
g0thsuddenly my audio is not working anymore00:01
g0thI don't understand pavucontrol and the kde multimedia settings at all00:01
g0thall the names/behaviour there seem totally cryptic to me00:01
g0thcan someone help out?00:01
Daskreechg0th: what happened?00:02
g0thI played around because no sound was working in wine00:03
g0thand now nothing is working00:03
g0thfirst off: I dont understand how the sound system works00:03
g0ththere is "multimedia settings" and pavucontrol00:03
g0ththey do not seem to be the same00:03
g0thin pavucontrol there is "playback, recording, output devices, input devices and configuration00:04
g0thbut to play something I need some output device and I also need to configure it00:04
g0thso why are the settings "spread out over three tabs"00:04
g0thand all the names are cryptic to me00:04
g0thwhat does "audio adapter" mean in contrast to "internal audio"00:05
g0thanyway in output devices I just have dummy device00:05
g0thnothing else seems to show up no matter what I change00:05
OerHeksinternal audio is onboard soundcard00:06
g0thand audio adapter?00:06
OerHeksaudio adapter is a plugged-in soundcard00:07
g0thwhat's the difference?00:07
g0thisnt it the same?00:07
OerHeksso my guess is, you have changed in wine the standard sounddevice00:07
g0thonboard is also "plugged-in" somehow00:07
g0thI cannot choose a sound device in wine00:08
g0thif audio adapter and internal audio is the same, then why do I have more options for internal audio in "configuration"?00:08
g0thand why the heck is there a distinction??00:08
OerHeksno, those are both differend hardware.00:08
g0thI dont understand?00:09
g0thI just have one soundcard00:09
g0thnot two different hardware00:09
g0thI do not see by your description what the difference should be between "onboard soundcard" and "plugged-in soundcard"00:10
OerHeksif you are sure, then you might have changed analog audio to digital audio ?00:10
OerHeksah, oke00:11
g0thbut I tried changing it back00:11
g0thbut now I do not get any "hardware devices" anymore00:11
g0thjust the dummy one00:11
g0thbut as I said I don't understand this whole obfuscated mess00:11
g0thwhere can I find more information about it?00:13
g0thit is already 2:13am here00:13
g0thso I plan to be finnished by around 4am00:13
g0thnow I hit the reset button00:14
g0thin phonon-system settings00:14
g0thand now I do not even have internal  or audio adapter00:14
g0thjust "independant devices" or sthg like that00:14
g0thyou are no help at all :(00:15
bazhangg0th, please dont crosspost, as you are getting help here, thanks00:16
OerHekschange it in system settings > http://www.kubuntu.org/docs/kquickguide/C/ch03s07.html#sound-soundsystem tab hardware00:17
g0thit does not look like that for me at all00:20
g0thI just have "audio CDs" and "phonon"00:20
OerHeksphonon > hardware > internal sound - analog stereo duplex00:21
g0thnot there anymore00:21
g0thI just have "independant" device00:21
g0thand nothing under "sound device"00:21
g0thmaybe I just have to reboot00:22
g0thbut I hate that00:22
g0threminds me of windows where you simply had to reboot to fix an error00:22
g0thif I at least would understand who phonon and pulse work together and what all those names/etc mean00:23
g0thI could try to fix it myself00:23
g0thas it is I am completely lost00:23
bazhangg0th, its very hard to read what you are posting , as you use the enter key so often00:24
g0thall right, if you agree to help I will try to use it much less.00:24
g0thI write one sentence, impatiently waiting for an answer (which is not comming) so I feel like I have to write more and again nothing happens, so I kind of have the bad tendency to repeat: (writing-enter-waiting shortly), sorry00:26
g0thI already spent more than 15 minutes here without any useful help, that's why I tried #ubuntu...00:27
bazhangg0th, answers dont always come instantly00:27
g0ththat's why you switch the channel00:28
bazhangg0th, asking for the general description of PHONON and audio devices is not very specific either00:28
g0thso what should I do?00:28
bazhangask a question with a ton more details00:28
g0thsince I dont understand how they work one of my first questions was where I could find more information about it00:28
g0thI already gave all the information basically (tons of info)00:29
bazhangg0th, yes, but it's impossible to read as it's spread over several screens, not all of it relevant00:29
bazhangg0th, and the channel helpers are the same in several channels, so quickly crossposting elsewhere is meeting the same supporters00:30
g0thPhonon -> device preference -> there is only "Dummy Output", Phonon -> Audio Hardware Setup -> Hardware -> there is only "Independent devices", Phonon -> Audio Hardware Setup -> Device Configuration -> there is nothing, Phonon -> Backend is set to vlc00:30
bazhangtry setting the backend to something else00:31
g0thI dont want to but for the purpose to comply with your instructions I will00:31
g0thit didn't change anything00:32
OerHeks'backend' is set on Gstreamer, on my machine00:33
g0thpavucontrol -> Output devices -> there is just a "dummy output" listed, pavucontrol -> configuration -> there is "audio adapter" (what's that?) and "internal audio" (what's that?), in audio adapter I can select basically analog stereo/mono and digital stereo (IEC958), in internal audio I can select a lot more "analog" variants and under digital it says hdmi out00:34
g0thI set it to vlc because gstreamer is bloated00:34
