[04:01] man, I wish I could figure out what it would take for a dial up modem's "Modem on Hold" feature in linux [13:55] howdy ChanServ [13:55] ugh [13:55] howdy chris4585 [13:57] haha [13:57] cyberanger: welcome to the absolute hardest :) [14:02] MORNING YAL [14:02] wrst: Capo [14:04] mornign :P [14:06] could my router be stopping a flash page from loading? [14:08] Xpistos: anything is possible but I kinda doubt it for some reason [14:09] my home computers will not load or play http://ads.parentsconnect.com/sponsors/2011/quaker/chewy/singAndSubmit.php?page=sing&subPage=gallery&content=37BBFFFF022B64880017015494C2 [14:09] they say loading and that is it [14:09] that's how it works here also Xpistos [14:10] i'm on winders at the moment [14:10] cyberanger: was able to get to it and I can get to it here at work [14:12] Xpistos: 32 or 64 bit flash? [14:12] 32 [14:12] both [14:12] work is windows [14:12] home is ubuntu [14:13] hmm [14:15] Xpistos: here at work on XP, using chrome, firefox, and IE, I get the same result [14:19] wrst: do you use opendns? [14:20] nvm that didn't work [14:21] for it to not work at home but it does at work, there must be something going on [14:21] yes I have used it but not here [14:21] i'm thinking they site has issues Xpistos [14:22] and they may, but I can' [14:22] t figure out what it could be [14:22] what ver of winders are you using there [14:22] xp [14:22] pro [14:22] yep [14:22] sp3 [14:23] 32 or 64 bit [14:23] yep [14:23] 32 [14:23] brb [14:30] back [14:32] wb === Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos === Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos [15:40] Xpistos: still a problem then? darn [15:40] yep [15:41] Xpistos: does hulu & youtube work? [15:42] yep [15:43] Xpistos: does work put you on a strict firewall or proxy [15:43] wrst: did it work for you [15:43] nope nothing worked here cyberanger [15:43] 3 browsers [15:45] hmm let me remote into the hosue and see [15:46] cyberanger: that is workign at home [15:47] wrst: to clarify nothing, what was tried, and any restrictive firewall involved [15:47] and what worked at home? [15:47] ahh yeah :) Xpistos link worked at home [15:48] cyberanger: The link worked at wrst house and my work, but not wrst work and my house [15:49] I don't have any restricted firewall [15:50] hi there [15:52] cyberanger: I event tried to allow all incoming and outgoing traffic on my firewall with not luck [15:52] Xpistos: sometimes work enviroments (and my own gear) use restrictive [15:52] but I can get there from work and cannot get there from home [15:52] that is what is driving me nuts [15:53] which is something I was thinking, not allowing everything, but denying anything flash asks for, unnecessarlly [15:53] wrst: what 3 browsers, and a firewall, and what 4th setup worked [15:54] cyberanger: here at work, XP Pro, chrome, firefox and IE, [15:54] Xpistos: it's a nice video btw [15:54] at hoem it worked with arch x64 and firefox with teh 64 bit native flash plugin [15:54] thank you [15:55] wrst: that all failed, and all on XP Pro, any firewall? [15:55] and home, was that plugin via pacman or firefox plugin finder, or adobe's site? [15:55] cyberanger: yes we have a hardware firewall [15:56] but i don't think that is the issue [15:56] if my modem is in bridge mode that should be doing anything firewall wise should it? [15:57] wrst: neither do I, but flash's behaviour changes with a firewall (I was thinking that, but this much difference, I doubt that now) [15:57] Xpistos: it'd be your router [15:57] netgear wgt624 v3 [15:58] Xpistos: I don't think it's a firewall anymore [16:00] I will try to get the email from my wife they sent her [16:03] Xpistos: I'm thinking one of two things (and only one is really in our control) [16:04] hit me [16:04] I'm thinking flash version differences, bug or glitch in an older one [16:04] wrst had 64 bit, I had 32 bit [16:04] I updated flash with the plugin you gave me yesterday. I have 32 bit [16:05] but the actual versions might...ah drat, right [16:05] second one (which isn't really anything we can deal with) is their server [16:05] if they use a CDN, they've got more than one server [16:05] and one is acting up [16:20] I'm trying to think of any other method to cause an issue with this much difference between the two failures [16:20] and any similarities between the two sucesses [16:24] it's nice when you got one problem, but with flash it's never just one problem [16:26] nice [16:26] CDN? [16:30] Content Distrobution Network [16:32] think distributed servers, nyc, chicago, atl & LA [16:32] you only contact the one closest to you (which is guesses about) [16:32] closest to me is clearly ATL, for you it could be chichago or atl [16:33] (just as an example list) [16:33] and each will have more than one server [16:33] one has a server issue and hence the issue [16:34] but why would work be good and home not? the page has been loading for 2 hours [16:34] and I work a mile from my house [16:34] becuase it routed