
phillw-virtualhi philipballew00:50
philipballewhello phillw-virtual00:51
phillw-virtualphilipballew: would a quick PM be okay?00:51
philipballewgo for it00:52
pAt_Hi Lubunties, my Lubuntu Live CD does not start, it starts only to the login screen of run level 3, in the console. Anyone an idea?18:38
bioterrorcan you run command: startlubuntu18:46
pAt_didnt try that bioterror, I just tried a sudo startx which didnt work18:47
bioterrorand dont sudo X ;)18:47
pAt_strange thing is, that it is all the same on three different computer18:47
pAt_iso md5sum is ok18:47
pAt_burned CD is also ok18:48
pAt_always just get the login promt of runlevel 318:48
bioterrorwhat kind of graphics card you have?18:49
bioterrorlspci |less18:49
pAt_VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Intergrated Graphics Controller18:50
KM0201pAt_: are you sure yu're getting a login prompt?.. does the prompt say "busybox" rightr above it?18:50
bioterrorI am sure18:50
KM0201that's not the prob, it works fine w/ Ubuntu18:51
pAt_KM0201: didnt check this, but strange thing is, that Ubuntu Live CD works perfectly18:51
bioterrorthey should share the same drivers18:52
bioterroronly gnome is replaced and few applications18:52
pAt_Are there any boot options I should try?18:52
bioterrorKM0201, and init 3 is console, init 5 is X ;)18:53
bioterror(on Linux, Solaris has different init system)18:53
KM0201hmm, i've saw busy box say "run level 3" before.. but.. yeah18:53
bioterrorsudo apt-get install –reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core18:55
bioterrorudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:55
bioterrorI would also update repositories too18:59
pAt_ok, thats a good idea bioterror, I have at least the console :)19:00
pAt_I use Debian stable with LXDE on my laptop by the way, which is fast as hell :)19:01
kvarleyHow can I view the sound control panel?19:11
kvarleyMy speakers on my netbook at really quiet even though the applet shows that it's at full. They were louder on Ubuntu so I guess it's a setting I need to change?19:11
bioterrorkvarley, open terminal and say: alsamixer19:11
kvarleybioterror coming to the rescue again =D19:12
bioterrorI talk about android with you last night?19:12
kvarleybioterror: Yeah and you were helping me with gksu :) Turns out that Ubuntu locks down su and it should never have been set to su mode. If I wanted to use su or gksu I have to launch it through sudo.19:13
bioterrorI fixed my phone! I have now that rescue loader19:15
bioterrorCWM or what's that called, I can install all the custom roms from there <319:15
bioterrorusing SD Card19:15
bioterrorthat's hitech for a WindowsMobile user19:15
bioterrorno need for ActiveSync any moar19:15
pAt_kvarley: gnome-media is able to turn the volume up to 150% which the volume control of LXDE cant19:24
bioterror150% :D19:24
bioterror"this one goes to eleven!"19:24
kvarleypAt_: Thanks for the info :) The applet wasn't working for me so using alsamixer interminal like bioterror mentioned worked for me.19:25
pAt_kvarley: no problem, I had the same problem. That's why I am still using Gnome (LMDE) for my netbook :)19:26
kvarleypAt_: I like gnome but all I need on my netbook is a browser/video player/IM client so the desktop environment isn't something high upon my list of needs :) I have gnome on my pc :D19:28
pAt_best running OS is LMDE on the netbook, I tried them all :)19:28
yesitisjustmehas anyone used ntop?22:22
SSX_1can i ask for assistance22:36
avelldirollSSX_1: you may, but for that you need to ask a specific question :)22:50
SSX_1avelldiroll: :)22:51
SSX_1I'm trying to turn an old Armada M300 into access point with a TP-Link W721 usb wifi stick22:52
SSX_1because i like my desktop kubuntu, i decided to give a shot to lubuntu, although the laptop is slightly below specs22:52
SSX_1however after performing a minimal install, it boots into an black and white striped screeen...22:53
SSX_1did my google, but can't seem to figure it out22:53
avelldirollyou don't need a graphical interface to turn an old laptop into an access point22:54
avelldirollby minimal install, you mean a lubuntu minimal install or an "alternate" minimal install / mini.iso ?22:55
SSX_119 megs22:59
SSX_1avelldiroll: i know, but i'm horrible at terminal comands22:59
SSX_1years of windows spoiled me22:59
SSX_1and i can't seem to find something simple enough to turn an old pc into router23:00
SSX_1i'll be content with a web interface like a router but...23:00
SSX_1tried pfsense, but coundn't make it work23:01
avelldirollpfsense, m0n0wall are great firewall oriented distro, but i am not sure they offer the possibility to configure an access point from the web interface23:02
avelldirollare you sure your wifi drivers allow you to turn it into an access point ? (managed mode if my memory serve me well)23:03
* phillw you may want to try zenix.. The authoring team for that involve some of the people who support apparmour. I will gladly ask their TL for suggestions. i know it runs on a really small footpront23:04
SSX_1avelldiroll: as far as i know yep23:08
SSX_1phillw 10x, ill look it up23:08
phillwbut, for a firewall suggestion, I'd go for server edition. I've asked if one of the other 'guys' I know as knowledge of using zenix in such a situation.23:09
avelldirollSSX_1: if you are looking for an even lower footprint, with a desktop, take a look at slitaz23:10
SSX_1i don't need a firewal23:12
SSX_1it's already behind another router23:13
SSX_1i want to extend the wireless coverage at home23:13
phillwSSX_1: you can do that with hardware... there are some inventive people out there!23:18
SSX_1yes, i can do a chinaware mod to the ADSL modem23:19
SSX_1however my ISP won't be very happy with me messing up his modem23:19

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