[01:21] wer [05:44] Morning [05:48] \o daubers [05:48] * daubers will be on his way to oggcamp in 10 minutes \o/ [05:48] \o/ [05:48] * MartijnVdS wonders what this unknown Wifi device on his network is [05:48] It's not my tablet, and not my phone. [05:49] heh [05:49] also, my laptop is off [05:49] and my PSP, PS3, TV [05:52] "HTC", so it IS my phone [05:58] :) [05:59] * daubers heads off to farnham! === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [07:53] morning all [08:15] hi folk [08:18] morning [08:20] morning [09:16] [Paul Mellors] What i've done..... - http://paulmellors.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-ive-done.html === StevenR_ is now known as StevenR [09:26] my connectbot lags... meh [09:26] anyway [09:27] woo oggcamp \o/ [09:27] yay [09:27] I trust it's all proceeding nicely. [09:28] Well, dsample just bought +50£ worth of OReilly books... [09:28] so, yes :-D [09:28] * StevenR is jealous [09:28] heh, I enjoy buying O'Reilly books too. [09:28] (of oggcamp) [09:37] I wish I had better zoom in my camera [09:45] :) [10:08] is ubuntu-uk closing today as everyone is at oggcamp :D [10:08] MooDoo: I'm not at oggcamp :( [10:08] I'll be at YAPC::EU next week though [10:08] MartijnVdS: me neither :( at work [10:11] moo# [10:11] mooooo [10:12] I'm not at oggcamp either [10:12] moomoo [10:12] :) [10:15] Meeps [10:16] popey: many hangovers there? [10:16] seems like it [10:16] bigcalm_lappy486: oi get out your hotel ;) [10:16] :P [10:17] We need to go any get my car from AlanBell's place 1st [10:17] bigcalm_lappy486: admit it, it's hayleys fault...she's taking too long in shower ;) [10:29] * MartijnVdS installs MS Works(!) [10:30] MartijnVdS: why would anybody want to use that oxymoron? [10:30] sometimes it's all people have lol [10:30] bigcalm_lappy486: it came with the machine and I never installed it before [10:30] bigcalm_lappy486: having a look at what it is/does/can do [10:30] Wow [10:30] Fair enough :) [10:31] (and what it can't do)) [10:31] I know Works 2 from the DOS age [10:31] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ms-works-2.0-dos.png [10:33] My ubuntu laptop is tethered to my phone and it wants to do a system update [10:33] Silly update manager [10:33] Hah, the moment I'm done installing it needs 100M of updates [10:34] * MooDoo installed oneric last night [10:35] MooDoo: did it immediately need 100M of updates as well? :P [10:35] MartijnVdS: yeah :S [10:35] you can certainly tell it's alpha and i hate the new gwibber [10:37] got the details through of my contract from orange retentions [12:34] hello - any suggestions on why my ubuntu server won't install php-apc? I've got all the repositories enabled, I've done apt-get clean all / apt-get update etc - but everytime I do apt-get install php-apc it tells me the package is not found? Any support welcome thanks. [12:38] does apt-cache search find it? [12:38] http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/php-apc that is the corect package name. [12:39] don't think I've ever done a apt-cache search [12:39] let me just google how you do it - 2 secs! [12:39] suso apt-cache search packagename [12:40] MontyMoose: sudo apt-cache search php-apc [12:40] sudo apt-cache search packagename [12:40] who needs google... - nope nothing found [12:41] do you have universe enabled? [12:41] yup [12:41] MontyMoose: which version server? [12:41] MontyMoose: could you pastebin your sources.list for us please. [12:42] lsb_release -a [12:42] http://pastebin.com/vyU8ffsz [12:42] ah that's different [12:43] http://www.mcdruid.co.uk/content/installing-apc-on-ubuntu-hardy-and-benchmarking-drupal-6 [12:43] no php-apc in hardy [12:43] as far as i'm aware [12:43] !info php-apc hardy [12:43] Package php-apc does not exist in hardy [12:43] oh I see... [12:43] quite MooDoo [12:43] you need to add it through pecl [12:44] look at the link i sent, it tells you how to do it...quite simple [12:46] I think I found that and tried it earlier - for some reason it still won't work... it says: The following packages have unmet dependencies. [12:46] funnily enough i've just installed xcache on my centos box :) [12:47] it's after libssl-dev and libtool I think - is it worth me getting hold of those? [12:47] if it wants it, you might as well [12:49] this is where I got stuck earlier... I try to install libc6-dev but it won't let me saying: libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.7-10ubuntu3) but 2.9-4ubuntu6 is to be installed [12:56] I'll read through some more forums and stuff - thanks guys. [13:21] hi folks - anyone know if there is a live podcast from the Oggcamp later ? The schedule - http://oggcamp.org/schedule - says there is but not where to