
BUGabundontie folsk00:24
Ian_CorneI answered you alreadu00:53
Ian_Corneit's not GDM but lightDM and it will have a working guest session yes00:53
Ian_Cornewow 302 updates00:56
Ian_Cornepulse seems broken01:12
keithclarkI don't seem to be able to get my Broadcom wireless card to work again under 11.10.  Is this a known issue?02:47
triunityDoes it work under 11.04 fine?02:47
Guest66583Is there ivi remix packages in the alpha 3 repos?04:24
chaddyGuest66583: ivi?04:55
Guest66583In vehicle infotainment04:56
chaddydon't know, sorry04:58
Guest66583I am building a car PC and was going to use ice but it has been abandoned but ivi remix was announced a few days ago04:58
Guest66583Its a joint project between coinacal GM Delphi and a few others04:59
bullgard4_Why is there no longer available motd+shell? See http://man.he.net/man1/motd+shell05:14
dsatheOk i have identified a major major issue with Ubuntu, i have not been having audio in my os for 2 days now05:42
dsatheall my logs and lspci/lsmod/dmesg have been clean05:42
mikii think cairo-dock may have streched the thingy on top my power icon is missing and so is the search icon on the top thingy lol forgot name of that but im using currently 11.10 alpha 2 updated05:42
dsatheso today i realised a unique quirk , the new lightdm has a audio options symbol i clicked on it and ran banshee and sound opts test and wolha i hear stuff05:43
dsathebut my user post login has no sound O.o05:44
dsathethe gdm or more correctly now the lightdm user seems to be blocking this resource for others !!!!!!!!!05:44
dsatheany ideas ?05:47
dsatheis there a way in ubuntu to choose environment (different sessions ) without lightdm/gdm05:48
dsatheasa aparam to startx05:48
mikii couldn't find a ubuntu 11.10 alpha 3 when i downloaded a version of what i thought was ubuntu 11.10 gave me kubuntu sigh....and the last download alpha 3, stopped at the kernel after boot05:49
dsatheas a param to startx like in gentoo or arch05:49
dsathecoz lightdm is a mess05:49
dsatheloads of updates have landed some seem related ill try those and get back05:50
dsatheok its fixed now06:04
dsathethanks so much :)06:04
mikialso before my mouse disappeared you think might want to check flash 10 the older flash works with ubuntu 11.10 alpha 2 but if i remember correct i had some problems with the flash 1006:12
bullgard4_When is the deadline for Ubuntu 11.10 Beta?06:26
mikii wished i would never have put cairo-dock on here my time is where the power icon should be and the left button at the top is gone seems now cairo-dock is a must in graphical user interface06:34
mikiresizing it might help06:36
bullgard4_urlin2u: Thank you. (I did not find this page by googling.)06:36
urlin2ubullgard4, no prob, it is a search hit and miss aat times.06:37
Guest60390i've a trouble with vmware + ubuntu as guest07:28
Guest60390the key combo alt gr + <key>07:29
Guest60390doesn't work07:29
Guest60390anyone that can help me?07:29
bullgard6Where can I find in GNOME 3 the setting equivalent to GNOME 2 System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts > Application font?07:54
zniavremaybe you sshould install it08:01
zniavrebullgard4, *08:01
bullgard6zniavre: The package gnome-tweak-tool is installed. Where can I find it in the "System Settings" dialog window?08:05
robin0800bullgard6, its in applications08:07
bullgard6robin0800: No. It is not in Actiovities > Applications.08:09
bullgard6robin0800: No. It is not in Activities > Applications.08:09
robin0800bullgard6, yes it is but not called what you thought!08:11
bullgard6robin0800: Your message isnot helpful.08:12
urlin2ubullgard6, in the terminal ubuntu-tweak   to see if it is installed08:12
robin0800bullgard6, "tweak advanced settings"08:17
zniavrealt+f2 gnome-tweak-tool ?08:20
zniavreor via terminal*08:21
bullgard6urlin2u: '~$ ubuntu-tweak; ubuntu-tweak: Command not found.'08:24
zniavre[10:20] <zniavre> alt+f2 gnome-tweak-tool ?*08:24
