[02:14] ooo, just found out reprap has an irc channel here on freenode :) [06:06] Morning [06:58] o/ [07:02] morning all [07:06] * daubers needs to acquire the last few oggcamp bits today [07:31] Morning earth dwellers. [07:42] TheOpenSourcerer: morning, mr Martian man [07:43] We are Alan. [08:10] popey: https://github.com/busyloop/lolcat === seeker_ is now known as seeker [08:26] Morning all [08:32] English fry-up for brekkie \o/ [08:33] Myrtti: share with me? [08:33] I can't promise anything on behalf of my mum-in-law-candidate :-> [08:40] just read about the nokia n9 not being sold in most countries [08:40] anyone have preferred software for drawing a network diagram on ubuntu? [08:42] rdesktop [08:43] templates for dia and kivio seem to be rather lacking, making th eprograms pointless [08:44] pencil plugin for firefox looks ok though [08:44] oimon: some sources claim that the status of the device is that the vendors themself decide will they carry them or not [08:44] so it may end up being sold in UK anyway... *shrug* [08:46] Myrtti: either way, sounds even more like meego is not compatible with the new MS friends. maybe MS should just take them over completely and be done with it [08:47] oimon: that's what Nokia is said to be doing in US [08:47] oimon: rdesktop - what windows/osx program would you recommend? [08:48] oimon: then again the whole discussion about the future of Nokia tends to depress me deeply [08:49] andylockran: visio is the best program i have used for drawing my own network diags (not automatically generated) [08:49] andylockran: it's very pricey nowadays though, and not even part of MS office :( [08:50] morning all [09:01] just noticed the new dash changes in oneiric today [09:02] http://i.imgur.com/tyE0I.png [09:08] ewwww [09:08] 1280x1024 === gord_ is now known as gord [09:10] anyone mind if I take a screen capture of this channel for the last 15 mins? [09:10] popey: 1280x1024 rocks!!! [09:12] wintellect: its a horrid resolution [09:13] 1280x1024 is the correct screen resolution for my current monitor, but the nvidia-96 driver is broken, and the open source driver(s) don't work :/ [09:13] popey: you resolution snob :) [09:14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vector_Video_Standards5.svg [09:14] look at the red ones [09:14] duff aspect ratio [09:14] 5:4 [09:15] it's the natural resolution of most 17 inch monitors [09:15] \o/ CGA! [09:15] I have owned a few 17" monitors and never have owned one at that resolution [09:16] I have a 17" and that's its res [09:16] NTM - why would I want less pixels when doing work? [09:17] I didnt say less pixels [09:17] I want square pixels [09:17] I want circlular pixels :( [09:17] heh [09:17] WXGA 1280x768 is the most ideal in theory, since it is closest to the golden ratio of aesthetics [09:18] 2560x1600 is acceptable too [09:18] I installed a bajillion updates last night on 11.10, and now when I try to log in it says "Failed to load session "Ubuntu". Is there a fix? [09:18] Jimbo666: → #ubuntu+1 [09:19] ??? [09:19] #ubuntu+1 is a good channel to get support for 11.10 [09:20] Ah ok, I'll try there ;-) [09:21] the files+folders launcher button and the applications one is also gone from teh launcher now [09:22] ooo [09:22] i wonder what aspect ratio our eyes see in? [09:23] http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_aspect_ratio_of_the_human_eye_sight [09:27] which is strange because cinema widescreen is a similar ratio, and feels too wide [09:28] sit further back? [09:29] mmmm bacon [09:30] mentioning bacon when i don't have bacon is mean =\ [09:31] Mmmm, bacon [09:31] There's a pack in the freezer. Ho hum [09:47] just refreshed my memory about Marmite. It is still horrible [09:47] Myrtti: heh it is indeed [09:47] the smell is awful [09:48] I kinda wish it didn't taste so bad [09:48] it's a bit like cod liver oil, I can see the benefits of eating it, but I just can't [09:49] ah, nearly lunchtime... ;-) [09:56] marmite thinly spread on toasted white bread is *lovely* [09:56] and if you run out, you can always use earwax as a replacement [09:59] oimon: I agree, marmite rules [10:01] marmite is just wrong [10:01] is it better or worse than vegemite? ;-) [10:04] good morning everyone. [10:04] i saw a film called scanner darkly the other day..anyone seen it? [10:04] * Zyzle has [10:05] Philip K Dick book, I think of the same name, haven't read it though [10:05] a weird nothing of a film. technically interesting for the rotorscoping factor, but didn't do anything with the story [10:06] i persisted with it in case something happened, ..nothing did [10:08] Yeah, struck me as a story that could have been told in half the time [10:08] i generally liked it though [10:17] morning all [10:17] * davmor2 prods czajkowski [10:19] czajkowski: popey: I would like you to say hello to everyone for me please have a great time and I hope everything goes off with no hitches incase I don't remember to say it after :) [10:31] AlanBell, Daviey, ping: why does my name not show up in "event contact" when adding an event to the UK team's loco page? [10:34] aquarius: NFI. [10:34] grr, you can't submit an event without a team contact, and I don't know why I'm not in the team contacts list :( [10:35] Daviey, who would know? holbach seems to be on holiday :( [10:35] aquarius: I thought we made it so anyone could submit an event now. [10:35] perhaps -- I'm a team member anyway [10:35] but you have to specify a contact person for the event [10:35] aquarius: Ask in #ubuntu-locoteams , mhall is a good first contact for HELP. [10:35] and you have to choose them from a ist [10:35] list [10:35] and I'm not on the list [10:36] Daviey, do you mind if I put you down as contact for the event for now? So I can submit it at least [10:36] I doubt there'll be any questions, but if there are just refer them to me :) [10:36] aquarius: Probably better to put AlanBell, he is the team leader now. [10:36] oh yeah, I forgot that! [10:36] AlanBell, ^ :) [10:43] \o/ marmite [10:44] * TheOpenSourcerer ponders going to the shops for meat and beer. [10:45] mmmmm meat and beer [10:45] i used to dislike marmite until one day while on a shift that started at 6.30am, my boss came in at 9.30 with marmite on toast. i had been slaving for hours and was starving. i was suddenly converted in an instant [10:46] Those of you who are Mancunians, or nearby: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1144/detail/ :-) [10:49] how to make history appear above search results in the chromium "awesome bar"? [10:58] anyone know how you run screenshot via the command line? [11:00] czajkowski: have you checked the menu entry? [11:00] gnome-screenshot [11:00] just need to figure out a time delay [11:00] gnome-screenshot maybe? [11:01] gnome-screenshot -d delay [11:01] check the manpage [11:01] gnome-screenshot --help [11:02] gnome-screenshot -d 5 :) [11:02] thanks [11:04] sleep 5; gnome-screenshot ? [11:05] np [11:06] -i [11:06] czajkowski: i had to do it about 10 mins ago on mumbuntu [11:06] gnome-screenshot -i [11:08] AlanBell: Ping [11:16] [Stuart Langridge] App developer evening in Manchester for Ubuntu One - http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2011/08/12/app-developer-evening-in-manchester-for-ubuntu-one [11:17] ugh google plus is adding games, ruining google plus for those of us that don't want inane "i got something in mafia whatever!" spam [11:18] i saw someone say "If you ask me to join your games, I'll block you" [11:18] hopefully they will do it properly, and will restrict those updates to a game stream [11:19] When was the last time someone heaerd from AlanBell? [11:19] well those games really only thrived on facebook because of the spam, the spam got others playing, otherwise they would of been no more popular than [11:19] benonsoftware: 3 seconds ago [11:19] popey: Really? [11:20] and thus the curious case of the missing AlanBell was solved [11:20] Well done chaps :) [11:20] *slam* case closed [11:20] I've been in here for 15 min [11:20] benonsoftware: I suspect he's a bit busy [11:21] popey: ok if you see him before I do tel him that I need help with his bot [11:21] mootbot? [11:21] I will see him this evening and for most of the rest of the weekend [11:21] popey: Yeah hes version [11:21] but we shall mostly be drinking beer and falling over [11:21] popey: We can't get voting to work :( [11:21] so I suspect discussion of bots will be low on the agenda :D [11:22] benonsoftware: I heard from me quite recently [11:22] Me too [11:22] found him! [11:22] s-fox: you coming to oggcamp? :D [11:22] Case solved... again [11:22] popey: you may have already been approached about this but i was wondering if you might be able to help with promoting th Ubuntu Application Program evening at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK [11:22] :) [11:22] benonsoftware: in which channel? [11:22] duanedesign: I have not, but can [11:22] AlanBell: Oh I thanks ##benny [11:23] popey, No, the travel costs are a bit much for me. Still recovering financially from my activities in