to a different server [16:34] your distance isn't over a network (could be different ISP's too) [16:35] so that could even mean not just a different server, but different data center [16:35] I'm not saying that's it, I'm just trying to build a list of what it might be [16:35] thing with flash, it rarely is one simple issue with one simple fix [16:36] it's usually mutiple issues turing the pond to mud, hard to see the issue through the soot [16:39] should I try using a proxy and see it that does the trick? [16:42] with flash, it's a great idea, except flash like to avoid using them [16:42] that's why my firewall question wasn't just about what you allow but what you deny [16:43] you deny enough, flash listens to your settings, and uses the proxy [16:47] well i have a proxy going, but should I just lock outgoing on my proxy [16:53] well i disabled port 80 traffic and set the proxy that uses port 3128 I am getting a different status message now, "waiting for adobe.com...: which is different than transfering. [19:20] Xpistos: port 80 isn't the only port [19:29] 1935 is the main one [19:29] it falls back to 80 & 443 (I can't recall the order, I think that's the fallback order) [19:51] I disabled them in and out as well. no change [19:58] codecs is the only thought I have left, but that's already explained away, when we did the upgrade last night [20:06] well, the only thought that we could resolve [20:08] whats the problem? [20:11] Juzzy: I can get to a page to see my daughters entry into a signing contest. [20:12] https://owa.viacom.com/Exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://ads.parentsconnect.com/sponsors/2011/quaker/chewy/singAndSubmit.php?page=sing%26subPage=gallery [20:12] I can see it at work but not from home [20:13] at home I get to the second loading screen and it does nothing [20:14] does the redirect work? [20:14] wait that link is not work [20:14] right [20:14] running squid? [20:15] http://ads.parentsconnect.com/sponsors/2011/quaker/chewy/singAndSubmit.php?page=sing&subPage=gallery [20:15] ya gathered that [20:15] running squid? [20:15] or what's the problem? [20:18] I am not running anything [20:18] http://ads.parentsconnect.com/sponsors/2011/quaker/chewy/index.php?page=sing&subPage=gallery&content=37BBFFFF022B64880017015494C2 [20:18] that is the link [20:25] Juzzy: flash is the problem [20:25] or so it seems [20:26] tried on mutiple browsers & locations, even other OS's [20:26] my laptop worked on the second link [20:26] wrst had sucess at home, not at work [20:27] Xpistos: your issue was at home, work suceeded, right? [20:27] right [20:27] and wrst was backwards [20:27] * wrst heard his name mentioned [20:27] Xpistos: I'm always backwards [20:27] lol [20:28] Juzzy: so yeah, various attempts, mutiple variations, only constant is it's a flash video :-/ [20:30] the link that ends in gallery is not a flash page I don't think [20:32] Xpistos: it has flash in it [20:32] but the page is html [20:34] sorry, back [20:34] what protocol, port is the flash going over? [20:34] I'm guessign it's streamed and not a swf/flv over port 80? [20:36] I guess [20:37] Juzzy: streamed, but idk what the failure is trying, 1935 80 or 443 [20:37] my sucess is RTMP over HTTP or RTMP over HTTPS [20:41] I can watch http://ads.parentsconnect.com/sponsors/2011/quaker/chewy/inspireAndImagine.php?page=inspire&subPage=roadToStardom without a problem [20:42] I disabled 80, 443, and 1935 and used a proxy. still not luck [20:43] yeah, hence the mystery that still remains [21:11] how did you enable the proxy? [21:11] internet options? [21:11] foxyproxy [21:11] or ff/chrome? [21:11] firefox [21:11] so how does flash know to use that? [21:12] do it in internet options [21:12] I said for everything to go through the proxy [21:12] flash = 3rd party [21:12] it doesnt give a pooper about your ff settings - that I'm aware of [21:12] yeah, but if you tell it to go through the proxy and it can't go through a different port [21:13] I don't see how the page can go through the proxy but flash not expecially when you turn the other ports off [21:16] http://www.google.com/search?q=firefox+flash+proxy&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a [21:16] first 2 links from glancing says flash doesnt use ff settings [21:16] which would be my guess [21:17] chrome and midori then don't work either [21:18] https://getfoxyproxy.org/proxyservice/video-and-audio.html [21:18] dunno bro [21:19] find the port it's using [21:19] get wireshark, etc [21:19] see if upstream is blocking it [21:32] Juzzy: I enable it in firefox options, but flash reserves the right to ignore it, If you firewall it enough, it'll listen [21:33] flash can listen to firefox (as a plugin, it can see those settings) it just can disobey too [21:44] good idea on wireshark [22:03] fun [22:07] yeah, something I worked on with others when hulu made it a pain, when I was involved in foxyproxy [22:26] hiphop-php is pretty spiffy [22:28] takes 409s to recompile the site though, heh :(