
aaasFrekk: yeah if its from debian theres less of a chance it would work00:00
ke1hastuffed-crust: Binary examples, Image Files, Vid Files, .doc .xls .pdf etc etc are binary type files.00:00
aaasFrekk: but you said you compiled from source?00:00
Frekkaaas: IIRC the compiled from source-try did not do anything (it just failed)00:00
ASKidwaidoes anybody know how to remove  password from rar?00:00
ke1haTYDIRocks: You can't if Ubuntu isn't picking yup your GPU card without the restricted Drivers installed.00:00
aaasFrekk: so you downloaded00:00
TYDIRocksoh ok00:00
aaasFrekk: tar xfvz on the file00:01
Frekkaaas: the .deb showed up when i ran the lsmod, but the same as the source apart from that00:01
aaasFrekk: the instructions say sudo on each of the commands make, etc00:01
bazhangASKidwai, crack password? no00:01
Frekkaaas: correct.00:01
aaasFrekk: I would purge that deb00:01
ke1haTYDIRocks: Look in System >> Prefrences or Administracfiont (can't rememebr which ) and look for rhardware drivers  / restricted drivers.00:01
aaasFrekk: do sudo dpkg -e and the name of the file00:01
bazhangke1ha, admin---> additional drivers00:01
aaasfrekk: or at least the start of the name rt2860_soruce00:02
TYDIRocks"Additional drivers?"00:02
ke1haTYDIRocks: System >> Admin >> Additoinal Drivers  ...., tnx bazhang00:02
Frekkaaas: ehm, I follow your directions to fast.. It's already purged00:02
aaasFrekk: cool00:02
ke1haor Restricted Drivers00:02
aaasFrekk: compiles is going fine on my system at the moment.. I would follow those instructions you gave me again, and dont mess with the deb00:03
TYDIRocksNo proprietary drivers are in use00:03
aaasFrekk: did you edit the config.mk file?00:03
Frekkaaas: yes, i did (the wpa-changes)00:03
TyrantI keep trying to install drivers for my AE1000 linksys wireless USB and whenever I plug it in, every command I try to run freezes00:03
Frekkaaas: I folloed the directions exactly as in the ubuntuforum-thread00:04
ke1haTYDIRocks: Does it list any drivers that are avaiable?00:04
aaasFrekk: do 'make clean' in that directory00:04
w30bazhang, and you have to enable restricted in your repos00:04
TYDIRocksNo, the list is empty00:04
aaasFrekk: does it give you a permission error?00:04
aaasFrekk: no sudo00:04
bazhangw30, not me tab miscomplete perhaps00:04
TyrantWHenever I plug it in and run iwconfig or ifconfig both freeze until I unplug the wireless usb00:04
Frekkaaas: yes, I recall it did00:04
ke1haTYDIRocks: Ok, well that's about all I can suggest I'm affraid, as Im not an ATI Guru ...00:04
Frekkaaas: I thought I was suppose to run it with sudo00:04
w30bazhang, opps, sorry00:05
ke1haFrekk: when ya install is whan you gotta use sudo00:05
aaasFrekk: only the install part00:05
TYDIRocksAlright thanks anyways00:05
aaasFrekk: the instructions are a bit to agressive00:05
aaasFrekk: try jsut 'make install' in that directory00:05
LlynixI have a ubuntu machine that keeps mounting read only.  running fsck recovers the journal and shows an orphaned inode but it continuously corrupts again and again.  More info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1114606900:05
aaasFrekk: does it give you a permissions error if you do00:05
aaasFrekk: im just curious00:05
ke1hajust do make clean && make && sudo make install00:06
aaasFrekk: after that do 'sudo make clean'00:06
aaasFrekk sorry i meant 'make clean'00:06
aaasthese all should be make clean00:06
w30 00:06
aaasFrekk sorry00:06
dr_willisLlynix,  monitor dmesg output. it could be a failing hard drive.00:07
aaasFrekk: so 'make clean' , ( does it have a permisisons error), then 'sudo make clean'00:07
aaasFrekk: then 'more ./os/linux/config.mk | grep SUPPLICANT00:07
ke1habazhang: yuo know anythign about ATI graphic in a Virtualbox Ubuntu Guest install00:07
dr_willisLlynix,  i would guess it is a hd that is failing.. they seem the weakest link these days.00:07
Llynixdr_willis: what would a line look like?  I can't see anything in there pertaining to the hard drive00:08
dr_williske1ha,  in a vbox setup the guest os sees the vbox video card. not an ati card.00:08
Frekkaaas: ok, I started over again. The archive is extracted, now i enter it and 'make install' then 'make clean' and tell you if I got an permission error. Have I got it right?00:08
bazhangke1ha, there is none00:08
dr_willisLlynix,  io error,  'remounting read only' or somthing similer.00:08
Llynixdr_willis: I also tried western digital's drive tools and it checked fine.  brand new hard drive.. was actually a replacement for a shoddy one.00:08
aaasFrekk: you extracted the file again00:08
dr_willisLlynix,  if you can get an idea where the bad part of the HD is at.. you could repartition and put the bad part in its own parittion then not use it.00:08
ke1hadr_willis: bazhang Ahh Ok, TNX00:09
Llynixdr_willis:  any idea how I would confirm it was bad?00:09
aaasFrekk: if so then do your edits00:09
flechaI am developing an App Indicator for Unity. How do I make it binded to a hotkey?00:09
dr_willisLlynix,  that is weird. but not unheard of..   mostof these HD makers have tools (windows only) to do very through tests on the hds.00:09
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aaasFrekk: on config.mk and cmm_wpa.c00:09
Frekkaaas: ok, the wpa-ones. got it00:09
Llynixdr_willis: western digital seemed to offer a bootable CD that went to Dos and ran a custom program.. all tests were fine00:09
dr_willisLlynix,  ive gone through more hd;'s then i have any other pc part in the last few years.00:09
aaasFrekk: remember there are 3 edits total00:10
aaasFrekk: two  of the WPA and one of the CIPHER_NOTUSE00:10
dr_willisLlynix,  but how through were the tests?  ive  seen some testes that take several hours to run.. and some that take just a few sec.00:10
Frekkaaas: roger, doing them now00:10
ke1haYeah, go to gate, open gate, go through gate, close gate, run run run :-)00:10
Llynixdr_willis: one took 15 mins one took around 2-3 hours00:10
Llynixdr_willis:  if you can suggest anything else..  I have a full backup of the home directory and have already rebuilt the software once... can try again..00:11
ke1haLlynix: is this the ext4 err problem?00:12
Llynixke1ha: yes00:12
dr_willisLlynix,  i had a seagate tool/test of a 1tb hd.. took like a week. :)00:12
arnettei have a watch can i install ubuntu on it so it boots00:12
Llynixdr_willis: this is only 80 gigs00:12
ke1haLlynix: I've been googling on that one, not found any real solutions.00:12
dr_willisLlynix,  but then the hd started working right.. after the test beat it in to submission i guess..00:12
arnetteit is a usb watch00:12
dr_willisLlynix,  80gb? how old is that thing?00:12
Llynixdr_willis: I bought the smallest new brand name drive I could find00:13
NbIrcWhere in IRC is Thunderbird setup advice? Tried & failed to get on irc.mozilla.org00:13
afederThe Ubuntu icon for quick access to the dash no longer appears in the bar in the top of my screen. What might have caused this?00:13
dr_willisseems like a waste of $$ really. :) given the cost/gb. never even knew you could get new  drives that small.00:13
ke1haLlynix: I know I wanted some 40GB drives nto to long ago, no dise all 100GB +00:13
Llynixdr_willis: it was an incredible waste of money..  but I wanted to get the kiddos computer fixed quickly00:13
dr_willisafeder,  ive seen that button vanish but still work...00:14
dr_willisafeder,  like it was invisible.. or is it not working.00:14
afederdr_willis: in my case it is not present at all00:14
Frekkaaas: on question regarding the instructions..00:14
Frekkaaas: Use the find command to locate MIX_CIPHER_NOTUSE. Replace the entire line (keep on one line) with this code: […] <-- shall I also replace the 'WPA_MIX_PAIR_CIPHER' which is on the same line?00:14
ASKidwaizahbang: thanks anyways00:15
Frekkaaas: step 400:15
LlynixI think I found the dmesg line.. but this was all there was: [   10.759179] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro00:15
aaasFrekk: one sec let me see00:15
g0thcan someone in here explain me how phonon and pulse audio works?00:16
g0thsuddenly all my hardware devices are gone and I cannot get them back?00:16
edbiang0th: Like, they were stolen?00:16
dr_willisLlynix,  thats a normal line i belive..  when you find the HD gettting remounted read only, check dmesg again and there should be some error messages going on.00:16
g0thkind of ^^00:16
g0thI switched the settings to digital00:16
g0ththen I realized that my audio was not working anymore00:17
g0thso I opened it again and switched back00:17
g0thbut there was no more "hardware" device00:17
g0thjust a dummy device00:17
g0ththen I went to phonon system settings00:17
g0thand reset everything00:17
fbsddwm doesn't work with me in ubuntu00:17
g0thnow there is not even an "internal audio" or "audio adapter" listed00:17
g0thjust "independant device"00:18
ke1hawhat is dwm ?00:18
g0thI have no idea what those two mean anyway00:18
g0ththe whole audio thing in kde/phonon/pulse is not understandable at all00:18
afederThe Ubuntu icon for quick access to the dash is no longer present in the top-left corner of my screen. How can I get it back?00:18
aaasFrekk: yeah basically they're just saying replace the 'mix_cipher_notuse" with "wpa_tkipaes_wpa2_tkipaes"00:18
bazhangg0th, #kubuntu is already helping you, please do NOT crosspost here00:18
aaasFrekk: just do that00:18
Frekkaaas: ok :)00:19
aaasFrekk: my spelling may be wrong00:19
fbsdke1ha, dinamic window manager00:19
ke1haLOL sri, Yes, I figured that out as soon as I hit enter fbsd00:19
dr_willisafeder,  theres always the  use as last resort commands 'unity --replace' and 'unity --reset' and 'unity --reset-icons'00:20
afederdr_willis: i will try that, thanks00:20
g0thbazhang: I switched to here because nobody was helping me there, but ok I try again00:20
fbsdwhy dwm doesn't work in ubuntu?00:21
Frekkaaas: done, just copy-pasted from the tut. I have now made the changes to config.mk and cmm_wpa.c - that's two files, I think you mentioned three files?00:21
Llynixdmesg seems devoid of any messages..00:21
dr_willisfbsd,  could be you have to configure it.00:21
szalfbsd: define 'doesn't work'00:21
Frekkaaas: what's the third?00:21
aaasFrekk: three changes, but two files00:21
fbsdszal, doesn't start ...00:21
aaasfrekk: now go back to the parent 2010 dir00:21
* Frekk is proceeding00:22
fbsddr_willis, but i give no error00:22
aaasfrekk: and just type 'make' (no sudo)00:22
Frekkaaas: ok00:22
Llynixdr_willis: ke1ha did I miss anything?  I disconnected after I said it was read only now00:22
ke1haLlynix: maybe from dr_willis bu nto me, I've not found a root cause for this one yet.00:23
dr_willisLlynix,  normally i see some info/messages about mine gettting a read/write error and remounting read only.. and a block # or some other info in dmesg output.00:23
dr_willisfbsd,  when in doubt. start it from .xinitrc via startx after disabling GDM and look for error messages.00:23
aaasFrekk: same error?00:23
dr_willisfbsd,  could be the maintainder dident set up  a dwm.desktop for gdm to use thats correct.00:24
ke1hatest sat00:24
dr_willisTest Phailed?00:24
Frekkaaas: not sure yet. Also, I don't think the error came before 'sudo make install' last time00:24
Frekkaaas: my eee just need a minute to think this through, and I will post the output til pastebin00:25
aaasFrekk: it shouldnt happen during the install part, that is just copying files00:25
aaasFrekk: sure00:25
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Frekkyeah, I might be wrong. (never leave that out of the picture, please, then we're doomed)00:26
aaasFrekk: ha00:26
eightbitswhat next00:26
fbsddr_willis, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ky0PGC9s00:26
JusticeZeroMy 10.04 netbook is getting unstable, and now I can't use the mouse in DOSbox.00:27
dr_willisfbsd,  so? means very little to me..  all its doing is running 'dwm'   You could make your own that runs 'xterm & then exec dwm' and perhaps get some error messages00:27
Frekkaaas: http://pastebin.com/1VdGKJXq00:27
JusticeZeroI would really like my dosbox mouse support back, as I have no internet at home and thus have really nothing to do besides playing the games on it...00:28
dr_willisfbsd,  or make one that just does a 'exec xterm' then run dwm in it and look for error messages00:28
aaasFrekk: looks better00:28
aaasFrekk: well assuming the error wasn't on the install part00:29
dr_willisJusticeZero,  clarify to the channel what 'getting unstable' means...00:29
aaasFrekk: ok do 'sudo make install'00:29
* Wipster hmm00:29
ke1haaaas: Frekk agree, +1 on looks more normal.00:29
* Wipster .00:29
JusticeZeroI have a large number of updates that it simply refuses to install. They fail every time. (Not that I can update much right now..)00:29
Frekkke1ha: good. I'm excited about the make install now00:29
ke1haFrekk: Get excited when you have WiFI :-)00:30
crackerjackzwhat can i use besides adobe flash for firefox / operea00:30
ke1haJusticeZero: by fail, what do you mean, what is the actualy error message recieved and how are you doing the updates?00:31
aaascrackerjackz: to play? nothing?00:31
ke1hacrackerjackz: Chrome or Chromium00:31
edbianaaas: crackerjackz There are a couple open source flash players.00:31
bazhangcrackerjackz, nothing replaces flash at this point in time, unless you refer to html5 of youtube00:31
crackerjackzaaas, so for websites that use flash00:31
edbiancrackerjackz: They do not compare to flash really00:31
JusticeZeroUbuntu update manager, or sudo apt-get. "failed to retrieve blah/blah/blah.blah from server"00:32
Frekkaaas: this looks ok, doesn't it? http://pastebin.com/VmWGPZ3H00:32
crackerjackzi wish flash would just die i hate flash00:32
aaasFrekk: yep00:32
edbiancrackerjackz: gnash is one00:32
crackerjackzor at the very least i wish adobe would give us *nix users better support00:32
Frekkaaas: :D00:32
edbiancrackerjackz: we all wish that00:32
tabakhase10.04 also dosnt boot...00:32
ke1haJusticeZero: ok, it's those error mesages the folks here are going to need to try and diagnose what the issue is.00:32
crackerjackzedbian, i have gnash but it says im missing plugins when i go to http://stickam.com00:32
bazhangcrackerjackz, talk to them, its not an ubuntu issue00:32
aaasFrekk: ok, reboot and do an 'lsmod | grep rt'00:32
edbiancrackerjackz: yeah gnash is often not recognized / doesn't work correctly.00:32
bazhangcrackerjackz, get rid of gnash00:32
aaasfrekk: and a 'ifconfig -a00:33
edbiancrackerjackz: As I said before, it is nothing compared to flash00:33
aaasfrekk: we'll check first before going further00:33
crackerjackzis there anything other than gnash?00:33
edbianbazhang: why?  it' snot dangerous or anything00:33
skegeekAnyone experienced with VHCS or SysCP/WebCP administrating web server using external DNS and Mail services?00:33
Frekkaaas: ok! (shit, why didn't I start this irssi session in screen???)00:33
bazhangcrackerjackz, dont use gnash with flash or the swf player00:33
edbiancrackerjackz: I think there is one other.  I can't remember now.  It's the same as or worse than gnash though00:33
Frekkok, brb00:33
bazhangFrekk, no cursing please00:33
dr_willisFrekk,  znc is a handy tool to use with irssi, or other irc clients also..00:33
ke1hacrackerjackz: Libre00:34
Frekkbazhang:oh, I'M SO SURRY00:34
bazhangedbian, not dangerous, just basically worthless00:34
Frekk*sorry - didnt mean to use caps :P00:34
ke1hacrackerjackz: SRI, posted in error.00:34
evoluhello, firs time using a linux os here o/00:34
Frekkanyway, brb00:34
edbianbazhang: ha, yes agreed00:34
edbiancrackerjackz: html5 will take over00:34
bazhangedbian, seems to interfere with flash00:34
JusticeZeroUnfortunately I do not have the errors; I have to do an update to do that; I am at a mcdeonalds with half a battery right now and the recommended update is quite large.00:34
edbianbazhang: :)00:34
ke1hathat's why I said chrome / chromium00:35
ke1hahtml5 is much better00:35
evoluguys: I have 30GB space at the end of a HDD for trisquel but no idea how i should form partitions for it to allow it to install00:35
urlin2uevolu, welcome to the free side. ;)00:35
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bazhangevolu, what is trisquel00:35
evoluthankyou :)00:35
evolulinux os based on ubuntu00:36
bazhangevolu, find their support forums then, it's not supported here00:36
ke1habazhang: Trisquel is a fully free operating system based in GNU/Linux, for home users, small enterprises and educational centers.00:36
bazhangke1ha, thanks00:36
dr_willisevolu,  most need a / partition  thats about it.. same for most every disrto out..  and a swap partition.00:36
bazhang!partition | evolu00:36
ubottuevolu: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:36
ke1habazhang: Was from some web-site, only wich I was that smart :-)00:36
evoluagh, I'll scour their forums once more00:37
bazhangevolu, /msg alis list *trisquel* and see if they have something on freenode00:37
Llynixdr_willis: ke1ha thank you for your help and support..  I'm trying an advanced drive fitness test from hitachi now that I found googling.  still lost as to why there are no errors except the ones about it mounting read-only...  (no write errors or anything before that..)00:37
ke1haLooks allot like Lubuntu though.00:37
evoluwill do thanks00:37
Frekkaaas: http://pastebin.com/rB6tq7Jw :(00:38
ke1haFrekk: pastebin the whole lsmod without the grep00:38
bazhangevolu, its #trisquel00:38
evoluheh :p00:38
Frekkke1ha: http://pastebin.com/kPCRrNjc ( aaas )00:39
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evolunot awake here, i love you00:39
aaasFrekk: ok dont restart00:39
aaasFrekk: if that module is gone00:39
Frekkaaas: I have restarted..00:39
aaasFrekk: wow that was fast00:40
aaasFrekk: ok cool00:40
aaasFrekk: now that that modules isn't listed let contune the instructions00:40
aaasFrekk: rmmod rt... wont get you anyting00:41
ke1haaaas: at least ya know it's not loading the wrong mod fer sure.00:41
aaasFrekk: you can start after that point... with renaming rt2860sta.ko00:41
Frekkaaas: yep, sure00:41
crackerjackzargghhhh are there any petitions or anything i can sign to kill flash?00:42
JusticeZerorassumfrassum internet..00:42
JusticeZeroW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/apt_0.7.25.3ubuntu9.5_i386.deb  Size mismatch <-- Lots of those00:43
ke1hacrackerjackz: probablt thousands of the folks that have been virus riddled from using flash.00:43
tabakhaselol! he booted  8.04, but nether 9.10, 10.04 or 11.04 worked! ideas what to do now? :D install and then try dist-upgrade up to 11? o.O00:43
JusticeZerosorry, i'm at a mcdonalds and they need a reco9nnect periodicslly.. which is far better than when i'm at home at the moment.00:44
crackerjackzi just think its messed up that i cant use half of the websites i like to use because they use flash00:44
crackerjackzand i refuse to go back to windblows00:44
aaasFrekk: make sure you go into the right directory do a 'uname -a'00:44
szaltabakhase: that'd be one tedious procedure -> 8.04 -> 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.0400:44
aaasFrekk: go into the same /lib/modules/<kernel version> as the 'uname' shows00:44
ke1hacrackerjackz: first get rid of FF, got to Chromium or Chrome,  job doen really.00:45
Frekkaaas: http://pastebin.com/kSeW6Fre00:45
tabakhaseszal everything "after" 8. gets stuck while booting, tryed desktop&alternate00:45
ke1haszal: I did a 10.04 to 11.04 this other night, went real smooth all things considered.00:46
Frekkaaas: also noted your uname-post, and I entered the correct dir00:46
crackerjackzke1ha, i have chromium i also have opera.. opera and chromium seem to work the best with flash but i still cant get the sites working right00:46
JusticeZerothis is just really annoying, the only thing I have to kill time while I wait for the cable to be repaired is to play daggerfall or dungeon master, and now I can't because dosbox is borked on top of the computer being flaky. :p00:46
urlin2ucough nomodeset00:46
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tabakhaseurlin2u welcome back & see above...00:46
aaasFrekK: do a lsmod | grep rt00:47
aaasFrekk: is the module loaded?00:47
szalke1ha: you mean w/o 10.10 in between?  fine if it worked for you, but please refrain from recommending that procedure for it's NOT supported00:47
ke1hacrackerjackz: all I use these days is chromium and whatever Ubuntu does for the plugins is working perfectly on 11.04 .. at least fer the site I go too.00:47
urlin2utabakhase, I see that there is the option of getting in with low graphics, from the install media and the install.00:47
urlin2utabakhase, what is the exact computer model?00:48
crackerjackzke1ha, do you have a webcam?00:48
ke1haszal: No, had to do 10.04 --> 10.10 --> 11.0400:48
Frekkaaas: there is a 'rt2860sta' in the output of lsmod, yes00:48
crackerjackzjust out of curiosity...00:48
aaasFrekk: ok go into your directory where you did your compile00:48
aaasFrekk: and try the modprobe line again00:48
ke1hacrackerjackz: If they do I dont know, I hant have a WC on my D400 here.00:48
JusticeZeroIf I had internet, I could fight with setting up the other desktop so I could get all my files squared away and do a fresh 11.04 install but nooooo...00:48
aaasFrekk: then check with lsmod00:49
tabakhaseurlin2u p5@2x2,6ghz, 3gb ddr2 and radeon ex1800 on a  MSI Neo-F200:49
crackerjackzke1ha, would you see if your cam works with http://stickam.com i'll give you an account to use so that you don't have to sign up00:49
szalJusticeZero: how do you chat here w/o Internet? :o00:49
Frekkaaas: no difference. ( get this line: rt2860sta             765044  0)00:49
crackerjackzit worked a week ago before they updated the website00:49
urlin2utabakhase, is it a home build or a model, give me the model.00:49
ke1hacrackerjackz: I dont have a webcam, if that's what it requires.00:49
aaasFrekk: did that line just appear?00:49
JusticeZeroBy walking down to a mcdonalds. which doesn't have a power cord.00:49
Frekkaaas: it's in the lsmod :)00:50
aaasFrekk: when was rt2860sta appear, just now..was i tthere before?00:50
ke1haFrekk: That's good news :-)00:50
tabakhaseurlin2u if it where not homebuild i would have given u the model =)00:50
JusticeZerobut mcdonalds wireless is pretty close to dialup, speedwise.00:50
crackerjackzke1ha, its cool, thanks anyways though00:50
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Frekkaaas: yes, it was there first time after I ran the modprobe command00:51
aaasFrekk: ok, but not immediately after you started the comptuer, right?>00:51
urlin2utabakhase, I see the msi notation I will look opn the web for the model and unbuntu; oldschool00:51
Frekkand when I entered the source dir and ran the command again, it was still there00:51
Frekkaaas: that is also correct00:51
ke1haFrekk: That didn't happen lst time did it, after modproble that is?00:51
JusticeZeroanyways, it's all like that one, except for one that gave a 500 Internal Server Error instead.00:51
Frekkke1ha: first time after reboot, it did00:51
aaasFrekk: ok, what does 'ifconfig -a' say00:51
Frekkaaas: lo and eth000:52
tabakhaseurlin2u the board itself is quite old old old00:52
aaasFrekk: what does 'sudo rmmod rt2860sta' say00:52
urlin2utabakhase, so are you familiar with using nomodeset for low graphics?00:52
Frekkaaas: it gives no ouput, and there are still no wlan000:53
urlin2utabakhase, I think the xswat ppa has drivers for it.00:53
aaasFrekk: ok check with lsmod is it there still?00:53
ke1haFrekk: just checking, but you do hae the radio enabled ion BIOS or through the KB right?00:53
Frekkaaas: no, it's not00:53
Frekkke1ha: I don't know. The radio?00:54
ke1hathe wireless radio00:54
Frekkke1ha: oh. my. god00:54
Frekkno, I didn't00:54
Frekkfuck me00:54
aaasFrekk: haha00:54
ke1hamaight want to trun it on mate.00:55
FrekkI feel so guilty for you guys now00:55
JusticeZerohonestly at this point getting the mouse working in dosbox is a higher priority as that's the only thing I have the ability to do most of the day while I wait for the wireless to come back online00:55
tabakhaseurlin2u nomodeset never seen, should i give a try using 11.?00:55
Frekkreally sorry about that, thanks a ton for your awesome help00:55
aaasFrekk: well at least you got it working00:55
hack27when you turn ur pc on and u hear no beep00:55
hack27what does that mean?00:55
JusticeZeroand I have no idea how many weeks that is going to take, since apparently the cable got cooked, and i'm in a low albedo neighborhood.00:56
jjb123Hey everyone, I'm having a difficult time getting a cron tab to work correctly. Here's my cron tab: http://pastebin.com/FKXYVi7Y It doesn't seem to be running at all (cron.log never gets updated). I tried pasting that command into the shell directly and it ran as expected. Does anyone have any ideas?00:56
urlin2utabakhase, nomodeset is a option at the gui at the boot of a install media if you get it by tapping the shift key when starting up. Hit f6 if you get the try ubuntu screen ckick nomodeset and boot in. Then if the drivers don't install with the install you will use nomodeset in the grub boot with e for edit .00:57
fbsdsomebody use dwm in ubuntu?00:57
aeon-ltdhack27: then it's fine?... mine doesn't beep00:57
fbsdjust apt-get install dwm doesn't work!!!00:57
aeon-ltdfbsd: heh don't do that00:57
aeon-ltdfbsd: you can't load configs like that, you'll be stuck to defaults00:58
hack27because i be having trouble with "no signal on the monitor"00:58
JusticeZeroIs anyone posessing of any clues on this issue, or am I SOL?00:58
aeon-ltdfbsd: all configurations and changes are done at compile time, you NEED to compile to use it properly00:58
fbsdAeon, fluxbox, openbox, gnome-session all working fine00:58
urlin2utabakhase, with the alternative not working thgough i wonder if your hardware wil work.00:58
fbsdbut dwm not00:58
tabakhaseurlin2u so 11. install media and then "shift while boot + F6 on splash"? F6 is clear but shift?00:59
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llvllatrixHello All. A bit off topic. I was wondering if anyone had any career advice for someone in software. I'm currently developing a career plan.00:59
zRomaynhey there, i'm trying to find a music player that is able to crossfadeout, but not crossfadein. I have tried the following without success: amarok, clementine, exaile, aqualung, audacious, juk, any help would be greatly appreciated. thx.01:00
Jordan_U!ot | llvllatrix01:00
ubottullvllatrix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:00
urlin2utabakhase, the shift tapping at poweron will get you the early try ubuntu gui there hit f6 and choose nomodeset and then boot in01:00
shinsukecan you give me good links for opensource economy, philosophy, community and other important stuff? thanks01:01
tabakhaseill give a try, creating bootstick... brb =)01:01
rwwshinsuke: ask #ubuntu-offtopic01:01
urlin2utabakhase, there are two gui's a early one and a later you want the first one, that has memeory check install try ubuntu....etc01:01
tabakhaseurlin2u should i use desktop or alternate therefore?01:02
zRomaynsorry for double-posting. hey there, i'm trying to find a music player that is able to crossfadeout, but not crossfadein. I have tried the following without success: amarok, clementine, exaile, aqualung, audacious, juk, any help would be greatly appreciated. thx.01:02
urlin2utabakhase, the desktop is best here if it gets you in youmay have to use the nomodeset on the boot to the install to get in again to get the drivers needed for the card, probably if not offered then the xswat ppa, I think01:03
tabakhaseurlin2u k, bootsticking now, ill get back when ive got news...01:04
urlin2utabakhase, I have an old ibm laptop with a radeon card I'm surprised if that is the problem.01:05
JusticeZerosol then. =p01:06
shadowh511hey, can I have help with an easycap card?01:07
_BAM_I'm trying to run Ubuntu 11.04 (32 bit). Any ideas on why ubuntu 11.04 live CD won't work with my Windows 7, i7 860 PC?01:08
douglI am running 10.10 and am having issues connecting to my remote desktop with my mac and local machine01:08
Jordan_U_BAM_: What happens when you try to boot from the CD?01:08
shadowh511hey, can I have help with an easycap card?01:09
_BAM_i get the basic options to try live, then it goes to a purple'ish load screen with 4 or 5 progress circles01:09
douglI am running 10.10 and am having issues connecting to my remote desktop with my mac and local machine... ie Unable to connect to VNC server any suggestions?01:09
_BAM_it cycles those circles for a few minutes then stops01:09
Gentoo64_BAM_- any reason for 32 bit with that cpu?01:10
Jordan_U_BAM_: How long have you waited before giving up?01:10
_BAM_10 minutes01:10
tabakhaseurlin2u my 2 hp books and even the freaky old 1,5ghz samsung one works just fine01:10
_BAM_hmm, i had the disk for 32 bit, i am downloading 64 since 15 minutes ago01:10
urlin2ushadowh511, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149872801:10
pooltablehelp installed mplayer 2???01:10
shadowh511urlin2u: thanks01:11
Jordan_U_BAM_: Try pressing F6 at the screen where you saw "Try Ubuntu" then select nomodeset.01:11
_BAM_will do01:11
urlin2utabakhase, sometimes it is a bit of work to get some working, mine all work no extra drivers need lucky I guess.01:11
shadowh511urlin2u: compile error01:12
urlin2ushadeslayer, no problem, I just found it with google you willl have to figure it out. ;)01:12
sethmcdooglehi, anyone setup webical on  ubuntu 10.04? after every time i restart the computer and fire up a browser to login, it says it hasn't been initialized yet, so i have to redo that each time. any ideas?01:12
urlin2ushadow511,  no problem, I just found it with google you willl have to figure it out. ;)01:13
tabakhaseurlin2u hp550 just said "uh, btw if you want your wireless to work klick "here" two times, thanks"01:13
shadowh511urlin2u: cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wframe-larger-than=8192"01:13
urlin2utabakhase, are you in?01:13
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tabakhaseurlin2u stick done, but not jet booted, preapring food atm ;-)01:14
urlin2ushadow511, I have no clue in this area with the usb tool.01:14
urlin2utabakhase, got some porkloinds heating the pan now myself. ;)01:15
tabakhaseneed to get the ugly meat out of the noodlesalad ;-)01:15
donotimproveubuntu keeps crashing on me. could it be because i've been using the sysrq key combination to reboot it a lot?01:18
donotimprovei was doing that due to like hard drive crashes. but now it like crashes immediately and it is not the hardware01:18
Gentoo64donotimprove- no it should check disks on boot01:18
donotimproveit checks disks and finds nothing wrong. but then it crashes.01:19
donotimprovethe crashes are coming sooner and sooner.01:19
donotimproveand windows vista run from the same drive does not seem to be crashing.01:19
sethmcdooglevista runs? ;)01:20
donotimproveubuntu always does. and it refuses to reboot. you have to poweroff and cold boot.01:20
donotimprovevista runs. so the drive does not need to be reseated then?01:20
Gentoo64when things are crashing try running dmesg a few times see if anything pops up01:20
donotimprovei was about to do that.01:20
Jordan_Udonotimprove: Have you run fsck? Have you checked the SMART data? Can you try sshing in from another machine when it crashes and pastebin the output of "dmesg"?01:21
donotimprovei have checked the smart data, and the temperature is notably high01:21
douglon my 10.10 configuration when I set up remote desktop I do not have access to my ip # it only says localhost and still cannot connect with vncviewer - any suggestions?01:21
tabakhaseurlin2u "nothing happens" nether shift nore F6, am i doing it wrong?01:21
sethmcdoogleyou could also boot from cd and check the logs dir, if you arent able to ssh/dmesg01:22
etenevthe freenode nickserv is fked up01:22
etenevnot receiving reg email01:22
urlin2utabakhase, you just need the shift or any key I believe for the first gui do you get that, the f6 isa used there.01:22
Akuma_sI need advice please01:22
szaletenev: any complaints about Freenode services to #freenode please01:23
froqAkuma_s, on what?01:23
Akuma_sUbuntu won't start after a power cut...01:23
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urlin2utabakhase, that first gui is a couple of seconds after powering on.01:23
Akuma_sThe graphic systems its ok, but when I try to login, nothing happen01:23
tabakhaseurlin2u edited bootcommand with tab! now seeing dots traveling \o/01:23
szalAkuma_s: start a live CD and fsck all filesystems01:23
Akuma_sszal, great, thanks01:24
Akuma_sszal, I will start from there01:24
urlin2uAkuma, do you get a grub menu?01:24
urlin2uAkuma_s, do you get a grub menu?01:25
JakeR003I QUITE.. i'm CARRYING MY BAGS! cya..01:25
JakeR003nope! don't stop me!01:25
JakeR003no! nooo! no!01:25
donotimprovedo you who answered my question have anything to say about how you have to cold boot? if you do a simple reboot it says no internal drive detected, reseat drive.01:25
Akuma_syes urlin2u01:25
urlin2uohhh a rage quit JakeR00301:26
donotimproveafter ubuntu crashes01:26
donotimproveand you sysrq01:26
Akuma_sAlso text mode is ok urlin2u01:26
urlin2uAkuma_s, the fsck suggested may work but you can try the recovery boot01:26
tabakhaseurlin2u im booted. nomodeset worked that far.... normal that im now getting the "old gnome"?01:26
tabakhase(instead of launcher)01:26
ke1hareal rage quit's only happened in the 1.x.x Kernel days :-)01:26
JakeR003if i have a portable application which need to be run from terminal. how do i make a shortcut for it to the desktop?01:27
JakeR003so 1 click will start it01:27
urlin2utabakhase, the classic desktop, that is okay, unity needs the drives to get to 2d at the least.01:27
bazhangJakeR003, what application01:27
Akuma_sok urlin2u01:27
JakeR003let's say portable browser01:27
urlin2utabakhase, if you get installed you may need the nomodeset inserted in the kernel line at the grub menu to get in the install to get the drivers.01:28
urlin2uke1ha, lol01:29
Jordan_Uurlin2u: If nomodeset is used at the LiveCD boot menu it is automatically copied to the installed system by Ubiquity.01:29
urlin2uJordan_U, far out man. ;)01:29
tabakhaseurlin2u could i access grub after boot or must i do it before shutdown the livesystem?01:29
tabakhasecopyd? great so menocare01:30
urlin2utabakhase, it is suggested it may be set in but you would not do it that way.01:30
andai1Let's say I wanna wipe this hard drive clean, and start again. Let's also say I want to be able to restore it in case I mess up ( disk image ) but I also want to be able to access all these files from the new OS in case everything goes well ( normal copy/paste ). And let's say I don't have enough disk space for both a disk image and a copy/paste. Then what?01:30
bazhangandai1, use a seperate home?01:30
Jordan_Uandai1: Make a disk image and loop mount it to access the files.01:30
urlin2utabakhase, if you install and get a black screen on reboot you would insert it in the grub menu, real easy.01:30
andai1bazhang: Jordan_U: Ya got me. I'm talking about Windows XP :P01:31
andai1I came here cause ##windows is dead and you guys are smart and this is kinda urgent. Forgive me01:31
andai1anywho i do have an ubuntu install i can boot to do anything you guys suggest :D01:31
bazhangandai1, then be patient, please , this is ubuntu support only01:31
Jordan_Uandai1: You can loop mount an ntfs image (as long as it's a bit for bit dump of the entire disk or partition) from within Ubuntu.01:31
andai1cool :)01:32
sethmcdoogleandai1 got an external drive? could use clonezilla to make an image easily enough and write it to external storage01:32
sethmcdooglethough im not sure about mounting a partimage done with that tool01:32
andai1Related question, is there a way to mount writable disk images in Windows? i.e. so i don't have to boot Ubuntu to access my Windows-specific files01:33
andai1i googled it I only get ISO related stuff01:33
Jordan_Uandai1: That is outside the scope of #ubuntu.01:33
andai1sethmcdoogle: I got two external drives, but the one with enough space is FAT3201:33
sethmcdooglentfs-3g you can mount an ntfs partition directly?01:33
ke1haandai1: The just use it, then copy it where ya need too, botu Win an UB deals with FAT3201:34
andai1sethmcdoogle: That's kinda the only thing stopping me from copying everything or making a disk image, the 4gb file limit01:34
spike1I use 2 hard drives one for Ubuntu and one for xp, loving Ubuntu and using xp less and less.01:34
urlin2uandai1, can you shrink the external partition , put a ntfs in big enough for your files?01:34
sethmcdoogledoes it have to remain fat32? you could try convert driveletter: /fs:ntfs    in windows?01:35
hendrixmarhello people01:35
ke1haTake the plung, just do it, you'll be allot happier in the ling run !! :-)01:35
spike1Tried Mint  but kept coming back to Ubuntu, I think its better.01:36
ke1ha+1 on UB01:36
hendrixmari have a question, what version of ubuntu is recomendable use now? 10.04 lts or the most actual 11.04?01:36
sethmcdoogledo you want long term support or "bleeding edge"?01:36
ke1haNot to mention, Ubuntu support is probably the best of any free distro.01:36
spike1Im on 11.04 no probs love it01:36
colzanihi all, i have a ubuntu 10.04 with broadcom 4312, and i try to install sta modules. The sta modules work fine, but the problem is a network manager01:36
sethmcdooglei'd recommend LTS releases01:36
ke1ha11.04 here, like it allot but my servers on 10.04 LTS01:37
hendrixmarohh thanks an colzain01:37
andai1sleep time, cya01:37
hendrixmardesactive your wlan01:37
hendrixmarthan active again01:38
colzanii have conection, but network manager dont start, when i restart network manager the applet show me red exclamation01:38
hendrixmarbut is manually search a boton in the lap top to reset them01:38
colzanithe module b43 freeze my notebook, and i try sta01:39
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colzanimy friend have a dell with the same broadcom, and use a sta driver and network manager work fine01:42
marco_Unity is awsome. Much better than gnome shell. Please, don't remove unity when gnome 3 comes to ubuntu01:46
* KM0201 chuckles01:47
tabakhaseunity is nice, but not perfect...01:51
tabakhaseminsing some space for icons and a greater way to go to settings01:51
KM0201tabakhase: unfortunately, the language i use to describe unity will get me banned.. :)01:52
tabakhasei mean if you may just need 5 apps in complete its awesome01:52
tabakhasebut eg. wine fails totaly managing windows....01:53
tabakhaseand something jsut killed my local dns...01:56
tabakhaselocal = my router01:56
jwashhi, what is the worst way to break an Ubuntu installation?01:57
rwwjwash: we don't give dangerous commands here01:57
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linuxuz3ryo super802:06
super8I need some help configuring nvidia02:06
Cosmichi all02:06
super8on samsung rc51002:06
linuxuz3rhi Cosmic02:06
JakeR003will abusing linux slow it down? installing/uninstall.. again installing same things02:06
super8http://pastebin.com/3s7n0FjM is my hw config02:06
JakeR003in windows the registry become too big & it slows the windows02:07
super8super8@rc510:~$ uname -a02:07
super8Linux rc510 2.6.38-10-generic-pae #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 16:54:49 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux02:07
super8i lost ubuntuone after installing restricted drivers02:07
Gateway`hello everybody, can somebody tell me how I can permit ip forwarding with shorewall ?02:07
super8but X still works after a reboot02:08
th0rJakeR003: abusing linux won't slow it down, but it may leave it bruised and bloddy02:08
super8Hi linuxz3r02:08
JakeR003it means what? it will give me troubles?02:08
linuxuz3rsuper8 restricted drivers wont work?02:08
JakeR003i know a cure called formating02:08
th0rJakeR003: probably not. There is no 'registry' or any such thing...if you use synaptic to add software it should remove cleanly02:09
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super8linuxuz3r : what should be my approach ?02:09
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JakeR003th0r thanks for the info02:09
linuxuz3rsuper8, thats what i use for my video card02:09
JakeR003i've been doing thigns to it the passed few days.. half of them i don't know anyting about02:09
JakeR003but it still works02:10
JakeR003nothing is broken yet02:10
th0rJakeR003: well, you can cause problems by removing necessary drivers or libs. But if you are just talking about installing software and then removing it, shouldn't cause a problem02:10
JakeR003beautiful. i'm in love with this OS02:11
super8linuxuz3r : any alternate ?02:11
linuxuz3rnot that i know of02:11
linuxuz3rwhy your video card is not compatible with the restricted drivers?02:11
super8not quite sure.. basically manu solutions found from google search talks about making changes and dpkg reconfig etc02:13
super8i dont have xorg.conf itself in the first place or sometimes it is simply empty02:13
linuxuz3rthat does not tell me if the restricted drivers work02:17
