
wgrantlifeless: "- Issue #7902: When using explicit relative import syntax, don't try implicit relative import semantics."01:17
wgrantlifeless: Changed in
wgrantlifeless: I presume that's it, but it doesn't really make sense...01:18
wgrantsinzui: Oh, nice.01:20
wgrantsinzui: I'm glad someone finally did that.01:20
sinzuiwgrant, I am fixing the private-by-default case when bugs are created by email01:20
StevenKwgrant: Did you see my branch of evil?03:20
wgrantStevenK: I did.03:38
wgrantlifeless: You fail at dropping that table.03:38
StevenKwgrant: And I don't get called a horrible person? :-)03:45
wgrantOnly if you don't check the test counts afterwards.03:45
StevenKAh yes, I will ec2 *test* it and compare the numbers to buildbot03:46
wgrantCompare the numbers with a previous ec2 run, preferably of the same rev. I don't trust buildbot to report the same numbers.03:46
StevenKSame base rev?03:47
wgrantie start an ec2 run of the branch and not the branch at the same time.03:47
wgrantcompare numbers.03:47
wgrantIt's going to be fairly easy for a single test to be missed here.03:47
StevenKWas exactly the plan03:47
* StevenK pulls out r13677 of devel into a branch03:48
* StevenK races ec2test03:54
StevenKOther than bin/ec ls lying, I have two instances running04:23
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!04:31
LPCIBotProject devel build #970: FIXED in 5 hr 51 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/970/04:31
=== Ursinha-bbl is now known as Ursinha
wgrantnigelb: Finished Launchpad yet?06:43
nigelbwgrant: Wha?06:44
nigelbYou mean finished the launchpad patch I was working on?06:44
StevenKDear ec2. Please finish quicker.06:44
wgrantNo, finished lots of Launchpad patches that make Launchpad finished.06:44
nigelbHah. I'm not you. :D06:45
StevenKwgrant: And then what will you do when you're back from holidays? :-P06:45
nigelbIts a 3-day weekend for me, so I intend to finish what I was working on.06:46
nigelbI didn't realize being new to YUI would be slightly complicated :)06:46
StevenKnigelb: Did you see my mega-branch of evil?06:46
wgrantStevenK: Another three branches of bugtask cleanup!06:46
wgrantThen that saga should be over.06:46
wgrantAfter almost 15 branches.06:46
StevenKwgrant: But, it's utterly awesome now!06:47
StevenKwgrant: Next, remove conjoinment06:47
nigelbStevenK: No! What does it do? Kick wgrant away? :P06:47
StevenKnigelb: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/kill-test-suite-dead/+merge/7135306:47
nigelbStevenK: All I have to say is what adeuring said "Blessed be those who remove obsolete code.06:49
nigelbStevenK: Also, there can be no greater pleasure than seeing code removed06:50
* StevenK tries to page his LaTeX skills back in07:13
kb9vqfQuick question: My poppy/ directory keeps filling up with files that are never purged07:58
kb9vqfI figured I could safely delete poppy/failed/* and poppy/rejected/*, but what about the files in poppy/accepted/*?07:59
kb9vqfcan I delete them?07:59
wgrantkb9vqf: You can, yes.07:59
* kb9vqf doesn't want to mess up his nicely running QuickBuild system :)08:00
kb9vqfwgrant: Just to make sure, I can completely purge poppy/rejected/* without affecting librarian or any other Launchpad systems?08:00
wgrantWe delete everything after a week, just in case.08:00
wgrantEverything in the poppy upload dirs is unrequired once process-upload runs.08:01
kb9vqfdarn copy + paste08:01
kb9vqf(obviously I meant poppy/accepted/* above)08:01
kb9vqfI was wondering where all my disk space was wandering off to08:01
StevenKPoppy keeps looging "OM NOM NOM"08:02
StevenKSigh. scriptactivity for request_daily_build is still daily08:03
StevenKAnd still on loganberry08:03
wgrantStevenK: Is that a problem?08:03
wgrantIt's probably the ackeeness that is a problem.08:03
wgrantI'm not sure if it was moved, though...08:04
StevenKIt's part of bzrsyncd, I thought?08:04
wgrantShouldn't be, but maybe.08:04
StevenKIt runs every 15 minutes, so perhaps the checking should be more often08:04
