[00:00] the problem I am afraid of is the dual VGA: Intel and ATI [00:02] I don't have an answer. Maybe take a live cd in and try it [00:03] edgy: I don't know that specifically, but like charlie says, see if they'll let you boot a Ubuntu live CD [00:04] charlie-tca, jbicha: the problem is even if the system boots from a live CD, I don't know how can I test swiching between the VGA's in linux. this is why I am asking ;) [00:05] I never use more than one video card in a machine at a time. Sorry I can't really help with that. [00:07] right, I have no experience with live-swapping; it might require killing X anyway... [00:08] this is promising but I need to check further: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTcyMQ [00:18] nite [02:13] Thumbnails of an mp3 is the albumart. Awesome. [02:20] what === semitones_ is now known as semitones [03:21] gnome-open didn't apparently make it to gnome3. What is the standard way to open a file using the desktop's default application? [03:22] there are the xdg-* tools, but I am not sure which one, if any, can be used to issue the "open document with default application" command. [03:26] hv: xdg-open is what you should be using, I believe it requires gvfs-utils to be installed (it's a bug that it's not pre-installed) [03:32] can somebody please have a look at whether bug 379382 affects oneiric as well? [03:32] Launchpad bug 379382 in gnome-utils "gnome-screenshot (Alt-Printscreen) black/blanks out top of windows in multi monitor xinerama" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/379382 [03:38] SO, I installed ubuntu-desktop over the top of xubuntu, and I have all the newest Unity menu with the new Ubuntu Start dealio [03:39] what is ubuntu start [03:39] But the Unity application (Start) menu seems to be confused about which applications are there. For instance, 'terminal' doesn't bring up gnome-terminal, even though I know it's there. 'gnome-terminal' doesn't either [03:39] rww: it's the topmost lens in the bar on the left [03:40] h00k: I don't have Ubuntu installed :| [03:40] rww: uploading screenshot [03:45] rww: apparently not, stuff crashed [03:45] lol. [03:46] rww: http://i.imgur.com/IlFgW.png [03:46] apparently that's the menu now, instead of on the top left [03:48] Anyway, is there...maybe something I'm missing that gnome-terminal isn't showing in the Unity menu? [04:12] h00k: terminal shows up for me, but the Unity dash is in pretty rough shape [05:50] Oneiric has got a /run directory. Why has Oneiric introduced this directory? [05:52] bullgard4: http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/RunDirectory [05:55] Ubuntu One crashing and not syncing on oneiric. Anyone had and/or solved this problem? [05:57] micahg: "/run is a new cross-distribution location for the storage of transient state files—that is, files containing run-time information that may or may not need to be written early in the boot process and which does not require preserving across reboots." I do not understand why a location for the storage of transient files might be necessary for »cross-distribution« puropses. [05:57] WaltherFI, the alternative is available, but not the daily live cd, I have seen this on development transitions in the past [05:57] bullgard4: consistency [05:59] bullgard4: http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/RunDirectory#Is_.2BAC8-run_FHS_compliant.3F [06:03] micahg: Ah! Understood. -- Thank you very much for your help. [06:04] bullgard4: you're welcome [06:05] good morning [06:21] bullgard4_: those files used to be under /var, which is often mounted on a partition on its own and thus might be mounted relatively late in the boot sequence. by moving the directory for them to the root, it'll be available at once [06:22] bah, the link already explained it [06:26] topyli: Yes. :-) [06:50] hello [06:51] really badly need help , some update just killed all my sound :( [06:51] any ideas ? [06:53] bump [06:55] really badly need help , some update just killed all my sound [06:56] tried reinstalling all alsa and pulse related files [06:56] no luck [07:01] dmesg | grep audio too coming up blank :( [07:06] dsathe: maybe have a look at 'lspci |grep -i Audio'? [07:07] Or go into sound settings and check if the output is set correctly, it can change itself sometimes [08:07] SevenMachines: [08:07] that is all fine [08:08] i get the required controller [08:08] Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so [08:12] What program writes text in the file /run/motd? [08:23] hello, there's someone running oneiric fully updated with nouveau drivers? [08:34] njin: yes ? [08:36] dupondie, hello, have you got delay in dragging windows with xorg and compiz jumping at high values? [08:37] with freezes and crashes? [08:37] no sound [08:37] any fix ? [08:37] caused by l8st update === tbf_ is now known as tbf [08:49] njin: works fine here [08:52] Anyone know about missing isos from Daily Live? Been a few days now. [08:56] dupondje, sorry, wich model of card do you have? [08:58] ! sound | dsathe [08:58] dsathe: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [09:00] stoneguy: it's being worked on, maybe you'll have new isos today, maybe it'll still be a few more days [09:03] Thx, jbicha. Feared things got seriously borked. Missing sending reports to Launchpad recently :) [09:07] how can i use ubuntu classic on oneiric? === gord_ is now known as gord [09:10] oimon: just make sure gnome-panel is installed and choose Gnome Classic at login [09:11] "indicator" status menus don't currently work there though & Ambiance looks a bit off in the panels there [09:11] but it basically works [09:12] hey, simple solution, thanks. wow it's fast compared to unity! [09:12] Is there a fixed time of the day whent he Daily Build is updated? [09:12] njin: sorry was away [09:12] mmmm :D [09:12] its a dell XPS 15 [09:12] don't know it by hart :p [09:20] I installed a bajillion updates last night on 11.10, and now when I try to log in it says "Failed to load session "Ubuntu". Is there a fix? [09:34] Descriptions of LightDM are scarce. Does LightDM work as a windows manager also? Or what is the GNOME 3 window manager? [09:36] bullgard4_: a display manager handles login, user-switching, & I guess screenlocking & the "screensaver" now too [09:38] the Gnome Shell window manager is Mutter, or Gnome Shell itself depending on your perspective [09:38] anyone else suffering from a broken software centre? clicking install doesn't work atm [09:38] Gnome 2 & Gnome 3 Fallback use Metacity, although Compiz can also work [09:39] oimon: if that's the same problem as update-manager being broken, it will be fixed today [09:40] apt-get still works though [09:40] or Synaptic [09:40] jbicha: Your statement: "[11:36] bullgard4_: a display manager handles login, user-switching, & I guess screenlocking & the "screensaver" now too" contradicts that of http://linuxwiki.de/DisplayManager. [09:45] jbicha: Thank you very much for your help. [09:46] bullgard4_: that linuxwiki doesn't load for me, but you can see https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/X_display_manager_%28program_type%29 [09:59] jbicha: 'http://linuxwiki.de/DisplayManager: The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy." -- There seems to be disagreement in the Linux community about the range of functions of a »display manager«. -- Thank you again. [11:31] i notice full screen dash option has disappeared in 11.10 [12:11] Hiyas all [13:06] Hello, I'm pondering about trying 11.04 Alpha3 on my HP Pavalion dv6 [13:07] Lynoure, cool [13:07] Lynoure, its 11.10 [13:10] bazhang: I know [13:10] bazhang: just typoish [13:11] Lynoure, did you already test it with the live cd ? [13:11] coz_: not yet, will, unless someone tells me today it has some major showstoppers [13:11] (in which case cannot bother to burn the dvd) [13:12] Lynoure, well, the only issue is that it is still alpha software [13:12] coz_: that's almost like a perk. [13:12] coz_: bug reports get attention and even fixes :) [13:13] setting up a flash drive with grub2 to boot the daily iso file.. is handy :) just replace iso.. you are updated [13:14] Lynoure, excellent then try it out... cant hurt if you appreciate the bugs [13:14] coz_: rather, nearly everything has bugs