tabakhasewhattheheck, my keyboard not working inside grub? =/02:17
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super8right.. , i want to try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual02:18
super8there are no files as mentioned in gksudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common02:19
super8from that twiki02:19
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jj995hi, anybody know of any software (besides Garageband) that teaches you how to play an instrument and gives you feedback on your performance?02:23
urlin2ujj995, can you not afford a tutor, lessons?02:23
fr00tl00psanyone know if zimbra is in any of the repos?02:24
propmanurlin2u:  while he's sharing his salary care to share yours with the rest of the world too? lol02:24
jianok.. icon unity... how to reduce...02:25
urlin2upropman, lots.02:25
Polahfr00tl00ps: sudo apt-cache search zimbra02:25
temongantengbgtI get error like this ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host02:26
temongantengbgtanyones know how solve this error?02:26
KM0201temongantengbgt: can you pastebin the whole error?02:26
jj995temongantengbgt: that can happen if too many new ssh sessions open at once.  try restarting ssh on the server (sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart)02:26
JimmyNeutronAnyone know of an ext enclosure w/ USB 3.0 that works w/ Ubuntu 11.04?  I have one now, Acomdata 3.5" USB 3.0, and Ubuntu can't see it but Windows 7 sees it fine.02:26
KM0201well, that of cours.e02:27
temongantengbgtjj995: I was restart it...02:29
temongantengbgtjj995: but still error...02:29
Jordan_UJimmyNeutron: It's more likely an incompatability with the USB controller than the enclosure.02:30
mhallHi guys, I ordered a fresh desktop and it just showed up. So I'd like to add it to my already large group of Ubuntu boxen. However first I wanted to check a couple things. 1) Will I see weird behavior if I try using the fake hardware raid in my Intel H67? 2) Am I better off with Xen or VirtualBox if I want to run a wide range of guests? So far it seems like VirtualBox is ahead of Xen. Should I look at any other option for virtualiza02:30
temongantengbgtjj995: I read all about this error in the internet, from removing knownhosts, untill empty the /etc/hosts.allow or denny02:31
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temongantengbgtjj995: but still error...02:31
MrBobrowitzanyone in here running 11.04 on a Dell XPS 15z?02:31
MrBobrowitzI have a question regarding HDMI out that I was unable to find on the forums02:32
Gateway`so guys, help me please. Shorewall refuses to permit the ip_forwarding and the vpn is not working02:32
Gateway`the shorewall is installed on the same openvpn server02:33
Gateway`just one interface, so guys ? :)02:33
jj995temongantengbgt: sorry, I don't have any ideas.  maybe you can get more info about the error with ssh -v, and someone else might be able to help02:34
skplcan someone tell me how to get rid of the shadow under my gnome panel?02:35
MrBobrowitzanyone on a dell xps 15z?02:36
temongantengbgtjj995: this is the -v from my ssh http://tempel.blankon.in/1516 anyones please help02:38
urlin2uMrBobrowitz, unlikely, what's up?02:38
MrBobrowitzurlin2u, just trying to see if someone has been able to get the HDMI out port working02:38
^Phantom^I'm thinking of switching from ubuntu to fedora02:39
^Phantom^Is fedora as easy to get used to and learn as ubuntu.02:39
qinskpl: Is it not in ccsm > window decoration ?02:39
crackerjackzi fixed my flash problem...02:39
crackerjackzwith that website i was trying to use02:40
crackerjackzmy cam on02:40
crackerjackzsorry for speaking in broken sentences, my thoughts are a bit the same at the moment02:40
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urlin2uMrBobrowitz, some info on the web here is one wiki. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Laptops/Dell/XPS/15z02:42
MrBobrowitzurlin2u, yeah thats the site I was on, but nothing really says how to make it work (if it is even possible) lol02:43
qin^Phantom^: You could join #fedora for recommendation, or try to fun it in vbox for tryout02:43
^Phantom^qin, I'll probably try it in vbox first.02:43
JakeR003how to copy a folder with files in it to /usr/local/ ?02:44
JakeR003in the terminal02:44
JakeR003sudo cp02:44
qinJakeR003: cp -r /folder/ /usr/local/02:44
qinJakeR003: Which looks bad, are you trying to install something?02:45
WickD1quick question...its been a while since I've been on IRC...any recommendations for a good IRC client I can use on ubuntu?02:45
qinWickD1: irssi02:45
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:45
JakeR003you i'm trying to move a program there02:46
qinJakeR003: From where?02:46
WickD1awesome thank you! :-)02:46
qinbluecat: Good job ;)02:47
JakeR003it's on my desktop02:47
qinJakeR003: OK, what program is it and what did you do till now?02:47
JakeR003qin what i need right now is a break02:48
JakeR003because i'm starting to fee dizzy02:48
scott_at_patchesHi guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu here but the installer is not allowing me to click the Forward button after entering the user information. the button never becomes 'highlighted'02:48
scott_at_patchesIt copys all files and says 'Ready when you are' but I cannot click Forward02:49
urlin2uscott_at_patches, custom install,or the install freespace, or another?02:49
Polahscott_at_patches: Are you following all the rules? i.e. username must be lowercase02:49
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scott_at_patchesurlin2u: Ubuntu 10.10 desktop live cd, x86 32bit on a standard P4. the cd check came back good02:49
scott_at_patchesPolah: Oh really???02:50
Polahscott_at_patches: Did you have a capital there? (:02:50
scott_at_patchesWow, I feel like a complete idiot02:50
scott_at_patchesPolah: Yes, that was it02:51
scott_at_patchesThanks a lot, this is like the 5th time I tried :P02:51
Polahscott_at_patches: I spent a while trying to figure it out when I first installed. "Why can't I install damnit" > "Oh, it says no to use a capital there ):"02:51
rwwFor what it's worth, that's fixed in 11.04's installer.02:51
Polahrww: You can use capitals now or it sets it to lowercase?02:52
rwwit shouts at you in read if you do it wrong, iirc02:52
scott_at_patchesPolah: Does it tell you? I didn't see anything unless it's in a tooltip or something02:52
rwwscott_at_patches: no02:52
scott_at_patchesrww: It probably should ;)02:52
rwwscott_at_patches: as I said, it does in 11.0402:52
scott_at_patchesrww: Ah ok, cool02:52
brettcastillowhats up02:52
Polahscott_at_patches: I recall seeing something about "username's cannot contain capitals" or something like that. Maybe they took it out or maybe I remember seeing it from googling why or something02:52
WXZI want to change my HOSTS.TXT so that a domain "fakedomainsomething.com" maps to my localhost on port 808002:53
WXZso when I type in "fakedomainsomething.com", I go to my localhost02:53
scott_at_patchesPolah: Well, you hit the nail on the head. thanks a lot man02:53
theadminWXZ: There is no hosts.txt, it's just hosts, also you don't define ports in hosts02:53
WXZtheadmin: ok02:53
WXZit's in /etc/ I'm guessing?02:53
theadminWXZ: Yeah, /etc/hosts02:54
WXZtheadmin: sweet, it worked, why does the address change once the page loads though?02:58
WXZnevermind, this is the wrong channel for that02:58
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theadminWXZ: Also, when speaking of random domains, use example.com, example.org or example.net.02:59
theadminWXZ: Because they are reserved for illustrative purposes by IANA02:59
WXZyeah, I read that on wiki02:59
dimas_is there any software that i can record a voice conference?03:03
tabakhasebtw: nomodeset dose NOT get transmitted from setup to installed03:09
tabakhasebut additional driver search seems to work & find my card =)03:10
urlin2utabakhase, you're up and running, coo. ;)03:11
=== wakkarto is now known as zulgaban
tabakhasenearly yes... now installing driver, then well se..03:12
felipe_Brzhey How can I move a folder in the current directory into /var/www , so that the target directory gets created inside www  ? i keep getting the message: 'cp: omitting directory {directoryName}03:12
=== IPNixon is now known as plppx
tabakhasebut wired thing: grub also dosnt work well (grafical) when i say in defaults/ "no grafical" it even fails loading the textinterface03:13
jribfelipe_Brz: "moving" and "copying" are different things03:13
felipe_Brzjrib: you're right, what I want is copying03:14
felipe_Brzjrib: but I keep getting the error message I wrote above03:14
jribfelipe_Brz: cp is telling you that it is omitting a directory.  You want to use -r (see its man page).  In fact, you may want to consider using -a03:15
theadminfelipe_Brz: cp -R blah /var/www03:15
felipe_Brztheadmin: thanks, the -R is telling the shell to add all directories within too, right?03:16
theadminNot the shell, it's a cp option and has nothing to do with your shell03:16
=== jason is now known as Guest5379
=== AndChat is now known as Guest66583
felipe_Brztheadmin: oh... should I say the CLI then? sometime I mistake the shell for the CLI I'm not sure about that lol03:18
Guest5379when sound has finished (finishing video, etc.), the value of front in alsa mixer is reset. why?03:19
Guest66583Does anyone know if support for nforce 610i chipset has been added03:19
theadminfelipe_Brz: Well, anyway, yeah you're right03:19
theadminfelipe_Brz: I'm just being picky :D03:19
=== Guest5379 is now known as jasongriffee
felipe_Brztheadmin: ok.. appreciate the advice though.03:19
tabakhaseurlin2u im in.03:19
tabakhasethats why its called linux... :D03:20
theadminGuest66583: Doesn't seem so, no drivers for that on nvidia.com03:20
urlin2utabakhase, good deal.03:20
theadminGuest66583: no Linux drivers, that is03:20
Guest66583Thanks admin03:20
=== plppx is now known as IPNixon
Guest66583Guess ill have to try generic driver when the mobo gets here03:21
tabakhaseurlin2u thanks for all the help, specialy the tip to nomodeset and special special for keeping the motivation ;-)03:21
urlin2utabakhase, no problem. ;)03:21
tabakhaseshould/could i now remove the nomodeset from grup? drivers are isntaled and unity is running well03:22
jasongriffeewhen sound has finished (finishing video, etc.), the value of front in alsa mixer is reset. why?03:23
urlin2utabakhase, did you add it at the grub menu , or in the install?03:23
urlin2uin the edit=grub edit03:24
urlin2u!ch | samsung03:25
ubottusamsung: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.03:25
tabakhaseurlin2u first in install to startb installer, then in /etc/defaults/grub -> linux_default to boot the installed system03:25
theadminurlin2u: Wrong one03:25
theadmin!zh | samsung03:26
ubottusamsung: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:26
urlin2utabakhase, the grub addition at the menu is per session, but a grub edit yeah remove it.03:26
urlin2utheadmin, noticed that .;)03:26
zabomberanyone know where i can find some cool user add creation scripts?03:26
theadminzabomber: lolwut? Define "cool useradd creation scripts".03:27
blakeHi. I am trying to install an Adaptec RAID driver for Ubuntu 10.04 server and am having issues. Their instructions say to use 10.04 server w/ kernel version 2.6.32-24. The server ISO has 2.6.32-28. How can I obtain that previous kernel version so that I may try getting these vendor supplied drivers to work?03:27
tabakhaseurlin2u when i remove it now and then im unable to access grub... did it already 3 times...03:27
zabombertheadmin: :) i'm creating a "free" shell server.. looking to create user accounts with restrictions etc. x amount of space, x number of commands able to run etc03:28
urlin2uI think we need a club to jump theadmin on any possible error paybacks feel sop good.03:28
theadminurlin2u: Sorry, what?03:28
theadminzabomber: Ah I see.03:28
theadminzabomber: Well can't help with that xD03:29
urlin2utheadmin, not anything get by without your comment usually about 16 or so horus a day had you not noticed. ;)03:29
theadminurlin2u: Yeah, but come on. It's boring otherwise.03:29
urlin2utheadmin, just ribbing you know problem. ;)03:29
steph420is there someone here that could help me?03:33
jribsteph420: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)03:33
zabombersteph420: im not here03:33
steph420ok i have a new hard drive whivh i installed and its 2tb. i partitioned it with gpartition tool and had it set up in samba but when i try to copy files over it would only let me copy 800 mb. when i looked into it more i noticed that the hdd mounts in the media folder which hjust happens to be 800mb.....whats goin on here lol can someone help?03:36
tabakhaseurlin2u for info: booting now without nomodeset works.03:36
urlin2utabakhase, good deal that was a long travel to get where your at. ;)03:36
tabakhasesteph420 sounds like one of these cheap china devices with just a 1gb usb stick inside :D03:37
tabakhaseurlin2u hate it or love it... hm?03:37
steph420its a hitachi 2tb i payed like 150 lol is there a way to fix it? the drive worked fine in freenas03:38
urlin2utabakhase, ?03:38
jessicajamesHi everyone, I've done a lot of research but I still can't figure out how to fix my internal mic issue (it pretty much doesn't work in ubuntu) - can anyone help me please?03:38
tabakhasesteph420 lovin: http://blog.jitbit.com/2011/04/chinese-magic-drive.html03:39
tabakhaseAke_krub didnt worked03:39
Ake_krubHello everybody, excuse me, sorry I'm quite new for IRC.03:40
steph420u have got to be kidding me03:40
tabakhasemuste be awesome when you use such a drive for creating a backup before formating your system :D03:42
=== wakkarto is now known as zulgaban
steph420that cant be right......u really think so?03:43
steph420its an internal hitach from newegg man03:44
steph420theyre peddalin that crap03:44
aurillianceI'm trying to install a php module but having trouble because php.h can't be found. I've installed php5-dev and some other packages and am at a loss. http://codepad.org/QUaKXJRU Thanks!03:44
=== jackofspades is now known as Guest74547
kruxLinux dell 3.1.0-rc1 #2 SMP Fri Aug 12 22:28:37 EDT 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux03:45
Guest66583Is there a replacement package for ICE03:46
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Ake_krubMay I have a question about installing Ubuntu Server v.11.04 with RAID 1 (mirror) on ProLiant ML110 G6, please?03:48
Ake_krubI don’t understand why it shows two disks while installing it where as ROM configuration for Arrays says there is only one Logical Drive, and it says "Logical Drive 1 #, RAID 1, 232.9 GB, OK".03:48
tabakhasenow next topic..... getting 3 systems look&feel "same", always.03:50
tabakhasethy are even allowed to "replicate apt commands" ;-)03:50
=== root is now known as Guest5781
C_Smith1hey, I'm having trouble syncing my Ipod up with my music library, I've tried Banshee, GTKpod, and Amorok, and I've tried compiling Libgpod and gtkpod from source, I've also tried doing a complete firmware reset (using another PC) and all of this didn't work.03:53
Guest66583Pos there an ivi package in the Ubuntu repos?03:53
zabomberC_Simth1: i ended up installing virtual box, windows and mediamonkey....03:58
zabomberif you come right please let me know how03:58
[deXter]Hi all, anyone know how to share my androids net over USB with Ubuntu?03:59
chewyboy000is any one here03:59
=== wakkarto is now known as zulgaban
Vulcarwhat is the name of that big bar on the left of the screen, and how do I configure it? Also, is there an "advanced settings" option for the control center?04:00
chewyboy000no deXter does it work with windows?04:00
C_Smith1Chewyboy000, just ask the question and someone will try to help04:00
=== aaasd is now known as aaas
[deXter]chewyboy000: Yes, but with PDANet04:01
C_Smith1also, has anyone seen my problem, or should I repeat it?04:01
chewyboy000repeat it04:01
linuxuz3r[deXter], you wanna tether with your phone?04:01
linuxuz3r[deXter], you wanna tether your phone's internet connection?04:01
[deXter]linuxuz3r: basically, yeah04:02
chewyboy000im on xubuntu is there a xubuntu channel04:02
linuxuz3r[deXter], what phone do you have?04:02
[deXter]linuxuz3r: HTC Desire, rooted, running 3.4.504:02
GreenCloudchewyboy000: yes there is #xubuntu04:02
bwrightSound randomly stopped working after reboot, aplay -l lists it, lspci -v lists it, modprobe lists it and it can be loaded. Any ideas?04:03
chewyboy000ubuntu keeps crashing when ever I use04:03
linuxuz3r[deXter], http://robert.penz.name/307/tether-a-htc-desire-with-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-via-usb/04:04
[deXter]linuxuz3r: That's the problem, I don't get such an option.. this is an AOSP vanilla ROM, no HTC stuff on it04:04
chewyboy000ubuntu keeps crashing when ever I use it04:04
=== neo is now known as Guest71364
chewyboy000how do you change the color of this text04:05
Guest66583Dexter who is your provider04:05
linuxuz3r[deXter], sorry i still have an old nokia 666004:06
[deXter]Guest66583: Doesn't matter04:06
Guest71364hi .. I need a little help for wi-fi troubleshoot for 11.4... can anyone help04:06
[deXter]Guest66583: (I'm not in the USA)04:06
Guest66583It might have you read the news today04:06
chewyboy000help ubuntu keeps crashing when ever I use it04:06
Guest71364can anyone help me out with the wifi troubleshoot04:07
theadmin!repeat | Guest7136404:07
ubottuGuest71364: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:07
Guest66583Rooting to feather no longer does you any good if your on vzw or at&t04:07
chewyboy000help ubuntu keeps crashing when ever I use it04:07
chewyboy000help ubuntu keeps crashing when ever I use it04:07
linuxuz3rchewyboy000, what did you do?04:08
chewyboy000well i install fresh and then it crashes04:08
Guest66583So where can I download ivi remix?04:08
linuxuz3rchewyboy000, it just crashes?04:09
theadmin!details | chewyboy00004:09
ubottuchewyboy000: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:09
chewyboy000it crashes like it changes all of the icons then all of the taskbar stuff (panel) turns white04:10
chewyboy000it crashes like it changes all of the icons then all of the taskbar stuff (panel) turns white04:11
theadminchewyboy000: You don't have to repeat twice.04:11
urlin2uGuest66583, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Introducing-Ubuntu-IVI-Remix-and-Ubuntu-Core-206042.shtml04:11
theadminchewyboy000: It seems like a problem with the theme engine, idk how to fix *that*04:11
chewyboy000i didn't my key board is broken it drives me nuts04:12
chewyboy000Can you help me with the theme please04:12
chewyboy000i go to themes and try to change it back to normal but it doesn't change04:13
C_Smith1ok, who was I in a private message with about my Ipod?04:14
C_Smith1I was explaining something, and the guy next to me closed this window.04:15
chewyboy000how to you guys change your text color04:15
chewyboy000how to you guys change your text color04:16
chewyboy000how to you guys change your text color04:16
theadminchewyboy000: This is IRC, it's text-only and does not have any colors.04:16
FloodBot1chewyboy000: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
theadminchewyboy000: Please. STOP REPEATING.04:16
moisesOLa necesito ayuda04:16
theadmin!it | moises04:16
ubottumoises: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)04:16
theadminmoises: What language IS that?04:16
theadminOh, spanish04:17
chewyboy000i have xchat and the text is RED GREEN BLUE its soo cool04:17
theadminmoises: escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comilas) por favor04:17
theadminOr whatever04:17
theadmin!es | moises04:17
ubottumoises: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:17
chewyboy000                                                                                                                          nhdshfjs04:17
mhallvery excited spanish04:17
mhalldid somebody win a football game? ;)04:17
rwwHello. #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Please take nonsense and chit-chat to #ubuntu-offtopic.04:18
chewyboy000this is getting boreing04:18
moisesno funciona04:18
VulcarVulcar: to partially solve my own problem, the bar on the left is the unity bar, and some of the advanced settings can be accessed via ccsm.04:18
rwwmoises: as you've already been told, #ubuntu-es04:18
theadmin!ops | chewyboy000 is flooding the heck out of this channel04:18
ubottuchewyboy000 is flooding the heck out of this channel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!04:18
rwwtheadmin: hi.04:18
theadminrww: Ohai.04:18
theadminrww: lol sorry, was typing already before you wrote your message04:19
TyrantHow do I check which driver was loaded for a specific USB device?04:19
Guest66583Can we still download alpha ? Sorry been away from Ubuntu for a bit04:19
moisesayuda con wine04:19
theadminGuest66583: Yeah, you can04:19
chewyboy000you know whats so cool in windows you have to wait 5 minutes for i/t to load drivers and in linux it allready has the drivers there for you04:20
rhcpfor all that was helping me. I del'ed the parts. and moved  + grew my ubuntu to 2TB and it boots04:20
theadminrww: Thanks.04:20
rhcpthx all04:20
mhallHow have people fared using the RAID in Sandy Bridge?04:21
mhallWeird behavior or does it work OK04:21
mhallI am about to set up my new Sandy Bridge box right now04:21
chewyboy000_who kicked me off this chanel04:21
rwwchewyboy000_: me04:21
theadminGuest66583: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/alpha-3/04:21
rwwchewyboy000_: magic. Now, #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support.04:21
chewyboy000_that was dumb04:21
Guest66583Where is the alpha download located ?04:22
theadminGuest66583: *ahem*04:22
rwwGuest66583: #ubuntu+1 for oneiric discussion and support, please04:22
dimas_is there any program i can record a voice conference?04:22
Guest66583Thank you admin04:22
theadminGuest66583: No problem.04:23
chewyboy000i entered some codes and wella i am BACK04:23
rwwspeaking of 'dumb'04:23
tabakhasesome codes? /join? lol04:24
theadminGee he's kinda funny xD04:24
anon^_^has anyone begun experiencing strange behavior with Firefox in the past 2-3 weeks after the last sun-java6 update in Ubuntu 10.0404:26
zeusyeah firefox has crashed alot for me lately04:26
anon^_^random scripts hanging firefox, firefox reappears at random intervals after having been minimized04:26
theadminanon^_^: Maybe try disabling the Java plugin for a while, and see how it goes?04:28
theadminanon^_^: Not like there are many Java applets these days04:28
anon^_^I'm not sure it's java either04:29
theadminanon^_^: Well trying won't hurt04:29
anon^_^the firefox error console doesn't list error messages when it happens04:29
tabakhasebedtime, 6:30am, thanks urlin2u04:30
anon^_^but one noticeable effect of the changing windows to firefox, is when playing fullscreen games in wine04:30
tabakhasesystem is runing just finefinefine ;-)04:30
urlin2utabakhase, see you again.;)04:30
=== bluemoon is now known as Guest73543
RaskI don't really know where but here to begin with this one... it's very strange.  I just upgraded a system running ubuntu server 10.04 to 10.10 and then 11.04, and since then I've noticed an odd behavior in repeating keys in irssi.04:35
RaskIf I press a letter key or backspace or pretty much anything but an arrow key, it repeats as normal, but if I press and hold an arrow key, it moves once, but does not repeat - but then when I release the key, the cursor assumes the position it would have taken if it had been repeating04:36
RaskI'm running irssi through screen through SSH.  Does anyone have any idea what this could possibly be?  <:)04:36
hylianRask: although i myself am currently running through irssi, sorry i do not.04:37
RaskI guess the first place to start is, what packages would have changed between 10.04 and 11.04?  I mean, I don't expect irssi would have...04:37
bullgard4_What command-line command will list in a terminal all packages contained in a DEB program package?04:38
urlin2uRask, consider the varibles.04:38
Raskurlin2u: As far as I know, they are just irssi, screen, and ssh - unless there's another player in the terminal chain.  Are there any others I'm missing?04:39
rwwyour terminal emulator04:40
rhcpHey I forgot to ask04:40
urlin2uRask, is this happening without sshing?04:40
Raskurlin2u: ..Hm, good question.04:40
rhcpwhats a good xchat scirpt? for sysinfo on ubuntu? it looks like they ahve been taken down from xchat.org04:40
Raskrww: Using same PuTTY, same scripts04:41
hack27if you remove the ram and it makes 1 short beep and 1 long beep does that mean something wrong????04:41
Raskurlin2u: I shall check; one moment.04:41
rwwhack27: ask ##hardware04:41
Raskurlin2u: Yes, it is.04:41
Raskso that leaves screen and irssi.04:41
* hylian shrugs his shoulders04:41
urlin2uRask, seems local can you plugin another keyboard?04:42
rhcpso anyone with a good script for xchat for ununtu to show sysinfo? :)04:42
TyrantHow do I check which driver was loaded for a specific USB device?04:42
Raskurlin2u: I mean, the strange repeat issue is happening on the console as well as through ssh04:42
Rask(different keyboard)04:42
urlin2uRask, If in the same position just removing the possibilties would be first, I have not seen this anywhere except with a hardware issue in general, hard to say for me really.04:43
RaskRunning bash inside screen does not show the issue04:44
RaskI'll have to try irssi outside screen...04:45
* mhall prepares to shoot Windows 7 in the head04:45
d_on_androhi all04:46
* Rask runs an experiment, back shortly04:46
Raskwell, how do you like that, it's irssi. o.o04:48
Raskguess i know where to go now. :B  Thanks for directing me, guys04:48
=== d is now known as Guest84750
lostvoiceshi guys i have watched many youtube vidos but i cant seem to get transparency working or emerald themes working they just dont change.. what could be going wrong04:50
brainwave92guys wen i minimize something its not seen on my menu bar, it just dissapears, and i have to access it via app switcher04:50
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.04:50
urlin2ubrainwave92, wave you running compiz?04:51
brainwave92urlin2u, yes i am04:51
lostvoiceswell that would make sense then.. what is best to use now to get transparent windows?04:51
urlin2ubrainwave92, in the terminal compiz --replace04:51
brainwave92i tried that, and nothing changes, i am doubting its some settings problem04:51
urlin2ubrainwave92, let it stabilize then close it.04:51
brainwave92kimera, ?04:52
rawbdorhowdy... my apt-get update seems to fail with a crap ton of 404's, every time.   someone suggested updating their ".list" file but i'm not sure how to do that, where it lives, or what to put in it.04:52
urlin2ubrainwave92, compiz is a bit testy in unity are you familiar with tweaking compiz?04:53
rawbdoralso this is a remote system so i can't really use any UI :(   anyone have any advice?04:53
rwwrawbdor: what version of Ubuntu?04:53
rawbdorLinux ironcloud.arcaner.com 2.6.28-13-server #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 20:51:10 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux04:53
urlin2ubrainwave92, you have the window decorator ticked on?04:53
brainwave92urlin2u, i am not using unity, using the classic ubuntu de04:53
rawbdorrww, ^04:53
KanKounigood day everyone04:53
rawbdorrww,  not sure if that gives all the info you need04:54
rawbdorrww just did a uname -a04:54
rwwrawbdor: lsb_release -a. I'm looking for a yy.mm version number04:54
rawbdorrww,  9.0404:54
rwwyeah, figured04:54
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:54
urlin2ubrainwave92, somewhat problematic in 11.04 altogether, lots of web info on setups though.04:54
chaospsychexwhats a good torrenting program for ubuntu04:54
rawbdorrww,  so, therefore, no more updates are available?04:54
brainwave92urlin2u, yes i do. WHen i didnt have that ticked on, i didnt have all the close maximize buttons eetc....04:54
rwwchaospsychex: Transmission04:54
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
urlin2uI use deluge04:54
rwwrawbdor: correct, and the repositories are moved off the mirrors04:54
rwwrawbdor: 9.04 went EOL in October, to be precise04:55
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest51123
chaospsychexrww: whats an alternative to transmission? i can't browse the net when a torrent is active in transmission04:55
rwwchaospsychex: Deluge04:55
rawbdorrww,  makes sense... i don't control the server 100% though and can't go be doing upgrades ;)  guess i need to go yell at a friend. heh.04:55
brainwave92actually compiz was running fine, and then one fine day, i dont know why, this happened. When i minimize, it just dissapears, but ALT+TAB shows me that window is open and i can access it04:55
urlin2ubrainwave92, have you tried in the terminal killall gnome-panel it will kill it and it will return,04:57
brainwave92urlin2u, the simple problem here is that window doesnt get minimized to menu04:58
brainwave92in 10.04 , this was there by default, when i used it, and some simple setting somewhere solved it!04:58
urlin2ubrainwave92, look in add to panel, maybe that is the simple place. ;)05:00
Samaraanybody knows how can i take somes restrictions in wma sound files?05:01
KanKounisorry disconnected05:01
brainwave92urlin2u, lovely05:01
KanKounii need help making my windows 7 to be online via ethernet , can anyone help ?05:01
Samaraanybody knows how can i take somes restrictions in wma sound files?05:02
theadminKanKouni: ##windows05:02
brainwave92Samara, dont re-post! if someone knows he would answer05:03
KanKounitheadmin: the internet connection is here on my ubuntu desktop , i've configured the ip address both sides manually , but once i connect the eth0 i lose the connection on ubuntu05:03
KanKounithanks , i'll google it.05:04
bullgard4_What command-line command will list in a terminal all packages contained in a DEB program package?05:04
theadminbullgard4_: Sorry, what?05:05
theadminbullgard4_: All files, you mean?05:05
theadmin!info apt-file | bullgard4_05:06
bullgard4_theadmin: Yes.05:06
ubottubullgard4_: apt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.0 (natty), package size 30 kB, installed size 188 kB05:06
=== Shadowwolf is now known as Guest79615
bullgard4_theadmin: I do not want to search but I'd like to list files.05:06
theadminbullgard4_: If the package is installed, dpkg -l packagename05:07
theadminbullgard4_: Err, dpkg -L packagename05:07
fedeHi, anyone willing to help me with a Firefox bug? It crashes on libfontconfig.so.1 (ubuntu 11.04)05:08
fedeHi, anyone willing to help me with a Firefox bug? It crashes on libfontconfig.so.1 (ubuntu 11.04). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!05:11
BijanI have a quick question05:12
BijanAny idea what window manager this is05:12
Bijanre caused conne05:12
theadminbullgard4_: Looks like Awesome05:12
bullgard4_theadmin: Thank you very much for your help05:13
theadminBijan: ^05:13
urlin2ufede, take your pick in regards to what it is. https://encrypted.google.com/search?sclient=psy&hl=en&site=webhp&source=hp&q=Firefox+crashes+on+libfontconfig.so.1&btnG=Search05:13
theadminbullgard4_: Sorry, tab fail :D05:13
fedeurlin2u: I've already google that!05:14
VulcarBijan: looks like wmii, but it could be any of the tiling window managers. Xmonad? ratpoison, stumpwm, dwm, etc.05:14
urlin2ufede, cool just thought you will have along wait here. ;)05:14
BijanIt looks so cool :D05:14
fedeurlin2u: thanks! It's hard to find some help when it comes to not-so-newbie problems.05:15
=== mamoun is now known as Guest14648
fedeHi, anyone willing to help me with a Firefox bug? It crashes on libfontconfig.so.1 (ubuntu 11.04). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!05:16
fschuindtI'm using Ubuntu 11.04 on virtualbox... I've instaled the guest aditions but I can't get an resolutions higher than 1024x768. (It got 3D support with 128mb video to the virtual machine)05:19
fschuindtSomeone knows how to solve this?05:19
theadminfschuindt: Open a terminal and type "VBoxClient-all"05:20
theadminfschuindt: Then try doing it again05:20
daan4711Hi, I've got a problem: I wanted to clear my auth.log, so I deleted the whole file. The problem is, there is no new file created. So, I created this file myself, but this file keeps empty.05:21
daan4711How do I get my log working again?05:21
theadmindaan4711: Make sure permissions on it are set right, also, next time you want to clear something use: cat /dev/null > somefile05:22
slim_charlescan someone help me concerning mounting hard drives and related stuff?05:22
daan4711theadmin: What should the permissions be?05:22
rwwIt's not permissions, it's that the daemon that handles auth.log is writing to the deleted file handle.05:22
theadminrww: Ah05:22
rwwunless you've restarted since then05:22
theadminrww: Okay, you'd know better...05:22
theadmindaan4711: Yes, try a reboot, rww is right here05:22
daan4711theadmin: I have rebooted several times, but no luck.05:23
rwwtheadmin: looks like it might be you after all, then05:23
theadminrww: Heh :)05:23
fschuindttheadmin: What it does?05:23
theadmindaan4711: Anyway, I think the file should be owned by root:root, and have... 64405:23
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theadminfschuindt: Starts a few virtualbox things, including the X video client05:24
daan4711theadmin: -rw-r--r-- 1 root   root      0 2011-08-10 03:11 auth.log05:24
fedeHi, anyone willing to help me with a Firefox bug? It crashes on libfontconfig.so.1 (ubuntu 11.04). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!05:24
theadmindaan4711: That looks right... hm.05:24
theadmindaan4711: I dunno then :/05:24
daan4711theadmin: Ok, thanks for your help05:24
theadmindaan4711: Except I didn't help :( Oh well.05:25
daan4711theadmin: What daemon is writing this log?05:25
slim_charlesdoes anyone know a good solution to have your hard drives mounted at start up? and them not mixing up the order05:25
fschuindttheadmin: Hm... I've tried, but nothing... :(05:25
theadminfschuindt: Have you rebooted after installing guest addons?05:26
rawbdorrww,  is it safe to do aptitude install update-manager-core?  it alerts me that it is an untrusted version. How can I find out where aptitude is pulling from?05:26
mkaurinhello guys. I'm looking for someone who knows how to solve the init 1 issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11146593#post1114659305:26
theadmindaan4711: I'm not sure about that, but it'd be restarted if you rebooted anyway...05:26
fschuindttheadmin: I guess that it's some kind of bug. I found so many people with this problem and no one solution.05:26
fschuindttheadmin: yes05:26
hoodCannot find demux plugin for MRL "fifo:/home/hood/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/dvbpipe.m2t". ??05:26
urlin2urawbdor, are you getting a key error05:26
theadminfschuindt: Okay... Indeed could be a bug.05:27
rawbdorurlin2u, http://fpaste.org/QOVE/raw/05:27
rawbdorurlin2u,  doesn't seem to be a key error but no idea where its coming from05:27
rwwrawbdor: change your sources.list as the page says, then sudo aptitude update, then move on to installing update-manager-core05:27
hoodCannot find demux plugin for MRL "fifo:/home/hood/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/dvbpipe.m2t". ??05:28
BijanHeres my delema, Im a windows user and also a gamer, I think I might want to switch to ubuntu, All of my games seem to work in wine. I am switching cause I love to customize things05:28
BijanThink I should switch?05:28
rawbdorrww,  which page says this? Sorry, I must have found the wrong page via my googles05:28
mkaurinBijan,  no if you keep track with new games. yes if you play only old games05:28
MushroomNZQuestion, have option of installing x86 or x64 version of ubuntu, any cons on going x64?05:28
rwwrawbdor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades is the relevant page, but it doesn't mention sudo aptitude update for some reason.05:28
theadminMushroomNZ: Flash is buggy05:28
theadminMushroomNZ: Other than this, no05:28
rawbdorrww thanks so much, you guys are greate05:28
BijanMainly all I play is FSX, SC2, and some source games.05:29
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MushroomNZtheadmin: ok, x86 handle upto 4gb ram ok?05:29
slim_charlesMushroomNZ, get x86 , its recommended anyway05:29
rwwBijan: I think you should dual boot05:29
rwwslim_charles: it's only recommended to dissuade people who don't know what 64-bit is05:29
[deXter]Hi all, I keep getting "NO_PUBKEY" errors when doing apt-get update; now I've manually downloaded the keys using gpg --recv-keys and it works, but apt-get update still complains about missing keys. Any ideas how to fix it? Thanks.05:29
theadminMushroomNZ: Yes, and you should probably install a PAE kernel to handle all of it05:29
rww!gpgerr | [deXter]05:30
ubottu[deXter]: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »05:30
fedeHi, anyone willing to help me with a Firefox bug? It crashes on libfontconfig.so.1 (ubuntu 11.04). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!05:30
Bijanrww, I can never figure that out, I tried using wubi and I got the error "Root filesystem not defined"05:30
theadmin!pae | MushroomNZ05:30
ubottuMushroomNZ: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info05:30
rwwMushroomNZ: It doesn't really matter either way.05:30
[deXter]rww: Please re-read my question, thanks. :)05:30
rwwBijan: So don't use Wubi.05:30
rww[deXter]: I did.05:30
urlin2urawbdor, is this from a ppa?05:30
arooni-mobileunity on lenovo t420 seems *reallllllly* unstable.   i have to end up restarting gdm multiple times per day because unity stops being responsive ( i cant click on things anymore).  any ideas on how to fix?  even now there is a black bar where the unity side launcher should be05:30
Bijanrww Then how? This is going to sound stupid, I have no CD drive05:30
rawbdorurlin2u,  um what's ppa?05:30
rwwBijan: USB stick?05:30
[deXter]rww: Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I did run that command but I still get those errors.05:30
rww[deXter]: You said you ran gpg --recv-keys. That is not the command ubottu says.05:31
Bijan]rww Can you link me to someone?05:31
BijanLike a tut05:31
rww!usb | Bijan05:31
ubottuBijan: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:31
MushroomNZok, thanks for the answers, will go x86 and use PAE.. thankyou again05:31
theadminMushroomNZ: np05:32
hoodCannot find demux plugin for MRL "fifo:/home/hood/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/dvbpipe.m2t".05:32
urlin2urawbdor, a 3rd party app repo many out there, for example. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager05:32
rwwurlin2u: no, it's not from a PPA.05:33
FloodBot1hood: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:33
rwwhood: Stop that.05:33
mkaurintheadmin, you did not tell MushroomNZ that PAE is somewhat of a cpu stress when handling a lot of ram io, also about the unused 1/2 register on 64bit processors with 32bit kernels, and the nx bit protection you get with 64bit kernel on 64bit processors05:33
rawbdorurlin2u,  i don't think so (?)   my sources.list file only has ubuntu urls05:33
theadminmkaurin: Because I never used PAE and therefore don't really have any idea what it's like05:34
theadminmkaurin: I just know it's an option05:34
rawbdorrww, urlin2u   this is my sources.list   http://fpaste.org/paY5/raw/05:34
daan4711theadmin: My log is working again, the solution is: setting the owner of auth.log to syslog:adm05:35
rawbdorseems like it's updated fine (just added the stuff at the bottom) but i still get that error saying it's an untrusted source05:35
theadmindaan4711: Ah.05:35
mkaurintheadmin,  yeah. basically... you should advise people to use 64bit kernels if they have 4gig of ram or more, just my 2c05:35
theadminmkaurin: Okay, thanks.05:35
* theadmin has 4 gigs but never needs more than 2 anyway05:35
rawbdorwhat i mean is, it seems my sources.list file is proper... but trying to aptitude install update-manager-core still tells me it's not genuine05:35
mkaurintheadmin, 32bit can have its advantages in wider support with some deprecated (but sometimes needed!) software, and stuff like that05:36
urlin2urawbdor, jaunty is end of life .05:37
rwwyes, we did that part already, urlin2u .05:37
rawbdorurlin2u,  yes i am aware, I am trying to upgrade from jaunty using the EOL document on help.ubuntu.com05:37
rawbdorurlin2u,  that file https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades   instructs me to install update-manager-core05:37
buhmanI'm invisible05:37
=== hamnegga is now known as mcurran
rawbdorit first directs me to change my sources.list file.  while attempting to install update-manager-core,  aptitude tells me I am pulling it from an insecure location05:38
fedeHi guys. My Ubuntu 11.04 installation is really buggy and unstable. Should I try installing 10.04?05:38
sav_Hello, you lovely people. I'm having some trouble with an external hard drive. Would anyone be kind enough to help me?05:38
sav_fede: Yes yes yes05:38