listen. [13:28] bgeddy: ubuntu uk podcast usual place then probably === jamesanslow_ is now known as jamesanslow [13:32] StevenR: thanks - I'll check it out later [14:43] hi, can anyone tell me how you can send email from an aliased account in evolution ? [15:17] /server irc.7chan.org === mike is now known as Guest28986 [15:19] Guest28986: don't you mean /connect? [15:24] MooDoo: me owld mucka [15:25] oh that's right, say hi then quit.....pah! [15:25] ;) === denny- is now known as denny [17:10] I realise this is probably the wrong channel, but... is there a way to easily obtain debug symbols for a package which doesn't ordinarily have them? [17:10] (there's no libfreetype6-dbg package, sadly) [17:15] Oooh, disregard that, found them [17:24] linux saves another day === OmNomDeBonBon is now known as RaycisCharles [17:37] * penguin42 yaaaawwwnnns [17:56] can anyone recommend a way of positively identifying a faulty PSU? [17:59] hmm, banshee is importing stuff twice? [18:00] hoi [18:00] evevning HazRPG :) [18:00] * brobostigon is cooking beer curry. [18:00] jamesanslow: try putting it into a different computer and see what happens [18:00] jamesanslow: usually what I do [18:00] brobostigon: hey dude :) [18:00] HazRPG: hows oggcamp? [18:01] beef curry* [18:01] brobostigon: didn't go :( [18:01] HazRPG: :( why? [18:01] brobostigon: couldn't afford the trip down, and got some changes to do on a website before I'll get paid [18:02] HazRPG: ah, i see, ohwell. [18:02] brobostigon: yup sucks :( [18:03] HazRPG: i am happy to a certain point i didnt go, as my eczema hasnt got any better, therefore wouldnt be nice, down there. [18:04] brobostigon: I know what you mean - I'm kind of glad it's got a few C cooler in the last week [18:05] brobostigon: *hugs* [18:06] brobostigon: my uncle gets eczema, so I can understand how much it sucks [18:07] he tends to get it on his hands, and because he's an architect it can be a nightmare for him sometimes when he's doing his CAD stuff [18:07] penguin42: agreed, the worst aboutt he heat, is sweat, i love the sun. but not the heat. [18:07] * brobostigon hugs HazRPG [18:08] brobostigon: Yeh, I've been seeing a derm recently and he said if I actually lived somewhere sunny I'd have much less [18:08] I love the heat, but only if its dry heat... I can't stand humid heat >_< [18:08] HazRPG: i get it everywhere, including places you wouldnt mention. so it is very difficult. [18:08] brobostigon: Yeh, those can be erm uncomfortable [18:09] penguin42: agreed, the sun helps the skin regenaerate. [18:09] brobostigon: ouch, that sucks dude :( [18:09] penguin42: yes, umm, quite. [18:09] HazRPG: Probably the wrong word :-) [18:09] jamesanslow: very, :( [18:09] * penguin42 hands brobostigon the talc [18:09] penguin42: indeed [18:10] * brobostigon thanks penguin42 [18:10] i just messed up the rice to go with my curry, cooked it too much, it has gone mushy. :( [18:11] is there any other open-source stuff happening this year does anyone know? [18:11] I'm sure there's going to be a release party for ubuntu this year which I might attend (will start saving pennies for that!) but is there anything else? [18:18] HazRPG: you can organize Oggcam Cumbria ;) [18:24] jamesanslow: how faulty? [18:25] * brobostigon returns with curry. [18:25] jamesanslow: bad voltages but otherwise bootable... configure lm_sensors, and use it to monitor your +12V line when running cpu and gpu-intensive tests [18:26] my favourite broken PSU are the ones where you can hear them arcing inside and smell the ozone but they just keep on working anyway [18:26] ali1234: "favourite" [18:26] if you smell magic smoke, you've already lost [18:27] ozone smells completely different to magic smoke :) [18:27] yeah, magic smoke stinks [18:27] magic smoke. interesting way of discribing it. [18:28] brobostigon: if you can see/smell the magic smoke, it's broken. therefore the agic smoke is what makes it work - when the smoke escapes, it's dead [18:28] directhex: yes, hmm. [18:29] this is basic IT knowledge. magic smoke is what powers IT components [18:29] i knew aboutt he smoke, and the acring sounds etc, but never discribed like that. [18:30] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_smoke#Joke [18:31] hmm, very weird. [18:32] does 11.04 not show the weather anymore? [18:32] that's really frustrating for a muslim at this time of year (mainly because the weather applet showed the sunset/sunrise times when you hovered over the clock) [18:33] ah, yes, understandable. [18:34] my sister is trying to fast, and she can't figure out when its time to break it :P [18:34] HazRPG: may i suggest the bbc weather site, it has said figures. [18:35] brobostigon: she prefers just being able