
benonsoftwareI might JUST be able to make the meeting if I'm up01:19
benonsoftwaregodbyk: Are you up?01:21
=== benonsoftware is now known as OutOfControl
OutOfControlgodbyk: Hay :)05:17
godbykHey, OutOfControl.05:17
godbykHow's the website testing going?05:17
godbyk(If I disappear it's because my Internet connection has been up and down all evening.)05:18
OutOfControlgodbyk: I'll send you a URL of a text file I built of the problems05:18
OutOfControlgodbyk: Did you get the message from the contact form?05:18
godbykIf that was the email I responded to, then yes.05:19
OutOfControlgodbyk: Well then on the site I got a error message05:19
OutOfControlgodbyk: You try it :)05:20
godbykWhat's the URL to the contact form?05:20
OutOfControlgodbyk: http://test.ubuntu-manual.org/contact05:20
OutOfControlgodbyk: The text file should be at http://nyuszika7h.dyndns.org/~benny/ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual.org.txt05:22
godbykAh, I see the error you were talking about.05:23
OutOfControlgodbyk: Yeah is that maybe Django is running in Debug mode?05:23
godbykWell, if it weren't running in debug mode it would just give an http 500 error instead.05:24
godbykso there's a bug that needs to be fixed in the code.05:24
OutOfControlWho runs the servers for http://planet.ubuntu-manual.org ?05:24
OutOfControlgodbyk: Ah ok05:24
OutOfControlgodbyk: Oh and changing from English on the site doesn't do a thing05:25
godbykthere probably aren't any translations of the test site yet.05:25
godbykor it may not be coded up yet. not sure which.05:26
OutOfControlgodbyk: I can't access the site now after changing05:26
OutOfControlI get Language matching query does not exist.05:26
godbykprobably because the translation files don't exist.05:27
godbykthe planet site was hosted by flan, I think.05:27
godbyk(not that we had many blogs there.)05:28
godbykor maybe it was dutchie.  dutchie, were you hosting the planet site?  I can't remember.05:28
OutOfControlgodbyk: Clearing the cache and cookies fix test.ubuntu-manual.org05:29
OutOfControlgodbyk: A few weeks ago you said on the list the site was hacked, what happend?05:30
godbykI'm not sure how it was hacked yet.05:31
OutOfControlgodbyk: You said you were looking for more web devs I'm happy to help05:31
godbykBut they had modified one of our php files to add some code to the end of each page.05:31
godbykThe code was only added when the http referrer was Google's web crawler, though.05:31
godbykSo when you visited the site with a web browser, you'd never notice05:32
OutOfControlgodbyk: How did they even get into the server?05:32
godbykBut Google got irked because we were providing them with different content than we were providing regular visitors.05:32
godbykAnd since that goes against their policies, they removed us from their search index.05:32
OutOfControlgodbyk:Are we back yet>05:32
godbykI've removed the offending code and checked that the permissions are correct.05:32
godbykI notified Google that we've resolved the issue and am now waiting for Google to get around to reviewing the updated site so they can include it in their search results again.05:33
OutOfControlWe are not back on Google yet :(05:33
godbykI'm not sure how they got into the server yet.05:33
godbykCould've been a bug in the php code or it could've been a permissions issue.05:33
OutOfControlYeah maybe05:34
godbykYeah, they said it could take a few weeks for someone to get around to reviewing the site. :-/05:34
OutOfControlgodbyk: Yeah I remember it happend a while ago05:34
godbykBtw, the contact form did successfully send an email to me despite the error message.05:34
OutOfControlgodbyk: yeah I revieved your reply05:35
dutchieyes, planet site was me i think05:36
OutOfControldutchie: Still up or no?05:37
godbykAh, yeah. Looks like planet.ubuntu-manual.org is a CNAME pointing to planet.joshh.co.uk.05:39
godbykOutOfControl: So complain to dutchie. :-)05:39
dutchieif i had any sleep in the last 24 hours i'd do it05:39
dutchiecan it wait for this afternoon? :)05:39
godbykdutchie: no rush at all.05:39
godbykdutchie: OutOfControl is just auditing our websites to see what's working and what's not.05:40