Japan. [11:24] popey: it is our first event and its success or lack of will determin the future of the program. Some thin we would like to see flourish [11:24] popey: http://voices.canonical.com/ubuntuone/?p=1053 [11:25] popey: thank you for any help you can provide. Be sure to have people register do we know what kind os swag to bring :) [11:26] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1144/detail/ [11:27] aquarius: added it to the LD [11:29] duanedesign: yes, this stuff is exactly the kind of thing we want canonical to use the LoCo for [11:30] czajkowski, er? [11:31] duanedesign, way ahead of you, pal :) [11:31] czajkowski, I added it, didn't I? [11:31] aquarius: you did [11:31] that's what I said [11:31] 12:27 < czajkowski> aquarius: added it to the LD [11:31] czajkowski, ah, right, got it :) [11:32] :) [11:32] you might want to contact LUGs nearby? [11:32] and maybe send a mail to the uk mailing list [11:33] and the manchester free software group [11:33] BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAH [11:33] * Lcawte wonders how many developery like folk are in here [11:34] Lcawte: it varies [11:34] bigcalm: when you arriving? [11:34] or indeed.. leaving [11:35] aquarius: drat, foiled again [11:35] gord: with the new unity from today how you meant to get it too appear? I have fullscreen FF and it just will not appear unless I hit the windows button [11:35] app launcher [11:36] duanedesign, more publicity is always good :) [11:36] aquarius: i a looking at some other potions [11:36] options* [11:36] popey, yeah, that's what I'm doing now -- pinging various dev groups -- phpnw, androiddev, manchester geekup, you guys -- not sure Manchester free software group will go for it :) [11:37] aquarius: i definitely want the event to be a success [11:38] duanedesign, you're coming, right? OK's not that far away ;-) [11:39] popey: just about to have lunch and then we're on the road [11:40] cool [11:40] 3 hour drive, but we'll stop once or twice along the way [11:41] M5/M4 route fyi [11:41] have emailed the UK list [11:47] And we're off. See you kids later :) [11:48] *sigh* [12:20] Myrtti: what's up ? been in england 1 day and already fed up? [12:23] oimon: no, just somewhat tired [12:23] UK has that effect on me too [12:30] whoo talk all done :) [12:33] whoo BBQ ready to rock [12:34] davmor2, how did you get it to appear with fullscreen firefox before? unity doesn't show over fullscreen windows because that would get annoying, fast [12:34] like if you were playing a game or something [12:35] gord: fullscreen as in attached to the title bar and using the full width [12:36] gord: Maximise not full screen I couldn't think of the word [12:36] * czajkowski pokes davmor2 [12:36] davmor2, ah, you should be able to push against the left like normal, if not thats a bug, i don't use auto-hide so i'm not sure [12:37] not a fan of the removal of the bfb myself, but i don't get to design unity :) [12:37] actually unity does show over full screen windows [12:37] it only hides from maximized ones [12:37] and yes, when i'm playing a game, it does get annoying [12:37] and also, yes, the bug has been reported (multiple times) [12:39] gord: it seems to be fixed now that I've revealed it once or twice using the super key so I'm guessing just a glitch [12:41] I'm not sure if I can make oggcamp now :( [12:41] HazRPG: why? [12:42] MartijnVdS: Haven't been paid for the project I finished yet :/ [12:42] my bank balance is currently low... and the next project I'm doing is looking at a weekend deadline [12:43] aww [12:43] (not that I'm going, as I'm going to YAPC::EU in Riga) [12:43] http://yapceurope.lv/ye2011/ [12:43] awww just found pics I'd forgotten I'd taken [12:44] I can afford to get down... (and back possibly)... however when I'll be living off tinned food until I get paid lol [12:44] when I get back* [12:45] bah [12:46] think it's a rip off that I can get from cumbria to london Euston (return) for £39, however from Cumbria to Farnham (which I have to do a changeover at Euston) costs £109 when the bulk of the journey is to get to Euston in the first place [12:46] (this is on the train btw) [12:47] HazRPG: Buy a separate ticket? An off-peak return from Farnham to Waterloo is about £20 IIRC [12:48] TheOpenSourcerer: seriously? [12:48] I've gotta check this out [12:50] A single is £13.50 [12:50] HazRPG, it's cheaper for me to buy an all-zone off-peak travelcard from banbury to london marylebone than a return ticket from banbury to london marylebone [12:50] in both