to have it on her desktop, buts alright think I've found something to fix that [18:35] "sudo apt-get install indicator-weather" :) [18:35] lets see what happens [18:35] ssh [18:35] oops [18:36] :) [18:40] apparently google lies... [18:40] using google as the data source on that weather applet seems to think sunset is at 6pm... but its still light out... [18:41] yahoo seems to be accurate though :) [18:41] (also google seems to think its 17॰C) [18:42] see this is the reason I hate 11.04 for anyone who's interested (too many inconsistencies): http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html [18:42] one shouldn't have to go through that massive list just to "fix" things [18:42] * brobostigon decided to foboff the doortodoor slaes man that just came to his door, as brobostigon didnt want to talk. [18:42] brobostigon: ^_^ [18:43] I dislike door-to-door sales people :/ [18:43] if I wanted to buy stuff, I'd go and seek out said people [18:43] i fobbed him off, by saying having to be here is more importent than talking to him. [18:43] brobostigon: :) [18:43] :) [18:44] If I wanted to buy something Google would tell me [18:44] I tend to just say "I'm sorry, I'm in a conference" - which isn't always a lie... since I'm always logged into mumble XD [18:44] penguin42: my point exactly ^_^ [18:45] penguin42: I've been tempted to put a sign on my front door saying "I don't need a sales person selling me things, I use Google & the internet for said tasks... thank you all the same." [18:45] HazRPG: i said, i am sorry, i have a work meeting soon. [18:46] Also been tempted to write "I'm muslim, so please don't tell me which religion I should be..." also, however the area I live in... that could get messy... [18:47] i tend to also keep a copy of darwins origin of species for certain occasions. [18:47] next to the front door. [18:47] I love how religious types if you tell them any type of Christian then they try to convert you, but if you say Muslim, Buddist, etc they seem to just walk away... [18:47] brobostigon: Indexed by subject? [18:48] brobostigon: what's the weather, applets and such like on gnome3 like btw? [18:48] penguin42: partly. [18:49] partly cloudy? :P [18:49] MartijnVdS: :P [18:49] there is an experimental one, that is within the calandar thingie. [18:50] HazRPG: there is an experimental one, that is within the calandar thingie. [18:53] brobostigon: cool :) [18:54] HazRPG: i have seen pictures, not tried it. [18:54] I still can't believe there's like 3 pages or more of "fixes" just to get unity to behave itself [18:55] apparently LibreOffice doesn't use the global menu bar [18:56] and apparently some deb files shows up as being "...of bad quality" [18:57] HazRPG: in which case, by that theory, it would show all deb's here in debian unstable, as being "risky" [18:58] HazRPG: I just disable global menus entirely [18:58] MartijnVdS: I'm thinking of doing that on my sister's machine [18:58] I do that on every machine I get my hands on [18:58] she's really bummed out about the close/min/max buttons too [18:59] HazRPG: gnome-shell's resonaing for changing that, ashould be significntly more logical. [19:00] croprody, cant go, too expensive. [19:00] brobostigon: hmm? I remember ubuntu saying that it was because they were going to use the right-hand side for other tasks... which I was actually looking forward to, but still haven't done yet :( [19:01] they are going to use the space for windicators [19:01] HazRPG: yes, i remember that being said also. [19:01] in other words, the stuff that they removed from the tray unnecessarily [19:01] ali1234: Mark said that back in 2010 though... [19:01] well they moved the buttons in 2010 as well... [19:02] well yeah... but still nothing has come of that is what I mean ^_^ [19:03] mind, there is no one i would want to watch a croprody his year, that even if, i was in good health, [19:04] * brobostigon aplied for the oxfordshire autism alert card this afternoon. [19:04] applied* [19:04] what's that? [19:05] penguin42: http://autismoxford.org.uk/index.php/alert-card [19:07] ah ok [19:18] hmm, what's croprody? [19:19] HazRPG: it is a music festival held in croprody, by fairport convention. [19:19] ah cool [19:19] this weekend. [19:38] * MartijnVdS has La Trappe Tripel [19:39] * brobostigon has franziskaner. [19:40] Which one? [19:40] Weissbier? [19:41] hefewezien, yes. [19:41] hefeweizen* [19:41] Oooh, nice. [19:41] MartijnVdS: helles, not dunkel. [19:42] I'm actually waiting for my brothers for finish another brew [19:42] they do 40l batches of all kinds of beers [19:42] long shot but any of you -uk guys have a wife/partner (or yourself) who is up on shoe shops in London [19:42] (womens