g0thvlc is probably the best of the three backends00:34
bazhangso you won't try what works?00:35
g0thI tried all three, nothing changed, ie. nothing works00:35
OerHeksI never heard of VLC as a backend .. still learning, i guess00:35
g0thI feel like I have to reboot00:36
g0thnow I already spent like 40 minutes here and I don't one one bit more information than before, I am exactly where I was at the beginning00:36
g0thcan I try a different channel maybe?00:37
g0thI feel like I know more than you, so I dont see how you can help me00:39
g0thso much about "help"00:40
g0ththat's exactly why I switched channel00:40
Daskreechg0th: Hey00:40
Daskreechsorry got called away00:40
bazhangg0th, that impatience wont get quicker answers00:40
DaskreechYou have pulseaudio installed?00:40
g0thimpatience? 50 minutes?00:41
g0thI did the following: killall pulseaudio, then ran pulseaudio again, now suddenly everything works again00:41
g0thso somehow "pulseaudio" got into a state of "no recovery"00:41
Daskreechsounds like a Pulseaudio device with configurations for it specifically00:42
g0thcan you explain to me what "audio adapter" and "internal audio" means?00:42
Daskreechinternal audio is Pulse I think. It's a kinda generic repreesntation of onboard sound00:43
g0thas far as I know I have exactly one soundcard, or does the fact that I see "internal audio" and "audio adapter" mean that I have two?00:43
szalg0th: 'lspci -k' to pastebin please00:43
DaskreechAudio adapter is a device specific set of drivers. It can have much less or much more than the generic internal audio depending on how much implementation has gone to the interface as well as the driver for that device00:44
DaskreechIt's the same card just two different ways of looking at it00:44
DaskreechYou are probably safer using internal audio00:44
DaskreechFor most cards the combination of UI and driver implementation means you will probably get less utility than the cross the board generic implementation00:45
g0thcan I quickly reboot the desktop? I will be back in 1 minute.00:45
Daskreechg0th: Just log out and back in00:45
g0thunder "phonon->Audio Hardware setup->hardware" I can select either audio adapter or internal audio, so you say I should change this to internal audio?00:48
g0thI have a reproducable bug00:49
g0thaudio hardware -> internal audio -> profile -> switch to digital -> apply -> switch back and audio is not working anymore00:50
g0thbrb (reboot desktop again)00:51
DaskreechDo you have a digital output?00:55
g0thso some settings can just be undone by killing pulseaudio, logout and login again. If I eg. just kill pulsaudio (and start it again) the configuration menu looks different (but still works somehow)00:55
DaskreechOne of the other things that I find is setting priority. If you do it for a whole classs it normally works00:55
g0thit is my only audio out that is connected at the moment00:56
DaskreechLike demoting the audio device00:56
g0thstrangely I still hear audio even if the soundcard is set to analog stereo00:56
g0thand everything seems to completely fail if I set it to digital (as said the only way to recover from that is to kill pulseaudio, logout, login)00:57
g0thnow what do I need to do if I want to have 5.1 surround or dts or thx or any of those things?00:58
g0thhmm in fact any change of the settings seems to be irreversable, i.e. I cannot set it back to default without killing everything and restarting everything again01:00
DaskreechThat you might have to ask in #phonon or #pulseaudio :)01:00
DaskreechI've never been that big into sound01:00
* Daskreech only recently got speakers and headphones01:00
g0thwell my original problem was that audio was not working in a game from wine and somehow it seemed as if wine selected my microphone as audio output device01:01
g0thso my guess was that wine somehow uses pulseaudio and something with pulseaudio is wrong01:01
g0ththen I opened the settings for pulseaudio (pavucontrol) and tried out digital, then as I mentioned I cannot just turn it back, I found out that I have to kill pulseaudio, logout, login01:02
g0thnow I am back at the beginning, no working audio in wine01:02
g0thmaybe it works if I unplug the microphone, then there is no chance that wine will even see it01:02
g0thbut i need the microphone quite often and each time I unplug it I have to move the whole table/computer around to unplug the cable behind, so that would really be a biiig nuissance01:03
bazhangthat s the culprit then. first mention I've seen of wine01:03
g0thI mentioned it at the beginning01:03
g0thbut the issues I had later on are bugs of phonon/pulse not of wine01:03
bazhangbug link?01:04
g0thalso wine did not cause the non-working of the audio01:04
g0thit was me trying out the "digital" settings01:04
Daskreechbazhang: I think g0th was trying to get sound in Wine and killed sound everywhere else01:04
DaskreechThough I don't know if wine had sound at that point01:04
bazhangDaskreech, wine is definitely the culprit01:04
g0thI just explained above what I did01:04
g0thno it is not01:04
g0thI have a reproducable bug01:04
g0th(which is completely unrelated to wine)01:05
g0th(and which explains the problems I had, not the real "reason" behind them though)01:05
bazhangseen this issues tons of time, wine related, but I guess your case is different01:05
g0thok, mr. tell me this: I reboot the computer, never touch wine, audio is WORKING, I go to pavucontrol settings and select digital, then I select the original settings -> now the audio is NOT WORKING01:06