godbykwe're making a TODO list.05:40
OutOfControlgodbyk: I see we are using Google Apps what version just asking?05:40
godbykOutOfControl: Lemme check.05:41
OutOfControlok no rush :)05:41
OutOfControldutchie: Your blogs down :)05:42
dutchieyeah, i'll fix it as soon as i am no longer responsible for other people's servers and have had some sleep05:43
dutchiei hate this shift05:43
godbykOutOfControl: Not sure what version. I just transitioned everyone to the latest, though. :)05:44
OutOfControlgodbyk: Ok, wodnering who has access to it?05:44
godbykdutchie: I liked the night shift. Was usually quiet.05:44
dutchiegodbyk: having to switch in and out of it is not fun05:45
godbykOutOfControl: Mostly old-timers and big-wigs.  The primary editors and the like.05:45
OutOfControlgodbyk: Ah ok05:45
godbykdutchie: That's certainly true.  I'm usually up 'til 5 a.m.  The other day I had to wake up for a 9 a.m. meeting, though.  Not fun.05:45
dutchiea week of 6pm-2am then suddenly into 1am-9am is not pleasant05:45
OutOfControloh by the way if I can't make the meeting tomarrow will there be anyting importent?05:45
godbykOutOfControl: I think they're just going to discuss what needs to be written still and get people on task and working on things.05:46
OutOfControlgodbyk: Well I want to get into a Aurthor and/or Editor Postition05:47
godbykdutchie: You could probably take a nap and no one would notice.  Just have the monitoring software ring the alarm if anything goes amiss. :)05:47
dutchiemmm, i just did that by accident05:47
OutOfControlgodbyk: So you say its all in PHP now right?05:51
godbykOutOfControl: The current site is php.  The test site is python+django.05:52
OutOfControlgodbyk: Would it be better to try out a CMS for it?05:53
OutOfControlor best instead of better05:53
godbykOutOfControl: Possibly.  If we can find one that does everything we need.05:53
OutOfControlgodbyk: Not Joomla not WP maybe Drupal?05:54
godbykOutOfControl: I don't know anything about modern CMSes, I'm afraid.05:54
OutOfControlgodbyk: I could help out with it if you would like05:55
OutOfControlgodI'll be back in 30min05:57
OutOfControlgodbyk: Sorry back now, so if you want me to help you set up Drupal I could help07:12
godbykOutOfControl: No problem.07:14
godbykOutOfControl: What language does Drupal use?07:14
OutOfControlgodbyk: MySQL and PHP07:14
OutOfControlgodbyk: Does the server have them?07:15
godbykOutOfControl: Yep.07:16
OutOfControlgodbyk: Ok great then :)07:16
godbykOutOfControl: Can Drupal handle multilingual websites?  Can we use Launchpad to translate the Drupal site?07:17
OutOfControlgodbyk: I THINK so07:18
OutOfControlgodbyk: I have just found https://help.launchpad.net/DrupalPlugins don't know if they will be useful for use though07:22
OutOfControlgodbyk: Its just for openid I think07:23
OutOfControlgodbyk: We would just need to make/find a theme that would fite07:24
OutOfControlgodbyk: So what do you think?07:30
godbykI don't know enough about Drupal to say if it'd work for us or not.07:31
godbykI also haven't thought about our site enough lately to know what features we need.07:31
godbykCan Drupal do everything our existing site does?07:31
OutOfControlgodbyk: Yeah it should07:32
OutOfControlgodbyk: I'm having been brb in 45min07:33
thorwilwhat i know about drupal is that it comes with some terribly convoluted multi-layered css07:35
thorwil(though that might be true of many other platforms on that level, too)07:36
godbykthorwil: gee, that sounds fun.07:38
OutOfControlgodbyk: Yep I'm back08:00
OutOfControlgodbyk: So what is your mind about Drupal?08:11
godbykOutOfControl: I don't really have enough info yet to have an informed opinion.08:11
godbykPerhaps at our next regular meeting we can discuss the features our website requires.08:12
godbykThen we can figure out if Drupal is a good candidate for it.08:12
OutOfControlgodbyk: Would that be the one in 12 hours time?08:12
godbykNo. The one in 12 hours time is a special meeting.08:14
OutOfControlgodbyk: What is it about again?08:14
godbykThey'll be discussing the writing that still needs to be done for the natty edition.08:15