shoes) [19:43] MartijnVdS: cool, sounds good, :) [19:43] ikonia: try @ladychatterley on twitter -- she knows (being http://nerinapallot.com/ :) [19:43] ikonia: and yes, she responds to "the people" :) [19:43] MartijnVdS: I can't use twitter.....as the surprise will be ruined [19:43] ikonia: good point [19:44] I know what I need but I've forgot the name of the specific shop [19:44] As I don't have a gf/wife, AND I'm in London only once (maybe twice) a year, I can't help you [19:44] MartijnVdS: it's a total long shot [19:45] ikonia: most London Ubuntu people will be at Oggcamp, or getting drunk afterwards [19:47] MartijnVdS: true [19:48] * penguin42 suspects that's not an exclusive or [19:48] penguin42: no, then I'd have said "xor" :) === toast is now known as tmce [19:52] Hello all. [19:52] \o DanielRM [19:52] hello DanielRM :) [19:53] DanielRM: an expeiment of mine, taylorworld.me.uk/ircstats.html stats for ##politics-uk [19:54] brobostigon, so I saw. :-) [19:54] :) [19:56] How is everyone? [19:57] DanielRM: 3.5/10, and my eczema isnt good, and you? [19:58] I'm fine thanks. [19:58] :) [19:59] Long day at work, but then it wouldn't be work if it wasn't. :P [19:59] * brobostigon gets DanielRM a cold beer. [20:00] A hot tea would be more appropriate for me. ;-) [20:00] what kind of tea? [20:01] Earl Grey, milk, three sugars. :P [20:01] Um. Please. [20:01] earl grey... with milk? [20:01] * brobostigon puts the ketle on, and washes the tea pot out. [20:02] * brobostigon puts loose tea in pot, and poours water over. [20:02] ali1234, yes. Tastes lovely. [20:02] brobostigon: same here [20:02] * brobostigon gives the pot to DanielRM, with mug and a jugs of milk and sugar. [20:03] i can drink tea with milk, or with sugar. but both is just horrlbe [20:03] * brobostigon puts the kettle on again for MartijnVdS [20:03] I can, but I prefer "straight" tea without additives [20:03] I like my tea quite sweet and light usually; I get most of the flavour through the smell anyway. [20:04] well, green tea + lemon grass + lemon skin = win [20:04] DanielRM: you'll love the green tea they sell in my local tea specialty store :) [20:04] * brobostigon pours water over tea, in pot for MartijnVdS, hands him the pot, a cup. [20:04] DanielRM: it's sweet & smells good without adding sugar [20:04] MartijnVdS, no, I have to stop you there. Green tea has to be plain, it's perfect as it is. [20:04] * brobostigon gets both DanielRM and MartijnVdS loose tea sieves. [20:05] mmmm green tea :) [20:06] I have some mint growing here as well [20:06] fresh mint++ [20:06] the way the Japanese make it is fab :) [20:06] ooo mint tea! [20:06] mint tea = good for sore stomach :) [20:07] I'm going to sleep.. need to leave for the airport (Riga!) in 12 hours [20:07] * brobostigon has sweet tea, to compensate for having no milk, to sweeten. [20:07] nos da MartijnVdS, sleep well. [20:08] MartijnVdS: night dude :) [20:08] MartijnVdS: sweet dreams [20:08] yapceurope.lv :) [20:08] if anyone wants to come along ;) [20:09] MartijnVdS, sleep well. [20:11] directhex: I talked to a friend and it seems OK. I think the problem may have been related to a faulty PCI card which may have been causing a power surge or spike on the mainboard. === webpigeon is now known as Guest3370 [21:41] good night everyone. sleep well. === LjL is now known as anyone === anyone is now known as LjL [23:06] Hey all what is the command needed to list all raw block devices and their capacity? [23:06] unmounted block devices [23:10] cat /proc/partitions is easiest [23:10] udisks --dump however will give you an infinite amount of information about each device [23:11] thankyou [23:27] Evening [23:27] strange, proc/partitions showed the partition as 2.4tb but when i created the partition it was only 500gb [23:28] ? That's a bit of a difference! [23:28] just a little [23:29] but I know the latter is right because there is only a 1tb in the server at the moment [23:30] pastebin your /proc/partitions? [23:31] anyone got a CentOS/RHEL 5.x box kicking around they can check a version of something for me? [23:33] never mind [23:45] hmm [23:45] okay, got another 11.04 question for you all [23:46] sis has managed to break it like 5 times today already [23:46] when I questioned her about it just now after I heard her machine restart for the 5th time... she said "The stupid thing won't let me drag music from a folder to banshee"... I was like o.O [23:47] apparently she tried to do the same thing to MusicBrainz Picard too [23:47] what she was doing, was treating the unity bar as if it was a window list/taskbar [23:47] does the not like you dragging things to it? [23:47] the unity bar* [23:48] <= numpty, obviously everyone is doing oggcamp stuff...