
jimisIs there a way to apply to my current branch a specific change commited in another?05:33
jimisNot a whole commit, just a hunk of it05:33
jimisI did it manually, but I'm being curious05:35
jimisI think git has the cherry-pick functionality for this purpose05:35
hnoIs it normal to get lots of "conversion error: The branch format Meta directory format 1 is already at the most recent format." during bzr upgrade?08:14
cheater__i've found a fairly annoying bug in bzr, it has to do with it losing ownership data of files when i do bzr shelve09:16
* cheater__ wonders if there is a workaround other than resetting that over and over09:16
cheater__i have isolated the reason for the bug09:48
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 825732 not found09:49
cheater__ah yes, it's a security bug, it won't be accessible publicly09:49
cheater__i'm not sure if i should make it public09:49
maxbMy inclination is that this is not a bug09:50
cheater__how so? it clobbers ownership of the file09:51
cheater__no other operations do that09:51
maxbSimply that your expectations disagree with the design goals of most version control tools09:51
cheater__it's not homogenous in its behavior09:52
cheater__other operations do not do this09:52
cheater__just shelve (that i know of)09:52
maxbNo, try bzr revert for example09:55
cheater__what others do that?09:55
cheater__and which ones don't?09:55
maxbpretty much anything that changes the file via the generic treetransform code09:56
cheater__is there a reason to overwrite the file instead of updating it?09:56
cheater__if not, maybe i can make a patch (if htat part is in python and not, say, C)09:57
maxbYes, bzr prepares all of the updates it is going to do within .bzr, and then moves files in and out to commit the result of the operation in a nearly atomic fashion09:57
cheater__i understand that a rename is atomic while a write doesn't have to be09:59
cheater__i wonder if there could be a plugin which takes note of the ownership, and chown's the files (and asks you to sudo if necessary)10:01
maxbNot entirely impossible, I suppose, though it does sound like it would have to hook very deeply into the core. I doubt sufficient hooks are available now10:02
maxbWhat is the use case?10:02
maxbSoftware development certainly doesn't require anything like this10:03
cheater__dev server, files are in the project folder of the user working on the code, server needs to access it therefore the files need its group10:03
maxbSounds like you should simply make use of the directory setgid bit and an appropriate umask10:04
cheater__i know that setgid can be used, the problem wasn't with being able to do that, but instead with the fact that it was a surprising change10:05
cheater__pretty much nothing i've done so far has behaved like this in bzr10:05
cheater__or it did so in a way that wasn't visible10:05
maxbEven a text editor which writes out the new version and renames it into place would behave in the same way10:06
cheater__i've never come across a text editor that is broken in this way10:07
cheater__hmm.. except one i've written myself10:07
cheater__now that i think about it10:07
cheater__but it was just a bash wrapper around cat, that doesn't matter10:07
cheater__well, thanks for the response maxb10:09
cheater__are you on the bzr team by the way?10:10
OutOfControlI get bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.10:17
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cheater__good to know.10:29
cheater__maxb: in fact, setgid doesn't fix that.. the group is still getting clobbered11:04
maxbI think the user would need to be a member of the group for that to work11:14
fullermdThe files are getting created (and thus getting their ownership set) in limbo somewhere, not in their final dir locations.11:21
cheater__fullermd, yes11:22
cheater__fullermd, maybe they could instead be copied to the limbo and then emptied as opposed to being just created in limbo11:22
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maxbcheater__: I'm confused. Why do you care so much about *retaining* ownership? Surely the ownership of newly created files matters just as much?13:01
cheater__maxb, when you create new files you know that's a new object and you need to check on permissions13:30
cheater__when you just modify files, you don't expect their metadata to slip out from under you13:30
tshirtmanhi there, i would like to automate bzr pull on a server with crontab, but i need it to stop asking my password of my ssh-key, is it mandatory to use the key to pull?14:35
AuroraBorealisuse a ssh key agent14:36
AuroraBorealislike pageant (on windows) or something else (like gnome password manager)14:36