g0thso how is "wine" the culprit of that?01:06
g0thhmm, or did I wrongly interpret that as sarcasm but it was meant honestly01:07
g0thin that case I am sorry01:07
bazhangnot sarcasm.01:07
bazhangI dont do that in support channels.01:07
g0thdo you have experience with these wine issues?01:07
g0thit is kind of a different problem from what I had before but I still dont have sound in winecfg01:08
bazhanghad sound fail when in conjunction with wine, personally, and as supporter seen people have the issue, so yeah01:08
bazhangwhich game(s)01:08
g0thportal 201:08
g0thI also have SC2 installed, there I delesected some dll, lemme chec01:09
g0thmmdevapi is disabled01:09
bazhangnot checked the appdb lately not sure of issues related to those, ratings, etc01:09
g0thwhat I can tell you is that wine gives me the following message:01:10
g0therr:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element01:10
g0therr:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element01:10
bazhangfallout2 totally wrecked my sound though01:10
g0thfixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on C-Media USB Headphone Set  , disabling mixer01:10
FloodBotK1g0th: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:10
g0thhuh, already for 3 lines?01:10
bazhangalsamixer pcm set to mute?01:11
bazhangseven, but yeah01:11
g0thoeh, alsamixer pcm is not set to mute01:11
g0thwhat "seven"?01:12
ys_probably means seven lines01:12
g0thit was three lines01:12
g0thanyway, could you read what I pasted above? (should be three lines)01:13
bazhangsure; really the best answers for wine issues is #winehq though01:14
g0thin case not: http://pastebin.com/PP7A8GuS <- from this it seems as ig wine tries to use my mic as audio mixer/output01:14
g0thah ok01:14
ys_hmm, this is the first time I've used quassel.  Not all that shabby...01:14
g0thI just thought it was a pulse thing01:14
bazhangI'll websearch nonetheless if you are going to be around01:15
g0that my timezone it is 3:1501:15
ys_not sure if I'm fond of kde4 yet, though...01:15
g0thso I think I should go to sleep, at least I recovered my normal "audio" :-)01:15
g0ththanks a lot for the effort/help01:16
ys_hrm, no offense, but I'm thinking I'll try xfce next...01:22
bazhangseems like this might be similar01:22
ys_definitely not gnome3, just seems ungodly01:22
bazhangys_, there's #xubuntu if you need help support with that01:22
ys_sorry, just checking out quassel, never heard of this client before01:23
ys_trying kde right now01:23
ys_once kde 3.5 went away, I went to gnome2 for a while, but that's less of an option now...01:24
ys_I generally try to troubleshoot things myself until I get entirely stuck, but thanks, if I need it I'll look at #xubuntu01:25
ys_what would you say are your favorite aspects of kde4?01:26
bazhangbit offtopic for here, perhaps try the -offtopic channels01:27
ys_is it?01:27
ys_off of the channel name, I assumed it was general kubuntu discussion01:28
bazhangno big deal, this is the support channel; #kubuntu , #ubuntu , and #xubuntu all have -offtopic channels for opinions, etc01:28
ys_just went where the program wanted to take me when I launched it, haha.01:28
ys_been using xchat for the most part01:29
bazhangquassel is nice, you can use it regardless if its gnome kde4, xubuntu or whatever01:29
ys_yeah, I use ktorrent a lot on my gnome2 boxes01:29
ys_well, if I need anything I'll catch you guys later.  battery is about dead, and the LUGNuts group I'm at is winding down now.01:30
naught101my touchpad isn't being recognised at all. Anyone know how I would find out if it's a hardware or software problem?01:31
akSeyahi folks :)03:00
akSeyai have just installed kubuntu on my notebook, well the FN key with the brightness keys does not work. I found out that I must add "acpi_osi=linux acpi_backlight=vendor" to my grub.cfg  on the line started with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT . The problem is, i don't have this line on my grub.cfg. What can I do?03:01
pabloMaybe you should write it by yourself03:04
frogonwheelsakSeya: make sure you have the correct instructions for grub vs grub203:26
frogonwheelsakSeya: ah. presumably if you have a grub.cfg you're in grub203:27
frogonwheelsakSeya: ahhhh.. the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT is in /etc/default/grub03:28
szalakSeya, frogonwheels: indeed, that is in /etc/default/grub -> add that value there, then run 'sudo update-grub'03:31
selvakumarandoes kubuntu has anything like s/w center as ubuntu?03:36
bonifalHello .I still use Ubuntu 8.04.How could I get an old version of Flash player for it,since the new versions on the Adobe site will not work.Any idea?05:12
rwwYou can't, because 8.04 Desktop packages are no longer supported or maintained05:14
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:14
bonifalBut how could I know,which Adobe Flash Player version is best fitted for Ubuntu 8.04?And then could not I find this version somewhere on the net?05:18
bonifalthanks RWW...05:18
hoodCannot find demux plugin for MRL "fifo:/home/hood/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/dvbpipe.m2t".05:21
LINKSWORD2Hey ya'll. I've got a rather big issue going on with Amarok.05:47
LINKSWORD2DarkwingDuck: If you're available, I'd like to confer with you on this issue.05:47
LINKSWORD2When I click on a song file to play, I get the "bouncing" icon for Amarok next to the mouse cursor, and then I get message on screen that the application has crashed.05:52