* rww hands FloodBot4 a botsnack05:39
sav_fede: I'm tired of breaking things with kernel updates. I'm sticking to LTS's05:39
fedesav_: thanks for answering! I'm downloading 10.04LTS as we speak :D05:40
rawbdorrww,   do you have any ideas? I've updated the sources.list file to include the old-releases urls, and then when i attempt to install the update-manager-core, it tells me it is insecure05:40
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rwwrawbdor: did you do sudo aptitude update?05:40
sav_I repeat, would anybody care to help me? My brand new drive somehow became corrupted and refuses to be formatted.05:40
Ir0nmanHi I need help setting up grub2.  I currently have 3 partitions ubuntu - winxp and - win 705:41
Ir0nmanwinxp was the last install and it broke grub205:42
rawbdorrww,  thanks. I did not. It was not listed on the page between updating the sources.list and trying to install update-manager-core.  Thanks again.05:42
urlin2usav_, what was on the drive?05:42
sav_Ir0nman: Yuck, that sounds gross05:42
mkaurinsav_, you can try downloading gparted distro and fixing the partition table05:42
Ir0nmanthe partitions? yeah i know but its a netbook so i like having multiple options on the go05:42
sav_Even worse then. Too much disk space.05:43
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility05:43
boscopwhich audio player for linux has an equalizer and last.fm support (and lyrics fetching)?05:43
Ir0nmanive gotten grub2 back but it doesnt find winxp05:43
Ir0nmanwith update-grub05:44
urlin2uIr0nman, if you installed XP after W7 you will need easybcd to boot it, for easiest method.05:44
sav_urlin2u: Originally Windows Vista, then I *tried* to format it, then it would show up fine on a windows machine but corrupted on my computer. I had to force it to mount, originally it wouldn't even see the drive. Then I found there were partitions, deleted as many as it would let me, and "formatted" again, but it didn't quite work correctly.05:44
mkaurinIr0nman, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120051305:44
sav_My drive now shows up as a big unknown volume.05:45
urlin2usav_, can you imagebin a screenshotb  of the HD with gparted looking at it.05:46
sav_urlin2u: Sure05:46
urlin2usav_, was it a gpt partitoning to begin with?05:47
sav_urlin2u: Um, I don't know.05:47
duckx0rMy monitor was working fine with kubuntu 8.04. I had to replace the motherboard and after that the screen resolution would not go above 800x600. I am using the 11.04 live cd and the resolution is at 1024x768, but it doesn't go to the desired 1366x768. How can I get this to work?05:47
sav_urlin2u: It was brand new with Windows preloaded. That's all I can say.05:47
urlin2usav_ a external?05:48
sav_urlin2u: It's actually a laptop hard drive with a case I bought.05:48
sav_urlin2u: It was sent to a friend as a replacement when his motherboard was the real problem.\05:49
sav_sav@sav-netbook:~$ gparted Inhibit all polling failed: Only uid 0 is authorized to inhibit the daemon05:49
sav_urlin2u: I'm confused. How do I run gparted?05:50
glebihansav_, you have to run it as root, ie gksudo gparted05:51
sav_glebihan: Oh, okay. Thanks.05:51
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
sav_Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sda2 -- Device or resource busy.  This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sda2 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting. Failed to add partition 2 (Device or resource busy)05:54
sav_Also, I can't tell which listing is the external, if it's not the thing talked about in the error message.05:54
sav_urlin2u: Do you understand what that error means? Is it referring to my external?05:55
PolahIs rdesktop compatibility with remote desktop servers running with network level authentication?05:55
urlin2usav_, in gparted top right corner is a drop down look there to get the HD to show if it is seeing it.05:56
glebihansav_, you can use "fuser -m /dev§05:57
sav_glebihan: What would that do?05:57
glebihan"fuser -m /dev/sda2" to see which processes are using the device05:58
sav_urlin2u: Does gparted only look at external drives?05:58
sav_urlin2u: There appear to be two with the same amount of space.05:59
urlin2usav_, it will see all drives if they are not corrupted.  Which one shows sda wu=ith numberrs for partitions.06:00
sav_urlin2u: Including my computer's hdd?06:01
sav_urlin2u: Now I'm nervous. None of the listings match the amount of space the external is supposed to have.06:01
urlin2usav_, sba is the computers hd ubless you have booted with a thumb and the HD's are switched.06:01
saimazoondoes anybody know a program to make a capture of a particular screen area?06:02
sav_urlin2u:the sdc looks corrupted, the sda looks like it's my internal because it's ext4 and is normal, and sdb is definitely my usb.06:03
sav_urlin2u: sda confirmed to be my internal from looking at the device information.06:03
glebihansaimazoon, gnome-screenshot does that06:04
urlin2usav_, is the sdc mounted, do you see a little key in any line where the sda2 shows on the computers HD?06:04
prabhai am intrested to create my own cloud system can u help me06:04
urlin2usav_, this is compare the two sda and sdc looking for a key=mounted in sdc06:05
saimazoonthanks, glebihan06:05
sav_urlin2u: It is not mounted, has no key icon, and it says "unrecognized disk label"06:05
glebihansaimazoon, you're welcome06:05
urlin2usav_, hard to say for me may need a partition table, or may be a guid, I think others here will be more helpful.06:08
sav_urlin2u: Thank you.06:09
glebihansav_, do you have any data on the disk ?06:12
=== curran is now known as mcurran
urlin2ulilcyber, howdeee.06:13
lilcyberHey urlin2u06:13
lilcyberHow's it handing06:13
sav_glebihan: I did put a folder on there as a test when I had it attached to a windows machine. I found it on one of the partitions and it's on my desktop intact.06:13
sav_glebihan: Nothing now though06:13
urlin2ulilcyber, good all coffeeed jup.06:13
lilcyberThat's good.06:13
glebihansav_, ok the device is /dev/sdc, right ?06:14
sav_glebihan: Ooh, okay. Now after creating a partition table it06:14
sav_glebihan: it's called "unnallocated" instead of "unknown"06:14
sav_glebihan: Yes06:14
glebihansav_, then you should be good, try creating a partition in that unallocated space06:15
lilcyberurlin2u, you know any programming languages?06:15
urlin2ulilcyber, nah.06:15
slim_charlessince were talking about partitions n what not06:15
lilcyberReally? ur06:15
slim_charlescan someone help me with my hard drives mounting in different orders06:15
urlin2ulilcyber, I'm a enthusiast.06:15
sav_glebihan: It still says "unrecognized disk label" for the record.06:15
slim_charlesit messes up my torrents, and similar stuff06:15
rodhashHello guys.. Does anyone know how much graphical memory ubuntu need? I'm used to run lots of softwares, some took much system memory (ie notes + sametime)..06:15
lilcyberurlin2u, of ubuntu?06:16
Polahslim_charles: Change your fstab to use UUIDs instead of device names06:16
sav_rodhash: Hardly any06:16
glebihansav_, ok then try "sudo fdisk /dev/sdc"06:16
willwhrodhash: how much memory do you have? not much?06:16
urlin2ulilcyber, computer OS's in general, I started on open source, kind of a addiction. ;)06:16
almoxarifetried installing gnome3 on 11.04, I am looking at a blank screen, I can ssh into the machine, what terminal command sets the display to gdm??????????? perhaps ?06:16
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slim_charlesPolah, what do you exactly mean by that?06:16
Polahrodhash: 256-512MB as a minimum for decent operation I'd say06:16
sav_glebihan: Uh, it says there is no partition table when I try to make a partition.06:16
lilcyberurlin2u, that's good. Haha, so you don't know any scripting languages either?06:17
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
Polahslim_charles: Open up /etc/fstab and pastebin the contents please06:17
slim_charlesPolah, they are in fstab as /sde1/ and  stuff like that06:17
slim_charlesbut sometimes they dont all mount at mount time06:17
justin__Hi there! I'm having some problems! :(06:17
slim_charlesso when i mount it, its the wrong one, so all my torrents start redownloading06:17
urlin2ulilcyber, I can make a bash if forced to. I understand alot of the terminal commands but have to look up many at times06:17
rodhashwillwh: 2GB (total), but my BIOs doesn't say the amount for video... my laptop uses a intel display card (on-board)06:17
willwhoh, interesting.06:18
Polahslim_charles: Do sudo blkid in a terminal, then gksudo gedit /etc/fstab (or an editor of your choice) and then change the /dev/sdX in your fstab to the corresponding UUID=numbers shown by blkid06:18
lilcyberOh ok, urlin2u if you need any Ruby scripts I got you haha.06:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:18
slim_charlesPolah, http://pastebin.com/G90hAkpb06:18
sav_glebihan: Have the results. What's the ubuntu page where you can post terminal results or code or stuff?06:18
slim_charlesPolah, ah, i see exactly what you are talking about06:18
urlin2ulilcyber, thanks. ;)06:18
glebihan!pastevin | sav_06:18
lilcyberyour welcome url06:19
glebihan!pastebin | sav_06:19
ubottusav_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:19
slim_charlesPolah, but how do i do it though? like pase it in there06:19
Polahslim_charles: So instead of /dev/sdd1 or suchlike it should be UUID=XXXXX-XXX and so on06:19
sav_glebihan: Thank you. :)06:19
rodhashSo .. I'm allocating 200MB for video through some grub's option... Buuuut I'm not so sure how much should I allocate for video..06:19
Polahslim_charles: Yes, copy and paste each of the UUIDs shown by blkid in place of their respective /dev/sdXY designations06:19
sav_glebihan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/664761/06:19
Polahrodhash: For an intel GPU, that should be fine.06:19
urlin2urodhash, you virtual with this?06:20
willwhrodhash: 128 is probably more than sufficient06:20
willwhjust don't bother with compiz :]06:20
slim_charlesPolah, ok so  i still leave the " /media/sde1"  intact? or remove that as well, and the only thing left on the line should be UUID, and the id06:20
thiagoalmeidajoin #python06:20
rodhashPolah: I'm facing some graphical issues mainly with firefox and lotus notes, they lost the color and some functions, sometime..06:20
rodhashThat's why I think it might be the amount of graphical memory06:21
rodhashIt's an intermittent issue... btw06:21
KoshkaHi. I have a problem with languages. I would like to have dates and such formatted in Finnish fashion but would also like to keep menus and applications using English. I got the formats changed but some of the menus and applications are also using Finnish. Is there a fix for this?06:21
Polahslim_charles: Yes, leave the mount point intact, just change the first part of each line. For example one of my lines is UUID=9c724235-d88e-41ed-b1ae-3ffd4e992bc0 /media/Data     ext4    defaults        0       206:22
slim_charlesok, thanks, just needed that as confirmation06:22
justin__I did a partial upgrade today, and I guess it updated to gnome3. In an attempt to revert back to gnome 2, now none of my sessions show in the login page. GNOME is completely gone. gnome session seems to not be installed. going into recovery console, I can't install gnome session because for some reason, because the recovery console isn't connected to the internet. Any suggestions?06:23
glebihansav_, ok at this stage you should type "n" to create a new partition06:23
glebihansav_, *partition table*06:23
theadminjustin__: Ubuntu does not have Gnome306:23
theadminrodhash: o/06:24
sav_glebihan: Wait, what do you mean? As like an option with fdisk?06:24
slim_charles<theadmin> rodhash: o/06:24
justin__I don't know why, but before I used classic gnome. Somehow it updated to gnome3 without telling me. it was the weirdest thing!06:24
theadminjustin__: You sure it's not Unity?06:25
glebihansav_, no, didn't you get into an interactive interface after running the fdisk command06:25
theadminjustin__: did it have an ugly bar on the left?06:25
glebihanjustin__, impossible it upgraded to gnome3 without you adding some repositories06:25
SenixHow would I install Ubuntu on a macintosh G4?06:26
mikitheadmin yes it does im running gnome 3 on it now06:26
sav_glebihan: Um, I don't know. It still says what I pasted into paste.ubuntu.06:26
theadminmiki: Only trough PPAs.06:26
sav_glebihan: It's interactive? I just type n?06:26
glebihansav_, ok then type "n"06:26
justin__If i did add repositories, it was unintentional lol all points aside, any suggestions on how to connect to the internet in recovery and reinstall gnome-session?06:26
theadminmiki: It's not officially supported.06:26
glebihansav_, yep06:26
theadminjustin__: What kind of internet connection do you have?06:26
mikiok im running alpha 2 lol06:27
sav_Command action    e   extended    p   primary partition (1-4)06:27
glebihanjustin__, if you did upgrade to gnome3, there is no downgrade process06:27
sav_glebihan: What do those mean?06:27
sav_glebihan: I should pick primary, I spose, right?06:27
glebihansav_, right06:27
justin__@theadmin I have a wifi connection. testing the connection tells me it goes through, but in recovery it will not connect.06:28
theadminjustin__: Oh... That's a toughie to do in console06:28
=== boscop is now known as Boscop
sav_glebihan: And then I say primary partition 1?06:28
glebihansav_, yes06:28
justin__@the admin Haha, I know! thats why I came here. I've been trying for a few hours xD06:28
theadminjustin__: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_Setup#Manual_setup - a great article on how to do it06:28
glebihanjustin__, use "iwconfig"06:28
sav_glebihan: Thanks.06:29
theadminglebihan: Ain't gonna cut on encrypted networks.06:29
sav_glebihan: Oh gosh. I pick the default cylinders yes/06:29
justin__Thanks guys! hopefully I can get gnome2 and my gnome session option restored! :)06:29
glebihansav_, yes06:29
sav_glebihan: Okay, that's done then.06:30
rodhashGuys .. Besides Ubuntu's IRC where else can I join some topics related to Ubuntu / Gnu Linux / tech stuff???06:30
glebihansav_, ok what did  it say ?06:30
sav_glebihan: refreshing gparted06:30
sav_glebihan: Nothing, no errors.06:30
sav_glebihan: Except gparted seems to disagree.06:31
glebihansav_, still the same error message or is it different ?06:31
theadminrodhash: Here's a great place, stay on here.06:31
sav_glebihan: No change in the way gparted sees it. Checking disk utility06:31
theadminrodhash: I'm not an Ubuntu user but I still love it here06:31
justin__Well actually, all the information and network managment stuff is already setup and stored. When I start a gnome-panel from recovery, I can go into network manager and look at all the info. But, in the recovery console, it still says that I'm not connected. weird.06:31
sav_glebihan: No change in either disk utility or gparted. :\06:32
theadminjustin__: Wait wut? Gnome3 doesn't even *have* gnome-panel06:32
Ir0nmanif I post my boot_info_script results will you be able to help me?06:32
rodhashtheadmin: Yes you're right.. I just would like to be more active with those tech stuff, maybe some forum.. I dont know06:33
rodhashbut thx : )06:33
urlin2uIr0nman, post it yeah.06:33
rodhashThanks for the help guys... I'm leaving for today / tonight!! \o/06:33
Ir0nmanok cool thanks06:33
rodhashday off \o/06:33
justin__I know, I uninstalled gnome3 and downgraded. the problem is I have gnome 2, but it will not give me an option as a session.06:33
glebihansav_, hum, looks to me like a damaged drive... not sure though... maybe somebody else would have more ideas on how to help you06:33
theadminjustin__: You can't simply walk into Mordor, err, downgrade to Gnome206:34
theadmin!downgrade | justin__06:34
ubottujustin__: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.06:34
sav_glebihan: Ai ai ai, that's what the other guy said.06:34
urlin2uIr0nman, http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:34
glebihansav_, I know...sorry06:34
sav_glebihan: It's certainly at a better place than it was a few days ago. I couldn't even see the drive then.06:34
justin__Well, I wasn't exactly downgrading ubuntu, just gnome3.06:35
sav_glebihan: That's okay, I still appreciate what I learned from you.06:35
glebihansav_, well then maybe there's hope for it !06:35
KoshkaIf anyone had experience fixing language issues in Ubuntu, I could use a pointer or two.06:35
sav_glebihan: It's just so weird. When I got it it was still in the package. Everything went downhill when I tried to reformat it.06:36
StarminnUsing Ubuntu 10.10, I am trying to use the Compiz screensaver. It works when manually invoked; however when I try to let the timer do it itself the default screensaver takes over and Compiz appears to never have activated.06:36
theadminKoshka: Language issues?06:36
p3rsistGuys How can I install packages from Natty on Lucid?06:36
theadminp3rsist: You don't.06:37
glebihansav_, any error during formatting can have serious consequences...06:37
justin__It still knows the packages exist, it just tells me it fails to fetch from all the URLs, so I cannot restore Gnome2!06:37
K-Richhey all06:37
glebihanp3rsist, if you really want more recent packages, try finding ppas with packages built for lucid, or build from source06:37
sav_glebihan: Obviously. I didn't do anything strange though, like yank it out. I just clicked format, and bam, broken.06:38
Koshkatheadmin: I wanted to change date and other formats into Finnish but keep the menus and applications using English. However, some menus and application (not all, XChat for example) started using Finnish as well. Is there a clean fix for this?06:38
sav_glebihan: It gave me an error about not picking a file type, though I had left it at FAT32 because that was the default option.06:38
linageewhat is "us.archive.ubuntu.com" for?06:39
theadminKoshka: Finnish... lol I thought you're Russian because of your nickname06:39
=== excelsio1 is now known as excelsior1
theadminKoshka: Either way, sorry, no idea. Odd stuff honestly.06:40
linageewhy do I get when resolving us.archive.ubuntu.com? ( is a RIPE network, not US.)06:40
glebihansav_, FAT32 should have been just fine (and is to me the best choice for an external drive)06:40
StarminnUsing Ubuntu 10.10, I am trying to use the Compiz screensaver. It works when manually invoked; however when I try to let the timer do it itself the default screensaver takes over and Compiz appears to never have activated.06:41
sav_glebihan: Well, it's big, and I want to stick movies and games on it, so I'd like to put NTFS on it if I can.06:42
Ir0nmandid you get the results?06:43
urlin2uIr0nman, so what is booting at this point?06:43
Ir0nmanonly ubuntu06:43
rawbdorrww,  hey just wanted to say thanks for the point ot the doc.  I didn't end up upgrading but using the old repos allowed me to get the few packages I needed to get through06:43
Ir0nmanwindows 7 gives me errors and as you can see xp isnt even in the cfg06:43
sav_glebihan: but yes, very strange problem. Maybe it's because of the heat? My cat is warming himself on it now, and my friend had heating issues in the laptop it was a replacement for.06:44
TakyojiIs the compose key function working in Ubuntu at all? I have a key chosen to act as a compose key, but it isn't working at all (and I've gotten it working before just fine in a couple other instances)?06:44
ParkerRWow without Ubuntu one I actually have a faster boot time06:44
Ir0nmani have added xp to the cfg and it doesnt boot just black screen with cursor06:44
glebihansav_, could be, though I don't remember of disk issues related to heat06:45
glebihanStarminn, did you try disabling the default screensaver ?06:46
TakyojiErm, Ubuntu 11.04, I meant to specify.06:46
sav_I don't know. It might resolve a little on its own. After I force-mounted it with the help of a nice person from this channel, it showed up in Disk Utility all on its own.06:46
Starminnglebihan: No. How would I do that?06:47
glebihanStarminn, System->Preference->Screensaver06:47
jessieAwesome! Just found out that Google Music added a Linux client. :-)06:47
Starminnglebihan: Clearly. There is no option for disabling06:48
urlin2uIr0nman, it is a bit of a mess, to be honest I would start a thread on the ubuntu forums and post the boot script, I learned all of the stuff I know using the bootscript there,from a cadre of people really good at this.06:48
glebihanStarminn, there should be a "Activate screensaver when computer is idle" checkbox06:49
Ir0nmanis there something other than grub I can use?06:49
Starminnglebihan: Ah. That's a sneaky way to word it. ;) We'll see how it goes.06:49
urlin2uIr0nman, you have sda2 the original W7 boot partition it now has the whole XP boot set up there and a additional extra file in the XP sda5 which s in a extended partiton.06:50
Ir0nmanweird im pretty sure the sda5 is windows xp06:50
Ir0nmani went into win7 and shrunk the hdd06:50
Ir0nmanand then installed winxp06:51
urlin2uIr0nman, I had a Wy natty and XP boot, the Xp was after the W7 I could only boot XP with easybcd setup in windows, but I had a clean system, yours is mucked up takemy word for it.06:51
Ir0nmani know its mucked up thats why im here :)06:51
urlin2uIr0nman, if it helps here was my setup http://paste.ubuntu.com/664778/06:54
urlin2uIr0nman, sda2 is xx06:55
Starminnglebihan: You're awesome.06:55
glebihanStarminn, I know :)06:55
Starminnglebihan: ;) Thanks. :D06:55
glebihanStarminn, you're welcome06:56
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Ir0nmanthanks for the help ill try again tomorrow06:58
urlin2uIr0nman, I would bet a 100$ you wont get it fixed here, I might be able to do it but with the problems you have it is not worth the hassle a lot needs to be done.06:58
abhihello, can I use startup disk creator program to create a bootable disk of "lubuntu"?07:01
abhihello, can I use startup disk creator program to create a bootable disk of "lubuntu"?, I am using ubuntu 10.1007:03
dannywhen is ubuntu getting a metro gui?07:03
dannyi would like to see my netbook and android phone use the same ubuntu os... seamlessly07:04
urlin2udanny, nice dream.;)07:04
dannyurlin2u, agree!07:05
dannyi also want ubuntu to be a vm i can move and drag onto my phone07:05
urlin2udanny, reminds me of MLK dream speech never gonna happen, as beautiful as it was.;)07:05
dannyyeh im a thinker...07:06
dannyi have visions07:06
* glebihan wants Ubuntu to make him coffee every morning...07:06
urlin2uesspresso here.07:07
dannypicture this... your on your laptop... for some reason you dont like your laptop anymore... your sitting in your lounge.. so you slide across your ubuntu os onto your 60inch led... then watch it bigger... but you have to go to work soon so you drag ubuntu to your android mobile... just in time to leave for your bus...07:07
glebihandanny, welcome to the 27th century !07:08
dannywhy bother syncronising when you can just take unbuntu anywhere07:08
urlin2udanny, you have been watching the MS commercials haven't you.07:08
dannynot at all07:09
dannyim just at home drinking07:09
dannynice to meet...07:10
urlin2uthey have medications for those sort of dreams now. ;)07:11
slim_charlesim having trouble with deluge, i have lets say 100 torrents currently loaded. i want deludge to move their storage to someplace else. i select all and right click and then move storage. enter new directory. but when i right click any of the torrents and do open folder, it takes me back to the old directory. it only works if i do it 1 by 107:12
slim_charlesAnybody know a solution, or should i start using utorrent again?07:12
urlin2uslim_charles, you need to move the stuff to the new area then let deluge readit, basically, it wont move it you have to.07:13
glebihanslim_charles, don't know about deluge, I know it works fine with transmission07:13
wildbatutserver works good:>07:14
slim_charlesurlin2u, oh i know about moving the actual files. i just want deluge to point to the new folder , so i can do force recheck and then seed or keep downlading07:14
urlin2uslim_charles, is it a external drive your trying to point to?07:17
sosaitedHow can I find out if the last reboot was a shutdown/restart or power failure on Lucid07:21
slim_charlesurlin2u, no, internal sata07:21
almoxarifewhat is the terminal command to allow a script to run by root?07:24
urlin2uslim_charles, I had the same problem using a external, but when I shutdown deluge and the daemon, with everything paused and pointed it to the files new place it worked, try pausing all then shut it down and open it and open one to see if it is synced correctly.07:24
minimecsosaited: --> /var/log/messeges and maybe other log files07:25
slim_charlesurlin2u, sounds like a good idea, ill try that07:25
yezariaelyAnyone knows how to get the old scroll bars in current ubuntu07:25
sosaitedminimec, I would have to guess based on timestamps or would there be some specific string for shutdown/reboot?07:26
urlin2uslim_charles, check with htop if you don't have the deluge icon in the top panel to make sure you shutdown the daemon, that  think is the crux.07:26
minimecyezariaely: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-get-classic-scrollbar-back-in-ubuntu-11-04-tip/07:26
yezariaelyminimec: thx07:27
minimecsosaited: It would certainly print some 'kernel' stuff, if the shutdown was on power failure...07:28
Eryn_1983_FLallright I Am  frustrated and I am not going to take it anymore..07:29
yezariaelyafter dist upgrade my dpkg status file is corrupt. How can I fix that?07:29
Eryn_1983_FLI have installed numerous  tiled managers in ubuntu and the only one that works is bluetile.  that  comand specifcally07:30
slim_charlesyezariaely, i think u can do that by going to recovery mode07:31
slim_charlesim not sure though07:31
yezariaelyslim_charles: thing is, there is only some descrption of a package broken07:32
urlin2uyezariaely, look in synaptic broken packages07:32
slim_charlesyezariaely, this command comes to mind dpkg-reconfigure07:33
urgruhi guys07:34
Guest60390i've a problem with vmware + ubuntu 11.04 as host07:34
Guest60390is there someone that can help me?07:34
Guest60390my problem is that the keycombo alt gr + <key> doesn't work07:35
urgruAnybody around who can help out with wlan configuration?07:35
urgruI'd appreciate07:35
auronandaceGuest60390: have you tried using virtualbox instead (that is open source)07:35
yezariaelyurlin2u: this only solves damaged dependencies if I got that right07:35
slim_charlesurgru, what exactly do you need?07:36
urlin2uyezariaely, just a hunch on my part, not really sure.07:36
urgruhi slim_charles. wlan networks show, i enter the correct password, but it doesn't connect07:36
Guest60390auronandace, vbox doesn't have something like the unity mode, that i found very useful07:37
urgruit works on this machine with a different os07:37
urgruso hardwar should be fine07:37
auronandaceGuest60390: its got seamless mode07:37
Eryn_1983_FLI got stump to work yay07:37
slim_charlesurgru, do you know the network?07:37
slim_charlesis it your own network or school?07:37
urgruyes. it's my home network and I am connected on a different machine as well07:37
slim_charlesbecause they use more than just ssid and password07:37
urgruubuntu 11.04 it is07:38
slim_charlesok is this machine you trying to connect a laptop?07:38
slim_charlesthe one that currently isnt connected07:38
urgruyes. it's a laptop07:39
urgruwlan0     IEEE 802.11abg  ESSID:"FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140 Annex A"07:39
urgru          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.432 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated07:39
urgru          Tx-Power=15 dBm07:39
urgru          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off07:39
urgru          Power Management:off07:39
FloodBot1urgru: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:39
slim_charlesis the first machine connect wireless as well?07:39
slim_charlesurgru, while not sure what exactly the problem is, we can try to figure it out07:40
slim_charlestheres many steps, first you should try connecting only 1 machine at a time and see if that works.07:40
slim_charlesthe second thing you could do, is go under edit connections, delete all existing wireless connections07:40
urgruI already gtried the first step07:41
slim_charlesadd a new one, while looking at the router config. to make sure youre using the same ssid, infrastrucutre if that applies and password07:41
yezariaelyurlin2u slim_charles finally found a solution here: http://thepcspy.com/read/fixing-dpkg-status-corruption/07:41
yezariaelyit was a wrong package description07:42
yezariaelythat is bad. this should be checked by the maintainers (automatically, of course)07:42
slim_charlesmake sure you have the correct wireless security checked, urgru , and also MAKE sure to assign it a static local ip different from the other machine07:42
slim_charlesdoes it fix your problem though? yezariaely07:42
yezariaelyslim_charles: indeed it does.07:43
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.07:43
urlin2uyezariaely, cool looks ugly.07:43
chaospsychexcan some1 help me to run the ubuntu install from a partition ?07:43
chaospsychexi basically want to take the files in the .ISO, put them onto a hdd partition and boot into it to do the install onto another partition07:44
slim_charlesyezariaely, does this actually fix the problem of there being a corrupt package status file?07:44
slim_charlesor just remove it so it doesnt give the message, yezariaely07:44
yezariaelyslim_charles: so the reason for the problems was an empty line in a package description.07:45
chaospsychexi have done it before but i can't remember how i did it07:45
yezariaelythus, dpkg expects a new key:value pair07:45
yezariaelynow I removed the newline manually and the status file is parseable again07:45
slim_charlesah, so nothing to do with packages being actually broken? just mis reading by dpkg?07:45
yezariaelyso yes, the problem is fixed for me.07:45
slim_charlesyou might as well make a forum post and post that as a solution07:46
ram0042chaospsychex: are you in linux right now?07:46
yezariaelyMaybe the description of the package is broken, slim_charles07:46
slim_charlescause that looks like a tough find07:46
urlin2uslim_charles, gold star for you. ;)07:46
yezariaelyslim_charles: so if that goes for the total package broken, then yes07:46
slim_charleswat gold star?07:46
urlin2uslim_charles, a evidence of your help and success.07:47
yezariaelyslim_charles: maybe you can do a apt-cache show mirthkit and see if there is a new line in the description?07:47
slim_charlesyezariaely,  how would you check for newline like that? you def need  some  extra commands in there07:48
yezariaelyslim_charles: see the url I posted.07:49
ram0042does anyone know how to disable things in Ubuntu like services and deamons?07:49
yezariaelyslim_charles: sure, but a plain old regular expression should be enough07:49
eFfeMhi, n00bish question: coming from opensuse I moved to ubuntu 11.04 (with gnome; unity was a step too far for me); now gnome restored my desktop upon reboot, how can I achieve that in ubuntu ?07:49
slim_charlesi saw that, those are s a lot of steps, i was thinking of putting all of those in like 1 step07:49
simion314hi, i have a laptop with a 2 years old laptop, one day it crashed so i tried reinstalling it, the ubuntu installers fails when formating the drive. I also tried a Win XP CD and it also fails (freezes ) when formating the drive. Should i assume that i need a new disk? or is other things i could try?07:50
eFfeMSearched on the web also noticed I could add programs to autostart through system/preferences/startup applications, but I do not have that entry (nor a sessions entry)07:50
yezariaelyslim_charles: in fact it is only this line that is necessary pcregrep -nM '\n\s*\n[^P]+' /var/lib/dpkg/status07:50
eFfeManyone an idea?07:50
yezariaelyslim_charles: and I think this could be done in sed as well07:51
glebihaneFfeM, the menu item may be hidden, try right-clicking and the menu and select "edit menu" to find out if it's there07:51
minimeceFfeM: You have a gdm Session called 'ubuntu classic'. That session would give you a normal gnome2 session.07:52
eFfeMglebihan: will check07:52
glebihaneFfeM, you could also launch this tool with the "gnome-session-properties" command07:53
eFfeMminimec: will try that too; issue is that I used to have startup problems: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/803992; worked around these as described there (I'm Frans)07:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 803992 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Natty update introduced crasher in xorg" [Undecided,New]07:53
fagelHi, I get the error hd0: out of disk, press any key to continue, and then ubunutu boots just fine. I have 20GB of freespace. How to remove the error07:53
eFfeMbut still often gdm crashes first time then asks for relogin, not sure if it then does a different session07:54
eFfeMglebihan: all in gnome-session-properties is checked and no startup applications in it07:55
yezariaelyslim_charles: this seems to be something for lintian, doesn't it? (if it is not already checked in there)07:55
glebihaneFfeM, gnome-session-properties lets you edit startup applications07:55
Besogonhi!. Does anyone know howto get definition of system groups?07:55
eFfeMglebihan: oops misunderstood things; I can add in there07:55
eFfeMglebihan: yeah realised it just after I hit enter07:56
urlin2usimion314, run a memory test with the ubuntu cd, on the try ubutu, install, memory test gui.07:56
eFfeMglebihan: thanks for yourhelp07:56
glebihaneFfeM, you're welcome07:56
glebihaneFfeM, did you install gnome 3 ?07:57
minimeceFfeM: Well the bug is about a modified gdm (from the gnome3 ppa). I nmy eyes adding gnome3 to ubuntu 11.04 natty is a very bad idea, as you mix gtk2 and gtk307:57
eFfeMglebihan: it has been a while ago, but I think it is gnome2; let me see if I can find out07:57
slim_charlesyezariaely, probably yes , it is definitely a weird issue which im sure others have had or have and dont know they have it07:57
yezariaelysimion314: did you try a live cd?07:58
sosaitedGuest60390, Depends on your question07:58
simion314urlin2u: i started that but it seems to take too much time and the progress indicator is not so intuitive, i did not have ay idea if it is almost done or just begining07:58
eFfeMglebihan:  minimec about gnome says version 2.32.1 distributor ubuntu07:58
simion314yezariaely: yes, it starts the live cd07:58
yezariaelyand you can read from the hdd with it?07:58
urlin2usimion314, it has a how many passes notation.07:59
glebihaneFfeM, ok so that bug report you posted isn't about the same problem as yours as it is related to gnome307:59
eFfeMglebihan: ah ok, well some of the answers in it are mine and apply to gnome208:00
eFfeMwill update the report08:00
slim_charlesits nice outside08:01
eFfeMglebihan: added a note in the bug report08:01
yezariaelyslim_charles: not for me ;)08:02
ram0042can anyone help me set up a vpn connection?08:02
yezariaelyslim_charles: lintian seems to check for this errors08:02
yezariaelyso I should bash the guy creating the package for not checking it08:02
slim_charlesor lintian missed it?08:03
eFfeMglebihan: minimec my gnome issue is that apparently my new compu is too fast causing this startup problem08:03
minimeceFfeM: That sounds strange to me.08:04
yezariaelyru6yxx: lintian is a check tool for creating software packages08:05
ram0042!software packages08:05
yezariaelyru6yxx: it ensures that you do not forget descriptions and stuff08:05
ru6yxxok rhanks08:05
yezariaelysoftware packages are thhe things you see when opening the ubuntu software install tools08:05
ram0042!install tools08:06
eFfeMminimec: will peek some more in the logs, now still I often (always?) get a message that starting fails, but I can then restart and log in08:06
eFfeMwill try a few things and report back08:06
yezariaelyram0042: you wanna see me acting as a bot don't you? ...08:06
eFfeMminimec: but originall I also got the null user name problem that was in the bug report I gave08:06
eFfeMwill try after tea...08:07
pRoV7x what's the best ubuntu relese08:08
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110408:09
glebihaneFfeM, could you pastebin your /etc/init/gdm.conf file ?08:09
pRoV7x !LTS08:11
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)08:11
almoxarifehow do I tell ubuntu natty in terminal to allow me to login to gnome-shell08:12
pRoV7x my biult-in cam is not working for some reason?08:13
almoxarifetoo hard? not sexy enough?08:13
eFfeMglebihan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/664812/08:14
yezariaelyslim_charles: lintian catches the error definitely. I tried it here.08:15
glebihaneFfeM, I would remove the "or  runlevel PREVLEVEL=S" condition, it's really weird...08:16
almoxarifehow do I tell ubuntu natty in terminal to allow me to login to gnome-shell????????08:16
th0ralmoxarife: startx?08:17
eFfeMglebihan: done, do I need to reboot now?08:17
glebihaneFfeM, to test this, yes08:17
eFfeMglebihan: ok, back in a bit08:18
almoxarifeth0r: is that it or a guess??08:18
th0ralmoxarife: with the detail you supplied, a guess08:18
eFfeMglebihan: rebooted, auto login, gnome classic, still get the oh no something has gone wrong message, then if I click ok, it restarts, i get the autologin screen again and it does start (but not retaining the apps I had running)08:22
pRoV7x can I get a Ubuntu CD/DVD sent to my address?08:22
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almoxarifeth0r: had unity running swell, decided to go for gnome3 gnome-shell, the installation went fine, after that on reboot I hit a blank screen, perhaps because I had set the logging to go straigh in to the desktop before, not sure, anyway , since then I have been hitting blanks, oh btw, I did kill x and I managed to re-install the drivers to my card via terminal afterwards, so that's the details, not sure where the issue is, I would ins08:23
urlin2upRoV7x, http://www.ubuntu.com/shipit08:23
pRoV7x urlin2u: thanks08:24
glebihaneFfeM, well maybe you could try replacing the whole "start on" section by this one : http://paste.ubuntu.com/664820/ (it's my /etc/init/gdm.conf file). Further than that I have no idea...08:24
eFfeMglebihan: will try that, also peeking at /var/log/gdm/* at the moment; also seems to report some issues08:25
glebihaneFfeM, ok let me know if you find anything08:26
eFfeMglebihan: will do (and thanks again for your help)08:27
glebihaneFfeM, you're welcome08:27
nfunhello I need a small help, I want to install an tar.gz application, I am new user in linux.08:27
nfuncan anyone help?08:27
spalI don't use Ubuntu but a quick question for a friend of mine who needs help.08:30
spalDoes the latest version of Ubuntu installer require the user to explictly allow grub to overwrite the MBR? Is there a screen or dialog during the installation that requires the user to decide whether or not to install GRUB?08:30
glebihannfun, what application is it ? isn't it available in the repositories ?08:31
nfunit's utorrent08:32
overcluckerutorrent has a linux release?08:32
Abhijitspal, yes mbr gets overwritten but i think you can tell it to not do so08:32
th0rnfun: save yourself a lot of problems. Install a torrent package from synaptic08:32
nfuni will check08:33
urlin2uspal, in the custom install you can put grub in Ubuntu, not the mbr, choose the partition.08:33
glebihan!torrent  | nfun08:33
ubottunfun: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P08:33
spalAbhijit, okay. so the installer does show the grub dialog and let the user decide. am I right? my friend claims that she did not see the GRUB dialog at all. It must be an error on her part. right?08:33
urlin2uspal, has to be the custom install bottom line it can't be held back but put in a partition=ubuntu.08:34
nfunI found other torrent programs but I want utorrent08:34
Abhijitspal, no08:34
Abhijitspal, as i remember there is advance option in last dialoge window08:35
Cobra36093it was differnt when I did a dualboot with osx08:35
urlin2uAbhijit, the advanced is not in Natty.08:35
Abhijiturlin2u, ok08:35
spalso she is trying to create a dual boot. she says she has installed Ubuntu but Ubuntu doesn't appear while booting.08:35
Abhijiti forgot08:35
Cobra36093but a dual boot with osx yields some verry odd things08:35
urlin2uspal, did she use a thumb to install?08:36
Cobra36093I did08:36
spalno, the ubuntu live + installer CD08:36
Cobra36093had no probs08:36
nfuncan you tell me the command to install a tar.gz?08:36
nfunor it's a lot?08:36
spalurlin2u, what do you mean by "custom install"? I don't know what it is.08:36
Cobra36093on ubuntu/mint?08:37
urlin2uspal, can you get her to run a script from a live ubuntu cd and get it pastebinned?08:37
Abhijit!complie | nfun08:37
spalurlin2u, yes, which script?08:37
overcluckernfun: it looks like utorrent only has the server component for linux. the client component is not yet complete.08:37