godbykAnd organizing people to work on parts that are lagging behind.08:15
benonsoftwaregodbyk: Sorry I'm back internet shutdown08:25
benonsoftwaregodbyk: If I'm not at the meeting in 12 hours if they are looking for people for editor/aurthor I'm happy to help08:27
benonsoftwaregodbyk: Still there>08:33
=== benonsoftware is now known as OutOfControl
OutOfControlgodbyk: I know at the moment a lot of other Ubuntu teams are using Drupal for there sites and you wouldn't guess it :)08:38
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
ChrisWoollardevening all20:02
ChrisWoollardEvening Rick20:57
rickfosbGood evening Chris;  Printing a map for Kristen's return trip to university...20:58
rickfosbwas distracted;  How have you been20:59
ChrisWoollardGood. I seem to have been busy / away quite a bit recently21:00
rickfosbHello Hannie21:00
hanniehi rickfosb and godbyk21:00
hannieand ChrisWoollard21:01
godbykback now21:02
godbykhey, hannie21:02
ChrisWoollardevening Godbyk21:03
hannierickfosb, can you give me a link to the shared spreadsheet, please21:03
godbykHey, ChrisWoollard. How was your holiday?21:03
rickfosbhannie: sure21:03
ChrisWoollardGood thanks21:03
hannieChrisWoollard, hoe gaat het/how ae you?21:04
ChrisWoollardA lovely trip to the Netherlands21:04
hannieah, lots of rain I heard ;)21:04
ChrisWoollardIk ben Goed21:04
rickfosbLink to spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtkeORuPIMxsdGtWRXlvdHB4bktTNkF5LTNwWU5KQnc&hl=en_US&authkey=CNDambUJ21:04
hannierickfosb, thanks21:04
ChrisWoollardThere was a lot of rain but it only occuring in the eveing so it was fine21:07
ChrisWoollardWho else are we expecting?21:08
MuscovyMe. :)21:08
ChrisWoollardEveing Muscovy21:08
rickfosbC7p was going to be here I thought21:08
MuscovyGood mornterevening.21:09
hannieBryan is out of town21:09
godbyklast night, c7p told me: "i g2g, i'll go for this weekend to my village. So i guess i will be off for these 2 days. If i'm not present at the meeting time start the meeting"21:09
hannieand Kartik?21:10
rickfosbI dont know about Kartik; let mecheck the poll real quick.21:12
hannierickfosb, I have added some things to The Ubuntu Desktop page of the spreadsheet21:13
rickfosbKartik did not select this time; he might not have been available21:13
hannieok, let's start then21:13
hanniewho is the chair?21:14
godbykI don't think there's an agenda.21:15
godbykIt's more of an informal gathering. :)21:15
rickfosbI'll take that;  Was going to keep the meeting very loose today21:15
rickfosbWhat I'd like to do is to continue to divide the chapter  into small bytes21:15
ChrisWoollardI assume there will be a status update for those that have not been around :)21:15
benonsoftwareSorry I'm late21:15
rickfosbbenonsoftwary: glad you're here.21:16
benonsoftwareYeah so whats happening now21:16
rickfosbHannie: on the update you just made, do you already have text?  Benonsoftware: just starting21:16
hannierickfosb, I sent you the text on Nautilus21:17
hannieThe text in prologue is just a few lines which I still have to review21:17
rickfosbHannie: perfedt21:18
rickfosbTeam: an update21:18
hannieIt is not clear where we should refer to at the moment21:18
rickfosb(i'll type an update in just a sec)21:18
hannierickfosb, I mean which chapter to refer to in Prologue21:18
hannierickfosb, go ahead, I'll talk about this later21:19
benonsoftwareSorry :)21:19
rickfosbhannie: ok.21:19
hannierickfosb, are you typing such an extensive update?21:23
benonsoftwareJust wondering on the email I revieved about the meeting, it said Desktopworking session if your looking for help I'll put my hand21:23
hannieI think rick may have some computer problems...let's wait until he is back21:27
=== cwoo is now known as ChrisWoollard
benonsoftwareOk I'm fine21:27
hannieChrisWoollard, you're like a yoyo21:28
ChrisWoollardSomething went screwy with my connection to the web21:28
hannieAt this moment I am listening to the cry of baby owls in my attic21:29
hannieThey are crying for food. Mama brings them big, fat mice21:29
* benonsoftware is still tired21:30
hanniehey, rickfosb2 back again21:30
godbykrickfosb2: the reincarnation of rickfosb. :)21:30