DarthFrogTry running Amarok from the command line and see if any error messages are reported back there.05:52
LINKSWORD2I'm not familiar with how to do that.... :/05:53
DarthFrogPress Alt-F2, type "konsole".  In that terminal window that pops up, type "amarok".05:53
LINKSWORD2I've decided I like Linux - especially Kubuntu - quite a lot. But as for as Linux in general is concerned, I'm a n00b....05:54
DarthFrogWe all were once. :-)05:54
LINKSWORD2DarthFrog: I need to Pastebin the results.05:56
LINKSWORD2And I hope you can make sense of them.... :\05:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:56
LINKSWORD2DarthFrog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/664750/05:58
DarthFrogHmm, that's above my pay grade.  I can't help you, sorry.05:59
LINKSWORD2.... You get paid for this?06:00
DarthFrogYeah, I'll send you your bill in the morning. :-)06:01
DarthFrogIt's justa  saying.06:01
LINKSWORD2I'm so broke, I can't pay attention.....06:01
DarthFrogI know that situation all too well.06:02
LINKSWORD2Know anyone that can help me figure that out???06:02
DarthFrogYou could try this.  Type all of this between the quotes on one line in the konsole terminal: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".  That'll bring your system completely up to date and perhaps will remedy your problem.06:03
DarthFrogYou're in the right place to get the help you need.  You'll want to ask again when there's more folks active here.06:04
LINKSWORD2We shall see... :P06:05
LINKSWORD20 new, 0 upgraded, 0 removed.06:05
LINKSWORD2So, that didn't help...06:06
DarthFrogYou're up to date then.06:06
LINKSWORD2Should I remove Amarok and see if re-installing it helps?06:06
DarthFrogGive it a shot.  Try waving a dead chicken at it, too.  That's an old folk remedy for computer glitches. :-)06:07
LINKSWORD2DarthFrog: Is there an audio player in particular that you use / like?06:13
DarthFrogI really like Amarok.06:14
LINKSWORD2Yep. Me too.06:14
LINKSWORD2I'd wondered if you might be using something different.06:14
LINKSWORD2That's why I asked.06:14
DarthFrogYou can try Banshee or Rhythmbox.06:15
DarthFrogI think JuK is another one.06:16
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs06:16
DarthFrogI used to use XMMS.06:16
LINKSWORD2DarthFrog: I'm going to have to shutdown, probably come back when more active people are on.06:27
LINKSWORD2Probably get collaborative help, rather than from one person in the middle of the night.06:27
LINKSWORD2'Ello mate.06:29
* LINKSWORD2 slaps self.06:29
LINKSWORD2Greetings, baffone85.06:29
baffone85i have a problem with software gerix, i can't unistall it, why?06:31
LINKSWORD2I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that software.06:31
baffone85ok thank's06:32
LINKSWORD2I'd do my best to help you, but I'd rather not try, without some kind of experience with that program.06:32
LINKSWORD2I wish you luck.06:32
LINKSWORD2Good night.06:32
giantpunehi, i have just purchased a new hard drive and installed it in my computer.  it is one of these 4069-sector-size HDDs.  and not matter what i do, i cant get (k)ubuntu to format it and create a partition without then showing the error about a misaligned partition.  does anybody have any experience with these things?07:31
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alvingiantpune: I have, on FreeBSD. Doesn't the drive lie to the OS about the sector size?08:39
giantpunethey say its supposed to, but the ubuntu disk utility seems to know the difference08:40
giantpunei finally figured it out.  if i use gparted and tell it to leave 1 MB of free space before the partition, the partition utility dont complain about the alignment08:40
alvinYes, that is the trick08:40
alvinA pity. I wish the drives would just say: I'm a 4k sectors. No Windows XP or older and be done with it.08:41
alvinI expect it will be like that in a few years.08:42
giantpunewould be nice if they just put a button in the disk utility when you create a partition "align to sector boundries" or something like that.  why wolud it let you create a partition and then wait until its done it to complain about it?08:43
alvinThat's a good idea. I wouldn't know if there is a reason not to implement something like that.08:44
alvinah, the partition software wouldn't know about sector boundaries of course. It's the lying disks. You'd have to have a database of hard disks to know that.08:45
giantpuneso how does it know to complain about it after the partition is created?08:45
alvinThere are 2TB disks with real 512, and with fake. Partitioner can't know the difference08:45
alvinHmm, true08:46
giantpuneseems like it could perform the exact same check before it does the formatting08:46
=== HUYA is now known as grio
NathanaelGhi all10:10
NathanaelGanyone using kubuntu 11.4 and opera?10:10
OutOfControlHi all10:20
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
u19809hi all, I have trouble with my networkmanager who things my cable is unplugged and refuses to setup my wired lan10:43
u19809running ifup does work if I put eth0 in my interfaces file10:43
bazhang!crosspost | u1980910:45
ubottuu19809: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.10:45
u19809bazhang : sorry about that but I do not know if networkmanager is KDE related or not10:46
=== Technetium is now known as Iridium
=== Iridium is now known as Iridium192
BluesKajHey folks11:40
