[15:58] Hey there, I thought I'd let you guys know there's someone sabotaging the wiki. [15:59] I don't know if you can stop someone from editing the wiki, but if you can, you might want to stop SammyWilson from doing edits. [16:00] He sabotaged the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UserDocumentation and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MediaWiki pages, which I've fixed. [16:00] I don't know what else he may have done. [16:00] Thanks for the heads up. [16:01] Any time. (: [16:51] Hello folks, can anyone around here please act on my merge proposal: https://code.launchpad.net/~kim0/serverguide/ch-installation-fixes [20:31] kim0: I've had a quick read of the diff for your proposal. I'm mainly looking at content as opposed to the format. Is there any real reason to include the RAID 1 information? Other RAIDs provide the same features you've mentioned. Other than that little nit-pick it seemed ok. I'm not 100% up to date on the formatting though so I'll leave that to more proficient types. Nice update of links though. [20:31] Just thought you'd like at least SOME feedback :D