Abhijit!compile | nfun08:37
ubottunfun: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:37
urlin2uspal, http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/08:37
urlin2uspal, creates a huge text file we need all of it in a pastebin.08:37
glebihannfun, you should installation instructions inside the tarball (some README or INSTALL file)08:38
glebihannfun, should *have*08:38
nfunoverclucker so you suggest me put torrent client that i find in synaptic?08:38
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pRoV7x what's the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?08:38
glebihannfun, definitely a better solution08:38
nfunok i will put something ready08:39
Lasers!de | pRoV7x08:39
ubottupRoV7x: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:39
urlin2upRoV7x, the desktop and the apps associated.08:39
glebihanpRoV7x, Ubuntu uses Gnome (or Unity starting from Natty) as a desktop environment where Kubuntu uses KDE08:39
LaserspRoV7x: Wrong factorid. Sorry.08:39
Lasers!desktops | pRoV7x08:39
ubottupRoV7x: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors08:39
overcluckernfun: Transmission works really well. You should already have it too.08:40
LaserspRoV7x: Gnome -- http://www.gnome.org/ --  KDE -- http://kde.org/08:40
pRoV7x :S08:41
AMDassalamu alaikum08:41
spalurlin2u, error: "gawk" could not be found, using "busybox awk" instead.08:41
pRoV7x ok08:41
pRoV7x thanks all08:41
urlin2uspal, ???08:41
spalurlin2u, error from that boot script08:41
urlin2uspal, the script is downloaded and a command run.08:41
badbodhaving problem installing on Via fakeraid , RAID 0 ,  ubuntu 11.04 , it cannot see the raid array, when type dmraid -ay it says crc eror sda and sdb  ,  I have windows installed on it already and it boots fine.08:42
spalRunning "bash boot_info_script.sh" outputs this error:  "gawk" could not be found, using "busybox awk" instead.08:42
spalalso, she is using the beta version, it seems.08:43
spalcould that be an issue.08:43
nfunoverclucker qBittorent or Ktorrent?08:44
nfunqBittorent has more stars08:44
Lasersnfun: Stars mean nothing. Find out what works well for you.08:44
nfunany suggestion? :)08:45
urlin2uspal, down load the zip extract it drag the script to the desktop and run this command.08:45
urlin2usudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script.sh08:45
Lasersnfun: Transmission. :308:45
overcluckernfun: i'd say try eachh until you find the one you like the best. i used to use deluge, the interface looks a lot like utorrent08:45
nfunok thanks08:45
love4linuxI have problem with ubuntu recognizing my laptop's keyboard and mousepad...can anyone help me?08:46
urlin2uspal other option, script will go to home.08:46
urlin2uwget -c http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/bootinfoscript/bootinfoscript/0.55/boot_info_script055.sh08:46
urlin2uchmod 777 boot_info_script055.sh08:46
urlin2usudo bash ./boot_info_script055.sh08:46
FloodBot1urlin2u: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:46
nfunI hope one day I can also help here :)08:46
badbodvia raid 0 , help anyone?08:47
urlin2uspal, you can copy and paste the wholewget to a terminal then look in home for the text file08:47
urlin2uspal, here is a pastebin easier to copy if needed.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/664834/08:48
ChessTeachWhen I logon I get several error messages and nautilus is unable to run because of permissions. I have autolog on enabled so I am unable to choose safe mode settings, any idea how I can choose which manager to load when autolog on is enabled?08:48
IdleOnedisable auto login and log out then log back in08:49
IdleOneat the login screen you will be able to select the session to use08:49
ChessTeachno i cannot08:49
ChessTeachall i can select is the user, once i do that it logs in08:49
oCeanbadbod: fakeraid with linux has lots of problems08:50
IdleOneChessTeach: this is why you need to disable auto login first08:50
ChessTeachIdleOne: how do i do that, i cannot do anything after loggin on, this looks real badi08:50
IdleOnewhat do you mean by cannot do anything?08:50
habananyLooking for htc evo irc channel08:51
IdleOne!alis | habanany08:51
ubottuhabanany: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*08:51
ChessTeachi get a blank screen after logging on(after several error messages) clicking and right clicking do nothing08:51
ChessTeachalso my keyboard shortcuts do not work08:51
ChessTeachthe screen saver just came on, so i typed in my password, and now it froze08:52
habananyStill lost08:52
IdleOneno clue what to tell you. Perhaps someone else can help08:52
IdleOnehabanany: ask in #freenode for help with finding channels08:52
habananyOk tx08:53
ChessTeachok well thanks08:53
yezariaelyChessTeach: change to console mode (alt+ctrl+f1) and login yourself08:54
yezariaelydoes this work?08:54
habananyHow do I ask?08:54
yezariaelyhabanany: as in real life ....08:54
IdleOnehabanany: type /join #freenode08:55
badbodit installed before on this mainboard, I was using different hard disks then and an older version of ubuntu, it did reconize and install correctly, I have changed HD to 2x 25008:55
habananyJoin freenode08:55
urlin2uhabanany, /join08:55
ChessTeachthats a good idea yezariaely let me try that08:55
oCeanbadbod: thing is, there are many issues using fakeraid, you can expect those issues when changing anything in a working configuration.08:56
yezariaelyhabanany: you might want to read an irc tutorial. use google and pick one08:56
love4linuxcan anyone help me find out why ubuntu 11.04 often does not recognize my laptop's keyboard and mousepad?08:58
badbodthere are no issues, it works fine in wdoze and has always worked fine before ,  I have just gone to install 100.04 and it will not reconize the set at all,  so I am guessing that dmraid or dev-mapper is broken? or I need to do something like compile kernel with mapper static?08:58
badboderr install 11.0408:58
eFfeMglebihan: tried a few things (including moving from hdmi to dvi cable as I saw some hdmi related stuff in the log, but to no avail; one more Q though, I saw both your and mine gdm.conf refer to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but I do not have any, is that bad ?09:00
glebihaneFfeM, no I is not needed09:01
glebihan*it* is not09:01
eFfeMglebihan: thought so, but wanted to verify it to be sure09:01
eFfeMstill peeking at the logs09:01
RKyleWhat is a good media player in Ubuntu?09:03
eFfeMglebihan: one odd thing is that initially (when it says something gone wrong; it is using VT #7 and then the successful one is on VT #8 (would have expected it to reuse #7)09:03
yezariaelyRKyle: vlc, mplayer, xine09:03
K-Richnight all09:04
glebihaneFfeM, it sometimes happens when gdm restarts the display that it switches VT09:04
RKyleyezariaely, Thanks.09:04
eFfeMglebihan: can it use 7? if I go to that one it is where the boot log is ...09:04
yezariaelyRKyle: so is it for audio or video?09:04
RKyleyezariaely, Audio but it needs to get the music from another partition with an NTFS format.09:05
glebihaneFfeM, you mean forcing gdm to chooose VT7 ?09:05
slim_charlesvlc can do that09:05
yezariaelyRKyle: then i would suggest xmms (similar to winamp) or banshee09:06
yezariaelyRKyle: any player can access ntfs partitions if they are mounted09:06
RKyleyezariaely, Alright, thanks. :D09:06
eFfeMglebihan: afaik I did not force, and I know how to force, but if I now  do ctrl-alt-f7 it gives me the bot log screen saying starting service X etc; can gdm use that same VT?09:06
RKyleI know but some of them have problems from time to time for various reasons.09:07
yezariaelyRKyle: ha I forgot one. I like audacious (it is running at the moment ;-) )09:07
glebihaneFfeM, it should be able to, as long as there isn't already a display in that VT09:07
vinuvakaAnd What about banshee?09:08
yezariaelyvinuvaka: mentioned that earlier ;)09:08
eFfeMglebihan: ah ok, and I also see that the successful greeter.log file has lots of these messages09:08
eFfeMWindow manager warning: Failed to contact configuration server; the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: GetIOR failed: The connection is closed)09:08
eFfeMwill check taht too09:08
RKyleyezariaely, I'm pretty used to Windows Media Player because most of the time I'm limited to Windows for various reasons, are any of them similar such as the library function?09:08
vinuvakaOh, I got it! :)09:08
sl33kI want to upgrade firefox from the terminal. How do i do this?09:09
eFfeMglebihan: these are not in the failing log09:09
glebihaneFfeM, looks like you may have something there09:09
slim_charlesRKyle, try Clementine09:09
yezariaelyRKyle: I think they all have some library function but I think banshee would be the most similar, then09:09
eFfeMglebihan: will dig into this, but it is uncharted territory for me; ah well, learning new things on a saturday morning :-)09:09
urlin2usl33k, which version do you have?09:10
RKyleslim_charles, yezariaely , Thanks, I'll try both and see which one I like best.09:10
slim_charlesthat or Amarok09:10
yezariaelyah, yes, and of course clementine09:10
slim_charlesAmarok is the most powerful out of all those though09:10
slim_charlesbecause theres scripts for it09:10
vinuvakaWell I am sorry if my question is out of topic, but i want to ask you all something  that sometimes my ubuntu hangs a lot while using for a long time,,,, any solution???09:10
denuggerHey noobs,my name is jimmy,the Great Linux User,i want you to know that i am the greatest here.You don`t know shit.09:10
denuggerI am the best programmer here.09:10
sl33kurlin2u: 3.6.1809:10
yezariaelyvinuvaka: describe hanging more exactly09:11
urlin2usl33k, ehat distro are you running?09:11
urlin2usl33k, what09:11
denuggerhow dare you kick someone great as me?09:11
sl33kurlin2u: 10.0409:11
tsimpsondenugger: do you have a support question?09:11
IdleOnedenugger: stop trolling now please.09:11
vinuvakaActually, it hangs a lot when I use it for a long time. Ever thing becomes so slow, very slow. Al last I had to restart it to regain the speed...:(09:12
urlin2usl33k, try the instructions here. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/firefox-4-ppa-for-ubuntu-10-04-and-10-10-users/09:13
yezariaelyvinuvaka: describe your hardware and your version of ubuntu please09:13
vinuvakaI'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and Pentium 4 intel09:13
vinuvakaand having ram of 1.5 gb09:13
vinuvaka\and abt 1 ghz speed09:13
sl33kurlin2u: thanks i will try09:14
ironmgood morning. Is there a separate ubuntu IRC channel for xen ?09:14
yezariaelyvinuvaka: sounds good. swapping is enabled?09:14
vinuvakaWHat is swapping?09:14
yezariaelyvinuvaka: simply start a terminal and enter swapon -s followed by a return09:14
urlin2usl33k, actually this looks  better. http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/firefox-5-lands-in-firefox-stable-ppa.html09:15
yezariaelyis there a line saying something? e.g. /dev/sda ....09:15
yezariaelygive me the size and used numbers09:15
glebihanurlin2u, sl33k : btw firefox 6 is now in that ppa09:15
yezariaelyglebihan: they are really running fast with version now09:16
RKyleRandom question out of curiosity, say I installed gnome because it was the only disc I have, I don't have any thumb drives or extra CDs. Is there a chance I can switch to KDE or would that require a fresh install?09:16
urlin2uglebihan, cool I was trying to find the highest release .09:16
vinuvakaWhat i have to enter in Terminal? swapon-s?09:16
glebihanyezariaely, yep they're already working on versions 7 and 809:16
AMDcan i install opera web browser on ubuntu.?09:16
yezariaelyvinuvaka: yes but with a space before -s09:16
sl33kglebihan: thats cool :)09:16
yezariaelyso enter "swapon -s" without the quotes09:16
urlin2usl33k, both link have the same ppa.09:17
sl33kurlin2u: thanks for this link09:17
urlin2usl33k, no problem.09:17
vinuvakaSomethign like this cam- simply start a terminal and enter swapon -s followed by a return09:17
vinuvakaSorry Imean09:17
ironmgood morning. Can you give your point of view about pros and contras when using CentOS or ubuntu / debian as production servers? - Thank you in advance for any hints.09:17
glebihanironm, probably not the right place for that kind of questions... try in ##linux maybe09:18
simmouk87ironm: less headaches with centos09:18
yezariaelyvinuvaka: can you post it on pastebin?09:18
vsyncironm think i'd go with debian. stable as hell, repos have a bit outdated software, but it doesn't matter that much on a production server09:18
Lasers!opera | AMD09:18
ubottuAMD: Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser09:18
LasersAMD: Talk here.09:19
vinuvakaywhat is pastebin?09:19
glebihan!pastebin | vinuvaka09:19
ubottuvinuvaka: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:19
Lasers!pastebin | vinuvaka09:19
RKyleSo is it possible to take a gnome Ubuntu install and turn it into Kubuntu?09:20
ironmthank you glebihan simion314 and vsync :)09:20
vsyncRKyle yeah...09:20
glebihanRKyle, yes you just have to install the "kubuntu-desktop" package09:20
ironmvsync, squeeze has quite outdated packages09:20
RKyleAnd apt-get remove gnome-desktop right?09:20
=== StevenR_ is now known as StevenR
ironmvsync, I don't have any experience if ubuntu handle it better09:21
IdleOne!purekde | RKyle09:21
ubottuRKyle: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »09:21
ChessTea1hyezariaely: cool that worked, thanks09:21
ironmsimmouk87, I use currently centos 5.5 for production . however I am not quite happy09:21
yezariaelyChessTea1h: what where you asking again?09:21
RKyleIdleOne, Thanks, that it what I was looking for.09:21
vinuvakaI pasted it now what to do, as they are asking for download that as text?09:22
glebihanvinuvaka, just paste the url here09:22
yezariaelyvinuvaka: give me the link to this09:22
vinuvakaI think I have to craete an acoount inlaunchpad?09:23
glebihanvinuvaka, no you didn't have to click on the "download as text" link, just give the url of your paste09:24
yezariaelyurl = webaddress in your browser09:25
vinuvakayeah here is the link frnss: http://paste.ubuntu.com/664847/09:25
glebihanvinuvaka, something like "http://paste.ubuntu.com/123456"09:25
yezariaelyvinuvaka: ok this looks good09:25
yezariaelyvinuvaka: did you have a look in the log files immediately after your problems?09:26
Myrttiwoo oggcamp \o/09:26
tobyburtonHello, having some ssh issues again/still09:26
yezariaelysee at /var/log/09:26
LasersAMD: Run "grep --color=always -iw lm /proc/cpuinfo"09:26
vinuvakai didn't get you?09:26
LasersAMD: Open a terminal.  Applications --> Terminal.  Run that.09:26
yezariaelyvinuvaka: so there are log files in linux. If you have problems, the sometimes they are written in logfiles09:26
LasersAMD: Please talk here instead of private message.09:26
yezariaelythey log files are in /var/log/09:27
tobyburtonSomehow I managed to mess things up, I can ssh with private ip, but the dyndns I setup doesn't work anymore. it hangs infinitely, or times out on some connections. However, the dynamic dns works for WOL, so I'm not sure where the real error is.09:27
vinuvakayezariaely:  how to do that..???09:27
yezariaelyeither in terminal enter cd /var/log or in a file browser navigate to /var/log09:28
vinuvakaafter that?09:28
LasersAMD: What does the message say after you ran the command?09:29
yezariaelyvinuvaka: you know when this happened the last time (accurately to day, hour, minute?)09:29
AMDLasers: i did that...grep --color=always -iw lm /proc/cpuinfo09:29
LasersAMD: Yes. What did the terminal tell you?09:29
vinuvakaactaully it happens every day with and whenever i use ubuntu..:(09:30
AMDflags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc pebs bts pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr lahf_lm09:30
AMDflags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc pebs bts pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr lahf_lm09:30
AMDlasers: what is this?09:31
LasersAMD: Flags. You can install 64bit if you want to.09:31
vsyncAMD so, err, does it hang mid-use or after being left alone for a while?09:31
yezariaelyvinuvaka: then please paste the following files on pastebin /var/log/ syslog kern.log dmesg messages09:31
Lasers!opera | AMD09:31
ubottuAMD: Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser09:31
LasersAMD: Follow ubottu's direction.09:32
vsyncno wait, was it vinuvaka having the hang-problem?09:32
spalso ubuntu beta live CD doesn't ask for grub installation at any point in the installation dialogues?09:32
spalit does the grub installation behind the scenes?09:32
vinuvakayes i'm having the hanging problem..09:32
prathamu can use midori very light and fast09:32
LasersAMD: Just read the link and please stop sending me private messages.09:32
prathamnever crashes09:33
vsyncdoes it hang mid-use or after being left alone for a while, vinuvaka ?09:33
vinuvakavsync: yes u r correct?09:33
vinuvakayezariaely: actually whe  i typed that only var/log$ someything like this is coming..09:33
yezariaelyvsync: bull's eye :D09:34
linxehI'm trying to install 10.04LTS server onto a new HP proliant micro server from USB. When it comes to mount the media in the installer it fails. Manually trying to mount gives "invalid argument". 10.04LTS desktop installed fine though. Any ideas?09:35
overcluckerI leave chromium-browser open for days, and never see speed reduction09:35
zichois someone here skilled at shell scripting?09:35
vsyncyezariaely yeah :(09:36
vsynczicho sure what's the problem?09:36
vinuvakayezariaely: are yu there/ wat to do now, dude?09:37
zichovsync i have this script that encodes movie files to a smaller resolution, and i try to make it name the outputfile the same as the input, but with "-small" added before the file extension. any idea how?09:37
yezariaelyvinuvaka: did you find the files i was asking for?09:37
theadminzicho: /join #bash for great justice09:37
ChessTea1hi have two computers set up through a router and I am trying to connect them through ssh (using either computer), but I keep getting connection refused. I am not sure of the router is blocking this, can someone help me troubleshoot this?09:38
vsynczicho sure, wanna throw that in a pastebin and i'll modify it for ya?09:38
everythingWorkshey. I do use 11.04 but i do not have this new "glimmery style".09:39
zichovsync yeah sure, here it is http://pastebin.com/GYi82uz209:39
everythingWorksMaybe i disabled it. Where can i enable it? :D09:39
Linkanhi, everyone, my first time here. I am guessing that i can get general linux/ubuntu help here?09:39
ChessTea1hLinkan: yes you can, whats the problemL09:39
samihow are you09:39
urlin2uLinkan, ubuntu yes09:39
LinkanChessTealh and others: i have a problem with python09:40
samican you hellp me09:40
LinkanChesstealh: it does not run properly09:40
glebihanLinkan, then #python would probably be a better place to ask09:40
RKyleIdleOne, May I PM you with a non-support question about the PureKDE page?09:40
Linkanglebihan: ok thanks!09:40
glebihanLinkan, or maybe not depending on your exact question09:40
samii want situp scand life program09:40
samibut i cant09:41
szal!enter | sami09:41
samii dont no whats hapen09:41
ubottusami: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:41
Linkanglebuíhan: i hgot some wierd errors about GLIBX__ something not found09:41
glebihanLinkan, then yes I guess #python would be the place09:41
=== ChessTea1h is now known as ChessTeach
LinkanChessTeach: ok. thanks!09:42
AMDlasers: i did as u tell...but i can't install opera09:42
samican some budy help me09:42
vinuvakaWell now I have to quit! Thank you yezariaely and vsync and ubottu for helping me your best. thank you meet you later!09:43
Linkansami: is secound life available for linux?09:43
LasersAMD: What did you try?09:46
LasersAMD: Are you on 11.04?09:46
vsynczicho sorry had to get some coffee09:46
starZhi all, any new with gwibber DBus bug under natty?09:46
zichovsync did you get the link?09:47
goddardwhat is a thread?09:47
goddardand what does it serial mean when talking about a cpu?09:47
vsynczicho yes09:48
n00bst3rHi I'm new to Ununtu and linux in general and I'm looking for some help in identifying some processes that seem to be hogging my CPU and Network bandwidth09:48
theadminn00bst3r: netstat and htop09:49
=== HUYA is now known as grio
goddardn00bst3r: what are they?09:49
n00bst3rtheadmin, I'll give netstat a go09:50
n00bst3rgoddard, I'm not sure thats the problem :(09:50
goddardwhats the problem?09:51
zichovsync any progress?09:53
AMDiwant 2 install opera on ubuntu 10.10...any one can help me?09:53
LinkanAMD, try apt-get install opera09:53
mcl0vinwhat is a good software you guys can recommend for me to dump a copy of a website and view it online09:53
Linkanin terminal09:53
Linkanmcl0vin: httrack is really good for that09:54
Linkanbut you mean to view it offline right?09:54
AMDlinkan: no...user@ubuntu:~$ apt-get install opera09:54
AMDE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)09:54
AMDE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?09:54
LinkanAMD, you are not root09:55
LinkanAMD try "sudo apt-get install opera"09:55
mcl0vinAMD do sudo09:55
Linkanmcl0vin: i have used Httrack many times, and it works very well with static pages.09:56
AMDlinkan: ser@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install opera09:56
AMD[sudo] password for user:09:56
AMDReading package lists... Done09:56
AMDBuilding dependency tree09:56
AMDReading state information... Done09:56
AMDPackage opera is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:56
FloodBot1AMD: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:56
mcl0vinLinkan: well my friend got one, that dumps the whole thing into what ever format you want , DOC,txt,html, pdf, viedo etc, but he can't seem to find it or remember the name :(09:58
MushroomNZusing the keyboard is there a way to push applications between dual mointors left and right etc?10:00
goddardoh no dont install opera10:02
goddardthey sale your information to advertisers haha10:02
apokalipseHello world10:02
theadminAMD: http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?id=33853&location=270&nothanks=yes&sub=marine10:02
theadminAMD: This is a debian package for Opera.10:03
apokalipseI try to use webcamstudio with 11.4 to play my cam in flash but flash does not find the virtual cam, any ideas ?10:03
BlackArchDogAMD: sudo install opera this runs dependencies for u10:05
bhaveshforgot to put /join before it10:06
theadmin!info opera10:08
ubottuPackage opera does not exist in natty10:08
theadminBlackArchDog: ^10:08
ru6yxx!info httrack10:08
ubottuhttrack (source: httrack): Copy websites to your computer (Offline browser). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.43.12-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 31 kB, installed size 108 kB10:09
BlackArchDogtheadmin: already ready the above seems like ubuntu updates have caused problems with dependency or people are unaware of system handling dependency10:09
BlackArchDogtheadmin: either way doing a compiled opera or getting a .deb package works10:10
theadminBlackArchDog: Yeah, the .deb package is the way10:11
overcluckerzicho: you could try this: it's not a pure shell script, as it calls the python interpreter: http://pastebin.com/LxCu4H5q10:12
zichooverclucker thx!10:13
BlackArchDogtheadmin: know what can't you people compile packages its not that hard and compiling makes the system run faster....10:13
overcluckerzicho: see if it works beforre thanking me . . .10:13
zichooverclucker it worked :)10:13
theadminBlackArchDog: Opera is closed source.10:14
theadminBlackArchDog: You can't compile it10:14
BlackArchDogtheadmin: oh well, you got me... ;P10:14
livingdaylightGreetings Comrades10:15
livingdaylightCan someone tell me how or where I can check up on all my passwords in FireFox? Having trouble with one password which I'd like to manually remove is why - thanks.10:15
starZcan you help this case? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwibber/+bug/70066710:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 700667 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "gwibber crashed with DBusException in call_blocking() on startup" [High,Triaged]10:16
HeraklesHi there, could somebody please (a person that is using ubuntu 11.04) follow my steps in Softwarecenter ???10:17
philipballewHerakles, what are them10:17
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slim_charleslivingdaylight, under security tab10:18
HeraklesYes ?10:18
livingdaylightslim_charles: thanks compadre10:18
white_magicdoes ubuntu need any special configuration to be able to read 3TB ntfs volumes?10:19
theadminwhite_magic: Nope, why would it?10:19
white_magictheadmin: well, certain windoze OSs (like XP), do. something about needing to use GPT instead of MBR (MBR limitations)10:19
oCeanstarZ: seeing how many duplicates there are, and the importance set to high, I assume they are working to fix the issue. I don't think there's a workaround, since none is mentioned in the bugreport10:19
llutzwhite_magic: so do linux-systems10:20
theadminwhite_magic: Ah, well, could be but that's not Linux, that's MBR problems10:20
white_magici suppose it wouldn't apply even in windows if said drive is not a boot drive10:20
starZoCean: ok, I get it..10:20
Herakleshelp! installing Software from Ubuntu DVD;  Softwarecenter can´t find the media.... (DVD)10:21
szalHerakles: everything that is on the DVD should be available online10:21
Guest20329is there a german channel10:21
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:22
Heraklesszal..., wrong answer, sorry...10:22
llutzGuest20329:  Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben.10:22
Guest20329ja gut10:22
szalGuest20329: clean your glasses ;)10:23
llutzreading german seem to be hard10:23
jpdsllutz: No.10:23
AMDany one can tell how is use free internet on airtel @ india?10:24
theadminllutz: If you don't know a language, any language is hard to read, even Python :D10:24
ActionParsnip1!ot | amd10:24
ubottuamd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:24
ActionParsnip1AMD: sorry, bad paste10:24
ActionParsnip1AMD: is it wireless?10:24
theadmin!piracy | AMD10:25
ubottuAMD: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:25
theadminI don't think "free internet" even exists.10:25
llutzjpds: that ought to be ironic. (i'm german)10:25
theadminUnless you live in mcdonalds10:25
ActionParsnip1theadmin: they give it out in airports sometimes :)10:25
theadminActionParsnip1: Or that, yeah10:25
ActionParsnip1AMD: is it 3G, seems its a 3G service...10:26
Linkan!o4o | Linkan10:26
ubottuLinkan, please see my private message10:26
theadminYuck 3G10:26
ActionParsnip1AMD: what technology is it please?10:27
BlackArchDogwhite_magic: that is a setup issue with hard disk not linux distro10:27
AMDmobile 2g>10:27
ActionParsnip1AMD: so you want free 2G connection?10:28
AMDi want 2 use inernet without pay money.10:28
ActionParsnip1AMD: never going to happen10:28
Sidewinder1Isn't that free data?10:29
Herakles!help installing Software from Ubuntu DVD (11.04) ;  Softwarecenter can´t find the media....(DVD)    (i guess it is looking at false location"/cdrom" instead looking in "/media"10:29
ubottuHerakles: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:29
ActionParsnip1AMD: if you have a phone with 2G you can tether to that and use the connection there10:29
ActionParsnip1AMD: nobody is going to give you free data dude, think about it10:29
Herakleshelp!         installing Software from Ubuntu DVD (11.04) ;  Softwarecenter can´t find the media....(DVD)    (i guess it is looking at false location"/cdrom" instead looking in "/media"10:30
AMDi mean by  using a server like flyproxy.com10:30
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ActionParsnip1AMD: you will still need a connection to the WWW to get to that10:31
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apokalipsesomebody use webcamstudio to play his cam with flash ?10:31
ActionParsnip1Herakles: could symlink the folder10:31
talabai see this link, i don't understand how to use it http://www.pjtrix.com/blawg/2009/07/21/iphone-development-on-windows-linux-with-open-source-tools/10:31
BlackArchDogHerakles: have you tried sudo install package name in terminal????10:31
llutzAMD: maybe you should rephrase your  question to make clear what you really want to do  and you want to realize that it's likely offtopic here.10:32
Eric-Norhey. how to clone a hdd. got no cd/dvd-rom. only got 2 sata.10:32
white_magicanyone here familiar with clonezilla? can it write an imagine as a FILE to an ntfs volume?10:32
icerootwhat is the easiest way to edit files using nfs when the uid does not match? syncing all uids (slapd maybe) or can i fake uids when using nfs?10:32
talabai want to develop iphone apps in ubuntu10:32
Linkani know what AMD means10:32
Heraklesohhh wow...., no thanks.... i am just a stupid user and don´t want to become an expert....10:32
white_magicEric-Nor: look into Clonezilla live boot option thru USB10:32
Herakles not now, at least... ( maybe in future.)10:33
BlackArchDogHerakles: your not going to become and expert and learning to use apt-get ....10:33
Linkanhe means he connects through a proxy with that indian 2g service, and most of those dont count proxy data as "DATA" so, the money wount tick away10:33
Eric-Norwhite_magic: thx, i will look into that....no on-the-fly clone?10:33
Linkanhence, "free" internet10:33
BlackArchDogHerakles: apt-get package manager is as easy as it gets...10:34
HeraklesThat is not my fault..., I guess the OS is faulty....10:34
white_magicEric-Nor - perhaps. Clonezilla is intended to backup drives as images. I think that involves ALL the partitions at once, crammed into an image file10:34
llutzHerakles: umount the dvd, run "sudo apt-cdrom add" and try again10:34
white_magici'm still a bit confused what 'on-the-fly' means here10:35
BlackArchDogHerakles: About one second of typing and package is installed10:35
Heraklesthank you llutz..., i am going to give it a try....10:35
llutzHerakles: don't mount the dvd10:35
white_magicEric-Nor: also look at this: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/install-mintbackup-linux-mint-backup.html10:35
Eric-Norwhite_magic: ok. had trouble with one hdd here, and the system rebootet after 2 mins...tried another hdd a couple of times and changed to ubuntu classic, then it worked. but got strange noises from hdd, so like to try to clone.10:36
* stilia-johny ....hi i have a lan with 3 pc (ubuntu all of them ) and i wanna when i write a name (like pc1) in firefox to get in server web page without edit /etc/hosts 10:36
stilia-johnyi think that i must make a dns server in server!10:36
theadminstilia-johny: /etc/hosts is your simpliest option.10:37
theadminstilia-johny: DNS server for just 3 computers is insane.10:37
llutzstilia-johny: using a router? most handle dns, just configure it there10:37
Sidewinder1Eric-Nor, Sounds like your HD is about to fail; have you run System-->Administration-->Disk Utility on it?10:38
* white_magic answer his own question: clonezilla cannot write drive images as standalone files10:39
Eric-NorSidewinder1: nope. i can try it. tried both hdd's with new install, and the system restarted after 2-3 minutes. finally i got i to work after some tries. but i want to change to the other hdd.10:39
stilia-johnywithout router config?10:39
BlackArchDogtalaba: that is called development tools and last I check they had a full working linux for iphone10:41
llutzstilia-johny: alternative https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dnsmasq10:41
Sidewinder1white_magic, You may wish to have a look at Grsync; it's a GUI, front-end for the rsync command.10:41
white_magicsidewinder1: it doesn't seem like rsync can make images of entire hard drives10:42
white_magicthe drive i'd like to backup has both win7 and ubuntu installed10:42
Heraklesllutz, ...    http://paste.ubuntu.com/664889/10:43
llutzHerakles: your dvd/cd doesn't hold a valid repository10:44
Heraklesare you sure, llutz ?10:44
llutzHerakles: not me, apt-add is10:44
llutzHerakles: looks like a live-cd you have10:45
Sidewinder1white_magic, I made back-ups of my XP/Lucid, simply by dragging and dropping in Nautilus, to an external eSATA drive; but not an "image", just all of the files.10:45
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ActionParsnip1stilia-johny: your router should give name resolution10:45
u19809hi all, I have trouble with my networkmanager who things my cable is unplugged and refuses to setup my wired lan10:45
u19809running ifup does work if I put eth0 in my interfaces file10:45
eFfeMhm, how do I resolve unmet dependencies? e.g.10:45
eFfeM                        Depends: ubuntu-system-service (>= 0.1.10) but it is not going to be installed10:45
eFfeMbut apt-get install ubuntu-system-service says it is already the latest version10:46
ActionParsnip1u19809: what if you disable the wired connection using nm-applet. Does the wireless then work?10:46
white_magicsidewinder: i suppose i could do that for linux, but for the win7 partition, it would be nice if i could image it. is there a tool for that?10:46
white_magic(that i could run from within linux)?10:46
Heraklesllutz, It is a installable Live-DVD....; it came with easyLinux-magazine, but the author of the magazine said it would be possible to install from DVD....10:46
ActionParsnip1eFfeM: try:   sudo apt-get -f install10:46
ActionParsnip1!info ubuntu-system-service10:46
ubottuubuntu-system-service (source: ubuntu-system-service): Dbus service to set various system-wide configurations. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.21 (natty), package size 9 kB, installed size 152 kB10:46
llutzHerakles: install from dvd != dvd hold a repo to be used by an existing installation10:46
ActionParsnip1eFfeM: it's in the main repo10:47
llutzHerakles: you might use that dvd to install a fresh system10:47
Sidewinder1white_magic, I guess I'm not understanding you, sorry; as I used linux to back up all of my XP files.10:47
eFfeMActionParsnip1: -f installing ubuntu-system-service did not help; it says ubuntu-system-service is already the newest version.10:47
eFfeMactually already tried an uninstall and reinstall of ubuntu-system-service but to no avail10:48
ActionParsnip1eFfeM: well you have satisfied the dep, what is the output of:   lsb_release -d10:48
bazhangeFfeM, why do you need a different version, whats the goal10:48
Heraklesllutz, do you want me to quote the author of the artikel ( easyLinux-magazine) ???10:48
llutzHerakles: nope10:49
eFfeMi don't need a different version, accidently I installed gnome3, and want to go back to gnome2 but gnome-control-center does give a lot of unmet deps when installing10:49
ActionParsnip1Herakles: i believe the software centre can add CDs etc as repos10:49
eFfeMincluding ubuntu-system-service10:49
bazhangeFfeM, thats not fixable10:49
theadmineFfeM: You can't downgrade.10:49
bazhang!gnome3 | eFfeM10:49
ubottueFfeM: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.10:49
bazhangeFfeM, reinstall your system, and stay away from gnome310:50
ActionParsnip1eFfeM: try ppa purge. Installing Gnome 3 breaks a LOT of everything10:50
HeraklesActionParsnip1,  i am going to get back to you later...., is that okay with you ?10:50
ActionParsnip1eFfeM: and the warnings are everywhere that it'snot stable or advised.10:50
bazhangActionParsnip1, that wont do it, plus its unsupported here10:50
ActionParsnip1Herakles: sure if I'm around10:50
Heraklesthank you llutz...., for trying hard.....10:51
ActionParsnip1eFfeM: http://www.ajopaul.com/2011/04/26/ubuntu-11-04-uninstall-gnome3-and-revert-to-gnome-2-x/ possibly, basically you will need a reinstall to geta stable OS10:52
eFfeMbazhang: ActionParsnip1 yeah, apparently did this by accident, thought I could uninstall; was tring this guide10:52
eFfeMah same link10:52
FloodBot1eFfeM: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:52
bazhangeFfeM, back up what you can and reinstall, seriously10:52
eFfeMActionParsnip1: did that; installing gnome-panel did not help, guess I indeed need to reinstall10:52
ActionParsnip1eFfeM: i would10:53
eFfeMdid something wrong when going from unity to gdm10:53
eFfeMi'll reinstall; thanks for the advise10:53
eFfeMsystem is still fairly new10:53
Sidewinder1bazhang, Kinda' ot, i realize but, has there been any talk of including Gnome 3 in Pesky Penguin, or whatever they decide to name the next LTS version?10:54
theadminSidewinder1: Gnome3 is there in 11.10 AFAIK10:54
ActionParsnip1oneiric uses Gnome310:54
bazhangSidewinder1, /join #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat you know that; #ubuntu+1 for oneiric, and yes gnome3 will be part of the next release10:55
ActionParsnip1pesky penguin sounds awesome10:55
Heraklesllutz, would you be so kind to check this output ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/664897/10:55
Sidewinder1Thanx guys; I guess that means the next LTS will too. :-)10:55
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dr_willishowdy. :)10:59
larryoneafter updating my graphics drivers, i can no longer drag windows to a different workspace - i have to right click, and use the menu...11:00
theadminActionParsnip1: I like "Pure Penguin" better, though that wouldn't really describe Ubuntu and it's way well11:00
dr_willischeck that you are still using compiz. ut may have changed to metacity11:01
theadminlarryone: ps aux | grep compiz11:01
PlizzoHello, does anyone here have any experience in setting up OpenVPN under Ubuntu Server 11.04?11:01
dr_willislarryone:  thats more of a windowmanager setting11:01
PlizzoI tried using this tutorial, but it does not work11:01
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN11:01
larryonecompiz is running alright11:01
theadmin!ccsm | larryone: Install this and dig around in settings11:02
ubottularryone: Install this and dig around in settings: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz11:02
Plizzodr_willis: I do not need information on using a client, I need to get a server running11:02
dr_willislarryone:  there is some command to reses.compiz to defaults also11:02
dr_willisPlizzo: i sousd11:03
Plizzodr_willis: And I do not have a desktop to work with, only terminal11:03
dr_williswould suggest tge forums and askubuntu.cim11:03
dr_willisandchat is messing up again on me11:04
theadmindr_willis: Happens. I suggest you Swype rather than type.11:04
theadmindr_willis: Gingerbread knows ".com" as a word11:04
dr_willisi cant swyoe at all11:04
dr_willisits git the sam issue11:05
dr_willisI cant see the words as I type on and chat11:05
theadmindr_willis: Check out Settings -> Locale and Text -> Select input method to enable Swype. Just if it uses some other keyboard as of now11:06
dr_willisits affecting all 5 keybords ive tried theadmin11:07
theadmindr_willis: Wow, odd.11:07
dr_willisalways seen this bug in andchat for ages on and off11:07
theadmindr_willis: Didn't happen to me in my andchat... However we've gone offtopic :D11:07
larryonethat package adds some nice graphical tools, but didnt fix the issue11:08
theadminlarryone: Look in the settings, it *should* be an option11:08
dr_willisif I back out to main menu and back it fixeself.for a while11:08
wildbatgrub-install don't like dir name with space :<11:09
dr_willisuse quotes wild11:10
theadminwildbat: sudo grub-install /dev/sdz50 # xD11:10
theadminwildbat: That works too11:10
dr_willismost cli apps dont like spaces11:10
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: andchat per chance?11:10
theadminwildbat: Or, sudo grub-install "/media/something"11:10
dr_willisActionParsnip1: yep11:10
larryoneaah screw it, i'll ignore the problem and work around it11:10
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: I know your struggle but the client is awesome :)11:11
Ramsesready to solve complext Linux questions11:11
dr_willisActionParsnip1:  well.. it works.. :)11:11
bazhangRamses, pardon?11:12
dr_willisone of the few that can hide part quits and joins.11:12
linuxRhi all11:12
wildbatdr_willis: i tried but not working :S, theadmin i think is bug in the --boot-directory option11:12
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: and can be set to not show the motd11:12
Ramsesbazhang: what is your question?11:12
bazhangRamses, none11:13
linuxRcan some one tell me how to listen to an mp3 stream using the player "audacious2"? I always get an error "No decoder found for <stream address>". Playing mp3 standalone files works. help, anyone?11:13
apokalipsehow to rebuil my kernel with CONFIG_VIDEO_V4L1_COMPAT ?11:14
theadminapokalipse: I think you answered it yourself, compile it from source. Once you get to "make menuconfig", mark that option11:14
larryonetheadmin, dr_willis, aaah - you guys misunderstood my initial problem11:14
theadminlarryone: Oh?11:14
larryonenot a matter of dragging to screens edge to move toa  differernt workspace11:14
larryonei mean in the window switcher thing on my toolbar11:15
larryonethat's what broke11:15
theadminlarryone: Oh... Hm... I dunno then11:15
larryonebut i dont really need that now that i have the comoiz working11:15