cherHm. I have problems setting up multiple monitors. I tried on 4 different machines. A Turion X2 Ultra 64 laptop with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3850, a Llano A8-3850, a Zbox with Fusion and another PC with Fusion. The problem always is the same: Only clone works. Right of is not accepted. On the Turion, it used to work with Kubuntu 9.04.11:45
cherCan anyone point me to a kubuntu documentation on multiple monitors?11:45
cherI'm using the proprietary ATI driver btw..11:47
diasflecI need a little help. I'm using Kubuntu 10 and want to install flash player, divx and xvid11:49
diasflecI downloaded the files but have no idea how to install them11:50
diasflecany advice?11:50
cherdiasflec: What is the file extension of the files?11:51
BluesKajdiasflec,open a terminal and install kubuntu-restricted-extras , instead11:51
BluesKajsudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras11:51
diasflecthe files were tar.gz b ut I hve uncompressed them11:51
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:52
diasflecBlueKaj - I have no idea what you said :)11:52
cherdiasflec: Do what BluesKaj said :)11:52
BluesKajdiasflec, are you familar with package managers ?11:53
diasflecnot at all I installed Linux today for the 1st time11:54
diasflecnever used it before11:54
BluesKajwhich linux distro arte you using , diasflec ?11:55
diasflecKubuntu 10.4 lts I believe11:56
diasflecer 10.04 lts11:56
BluesKajse the Blue "k" on the lrft , that called the kicker , it's basically the path to all the installed applications , similar to the start button in windows11:58
BluesKajclick on it  , apps> system>package manager ,12:00
=== sayakb is now known as sayakb_away
diasflecI see the Software Manager but i dont have a package manager12:02
diasflecsoftware manager is essentially add/remove progs12:02
diasflecis this what you are looking for?12:02
diasflecor rather whay we are looking for?12:02
BluesKajsame thing12:03
diasflecTge thig is that it builds me a predefined list of programs12:03
diasflechow can I point it to my download folder to read the files I have already downloaded12:03
diasflectge thig = the thing12:03
diasflec(new keyboard)12:03
BluesKajthe package manager has repository servers out on the internet that contain many other apps that can be installed on your pc . so type or copy and paste kubuntu-restricted-extras in the searchbar , then click on it an choose install, when it's listed12:05
BluesKajdiasflec, the programs you downloaded happen to be already bundled in the restricted extras package , if youll check the info post above ...just delete the downloaded apps to trash12:10
diasflecbrb baby crying12:16
cherHow do I find out which proprietary ATI driver and which version kubuntu installed for me?12:17
BluesKajcher, look in the package manager for ati installed packages12:18
cherThanks. is there also a faster way? I.e. a command line?12:19
BluesKajit's not purist but it works... apt-cache policy ati ? , maybe12:19
cherNeither works. It seems the proprietary ATI driver is not provided as package, only the wrapper.12:21
cherThe wrapper package that I found is xserver-xorg-video-ati.12:21
BluesKajcher, do you have an additional drivers app in kmenu>apps>system?12:22
cherAh hold on I now found something: fglrx-amdcccle12:22
cherYes I have, and I want to find out what's going wrong. w/o additional / proprietary driver, multiple monitors work but gfx are awfully slow. w/ additonal driver, gfx are fast, but multiple monitors don't work.12:23
cherAnd looking at the version info of that, I get 2:8.840-0ubuntu4 which is not very helpful. I want to know if it is the 11.7 driver from AMD or not.12:24
BluesKajso you obviously already checked out the sttings in system settings >display&monitor12:25
cherOh definitely I did. What happens is that only clone works.12:25
cherAnd I want to check if I have the latest catalyst driver, or if an upgrade might help.12:26
cherI also have a problem with my Llano, it says "unsupported hardware" in a semi-transparent window that I can't get rid of.12:26
cherBut the clone issue is on all 4 PCs: Turion laptop, two Fusions and a Llano.12:27
cherHow would I find out which files are part of a specific pkg?12:29
cherMaybe I need to run amdcccle instead. I'll give that a try.12:31
BluesKajcher, I have very little experience with ati , that was a while back before I discovered nvidia12:35
cherI found my solution at least for the Fusions. When I run sudo amdcccle, I can properly configure multiple monitors.12:39
cherPlus I have the impression that when kubuntu installs amdcccle, it installs old crap from 2009.12:40
BluesKajI don't mind older apps/drivers as long as they work12:42
diasflecbluekaj - thanks for the help, I have 'daddy duties' to attend to, but I will likely pop by again later12:42
diasflecthnks again12:42
BluesKajdiasflec, ok , cool ...little ones come first :)12:42
maiqiangis there anyone who can give me some help with adding an additional language?12:42
cherThe problem is that the old driver does not work properly with Llano :D12:45
maiqiangi've gone through the steps to add simplified chinese (my default language is english) and chosen ibus as an input method.  i've added pinyin as an input method in ibus.  but when i open a new document in libreoffice and try and type pinyin (after pressing ctrl+space) it is still only typing english.  if i right click the ibus icon it shows chinese pinyin as being chosen and the input method on, but still i can only type in english.  any suggestions?12:50