anyway. [13:15] Lynoure, there you go.. then you already qulled any doubts :) [13:15] quelled [13:15] did I spell that right? [13:15] yes [13:15] :) [14:30] hrm, just ran the upgrade, had a small kernel issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/664301/ [14:30] (thoats apt-get install -f after the upgrade to oneiric [14:32] looks like 11th update messed up the sound. just 1 app can use the sound sys now === wellark is now known as Wellark === micahg_ is now known as micahg [14:47] how can I remove bluetooth indicator from panel? [15:31] hey what software can I use to create a screencast (desktop video + microphone audio) on Oneiric? [15:32] !screencast [15:32] Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [15:32] aroman, same as the usual? [15:32] bazhang: tried all of them, none work [15:33] aroman, what exact errors [15:33] well istanbul is 4 years old and doesn't support appindicator, so that one's pretty much useless [15:34] recordmydesktop says it couldn't configure/open the sound card [15:34] and likewise for ffmpeh [15:34] xvidcap uses OSS and padsb doesn't support the full spec that it's using apparently [15:36] bazhang: but interestingly the control-center pane for sound can use my mic perfectly and record it. [15:37] aroman, very odd indeed. perhaps there is some new one I know nothing about. [15:37] bazhang: yeah. I figured i'd ask in here since I see some ubuntu developers creating screencasts in Oneiric apparently without problem [15:38] aroman, yep wise choice. perhaps when the channel is more active can help out. apologies [15:39] bazhang: no worries, thanks for your help in any event :) [15:40] #join #ayatana [15:41] lol.. sry [15:41] try /join [15:41] I know [15:41] ok [16:04] bazhang: ah i found the bug. looks like it just cropped up: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/824507 [16:04] Ubuntu bug 824507 in recordmydesktop (Ubuntu) "Cannot access sound card" [Undecided,Confirmed] [16:29] jml: ping [16:42] howdy! what's the correct way to configure gdm3's background image in oneric? the old gconftool-2 method that worked until natty doesn't seem to work anymore. [16:46] Q-FUNK: a lot of things are being migrated to dconf, have you checked there (I don't know what their editor tools is) [16:46] Pici: Q-FUNK: dconf-editor, in the dconf-tools package. [16:46] Pici: could be. I wouldn't know what their editor tool is either. [16:46] aroman: is there any documentation about using that with gnome products? [16:47] Q-FUNK: what do you mean? It's virtually the same thing as gconf [16:47] from an end-user perspective I mean [16:48] and like gconf schemas, it's pretty self-documenting [16:48] aroman: I need to configure custom backgrounds, GTK themes and icons within a metapackage. [16:49] sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set --type string /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /usr/share/backgrounds/funkyware-dude.jpg [16:49] Q-FUNK: shave a look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~elementaryart/elementaryos/default-settings [16:49] that's what i would have used until natty. [16:50] specfically http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~elementaryart/elementaryos/default-settings/view/head:/debian/elementary-default-settings.gsettings-override [16:50] i believe that's what you're looking for [16:50] (dconf is a backend for gsettings) [16:51] aroman: thanks. looking... [16:59] aroman: yes and no. it shows me the default values of different desktop schemes, but not which tool to use to apply my own or how. [17:00] aroman: evidently either ubuntu-artwork or gdm uses some other tool to set the pink background as it default, but it's unclear which one. [17:01] Q-FUNK: i wasn't meaning to show you the default values [17:01] that package applies them [17:03] aroman: hi [17:03] jml: hey I saw you reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/recordmydesktop/+bug/824507 [17:03] Ubuntu bug 824507 in recordmydesktop (Ubuntu) "Cannot access sound card" [Undecided,Confirmed] [17:04] aroman: yes [17:04] jml: i wanted to ask if you've found a workaround, and let you know that's