cases it's cheaper to buy a return to paddington, via a change at reading rather than the direct marylebone train [12:53] ah, foo... if I'd booked it earlier in the week it would have been £39... seems it costs £97.30 now... trains make no sense to me :/ [12:55] HazRPG, much easier to understand than US airline prices [12:58] HazRPG: car share? [12:59] oimon: I was going to pick someone up half-way down, but he's not going anymore now [12:59] shame [13:01] he's not feeling well, so I can understand why really [13:03] I posted on G+ & facebook my route and asked if anyone lived anywhere near those lines needing a lift, but no responses [13:04] its about £99.11 (according to ye ol' faithful maths and this site: http://www.fuel-economy.co.uk/calc.shtml) for fuel there and back in my car, and obviously if I was car sharing... that would go down per extra dude in the car [13:05] I was hoping one of my friends could come along, but most work weekends, which sucks [13:07] cumbria, the open source wasteland .. [13:11] yup, sadly :( [13:11] it'll be worse when I decide to move to Egypt at the end of the year lol [13:12] :-\ all the more reason to come to oggcamp2011 [13:12] ;) [13:12] oimon: also, you've got that partly wrong, its more like "cumbria, the wasteland for anything a hobbyist desires" [13:12] seems any hobby I take up, cumbria is the worst place to get started with it... [13:13] Cumbria, Hobbit wasteland? :P [13:13] MartijnVdS: haha [13:14] my friends got me into MTG a good few years back, and well its all great and well playing with friends... but when you can only buy cards online... it's a pain... and when you want to play with others when friends aren't free or available... the nearest place is like manchester (esp. if your fancying friendly-tournament type stuff) [13:16] the guy who ran the tournaments in Manchester showed us like a map of all the places where judges were available, and there was a massive black hole around the cumbria north-west/north-east region [13:17] safe to say... that's a hobby I don't do anymore as a result (that and something like that is a novelty at first, and just gets boring after a while - for me at least) [13:18] oimon: When I go over to Egypt, I'm tempted to try and spark up open-source interest over there... I mean I've already got most of my family going "hmm" since I showed them ubuntu on my laptop over the last year or so [13:18] what do they use right now? [13:18] everyone, and I mean everyone, I know in Egypt still uses XP [13:19] when they buy a new computer/laptop... they'd rather the hassle of downgrading it to XP then to keep vista/7 on it [13:19] HazRPG: time to switch them to Ubuntu [13:20] i tend to think KDE is a better match for people used to Win7 [13:20] oimon: it's just as crashy? [13:20] no lol, just the UI [13:20] very similar layour [13:20] I find it very Unity-like [13:21] MartijnVdS: Heh, I switched my aunt to it last time I was there in May/June... she loved the fact that it supported arabic better than windows did - she was a bit shocked to see that most applications had arabic names, she found it a bit odd at first, but within about half hr of messing around with it she started using it faster than she used her XP machine [13:21] i loaded up the knoppix livecd the other day, surprised to see he's switched to lxde..i thought it felt like kde [13:22] I must say though, she wasn't use to the jargon used in the arabic language though... [13:22] apparently windows uses friendly words then ubuntu does [13:23] so when I go over, I might spend some time with her and the language pages and try and see if we can get better translations pointing to it [13:23] (er launchpad translation pages*) [13:28] Urgh, I never liked configuring dns servers [13:28] daubers: I don't think most people do :P [13:28] * daubers ponders stealing the config from somewhere else and changing it to fit [13:29] daubers: welcome to the interwebs \o/ [13:29] we has everything you need - or the best part of everything! [13:29] HazRPG: I'm only doing this so I can set up a local mirror for someone at oggcamp tomorrow without them having to change any sources.list stuff [13:31] daubers, what mirror are you setting up *buntu only ? [13:31] diplo: Due to bandwidth constraints, yeah [13:31] diplo: Have grabbed *buntu and fedora iso images too [13:32] Oooh, want to set up my own repo at work, so you are the man to harass If i get stuck next week then?!?! :) [13:32] diplo: Uhh... no :) [13:32] heh [13:32] diplo: I just used apt-mirror [13:32] I've found a site that has a repo for php5.3 for CentOS 4, never created a mirror before, hoping to have fun learning next week [13:33] Want to cover my arse in case this repo disappears [13:33] diplo: u making a centos or ubuntu one? [13:33] Cent, just saw you mention fedora [13:33] :) [13:33] i use local centos mirrors at work [13:34] and a custom local repo for custom built apps [13:34] ooh, is it easy oimon ? [13:34] yes :) [13:34] I want/need to do both, not read up on it yet [13:34] Meaning to do it for weeks [13:35] Did you have a good tutorial ? [13:35] for the local custom repo, i used to create an rpm file with all the yum repo config [13:35] now i'm using puppet more [13:36] Do you just rsync the mirror from the web ? [13:37] for the mirror, yes [13:37] and for my users, i use a custom repo config (sent via puppet) that refers to the local mirror instead of the upstream one [13:37] Better have a tinker then [13:37] cos i have 150 machines doing a yum update each night [13:38] not much work req'd for mirror. centos wiki has some info though [13:38] local custom repo you need to run the createrepo command each time you pop a rpm in. mirror don't require it because the source has done that already [13:40] I don't want official repo, atomicorp.com [13:40] Will tinker all the same though thhanks [13:42] this sounds relevant to my interests ... [13:43] I think its daft how I have 3 machines downloading from the ubuntu repo for updates, would be better if I had a local cache/repo that they could all just grab from [13:44] i used to run something on my server that cached apt [13:44] squid-deb-proxy is the way forward [13:44] AlanBell: ah yeah, I heard about that [13:44] \o/ fooled it [13:44] ah, apt-cacher is what it was called [13:44] daubers: ello cake man [13:45] someone say cake? [13:45] lies! [13:45] ^_^ [13:45] * davmor2 prods czajkowski just cause [13:46] * HazRPG runs around with arms flapping around in the air [13:46] just cause? [13:47] gord: pretty much [13:47] JAFFA CAKES nyommy [13:47] seriously? first talk of bacon now jaffa cakes? why must you people do this to me [13:48] gord: hmm? [13:48] gord: cause deep down we only exist to torture you [13:48] oh wow, dropbox now closes gracefully :D [13:49] i KNEW it ! [13:49] gord: I cudda said custard creams or jammy dodgers [13:49] no longer do I have to manually kill it :) [13:49] * MartijnVdS would like it if banshee stopped suiciding in me [13:49] on me [13:49] I hate BANSHEE! [13:49] gord: can I interest you with some Texas BBQ Sauce Pringles? [13:50] MartijnVdS: ?? [13:50] czajkowski: why? [13:50] give me rhythmbox any day [13:50] gord: well czajkowski was around, I had nothing specific to say to her so just a friendly prod to remind her I'm annoying :) [13:50] HazRPG: banshee randomly crashes about 3-4 times/day for me [13:50] over the last couple of months, I've started to like banshee over rhythmbox (aside from the fact that last.fm isn't free to stream radio on banshee :() [13:50] yup, i reinstalled rhythmbox a month or two ago [13:50] czajkowski: lo [13:51] MartijnVdS: really, what do you do with it? What version? I have mine running for days on end :) [13:51] HazRPG: the Natty version works fine, it's the Oneiric version that's broken, especially if I minimize it [13:52] I have no idea why anyone would use Banshee [13:52] MartijnVdS: Banshee 2.0 (2.0.1) [running off of maverick] [13:52] it's shite [13:52] * daubers needs to steal a big box of cat6 and 2 switches in a minute [13:52] czajkowski: I have ~10k songs. It's fast. [13:52] czajkowski, gord: +1 on hating banshee, I want to like it I really do but it just sucks the life from out of you [13:52] czajkowski: how so? [13:52] I just dont find it as user friendly as RB [13:52] I can never find my purchased songs from U1 [13:53] czajkowski: they're in the same list as all other songs.. it's one big library [13:53] czajkowski: Ah! I has a fix for that ;D [13:53] HazRPG: so do I, I don't use Banshee :) [13:54] i would love banshee if it worked, but it crashes, it plays random tracks, i do one thing it does another, so fine, rb works just fine for me [13:54] indeed [13:54] * daubers just uses spotify these days [13:54] czajkowski: I created a dynamic playlist, called "Bought Songs", and then under pick match "any" and then select "comments" + "contains" + type "7digital.com" sorted :) [13:55] so you had to hack it to get it to work [13:55] I also have "comments" + "contains" + "Amazon.com" but that's cos I've got a few things I've bought