BluesKajmaiqiang, the only thing I can suggest is , system settings >inptu devices>keyboard>ayouts>configure layouts >add ...is this part of the procedure you tried already ?12:56
maiqiangBluesKaj, thanks for the suggestion.  i  don't want to change the keyboard layout.  before i switched to kubuntu 11.04 i was using ubuntu maverick.  all i had to day to toggle back and forth between chinese and english was type ctrl+spacebar.  right now, doing that does nothing13:00
cherHow do I tell kubuntu in grub to not start X / kdm during startup?13:01
BluesKajmaiqiang, I thought you could setup a switch layouts on that page13:02
BluesKajcher, do you want to start X / kdm manually ?13:03
cherI want to not start it at all.13:03
cherMaybe manually later, depends.13:03
maiqiangBluesKaj, maybe i'm misunderstanding you.  i understand layouts to mean the map of the keyboard, i.e. where each letter is?  is that correct?13:04
BluesKajchoose the kernel in grub and click the  "e" key to edit , but I dunno which line13:05
maiqiangBluesKaj, also, i just noticed that quassel (which i'm using now) i am able to switch by turning the input method on and off after right clicking the ibus icon.  but in libreoffice i am not able to turn it on.  maybe the problem is in libreoffice13:06
cherOh sh*t. Obviously kubuntu installed itself in a way that I cannot access grub. It boots right away without letting me control anything.13:08
BluesKajmaiqiang, this is beyond my experience ..I'll have to defer to someone who has more knowledge ...whoever that may be :)13:08
BluesKajcher, hold the shift key down right after the bis scrn to load grub13:09
cherokay I'll try, that sounds like a good hint :)13:09
maiqiangBluesKaj, thanks just the same.  i posted the question in the forums almost a month ago, but never received any replies13:10
BluesKajmaiqiang, what about the chinese chats , have you asked there ?13:11
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:11
maiqiangBluesKaj, not yet, but that is a good idea.  thanks!13:11
cherTried three times, doesn't work.13:11
maiqiangubottu, got that, thanks13:12
ubottumaiqiang: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:12
cherI think I'll change the distribution. Kubuntu is giving me too much head-ache, and it is not transparent and not intuitive enough.13:12
BluesKajhold the shift key down , don't just press it for a sec13:13
cherI held it down...13:13
BluesKajI don't think changing distros is gonna help with multiple  monitors on ati graphics , cher13:15
cherThe problem is not only the multiple monitors stuff. I got it working, but it used the old driver. I tried to update the driver, and now X crashes in a way that the console is inaccessible, too.13:15
cherBecause of this upstart crap and the bogus grub installation, I can't recover the machine without booting a live distro, mounting the ssd and then fixing the stuff.13:16
BluesKajand wait til the bios scrn drops , then hold theshift key down , not before13:16
cherBut this should not be necessary. Exactly this admin stuff is what the runlevels of Init V were designed for, and upstart stole them from me.13:16
BluesKajone can still runb scripts in the runlevels and init if you want , upstart can be disabled I'bve heard , but not sure how13:19
cherWell, it's too late :)13:19
* BluesKaj shrugs13:20
g0thhow do I move widgets in the main kde panel?13:26
g0the.g. the taks manager, I want it to be in the middle13:26
BluesKajg0th, click on the cashew on the right side of the panel to open it than drag the taskbar to the middle and hold it there for a few secs and the spacewill appear then release the mouse ,move the cursor above tha panel and click13:31
kazutoshigood morning13:45
BluesKajhi kazutoshi13:46
linux-beginner-hare there digikam users here? I have spend hours and hours to get this application working... but face recognation does not work!13:46
g0thBluesKaj: thanks13:47
kazutoshiartificial intelligence is higher than i think13:47
BluesKaj!ot | kazutoshi13:48
ubottukazutoshi: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:48
kazutoshijapanese gots to build a system that learn, think and make anything alone13:48
kazutoshiok sorry13:48
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raevinanyone know how to block AIM contacts in Kopete?  I can't seem to find a way to do it and don't know if I'm overlooking something15:45
Migue-Chanhi there16:13
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eMyllerhi, Migue-Chan16:15
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phoenix_firebrdhello everyone16:41
phoenix_firebrdi am updating to kde 4.7 though backports, the update process has hungup or i see no progress after 74%, shall i end this process and use "dpkg --reconfigure -a" or is there any other alternate?16:47
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, apt-get update and upgrade first, then dist-upgrade , dpkg --configure -a should work to stop the frozen packages16:54
* Daskreech hugs valorie17:37
systemclientis there a nice too which shows me how long my webpage loads?17:54
* mendred has gone fishing: Gone away for now17:56
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kazutoshiwhat channel to brazilian user18:05
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:06
kazutoshithanks a lot18:06
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:07