urlin2ubullgard6,  how did you install it?08:24
bullgard6urlin2u:  How did I install what?08:25
zniavre-tool *08:25
zniavreubuntu-tweak is another software08:25
urlin2umy bad I missread it .08:26
zniavrehttp://ubuntu-tweak.com/   vs http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/gnome-tweak-tool-gets-option-to-switch.html08:27
bullgard6urlin2u:  '~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak; [sudo] password for detlef: ***;  Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig; Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut; Statusinformationen werden eingelesen... Fertig; E: Paket ubuntu-tweak kann nicht gefunden werden.'08:27
robin0800bullgard6, have you still not found it?08:53
AnAntHello, is there any info about making themes for lightdm ?08:56
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kjeldahlAnybody figured out how to get rid of the double task switchers in latest oneiric alpha? More then slightly annoying...10:07
kavurti installed updates, now x cant start. i can only see a black screen. but system is on. ?10:20
jpdskavurt: Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors?10:23
kavurtjpds: there's no errors10:27
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penguin42bug 82253 is really annoying me lately - anyone else seen similar - being in the wrong window manager when logged in?11:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 82253 in elfsh (Ubuntu) "Please sync elfsh (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8225311:31
penguin42oops - I mean bug 82225311:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 822253 in gdm (Ubuntu) "gdm's metacity stays running in the session that's started" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82225311:36
Ian_Cornepenguin42: why are you still using gdm?11:39
Ian_Cornedon't know if it's the same in lightdm11:39
Ian_Cornedidn't notice it yet11:39
penguin42well they're upgrades so I guess I didn't flip11:40
penguin42It's only happening about 1 in 10 boots11:40
BluesKajHey folks11:41
dsathehey BluesKaj11:41
dsatheissue sorted :p11:41
dsatheturns out lightdm was blocking the resource11:41
dsathesome update 2day mornin fixwed it11:41
BluesKajhi dsathe. right , heard that it was a prob for many other ppl as well11:42
BluesKajwhy wouldn't ppl want gdm ?11:44
dsathehahaha no clue11:44
dsathestarted a lot of the gnome stack apparently11:45
BluesKajanyway , I don't suffer from gnome probs , we have enuff on kde :)11:45
dsathenot a very nice thing for people who dont use gnome at all11:45
BluesKajbut most things seem stable atm11:46
dsathealso anyone here aware of an issue with the recognition of data cards11:46
dsathecoz mine is not beeeing picked up for a week now11:46
dsathe<3 beta sw :D11:46
dsathesomething always breaking11:47
penguin42it'd be boring if it worked :-)11:54
dsatheis this a reported bug/known bug11:54
dsathethe data card11:54
penguin42dsathe: I've not used them, but it's likely specific to the type of card11:55
dsatheHauwei if tata photon+11:55
edgyHi, today I upgraded my natty to oneiric. kmail did some migration and created a section called "Previous KMail's disconnected IMAP cache", why the messages are not migrated to the new folders? and what shall I do with section?12:04
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dr-willis luke 1000 people here12:26
utusanfirefox seems to be not behaving properly ignoring volume control. anybody getting the same?13:00
LaibschCan somebody please verify if bug 379382 also exists in oneiric?13:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379382 in gnome-utils "gnome-screenshot (Alt-Printscreen) black/blanks out top of windows in multi monitor xinerama" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37938213:01
* penguin42 doesn't have multi monitor setup in hos oneiric machines at the moment13:01
LaibschThanks, penguin4213:02