selami_kazan43can someone suggest me a copy program for Ubuntu ? I want to copy the files even some of parts are damaged. Also i need to pause/resume the copying process like on kde.11:16
theadmin!rsync | selami_kazan4311:16
ubottuselami_kazan43: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync11:16
apokalipsethank you theadmin but have you a link eplaining how to re compil it ?11:17
alex__apokalipse, google it11:17
theadminapokalipse: Well... This isn't really for Ubuntu, but this chapter explains it quite well. Just ignore the emerge parts. http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=7#doc_chap311:18
ActionParsnip1selami_kazan43: dropbox can do that11:18
shinsukehi. i want to create a truecrypt container by using --filesystem=ext3 under ubuntu. but when i mount the container i get the error: wrong filesystem. please help. thanks.11:18
jrib!kernel | apokalipse11:18
ubottuapokalipse: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)11:18
apokalipsethanks theadmin and alex__ yes i'm googling !11:18
alex__apokalipse, if you're on ubuntu there's a really nice application doing everything for you11:18
alex__apokalipse, can't remember it's name now though11:19
alex__maybe someone else can11:19
alex__apokalipse, it's called KernelCheck11:20
wildbatdr_willis,theadmin: tried escaping , qouting , qoute and escaping in --boot-directory all failed :S11:21
alex__apokalipse, check it out, it's quite easy to rebuild and configure the kernel11:21
alex__wildbat, what are you trying to do?11:22
theadminwildbat: You prolly can't install to such a directory then11:22
wildbatalex__: grub-install :> to a location like "/media/USB Ext4 60GB"11:23
apokalipsethanks alex11:23
alex__that makes no sense11:23
alex__it has to be a device11:23
alex__that is, /dev/someething11:24
alex__at least that's what man says :)11:24
wildbatalex__: --boot-directory11:24
theadminwildbat: How about you manually mount that USB stick elsewhere?11:24
vinothkrwildbat, I guess you cant do grub install on some mounted drive.11:24
alex__wildbat, but that's just where you put the actual images11:25
theadminwildbat: sudo mount -o remount "/media/USB Ext4 60GB" /mnt11:25
edbianwildbat: grub-install --recheck --boot-directory="/mnt/some/path/" /dev/sda     (no number on /dev/sda just the letter e.g. a, b, c whatev)11:25
wildbattheadmin: yeah i make a ln -s that worked .  but bug in grub-install:S11:25
alex__wildbat, default for --boot-dir is /boot/grub11:25
wildbatalex__: i am remaking a boot USB :)11:26
alex__wildbat, I see11:26
ActionParsnip1theadmin: you'll need to escape the spaces11:26
ActionParsnip1theadmin: USB\ Ext4\ 60Gb11:27
theadminActionParsnip1: I haz quotes there :P11:27
ActionParsnip1theadmin: ahhh, missed that11:27
theadminActionParsnip1: np11:27
Estragondoes ubuntu has a battery log ?11:27
BlackArchDogtalaba: whats up??11:28
Estragonwhere I could see when computer is plugged / unplugged11:28
wildbathmmm i forgot which command to report a bug11:28
selami_kazan43ActionParsnip1: dropbox is something little different...11:29
Sidewinder1!bug > wildbat11:29
ubottuwildbat, please see my private message11:29
edbianwildbat: reportbug11:30
wildbatgrub-install belong to grub package ,right?11:31
ActionParsnip1selami_kazan43: it can sync over LAN too11:31
selami_kazan43ActionParsnip1 no ijust nee a simple copier for my local files . not lan or something.11:32
ActionParsnip1selami_kazan43: then i'd use rsync11:32
glebihan!battery-stats | Estragon11:33
glebihan!info battery-stats | Estragon11:33
ubottuEstragon: battery-stats (source: battery-stats): collects statistics about charge of laptop batteries. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.6-1 (natty), package size 30 kB, installed size 188 kB (Only available for sparc ia64 amd64 i386)11:33
Sidewinder1selami_kazan43, Or the GUI version, Grsync; it's in the Repos I believe.11:33
Estragonglebihan: thx11:34
glebihanEstragon, you're welcome11:34
kaiyinif install ubuntu on a mobile hard drive, where will it write MBR?11:34
selami_kazan43Sidewinder1: i installed it . but it just copy folders not files. :(11:34
edbiankaiyin: yes11:34
glebihanedbian, the question was "where"11:35
kaiyinedbian: where?11:35
edbiankaiyin: where?  in the MBR of the drive that ubuntu is being installed on11:35
edbiankaiyin: the MBR of any drive is the first 512bytes11:35
kaiyini have this pc with win xp installed, and i want to boot into ubuntu with a mobile hard drive. I want to make sure that the original MBR on the pc be not altered.11:36
Gentoo64kaiyin- unplug the xp drive when you installl ubuntu11:36
th0rselami_kazan43: you have to be careful with grsync. /home/test will copy the folder test, /home/test/ will copy just the files inside test11:36
kaiyinedbian: that is to say, it will be on the mobile drive?11:37
edbiankaiyin: It will not as long as you install all ubuntu partitions (specifically boot) onto the mobile HDD.  If you really wanna be sure.  Disconnect the xp hdd while you do the install.11:37
edbiankaiyin: yes11:37
selami_kazan43th0r i just need copy anythink... i simple copier.11:37
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edbiankaiyin: sure11:37
th0rselami_kazan43: then use the filemanager, or in a terminal use mc11:38
zabomberhi guys. i have setup a PPTP VPN connection using pppd . i can login and i get an IP. i can access the ubuntu host but i can't "hop" across into the network and see/ping other devices on the network??11:39
BluesKajHey folks11:41
selami_kazan43th0r no i need gui. i can not use any terminal files11:41
selami_kazan43th0r i can not use terminal softwares to copy  just a file.11:41
selami_kazan43th0r thnak you.11:41
TestingTesting1I am getting this weired error while installing valac, how to fix it? e.g: https://gist.github.com/114375611:42
glebihanTestingTesting1, maybe some pointers there : http://superuser.com/questions/199582/apt-error-could-not-perform-immediate-configuration-on11:44
ActionParsnip1selami_kazan43: why can't you use them, it's the same style interface as the one you are using now, text11:45
selami_kazan43ActionParsnip1 i know. not because it is difficult or something. i just don't want to open terminal every t,me to copy paste a file :) i do it million times in a day. i don't use pause/resume features if i will use terminal.11:46
glebihanselami_kazan43, then just use nautilus...11:46
glebihanselami_kazan43, no sorry11:46
selami_kazan43glebihan ok. thank you!11:46
ActionParsnip1selami_kazan43: a tonne of linux's power is in the terminal, it willpay dividends to learn how to use it11:47
glebihanselami_kazan43, you won't have pause/resume feature11:47
ActionParsnip1selami_kazan43: a lot of the mundane repetative tasks you do can easily be scripted11:47
ActionParsnip1TestingTesting1: did you websearch for the error you got?11:48
ActionParsnip1TestingTesting1: try:  sudo apt-get clean       then retry11:48
dr_willisguake. or other apps mean never gaving to open a term over and over.. :)11:48
ActionParsnip1TestingTesting1: if you get the same then run:  cd /var/cache/apt/archives; sudo dpkg -i *.deb11:49
* ActionParsnip1 loves guake :)11:49
dr_willisawn has a nice terminal applet also11:49
JakeR003how long it took you to learn all of this dr_willis11:50
EstragonI want to prevent ubuntu from changing automatically screen brightness11:52
th0rJakeR003: three to five days, depending on the size of your brain <smile>11:52
Estragonhow can I do this ?11:52
JakeR003i'm on my 4th day and i learned very little11:52
bobJabbalol @ th0r11:52
Estragonalready went to system => preferences => power management, but it continue to lower / up the brightness11:52
JakeR003where do you plug the cable in your brain? to upload the matrix infos11:52
th0rEstragon: sometimes it is a function of the bios11:52
Estragonth0r: gonna check this later then, thx11:53
glebihanEstragon, System->preferences->power management or "gnome-power-manager"11:53
ActionParsnip1JakeR003: We are all learning more about the OS each day, after 4 days you probably picked up a lot but it's subtle11:53
glebihanEstragon, oh sorry didn't see your last post11:54
LasersJakeR003: You can't know everything. You'll remember commands that are most relevant to your interests.11:54
chenthuhey all11:54
thechefHow can I disable middle button emulation forever?11:54
chenthuhow can i remove something i have force installed and it hasnt installed properly?11:55
Hackwarhi folks, I'm a little bit stumped. I installed ubuntu 11.04 in virtualbox on a windows host and now wanted to install a bitnami stack (the redmine one, to be precise) I downloaded the file, which has a .bin extension and according to their wiki, you simply have to "doubleclick",11:55
Hackwarbut then I get the message that there is no application associated with these types of files. What am I doing wrong???11:55
ActionParsnip1Hackwar: mark it as executable and you can double click it11:56
Hackwarits already marked as rwx11:56
ActionParsnip1Hackwar: then run it in a terminal11:56
thechefchenthu, by removing it with dpkg, i guess (maybe also with force)11:56
MagicJwhen i apt-get upgrade it all looks ok till the end and i get message E: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code - looing above it I see it is linux-image... and linux-headers... yjat have failed = how do I fix this?11:57
ActionParsnip1MagicJ: can you pastebin the text please11:57
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ActionParsnip1Lekensteyn: please don't away like that11:58
MagicJActionParsnip1: will do = one moment please11:58
HackwarActionParsnip1: ARGL! /me was stupid. Thanks for helping out. it works now11:58
ActionParsnip1Hackwar: np man :)11:58
AMDanyone can send an islamic software?12:03
ironmHello. is it possible to put the boot media on USB stick and install from the stick? (Iubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso) I use debian wheezy currently so what script should I use?12:04
JakeR003which islamic software ?12:05
th0rJakeR003: a cartoon editor12:05
theadminironm: It's possible. You can use dd, unetbootin or lili12:05
MagicJActionParsnip1:  the paste bin is http://pastebin.com/0gzKkdN912:06
theadminironm: Actually, I'm not sure about dd12:06
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htmlironm,  i wish i could just even get debian on my ace netbook12:06
ironmtheadmin, it didn't work with dd12:06
MagicJActionParsnip1: I put the stderr and the stdout both there12:06
Lasersironm: dd or http://git.moblin.org/cgit.cgi/moblin-image-creator/plain/image-writer12:06
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ironmthanks a log Lasers  :) . I will try http://git.moblin.org/cgit.cgi/moblin-image-creator/plain/image-writer12:06
Lasersironm: Well the script uses dd -- Try that.12:07
ironmLasers, I used: root@xen411dom0:/ftp# dd if=./ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=16M12:07
ironmbut it didn't boot12:07
chenthuthechef, but it hasnt installed properly and i cant use the instaler file name12:07
theadminironm: Try unetbootin12:07
theadminironm: Works really well with Ubuntu12:08
ironmyes theadmin  .. I can try to use it on debian wheezy to create such ubuntu boot stick12:08
theadminironm: Do so.12:08
ironmthanks a lot theadmin :)12:08
thechefchenthu, what does apt-get -f install do?12:08
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ironmthechef, force?12:09
Lasersironm: I find zcat much easier for usb installations. Just my opinion.12:09
ironmhow to use zcat Lasers  ?12:09
dalimunAMD try sabily12:09
zabomberhey guys anyone here any good with pppd?12:09
Lasersironm: Download http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz12:10
ironmLasers, I don't want to install on the usb stick . I would like to install from the USB stick12:10
chenthuthechef, let me check again12:10
Lasersironm: Right. Install to computer from USB stick.12:10
ironmLasers, I should mention that I have to install offline12:10
Lasersironm: Oh. Nevermind then.12:10
Lasersironm: Try the script. Let me know how it goes.12:11
LasersThen... unetbootin.12:11
ironmyes Lasers .. I will test http://git.moblin.org/cgit.cgi/moblin-image-creator/plain/image-writer12:11
fabiano-micheletenho um ipod da aplle e nao consigo fazer ele funcionar com o gtkpod ipod mananger12:11
fabiano-michelepode me ajudar?12:11
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:12
uni4dfxis there a way to reboot ubuntu in a way that you could resume everything you were doing? sort of like hibernation12:12
glebihanuni4dfx, you can save your session in order for it to be restored on reboot, see "gnome-session-save"12:14
bullgard4_uni4dfx: What is the difference to hibernation?12:14
uni4dfxglebihan that's not good enough. i have to close and re-open every application12:14
uni4dfxbullgard4_ well in hibernation / suspension everything stays exactly the way you left it12:15
glebihanuni4dfx, that is what gnome-session-save should do12:15
uni4dfxglebihan no, it just re-launches stuff you had running12:16
bullgard4_uni4dfx: You did not make clear your point to  me.12:16
uni4dfxOK do you know what happens when you suspend your system?12:16
glebihanuni4dfx, and what is the difference between stuff and applications here ?12:16
uni4dfxglebihan do you know what happens when you suspend?12:17
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uni4dfxi want the same thing + being able to reboot in between12:17
ironmLasers, it looks god (copying to the stick) pbf.sh image-writer.msg  http://paste.debian.net/126082/12:17
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ironmLasers, I will try to boot from the stick now12:17
glebihanuni4dfx, yes it keeps the content of the memory in order for complete session to be restored12:18
uni4dfxbut apparently this isn't possible or someone would've already mentioned a solution12:18
Lasersironm: Nom nom nom. *Cross fingers*12:18
glebihanuni4dfx, you're right it is not possible, you cannot keep the content of your memory intact while rebooting12:19
chenthuthechef, thank you solved.... i had a "libkdesupport4" pack installed because of my force install but now i have removed it using "sudo apt-get autoremove"...thank you very much for the help12:19
chenthuthechef, thank you solved.... i had a "libkdesupport4" pack installed because of my force install but now i have removed it using "sudo apt-get autoremove"...thank you very much for the help12:19
AMDanyone can say about free software disk which providw free homw delivary?12:20
DaghdhaHi, how can i set the size of my Ubuntu screen to a specific size? I use it trough VNC and want it slighly smaller than the max size of my desktop machine's screen12:20
Lasersuni4dfx: Save and Close Windows Safely. It is Now Safe to Turn Off Your Computer. Reboot. it is Now Safe to Turn On Your Windows.12:20
DaghdhaSo i won't get scrollbars12:20
glebihanAMD, it does not exist... you seem to be looking for a lot of free services around here...12:21
Cameron904what am i doing wrong? the readme tells me to type this in console, and i get this.12:21
AMDglebihan: any os??????12:21
glebihanCameron904, what are "this" and "this" ?12:22
LasersLinux is free. Shipping isn't.12:22
glebihanAMD, free home delivery ? definitely none12:22
Cameron904" tar -xjf rarcrack-0.2.tar.bz2 "12:22
Cameron904and i get a no file or directory.. lol..im feelin super noobish today12:22
Tru3fatecan anyone help ive been seaching for a way to enable 3d cube but it keeps on having issues. ubuntu 11.0412:22
glebihanCameron904, are you running the command from the folder where you downloaded the file ?12:23
LasersCameron904: You're in correct directory path?12:23
Cameron904no lol D:12:23
glebihanCameron904, here's your answer12:23
LasersCameron904: Right-click on the file and extract does not work? (I have no idea if file-roller supports tar.bz2"12:23
AMDfrom where i can install english- malayalam dictionary on ubuntu?12:24
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glebihanLasers, Cameron904 file-roller does support .tar.bz212:24
Cameron904Lasers: which file? the file? the .rar? or the rarcrack.tar. file.12:24
LasersCameron904: Keep going until you see files. :)12:24
Lasersglebihan: Cool. That's good to know!12:25
dalimunAMD: stardict maybe12:25
AMDcan i use NetworkManager Applet on windows?12:25
Cameron904*sigh* for someone that has been using linux for 7 months now, i still know only the basics, i am ashamed that im going to school for network security :(12:25
glebihanAMD, what ??12:25
LasersAMD: No.12:25
LasersCameron904: Is Linux your primary OS or you're using it as a distraction toy?12:25
coz_Cameron904,   I woudnt worry guy  it will happen :)12:26
AMDlasers: can i download?12:26
dr-willishes addicted to the eyecandy12:26
jeff__an1 here?12:26
LasersAMD: You can download NetworkManagerApplet -- but you can't use it on Windows. Windows have its own stuffs.12:26
Cameron904Lasers: yep, the only time i ever use windows or anything besides my noobuntu, is when i fix someones PC, or when im working on a project at school =]12:26
dr-willisjeff__:  like 1000 here12:27
AMDlaseres: can u say any software like it?12:27
Cameron904and i need to use ms excel, i cannot stand open office's version of excel. it sucks horribly.12:27
bazhangamd for windows?12:27
glebihanAMD, this is ubuntu support channel12:27
LasersCameron904: If you got extra hardware, try different distro. It'll help a lot. Also, you can't know everything. There are 100 different way to do a job.12:27
bazhang##windows amd12:27
jeff__1st tym12:28
Cameron904Lasers: yeah, this distro is way underpowered for this laptop. i do enjoy how it takes like a 1/4 second to do anything though.12:28
AMDcan u say from where i can download a network manager likeNetworkManager Applet ?12:29
Cameron904Lasers: alright im in the main file, has the "changelog, license, makefile, rarcrack.c, rarcrack.h, readme, readme.html, release_notes, test.7z, test.rar, test.zip"12:29
ironmLasers, it doesn't boot from the stick12:29
bazhang!ot | AMD12:29
ubottuAMD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:29
leotrhi is it possbile to make side panel persistent?12:29
bazhangAMD, please stop asking for windows support here12:29
dr-willisleotr:  you maen not autohide?12:30
Lasersironm: Crap. md5sum is good? Funny thing. zcat is the only thing I know that worked well for me and USB sticks. I sticked with it from that day on.12:30
leotrdr-willis: yes12:30
htmlrrr thats bothersome  that  my name comes up alot on posted links here12:30
theadminhtml: I'd change it if I were you, cause... yeah xD Too common12:30
dr-willisleotr:  yes. its a ccsm setting12:31
=== html is now known as htmlinprogress
leotrit's not comfortable to switch between windows when it autohides12:31
leotrok thanks12:31
Lasersironm: You definitely can't do it with Internet?12:31
dr-willisleotr:  use hotkeys :)12:31
htmlinprogresstheadmin,  , yes,  lol im iin the middle of something and my name is called,,,,, in vain12:32
ironmLasers, if you are somewhere in a data center you will not have internet access12:32
Lasershtmlinprogress: Be deprecated. Go with xhtml.12:32
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htmlinprogressLasers,  whats that mean?12:32
html5Lasers: Deprecated, you say?12:32
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ironmLasers, I wondering about that ubuntu doesn't binary-hybrid iso images like debian wheezy12:33
ironmdoesn't have ..12:33
Lasersironm: I see.12:33
ironmLasers, such image you can dd to an USB stick .. or burn onto CD/DVD and boot from it12:33
Lasersironm: Disclaimer. I don't use Ubuntu myself.12:34
ironmLasers, thank you ;) . may I ask you in PC what OS you use?12:34
AMDbazhang: no one is helping me at ##windowa.12:34
Lasersironm: MacOSX. Debian. Arch.  All those OS I supported.12:34
theadminAMD, try #ubuntu-offtopic12:35
theadminLasers: Yay Arch, eww OSX xD12:35
ironmAMD, so maybe you should start using ubuntu .. or another linux ;)12:35
htmlinprogressAMD,  whats you need ?12:35
AMDthedmin: i also tried that.12:35
ironmLasers, thank you .. I prefer debian myself .. however have to support centos (job)12:35
Lasersironm: Try Ubuntu Startup Creator?12:35
Cameron904"tar -xjf rarcrack-VERSION.tar.bz212:36
Cameron904cd rarcrack-VERSION12:36
Cameron904#you need gcc or any C compiler (edit Makefile CC=YOUR_C_COMPILER)12:36
Cameron904#you must be root in next step:12:36
FloodBot1Cameron904: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:36
Cameron904make install"   what exactly does this mean??12:36
ironmLasers,  I don't have here an installed ubuntu system yet12:36
ironmLasers, I can of course burn a CD and install from it ..12:36
htmlinprogressLasers,  that hardly works for me  but why everyone else?12:36
glebihanCameron904, means that you have to run the command "sudo make install"12:37
htmlinprogresshow do you get the channel im in in empthy?12:37
Sidewinder1Cameron904, Perhaps this will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware?highlight=%28%28CompilingEasyHowTo%29%2912:37
theadminironm: If you have lots of RAM, you can use VirtualBox to install to a real HD: VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/lol.vdi -rawdisk /dev/sda12:37
Lasershtmlinprogress: Oh I'm saying it because if you're deprecated, then nobody will use you (that standard is gone).12:37
Cameron904Sidewinder1: thanks, ill try n figure it out myself, if not ill be back :)12:38
ironmtheadmin I have a lot of RAM .. however I run in live mode (and dont't use virtualbox running in live mode)12:39
theadminironm: Oh, I see. I meant from within your existing (Debian?) OS12:39
Cameron904what would you guys recommend i use for IRC now? im using google chrome instead of firefox, so im not using chatzilla anymore.(well i am right now)12:41
ironmtheadmin, the existing debian wheezy or squeeze is always live mode .. I use hard disk / raids only as containers for data12:41
theadminironm: Ah... wow. That's quite a mess xD12:41
theadminCameron904: irssi12:41
ironmtheadmin, I am changing too often OSes ... *g*12:42
Cameron904theadmin: apt-get install irssi work?12:42
theadminironm: I see12:42
theadminCameron904: Should, of course. Given that it's in the repos...12:42
theadmin!info irssi12:42
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.15-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 814 kB, installed size 2856 kB12:42
Laserstheadmin: Printscreen your Issi? :o12:42
MagicJActionParsnip1: http://pastebin.com/0gzKkdN912:42
theadminLasers: Me?12:42
Laserstheadmin: Sure. I need to work on my irssi theme. I'm curious.12:43
theadminLasers: Ah, the theme is just default xD12:43
LasersCameron904: If you want GUI -- Try xchat.   NOT xchat-gnome.12:44
Cameron904can i make my terminals stay on top by default?12:44
Cameron904Lasers: gui, isnt really important to me, /help is the only thing i need :)12:45
theadminCameron904: Heh, well irssi is great12:45
Cameron904and the less i use a GUI the better, cause cisco routers dont have a gui, and thats what i go to school for =/12:46
Lasers(or weechat).12:46
theadminCameron904: weechat is quite good too, except there's no Windows version so I stick to irssi (I like crossplatform software)12:46
flechaHello! I am developing an App Indicator for Unity (those that appear in the menu bar). How do I make it binded to a hotkey?12:46
Cameron904theadmin: 10-4, i just don't feel like having to open up firefox when im using chrome, so anything is better than havin to do that lol12:46
Lasersflecha: I think you want Ubuntu Developer channel. I'm not sure what it is.12:48
flechaLasers, what is the name of it?12:49
theadminflecha: #ubuntu-dev12:49
oCeanFor working on Ubuntu, see #ubuntu-devel, for writing applications, see #ubuntu-app-devel12:49
flechaApp Indicators are those icons that appear in the menu bar12:49
flechaty two =)12:49
theadminoCean: Ah, -devel. Sorry.12:49
flechayou 3 =P12:50
Cameron_904is it working?12:50
flechaExclusive channel... =(12:50
theadminflecha: You should !register12:51
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:51
usr13become inclusive12:52
dr-willisseen indicator apps written in python at askununtu.com :)12:53
Cameron_904quick question guys, when it says "blah blah@ipaddress has joined #ubuntu" is that their router ip, or a proxied?12:53
dr-willisCameron_904:  yes to all.  can be any12:53
Cameron_904im going to rejoin, anyone mind telling me my ip?12:54
usr13Cameron_904: You can ignore all that.  (I do.)12:54
dr-willisCameron_904:  whois yourself12:54
usr13we weren't fast enough.12:55
dr-willistell him his ip is
josephseraoshi everybody. I'm running VirtualBox under Ubuntu 10.04 and I cannot access webcam. Who could help me to access webcam from VirtualBox, please?12:56
Atharva<josephseraos> : Have you installed the extension pack ?12:57
ironmLasers, an example of a binary-hybrid iso image you can dd to an USB stick and boot from it:12:58
htmlinprogressffemg :how to?12:58
ironmLasers, rsync -avP rsync://www.it-infrastrukturen.ch/ftp/xen411-wheezy-kernel3-amd64-live-gnome-binary-hybrid.iso .12:58
josephseraosAtharva: Yes, I have installed Guest Additions12:59
dr-willisironm:  rhats a planed feature fir ubuntu  simeday12:59
BluesKajhtmlinprogress, ffmpeg , perhaps?12:59
Atharva<josephseraos> : which version of virtualbox are you using ?13:00
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Sidewinder1htmlinprogress, I don't know the "how-to", but there's a GUI for it, I believe it's called winff.13:00
ironmdr-willis, do you mean binary-habrid.iso images? .. it would be great ! .. as debian wheezy supports it already13:00
llutzironm: most other (important) distro do13:01
htmlinprogressyes,im trying to convert .flv13:01
dr-willisdding ubuntu iso to flash.. planed feature.. no idea when it wull get done13:01
josephseraosAtharva: VirtualBox OSE - version 3.1.613:01
usr13htmlinprogress: ^^^13:02
ironmyes llutz :) .. however not centos13:02
llutz"important" i said ironm :)13:02
htmlinprogressusr13, ?  whats that mean ? "^^^"13:02
usr13look up, line above13:02
ironmllutz, define "important" please? ;))13:03
htmlinprogressSidewinder1,  thanks:J13:03
Cameron904blah, couldn't get irssi to work, so bleh.13:03
usr13Cameron904:  We found your IP address.  See: http://ipchicken.com/13:03
=== Cameron904 is now known as CameronM
ironmdr-willis, dding the ubuntu image do an USB stick doesn't do the trick . you CAN'T boot and install from such ubuntu stick13:03
llutzCameronM: http://irssi.org/beginner/13:04
dr-willisironm:  its a planned feature i said.   dd to flash does not work cirrect. i never said it did13:04
Atharva<josephseraos> : I think You have to upgrade your VBox....13:05
usr13CameronM: http://irssi.org/documentation13:05
CameronMdamn, i dont like that my router ip shows up on here..13:05
ironmthank you dr-willis13:05
oCeanCameronM: you can ask for a cloak in #freenode channel13:05
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CameronMi need to proxy my default internet connection =/13:05
llutzCameronM: ask for a cloak or use a proxy13:05
dr-willisCameronM:  not worth woerying about really.13:05
CameronMstupid static ip.13:05
josephseraosI've downloaded from synaptics. I'll try to download from VB's page13:05
josephseraosTh I've downloaded from synaptics. I'll try to download from VB's page13:06
josephseraosAtharva:  I've downloaded from synaptics. I'll try to download from VB's page13:06
usr13Don't often here people complain about having a static IP.13:06
CameronMive had for 8 years now, i don't think my lease will EVER end..13:06
oCeanCameronM:   This channel is for ubuntu specific help only. Chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic, help on using the network is in #freenode13:06
dr-willisi get more random scans then there people in here. :)13:06
Atharva<josephseraos> : ok..Also download the Extension Pack (Extension pack and Guest additions are 2 diffrent things)13:07
CameronMoh, mybad. got offtopic with my original questions lol =/ still cant get the rarcrack to work =/13:07
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LasersCameronM: How about telling us what you're trying to do?13:08
oCeanCameronM: also, note that all illegal activity is offtopic. Just so you know13:08
glebihanHello petulko_ and welcome to #ubuntu13:08
josephseraosAtharva, Thanks. Hey, another thing: Do you know how I do to know if my webcam is serial or usb?13:09
CameronMLasers, oCean: was going through my megaupload account, and i have a file named sean.rar and its passworded, and i wonder what i did lol, cause sean is my best friend. and i have no idea what the password could have been.13:09
glebihanHello trekkie1701c and welcome to #ubuntu13:09
CameronMso im breaking into my own file. not someone elses. no illegal activity here13:09
oCeanglebihan: stop that please13:09
glebihanHello IdleOne and welcome to #ubuntu13:09
IdleOneglebihan: please turn off that auto greet script13:09
caravelHelp please ! Natty, fresh install, system freezes : either black screen (eg. while switching users), or just frozen screen (eg. while playing full screen video). In all cases, magic keys have no effects, network is down (no more ssh, nor ping). Any hint or idea please ?13:10
LasersHello bazhang and welcome to #ubuntu ;)13:10
glebihansorry was testing an xchat plugin, dudn't realize it was running on all channels...13:10
oCeanLasers: stop that13:11
usr13caravel: Test your memory.    memtest13:11
oCeanglebihan: np, thanks for removing it13:11
CameronMcaravel: did you recently update your system and restart during the course that it was installing?13:11
CameronMcaravel: i had that problem when i canceled the install before it finished, computer was going apesh*t on me.13:11
bazhangLasers, thats enough nonsense please13:11
josephseraosHow can I guess if my webcam is serial or usb, in my laptop?13:12
bazhangjosephseraos, lspci lsusb for either13:12
caravelusr13: I did run memtest86+ much before asking for any help (many passes) as well as SeaTools twice (hard drive low level utility)13:12
caravelCameronM: no13:12
caravelThese are all infos I could find http://pastebin.com/3VReNKuF / auth.log http://pastebin.com/FSn4idv2 / :1-slave.log http://pastebin.com/bde1MZy7 / Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/UUdyLmcP / ~/.xsessions-errors http://pastebin.com/Ncfhc1Px13:12
Atharva<josephseraos> : Sry..I dont know abt that..13:12
usr13caravel:  How about heat sink and fan and thermal grease?13:12
josephseraosAtharva, Hey, Is necessary uninstall older version?13:13
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Atharva<josephseraos> : How are you upgrading ?? from .deb OR from .run file ?13:13
caravelusr13: well, in that case Natty would fail to trigger the fans to start with (all happens while PC is rather very silent, while its fans usually ake much noise)13:14
antiherohello, I just rebooted my laptop and the keyboard and touchpad dont work13:14
antiheroI thought it might be because of a udev rule file but I deleted said file and the problem persists13:14
IdleOneantihero: did you try rebooting after deleting the file?13:15
antiheroIdleOne: YUeah13:15
antiherocurrently can only control the damn thing via SSH13:15
antiheroand my mums laptop13:15
antiherothe keyboard/mouse work in the console13:15
antiherobut not in X13:15
josephseraosI'm downloading a .deb version from VirtualBox's website13:16
josephseraosAtharva:  I'm downloading a .deb version from VirtualBox's website13:16
antiheroIdleOne: and there's a kb/mou configured in xorg.conf13:16
ikoniajosephseraos: why are you doing that ?13:16
antiheroI'll try rebooting again13:17
damnocan I ask a ffmpeg related Q here?  their official channel seems to be mute13:17
Atharva<josephseraos> : ok...then it would remove the previous version and then upgrade..But the installed VM's will not be changed.13:17
bazhangdamno, whats the question13:17
dr-willisworse we can say is read their docs damno13:18
damnois there a param I should use if I dont want to record audio or should I just omit -acodec?13:18
triplchi all13:18
Atharva<josephseraos> : And to know about your serial no. of webcam try lsusb -v in terminal13:18
damnobazhang: is there a param I should use if I dont want to record audio or should I just omit -acodec?13:19
kapcom01hello, is this card supported on ubuntu? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390318531387&ssPageName=ADME:X:eRTM:AU:112313:19
ikonia!hcl > kapcom0113:19
ubottukapcom01, please see my private message13:19
triplchow to "remove/reset" the menu? I installed Ubuntu while keeping the "home" folder of an old linux. Then i run 'rm -rf .gnome* .config* .kde*'. However i still see old menu item while clicking on "Applications"13:20
dr-willisdamno:  i think i saw that in their faq on spliting audio/video once.13:20
dr-willistriplc:  what old item13:20
antiherohello, rebooted and Keyboard and Mouse still do not work13:21
CameronMim following the directions on here, http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howto-crack-rar-7z-and-zip-files-with.html , and when i get to "tar xvjf rarcrack-0.2.tar.bz2" it says no such file or directory13:21
triplcdr-willis: old items: "chromium" (which is not installed) and a lot of "wine" items13:21
ikoniaCameronM: sorry, not helping you with that,13:21
usr13caravel: I find it interesting that it says Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf  I don't know what that is all about, but may need to run gdmsetup or something.13:21
dr-willisCameronM:  check spelling of filename and your wieking dir13:21
ikoniaCameronM: cracking security/encyprtion isn't something we support13:22
CameronMikonia: its my file, not someone elses..13:22
Gentoo64of course it is13:22
usr13caravel: What video driver are you using?13:22
ikoniaCameronM: it's not something we support13:22
damnodr-willis: I dont know why my vdo recording is stopping mid ways..  may be because the audio input device specified isn't right...   but I dont really need audio13:22
usr13caravel: Do you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?13:22
CameronMGentoo64: in all seriousness, it is, i passworded the .rar file probably 6-8 years ago, and i cant remember the password i used.13:22
LjLCameronM: that's because the file is not there to download13:23
dr-willistriplc:  wine stuff is in some.  sub dir.  no idea in the other. run alacarte perhaps and remive it13:23
LjLCameronM: wget returns a 404 (file not found) error13:23
caravelusr13: note: for these logs I was also running ssh -X to investogate stuff. Hopefully I just managed to obtain a fresh HANG  :) let me reset, and grab a new set of log files13:23
Gentoo64CameronM- do you have windows?13:23
Gentoo64and an nvidia card?13:23
CameronMGentoo64: not at the house, i took windows outa this household, and yep nvid13:23
dns53CameronM there are password crackers for rar and zip files that brute force the password but i have not used them13:23
Gentoo64theres one called crark that uses nvidia cuda13:24
Doodadnew to ubuntu, everything is running slower than it was in vista, feels like its running in a VM not direct... i suspected a virus/rootkit on vista, why i installed ubuntu, could a rootkit virtualise an installation of ubuntu and survive?13:24
Gentoo64does like millions a second brute force13:24
triplcdr-willis: okay... i run alacarte and successfully remove 'chromium'.. but not those 'wine' items13:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:24
Gentoo64Doodad- its very unlikely13:24
theadminDoodad: No. Did you install Ubuntu via WUBI?13:24
theadminDoodad: If so, there's your reason.13:24
Doodadvia a CD13:24
ikoniaDoodad: why do you suspect a rootkit ?13:24
Gentoo64because hes new to linux13:24
Doodadnot even if it was a BIOS level rootkit13:24
theadminDoodad: Well, did you boot from the CD? Or use the Windows installer?13:24
ikoniaDoodad: a root kit is unlikley to decrease performance13:25
Doodadfrom the CD13:25
theadminDoodad: Okay, good. You do have a swap partition, right?13:25
Doodadthe rootkit would have entered the box via windows a while ago13:25
ikoniait's most likley the video card is not configured13:25
Doodadyes, swap as well as13:25
ikoniaDoodad: when running ubuntu - your windows partition has no effect13:25
Doodadbut a rootkit can be running above the OS right?13:26
Doodadboth OS's13:26
Gentoo64Doodad- from my exerience, windows can feel snappier than linux on slower pcs13:26
ikoniaDoodad: no13:26
Doodadvirtualising both windows, and ubuntu13:26
ikoniaDoodad: it's most likley your video card is just not configured correct13:26
ikoniaDoodad: you're virtualising ???13:26
Doodaddepending on what you load13:26
ikoniaDoodad: why did you say it feels like it's running in a virtual machine.... it IS running in a virtual machine13:27
Doodadno, but isn't what a rootkit does, virtualise the OS so the OS cannot see its existence behind the scenes13:27
usr13Gentoo64: Depends on what version of MS Windows you are talking about.  Vista or Win7, no.   XP, or b4, maybe and yes.13:27
ikoniaDoodad: you're not making any sense13:27
Doodadikonia i am not virtualising13:27
ikoniaDoodad: right - so please stop making statements you don't understand/incorrect13:27
ikoniaDoodad: just explain the problem you are seeing13:27
Gentoo64usr13- windows xp yes, much snappier than xubuntu on my downstairs comp13:27
Gentoo64not tried 7 on it13:28
SeventhDimensionis there a command that shows info about the cpu?13:28
Gentoo64SeventhDimension- cat /proc/cpuinfo13:28
bazhangGentoo64, usr13 could we please get back on topic13:28
usr13Gentoo64: When you do, you will see.13:28
ikoniaDoodad: vista is nothing to do with ubuntu - please state the ubuntu problem you are having13:28
Gentoo64bazhang- no i was trying to explain to him it could be that13:28
Doodadalso, i am prepared to accept video drivers could be an issue, i am just asking about the nature of rootkits here and possibilities, i need to work out whether a complete wipe is necessary, including removing the bios battery13:29
bazhangGentoo64, and venturing too far afield.13:29
ikoniaDoodad: that is not an ubuntu issue - sorry13:29
Doodadikonia: read up13:29
bazhangDoodad, no, not necessary, also not possible13:29
Doodadits possible it was dwemonstrated in 200913:29
dr-willisremove battery - that is paranoid. :)13:29
ikoniabazhang: I've given up, this guy seems obssessed with a root kit he has no idea about13:30
bazhangikonia, agreed13:30
Gentoo64Doodad- i think you're getting too paranoid coming from windows13:30
ikoniaDoodad: this isn't an ubuntu issue - we are not going to support you discussing bios rootkits13:30
antiheroAny ideas why my mouse/keyboard are simply not working?13:30
Sidewinder1Doodad, You may wish to have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33813:30
Doodadfeels a little like ikonia is out of depth here, so claims i dont understand what im talking about and to stfunoob13:30
bazhangDoodad, please stop13:31
yeatsDoodad: it's just that you're seeing a performance issue and you're concluding that it's likely that you have a rootkit installed - that's very unlikely13:32
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Sidewinder1ikonia, I don't think he got a chance to read the security threads that I gave him, on the forums. :-(13:32
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Sidewinder1ikonia, No problem, thiugh. :-)]13:33
Sidewinder1though, even.13:33
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theadminSidewinder1: That was a troll, I guess.13:34
theadminSidewinder1: He just wouldn't listen13:34
ikoniaI really wouldn't worry - he's gone now13:34
ubuntaHeloo Guys13:37
ubuntaNeed Help13:37
ubuntaHere Is My problem13:37
bazhangubunta, with what13:37
szal!enter | ubunta13:37
ubottuubunta: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:37
Sidewinder1theadmin, Perhaps, I have however seen many win folks that just don't "get" the diff. in security between *nix and win. I usually send them to that security discussion. It's all encompassing. :-)13:37
ubuntaSure bro ;)13:38
theadminubunta: Ask your question13:39
ubuntai have the busubox v13.3 inframs booted when i access into ubuntu 11.04 (also the recovery mode ... in RM it says make boot=argument) ...13:39
theadminSidewinder1: I see.13:40
ubuntai made a search they said : it was one of these probs * Disk damaged13:40
ubunta * Update kernel was missing the mounting method13:40
ubunta * Changes shoddy in "/ etc / fstab".13:40
theadminWell, I'm off.13:40
ubunta * Errors in the parameters that control the disk (sectors, ...)13:40
Benkinoobyhi, i use firefox 3.6.18 and ubuntu 10.04 when opening several webistes with many pictures or flash stuff firefox get's incredible slow and unresponsive (even for closing tabs again) in the same time only 25% of my RAM and 60% of my CPU are consumed. my system reacts normally, but just firefox seems to stand on it's onw feet. anyone knows that problem and/or the reason or better a fix13:40
douglEvery time my ubuntu 10.10 screen saver comes on my compiz effects get turned off and my GLX dock (cairo dock with open GL) gets messed up... does anyone have any suggestions for these symptoms?13:40