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linux-beginner-hI have a question to tagging in digikam... when I configure picasa to save tags into file... can digikam read this?18:25
tog000hello everyone, i'm having a strange problem: all mi terminal windows are going "black", i can tell there is content because there are scrollbars, but the window is black19:18
tog000same thing happens when running xterm19:18
tog000i recently upgraded to kde 4.719:18
kazutoshii need a complete gcc manual of ubuntu in portuguese but i was banned of ubuntu br20:15
kazutoshithe cambridge gcc book cost 30000 $ and i dont have it20:16
kazutoshimaybe 150$?20:17
kazutoshithere are a lot of ubuntu users in brazil, but and if you translate a complete guide of gcc to ubuntu maybe is a good deal20:18
kazutoshimaybe translatiion is a good deal to ubuntu comunity i need that20:20
esmirlinhey guys i'm having some problems, kubuntu (kde) doesn't work very fluent on my machine... like if it was too heavy, i'm using an Acer with catalyst video card and 4G RAM... is that normal? (i'm have the 32bits version installed)20:21
kazutoshiubuntu get money with books so i need a gcc complete guide to ubuntu20:23
kazutoshiit must be in portuguese20:24
kazutoshimy english is not good and i dont wanna give up ubuntu20:25
OerHeksGCC manual portugese is not a free download somewhere, kazutoshi20:28
kazutoshii dont wanna free manual i could pay 150$20:29
OerHeksas this has nothing to do with Kubuntu, please ask in #Ubuntu-offtopic20:30
kazutoshifree manual doesnt have what i need, i need to learn program in gcc but 13000$ is too much20:30
kazutoshii could buy a house in brazil with 13000$20:30
RonaldJWhat is the best program for Twitter under Kubuntu?20:44
OerHeksRonaldJ, i use tweetdeck plugin in chromium. else there is Qwit and Twitux20:47
yofelRonaldJ: there's choqok too which I use for identi.ca - but 'best' is hard to say20:49
RonaldJOerHeks yofel I'm going to try chromium20:50
OerHeksi think that is the best one, but i keep my mind open for a better programm.20:50
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linux-beginner-hwhy is there an official release announcement for face recognition... if this does not work in digikam?=21:10
RonaldJOerHeks It would be nice to have messages on nthe desktop when I have a Direct Message or a metion of new post in a list I follow. Twitter in Chromium can not do that...21:12
esmirlinhey guys i'm having some problems, kubuntu (kde) doesn't work very fluent on my machine... like if it was too heavy, i'm using an Acer with catalyst video card and 4G RAM... is that normal? (i'm have the 32bits version installed)21:13
OerHeksRonaldJ, yes it can, just checked it > http://picpaste.com/pics/twitter-iik1Nsiv.1313270021.png21:14
OerHeksclick om ' twitter>  ' and select Direct messages21:14
RonaldJDo you get a message on your desktop when you receive a new mention?21:16
RonaldJor dm21:16
OerHeksah notification .. no21:18
OerHeksthat is because twitter is in a browser, not standalone app21:19
OerHekshi anderson21:20
andersonhi what's up OerHeks21:21
erikdeckerhey does anyone have the source code for kde 4 kickoff app launcher21:23
vio if i use the live cd on a mac, will i be able to access the mac partition and delete files etc?21:24
OerHeksanderson, just trying to help and understand Kubuntu, this is the official support channel :-)21:25
OerHekserikdecker, kickstart i asume ?21:25
erikdeckeri believe so21:25
erikdeckerits the thing in the bottom left corner21:26
erikdeckeri think thats the short name21:26
andersonyeah short name21:26
OerHeksit should be in the repository's, enable source code in softwaresources ?21:26
erikdeckerthought so21:26
erikdeckerhow specifically could i do that21:27
OerHeksopen Kpackagekit, and select any deb-src21:29
erikdeckerok i added the conocail source21:29
vioif i use the live cd on a mac, will i be able to access the mac partition and delete files etc?21:32
erikdeckervio i believe so21:32
erikdeckeri can access my windows partition for kubuntu21:32
viothanks, it should be in /dev/hda or something?  ya but not sure about mac bootcamp or whatever21:33
vioif that would bar access to it21:33
viosry, dont know what you mean, thx for help tho btw21:33
erikdeckerok so by the way i cant find the kickoff source21:34
erikdecker(vio)  well if you go into Dolphin and it shows you harddrives and partitions on the left side21:35
vioah ok thx.  i know that.  just wanted to double check if that partition would be accessible in the live cd for sure21:36
erikdeckeroh live cd. i still dont see why not21:37
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LudereGood day21:47
Daskreechlinux-beginner-h: Still noone in #digikam talking to you?21:52
linux-beginner-hDaskreech: yes... told me that I should wait unti the next update will come21:53
linux-beginner-hDaskreech: will take some time... too much time :-)21:53
linux-beginner-hDaskreech: but there are also dk2 users... where this feature is working fine...21:54
Daskreecherikdecker: It's on the KDE code repos21:54
erikdeckerwere is that21:54
Daskreecherikdecker: The Git repository21:57
erikdeckerwhat is the url21:57
Daskreechlinux-beginner-h: You could pull the source :)21:57
linux-beginner-hDaskreech: sure...21:58
Daskreechlinux-beginner-h: There is probably a dk2 ppa21:58
linux-beginner-hDaskreech: I will try another ppa package first... and then I try to compile git21:58
Daskreecherikdecker: ^^21:59
linux-beginner-hDaskreech: I have a low internet connection... seems that I need to many dev tools and headers.. which are currently not installed...22:03