rickfosb2sorry guys; internet fail!21:31
rickfosb2I'm cloned :)21:31
hanniehence 221:31
ChrisWoollardThat's weird I had that at exactly the same time21:31
hannieand an ocean between the two of you21:32
rickfosb2Well, what I had typed was that I've pushed minor text changes to the chapter;21:32
rickfosb2(Al Gore got us)  Me for not being green... can't say why Chris was snagged ! :)21:32
ChrisWoollardMaybe I was rioting21:33
hannieIs there an overview of the chapter somewhere?21:33
rickfosb2Changes to the chapter submitted by Kartik.  These changes re minor.  (Chris: ha!)21:33
benonsoftwareSo (7:23:55 AM) benonsoftware: Just wondering on the email I revieved about the meeting, it said Desktopworking session if your looking for help I'll put my hand21:33
benonsoftware(7:23:57 AM) benonsoftware: up21:33
rickfosb2The most recent overview is the proposed outline in the Ubuntu Desktop tab21:34
hannieok, but can we download changes from somewhere?21:34
hannieI want to see what changes others have made21:34
rickfosb2OH!  Hey I can take the most recent from launchpad and place it on google docs... but I don't want to get too far away from our souce code management21:35
rickfosb2Here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtkeORuPIMxsdGtWRXlvdHB4bktTNkF5LTNwWU5KQnc&hl=en_US&authkey=CNDambUJ21:36
benonsoftwareThanks you21:36
rickfosb2The Desktop tab. starting at row 2221:37
rickfosb2IF we know who is working the outline (one sub section per row), we can assign the name21:37
rickfosb2I'll referee the work21:37
rickfosb2Since we had problems, I picked up Editor role for this section21:38
benonsoftwareSo are there any postitions open for me or not?21:38
rickfosb2yes sir21:38
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: Yay which one?21:38
hannierickfosb2, should lenses be added21:39
rickfosb2Ben,  Due to the time shift between us, I'd like for you to look at the managing windows section.  We can work through that via email ; if you don't have bzr working.21:39
hannieNew in Unity21:39
hannieLenses are a specialized way of viewing your applications and documents.  By default, there are two lenses already on the Unity launcher; they’re located near the bottom, just above the trash can.  The first is for Applications, the other for Files & Folders.  Clicking on one of them reveals that lens in the Dash.21:39
rickfosb2Hannie:  I think so, I was reading the emai21:40
ChrisWoollardShouldn't Lenses be referenced in the Understanding the Desk top Chapter?21:40
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: Ok thats fine21:40
hannieChrisWoollard, you refer to line 24?21:40
benonsoftwareSo what part windows?21:40
benonsoftwaresorry but what do you mean windows part?21:41
rickfosb2benonsoftware:  you and i will work out what needs to be in that subsection; row 2521:41
rickfosb2I will need to coordinate 25 and 26 with c7p and hannie21:42
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: Ok good21:42
hanniedaker, hi, how are you?21:42
rickfosb2Chris:  I believe you are correct in the placement of lenses21:42
hannierickfosb2, c7p has already done the "Browsing..." bit. I lost my text after my computer crashed21:43
rickfosb2ok; worried about you on that.  I'll get text from him to 'merge'.21:44
hanniebtw, I prefer to say "Nautilus file manager" instead of "Nautilus file browser" because nautilus is more than a browser21:45
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: I'm using bzr over a ssh but not thats not working :)21:45
ChrisWoollardHow much has not actually been commited yet? What is outstanding21:45
rickfosb2Chriswoollard:  most of what we are talking about today has not been committed. AND any screen shots needed to support this section have yet to be taken.21:46
hannieLine 30: workspaces are still used, applets work a bit different but should be described )imho)21:47
rickfosb2godbyk has provided a short tutorial for me.  So if hannie, benonsoftware, and the others can do a screenshot, I can help to get it built.21:47
hanniea screenshot of what?21:48
rickfosb2If you need a 'visual'... like lenses, panel, .. etc21:48