Gentoo64dougl- disable the screensaver13:41
douglGentoo64, was thinking that... will my screen still blank?13:41
douglGentoo64, hey thans for the tip = I will try it13:41
ubuntaAnyone For My probem With BusyBox13.3 ?13:42
Sidewinder1Benkinooby, I'm sorry I can't answer your question, as an aside, I'm using the exact FF ver and 10.04 with no lag problems. The only thing I might suggest is that you run "memtest" from boot and see if anything abnormal turns up.13:43
valentinexMy sounds are not working with Intel 945 board builtin sound card13:44
bazhang!audio | valentinex please have a read13:44
ubottuvalentinex please have a read: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:44
BenkinoobySidewinder1, i'll try that at chance... but other programs, with equal or more load, run w/o problems, or slow down the whole system... but firefox does neither use all cpu nor all ram and still is very slow... :(13:44
bazhangBenkinooby, got flashblock installed? worth a try13:45
Benkinoobybazhang, adblock adn noscript13:45
Gentoo64Benkinooby- i dont think its bad ram, that wont actually mkae things slow itll just error randomly13:45
Benkinoobybazhang, but sites w/o flash but lot's of pics are totally slow too13:46
ShawnRiskI am getting an error when I wakeup my laptop: over charge change on port 1 or port 2.  Any ideas on how to fix?13:46
Sidewinder1Benkinooby, If memtest works with no problems, you might back-up your bookmarks (and passwords), then completely remove FF; then reinstall.13:46
pythonirc101has anyone used clonezilla here?13:47
Sidewinder1Benkinooby, I have adblock plus and noscript as well.13:47
Gentoo64Benkinooby- do what Sidewinder1 said, just reinstall and remove all your old profiles etc13:47
BenkinoobyGentoo64, that's my thought too... but i am really confused by the abnormal behaviour of firefox.. so i'm ready to loko at everything13:47
bazhangpythonirc101, check their support forums.13:47
ubuntaIF My problem With BusyBox13.3 Is unsolved Please Tell Me so i stop Searching ;) ;) ;)13:47
BenkinoobySidewinder1, Gentoo64 hm... ok... jsut for understanding, what could change? i'll get the same binaries13:48
Gentoo64Benkinooby- but removing your ff profile can solve all sorts of issues13:48
yeatsubunta: you should be getting an error message when you're thrown into BusyBox - are you getting one?13:48
raptor67682who knows how to make the rom work using HATARI of international_karate_+_(1988)(system_3)[cr_replicants]-atarist.zip  (you can google it to get), ? it says BUMP13:48
Gentoo64you dont need to reinstall just remove the profile13:48
Sidewinder1Benkinooby, I can't give you all of that; just try it; after backing-up. Can't hurt. :-)13:48
ubunta@yeats Nops ;) No Error Just the initframs console13:49
tabakhaseinstalling windows to a empty partition, reboot wuth livecd, chroot, reinstall grub . should work like that without anny problems hm?13:49
BenkinoobyGentoo64, ok... so that would be ./mozilla/firefox/randomletters.default ?13:49
ShawnRiskany thoughts on my question?13:49
BenkinoobyGentoo64, Sidewinder1 ok... so that would be ./mozilla/firefox/randomletters.default ?13:49
Gentoo64Benkinooby- i think so yes. but i havent used ff in a long time actually13:50
Sidewinder1Benkinooby, Use Synaptic to completely remove rather than trying to delete files, IMHO.13:50
yeatsubunta: without more details about what's going on, there's not a lot of help anyone can provide - looks like you're aware of common reasons for getting put into BusyBox13:50
SeventhDimensionGentoo64: thanks13:50
BenkinoobySidewinder1, ok.. for that i have to use purge istead of remove13:51
Sidewinder1Gentoo64, I don't mean to conflict with your advice. :-) I can only advise how I've done things that worked in the past.13:51
fowlwheres the config for GCC13:52
Gentoo64Sidewinder1- sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox13:52
Sidewinder1Benkinooby, So, you're doing this from term. with apt-get?13:52
Gentoo64then delete all the profiles etc all firefox stuff13:52
BenkinoobySidewinder1, remove only removes the files but leaves the configs... purge is total annihilation :)13:52
Gentoo64and reinstall13:52
BenkinoobyGentoo64, ok13:52
ubunta@yeats: this happened after a fsck ( with another linux distro in another partition13:53
Gentoo64purge wont remove everything13:53
* Sidewinder1 Hangs his head; he doesn't use terminal (much) and loves Synaptic.13:53
BenkinoobyGentoo64, Sidewinder1 does one of you know at chance a program to monitor my graphic card use... like htop for my system?13:53
kruxew synaptic13:53
ubunta@yeats or maybe  disk check13:54
yeatsubunta: can you provide more details about what you did? step-by-step?13:54
ubuntaPrivate please bro,13:54
Gentoo64Benkinooby- not sure actually13:54
Sidewinder1Synaptic=Idiot-proof. I plead guilty.13:54
yeatsubunta: I only work in the channel - sorry ;-)13:54
* Sidewinder1 Loves Synaptic 'cause he has problems with syntax.13:55
Gentoo64Sidewinder1- nothing wrong with using synaptic13:55
ubunta@yeats i made an fsck or something that checks for disk sectors and all ... it was  going to take a very long time ... like it didn't want to stop checking sectors and all .. so i stopped it ! it was mainly for a problem with a colored screen when booting to the sgn in  (sometimes)13:56
meyyappanhow to idm in ubuntu13:57
meyyappaninstall idm in ubuntu13:57
yeatsubunta: if you're multibooting (which is what it sounds like), can you boot into any of the other options?13:57
bazhangmeyyappan, what is that13:57
Sidewinder1Gentoo64, Actually, I've done alot in terminal (good thing), but mostly copy-paste of commands fully defined and explained, in "the forums" (not necessairlly a bad thing, but...).13:58
dr-willis!info idm13:58
ubottuPackage idm does not exist in natty13:58
Lasersxdm? kdm?13:58
yeatsubunta: (and for future reference - don't stop a fsck or similar process ;-) )13:58
LasersOh wait. He must meant ldm?13:58
ubunta@yeats : i'm in a whole other partition but i can boot documents ( mount ) from the ubuntu disk13:58
dr-willis!info ldm13:59
ubottuldm (source: ldm): LTSP display manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.2.1-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 90 kB, installed size 656 kB13:59
Gentoo64Sidewinder1- it doesnt take long to learn the basic commands. you hardly even need to touch terminal for general use really13:59
ubunta@yeats : say sorry from me to ubuntu :(:(13:59
fowlwheres the config for GCC anybody know? anybody? trying to set things like -fPIC13:59
caravelCould anyone please drive me ? I've reproduced the hang but obviously don't know what I should be searching for in what log file :(14:00
caravel(seems like there isn't a single line logged)14:00
caravel(around the time of the hang, I mean)14:01
Gentoo64caravel- you could try dmesg14:01
Gentoo64but not sure if anything will come up for a hang14:01
caravelGentoo64: started with it :/14:01
Sidewinder1caravel, Have you looked in /var/log?14:01
Gentoo64a "hang" wont always be logged14:01
caravelSidewinder1: yeah :)14:01
yeatsubunta: if I were you, I would boot into a live CD (or another Linux distro on your machine if you have one) and run fsck again (and let it finish)14:01
Janinecan anyone help me with this? http://pastebin.com/py00MRS914:01
ShawnRiskI am getting an error when I wakeup my laptop: over charge change on port 1 or port 2. Any ideas on how to fix?14:02
caravelCould a graphic adapter issue, just hang the system without letting anything logged ?14:02
Sidewinder1caravel, Nvidia?14:03
BenkinoobySidewinder1, Gentoo64 ok, i will purge and reinstall FF + make sure my profiles are deleted (+backed up) - thx for the hints... if it does not work, i'll report back... can't do it now... :(14:03
tabakhasehm, dualboot on a usb stick?14:03
fowlwhats up, where are GCC options at in ubuntu? they wouldnt be in /etc named intuitively, no, not that, anyways i can't find it for dick squat can someone help14:03
Gentoo64Benkinooby- ok14:03
yeatsJanine: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?14:04
Gentoo64Benkinooby- i was looking for gpu monitor too only found one sort of for nvidia though14:04
Sidewinder1Benkinooby, Glad to've "hepped", hope it works out OK for you.14:04
caravelSidewinder1: ati radeon14:04
Gentoo64Benkinooby- doesnt seem to be a proper one14:04
caravelSidewinder1: R300 NF [Radeon 9600 TX]14:04
Janineyeats, ok14:04
Sidewinder1caravel, It might be a driver issue as you suggest; sorry I can't help further as I use Nvidia as it's supported better. :-(14:05
theadminI'd know, X wouldn't even start recently with my quite old ATI card...14:06
caravelSidewinder1: depends on the model :D https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/77220714:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 772207 in unity (Ubuntu) "version 173.14.30 driver is buggy for NVidia GeForce FX series" [Medium,Confirmed]14:06
fowlwhats up, where are GCC options at in ubuntu? they wouldnt be in /etc named intuitively, no, not that, anyways i can't find it for dick squat can someone help14:06
Janineyeats, http://pastebin.com/KJV6C2rT14:06
Sidewinder1caravel, If it's a reported bug then, you may be kinda' screwed.14:06
KeegansI want to reenable my ethernet connection to see if any updates may have corrected my issue, but I cannot14:07
caravelSidewinder1: this one isn't affecting that PC, found it out while looking at potential second hand replacements :)14:07
yeatsJanine: comment out (type a # at the beginning of) the last line, then save14:07
inad922Anyone knows if the new official nvidia linux drivers support optimus based cards too like gt 550m? They are on the supported devices page for linux driver version 280.13.14:08
caravelMy question is : is there a way, I don't know, to lower the prio given to the whole damn graphical adapter thing, in order to ensure the system would remain stable even if that one is crewed ?14:08
fowlwhats up, where are GCC options at in ubuntu? they wouldnt be in /etc named intuitively, no, not that, anyways i can't find it for dick squat can someone help14:08
theadmin!repeat | fowl14:08
ubottufowl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:08
theadmin!language | fowl14:08
ubottufowl: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:08
fowl!ignore | theadmin14:08
ubottutheadmin: If you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname14:08
yeatsfowl: man gcc has what you're looking for14:08
theadminfowl: I just don't want you to get banned. Which is likely if you don't follow our rules.14:09
paolohi all, anyone knows how to fix a Windows Vista broken bcd from an Ubuntu LiveCD ?14:09
MagicJI have a system that when I do an apt-get upgrade it seems to ork but fails to deal with the new kernel - the output is at: http://pastebin.com/0gzKkdN9 - any help much appreciated14:09
Janineyeats, how do I do it?14:09
theadminpaolo: Ain't possible, you needz a Vista recovery console or disk14:09
fowlyeats: that actually doesnt help me14:10
caravelfowl: repeating questions every 5 minutes is useless and annoys everyone. If someone knows the answer and have time to answer it, youll get a reply. Be patient if you want to stay around :)14:10
paolosadly the pc is not mine and i ain't got no Vista recovery cd whatsoever .. :(14:10
fowlno it wnt caravel the channel moves too fast to get someone who knows what they're talking about without repeating yourself14:11
yeatsJanine: then open Synaptic Package Manager, go to Settings -> Repositories, click on the Other Software tab and uncheck the 'ferramroberto' PPA entry14:11
ubunta@yeats : like fsck -l /dec/sda114:11
theadminfowl: Rules. Repeat once per, say, ten minutes. NOT once in five seconds.14:11
thechefhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input tells me that hotplugging a device causes its settings to be restored to defaults. What defaults? How can I adjust these defaults?14:11
fowldo any of you know where gcc settings are or not?14:11
fowlam i wasting my breath14:11
yeatsJanine: do Alt-F2 and type 'gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'14:11
caravelfowl: the chan has defined its own rules. I'd wait half an hour or so before ever repeating any question. Do as you like, but don't complain if you get banned, as you've been warned14:12
=== iridium_ is now known as iridium
dr-williscant say iv ever seen system wude gcc settings. i give it the options i need when i cinpile simthing14:12
fowl-march, etc14:12
yeatsfowl: there is not a "settings" for gcc - just options, which are specified in the manual page afaik14:13
Janineyeats, that did the trick. The icon disappeared straight away14:13
theadminfowl: It's not Gentoo, you specify them on command line, we don't store them in files or whatever.14:13
yeatsJanine: great - so you're all good now?14:13
dr-willisthats what make files and stuff are for. or yser soecific env settings14:13
Janineyeats, yea!14:14
yeatsubunta: I would try 'e2fsck -f /dev/sda1' - assuming that /dev/sda1 is where Ubuntu lives14:14
theadmindr-willis: You *really* should try upgrading your Android if possible... Cause the latest definetly doesn't have this keyboard issue...14:15
ubunta@yeats : i think i made this not working .. is their a solution for like making it with inframs ?14:15
fowlthe fact that i have to modify individual makefiles to work with your shoddy system14:15
dr-willistheadmin:  im on the latest this phone has. and the ussue cimes and goes. u think it may be buffee related.14:16
mintux I want when click on shutdown on this menu run a bash script http://www.img4up.com/up2/12106969213444952994.jpg  is it possible ?14:16
yeatsubunta: if your system is that borked, I would recommend backing up your data and reinstalling - it's probably faster and easier if you're fairly new to this14:16
theadmindr-willis: Ah, could be. Well I have no problems on 2.3.4, dunno :(14:16
dr-willisi think fowl has it backwards.. a make specified option would overise system settings14:17
Sidewinder1dr-willis, He's gone. :-)14:17
dr-willisi feel a great loss... not14:18
theadminOh great, cause I was about to follow his advice and /ignore him14:18
oCeandr-willis: theadmin, let's stay on topic ok?14:19
dr-willisyou ignored his ignore!14:19
Sidewinder1dr-willis, Gotta love folks who make a totally negative comment, then run away, before the ban.14:19
oCeanmoving on..14:19
IdleOnedr-willis theadmin Sidewinder1 gotta really be bothered by the folks who have been here long enough to know that commenting on such things is disruptive to the channel.14:20
dr-willisback to babysitting.. my grandkids.. not the channel i mean. just keeping an eye open in here. :)14:20
Sidewinder1IdleOne, Sorry, won't happen again. :-)14:20
theadminIdleOne: I know, sorry.14:20
IdleOneno worries, but as "regulars" we really need to set the example :)14:21
ubunta@yeats : Ok i'll make it ;) i don't need backups i just want a new OS ! Like for movies and all ;) How To reinstall (do i have to format from windows ? )14:21
Hackwarhi folks, I'm thinking about installing my own server for our media-agency and I wanted to use ubuntu-server. I'm not a complete newbie, but also not a professional. The server is supposed to be an intranet server. is there anything, especially security related, that I need to look at?14:21
yeats!dual boot | ubunta14:22
ubottuubunta: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:22
dr-willisHackwar:  is it serving over the internet or just the local lan?14:22
BluesKajIdleOne, methinks you need to lighten up a little14:22
yeats!install | ubunta14:22
ubottuubunta: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:22
IdleOneHackwar: if the server has no connection to the outside world, no, except maybe locking the server room door?14:22
theadmino_o... Factoids can contain... spaces? Well this is new to me xD14:22
luiteHackwar: it depends on what services you run of course, and how much you trust your coworkers :p14:23
josephseraos_hi everybody. I'm running VirtualBox under Ubuntu 10.04 and I cannot access webcam. Who could help me to access webcam from VirtualBox, please?14:23
=== satellit_ is now known as satellit_afk
Hackwarthe server is going to be an intranet server, so no direct connection to the outside world14:23
IdleOneHackwar: you might want to ask in #ubuntu-server also14:23
Hackwarit will be behind a firewall14:23
KeegansCan anyone help?14:24
ubunta@yeats : what version of ubuntu do u suggesst ... 11.04 is a having a lot of problems !14:24
dr-willisHackwar:  you could use a desktop istall if you wanted a gui for admn yssage.14:24
yeatsubunta: I would suggest either 11.04 or 10.0414:24
dr-willisHackwar:  how nany services are yoy running on it14:25
=== Mud is now known as Guest58934
Sidewinder1ubunta, I love Lucid, 10.04. But that's just me.14:25
theadminubunta: Yeah, go with the Long-Term Support release, which is 10.0414:25
Hackwardr-willis: its going to be a file-server and apache with development environment and project management (redmine)14:25
ubunta@sidewinder1 i love U too ! xD 10.04 Was like very cool it was just like to see what experts say : ) thank you All and Ramadan kareem :)14:25
Sidewinder1ubunta, :D14:26
theadminubunta: ramawha?14:26
Sidewinder1theadmin, He/she's gone.14:27
ShawnRiskokay fine seems no one can help me14:27
theadminSidewinder1: Ah okay, sorry, I have /ignore #ubuntu JOIN PART QUIT14:27
theadminSidewinder1: Cause otherwise it floods the window too much :D14:27
oCeantheadmin, Sidewinder1: That's enough.14:27
=== matteo is now known as Guest63343
theadminoCean: I was just explaining the reason I didn't notice that the person's gone.14:28
Sidewinder1theadmin, Me too; just slide your mouse (in X-Chat) pointer over a nic, if it stays the same, he/she has pparted the chanel.14:29
BluesKajShawnRisk, ?? help with?14:29
Sidewinder1parted, even.14:29
BluesKajseems the OT cops are really trolling today14:31
oCeanBluesKaj: don't start14:31
BritneySex91ciao a tutti :)14:31
BluesKajoCean, bah ...14:31
theadmin!it | BritneySex9114:31
ubottuBritneySex91: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:31
BritneySex91hey guys! ;)14:31
ShawnRiskI am getting an error when I wakeup my laptop: over charge change on port 1 or port 2. Any ideas on how to fix?14:32
BluesKajShawnRisk, sorry I don't understand14:33
ShawnRiskwhen I wakeup my laptop from sleep I get that error, it can be either port 1 or port 214:34
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
NashenasDoes anyone know what would keep me from being able to move my windows? I made some changes in compiz config settings manager, and I changed them back, but I still can't drag any windows14:36
ShawnRiskBluesKaj: no ideas?14:36
chenthuguys, how to allow or block a particular port?14:37
IdleOneNashenas: restart compiz and see if it still does it14:37
Ir0nmanhi guys anyone good with grub2 that can help me with my multi-boot?14:37
Ir0nmani really screwed it up I can only get ubuntu loaded14:37
NashenasIdleOne, I've restarted my desktop and I still can't move them14:37
BluesKajShawnRisk, nope  Idon't know what you mean by port 1 or port2 ..the ports I know about are networking ports14:38
BluesKajchenthu, normally you can block ports on you router14:39
Sidewinder1Ir0nman, I'm no expert, I use grub legacy but you might try sudo update-grub.14:40
NashenasIdleOne, I got it. Somehow the movewindow extension had been disabled14:40
Ir0nmansudo update-grub doesnt find my win xp partition and windows 7 partition doesnt boot14:41
Sidewinder1Ir0nman, If 7 doesn't boot, you may need to use a win CD, fixmbr, then sudo update-grub. Just a thought.14:42
BluesKajIr0nman, try holding down the shift key after the bios scrn , or change the default timeout from 0 to a larger number of secs that grub appears14:42
BluesKajin etc/default /grub14:43
jaimehi all, i have a problem, i can't to open /dev/audio, where are audio in /dev directory ?14:44
BluesKajIr0nman,   /etc/default/grub14:44
szaljaime: context please14:46
Ir0nmanwhat does the timeout do?14:46
chenthuBluesKaj, i am using a 3g data stick14:46
ShawnRiskhow do I know what is port 1 and port 2 is?14:46
jaimei try:  int audio_fd = open("/dev/audio",O_RDWR);14:46
* szal has no clue what jaime is talking about14:47
damnoanybody know how to use the -newaudio option in ffmpeg ??.I mean the syntax sequence? its too confusing .. :/14:48
compdocszal, clues are $5014:48
jaimeI am develop a program for read microphone input, an I need to know the audio device.14:49
soreaujaime: Look at the source for a program that does the same thing like gnome-sound-recorder14:50
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
jaimegood idea soreau, source code is avalaible in .deb package ?14:52
soreaujaime: I think you can apt-get source program14:52
amin`Grub2 + GPT + Divmod64 Error  http://pastie.org/236617514:53
amin`I need help?14:54
soreaujaime: apt-get source gnome-media14:54
jaimeok, thanks all.  regards14:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:54
phillyjanyone know how to enable to hddtemp daemon to load at start-up?14:55
phillyjWhen i installed it, i skipped the option since I didn't think I needed it14:55
bullgard6How can I put the "ThinkVantage" pushbutton to good use in Linux (Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha)?14:56
oCeanbullgard6: support for that in #ubuntu+1 channel14:56
amin`I installed grub 2 after I finished the install. then I did grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg and grub_bios-install --grub-setup=/bin/true --boot-directory=/boot --no-floppy --recheck /dev/sda and they did fine too. after that I rebooted and i got error: symbol not found. 'grub_divmod64_full'  Entering rescue mode ...  grub rescue> i removed grub2 by pacman and install it again and I did the process again and I get the same error. I 14:57
theadminamin`: pacman?14:58
theadminamin`: Arch support is in #archlinux14:59
BluesKajdamno, are you trying to convert audio formats ?14:59
amin`theadmin: Yes I know but the ubuntu is the only one with the same problem mines the UUID part and archiz send me here please help15:00
theadminamin`: I can't help, and most of people here don't use Arch so honestly dunno15:00
amin`NOOOO how do you fix this problem here?15:01
amin`forget arch15:01
amin`theadmin: ^^15:01
theadminamin`: I don't know how to fix it on Ubuntu either (if I'd know at all, I'd likely know how to fix it on Arch, actually)15:02
milamberamin`: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173523115:02
amin`theadmin: So help plzzzzzzz15:02
BluesKajchenthu, checkout iptables and ufw15:02
theadminamin`: As stated, I don't know.15:03
newbie22I am starting the process of installing ubuntu on a dell PC that has windows XP on it. I want to have a dual boot system.15:06
yeats!dual boot | newbie2215:06
ubottunewbie22: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:06
newbie22do I take the default install from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download  ??15:06
newbie22or http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer15:06
S4nD3rUbuntu 12.04 LTS, next april ??15:07
theadminnewbie22: NO, don't use Wubi unless you want a broken system15:07
theadminS4nD3r: Yes.15:07
yeatsnewbie22: for a true dual boot, use the first link15:07
theadminS4nD3r: It's year.month15:07
sage_hey Im looking for a good web page that tells me how to play games on Ubuntu15:08
S4nD3rIt will solve error like "Either the lower file is not in a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrough mode is not enabled; returning -EIO"15:08
newbie22theadmin: thanks, I did that.  Downloaded the iso.image and then burn the disk.15:08
AntY_A quick question: which kernel version is the latest that a regular Ubuntu-user (not developer) should use?15:08
theadminsage_: "how to play games"? Do you mean "how to run Windows applications, e.g. games"?15:08
sage_steam is giving me some trouble15:08
sage_i mean steam15:08
theadmin!wine | sage_15:08
ubottusage_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:08
yeatsAntY_: whatever is packaged with the version you're using ;-)15:08
newbie22theadmin: It boots from the CD, but stalls and just shows me the Ubuntu screen for over 20 mins15:09
theadminnewbie22: No good, sounds like it doesn't like your hardware15:09
sage_Thanks alot ill go there now15:09
yeatsnewbie22: did you verify the image before burning the disk?15:09
newbie22yeats: how do I verify the image.15:09
yeats!md5sum | newbie2215:10
ubottunewbie22: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:10
newbie22theadmin: that what I thought so, I tried to download debian, but there it seems like you need to download more than one disk image15:10
yeatsnewbie22: you would just need CD115:11
newbie22yeats: OK15:11
theadminnewbie22: Debian is too confusing for newbies15:11
newbie22yeats: I will restart the download..15:11
newbie22theadmin: it seems that way15:12
yeatsnewbie22: Ubuntu is a good "first" distro (though I started with Debian and lived to tell the tale ;-) )15:12
sage_oh one question... do I have to set up compatibility with all the games on steam or not?15:13
theadminsage_: That goes to #winehq, as well.15:14
sage_oh ok sorry i will to there now :D15:14
theadminsage_: Type: /join #winehq15:15
sage_thanks lol15:15
sage_i need some help playing tf2 on ubuntu with steam15:16
theadminsage_: Still wrong place.15:16
OerHeksthere is a #steamlug channel for steam gaming on linux too, sage_15:18
sage_lol i was on the wrong page sorry again15:18
newbie22ubottu: I downloaded the winMdSum and ran it on  ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.  I then got the sum from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes .  They both are the same.15:19
ubottunewbie22: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:19
edbianMy brother is going to /join #windows15:20
newbie22yeats: is there away to compare the image burned to CD to the image downloaded ?15:20
DANYALHow To Install Ftp On port 21 In Linux/Ubuntu15:21
edbiannewbie22: the md5 checksum of both (not sure how to md5 checksum a CD)15:21
edbianDANYAL: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html15:22
maalacwhy is it after encrypting my usb drive in ubuntu and then plug it on a windows machine it ask for it to format ?15:25
six88sixhey, so if i did an apt-get install app but dont know where it installed to and cant find it, what is the best way to find it using the terminal?15:25
groktari'm having trouble setting up keepalived.  it's not binding to my virtual ip at all. i did the net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 thing in my /etc/sysctl.conf file.15:25
martomaalac what filesystem is the drive?15:25
groktarhere's my config and relevant outputs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/665065/15:25
oCeansix88six: dpkg -L packagename will show all installed files15:25
groktarideas anyone?15:26
maalacmarto: ntfs15:26
groktarubuntu 11.04 server15:26
martomaalac how did you encrypt it?15:26
six88sixoCean, ah. excellent. thank you15:26
maalacmarto: using the cryptsetup15:26
RamsesoCean: are you sure?15:26
oCeanRamses: of course15:27
maalacmarto:i've reformated the drive using mkfs.ntsf15:27
SubjectOnewhat do i need for installing apache2 with mysql and php support ?15:28
edbianSubjectOne: LAMP ?15:28
SubjectOneyeah sure15:29
TheFuzzballI think there's a meta package...15:29
SubjectOnebut what do i apt-get ?15:29
TheFuzzballsudo apt-get install ^lamp or something15:29
edbianSubjectOne: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP15:29
SubjectOneah thanx15:29
edbianSubjectOne: You have apt-get installed already15:29
groktarya, ^lamp15:29
ElTimoI keep running into a problem with wubi. Whenever I try to run it from a CD, it feels the need to redownload the iso.15:29
ElTimoI have limited bandwidth, so this simply isn't an option for me.15:30
edbianElTimo: I strongly suggest you install traditionally (non-wubi)15:30
ElTimoedbian: I'm hesitant to install normally. This laptop has Optimus, and I want to see if I can get bumblebee to work properly before I do anything permanent.15:30
edbianElTimo: I have no idea what Optimus and bumblebee is.  Try running the liveCD to see if they work?15:31
groktari think i answered my question15:31
BluesKajElTimo, wubi is supposed to be run from your hdd , wubi installs ubuntu to it so you just choose it at the menu15:32
ElTimoedbian: I tried to do it, but ubuntu hangs at the loading screen.15:32
edbianElTimo: Is this a liveCD or a liveUSB  Do you get any error messages when / before it hangs.15:32
ElTimoBluesKaj: I figured since it's included on the LiveCD it would use the local files though.15:32
edbianElTimo: Press escape during boot to see more info15:32
ElTimoedbian: LiveUSB, and no.15:32
edbianElTimo: Can you describe the hang?15:33
ElTimoedbian: Oh I was trying to switch VT's lol. Hold on.15:33
edbianElTimo: That was a good thought too15:33
mongymaalac, its probably windows doesnt recognise the cryptsetup way of encryption.. you might need to use something more crss platform like truecrypt15:34
maalacmongy: is that a good encryption ?15:34
mongymaalac, from what ive heard... its as good as cryptsetup15:35
ElTimoOk I'm back.15:35
theadminmaalac: AES, Serpent, Twofish. Can use passwords and keyfiles.15:35
edbianElTimo: hello15:35
maalacmongy: great! thanks a lot ..just bought a new 1TB Seagate External ..want to encrypt it ...:)15:35
theadminmaalac: TrueCrypt is great, really.15:35
ElTimoedbian: Rebooting my laptop now.15:35
theadminmaalac: 1TB might take a huge while though15:36
edbianElTimo: k15:36
edbianElTimo: We can talk while we work on the target machine?15:36
ElTimoedbian: I have two laptops ;)15:36
edbianElTimo: excellent15:37
maalactheadmin: mongy: thanks a lot ...:)15:37
ElTimoedbian: Now that's odd...15:37
edbianElTimo: it's booting?15:37
ElTimoedbian: This time it didn't even show the bootsplash.15:37
ElTimoedbian: Gave me a couple errors though15:37
edbianElTimo: mhmmm, I take it you didn't do anything differently.  What errors?15:38
ElTimoHold on, I'll paste them15:38
S4nD3r_Please, what is wrong that my intel card do not works?  http://pastebin.com/7b3ibBsd15:38
Keeganshttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/159277 - Can anyone help please?15:38
hoopjumpingHi, I got a host of issues with my OS so far that I hopefully can fix. 1: Last week i was asking about fstab, which I could make neither head nor tail of. I wanted to use it to tell ubuntu that my music folder is on another hard drive it doesn't automount. People said "Oh use fstab to point it to it." but I didn't find the tutorials far too complex and told me more information than I needed. I found that I could do it through15:40
hoopjumpingbanshee, by using a menu (shock horror that not everything is done in command line. I know, heritic I am) to point it to the correct folder. It now loads up my music on startup. My immediate question is this: THe unity sidebar on the left is very annoying when I'm zoomed in and trying to read a webpage for it to pop up all the time. How can I move it to the top of the bottom?15:40
ElTimoedbian: http://pastebin.com/UuNLRX0p15:40
Grey_LokiHi, i'm running the latest Ubuntu Server (11.04), fully patched. It seems when I leave rtorrent running (with rtorrentweb, i'm not sure if that's a contributing factor or not), after a certain period of time, the machine stops responding to ssh login requests. It still responds to ping, and the apache server is still running (it serves web requests to its IP), I just can't login through SSH. Where can I look to start diagn15:40
edbianhoopjumping: Have you read this one?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab15:40
ElTimoedbian: Oh and I forgot to mention that the fan starts running like crazy once it hangs.15:40
ikoniahoopjumping: you'll get much better responses if you just ask your question rather htan a 10 line ranting statement15:41
Keeganshoopjumping have you tried making a link from the current folder to the drive?15:41
edbianElTimo: You have intel graphics?15:41
hoopjumpingedbian: yes, that's the tutorial I was given, the one I found too confusuing. Keegans: I fixed it.15:41
S4nD3r_It's upgraded in http://pastebin.com/kBHHkkxx15:41
edbianhoopjumping: oh btw, you cannot move the unity bar right now15:42
ElTimoedbian: Yeah. Intel and Nvidia. That's what Optimus is. It switches video cards depending on load.15:42
Keegansoh well nvm15:42
ThePendulumGreetings. Can someone please inform why exactly Gnome Classic is unsupported in Ubuntu 11.10, even though they know many users truly dislike this? Thank you!15:42
hoopjumpingFor those complaining of TL:DR. Edbian: Can I disable it then? I have the same ubuntu version on a laptop with a mirage s3 graphics chipset, and that uses a gnome menu with the bars on the top.15:42
KeegansThePendulum: its the future?15:42
ElTimoedbian: I have whatever's attached to the Core i7 and a Geforce 525m15:42
ElTimoedbian: Oh. Escape doesn't do anything.15:43
edbianhoopjumping: log out, click your name, change the session, log in15:43
edbianElTimo: Well escape makes the splash go away.  Do the num / caps lock keys make the lights change (proof themachine is not frozen)15:43
ThePendulumKeegans: Not sure if the future lays in an ugly interface15:44
TehAndrewRyanI have a slight problem15:44
KeegansThePendulum: I agree but since Apple is going that way we all have to15:44
ElTimoedbian: That's a major problem. I don't have num/caps lock lights so I can't tell if it's panicking.15:44
KeegansThePendulum: I use the classic style as well so I agree with you wholeheartedly15:44
TehAndrewRyanI've installed Steam on my Windows installation. Can I somehow launch Steam with Wine? It won't let me change to "Run this as a program"15:44
edbianElTimo: ok.  Hang on15:44
makaraHi. Would really appreciate if someone could advise what my next investigative step might be. Problem detailed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11145836#post1114583615:45
TehAndrewRyanAre there like a bash script or such?15:45
edbianElTimo: Is the screen showing those errors and just stuck there?15:45
hoopjumpingEdbian: Thanks, I'll do that in a bit. I don't mind the menu, but it's position is intrusive. I have issues, and I'm wondering if anyone else has this: Copy and paste keyboard shortcuts do not always work. If In firefox, if I have highlighted text, it'll not show up unless I right click and use copy instead. I would prefer to press ctrl+C as the right click menu takes five-ten seconds to load15:45
TehAndrewRyanI'm using a bash script to run my Minecraft server since it won't let me change permissions either, similar solution here?15:45
ElTimoTehAndrewRyan: You can make a script that has `wine /path/to/steam.exe ` somewhere in it, I think.15:45
ikoniamakara: explain the issue please ?15:45
ThePendulumKeegans: I noticed Windows 8 looks similar. I hate the future. What's left?15:45
eMyllerfor the code poets: ppa:emyller/sublime-text-2 :)15:46
ElTimoedbian: It's showing the purple booting screen and doing a whole lot of nothing.15:46
KeegansThePendulum: dont use Gnome15:46
Grey_LokiThePendulum: perhaps an alternative window manager?15:46
oCeanThePendulum: this is not a discussion channel. Please try #ubuntu-offtopic for chat15:46
makaraikonia: can't connect to my router through a d-link usb wifi device15:46
ru6yxxAfter upgrading from 10.10, I still have the old Gnome desktop menu with menu items at the top of the page. How do I get 11.04 desktop settings?15:46
TehAndrewRyanElTimo; a more detailed way?15:46
sereneI am using GIMP, but I closed the window on the right side. How to call out it?15:46
ikoniamakara: ok - first question, is the d-link device supported under ubuntu ?15:46
ThePendulumoCean: I'm sorry...?15:46
ElTimoKeegans: There's always awesome.15:46
KeegansElTimo: ??15:46
TehAndrewRyanElTimo: or actually, I think I got it working15:47
makaraikonia: how would I know? it picks up the wireless networks in the area when I plug it in15:47
ThePendulumserene: You can use Windows --> Recently Closed Docks15:47
* eMyller is a kde user, and recommends it to ThePendulum15:47
ikoniamakara: that's a reasonable test,15:47
ElTimoKeegans: If you're worried about your desktop looking like Win8, you could use awesome wm.15:47
perlsyntaxAnyone use playonlinux in here?15:47
edbianElTimo: Is this a dell? mac?15:47
ikoniamakara: so if it picksup wireless networks, can it see the one you want to connect to ?15:47
Grey_LokiThis could be related to my issue - when I create a new bash prompt (in a new screen, using the byobu..wrapper?), i'm given this prompt: loki@lokiserver:(unreachable)/$15:47
ElTimoedbian: Dell Vostro 375015:47
sereneThePendulum, HoHo,  thanks a lot~15:47
Grey_LokiWhat does the 'unreachable' bit mean?15:47
ElTimoKeegans: http://awesome.naquadah.org/15:47
edbianElTimo: a-ha :)15:47
TehAndrewRyanElTimo; no I didn't get it working15:48
ThePendulumserene: No problem :)15:48
Heraklesllutz, did you see my second post ?15:48
Ramsesof course15:48
KeegansElTimo: I really dont care. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Right now I have another issue that no one has addressed yet15:48
oCean!who | Ramses15:48
ubottuRamses: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:48
ThePendulumeMyller: Guess I'll be heading to the #kubuntu channel then. Cheers!15:48
Herakles!who | llutz15:48
ubottullutz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:48
ElTimoKeegans: What's the issue? Can't guarantee I can fix it but I can try.15:48
makaraikonia: yes. I put in the security type and password just as I do on my notebook with inbuilt wireless, but it just floats and then rejects15:48
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:48
ElTimoedbian: a-ha what?15:48
KeegansElTimo: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/15927715:48
ikoniamakara: what is the security protocol, wpa2 by any chance ?15:48
eMyllerThePendulum: what were you looking for?15:48
edbianElTimo: Found this: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201101-696915:49
TehAndrewRyanHow do I use the !tab function?15:49
makaraikonia: its wpa15:49
=== SIG is now known as Guest28884
edbianElTimo: still looking15:49
theadminTehAndrewRyan: Type "thea" and hit your Tab key, for example.15:49
makaraikonia: i suppose so. the connection information on my notebook says WPA/WPA215:50
ikoniamakara: that's odd, wpa is supported by most devices, silly question but at you sure it's wpa, and the password is correct15:50
ElTimoedbian: It's certified even though it doesn't work. Good call there, Canonical.15:50
edbianElTimo: hahaha15:50
ElTimoOh. Preinstalled only.15:50
ikoniamakara: if it's wpa2, that maybe the issue, some cards won't support wpa2 under linux, more so those with reversed engineered drivers15:50
ThePendulumeMyller: Well, the only reason I use Ubuntu some development appliction work natively on Ubuntu. Besides that, I love the minimalistic look of Gnome Classic. But I would like to update to 11.10 as well.15:50
* ElTimo feels dumb15:50
douglI was reading there is no screen saver option for boinc for ubuntu - Is there anything that fills this void?15:50
edbianElTimo: that should matter?15:50
ThePendulumeMyller: *applications15:51
makaraikonia: i must mention that I couldn't get my GSM usb modem to work either, although it works on my notebook. that's why I'm thinking its an issue with 11.04. My notebook is 10.0415:51
ElTimoedbian: No, but you never know. There could be some proprietary drivers they had to install.15:51
blumaamy sound isn't working at all in ubuntu 11.04.  can annyone help?15:51
edbianElTimo: I have found this: https://lists.launchpad.net/hybrid-graphics-linux/msg00864.html   He has the same error as you on the same hardware however he is able to boot (cause he can run dmesg) which implies the errors we're seeing are not related to the can't boot problem15:51
makaraikonia: this is all in that link I gave by the way15:51
ikoniamakara your gsm usb device has nothing to do with this,15:51
blumaait seems like my sound drivers aren't even there...?15:51
eMyllerThePendulum: what technology do you work with?15:51
ElTimoedbian: I've gotten it to boot before. That's the weirdest part.15:52
edbianElTimo: What did you do to get it to boot?15:52
ikoniamakara: if you want to try your dlink card on your 10.04 machine, try it15:52
TehAndrewRyanWhy do I get this? http://pastebin.com/Ept0AK5315:52
makaraikonia: well its a bit spooky that they both don't work on PC but both work on notebook don't you think?15:52
ElTimoedbian: Plugged in the usb stick, turned it on, and smacked F12 like a redheaded stepchild.15:52
edbianElTimo: Why F12?15:52
ElTimoedbian: To get the one-time boot menu open.15:53
ThePendulumeMyller: I am a web developer, so basically most of the stuff involved with web development15:53
makaraikonia: there's a problem with that. My notebook wireless button is broken so its stuck in the on position. I could put in d-link, but what would that prove...15:53
ActionParsnipwassup blumaa15:53