definitely not just a gtk-recordmydesktop bug [17:04] (as my comment confirms) [17:04] aroman: set device to 'plughw:0,0' [17:07] jml: brilliant! worked like a charm [17:07] jml: thanks a lot :) [17:07] aroman: np [17:27] yeah my sound is ded in generall too [17:28] any ideas ? [17:57] dsathe, open a terminal. alsmixer -V all [17:57] BluesKaj: [17:57] i have tried all that [17:57] levels are fine [17:57] all what ? [17:57] pcm [17:57] alsamixer [17:57] all elevels ok [17:58] pulse output ok [17:58] lspci ok [17:58] lsmod all ok [17:58] but no sound [17:58] alsa is broken some where coz mpd with out to alsa failed [17:59] pulse runs atop alsa so no hope util core is fixed [17:59] i did reconf linux - sound base [17:59] tried multiple kernels , custom kernels too [17:59] something went wrong [17:59] pulseaudio eh , I never use it personally , but if you must then install pavucontrol ...it gives more options and settings , dsathe [18:00] as i said pulse is adaemon atop alsa [18:00] sound core is broken [18:00] aroman: it still remains unclear to me how someone is supposed to apply generic desktop settings to GDM only using that. [18:00] speaker-test fails [18:00] afaik tht is core alsa [18:00] it's a soundserver layer , yeah and mostly useless IMO [18:00] ALSA lib dlmisc.c:254:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so [18:00] Playback open error: -6,No such device or address [18:00] pulseaudio that is [18:01] BluesKaj: usefull for multiple sr sinc [18:01] and on the fly switches [18:01] alsa-lib error [18:01] have you tried not using pulseaudio ? [18:02] and as luk would have it my hw does not support opensound :( [18:02] OSS4 [18:02] * BluesKaj shrugs ... [18:03] BluesKaj: yes i did start in a init level sans pulse no luck [18:03] asound test also fails [18:03] what player(s) ? [18:03] alsa basic tests [18:03] no players [18:03] tried mpc [18:03] ncmpcpp too [18:04] initially i thought it was due to kernel update [18:04] so cheked tht out too, removed changes to opts in modprobe for my module too [18:04] what default soundcard/devices in phonon [18:05] i dont use phonon [18:05] snd_hda_intel [18:05] is the module [18:05] phonon is kde specifik afaik [18:06] !intelhda [18:06] For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [18:06] is there a way to produce a more deatild debug log [18:06] so i could paste it some where [18:06] /var/log [18:06] ill ive these a shot , though i doubt i changed any of this , tried trouble shooting from arch wiki on alsa [18:06] hmm [18:07] funny that ' dmesg | grep audio' is blank [18:08] BluesKaj: nah the help page is no use [18:09] ubutnu help pages only ok for small minor issues and skimming docs [18:10] i have tried all from arch and pulse and alsa wikis [18:10] no use [18:10] I *think* ubuntu-bug sound is valid [18:10] and not an issue with my hw coz audio is just fine on arch [18:13] Pici: any idea is ther a bug report [18:13] dsathe: I don't if there is one logged. I can test on my laptop later today. I have the same sound card, but I haven't rebooted lately. [18:13] dsathe, dunno much about gnome sound ...forgot that phonon is a kde default ... I use kde without pulseaudio but with the default phonon [18:14] phonon now uses gst as a backend [18:14] or vlc [18:14] if you install it [18:14] it earlier used something else [18:14] interseting [18:15] it used xine afaik [18:15] used kde before too clunky [18:15] insane finish tho [18:16] vlc runs great on my media server pc ...fine video and digital out if you set it up right [18:16] gnome laked it till shell/unity (i dun wanna start th shell/unity mongering) [18:16] each to his own [18:16] digital audio out [18:16] hmm [18:16] i did that with arch and xbmc [18:16] :P [18:16] nice iface for a media center [18:17] xbmc is ok , but , too many menus to get anything to play [18:17] and arch light for an atom with custom built kernels stripped for an atom and pulling out anything i did not need [18:17] anyone got nvidia curren to build against linux 3 git 22 or newer [18:18] dsathe, sounds to me that you might have stripped out a bit too much [18:18] no its my 8th rev [18:18] time