ChrisWoollardWouldn't it be worth getting people to commit their work even if it is a work in progress.21:48
rickfosb2I would agree wholeheartedly;  I have accepted a txt file when a writer can't or has problems using bzr21:49
hannieby "committing" you mean send our work to rickfosb2, who is the editor?21:49
rickfosb2or like hannie: crashes, rolls, and burns the drive21:50
ChrisWoollardI mean commiting the work into bzr so it can be seen / editted by others.21:50
rickfosb2ChrisWoollard:  agree..., when I get something, i pull, cmmit and push as soon as possible21:51
ChrisWoollardThen things can be editted, Glossary items can be linked to. etc21:51
hanniecan I push the whole chapter to bzr even if I only have added a small part21:51
rickfosb2I would hope everyone is doing that21:51
rickfosb2hannie: yes21:51
hannieah, I didn't know that21:51
rickfosb2hannie: just keep your changes in context... that is, if you intend to delete text, do so, it will be removed from the chapter... if you leave a section above your change or below, it will not be affected21:52
ChrisWoollardDo we know when all the unity changes will be done?21:53
rickfosb2chriswoollard, and all:  c7p has written a sub section on alternate apps (empathy vs ms outook, etc.)  do we have a preference on where we want those applications to be discussed?21:54
hannieWe did discuss that in another meeting, but I can't remember what we decided21:55
benonsoftwareSoftware Management maybe21:55
ChrisWoollardI am not sure21:56
rickfosb2ChrisWoollard: to your question on unity, do you see that as spread out among several of the rows?  or adding a Unity subsection to address it as a topic beyond the prologue?21:56
rickfosb2I think we were trying to address the individual 'how to's' with an eye to unity21:57
ChrisWoollardI would see Unity as being covered in The Ubuntu Desktop -> Understanding the Desktop21:57
ChrisWoollardPosibily renaming "Understanding the Desktop" to "Understanding the Unity Desktop"21:58
hannieYes, so do I. In the Prologue we can refer to The Ubuntu Desktop chapter21:58
benonsoftwareanyone here gets a problem getting the manual from bzr?21:59
hannieAlarm bell: two minutes left ;)21:59
benonsoftware1 for me :)21:59
rickfosb2"Understanding the Unity Desktop":  I like it... but wil it be necessary in future version?21:59
rickfosb2Benonsoftware:  Shoot me an email and we will work the time zone problem22:00
rickfosb2We'll get you started22:00
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: Ok email you now?22:00
rickfosb2as soon as you have a moment;  I'll respond shortly22:00
ChrisWoollardNot sure. Only time will tell22:00
benonsoftwareOk I'll email you in 5-10 min22:01
rickfosb2ChrisWoollard: if ok, I'll update the chapter name then.  Should help us to keep focused on the idea of the section22:01
rickfosb2Understanding the Unity Desktop will be the new chapter name22:02
ChrisWoollardWe could always change it again in future releases. Unity was the big thing for this release though22:02
hannierickfosb2, don't forget that manu people still use Gnome classic22:02
rickfosb2As soon as c7p gets back, I'll get him to push his changes and we can get caught up22:02
rickfosb2hannie:  agreed...,  I need three desktops to keep up with my tinkering with gnome/unity22:03
rickfosb2(never could get the hang of kde)22:03
hannierickfosb2, have you already pushed the text I sent you (Nautilus) to the branch?22:03
ChrisWoollardMaybe we should take the current "Understanding the Desktop" chapter and adapt it for the classic desktop. then maybe have it as an appendix22:03
rickfosb2no;  I have not seen it?  or did I miss it?22:03
* benonsoftware has sent the email22:04
rickfosb2hannie: I 'll go look through my inbox:   did you send to rick@ubuntu or rickfosb@gmail22:04
hannierickfosb2, you may have missed it. I sent it to you a few days ago, But I will push it myself as soon as I have installed Bazaar again22:04
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: the ubuntu-manual email22:04
rickfosb2ok benonsoftware, thanks22:05
benonsoftwareThats fine22:05
hannieFosburgh Rick <rickfosb@gmail.com>22:05