edbianElTimo: for the bios.  You don't have to do that normally?15:53
blumaahi... my sound is not working at all15:53
ElTimoedbian: I was doing it so I could boot if from usb15:53
makaraikonia: its not a card, its a usb device15:53
blumaaon my sound preferences it says dummy sound card output15:54
ikoniamakara: ok, put the usb device in15:54
TehAndrewRyanAlso tried this: http://pastebin.com/r6Eh1NbL15:54
ActionParsnipblumaa: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh15:54
TehAndrewRyanStill no success15:54
blumaaare there drivers i can install?  or how do i troubleshoot that?15:54
TehAndrewRyanUsing Ubuntu 10.1015:54
edbianElTimo: sure, but you mentioned having to do that the time it worked.  This implies that you don't have to press F12 everytime.  (It's confusing me.  Is pressing F12 significant in the laptops ability to boot?)15:54
makaraikonia: done15:54
ikoniamakara: does it work ? can you join the network with it15:54
dr_willisblumaa,  has it ever worked.. did it work on the live cd.. you did double check the mixers and are sure its not just muted...15:55
ElTimoedbian: Oh sorry. No, that's what I have to do to get it to boot from USB.15:55
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:55
edbianElTimo: ok15:55
ElTimoedbian: It boots windows just fine.15:55
ActionParsnipblumaa: run the command and upload to the server, it will make a URL, what is the URL?15:55
makaraikonia: please read what I said early about the wireless on my notebook stuck in the on position15:55
Benkinoobydpkg: warning: while removing firefox, directory '/usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins' not empty so not removed how can i resolve that?15:55
ikoniamakara: I did read that15:55
ikoniamakara: I don't see how it has any relevence15:55
Herakleshelp!       Hi there, I have some issues with the Softwarecenter, it can´t find the install media... (DVD)  see my Paste...http://paste.ubuntu.com/665080/15:56
hoopjumpingHi, back again, this time with my gnome menu (thanks Edbian) But now my desktop zoom doesn't work. I can't find compiz in my menus, but I know I have it.15:56
edbianElTimo: one common thing.  Check the drives using windows15:56
edbianhoopjumping: did you install ccsm  ?15:56
makaraikonia: My notebook is already connected to the wifi through its own wireless adaptor. What are we trying to prove here?15:56
jarothi ..15:56
ElTimoedbian: You mean the usb drive?15:56
ikoniamakara: as I said 60 seconds ago - trying to prove that your card works under 10.0415:56
jarothello ..15:56
edbianElTimo: no, the partitions of the hdd15:56
TehAndrewRyanThis page is pretty much teh same issues that I have http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159667215:57
TehAndrewRyanNo answers there though15:57
ikoniamakara: disable your wireless card through network manager, and use the usb device to connect to the network15:57
makaraikonia: its not a card, its a usb device15:57
TehAndrewRyanSo can anyone here help?15:57
hoopjumpingedbian: I have CCSM15:57
edbianElTimo: sometimes when the partitions are dirty or have errors ubuntu doesn't boot.  (or boot irradcially).  You could also (to save time) pop the hdd out for a second and boot with no hdd15:57
ikoniamakara: there is a card in your notebook - stop getting smart with me15:57
makaraikonia: how do disable the card?15:57
edbianhoopjumping: System -> Preferences ->15:57
dr_willisTehAndrewRyan,  you may want to resummarize/restate the actual problem.15:58
ftoadhey natty narwhalers..  friend can't adjust brigtness on toshib 4835-p65x.  anyone know of a clue for fixing this?15:58
ikoniamakara: tell you what, help yourself, I'm tired of your smart answers when I'm trying to help you15:58
hoopjumpingedbian: found it, thanks. What's the buttons for scroll wheel up and scroll wheel down again?15:58
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!15:58
edbianhoopjumping: depends they usually call it button 4 / button 5 for me15:58
=== denny- is now known as denny
vsyncTehAndrewRyan err, give the file execution rights?15:58
kingofswordshi is gentoo really hard to use since i only used ubuntu a few months?15:58
ikoniakingofswords: ask in #gentoo15:58
vsynckingofswords why would you want to use gentoo?15:58
kingofswordsikonia, thx15:58
kingofswordsjust curious15:59
makaraHi. Would really appreciate if someone could advise what my next investigative step might be. Problem detailed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11145836#post1114583615:59
kingofswordsread it was alot faster15:59
ElTimoedbian: Odd. The pre-boot assessment just popped up.15:59
vsynckingofswords well, depends15:59
edbianElTimo: the bios post?15:59
hoopjumpingedbian: thanks, that's all sorted. now. I'm gonna reboot into windows and figure out what's up with my right mouse button (programmable mouse is acting funny in windows and linux)15:59
ikoniavsync: discuss it in #gentoo please - not here15:59
ElTimoedbian: No. Dell's hardware test program that they install on a separate partition of the HDD.15:59
kingofswordsvsync, is it only a little faster...i get alot of freezes with gnome and cairo dock15:59
vsynckingofswords the packages are a bit outdated, you have to manually compile _everything_, and to make it fast, you have to know exactly WHAT you want from the packages.16:00
edbianElTimo: mmm, strange16:00
ikoniakingofswords: vsync - I'll only say it one more time - discuss in #gentoo - NOT here16:00
vsyncchill bro16:00
kingofswordsyeh sorry16:01
ikoniavsync: no - I've warned you once, and you've ignored it, now I'm making it perfectly clear. stop.16:01
SamuraiAlbaok.  I want Kung Pao Bacon...16:01
oCeanSamuraiAlba: stop that sillyness16:01
vsynci was typing in mid-sentence when i saw that, now let's not make such a big deal about it16:01
ikoniaSamuraiAlba: the topic of this channel is ubuntu support only. Please keep to that16:01
ikoniavsync: so "delete" it the key you press16:01
kingofswordsto be far it is ubuntu as i only wanna know the differences between 2 os16:01
Herakles!help       Hi there, I have some issues with the Softwarecenter, it can´t find the install media... (DVD)  see my Paste...http://paste.ubuntu.com/665080/16:01
ubottuHerakles: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:01
SamuraiAlbaok.  Ubuntu not redrawing backgrounds on multiple monitors.  Fix?16:01
vsyncikonia well, afterall, this is #ubuntu. The channel is generally frowned upon on. Inbred rednecks such as yourself, (TX), aren't really helping it, no?16:03
ElTimoedbian: OK. Now that that's over, let's try booting again.16:05
edbianElTimo: hahaha, what did it want from you?16:05
ElTimoedbian: It ran all the tests automatically. I think my laptop is possessed.16:05
edbianElTimo: ha16:06
Ramsesnot only your laptop is possessed16:06
ikoniaRamses: stop with your silly comments.16:06
mecoDoes anyone know how I can share a screen capture?16:06
ElTimoedbian: Ok, I took out the splash boot option.16:06
ikoniaRamses: I am tired of having to ask you, there will be no more warnings16:06
ActionParsnipmeco: upload to youtube etc16:07
ElTimoedbian: Let's see what it has to say.16:07
edbianElTimo: ok, good idea16:07
Ramsesok, understood16:07
groktarhas anyone here had any experience with keepalived?16:07
sheroroxhi I have natty narwhal and my computer randomly started booting into the ubuntu bootloader. The bootloader doesn't respond to any keystrokes and I can't boot(press enter). Ubuntu is my only os16:07
akelsIs it possible to take internet from wireless connection (on Ubuntu pc) and share the connection with other old pc with wired connection?16:07
ikoniagroktar: yes16:07
mecoActionParsnip: Not helpful16:07
ikoniaakels: yes16:07
ikonia!ics | akels16:07
ubottuakels: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing16:07
groktarsweet. i can't get it to bind to a virtual ip.16:07
ActionParsnipmeco: it satisfies the requirement, why is it not helpful?16:08
ElTimoedbian: Huh. It came up with the same screen as before. There's an error there that I didn't notice before though.16:08
groktari had a pastebin earlier, but i fixed one problem with that16:08
ikoniagroktar: you need to give more info than that16:08
groktari'll make another one for you16:08
ElTimoedbian: [drm:intel_dsm_platform_mux_info] *ERROR* MUX INFO call failed16:08
mecoCan someone give me the name of a photo sharing site that allows you to share the bare image file?16:08
edbianElTimo: googling...16:09
ru6yxxAfter upgrading to 11.04, I still have the old Gnome desktop  with menu items at the top of the page. How do I get 11.04 desktop settings?16:09
ElTimoedbian: And of COURSE it's because I have sandy bridge. Of course.16:09
Joknmeco: imgur.com ?16:09
ActionParsnipmeco: imageshack16:09
edbianElTimo: That's what I think is the issue yes16:09
bullgard6sherorox:  Take a Ubuntu Live CD and check your computer's hardware for functionality.16:10
ElTimoedbian: Hold on, I have an idea.16:10
sheroroxbullgard6: it works because I can use BIOS commands16:10
edbianElTimo: holding16:10
ElTimoedbian: I'm gonna go grab an arch stick and see if that boots.16:11
edbianElTimo: :)16:11
groktarum, i might have fixed it ikonia. i feel dumb right now16:11
ikoniagroktar: no problem16:11
ActionParsnipblumaa's alsa info: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=24597e5984476fd53ef07d2d1df7c5682800eeda16:12
ActionParsnipblumaa: you don't have an Alsa driver version16:12
blumaahow do i get that?16:12
blumaais that what I need?16:12
groktarsolution was "mv /etc/keepalived/keepalive.conf /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf".  I literally just slapped myself across the face16:12
ActionParsnipblumaa: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install alsa-base alsa-utils; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*         may help16:13
groktari was typing the filename in the top of the pastebin and said "wait, that isn't right..."16:13
ElTimoedbian: Damn. Looks like the most recent arch I have is 2010.05. Project for another day it looks like.16:13
WiCkD1Anyone tried using the PPC ubuntu on a G4 powerbook?16:13
edbianElTimo: ok16:13
bullgard6sherorox:  If the BIOS works, try to obtain error messages and report them completely, for analysis16:13
edbianElTimo: Not sure why it's not booting.  I see other reports of that error and again they can boot anyways16:13
edbianI"m not sure16:13
ActionParsnipWiCkD1: I've used it in live CD16:14
dr_willisWiCkD1,  ive had very bad experiences with PPC Linux and PPC Ubuntu.. I dont even own a ppc mac any more..  all i can say is.. good luck.16:14
blumaaso after i run that in the terminal.... what should I do?  Reboot?16:14
ElTimoedbian: I can try using an actual CD, though I doubt that'll help much.16:14
edbianElTimo: agreed16:14
ElTimoedbian: Hmm. An idea is floating around in my head, but it seems dumb.16:15
sheroroxbullgard6: I have no error messages. The keyboard works, I just can't get ubuntu to recognize it all of a sudden. Its weird how it just started going into the bootloader16:15
ActionParsnipWiCkD1: why do you ask?16:15
edbianElTimo: what is it?16:15
WiCkD1yeah Ill try livecd first.  I have an old 17" powerbook g4..while its a nice machine, I figured I can get better use out of it with a linux distro.16:15
Heraklesall 1500 are looking for help ?16:15
ElTimoedbian: I saw a way to install ubuntu directly from the iso using the USB creator.16:15
felix_da_catzFor some reason when I open Evolution my mouse works fine in Evolution, but the rest of the windows and programs I have open  the mouse is off.  I have to be about 1/2" above something to click on it.16:15
edbianElTimo: good luck with that!16:16
ActionParsnipWiCkD1: can also try puppy ;)16:16
ElTimoedbian: Like I said, dumb.16:16
edbianElTimo: crazy and fun!16:16
ElTimoedbian: That's how I roll.16:16
dr_willisElTimo,  that metod may just do a 'live-cd type setup' which is most likely not what you want.16:16
felix_da_catzHerakles:  What do you need?16:17
sudiptaI have a problem......how to see the manuals of write().....not write utility16:17
ElTimodr_willis: I just want to see if I can get it to boot. The LiveCD won't install unless I tell it to.16:17
Heraklesfelix_da_catz, please check my paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/665080/16:17
bullgard6sherorox:  "ll of a sudden." and "Its weird how it" is colloquial English and no precise description. --  I cannot help you. --  Sorry.16:18
akelsIs the restarting important after changing method for Ethernet card? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing16:18
maalacwhats the advantage of keyfiles in encrypting a usb drive ?16:18
lwizardlhow many monitors is currently the most can be used on a single machine running 11.0416:19
felix_da_catzHerakles:  Are you trying to install software and it is asking for the CD everytime?16:19
ikonialwizardl: as many as your cards/xorg driver will support16:19
sudiptaI have a problem......how to see the manuals of write().....not write utility16:19
felix_da_catzHerakles:  Or are you trying to add the CD to the list of sources?16:19
Benkinoobyif some1 feels that firefox is slow, altough not unsing all your computer ressources, uninstall it (purge) and reinstall it.  don't forget to backup your profile. made firefox a good bit faster for me16:20
Heraklesfelix_da_catz, i typed "apt-cdrom add"16:20
Heraklesadd to sources list.... felix_da_catz16:20
noah1989where do i put custom startup scripts for ubuntu?16:20
tabakhasei see the sound device of my grafics card, and its also choosen as "output", but im not getting anny sound thrug HDMI...16:20
lwizardlikonia, well for example my laptop has vga out and hdmi out but seems to only work with 1 external source16:20
noah1989i want to execute some command at startup automatically16:20
Keegansnoah1989:  man update-rc.d16:21
ikonialwizardl: depends on how the cards architechture is, some vga/hdmi ports are shared16:21
lwizardlikonia, hmm16:21
blumaaso after i have reinstall the alsa things should i reboot?  or how do i get them to initiate?16:22
sudiptaI have a problem......how to see the manuals of write().....not write utility16:22
pascualhello, someone can help me?16:22
felix_da_catzHerakles:  Did you already mount the cdrom?  Is it mounted at /media/apt?16:22
maalacwhats the advantage of keyfiles in encrypting a usb drive ?16:22
KeegansAsk the question pascual16:22
rumpe1sudipta, try "man 2 write"16:23
Heraklesfelix_da_catz, no, it is mounted automatically on "/media/Ubuntu11.0416:23
pascuali installed ubuntu in my girlfriend notebook using an usb drive, everything worked okay in the installation proccess, but then when i restart all i get is a black screen and a blinking "_"16:23
felix_da_catzHerakles:  If the cdrom is not mounted, you need to give it the proper mount point for the CDRom.  If it is mounted then you need to give apt-cdrom the current mount point.16:23
pascuali tried it like three times.16:24
Heraklesfelix_da_catz,  thank you let me give a try, just a moment please...16:24
pascual(and im booting from the hard disk of course)16:24
felix_da_catzHerakles: No problem.16:24
felix_da_catzHerakles: -d is the command you are looking for I believe16:24
felix_da_catzHerakles: Switch, whatever16:25
pascuali installed ubuntu in my girlfriend notebook using an usb drive, everything worked okay in the installation proccess, but then when i restart all i get is a black screen and a blinking "_" someone can help me?16:26
sudiptarumpe1:thanks a lot.......:)16:26
blumaai'm still having major problems with my sound!16:27
blumaait says I don't even have the hardware installed!16:27
blumaahow do i instaall a sound device?16:27
ralucahi! I have some problems installing ubuntu. can I post it here or start a private message with some one, pls?16:28
ikoniaraluca: just ask your question16:28
pascuali installed ubuntu in my girlfriends notebook using an usb drive, everything worked okay in the installation proccess, but then when i restart all i get is a black screen and a blinking "_" please help16:28
yeatspascual: do you know what model video card is installed?16:28
blumaahelp help!16:28
ikoniablumaa: stop that please.16:28
BluesKajblumaa, make sure you have alsa-base ans alsa-utils16:29
maalacpascual: what version of ubuntu did you use ?16:29
maalacpascual: is it natty ?16:29
blumaabluesKaj - how do i confirm that?16:29
yeatspascual: does anything happen when you do Ctrl-Alt-F1?16:29
blumaain the get software app?16:29
maalacpascual: oh no..its buggy one ..can you check if its freezing up on you. try pressing the num lock key ..16:29
Sadinhi everyone my ubuntu desktop is running 11.04 and i cant use multiple moniters because the background wont redraw when i move windows around this is very frustrating im using a card with ati radeon x300, i tried sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon but that did nothing multiple moniters still wont redraw my background. i tried using aditional drivers to search for one but nothing was found any ideas guys?16:29
ralucafirst I try to run the ubuntu 11.04 from cd but after a short message I receirve a black screen and I can see the mouse pointer but nothing happens.16:29
BluesKajlook in your package manager , blumaa16:30
pascualill try, but. i dont know what this happens, i installed ubuntu with the same usb drive in my computer16:30
pascualmaybe i could try with a cd?16:30
sheroroxbullgard6: I figured it out. It was a USB adapter that ubuntu thought was a keyboard. thanks, and sorry for troubling you.16:31
maalacpascual: try the cd ..if not ..use 10.10 first and then upgrade .16:31
blumaablueskaj, those two things are installled....16:31
blumaabut still there is no device....16:31
Heraklesfelix_da_catz,  do you know how i may add the DVD manually to the /etc/apt/sources.list ?16:32
sandyeggoboyGood morning I was wondering if anyone can help me to move a VirtualBox machine to another host?16:32
blumaahelp.... anyone?!16:33
BluesKajblumaa, ok , open a terminal and type alsamixer , your soundcard model/name should show up in the top left. Make sure all the ctrls are turned up and not muted .16:33
blumaablueskaj - cannot open mixer: No such file or directory16:34
Keeganssandyeggoboy: You'll need to find the vdi file. Copy that to the new host. Then on the new host create a new virtual machine, specify the hard drive rather than making a new one, specify the same memory etc and you should be mostly good to go16:35
petsoundsHerakles: apt-cdrom add16:35
Sadinhi everyone my ubuntu desktop is running 11.04 and i cant use multiple moniters because the background wont redraw when i move windows around this is very frustrating im using a card with ati radeon x300, i tried sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon but that did nothing multiple moniters still wont redraw my background. i tried using aditional drivers to search for one but nothing was found any ideas guys?16:35
Heraklespetsounds, http://paste.ubuntu.com/665080/16:35
Keeganssandyeggoboy: I used that method to move from a mac host to a Ubuntu host16:35
dr_willisSadin,  try a window manager/desktop other then unity as a test. Ive heard unity has some issues with multi-monitors.. BUT it sounds like an ATI driver issue to me.16:36
blumaaany more ideas blueskaj?16:36
ralucasecondly I would like to install it on a logical partition on my extended partition but from that wizzard I can't. On my primary partion I have Windows and my frist logical partion is for it, too. on my second logica partion I would like to install os x, and I created a logical ext3 for ubuntu and a swap partion. I would like to install ubuntu only on these last two partitions and not mix it...16:36
raluca...with the windows partition. when I try to choose the ext3 and hit INSTALL button it says  something that the selected partition doesn't contain boot information and don't let me to continue.16:36
Sadindr_willis i think its an ATi driver issue too i will try a different window manager though i hope thats not the issue i really like unity/gnome16:37
dr_willisSadin,  but i also just tend to put stuff on the 2nd monitor and fullscreen the app. :) so the background rarely matters to me.16:37
dr_willisSadin,  you are in the minority on that :)16:37
BluesKajblumaa, in the terminal , copy and paste this , sudo lshw -C  sound16:37
Sadindr_willis i know im not running ubuntu with the unity bar im running ubuntu-classic mode upon login :)16:37
rumpe1raluca, have you put the flag for / on the linux-partition?16:38
dr_willisSadin,  so you like unity even tho youa re not  useing it... :)16:38
ralucai think i didn't :D16:38
Heraklestheadmin, which channel do i join to get access to some Ubuntu-channels im banned from ?16:39
the-penguinSadin, which graphics card do you have?16:39
ralucaso i have to boot with the gparted and add this flag?16:39
blumaablueskaj..... did that, now what?16:39
rumpe1raluca, no.. .you must specify, which partiton is for / (and maybe swap)16:39
Sadindr_willis well im not using unity is what im getting at so would that rule out the possibility of needing another window manager or is it still technically unity...16:39
BluesKajpastebin the output , blumaa16:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:40
chenthuis there a possible way of choosing the operating system from the grub boot menu by using a particular password for an operating system instead of choosing from the list?16:40
blumaawhat is pastebin?   sorry i don't know how to do that16:40
escott!paste | blumaa16:40
ubottublumaa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:40
Johnny_GigglesQuick question: If a person boots a PC from an Ubuntu Studio USB stick, can that person then partition that USB stick and install Ubuntu onto it while booted from that USB stick?16:40
BluesKajlook at the ubott post above , blumaa16:41
the-penguinJohnny_Giggles, no16:41
oCeanHerakles: join #ubuntu-ops if you need to discuss any bans16:41
chenthublumaa, its where u paste  huge chunk of data and provide the link here, so that people can be stopped from spamming.... google pastebin16:41
Johnny_Gigglesthe-penguin: what should be done?  I'm not real sure what my mate is trying to do16:41
ralucak, 10x. go to give a try...16:41
Heraklesthanks, oC16:41
itiliouswhat ports need to be open for hplip (wireless printer) to print properly?16:41
blumaadid it work?  if not, here is the link - http://paste.ubuntu.com/665100/16:42
itiliousubuntu 10.04 won't print while firestarter is active, only when it is disabled, how can i fix this?16:42
the-penguinJohnny_Giggles, if you have two usb sticks you can boot from one and then install on the other... probs the easiest solution to your problem/question.16:42
Johnny_Gigglesthe-penguin: ok thanks16:43
ethanneed help with filter syntax in  gnome log file viewer16:43
MrSmokeoi galera16:44
ethandoes anyone know the syntax for regular expressions in system log viewer in gnome16:44
* BluesKaj forgets what the intehda kernel module is called16:44
BluesKaj!intelhda | blumaa16:45
ubottublumaa: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:45
the-penguinblumaa, try alsamixer on command line16:45
dr_willisethan,  clarify what you mean.. regular expressions have their own syntax if the tool is using 'regrexp' expressions..16:46
BluesKajthe-penguin, been there done that16:47
wadWhat's up?16:47
ethandr_willis,  I try to show errors with \error\i but that doesn't work16:48
the-penguinBluesKaj, oh, okay, so what exactly is wrong wit it... i just joined this channel 5 min ago, so i don't know the full story16:48
BluesKajguess he can't read16:48
MrSmokeoi pessoal sou novo por aqui como eu uso essa porraW16:48
wadQuestion for you guys. It's an easy one. When I log into my Ubuntu laptop, I want it to launch a couple of apps automatically. What's the best way to do this?16:48
blumaahi, blueskaj did you  get my pastebin?16:48
kingsleyWhat's a good IRC channel for linux system administrators?16:48
BluesKajthe-penguin, no worries16:49
dr_williswad,   shortcuts in .config/autostart is one way16:49
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot16:49
the-penguinwad, System>preferences>start up apps16:49
dr_williswad,  works for most windowmanager/desktops also these days16:49
BluesKajblumaa, did you read the intelhda post ?16:49
BluesKaj!intelhda | blumaa16:49
ubottublumaa: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:49
ru6yxxAfter upgrading to 11.04, I still have the old Gnome desktop  with menu items at the top of the page. How do I get 11.04 desktop settings?16:50
blumaasorry blueskaj.... i don''t know what !intelhda is16:50
blumaado i click on that or what?16:50
BluesKajintelhda is your soundcard , blumaa16:51
newbie22I am starting an install of Ubuntu on a Dell PC, with windows XP already installed. I want to install a dual boot system. I have downloaded the iso image, checked the md5sum and all is ok.16:51
newbie22But, when I boot from cd it will not completly boot.16:51
blumaaah...  so i need to reinstall it?16:51
inashdeenhow do u add to whitelist on natty 11.04 classic?16:51
theadmininashdeen: Add *what* to whitelist?16:51
newbie22So, I hit the F8, to check the install and it is stoping at configuring network securities,16:51
dr_willisinashdeen,  for a module? you mean> or app-indicator?16:52
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »16:52
Joknnewbie22: where does the install stop?16:52
inashdeentheadmin : felah or minbar apps16:52
steve^The one thing I love about unity is the app launcher. Can I get that in Ubuntu Classic?16:52
newbie22Jokn: at configuring network security16:52
theadminsteve^: Nope.16:53
wadWhen I click the "Terminal" application, it does runs some program. How can I figure out what program it's running?16:53
blumaablueskaj.... i'm sorry but i do not understand these instructions....  the first instructions did not work16:53
theadminwad: Normally, gnome-terminal16:53
wadtheadmin, that's not what I asked.... how can I figure out what program it's running?16:53
the-penguinwad, terminal = gnome-terminal16:53
theadminwad: If it's Gnome, run Alacarte and see there16:53
newbie22Jokn: I checked  online at Ubuntu.org for a wireless network card before I purchase it.16:53
Joknnewbie22: So it freezes or what? Error message?16:53
theadminwad: Should work in Unity, tho not sure16:53
wadYes yes, I'm trying to figure out where I can see what program is launched by one of these icons.16:54
the-penguinwas, oh... system monitor or ps on command line16:54
newbie22Jokn: I am running it again to get the exact error...16:54
DattoHello, im on a 64bit system but i need to install some 32 bit software is that possible?16:54
wadI can't right-click on the launcher icon and get a properties dialog.... where on the file system are they configured?16:54
tabakhaseDatto most cases it should work16:55
the-penguinDatto, all 32 bit software is compatible on a 64bit system, but not vice versa16:55
blumaais there any way someone  can walk me through this?16:55
the-penguinblumaa, i would try, but i don't know what's going on, if you want to fill me in16:55
theadminDatto: Normally *not*, unless you have 32-bit compatibility libraries installed.16:55
newbie22Jokn: It FREEZES at:  Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support16:55
milen8204how many minutes its normal one CD to be burned ?16:56
blumaathe-penguin... well it seems that my sound device is not installed16:56
theadminmilen8204: Depends on your writing speed16:56
blumaait was before.... and now itt's not16:56
the-penguinblumaa, alright, that's not so bad, which device do you have?16:57
MysteriousManwhat dbus used for??16:57
milen8204theadmin, the lowest speed16:57
blumaaintel hda16:57
theadminmilen8204: About... half an hour I guess16:57
tabakhasemilen8204 a normal 700mb between 1 and 70 minutes16:58
the-penguinblumaa, execute lspci -nn | grep -i audio in a terminal and paste the result please16:58
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newbie22Jokn: maybe I should download another image, I took the stable Ubuntu 11.04 _Natty Narwhal Release i38616:58
the-penguinblumaa, <lspci -nn | grep -i audio>16:58
theadminnewbie22: That looks fine16:58
=== che is now known as Guest36361
milen8204I have burned 240 MB on the CD and I have been waiting 20 minutes I thing it is too much16:58
the-penguinanyone get 3d accel working on ati radeon?16:59
the-penguinwith ubuntu 1116:59
blumaa00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller [8086:27d8] (rev 02)16:59
the-penguinblumaa, okay, thanks16:59
newbie22theadmin: what could the problem be ??16:59
theadminnewbie22: I don't know what your problem is.17:00
theadminnewbie22: Wasn't watching17:00
MysteriousManQuestion: what dbus used for? can i send msg to dpkg to install certain pkg??17:00
TooR4uIs ubuntu have support for HTC phones?17:00
the-penguinblumaa, <sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic> try this please in a terminal17:01
theadminMysteriousMan: I don't think dbus is used for that, it's mainly for Xorg and related things17:01
blumaaUnable to locate package linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic17:01
the-penguinMysteriousMan, http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus17:01
theadminTooR4u: Depends on the OS of the phone17:01
theadminTooR4u: If it's Android, it should pretty much work out of the box, yes17:01
the-penguinblumaa, okay.. what ubuntu version are you on?17:01
=== Gizmosis is now known as OmegaLimit
escottMysteriousMan, you might be able to send a dbus message to packagekit17:02
TooR4utheadmin, i want to use my HTC phone though ubuntu, is there any way to do that ..17:02
the-penguinTooR4u, ubuntu has support for all android phone17:02
blumaai'm on 11.0417:02
kjeldor$ sudo mount -t udf,iso9660 -o loop “/Downloads/windows7/32bit/win7.iso” /media/dir_name17:02
kjeldor“/Downloads/windows7/32bit/win7.iso”: No such file or directory17:02
kjeldor  can anybody tell me whats wrong with my command?17:02
OmegaLimitHi guys, I'm having some trouble connecting my laptop via HDMI to a plasma TV, using the NVIDIA X Server Settings17:02
the-penguinblumaa, <sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-natty-generic> try this please in a terminal then, it should work now17:03
MysteriousManthanks all :)17:03
oCeankjeldor: if the iso is in your homedir, then it would be ~/Downloads/blah/blah.iso17:03
the-penguinOmegaLimit, you probably have to install some additional drivers17:03
OmegaLimitI can't get the TV to display the screen17:03
blumaaE: Unable to locate package linux-backports-modules-alsa-natty-generic17:03
newbie22where can I find pervious 11.04 iso images ?17:03
MysteriousMani think i will start learn it :)17:03
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: I've got it to work before, but every time it seems like I have to do something different17:03
the-penguinOmegaLimit, try starting the computer with the cable connected17:04
kjeldorstill doest work.. : kjeldor@kjeldor-HP-Pavilion-dv6500-Notebook-PC:~/Downloads/windows7/32bit$ sudo mount -t udf,iso9660 -o loop “~/Downloads/windows7/32bit/win7.iso” /media/dir_name17:04
kjeldor“~/Downloads/windows7/32bit/win7.iso”: No such file or directory17:04
OmegaLimitI've tried using a program called disper too but that doesn't seem to work17:04
escottkjeldor, take out the quotes they are inhibiting shell expansion17:04
the-penguinblumaa, <sudo apt-get purge gnome-alsamixer && sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer paprefs>17:05
kjeldorthank you17:05
TehAndrewRyanI can't find my 1 TB storage drive (NTFS formatting) in /etc/fstab17:05
the-penguinOmegaLimit, are you trying to configure with the Nvidia settings manager or with the display managaer local to ubuntu?17:05
Roastedso, my micro sd card, when I try to mount it it says "a job is pending" and refuses to mount. Any ideas offhand?17:06
galamarhello can anyone help me mount my memcard (connected through usb cardreader) in a livecd pre-X environment?17:06
TehAndrewRyanCan I add it in there somehow? Because I can't execute files from that drive17:06
escottTehAndrewRyan, it wouldn't be. they are auto-mounted but not listed in fstab17:06
OmegaLimitThe GUI is called NVIDIA X Server Settings17:06
newbie22OK, I download and try to boot from 10.0417:06
TehAndrewRyanThough it worked in 10.0417:06
blumaaokay... did that.  now what?17:06
TehAndrewRyanescott: Can I do something else which makes me able to execute files from it then?17:06
escottTehAndrewRyan, when it is plugged in use blkid to identify the uuid and add a line for that uuid to your fstab17:06
the-penguinOmegaLimit, try setting all the settings with that, then hitting the auto detect button in System>Preferences>Monitors17:07
dr_willisTehAndrewRyan:  what sort of files are you trying to execute? You can mount ntfs/vfat with specific options to make every file  have the execute bit set.. but thats often very annoying.17:07
TehAndrewRyanescott: Do I type blkid in the terminal?17:07
escottTehAndrewRyan, yes17:07
the-penguinblumaa, execute alsamixer, and see if all the bars are turned up.17:07
TehAndrewRyandr_willis: No executable files at all works, neither .sh nor .exe17:07
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: I can't get System>Preferences>Monitors to detect the other screen at all17:08
dr_willisTehAndrewRyan:  for .exe  you could use 'wine path/to/the/whatever.exe'17:08
TehAndrewRyanescott: Nothing happens17:08
blumaahow do i execute alsamixer?17:08
dr_willisTehAndrewRyan:  for .sh you could do  sh /path/to/the/whatever.sh17:08
the-penguinOmegaLimit, okay, so that means that your system isn't detecting it, which is why it's not working17:08
TehAndrewRyandr_willis: Yes I've made a bash script for that17:08
TehAndrewRyandr_willis: But not yet with my .exe17:08
the-penguinblumaa, in a terminal type <alsamixer>17:08
OmegaLimitBut the NVIDIA X Server is17:08
TehAndrewRyandr_willis: So what do I type? just 'wine path/to/the/whatever.exe' in a .sh file and then launch it in the terminal?17:09
the-penguinOmegaLimit, .... that's just weird/interesting... let me think for a sec17:09
blumaacannot open mixer: No such file or directory17:09
blumaathat is the result i get17:09
dr_willisTehAndrewRyan:  .exe are by default assoucaed with some 'safe launcher' that  for some  ubuntu crazyness they have decided that   a .exe needs to be 'exectable'  to be flagged as 'safe' to run..  i dont get the logic myself...17:09
escottTehAndrewRyan, blkid should print out things like /dev/sda1 UUID="1234-5678-blah-blah"17:09
TehAndrewRyandr_willis: The thing is, when I try to flag it as executable it reverts back. I can't change permissions for files on the drive17:09
dr_willisTehAndrewRyan:  just wine /path/to/the/exectable.exe'  no 'sh' file needed... unles syou want to make some alias/easy way to repeate it.17:10
escottTehAndrewRyan, most likely it is mounted users and therefore noexec17:10
ParkerRRedesigned my desktop http://i.imgur.com/z6BEA.jpg17:10
the-penguinblumaa, is the installation (the command i gave you before) done?17:10
dr_willisTehAndrewRyan:  exactly you CANT change permissions on the fly for ntfs.. You MUST do it at mount time via mount options.17:10
galamarI know you all might think I should just look online for that but I have no way to load a browser without X. when I type in what I would expect to be the command i get errors about fstab and mtab. so I really could use some help. If anyone could spare a few seconds from their oh so busy life to give some advice I would appreciate it very much thank you.17:10
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: ok17:10
TehAndrewRyandr_willis: How do I do that?17:10
the-penguinblumaa, try <sudo apt-get install alsamixer> again17:10
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: LIke I said, I've got it to work before, I just did Thursday night so I could watch the Ravens game, but for some reason doing the same stuff doesn't want to work sometimes17:11
dr_willisTehAndrewRyan:  i normally just use the shell method. used to be 'ntfs-config' tool could set the exec flag for ntfs/vfat.. but its a flakey tool and i dont even know if it works any more.17:11
the-penguinOmegaLimit, how do you usually get it to work?17:11
dr_willisTehAndrewRyan:  i find it more annoying to have every file flagged executable on my ntfs/vfat17:11
milambergamar: sudo fdisk -l17:11
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: All I had to do the first time I did it was enable the second monitor in the X Server Settings and set the outputs of them to "Clones" unless I wanted to extend the screen17:11
OmegaLimitBut now that doesn't work17:11
galamarsudo fdisk -l17:11
dr_willis!info ntfs-config17:11
ubottuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-9 (natty), package size 89 kB, installed size 900 kB17:12
milambergalamar: yes, can you pastebinit please17:12
qingalamar: w3m do not need x to work.17:12
TehAndrewRyanWhen I tried wine /path/to/the/exectable.exe it spams the terminal with err:shell:SHGetFileInfoW pidl is null!17:12
blumaait tries to install alsamixer and then gives me this E: Unable to locate package alsamixer17:12
milambergalamar: lynx is a text based browser17:13
Roastedso, my micro sd card, when I try to mount it it says "a job is pending" and refuses to mount. Any ideas offhand?17:13
the-penguinblumaa, sorry, my bad <sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer>17:13
XenophonAnyone here using cplay? Volume controls are not working.17:13
TehAndrewRyandr_willis: Sorry, [19:12] <TehAndrewRyan> When I tried wine /path/to/the/exectable.exe it spams the terminal with err:shell:SHGetFileInfoW pidl is null!17:13
blumaait says that it is alreadyy the newest version!17:13
the-penguinOmegaLimit, it's an X-server problem then, you should try logging out then in again... to restart the beast17:13
OmegaLimitHow do I do that?17:15
doanbackhow to install hardware driver on backtrack17:15
BluesKajthe-penguin, blumaa pastebin  shows the soundcard as unclaimed http://paste.ubuntu.com/665100/17:15
galamarmilamber, ok well my plan is to just copy my xorg.0.log file to my memcard to bring that to my working ubuntu and pastebin that so I can solve my real problem. and I cant figure out how to copy and paste with pre-X editors such as vi or others.17:16
escott!backtrack | doanback17:16
ubottudoanback: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:16
the-penguinsorry, my bad17:16
Shveloany news on latest release?17:16
the-penguinblumaa, did you say anything17:16
the-penguinOmegaLimit, did you say anything?17:16
milambergalamar: i don't know how copying a log file will help solve any problems, but if you want an easy text editor do: sudo apt-get install nano17:16
doanbackyes thank you17:17
blumaano sorry17:17
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: How do I log in and then back out of X Server?17:17
blumaaoh actually i did17:17
BluesKajthe-penguin, blumaa pastebin  shows the soundcard as unclaimed http://paste.ubuntu.com/665100/17:17
blumaai said that i already have the newest version of also17:17
milambergalamar: when in the editor, ctrl +k will cut and ctrl + u will paste17:17
blumaaright.... so how do I get it claimed?17:17
the-penguinOmegaLimit, try <sudo restart Xorg>17:18
the-penguinblumaa, right, try  <gnome-alsamixer> in a terminal17:18
SanrdHi, I can't install apps in my Ubuntu Maverick system, repositoires seem to be wrong.17:18
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:18
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: Didn't work17:18
=== mike_ is now known as Guest23810
the-penguinOmegaLimit, try <sudo restart gdm> then, your screen is gonna go black and put you to the log in screen17:19
blumaaalright.... that did something.  it opened a window that is blank17:19
Roastedso, my micro sd card, when I try to mount it it says "a job is pending" and refuses to mount. Any ideas offhand?17:19
SanrdUSC prompts me to repair the catalogue of packages over and over, it¡s never fixed.17:19
galamarmilamber, nano I have already how do I select the text to copy cause it don't show up as highlighted when I shift+arrow. and as for the log file it was requested for diagnose the startx failure which is my real problem.17:19
the-penguinOmegaLimit, did you get the ubottu message... is that a bot btw?17:19
doanbackwhen we are using Visual Effects !17:19
TehAndrewRyan_dr_willis: Okay I managed to launch Steam, none of the games seem to work in Ubuntu though17:19
doanbackhelp me ? using mouse17:20
the-penguinblumaa, that's weird, close the window, and type <alsamixer> in a terminal, that should bringsomething up17:20
milambergalamar: it copies a line at a time, no selection17:20
TehAndrewRyan_dr_willis: Is there a way I can make Ubuntu automatically mount a hard drive upon start? I have a Minecraft server which I've set ut a .sh script for. Though I need to mount the drive before using it17:20
ArtNojoin #ubuntu-de17:20