Daskreechlinux-beginner-h: Oh yeah. I wasn't really putting that as a first choice.22:04
Daskreecha PPA would be better as a first choice22:04
Daskreechthough I do know quite a number of people who just have the PPA as too slow. Pretty much live on Git. 2 days old is just waaaay old22:05
Daskreecherikdecker: enjoy22:13
yesitisjustmehello anyone used ntop?22:19
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Daskreechyesitisjustme: like network top?22:41
Daskreech I've heard of it :)22:41
yesitisjustmei think it suppose to measure bandwidth usage but i never used it before22:47
Daskreechyesitisjustme: try it then :)22:49
yesitisjustmeis cause i need a usage monitor that could monitor for 1 month22:51
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yesitisjustmeand if i don't wich one does it i will have to keep downloading till i find one22:52
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Daskreechmunin ?22:53
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LINKSWORD2Hey, Daskreech22:57
yesitisjustmedoes anyone use any thing like netmeter but for linux23:00
LINKSWORD2Perhaps. What is netmeter, exactly?23:02
yesitisjustmenetmeter tells you how much bandwidth you used like example if your internet has a cap you want to make sure you don't pass it23:04
LINKSWORD2Hmm.... I've got an idea. Be right back,.23:08
LINKSWORD2Got one for you, yesitisjustme23:09
LINKSWORD2Daskreech: Mind if I PM?23:09
DaskreechLINKSWORD2: guess not23:10
LINKSWORD2I've got a rather odd problem...23:11
LINKSWORD2I've attempted to open a music file and have previously set Amarok as the default audio player.23:12
LINKSWORD2When I open any audio file, Amarok crashes.23:12
LINKSWORD2When I run Amarok through the Konsole terminal, I get these results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/66475023:13
OerHeksLINKSWORD2, happened here too, 2 days ago, i had to remove ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/* to resolve this23:13
LINKSWORD2Hello, OerHeks. And thanks - Now how do I remove that? :P23:14
yesitisjustmeLINKSWORD2 but i don't think it shows the alternatives23:15
OerHeksi just removed it with Dolphin, logged out an logged back in, and rescan my music23:15
LINKSWORD2Perhaps the better question, OerHeks, is - "How do I find that to remove it?"23:15
OerHeksin Dolphin, first enable hidden files23:16
OerHeksthe . before kde means hidden23:16
DaskreechLINKSWORD2: in ~/.kde/share/apps23:16
OerHeksamarok folder it is not protected, afaik23:17
Daskreechit is protected. Just not from you :)23:17
LINKSWORD2I have my Root directory open, and I can't think of how to get to the file.23:18
LINKSWORD2Sorry. I'm having a brain-dead day. :P23:18
OerHeksLINKSWORD2, the .kde folder is in your home23:18
LINKSWORD2It's not showing up in my Home folders.23:20
LINKSWORD2Neither in Home, nor in the sub-folders.23:21
OerHeksthat is odd, did you enable hidden files ? from the menu or alt + .23:22
LINKSWORD2From the menu.23:23
OerHeksthen i am clueless :(23:24
LINKSWORD2Oer, I just tried the Alt + . method, and I've got access to more files.23:25
LINKSWORD2I'm checking to find the .kde folder.23:26
OerHeksjust above libreoffice :-)23:26
DaskreechOerHeks: You assume that he has the same programs as you :)23:27
LINKSWORD2OerHeks: That would depend on the idea that you and I would have the exact same applications installed, and therefore the same hidden files.23:27
OerHeksLINKSWORD2, yes, if you are using Kubuntu now, it should be there.23:29
OerHeksor are you pointing to Libreoffice ?23:29
skreech_OerHeks: That it's above libreoffice. There are too many things that have to be the same for that to hold true :)23:35
OerHeksmy bad. not everybody uses Libreoffice.23:36
skreech_OerHeks: It's not Libreoffice. It's all the things in between KD and LI23:37
skreech_any programs he's run in between there will put in more directories so it will bump libreoffice over one more23:37
skreech_or you may have more programs so libreoffice would be one back23:37
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OerHeksoke, but now .kde should be visible.23:38
DaskreechPlus he has to have the same screen resolution as you. Or there is more/less directories in a single line23:38
DaskreechShould be :)23:39
OerHeksi don't like this solution removing the amarok folder, however i could not find any solution. i was glad removal and rescan worked.23:40
LINKSWORD2I need to do a system restart.23:44
DaskreechOerHeks: tried just renaming the directory23:48
OerHeksDaskreech, that is a elegant solution, i'll remember that.23:49
Daskreechhi LINKSWORD223:50
LINKSWORD2Yep. I'm back.23:50
LINKSWORD2And the problem remains to be the same....23:50
LINKSWORD2I removed the file, restarted my system, and attempted to open an audio file...23:51
LINKSWORD2And got the same results as last time.23:51
DaskreechDo you have a ~/.config/ibus directory?23:55
LINKSWORD2Let me look.23:56
voltykubuntu 11.04,  kchmviewer version 5.3, QTextBrowser-based widget (since KHTMLPart-based does not work because of missing ms-its protocol handling). The problem is that the font is too small, trying to zoom increases only the size of headers but not of the body of the text.  any idea / hint how can I fix this ?23:57
volty(not on all chm files, though)23:57
LINKSWORD2Daskreech: I have a .config file, but not ibus23:58

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