utusantried looking why and firefox -Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so13:03
utusanpermission has everyone read rights13:04
utusanreinstall libasound* and same problem13:04
utusanany ideas?13:04
penguin42any other errors ?13:06
utusantried changing permission to x and same problem13:10
bullgard6Why does not appear a »Tweak Tool« symbol in Activities > Applications although the DEB program package gnome-tweak-tools is installed?13:50
DaekdroomDid the latest Pulseaudio update break Flash sound?15:40
BluesKajDaekdroom, pulseaudio breaks sound on more than just flash15:43
DaekdroomBluesKaj, since the latest update, that is?15:44
DaekdroomIt worked fine a few days ago. Now Flash will only work when Pulseaudio crashes :P15:44
BluesKajwell, I don't use pulseaudio for that very reason15:45
BluesKajit's apita to keep running15:45
dr_willis!info ntfsprogs15:46
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 268 kB, installed size 712 kB15:46
dr_willisa dist-upgrade just removed that package.. not sure why.15:46
BluesKajdr_willis, what neat things ? :)15:46
Daekdroomdr_willis, latest ntfs-3g breaks it, iirc.15:47
dr_willisweird.. Not sure how the 2 would conflict. ones for mounting a filesystem.. other is for  doing tools to  the hopefully Unmounted filesystem. :)15:49
Ian_Cornedr_willis: and BluesKaj and Daekdroom15:50
Ian_Cornethey're becomming one package iirc15:50
Ian_Cornethe projects have merged15:50
DaekdroomBluesKaj, what do you use instead of PA anyway?15:50
dr_willisIan_Corne,  thats interesting...15:51
* penguin42 could swear KDE reorders his 'office' menu just when he thinks he knows where something will be15:54
dr_willis!info gtkdialog15:56
ubottuPackage gtkdialog does not exist in oneiric15:56
BluesKajDaekdroom, pulseaudio runs on top of alsamixer as a soundserver , therefore it's redundant for my needs ...alsmixer works well with whatever soundcard and frontend you want15:56
Ian_CorneBluesKaj: I thought PA was required to play multiple audo streams at once?15:57
DaekdroomWell, alsa has a userspace mixer too.15:57
DaekdroomI'd try OSSv4 if Ubuntu weren't so tied to Pulseaudio.15:58
BluesKajyeah, but , II don't listen multiple audio streams at once , I can only handle one song at a time15:58
dr_willisi like being able to pipe the audio from my laptop to my  other system with better speakers. :) but im lazy16:00
BluesKajDaekdroom, if you're streaming to your network then pulseaudio is ok , but there are better apps for that like jack16:00
dr_willisThey really dont  show off all the neat tricks of pulse audio..  peopel are more impressed with the cube and wobbly windows i guess.16:00
penguin42dr_willis: Most of the tricks are only useful if you've got multiple audio outputs and things16:02
dr_williswonder if i could pipe my android phone to the pc...16:02
BluesKajdr_willis, I can stream using vlc , pa isn't needed for that ...pavucontrol helps alot for pulseaudio setups tho16:02
dr_willisIm not streaming the video.. I just want to watch on the laptop.. and have it play the audio out the nicer speakers.. and i can do it in PA with just a few clicks... no need for any other  stuff.16:03
dr_willisi could just unplug the cable.. and plug it in the laptop .. :)16:03
BluesKajthis setup here is a media-server pc with vlc as the player , feeding digital audio to an audio receiver and dvi/hdmi video to a panasonic plasma tv16:06
BluesKajand wireless KB and mouse from my easy chair.... lazy man's cave , sort of :)16:07
dr_willisHmm. that feature that keeps the Diallogs Modal on top of the parent.. seems to be getting smarter now... Not noticed an issue with them being messed up/goofy in some time...16:07
dr_willisBeen using Gmote on android to controll pc. :)   can work as a keyboard/touchpad/media player.16:08
BluesKajcool :)16:08
dr_willisvlc, boxee, xbmc, also all have some good remote apps.  I rarely have to reach for the wireless mouse/keyboard these days16:08