wgrantSo it is.08:04
wgrantIt shouldn't need to be bzrsyncd, though.08:04
StevenK15? 10? I don't remember.08:04
wgrant*/15, yes.08:05
StevenKwgrant: I should get my answer from the two ec2 instances in the next few minutes ...08:05
wgrantYou could also diff test lists without ec2, but I like to see if ec2 works too :)08:06
StevenKI have at least four test failures, too08:07
StevenKBut it was better than the previous incantation of this branch, which had 500.08:08
StevenKr13685 of devel => 15,607 tests.08:09
StevenKI am disappoint. 15,575 tests.08:23
StevenKBut only 8 errors.08:23
wgrantStevenK: Try bin/test --list-tests and diff?08:25
StevenKI threw the subunit streams through subunit-ls08:26
wgrantOr that.08:26
StevenKLooks like test_bzrutils needs reverting, it repeats tests08:26
StevenKBefore revert: Ran 10 tests with 0 failures and 4 errors in 0.909 seconds.08:29
StevenKAfter: Ran 46 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 4.804 seconds.08:29
wgrantWhich is interesting, because that's 4 more tests than were missing.08:30
StevenKHeh, yes.08:30
StevenKThe subunit streams didn't show tests which errored, either.08:31
StevenKwgrant: Right, another file reverted and it said 102 before, and 99 after.08:34
StevenKSo now we're at -108:34
wgrant--list-tests diff08:35
StevenKWhich is canonical.launchpad.database.tests.test_oauth.BaseOAuthTestCase.test__get_store_should_return_the_main_master_store08:35
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/664825/08:36
StevenKwgrant: I think those tests are skipped/disabled by fiddling with the test loader.08:40
StevenKwgrant: Using --list-tests and diffing: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/664832/08:47
StevenKThe first hunk is a red herring08:47
wgrantAh, and the rest are too.08:47
wgrantThey're all testrunner* config name differences, aren't they?08:48
wgrantRemember that each testrunner process creates a new testrunner and testrunner-appserver config with the PID in the name.08:48
StevenKExcept that my branch has more of them08:48
StevenKDouble, in fact08:48
wgrantIndeed, but that may just mean you ran and killed the testrunner badly.08:48
StevenKWhich I probably did08:48
StevenKwgrant: So shall I commit, push and lp-land this monstrosity?08:49
wgrantIf that's the whole diff now, I suspect so.08:49
StevenKThat's the whole diff from --list-tests08:49
wgrantStevenK: You never said there was Perl involved!11:12
wgrantStevenK: This changes everything.11:12
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
StevenKwgrant: You didn't read the MP?13:30
nigelbAll the more reasons to be "extra" evil13:34
StevenKnigelb: I pasted the *Perl script* in the description of the MP!13:34
nigelbStevenK: I saw :)13:39
nigelbStevenK: This shows how much attention wgrant paid to the MP.13:40
nigelbBtw, you both are up late. On a Saturday! Why!13:45
StevenKI was entertaining people for dinner, had to clean up, and are now winding down13:47
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
lifelesswgrant: select * from pg_class where relname like '%lookup%';19:48
lifeless entitlement_lookup_idx |         220019:48
lifeless(1 row)19:49
wgrantStevenK: I don't tend to read MP descriptions until the end of the review, because it may influence how I treat the diff.22:25
wgrantlifeless: :( why is Ensemble treating LP like Ubuntu does -- its own namespace to stomp all over?22:27
* jelmer waves to wgrant23:08
wgrantMorning jelmer.23:08
jelmerwgrant: How is Ubuntu stomping over Launchpad namespaces? Most things either seem to live under /ubuntu/ or have a ubuntu- prefix?23:09
wgrantjelmer: Nowadays they're pretty good, yeah.23:10
wgrantThey used to not be :)23:10
jelmerhah, ok23:10
wgranthttps://launchpad.net/~motu https://launchpad.net/~techboard are old examples.23:10
wgranthttps://launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board is a new onew.23:10
wgrantThat sort of thing.23:11
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