=== timo_ is now known as Guest8559 === lordnoid_ is now known as lordnoid === zz_RobinJ is now known as RobinJ === RobinJ is now known as zz_RobinJ === imkes60_ is now known as imkes60 [15:06] Hoe zit dat met visuele effecten instellen in 11.04 klassiek (plain gnome dus) [15:06] Het zit niet meer in voorkeuren -> uiterlijk [15:07] Oh lol, tijdens inloggen kun je klassiek met of zonder effecten kiezen :P [15:09] Als ik effecten uitzet, worden vensters soms niet helemaal goed opnieuw getekend [15:09] Weet iemand waar dit aan kan liggen? === zz_RobinJ is now known as RobinJ [16:53] OerHeks: ik heb lubuntu en xubuntu uitgeprobeerd, maar daardoor liet de notebook zich ook niet van zijn voorliefde voor XP afhouden [16:54] eens kijken wat debian levert === RobinJ is now known as zz_RobinJ === zz_RobinJ is now known as RobinJ === RobinJ is now known as zz_RobinJ === imkes60_ is now known as imkes60 === imkes60mm_ is now known as imkes60mm [20:58] this is my problem.. installed ubuntu server 11.4.. but when it is shut down it says it is not cleanly unmounted.. then.. when i boot i get this error. mountall: fsck /boot{344} terminated with status 1 then.. about 50 lines.. cannot write bytes: broken pipe when i fix the errors with knoppix cd after one or two reboots i have the same error. This is my syslog anybody can help ? [20:58] http://pastebin.com/4wRJdULM