dr_willisthen i learned about the http://youtube.com/leanback  and its remote app..16:09
dr_willisNow i can queu up a dozen Videos for the kids and let them watch GummyBear dancing all day long.16:09
BluesKajbut a cell phone for remote control ..not in my world :)16:09
dr_willisdoes all i need..  got a low end tablet that does the job also..16:10
dr_willisplus i dont lose the remote. :)16:10
dr_willisOh yea.. the thing controlls the $75 blue-ray player i got the other day also.16:10
dr_willisI tend to use my Boxee 90% of the time now a days.16:12
BluesKajboxee is ok if you're stateside , but much good for anything elsewhere , except for netflix16:26
BluesKajnot much good16:27
BluesKajpandora in europe , maybe16:27
dr_willisI dont really use it for netflix that much.. except for the kids.16:33
dr_willisplay stuff from my own fileservers, and alternative web surfing box. :) it can even handle a keyboard/mouse.16:34
dr_willisJust saw ROku 2 - comming out.. it can play Angry Birds....16:34
BluesKajbah.. angry birds16:43
dr_williskept the wife happy for a few weeks...  thats all i can say on it. :)16:45
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Guest66351Any word on how to alpha test the ivi remix17:49
bullgard6[GNOME 3]  Why does not appear a »Tweak Tool« symbol in Activities > Applications although the DEB program package gnome-tweak-tools is installed?17:52
DaekdroomIs it only here or is the new Dash really slow to render?17:53
* mendred has gone fishing: Gone away for now17:56
* mendred is back.17:56
rww!away | mendred17:57
ubottumendred: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»17:57
mendredrww: oops sorry! silenced it!18:02
rwwthanks :)18:03
penguin42anyone else finding the notification pop ups have switched to a HUGE font ?19:32
* bullgard6 too.19:36
BluesKajnot on kde19:37
magn3tsIs it possible to make nautilus any worse?19:57
penguin42oh it's always possible to make stuff worse19:58
magn3ts"Failed to load session gnome". Cool.20:06
charlie-tcasure, I would think making anything worse can be done easier than making things better20:10
BUGabundoevening friends20:29
BUGabundoback to lubuntu20:35
BUGabundocouldn't get to X, gdm or lightdm20:35
penguin42with what errors?20:47
BUGabundo$ pastebinit .xsession-errors20:47
penguin42not really, lots of errors but not sure which are normal20:50
kyubutsuis there an option for k3b to force burn 701mb iso into a 700mb cd-r20:57
BUGabundoI installed nvidia blob20:57
BUGabundoI installed gdm20:57
BUGabundoothing worked20:58
BUGabundoso lubuntu to the recues20:58
BUGabundothis thing is UGLY20:58
kyubutsu701.3 ..21:00
BluesKajkyubutsu, have you tried , most cds are capable of overburning at least 1%21:01
kyubutsutried once. failed.21:01
BluesKajodd . i put 704 on cdrw21:02
* kyubutsu sighs21:03
kyubutsureally wanted to give muon a try .. just didnt want to have to use dvd-r and waste the space21:03
BluesKajmuon is in the repos21:07
KM0201BUGabundo: ugly?.. lubuntu is sexy21:15
BUGabundoyou are not seeing the samething as me, then21:16
KM0201BUGabundo:  i love it21:16
* rww doesn't21:17
KM0201BUGabundo: i just love the minimalist approach... it's actually been close to flawless for me..   http://imagebin.org/16772521:18
BUGabundoyeah... don't like21:18
BUGabundoI guess I got used to Ambience.... fuuuu me21:18
KM0201it does tak ea little getting used to if you're used to gnome/kde.. but.. man, it is FAST.. and like i said, sexy..21:18
rwwthen again, I use kubuntu, so nobody here listens to me21:18
BUGabundorww: LOL yofel_ does21:19
charlie-tcaXubuntu "just works"21:19
KM0201i disagree, the reason i went lubuntu, is because xubuntu kept locking up, etc.21:19
charlie-tcaYou are allowed to disagree. I never have a lock up here, though21:20
charlie-tcaI don't understand these freezes, lockups, etc. that I never get21:20