tshirtmanit's a debian server, i'm not the only one to use it14:36
tshirtmani want to keep an up to date clone, and build the doc automaticaly here14:37
AuroraBorealisif its over sftp or whatever then you will need the ssh key :314:37
tshirtmanit was a bzr branch from launchpad (lp:ultimate-smash-friends)14:37
tshirtmanhm, i should re-branch with different params?14:38
AuroraBorealisyou should be able to do it anonmyously14:38
AuroraBorealisif its public14:38
AuroraBorealisand it will yell at you that you haven't identified but it should still do it14:38
tshirtmanso i have to unauthentify?14:38
AuroraBorealisi dunno14:39
tshirtmani'll try that later14:39
AuroraBorealisdunno how to get bzr to forget your login name14:39
maxbUnnecessary, just branch from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/whatever14:40
vilamaxb: You know 2.4.0 has been frozen right ?14:42
vilamaxb: <cough>, I meant hello maxb, by the way you &14:43
maxbI had not noticed that, thanks :-)14:43
vilamaxb: I was wondering if 2.4.0 should go into the beta ppa before the stable one or not at all...14:46
vilasomehow, I feel the beta ppa users expect 2.4b1... 2.4b5/2.4.0/2.5b1 but I may be wrong14:47
maxb2.4.0 into beta first, get it all promoted into proposed and then stable, and only then start to care about the 2.5 series, IMO15:12
vilamaxb: /me nods15:27
vilamaxb: care to reply to the freeze announcement to outline your expected roadmap ? I don't mean ETA, just steps, if only to get more testers at each step15:28
maxbHmm, I'm not seeing the annoucement15:32
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in3xeshow do I launch bzr-gtk? I installed it from debian repos. bzr-gtk doesn't work15:38
in3xes'bzr-gtk' command is not working15:38
vilaon the bzr ml ? :-/15:38
jelmervila, hi19:50
vilajelmer: me ?19:51
jelmervila: hey!19:51
jelmervila: there doesn't seem to be a tag for 2.4.019:51
vilahow did you know ? Freeze announce ?19:51
vilaWHAT ?19:51
jelmervila: Thanks for releasing 2.4.0 :)19:52
jelmervila: Yeah, just saw the release announcement :)19:52
vilaI sent the mail on Thursaday but it seems it get blocked for approval :-(19:52
jelmerah :-/19:52
vilaI subscribe from a news email but mailman didn't realize vila@ and vila+bzr@ are the same...19:52
* vila blinks19:53
vilaWhere on internet went this flag...19:53
jelmervila: ah19:56
vilaok, so, I tagged the right version locally (the tag is not there either) how to I propagate it now... A dummy commit and a pqm submission should do no ?19:58
vilaI took notes and the notes say I tagged...19:59
vilajelmer: how urgent is that ?20:01
vilajelmer: pkg-import will blow up ?20:02
jelmervila: it's not urgent, just nice to have this complete (and it means I have to specify the revision manually to 'bzr merge-upstream')20:03
vilajelmer: ok, I'll submit to pqm anyway, do you need it on lp:bzr/2.4 or lp:bzr ?20:04
jelmervila: bzr/2.420:04
vilaok, it will propagate to lp:bzr later then20:05
vilaThe weird thing is that poolie knew I did release on Thursday, so if he didn't see the mail nor the tag, how did he know ?20:06
fullermdYou talk in your sleep.20:07
vilajelmer: submitted, 1e6 thanks for the heads-up20:10
jelmervila: thank you for adding the tag :)20:30
* jelmer uploads 2.4.0 to unstable20:30
jelmercrap, 6 test failures :-/20:31
jelmervila, Yeah, definitely looks like it was your fix that broke config_dir() for me (though admittedly it was already inconsistent before that)20:32
vila6 test failures where ?20:33
* hno (or actually Fedora upstream monitoring tool) saw the 2.4.0 tarball on launchpad some day(s) ago.Packaged it for Fedora yesterday.20:33
* vila applause hno and thanks him20:34
vilahno: would you mind replying to the freeze announce on the ml ?20:34
jelmervila: 6 test failures in 2.4 on oneiric20:35
vilameh, context ?20:35
jelmervila: some are the testtools compatibility issues20:38
jelmerand two are related to locks20:38
vilaargh, oneiric needs a new testtools ?20:39
vilaI thought your fix was to workaround that....20:40
jelmerno, my fix isn't on 2.4 yet - I'm adding it to the package as a patch now20:40
jelmermaybe we should backport it to 2.420:41
vilaif you need to add it as a patch, we definitely need to backport it20:41
jelmeryeah, that'd be nice20:42
hnovila, I have not seen the announce message yet. But only subscribed to bazaar-announce and bzr-packagers.20:43
vilahno: bah, I *really* should CC bzr-packagers :-/20:44
hnothat list should have some better visibility in general as well.. not sure how to find it's existence.20:45
hnobut yes, it would be great if freeze announses were cc bzr-packagers as it's a heads up to prepare packaging for the next release.20:47