rickfosb2hannie: I'll go back... I am sorry if I missed it!!  If I find it, I'll let you know asap22:05
hanniesent on thursday22:06
rickfosb2I'll get it up tonigh22:06
rickfosb2final alarm.  any other questions?22:07
rickfosb2(I still have some time left)22:07
hannieno questions from me at the moment22:07
benonsoftwareI might have some just wait a min22:07
rickfosb2have a great evening hannie!22:07
hanniethanks, and see you all soon!22:08
rickfosb2ok benonsoftware.. we''ll let the conversation die down abit22:08
rickfosb2Anyone else?  if not, thanks for joining!  ChrisWoollard, I'll round up the missing people/pieces and get an update to this section.22:09
rickfosb2Obviously, missed hannie's email to me.. probably sitting in a string between she, john and i22:10
rickfosb2Benonsoftware:  Question?22:10
ChrisWoollardI need to go. I have to get up early tomorrow to go to Oggcamp22:11
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: So when is the next release date for the manual?22:11
ChrisWoollardSee you all next time22:11
rickfosb2chriswoollard: lucky you!!!! have fun there22:11
benonsoftwareChrisWoollard: see you22:11
ChrisWoollardwhens the next meeting?22:11
rickfosb2Sat/Sun probably near same time; I'll have a poll out tonight22:12
benonsoftwareYah I might come again :)22:12
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: So when is the next release for ubuntu-manual?22:12
ChrisWoollardLovely. See you then22:12
rickfosb2Benonsoftware:  Question?22:12
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: So when is the next release for ubuntu-manual?22:13
rickfosb2hmm, thought we had the milestones in the spreadsheet... let me send you another link22:14
benonsoftwareI have the spreadsheet open22:14
rickfosb2ben:  this one might answer your bzr questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LDAyOVGMOLvsMTef3dTE3zt9q-gQY_-NetMKfZ6yM2Q/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CLynx-cH22:14
rickfosb2now let me get the milestones22:15
benonsoftwareok :)22:15
rickfosb2Milestones are in that sheet; I've not updated authors in there yet22:15
benonsoftwareThats ok22:16
rickfosb2godbyk has been quiet22:16
benonsoftwareSo next month22:16
rickfosb2so the subsection that you will be working on'22:16
rickfosb2managing windows:  Take a look at the chapter as it exists today.  you will need to figure out how to manage windows under unity.  I haven't reread that section recently, but i suspect,22:18
rickfosb2that you will need to discuss how to raise, lower, find, move from present desktop, any window in the unity world22:18
rickfosb2i can help with that22:18
rickfosb2its mostly a how to for the ubuntu novice; and in this case, any ubuntu user that might need some help finding things...22:19
benonsoftwareNice :)22:20
rickfosb2in my reply email, I'l post some text and page numbers that may help get you started...22:20
rickfosb2since we are all working in the same chapter. we just need to 'not' type in someone elses sub chapter22:20
benonsoftwareHow are the translations going?22:20
rickfosb2they can't start until we get this finished;  I think hannie was wanting to get moving as we complete chapters...22:21
rickfosb2ben remind me; you are 1/2 way round the world right?22:22
benonsoftwarerickfosb2: Problery Melbourne, Australua22:23
rickfosb2yes sir; I can almost pronounce that word!  (we've seen enought Australian actors here.)  :)22:23
rickfosb2ok;  I just wanted to be sure i had the right Ben!22:24
rickfosb2Ok if no other quesitons, I'll get busy on the reply to your email...  see if that committing text document answers your bzr questions?22:24
rickfosb2How to Commit Code by godbyk is a great place to learn... its the one i still use22:25
benonsoftwareI think that is the one you emailed me when I first emailed jobs@ubuntu-manual :)22:26
rickfosb2benonsoftware: probably so; I try to ensure that everyone who will be writing has a copy of that and/or the styleguide22:26
rickfosb2Ok; going to get busy on the reply; and find hannie's code to push...   see you next week!  (and look for my email with instructions)22:27
benonsoftwareSee you :)22:28

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