tested [18:19] and yeah rite now i am on stock 3.0.0-8 [18:19] yeah and no audio [18:19] the latest one tht trickeled into oneric [18:19] no definitely not an kernel issue [18:19] i hav 5 diff kernels installed of all possible types [18:19] well have fun ...bbl [18:19] same issue across all [18:19] bbye [18:20] waiting for ck to rel 3.0 patches :P [18:22] will moove to arch , come bak once oneric is fixed , no sound suks , ill try to pull up the logs n report it [18:22] no video is cool , no sound not OK [18:45] I'm running +1 right now, and for some reason a few applications (Marlin and Nautilus are the ones I've noticed) won't theme? They don't load any icons and the GTK theme is just Redmond. [18:49] I was just gonna test Alpha 3 in VMWare, installed all the drivers and put the compiz --replace switch to the startup and now I can't see Unity elements. I can access the Terminal. How do I edit the startup applications to reverse this? [18:51] w231232131, can you run "metacity --replace" from the terminal? [18:52] Or would it be "mutter --replace" now? [18:55] traskers: The VM locks up every time I run it. [18:56] w231232131, run "gnome-session-properties" and you should be able to remove "compiz --replace" and then log out and back in and everything should be flash. [18:59] traskers: That worked. Thanks. [18:59] No problemo. === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [19:46] .w 3 [20:31] can anyone running up-to-date oneiric please do "ubuntu-bug ", send (not file) the bug info and look if the URL you are sent to ends with a questionmark? [20:33] htorque, what do you mean "" ? [20:34] any package you like, i'm just interested in the url you are sent to as for me that ends with a "?" which leads to LP telling me it couldn't find a referrer (the long number in front of the "?") [20:35] so, eg. do "ubuntu-bug unity", let it collect the data and send it online, look at the end of the url and just close the browser tab [20:35] No "?" for me. [20:35] thanks [20:36] No problem. [20:37] traskers: one question - which browser are you using? maybe that's an issue with opera [20:38] It opened up in Firefox. [20:38] k, thanks again :) [20:40] rats, also shows up with an "?" in firefox and chromium :( [20:42] I just did it again, and that time it showed up. [20:42] The first time, I had to log-in to launchpad and it didn't show up when it redirected me. [21:01] howdy ppl that one day could make me very happy.... [21:05] hey BUGabundo ..how happy ? :) [21:07] how happy can one be? === CardinalFang_ is now known as CardinalFang === yofel_ is now known as yofel [22:59] Whats up with the cd image of alpha 3 being bigger that what a cd can contain? [23:00] ChrisBuchholz, are you downloading the daily build maybe? [23:01] coz_: i dont think so. this: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/alpha-3/oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso [23:01] the iso is 709mb, but when it gets unpackaged on the cd, its 743,7mb, which is 101% of a cd and therefore doesnt fit [23:02] ChrisBuchholz, hold on let me download from another link [23:02] mmm looks like it is definitly large [23:03] coz_: exactly. Weirded me out a bit at first, and then just made me sad knowing that i wouldnt be able to try out alpha 3 [23:03] ChrisBuchholz, yeah it does look large I am getting about 770 or 730 for 32 bit the first is 64 bit [23:03] that's odd [23:03] indeed [23:04] ChrisBuchholz, sorry 727 megs for 64 biut [23:04] bit [23:04] ChrisBuchholz, mm I didnt think they were moving to live dvd [23:05] if i had dvds available, it wouldnt be a problem, but unfortunately i dont, and i cant boot from usb either [23:18] Is it possible to get the alpha 2 cdimage from somewhere? i dont see it at cdimage.ubuntu.com === emma is now known as em [23:28] I saw some pictures of the GDM for ubuntu 11.10, am i correct that there will be a guest login for gdm? [23:48] it's not gdm [23:48] lightDM [23:48] and yes [23:57] http://www.reddit.com/r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu/comments/jgypm/social_services_will_never_understand/ [23:57] wtf? [23:59] oops wrong window :)