from them too [13:55] I just listen to dab radio which I found I was doing more and more on banshee and RB anyway [13:55] I want to click purchased songs and look there they are [13:55] davmor2: dab radio? on a PC? [13:55] davmor2: What kind of device do you use for that? [13:55] MartijnVdS: No I got a cheap dab radio [13:56] MartijnVdS: you can use a freeview tv card to do it though [13:56] czajkowski: well you could call it a hack, but I always organise my music via playlists anyway [13:56] davmor2: that's DVB, not DAB [13:56] czajkowski: also, my bought songs don't show up in "Purchased songs" in rhythmbox :( [13:56] MartijnVdS: it pulls in the dab radio stations too [13:57] MartijnVdS: at least in the UK any way [13:57] davmor2: Unlikely\ [13:57] davmor2: more likely that DAB radiostations are also on DVB :) [13:57] could be but they are all there [13:58] on a chrome download, right click > open folder = open gnome terminal [13:58] sense this makes none [13:58] Azelphur: sounds like you made a wrong association somewhere? [13:59] guess so \o/ [14:06] heh, seems someone else does the same thing I do: http://askubuntu.com/questions/34883/how-do-i-make-a-smart-playlist-of-my-purchased-music [14:09] which version of banshee you all using? [14:09] mine reports as being "Banshee 2.0 (2.0.1)" [14:09] i haven't got round to tidying the albums where every song got listed twice by a bug :( [14:09] HazRPG: same [14:10] oimon: I fixed that by making sure banshee was closed (kill it if it isn't), deleted the database file, rescanned my library [14:10] there's no fix for removing duplicate songs added by banshee :( [14:11] "fixed" :P [14:11] oimon: there is, it's just sqlite :) [14:11] exactly ^_^ [14:11] oimon: all you need is a cool SQL statement to remove everything with the same file path [14:11] it's easier to switch to clementine [14:11] you can either open up the file, or just delete and start again [14:11] oimon: but then you lose # of plays, rating, score, etc. [14:12] MartijnVdS: that assumes one uses those ;D [14:12] does anyone actually use that stuff? [14:12] don't care - half of the album covers aren't there either because banshee can't be bothered to do it properly [14:12] # of plays is nice [14:12] ali1234: nope [14:12] so I can play "unplayed songs" [14:12] but other than that.. not really [14:13] I don't hear the difference between "Random" and "Random by Score" for example [14:13] unplayed songs on my library are generally tracks belonging to the missis [14:13] and i want them to stay umplayed :) [14:13] who actually sits down and rates all their music? [14:13] haha [14:13] why don't you just delete anything with <5 stars? [14:13] currently setting disk quotas for a few hundred users..rather tedious [14:13] ali1234: Albums. I want whole albums available, but some songs > other songs [14:13] ali1234: I do when a song is playing and I have banshee open and the song that's playing I really like [14:14] only rating I use is 5 stars [14:14] heh [14:14] would be easier for it to simply say "like" or "love" for me [14:14] 5 = good , !5 = not good [14:14] if banshee wasn't tracking so much useless metadata it probably wouldn't be quite as painfully slow [14:14] exactly :P [14:15] ali1234: hmm? [14:15] ali1234: I never have issues with mine, and I've got at the very least 70GB of music [14:16] i posted a full bug report with instructions that reproduce the problem 100% of the time [14:17] ali1234: can you link me to it? I'd like to see this :) [14:17] if you don't see the problem, it is just because you do not notice it [14:17] it will take me a while to find [14:17] the worst thing about banshee is that if i have a group of people round and need to play some music etc, i feel insecure that it might misbehave on me at a crucial moment [14:17] see "why bugzilla sucks" discussion from the other day [14:18] ali1234: does it not email you when you submit something? [14:18] no [14:18] not until someone else touches the bug [14:18] pain [14:18] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=647480 [14:18] Gnome bug 647480 in general "Banshee uses large amounts of CPU between songs" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [14:26] Howdy [14:29] Woot! Mirror built, isos ready [14:29] just need to pack the car now [14:30] so, twitter or g+ for oggcamp updates during the w/end? [14:30] who to follow? [14:31] ali1234: hmm, at least they've been contacting you back... however they seem to be avoiding the issue [14:32] probably still trying to fix the crash