
blahdeblahhead_victim: You pinged me some time ago04:35
* benonsoftware is working on the Ubuntu-Manual now! :)04:36
=== benonsoftware is now known as OutOfControl
head_victimblahdeblah: I think it was about settings on the website. 06:11
head_victimsagaci: there's a good chance I may not be able to make this meeting Sunday night06:12
sagacihow many should we need for a meeting06:30
head_victimI usually like to see 5 - 10.06:32
head_victimDepends on the topic.06:32
OutOfControlhead_victim: I might not be able to come either06:34
blahdeblahblahdeblah: What settings?06:46
head_victimblahdeblah: to allow people to add content to the website06:51
head_victimWhen sagaci was writing up about the global jam06:51
blahdeblahThere are two roles we can add: blogger, and page creator.  Most of the team who have published are either admins or page creators.06:53
blahdeblahBlogger has a limited set of permissions06:54
blahdeblahhead_victim: see http://www.ubuntu.org.au/admin/user/access for details06:54
head_victimI basically just looked up the last "new" person to post that I remember you said you'd organised and copied their access06:55
head_victimThat matrix is a good link though, I never found it stumbling around last time06:55
sagacihead_victim: so if we only get 2-4 people, should we postpone/cancel?07:10
OutOfControlhead_victim: oh yeah at the meeting could you say a word about my doc jam if that is ok?07:11
sagaciOutOfControl: you should really be adding it to http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/add/07:14
OutOfControlsagaci: I don't know what time people are free yet :(07:14
sagacithen just schedule it for the time you prefer most07:16
OutOfControlsagaci: Ok then thanks I'll do it now for the friday]07:16
sagacirighteo then07:17
OutOfControlsagaci: How long is yours going for?07:18
sagaciaround 2 hours07:20
OutOfControlsagaci: Thanks07:20
sagacinot the most formal thing, people will hopefully just come and go whenever that day07:20
OutOfControlsagaci: That is what I think will happen to mine07:21
OutOfControlDoes anyone have a idea for a Description for it if we're covering help.ubuntu.com07:21
sagacisomething like we plan to proof-read, restore outdated and obsolete documentation while creating new material. Adding tips for Australian Ubuntu users, 3G wireless, etc... something like that07:26
OutOfControlCool thanks07:26
OutOfControlhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-au/1149/detail/ Here it is07:27
sagacihead_victim: I created an event for LCA2012 open day ubuntu booth. I'm likely not going to be the one to organise most of it since I don't reside close to the venue but whoever takes that lead can change the event contact...07:35
sagacioh and local time for the events seem to be working..07:36
sagaciwhen you choose an EST venue, that is07:37
blahdeblahPC free to a good home: http://www.ubuntu.org.au/admin/user/access07:53
blahdeblahTrying again: PC free to a good home: http://yoink.com/items/608807:53
benonsoftwareDoes any body know why my Doc Jam http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-au/1149/detail/ has 2 poeple attending I can't see the other person08:29
=== benonsoftware is now known as OutOfControl
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
=== bwright_ is now known as bwright
benonsoftwareejat: Mornin' :)21:46

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