KM0201if it had only been once, i'd have stuck w/ xubuntu,l cuz frankly, i do like xfce better than lxde, but.. i had constant lockups, thought maybe it was compositing, so i disabled all that, and it kept happening.21:20
rwwI'm probably going to try Xubuntu again when 11.10 comes out. It seems to be improving rather than getting worse as /some DEs/ are ;)21:37
kyubutsuwhats the point of having a 3ghz puter to run xubuntu. go kde!21:41
kyubutsuanyway, i go burn this alpha3 on a dvd   :-/21:43
* rww uses USB for oversized ISOs :P21:46
* BUGabundo boots from ISOs :P21:48
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BUGabundopulseaudio trunk is broken too22:45
yofelhm, anyone else getting debusms error when installing something? Stuff like "debsums: invalid package name 'binutils'"22:48
BUGabundolet me try22:49
BUGabundodid you run apt-get update *recently* ?22:49
yofelwell, that happens on apt-get install, my last update is a few hours old22:49
BUGabundoupdate now ? :P22:51
BUGabundoUnpacking debsums (from .../debsums_2.0.48+nmu3ubuntu2_all.deb) ...22:52
yofelnothing relevant to update22:52
BUGabundoworking fine here22:52
yofelhm, I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/665307/22:53
penguin42yofel: I had something similar - I think I had to uninstall debsums and reinstall - but I've almost got a feeling that either debsums is screwed or maybe the package database is23:00
* yofel tries23:00
yofelhm, no, that didn't help..23:05
BUGabundoits a kde problem :)23:07
DaekdroomOooh. We're past FeatureFreeze. Does that mean OO is going to ship Libreoffice 3.3 instead of 3.4?23:23
BUGabundodoes anyone even cares what Productivity Suite we have?23:26
BUGabundohow many users even use that ?23:26
DaekdroomI use it every once in awhile.23:26
DaekdroomBut 3.3 is not compatible enough with MS Office standards.23:27
BUGabundois any?23:28
BUGabundoand does MSFT have standards now ?23:28
penguin42hmm - 3.4 was announced as ready for production use which would be good to have I guess - I do and have used it, and would prefer to keep closer to the edge on Lo - they seem to be fixing stuff which is a good thing23:29
DaekdroomWork items for ubuntu-11.10-beta-1: package LibreOffice 3.4.1 for Oneiric: INPROGRESS23:31
penguin42looks promising23:36
DaekdroomThe package from the PPA only built on AMD64, tho.23:38
penguin42I'm sure a bit more forceful persuasion will persuade it to build on x8623:40
kyubutsu'tis awesum!23:44
kyubutsui like muon. besides being a cool subatomic particle23:44
kyubutsufonts get a +1 too23:45
kyubutsuand default clock widget is +1 too23:46
kyubutsuso far so good.. oneiric looks good for kde23:46
penguin42kyubutsu: Yeh it's not bad - it seems to have cured some fullscreen interactions KDE was having with the open radeon drivers23:47
penguin42kyubutsu: I'm seeing a bit of weird flickering when running gnucash under it though - not sure if thats the kde theme engine or if it's just gnucash23:47
kyubutsuthat too.. 'cause i run this on radeon hd 5450 .. no problems so far23:47
penguin42hd4350 here23:49
kyubutsui used to get flickering when using gwenview fullscreen23:49
kyubutsuneed further testing on this alpha3 tho23:50
penguin42I was trying digikam - its' OK but I don't find it intuitive23:50
kyubutsuas far as preferences go.. i luv gwenview23:50
kyubutsuit really does everything i expect from it23:51
kyubutsuand when you get the plugins package for it, it does more than enough, including scanning jobs23:51
kyubutsuam very excited for kde on oneiric23:53
penguin42kyubutsu: It works nicely - there are only a handful of things I miss relative to Gnome223:55
kyubutsuquassel notifications works nicely too.. not that it didnt back in 11.04 but still23:56
* rww ponders upgrading23:56
rwwneed to reformat anyway, may as well upgrade and poke around first23:57
kyubutsuthe rww has second thoughts.. fear not.. i encourage you to try this alpha23:57

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