caused by the same testcase, lol [14:32] ali1234: just out of interest, what settings have you used on htop/top for the refresh rates, I wanna see what happens when I hold mod4+right (skip song basically) [14:32] it's given in the comments [14:33] ah, does that set the refresh rates too? [14:33] that's all it does [14:33] and the answer is that holding "next" *used* to basically render banshee unusable, because skippin to the next song took 0.5 seconds, while keyboard repeat would add another seek event about 50 times per second [14:34] so then you'd be stuck listening to the first 0.5 seconds of tracks for like half an hour [14:34] however they have fixed that by only accepting the key up event, rather than down/repeat events [14:34] so now it doesn't skip to the next song until you release the key [14:35] ali1234: hmm that's quite random [14:35] ali1234: seems to spike from 10% to 300% on mine [14:35] yeah sounds normal [14:35] and sometimes in between [14:35] didn't crash though [14:36] it all depends on update interval [14:36] sometimes it takes a while to crash [14:36] it's random [14:40] any recommendations on a linux-based stock handheld scanner with 2.5-3 inch screen? [14:40] "any android phone" [14:40] ali1234: it needs to be industrial scale [14:42] htc sold 12 million units already this year. how big a scale exactly do you need? [14:46] andylockran: even the cheapest model of android phones can be used, if cost is an issue... but I'm pretty sure if you talked to any of the makers of said phones... you'll be able to get something from them [14:46] any android phone will be cheaper than any industrial barcode scanner [14:47] probably by a factor of at least 4x [14:47] true [14:47] i was actually just playing with qr codes and google goggles a few minutes ago [14:48] quite good. beats typing the same stuff into the phone [14:49] HazRPG: I'd fancy a proper barcode scanner - not a camera [14:50] andylockran: hmm, do you want a scanner that's linux compatible... or one that runs linux? [14:51] andylockran: e.g. something like this: http://www.barcodereaders.com/Phoenix/lowcost.html ? [14:51] andylockran: that will run on any operating system [14:51] (site even mentions DOS!) [14:54] andylockran: does that help? [14:54] my android did a great job of scanning all my books and dvds [14:56] andylockran: also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BarcodeReaders [14:56] HazRPG: thanks fo rthe links, but needs also a screen [14:56] and web browser :) [14:56] andylockran: hmm? I'm confused, so you want a barcode scanner, that can scan... display and and browse the web? [14:57] htc make them :) [14:57] is the web browser for displaying the information off a webpage [14:57] oimon: heh android phones? [14:58] they are the perfect solution [14:58] except the cameras need quite good light [14:59] although i used a QR app that was blazingly quick, it felt like all you had to do was go near a qr code [15:00] andylockran: sounds like you need a PDA more than anything, I think they do exist with barcode scanners on them... also, try looking for a "hand held terminal" since that's usually what they call them [15:04] however for the task your after, you'd probably be hard pushed to find one with linux on it... [15:05] HazRPG: ta [15:06] serialio scanfob 2002 [15:06] works over bluetooth [15:06] sync that to any linux device, e.g. android [15:07] for a true duct tape solution: http://serialio.com/products/images/OPN2002/Scanfob_Nexus_One_three_views_800.jpg [15:19] directhex: I just saw the neofreerunner as an option.. would have a heartattack if anyone bought them!!! [15:32] *yawn* [15:33] naps are lovely [15:33] * hamitron never seen the need [15:36] naps or NAPs? [15:37] both are for the weak [15:37] ;) [16:16] [Jonathan Riddell] Dolphin Bazaar Integration - http://blogs.kde.org/node/4467 [16:31] ttfn [18:00] hi [18:02] ohai [18:04] Myrtti o/ [18:48] Greetings [19:08] ikonia: \o/ [19:36] AlanBell: I'm starting to think I won't be able to make it down this weekend :( [19:36] so bummed out about that :( [19:37] was looking forward to it too :( [19:58] evening all [19:58] :) [19:59] join #oggcamp [19:59] oops [21:24] can anyone recommend a graphical tool for disk management? partitioning, and the likes? [21:26] jamesanslow: gparted will do partitioning quite happily [21:27] Don't know exactly what kind of management you want to do though ⢁) [21:27] gparted is ace. cheers. === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away === emma is now known as em