jelmervila: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/665251/20:51
vilahno: releasing.txt updated in that regard20:52
vilajelmer: no idea :-/20:54
vilaand I really need to sleep :-/20:54
jelmervila: no hurry :)20:57
jelmervila: bonne nuit20:58
jelmervous parler de lundi20:58
jelmer(or something close to that :)20:58
vilajelmer: the only thing that comes to mind is that it's related to the recent poolie change to break dead locks so *may* also be impacted by an unknown bug in config (including some config_dir, though I can't see where in this case)20:58
jelmervila: thanks, I'll have a look21:01
jelmervila: nevermind, I found it21:10
jelmervila: the problem is that my hostname is 'localhost'21:10
fullermdOh cool, I'm not the only one whose hostname breaks tests then  ;p21:13
gourfullermd: thank you for 2.4 port...however, i've problem...bzr verify-signatures fails with 'bzr: ERROR: python-gpgme is not installed, it is needed to verify signatures' and i cannot build py-pyme :-/21:23
jelmerfullermd: :)21:26
fullermdMmm.  I don't know anything about pyme.  What's wrong with the build?21:26
jelmerfullermd, gour: note that bzr doesn't use pyme but python-gpgme21:27
gourjelmer: hmm...why that message then?21:27
fullermdThe message that says 'python-gpgme'?  ;)21:29
gourjelmer: dec for py-pyme port says: Python interface to GPGME library21:29
fullermdAccording to the plist, it's all under pyme, so it seems likely to be something different.21:29
jelmergour: there are multiple python bindings for gpg21:30
gourin any case, bzr-2.4 port does not work :-)21:31
fullermdSure it does.  Just verify-signatures doesn't   ;)21:31
fullermdThe port by itself won't run selftest either; you'd have to install testtools for that.21:32
gourhe he21:32
fullermdI think if there were a py-gpgme port (there doesn't appear to be), I would be inclined to not stick it in the depends list either; pulls in a lot of extra stuff, for a currently-niche feature.21:33
gourhmmm...one can do similar thing in hg with simple extension...it would be bad to limit bzr21:34
fullermdOh, I wouldn't be averse to an OPTIONS entry; that would be sensible.  And if signing ever becomes common in the community, defaulting it on would make more sense.  But grabbing all the stuff that would be in the dep chain is a little hefty to want to make it unconditional.21:35
gouri'm ok with option21:36
fullermdBut first someone would have to knock up py-gpgme   ;)21:37
gourthis is one of the release sections - Digital Signature Verification21:37
gournow it's too late here...i was away whole day...se you tomorrow21:37
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dvheumenhi, I'm casually reading through the source code at the moment, trying to get a good grasp of the code and structure. Now I've encountered some abbreviation a few times that I don't know: e.g. in revisionspec.py, they use 'dwim'. What is 'dwim'?22:10
fullermdDo What I Mean22:10
dvheumenah okay, didn't expect that one :) thanks!22:10
fullermd(The only opcode needed by the perfect computer   ;)22:11
dvheumenyeah, wish it was available already ;)22:11
dvheumenI didn't know that diwm was actually used in source code :P so I didn't expect it :P22:20
fullermdOnly cool source code uses it.22:21
dvheumenhmm... I'm honored, I'm ready a cool source then :)22:22
bignoselies! I've written very un-cool code referring to DWIM.22:22
dvheumenbignose: so did maybe your DWIM was malfunctioning?22:23
dvheumen(* -did)22:23
fullermdOr maybe it was functioning correctly, and he _meant_ it to be uncool.22:24
fullermd(and functioned doubly-properly, in preventing the infinite loop of contradictions of being uncool, too!  Why, that's the coolest thing ever!)22:25
dvheumenwell, in that case it worked perfectly :)22:25
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dvheumenhmmm... I'm a bit confused, but I'm not sure where to find this. Bazaar also stores rwx access modifiers right? (or only some of them?)22:59
fullermdOnly x23:00
dvheumenso, it stores executability for files *and* directories?23:01
fullermdNot much point in having a -x directory   ;p23:01
dvheumenokay, so that explains :) ... the code said that everything but 'file' was not executable ... I was wondering about that :)23:02
dvheumenthanks :)23:03
dvheumen(b.t.w, it depends on whether you store group information right, we could be storing not executable for group' and it would not be completely meaningless)23:07
RenatoSilvaverterok: hi23:46
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pathogenichow does Bazaar compare to something like Mercurial or git23:56

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