[03:00] anyone else here much of a gamer? specifically xbox 360, despite it's major lack of FOSS [03:02] I'm a gamer, but not on the 360, that's my brother's territory [03:05] ah, shame. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon looks like it'd be a game to die for [03:10] haven't seen that one... but my brother seems hell-bent on getting me a 360 for my birthday so that we can share games haha [03:12] wish they'd remake 'Secret Weapons Over Normandy'... that was a good game [03:15] ....think that one's a bit too old for me [03:16] aaaaaand i'm goin to sleep [03:17] well ok... but you'd miss this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPhQxgcme2U&feature=feedrec_grec_index [03:18] that's a bit too old haha [03:22] yeah. although, A&C Games over in toronto had a virtual boy sitting at the front for anyone to demo. ;P [03:22] and now i'm really off. [12:11] Hiyas all [13:18] it's a beautifu day here [13:18] yup ,same here [13:18] the weather is very nice, too [13:19] uhhm yeah, that's what I meant :)