foolish politics)18:10
cyberangerand having the teachers jump through those hoops, without showing the politics to kids, ouch18:10
cyberanger(even the private schools can be that way, I hate it)18:10
wrsti'm much more a believer in things should be merit based not who you know based18:12
cyberangerI can understand a security check deviating a little from that, but this is a teacher, come on18:13
cyberanger(security check isn't intrested in your job (unless your job is espionage, I suppose) but rather risk assesment that you'd violate the trust around your job)18:14
wrstoh yes I have no issue with that at all18:17
cyberangerI do dislike the high level of detail, but I respect it, and understand why18:22
cyberangeran unfortunate (and voluntary) necessity18:22
=== orias0_o is now known as orias
=== orias is now known as Guest95601
=== Guest95601 is now known as orias0_o
* cyberanger now knows orias0_o is a bad master of disguise18:33
orias0_oI can't get to my usual irssi configs so everythings weird :/18:34
Unit193Identify to NickServ? I would assume you have secure set18:34
cyberangerorias0_o: try that, if you haven't18:40
cyberangerorias0_o: that's your issue, you've set enforce, nick protection18:40
Unit193Nope Information on orias0_o (account orias)18:41
cyberangerUnit193: /msg nickserv info18:43
cyberangerUnit193: /msg nickserv info orias18:43
Unit193/nsinfo orias0_o will say something about being unregistered if he didn't identify18:44
cyberangerthat's an alias I take it18:45
Unit193Yep just like /csaccess18:45
cyberangerit's registered, a group nick, but not showing him now18:46
cyberangercompare it to me, you'll see it says I was seen now18:46
cyberangervs 4 hours ago18:46
Unit193Get info on kasom real quick though18:48
cyberangeranyone know of a Bonjour IM client, that does nothing else (I give bonus points if it's CLI or ncurses, but I'd settle for a gui for this)18:53
orias0_oits reg'd group'd, etc...18:54
orias0_ojust forgot my passwd >_<18:54
cyberangerUnit193: have you messed around with pianobar's config file or it's FIFO support yet?19:57
Unit193cyberanger: Config a little but not FIFO19:57
cyberangerhow little?19:58
Unit193Not much, what are you looking for?19:58
cyberangernothing, I found too much too quick19:59
cyberangermore testing the waters19:59
cyberangerbut I managed to take it's script ability & tie that into conky19:59
cyberangerand the fifo support seems functional to make a webui remote19:59
cyberangermight be enough to patchwork a home radio system out of an old box20:00
cyberangeralready tied it into libnotify, I'm thinking with mgetty, I can pause it when I get a call, then have it resume when the line is clear20:01
cyberangerUnit193: I did give you a link to mgetty caller id, right?20:05
Xpistoscyberanger: can you get this page to load the video?20:11
Xpistosnot that one20:11
cyberangerXpistos: good, I'm too into OpenNIC for that ;-)20:11
Xpistosthat one20:11
cyberangerjust to be clear, I'm loading an ad, right?20:12
Xpistosit is a video of my daughter in a quaker signing competition20:12
XpistosI can see it at work, but I can't from home and I want to know if it is linux issue or no20:12
cyberanger(odds are good it won't load, without disabling my adblocker due to the ads in http://ads.parentsconnect.com/ that's why I ask)20:12
cyberangerok, lemme try20:12
cyberangerMit Vergnügen20:13
XpistosI only know Danke, Bitte and Das Ist mein Finger20:14
Xpistosthe granola bar should disappear and you should see a video waiting to be playe20:15
cyberangeryou said thanks, I said With Pleasure20:15
cyberangerthe player did load, hit play, and it plays20:16
Xpistoswhat do you mean hit play and it plays?20:16
Xpistosif the player doesn't load?20:17
cyberangerthe player did here, flash & firefox20:17
Xpistosso you can watching it from linux20:18
cyberangersmall delay between pressing play (it's not set to autostart) and actually starting, but that's my settings I bet (I don't let flash do much of anything, unless it obeys my proxy settings)20:18
Xpistosnot it doesn't auto start20:18
cyberangeryes, I did watch it, my custom ubuntu 11.04, firefox & flash20:19
Xpistosfor some reason my computers at home won't play it20:19
cyberanger(aside from flash, and more restrictive settings on my system, nothing should be missing between our systems)20:19
cyberanger(I say aside from flash since it's not an ubuntu default, neither are my iptables rules)20:20
Xpistosshe can load the site and get the granola bar to load, but it doesn't load the pict?20:20
Xpistoswhat I am I supposed to use to install an APT20:29
XpistosAdobe won't let me download the file20:29
cyberangerhow'd you install flash? sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer or firefox's plugin finder20:34
Unit193cyberanger: Sweet, going to make a sweet UI? :P20:37
cyberangerXpistos: try via apt-get20:37
cyberangerUnit193: idk about sweet ;-)20:38
Xpistosit is installing now20:39
Xpistosnow it works20:43
Xpistoslet me check my home box20:43
Xpistosokay so it isn't working at home still, but I can check that a little more later20:55
cyberangerok, lemme know, I've got an idea or two21:05
cyberangerso lemme know when your home21:05

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