connor__so i have a question, im trying to get my virtual box to run off of the windows partition i already have as shown in this guide here. http://blog.amhill.net/2010/01/27/linux-ftw-using-virtualbox-with-an-existing-windows-partition/  as i tell the terminal to create an mbr file in the virtual box folder with ~$ install-mbr –f ~/.VirtualBox/FAKE.mbr.... it returns..... Usage: install-mbr [options] <target> and ive tried playing17:20
connor__with wording but all for naught, im quite new at ubuntu but im not completely noob at computer, anyone wanna help17:20
n4dspI am using 11.04 and there seems to be some who say go back to 10.0417:20
blumaaagain.... no such file or directory17:20
SanrdAre ubuntu repos down?17:21
n4dspbut there is the lts coming out in october I believe.17:21
n4dspso what goes?17:21
blumaawhen i type gnome-alsamixer it brings up a window with the title gnome-alsamixer but the window is blank17:21
galamarmilamber, thats no good I would rather just copy the whole log file to my memcard and bring it to a working install. and than pastebin once I can bring it into gedit.17:21
trismn4dsp: next LTS isn't until April 201217:21
n4dspoh. thanks17:21
the-penguinblumaa, technically gnome-alsamixer shouldn't exsist17:22
ru6yxxI have posted a question a few times and have not got a reply17:22
milambergalamar: then why don't you just use cp?17:22
DattoI want now to install a 32 bit appclication on a 64 bit system. The packet has the same name in the packets for 64 and 32 bits , is there a way to force the 32 bit packet or at best install tzhem both?17:22
escottconnor__, that could easily foul up your windows install. unless you configure windows to have multiple hardware profiles17:22
n4dspnew to linux and what is the best way of learning the in and outs of the system? I am not a computer techo person17:22
galamarmilamber, I would if I could mount my memcard. but I don't know the path.17:22
escottconnor__, try install-mbr --help and see what it says17:22
blumaawhen i type alsamixer i just get - cannot open mixer: no such file or directory17:23
qinru6yxx: At login choose Unity (Not classic).17:23
the-penguinblumaa, okay, one sec, i might have a solution17:23
connor__im aware, and not scared. im just trying to create a master boot record in a file, can you just help with that?17:23
milambergalamar: you are not being clear with questions or what you are actually trying to accomplish. do you not know the path? or is it not mounted?17:23
ru6yxxqin: ok17:23
TehAndrewRyan_Can I make a drive automatically mount on boot?17:23
milamber!fstab | TehAndrewRyan_17:24
ubottuTehAndrewRyan_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:24
connor__that just gives a list of commands17:24
the-penguinblumaa, try puting a sudo infront of the gnome-alsamixer command17:24
connor__stuff like options, parameters, etc17:25
doanbackhow to install hardware driver on ubuntu !17:25
escottDatto, there would be lots of dependencies that you would need to meet. the 32bit version would expect 32bit versions of the required libraries17:25
w30n4dsp, buy one of those 30 dollar linux books at the bookstore. You will be able to use it forever so it is cheap per word17:25
galamarmilamber, or something like that I get errors about the selected device is not listed in fstab or mtab..... please understand that my being unclear is only due to me lacking the ability copy and paste. I am also using irssi for my irc which "sucks".17:26
blumaaokay... still a blank window, but now there is a file menu..... with sound properties, and program preferences17:26
=== Gizmosis is now known as OmegaLimit
n4dspu mean like Beginning Ubuntu Linux?17:26
OmegaLimitWell, that didn't work17:26
qinn4dsp: google books have few awesome texts (for free!)17:26
the-penguinblumaa, click sound properties17:26
the-penguinOmegaLimit, well.. that sucks17:26
umeshhi all :-)17:26
blumaayeah... just did.... the window closed17:26
milambergalamar: run the command df and see if your card is listed there, if it is, it will tell you the path to where it is mounted17:26
n4dspgoogle ebooks?17:26
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: Yeah, I really don't understand why it'll just work occasionally17:27
qinn4dsp: Yes17:27
=== umesh is now known as umeshmohan
blumaain the terminal it says - (gnome-alsamixer:4792): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_instance_get_private: assertion `instance != NULL && instance->g_class != NULL' failed17:27
djaligood evening guys17:27
milamber!manual | n4dsp: or you could just read17:27
ubottun4dsp: or you could just read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:27
djalii was scanning a machine for open ports now, i am trying to ping www.yahoo.com and there is no responce, any idea why this is please?17:27
the-penguinOmegaLimit, ubuntu does stupid things like that sometimes, for no reason at all... they should have focused on usability before getting unity (which doesn't work for me btw)17:27
n4dspwill do . thanks for the info.17:27
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: I switch back and forth between Unity and Classic, I like Unity but some things are just easier to do in Classic17:28
the-penguinubottu, has to be the most annoying bot around17:28
ubottuthe-penguin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:28
n4dspthe manual link is for 10.10 but I have 11.0417:28
milamber!details | djali17:28
ubottudjali: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:28
the-penguini rest my case17:28
nilezonNeed some help with Samba config. How do I add "fake" users to Samba, all linked to the same UNIX user?17:29
the-penguinblumaa, try the program preferences17:29
the-penguinblumaa, in the gnome-alsamixer window17:29
djalii was scanning a machine 1 to 60000 ports , but now i don't have internet and i am doing ping www.yahoo.com and i have no answer17:29
the-penguinn4dsp, ubottu is a bot, don't expect it get stuff right17:29
n4dspis there much difference between 10.10 and 11.04?17:29
blumaayeah.... that just gave me options for the display.17:29
n4dspthanks penguin17:29
the-penguinn4dsp, yes, mainly drivers, and gui17:30
n4dspahhh, what is a bot?17:30
milamberdjali: were you scanning a local machine? what does "don't have internet" mean?17:30
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:30
galamarmilamber, it shows up lsusb command as a multi-card reader. but I don't know what it is called in the df list17:30
the-penguinblumaa, yes, try the other thing in the menue though17:30
the-penguinn4dsp, robot.... automated chat machine17:30
the-penguinn4dsp, it's just a program17:30
nilezonNeed some help with Samba config. How do I add "fake" users to Samba, all linked to the same UNIX user?17:31
the-penguinn4dsp, http://ubottu.com/17:31
blumaai tried both.... the program preferences just opened a box to display the pan style17:31
milambergalamar: lsusb is showing the device, the card reader, not the file system. if you run sudo fdisk -l you should be able to discern if the card is being read by looking at the file system sizes17:31
ludditehey hey, who here knows a good unity howto17:31
the-penguinblumaa, wow, that's weird-er, it's different on my computer17:31
blumaayeah... this is a really strange problem.17:32
Deathspawnthe-penguin: the guide there not being updated isn't ubottu's fault. the author hasn't made an update... ubottu is fine, just needs some stuff updated once in a while.17:32
the-penguinblumaa, i have to leave, sorry, i hope you get your problem fixed17:32
the-penguinDeathspawn, true, true, but like it said... it's a just a bot, don't expect it to be intelligent17:33
=== mdpatrick is now known as neurotiq
blumaathanks for your help17:33
the-penguinOmegaLimit, any results?17:33
galamarmount /dev/sdb17:33
Deathspawnthe-penguin: that's in case you expected AI.17:33
nilezonNeed some help with Samba config. How do I add "fake" users to Samba, all linked to the same UNIX user?17:33
OmegaLimitthe-penguin: No, I still can't get it to work17:33
frankhow do i share files between my ubuntu pc and mi macbook?17:33
doanbackhelp me ! Iinstall sound audio ! but not audio ? heml17:34
douglwhere do I change/see what pictures my glscreensaver shows?17:34
the-penguinDeathspawn, yea, but i have to say, they did a really good job with it, some people think it's just another person :P17:34
qinfrank: sshfs ?17:34
frankqin: i dont know what that means17:34
nilezonNeed some help with Samba config. How do I add "fake" users to Samba, all linked to the same UNIX user?17:35
Deathspawnthe-penguin: bots are people too.17:35
douglerr - where do I change/see what pictures my gl slideshow screensaver shows?17:35
ru6yxxqin: just discovered Unity wasn't installed17:35
milambergalamar: if you run df, there is usually a number so it is usually mounted to /dev/sdb1 - it that is the case you can then copy by doing cp /directory/logfile /dev/sdb1/17:35
qinfrank: sshfs let you mount remote forders, you need only to run ssh server on remote machine (preferably with rsa key)17:35
the-penguinDeathspawn, o.O right17:36
qinru6yxx: odd, did you broke upgrade?17:36
the-penguinOmegaLimit, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=858060 try this website17:36
the-penguinOmegaLimit, i have to leave now, good luck17:36
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
qinru6yxx: what is output of: uname -r17:36
frankqin: sorry im totally new to this and kind of lost17:36
MGparisiHow do you install XAMPP?17:37
qin!ssh | frank17:37
ubottufrank: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)17:37
nilezonNeed some help with Samba config. How do I add "fake" users to Samba, all linked to the same UNIX user?17:37
qin!sshfs > frank17:37
ubottufrank, please see my private message17:37
w30frank, Mac also is a samba client so you could use that. I do because I have MS boxes to share also.17:38
ru6yxxqin:  2.6.38-11 pae17:38
qinfrank: Since OSX do have bash shell, many of thinks works similar, ssh is common unix tool.17:38
frankwhat is samba?17:38
milamber!samba | frank17:39
ubottufrank: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:39
qinru6yxx: And: lsb_release -d17:39
w30frank, Windows Network17:39
nilezonNeed some help with Samba config. How do I add "fake" users to Samba, all linked to the same UNIX user?17:39
qinmilamber: Mac - linux, samba is worst solution.17:40
ru6yxxqin: Ubuntu 11.0417:40
galamarmilamberee anything that looks like my memcard in "sudo fdisk -l" or "df". this is all getting very aggrevating.17:41
qinru6yxx: Strange, sudo apt-get install -f && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get update17:41
milamberqin: respectfully disagree. i've never seen major problems with the few setups i have done17:41
galamarmilamber, I dont see anything that looks like my memcard in "sudo fdisk -l" or "df". this is all getting very aggrevating.17:41
MGparisiI have not used Ubuntu for about 6 months, but now it seems very difficult.  I cant seem to get XAMP to work... there is a "For Purchase" section in the Software Center... and I am going crazy trying to get it to work with VBox... I was going to install this for a file server... but I cant even create a development environment:(17:42
tensorpuddingfrank: both ubuntu and osx make it easy to share folders using samba17:42
milambergalamar: can you pastebin those outputs?17:42
franktensorpudding:  ill look into that17:42
tensorpuddingfrank: in ubuntu it's as easy as right-clicking a folder and hitting the share option17:42
ru6yxxqin: nothing was installed or removed17:43
tensorpuddingfrank: there's lots of options that can be configured by tweaking samba, but the simplest options are available more easily17:43
franktensorpudding:  all i need is samba on both ends?17:43
galamarmilamber, not from this dam pre-X crap.... I wish so bad I could pastebin.17:43
milamber!pastebinit | galamar17:44
ubottugalamar: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:44
tensorpuddingfrank: osx comes with samba, ubuntu you have to install it from the software center17:44
ru6yxxqin: I just installed unity manually, but don't know how to enable it17:44
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qinru6yxx: I think that would requre unity-session package17:46
galamarmilamber, getting it to pastebin with pastebinit sounds good but I cant "copy" without the ability to highlight syntax or outputs.17:46
groktari made a little perl script to monitor my mysql slave status, and then tried to make an xinetd service on port 9200 so i can watch it from haproxy. if i go to it once, it loads, but if i refresh it sooner than 3-4 seconds it breaks.  any ideas?17:46
groktari'll get a connection reset error17:47
omnibusjoin #muenster17:47
milambergalamar: if you run it the way the example shows, it will automagically put the text into a pastebin for you. i need to see the df and fdisk commands17:48
qinru6yxx: Care to post (or check) /etc/apt/sources.list ?17:48
tabakhase<3 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/5-ways-to-bring-your-desk-to-order-with-ubuntu/17:48
FloodBot1jason__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:48
galamarmilamber, ok what was the command again. I can only see like 20 lines of chat context with irssi and no scrolling so when it goes off the top of the screen its gone.17:49
milamber!pastebinit > galamar17:49
ubottugalamar, please see my private message17:49
galamarmillamber, any idea how to do that with irssi?17:50
milambergalamar: do what with irssi?17:50
galamarmillamber, see your private message.17:50
jason__ubottu, weather-ubuntu-offtopic17:50
milambergalamar: i don't have one17:51
qingalamar: Atl-Number17:51
galamarmilamber, no you told me to see your message you sent me..... okay thanks qin lol17:51
nilezonNeed some help with Samba config. How do I add "fake" users to Samba, all linked to the same UNIX user?17:51
tabakhasewhat is the smallest livecd i can get for just installing grub?17:52
milen8204it is normal to burn CD for an hour  whit CD/DVD creator ?17:52
ru6yxxqin http://paste.ubuntu.com/66514517:53
tabakhaseDSL is still 50mb and a full linux...17:53
r_a_fmilen8204: no17:53
r_a_fmilen8204: use K3b - even in Gnome17:54
qinru6yxx: Clean17:54
peeps[lappy]where would i put commands that I want to run when my x session starts17:54
peeps[lappy]i need to run xmodmap on startup17:54
r_a_fpeeps[lappy]: gnome17:54
milen8204r_a_f, K3b is CD/DVD burning application?17:55
Dulakpeeps[lappy]: System->Preferences->Startup Applications if you are on gnome17:55
r_a_fmilen8204: YES17:55
milen8204r_a_f, ok thanks17:55
yesitisjustmeanyone use ntop?17:55
r_a_fnp ;) - K3b is best I know and I use it with gnome17:55
escottpeeps[lappy], usually ~/.xmodmap but check man xmodmap17:55
qwazyesitisjustme, is that liek htop?17:56
galamarmilamber www.paste.ubuntu.com/665146 that is df I will get fdisk -l seperate unless there is a way to paste all of them to one paste?17:56
* mendred has gone fishing: Gone away for now17:56
* mendred is back.17:56
ru6yxxqin: I just typed unity in the terminal and it seems to be configuring itself17:57
Sp4rKymendred: please remove auto away messages17:57
oCean!afk > mendred17:57
ubottumendred, please see my private message17:57
yesitisjustmentop suppose to be a bandwidth usage, does htop say how much usage you used for 1 month?17:58
escottyesitisjustme, no there won't be any client tools that do that. you should look to your router for that kind of info17:58
milambergalamar: can you also do the sudo fdisk -l please18:00
milen8204r_a_f, How many minutes brutns K3b a CD ?18:00
galamarmilamber, is there a way to paste multiple commands to the same pastebinit?18:00
r_a_fmilen8204: about 1 min CD if its 700 MB18:01
milambernot sure, but separate is fine. pastebin won't mind18:01
ru6yxxqin: I have the unity desktop now. It seems that installing the package and then typing unity into the terminal fixed it18:01
milen8204r_a_f, ok thanks a lot18:01
escottgalamar, command > file.txt; command >> file.txt; cat file.txt | pastebinit18:01
r_a_fmilen8204: np ;)18:01
galamarmilamber, 66514718:02
ActionParsnipgalamar: could make a file, then pastebin the file.18:02
InternetinatorI have successfully installed unbuntu on my laptop. First time user.18:02
johndoI installed bodhi linux (an ubuntu based linux with e17 as the window manager) but for some reason the nvidia drivers work  no problem in ubuntu, but as soon as I run nvidia-xconfig it creates an xorg.conf file that causes the screen to go blank.18:02
ActionParsnipInternetinator: wtg :-)18:02
milambergalamar: the other option is that you can pastebin whole files, so if you just want to pastebin your log file this all might be a moot point18:02
ActionParsnipjohndo: ubuntu spinoffs aren't supported here18:03
johndothe particular problem is in the Device section it goes back to working fine as soon as I comment out Driver "nvidia"18:03
johndoNo, but I was just wondering how does ubuntu get by without an xorg.conf file18:03
johndoor, at least a sparse one by any means18:04
ActionParsnipJohndo: udev does a lot of work18:04
ru6yxxqin: But it isn't a permanent solution. Immediately I closed the terminal Unity was gone18:04
escottjohndo, then your xorg is probably using the nv driver. check your xorg.0.log or look at the output of glxinfo18:04
galamarmilamber, so if log file is at /var/log/Xorg.0.log than I would: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log -b http://paste.ubuntu.com ?correct?18:05
ActionParsnipJohndo: it can be used though if it falls short. Some via chips need on to display correct resolution.18:05
milambergalamar: pastebinit -i <file> i believe18:05
galamarmilamber, than the address after?18:06
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milambergalamar: no, just that18:07
galamarmilamber, 66515118:07
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johndoThanks, I'll go to bodhi linux if I'm trying to get it to work, mostly just curious about what makes ubuntu tick18:07
nilezonNeed some help with Samba config. How do I add "fake" users to Samba, all linked to the same UNIX user?18:08
milambergalamar: that is your xorg log file. i don't know what the initial problem is/was, but it seems your issue of getting the log file to the internets is resolved. do you still want to get your mem card working?18:09
qinru6yxx: Did you install unity-session ?18:10
galamarmilamber, no I do not believe so I have the log file online now where the backtrack users may view it thanks for your help.18:11
qinru6yxx: Sorry, wrong18:11
milambergalamar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1480905     google-fu if you are interested in reading18:11
ActionParsnipnilezon: could use groups. May help. I'm guessing you are sharing $HOME and want users to log in to samba and access the same data18:12
ru6yxxqin: I couldn't find unity-session18:12
galamarmilamber, what is that?18:12
=== tobyburton_ is now known as tobyburton
milambergalamar: a forum post on getting your card to work18:12
qinru6yxx: Yeah, unity is not normal, what if you: sudo service gdm restart, does it give you unity option?18:13
ru6yxxqin: no it goes back to normal18:14
galamarmilamber, well it would seem as if I am still banned in #backtrack-linux so if you know anything about the startx problem I would love some more help.18:14
milamberthese are just google-fu but they are a good place to start: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1480660   &&  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148090518:16
galamarmilamber, was that directed to me?18:17
milambergalamar: yeah, mb18:17
jnsl_anyone know some good software for creating information architecture for websites ?18:18
galamarmilamber can you msg me the addys so they wont get lost offscreen?18:18
qinru6yxx: I dont know, try to update/upgrade and reinstall gdm18:18
AndroidLoverInSFoh no, is there a way to do undelete after i just did "delete" from nautilus.  i didnt send to trash18:20
escottAndroidLoverInSF, there might be .Trash in the partition root18:20
AndroidLoverInSFits a mounted ntfs partition18:22
tobyburtonHello, I am unable to connect to my ssh via my dyndns address anymore, it just continually hangs18:22
kdcisitAndroidLoverInSF, you can try photorec18:23
guntberttobyburton: test #1: can you ping it?18:23
tobyburtonI can also ssh into it from local network18:24
qintobyburton: Update dundns?18:24
escotttobyburton, and your router is forwarding port 2218:24
tobyburtonit worked before, the two main things I've done since is put DD-WRT on the router and mess around with publickeys a lot to get them to work18:24
=== tobyburton is now known as nessonic
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yeatsnessonic: you can do 'ssh -v' or 'ssh -vv' to see where the connection is hanging18:25
escottnessonic, and your dyndns is resolving to your public ip18:25
Ramsesonly english here18:25
AndroidLoverInSFkdcisit: ok i'll try that18:25
nessonicit's hanging after connecting to the ip18:26
kdcisitAndroidLoverInSF, otherwise you will need win and pcifilerecoveryinspector18:26
nessonicalso, I can successfully use my dyndns for stuff like wake on lan (though intermittently, that's another problem)18:26
ActionParsnipnessonic: does the name resolve to the right ip?18:27
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ru6yxxqin: i fixed it by installing CompizConfig Settings Manager and enabling Unity there18:27
maninneedHello everybody. I have problem with my ubuntu. Unfortunately i tried to install win xp on my computer that have ubuntu already. After Xp loaded files it refused to install so i just restarted computer and got bad message "error loading operation system". Is there any chance to fix this so i can use my ubuntu again ? thanks in advance for help.18:27
escott!grub | maninneed18:27
ubottumaninneed: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:27
nessonichow do I check that? the -v shows it's connecting to my public ip, but hangs after that18:28
qinru6yxx: Noted, interesting.18:28
nessonicscratch that, also times out18:28
milen8204r_a_f,  All works perfect whit K3b thanks a lot18:28
ActionParsnipmaninneed: boot liveCd and reinstate grub218:28
maninneedcheers escott :)18:28
escottnessonic, login to your router and see what it states as the public ip, and compare that to what your dyndns is sending you to18:28
r_a_fmilen8204:  cheers - you welcome18:28
nessonicescott: it's the same18:29
aatishwhy bluetooth headsets do not work in ubuntu? because of broken drivers or software??18:30
escottnessonic, if you have a firewall it might be blocking frmo external ip addresses, but not local18:30
nessonicescott: the firewall on my mac is off, and if my linux box (hosting the ssh) has a firewall I've never messed with it18:31
escottnessonic, you can run sudo iptable -L and see if there are any rules18:32
MagicJI have a system that when it runs apt-get upgrade seems to work but at the end fails to replace the kernel - dpkg: error processing linux-headers-generic (--configure):18:32
iulian_hi! I have just install ubuntu 11.04 on my pc on a logical extended partition. I restart my computer, manage to log in but after that I get only a purple screen and the mouse pointer and nothing else. any ideas why? please, help. 10x18:33
sh_shi accidently removed rm, how can I reinstall t?18:33
ikoniash_sh: how did you remove it ?18:33
sh_shno idea18:33
ikoniash_sh: you must know18:33
steve^rm rm? ;)18:34
escottiulian_, ctrl-alt-f1; sudo service gdm restart;  and see if login works now18:34
johndorm rm?18:34
yeatsMagicJ: try doing 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'18:34
=== blahhhhhhh is now known as tzily
sh_shrm rm could very possibly be if tahts possible18:34
iulian_i'll try and come back again. 10x18:34
ikoniash_sh: did you do that command, yes/no18:34
ru6yxxqin: Agh! I went and disabled Unity now all menus are gone and no Unity. I'm just looking at a blank desktop18:34
MagicJnessonic: check the ip address with something like whatsmyip.org - some ISPs have an extra level of NAT and so what you are seeing at the router is not what it really is later18:34
steve^it would have to be sudo rm /usr/bin/rm18:34
sh_shit would have to be sudo rm /usr/bin/rm <-- this18:35
ikoniash_sh: can you please stop, and let him answer so I can understand what has happened18:35
escottsh_sh, first sudo ln -s /bin/busybox /bin/rm18:35
tobyburtonMagicJ: whatismyip shows the same ip18:35
edbiansteve^: sh_sh rm /bin/rm   ?18:35
edbiansteve^: sh_sh rm /sbin/rm   ?18:35
=== tobyburton is now known as nessonic
sh_sh /bin/rm probably18:35
escottsh_sh, that will get you a working system (with an rm). at that point you may be able to reinstall coreinstall18:36
ikoniash_sh: I need to know the exact command you did, not probably18:36
rwwrm is in /bin/18:36
steve^edbian, yea whatever, I don't know where it is18:36
escottsh_sh, coreutils rather18:36
rodhashHello guys.. Does anyone know an issue with intel i915 + compiz? I've found something on google but nothing very clear... Some programs lost colors sometimes.. I believe it's some bug but I'm not so sure how to fix it..18:36
MagicJyeats: did it - exactly the same error18:36
yeatsMagicJ: can you pastebin the full output?18:37
steve^rodhash, everything works fine without compiz?18:37
theadminrodhash: If it's a bug, report it18:37
MagicJyeats: http://pastebin.com/0gzKkdN918:37
theadminrodhash: Run "ubuntu-bug compiz"18:37
theadminrodhash: You'll need a Launchpad account, however.18:37
rodhashtheadmin: Ok, got it.. but is there anything else I can do for now? I just watch my programs with damaged / lost colors? : (18:38
steve^rodhash, turn compiz off18:39
MagicJtobyburton: I am missing something here - how do you know what he sees?18:39
sh_shikonia: it was sudo rm /bin/rm like 99%18:39
ikoniash_sh: why did you run that ?18:39
rodhashsteve^: Thanks, let's see if it's compiz faults.. : )18:39
sh_shescott: I did the link to busybox, how can I reinstall coreutils?18:39
nessonicMagicJ: ?18:39
sh_shikonia: bad typo while thinking at something else and being tired18:40
gustavoferreirahi everyone, i have a question, i'm running UBUNTU and i'm programming in C with gcc, can anyone tell me what is the most appropriate channel to ask my question? in #gcc channel i can't send anything, any help?18:40
MagicJnessonic: what is the ? for?18:40
ikonia!register > gustavoferreira18:40
ubottugustavoferreira, please see my private message18:40
ikoniagustavoferreira: ##c18:40
rodhashsteve^: Actually I've disabled a lot of efects already... trying / hoping this be enough..18:40
ikoniash_sh: I would suggest booting from a livecd, chrooting and re-installing the coreutils package then18:40
nessonicMagicJ: I don't understand your question, perhaps you think I'm trying to ssh into a friend's computer? both of the computers are mine18:40
w30what would happen if you copied rm from an install cd to a installed box?18:40
yeatsMagicJ: found http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg3015688.html18:41
theadminw30: That'd work18:41
ikoniaw30: you shouldn't do that18:41
gustavoferreiraikonia: thank u, i'm going to register right now too18:41
theadminikonia: Those binaries are pretty universal, no?18:41
MagicJnessoic - ok - it was just that I made a comment and the respose came from someone other than u18:41
theadminikonia: coreutils is same everywhere... Especially if it's an Ubuntu CD18:41
ikoniatheadmin: not between versions no, they do get updates, eg: linked against different libraries etc18:41
nessonicoh, tobyburton is also me, but my /nick keeps changing somehow18:41
escottsh_sh, sudo apt-get install --reinstall coreutils18:41
theadminikonia: Ah, different versions. yes.18:41
yeatsMagicJ: which leads to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/69202218:42
Trond--http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Intel_Socket_775/P5Q_SE2/#specifications **When installing total memory of 4GB capacity or more, Windows® 32-bit operation system may only recognize less than 3GB. Hence, a total installed memory of less than 3GB is recommended. <- Does this mean Ubuntu 32-bit also?18:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 692022 in nvidia-common (Ubuntu) "bug in nvidia-common (0.2.25)" [Critical,Fix released]18:42
ikoniaTrond--: yes18:42
w30ikonia, could you run a diff command on the two? and it be meaningful18:43
ikoniaw30: no, it's a binary18:43
yeatsMagicJ: does that appear to be relevant?18:43
MagicJyeats: I followed the link u gave me - do not understand the relavence - sorry for being so slow - what r u trying to give me with that link18:43
stuffed-crustRebooted my pc go to start truecrypt and it tells me its already running when it is not, any ideas ?18:43
theadminw30: Comparing md5sum's of those 2 would tell you if they are the same18:44
yeatsMagicJ: someone had the same error with the same kernel package18:44
steve^ikonia, are you sure about the ram? My linux sees 3.9 GiB for 32bit...18:44
sh_shescott: it worked perfectly thanks a lot18:44
MagicJyeats: sorry for the overlap18:44
ikoniasteve^: if you are using a PAE kernel it will see more 4GB or more, but that is a hack18:45
escottsh_sh, just make sure that its not a symlink anymore.18:45
maestrojedI am building a new box to be a media center, I bought a quad-core AMD PhonomII. Should I use ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent or18:45
yeatsMagicJ: from the output you pasted: 'run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common exited with return code 10'18:45
steve^ikonia, the point is not about more than 4GB, it's that Windows sees less than 3. But I have 3.9...18:45
steve^ikonia, suggesting that Linux is not quite as flawed as windows18:45
oCeansteve^: that is nonsense18:46
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steve^oCean, you'll have to elaborate18:46
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ShardvexOh wow, awesome gnomechat18:46
duryhi there channel :)18:46
sh_shescott: it replaced it during the reinstall18:46
sh_shthx again18:46
oCeansteve^: 32bit OS has that limit, using a PAE kernel in linux can provide access to the rest of the mem, but it has nothing to do with flaws in any OS18:46
maestrojedwhy would I chose the amd64 over the i386 version?18:47
durywhich release was gutsy 9.04?18:47
steve^oCean, so I'll still see it all in the system monitor, even if linux can't use it all?18:47
duryor 8.0418:47
Xx-DMW-Xxhey everyone18:48
Shardvexguys, in gnome xchat, how do I get the thing that displays the users of a channel?18:48
steve^dury, 7.1018:48
oCeansteve^: you probably won't even see it, no. I think it lists 3.2G18:48
oCeansteve^: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE18:48
ovatmanShardvex View > UserList18:49
Xx-DMW-Xxgot a question...i dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu 11.04....for some reason, it wont boot into windows all of a suddent, getting an error: disk not found.18:49
Xx-DMW-Xxhow can i fix this?18:49
propmanShardvex:  View - user list18:49
durysteve^: thanks :)18:49
edbianXx-DMW-Xx: first thing to try is boot into ubuntu and run sudo update-grub18:49
escottmaestrojed, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6418:49
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steve^oCean, to be clear, i have a 32-bit OS, 4 gigs of ram and I can see 3.9GB in the System Monitor18:50
mmcjiis there tool, service etc... in ubuntu that can control the bandwidth speeds on a wireless interface.  i have a dell 6300 laptop.  The wireless connection always seems to throttle down to around 120 kbps.  I have several other laptops that in the same wireless network do not exhibit this behavior.  this is not ISP related, i get this with lan transfers.  If I stop and restart the wireless interface, connection speeds will go up to 800 kbps18:50
mmcjiwhich is what i have wireless transfers limited to.  it will only do that for about 60 seconds and then it throttles back down again.18:50
Xx-DMW-Xxgonna try to reboot and check it out18:50
ShardvexNope propman,  this is GNOMEchat18:50
escottsteve^, the kernel is using the .1 you cant see18:51
maestrojedescort that is a lot of detailed technical information. But its a little over my head. I just want to know which version of Ubuntu to intstall. I am building a box to be a media center I have an AMB PhenomII quad core processor18:51
steve^escott, we're not talking about that!18:51
syrinxHi all!  New to Natty... is there a way to change what apps show in the Dash under Shortcuts?18:51
steve^escott, apparently 32bit windows can only see less than 3 gig, and my argument is that that problem clearly isn't present in Linux18:52
escottsteve^, the issue is that windows doesn't allow PAE for "normal" desktop releases. its about licensing and charging more for features18:52
theadminsteve^: It can *see* all your RAM, it can't *use* it.18:53
theadminsteve^: That's same for both Windows and Linux18:53
propmanShardvex:  no idea what you are talking about gnomechat....this is #ubuntu channel and the directions i gave you for viewing the user list in xchat are correct18:53
oCeansteve^: even with PAE option enabled in windows, you would see no more than 4G, due to licensing restrictions.18:53
jkr801Does anyone know with a headless install you can make mounting a ntfs share stop trying to mount upon boot?18:53
steve^oCean, .....18:54
oCeantheadmin: I don't have a 32bit box, is it so that it does show all ram, even up to 4G?18:54
escottmaestrojed, basically 64bit allows individual programs to access more ram than 32bit, and 64bit enables additional registers which make some programs faster, and 64bit enables some advanced sse instructions useful in media encoding, but 64bit doubles the size of pointers and increases program memory usage18:54
Shardvexerm, gnomechat is a modified version of xchat18:54
theadminoCean: Just a second.18:54
white_magicis there a tool in ubuntu which would let me make an image of a windows 7 partition (on same physical HDD)?18:54
edbianwhite_magic: dd18:54
propmanShardvex:  you asked xchat  i responded for xchat <shrug>18:54
kdcisitwhite_magic: partimage18:54
steve^Shardvex, you might have more luck in a gnomechat support channel18:55
white_magicedbian: i don't suppose it would only backup the used part of the partition (i.e. compressed unused space)?18:55
durysteve^: need to go18:55
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durythanks all18:55
maestrojedescott ok, sounds like the better choice. The ubuntu website has (recommended) next to the 32bit version and I wonder why. But thank you on the advice. I am going to download the 64 bit version18:55
escottmaestrojed, because 32bit is universally compatible. better than someone wondering why their system doesn't boot because they picked the wrong one18:55
edbianwhite_magic: it will make an exact copy of the partition.  used and unused.  If you wanna backup all the files (read used space), just do a cp :)18:55
maestrojedescott THX!18:56
theadminoCean: As proof, and so you see what it does see or not: http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=16770918:56
white_magicedbian: yea but that's not ideal for maybe transfering a win7 partition onto another HDD18:56
fokusleeHI, I installed Desktop 11.04, but now don't want to start gnome when i boot, just want to run a SSH server most times, so how can i do that? I tried adding the text option to quiet splash in grub, but i get stuck booting18:56
edbianwhite_magic: I'm not sure of a difference.18:56
oCeantheadmin: aha! tyvm18:56
jkr801fokuslee run headless install18:56
kdcisitwhite_magic: partimage will do what you're looking for18:56
gh0stIs there a gui side of Ubuntu Server 11.04?18:57
kdcisitwhite_magic: image of just the used bits18:57
theadminoCean: No problem18:57
ovatmancan anyone tell me if i'm registered already?18:58
white_magickdcisit: that's good to know, ty18:58
theadminovatman: If you mean in IRC, no18:58
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urlin2uwhite_magic, 2 identical windows is a problem for grub if I read your intentions correctly.18:59
fokusleejkr801, can you tell me more? would that remove the GUI all together? i still like to use it as a normal computer sometimes18:59
escottwhite_magic, its traditional to compress the disk images you take with dd anyways windows.img.gz so you shouldn't see much extra disk usage18:59
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jkr801oh i thought you meant you didn't want gnome...18:59
w30How would I down load coreutils from the Ubuntu repo? Not install, just download it?19:00
Guest8303hello world?19:00
white_magicesdcott: you make a good point. I suppose compression of a raw DD image is just as effective as an app that makes suh an image to begin with19:00
edbianGuest8303: hi19:00
fokusleejkr801, i just want to boot to a shell when i use my computer as a SSH server, but other times i use it as a normal pc19:00
theadminw30: apt-get --download-only install coreutils19:00
edbianw30: http://packages.ubuntu.com/19:00
Guest8303hello edbian19:00
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RamsesGuest8303 what is your question?19:01
white_magicuflin2u: i have no plans to have 2 side-by-side installs of Windows19:01
Guest8303here for first time, just saying hi!19:01
w30thanks theadmin, edbian19:01
white_magicesdcott: can DD write an image of a win7 partition AS A FILE to an external HDD?19:01
theadminedbian: That won't handle dependencies19:01
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rumpe1white_magic, yes19:02
urlin2uwhite_magic, didn't think so just checking, I use clonezilla to a external.19:02
jkr801fokuslee: I believe is you just want to boot into text mode google should help with that ;)19:02
edbiantheadmin: true19:02
escottwhite_magic, dd -if /dev/sda1 -of /media/EXTERNAL/file.img [OR] dd -if/dev/sda1 | gzip > /media/EXTERNAL/file.img.gz19:02
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theadminescott: That's a totally invalid syntax19:02
cassiopeia_i have to wlan cards, 0 and 1, i am running an AP with airbase-ng on wlan1, and i have the dhcp3 server setup so that you get an IP and all, problem is, i need the connections go from wlan1 to wlan0 that has a internet connection, and was told that i was supposed to use iptables, anyone wann ahelp me?19:03
theadminescott: dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/media/lol/file.img19:03
fokusleejkr801, i tried modifying runlevel or use boot flag in grub but it didn't work so i thought i give irc a try19:03
rumpe1white_magic, but don't forget to set a high enough bs (blocksize), otherwise it will be pretty slow19:03
white_magicurlin2u: i considered clonezilla - isn't it only capable of writing from one hdd (or from image) to another HDD (i.e. can't just write into a raw image file)19:03
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kakobreklahow do i check if my ubuntu server has 32 or 64 bit install19:03
theadminkakobrekla: uname -m19:03
escotttheadmin, thanks. i forgot that dd used = instead of -19:03
jkr801Does anyone know with a headless install you can make mounting a ntfs share stop trying to mount upon boot?19:03
theadminescott: Yeah, I know, awkward syntax19:03
urlin2uwhite_magic, it compresses yeah for reinstall.19:04
kakobreklathanks theadmin19:04
escottjkr801, remove it from /etc/fstab19:04
theadminjkr801: I think you need to take it out of /etc/fstab.19:04
fokusleejkr801, nm i got it19:04
Ramsesit works, thanks19:04
jkr801perfect thanks19:04
jkr801escott and theadmin :)19:04
fokusleejkr801, thanks19:04
jkr801nps fokuslee19:04
theadminjkr801: No problem.19:04
hawkaltrying to install the latest ubuntu minimal iso (x64) but for some reason it won't connect to my wired network to download the necessary resources. Any suggestions/19:05
rumpe1jkr801, theres a "auto" option for mount/fstab... maybe there's also a "noauto", which prevents mounting at boot time19:05
theadminhawkal: Is the wired network plain ethernet?19:05
theadminhawkal: If so, "sudo ifconfig eth0 up ; dhcpcd eth0", last one only if you use DHCP19:05
ronin___when i want install i got problem??19:06
theadminhawkal: If you use static IPs, well... There's a bit more configuring to that19:06
jkr801theadmin and escott can you just comment out the line if I want to use it in the future?19:06
theadminronin___: That says *nothing* at all, be as descriptive as you can19:06
theadminjkr801: Obviously19:06
theadminjkr801: Put an octothorpe there19:06
rumpe1jkr801, i would first try with mount-option "noauto", so you could comfortably mount later with mount-command19:07
jkr801just wasn't sure if leaving it in there would screw the config19:07
jkr801rumpe1 ill try that as well19:07
hawkalokay Thank you theadmin19:07
theadminhawkal: the dhcpcd one also has to be run with sudo, btw, forgot it19:08
rumpe1jkr801, you can test it by unmounting, editing fstab and then mounting "mount <mountpoint>"19:08
ronin___theadmin: sorry, The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.19:08
hawkalokay thank you.19:09
jkr801well the problem after a reboot i get a mount all disco from plymouth so i figured it was that mounting the ntfs share causing problems19:09
jkr801but i can ssh fine19:09
theadminronin___: Huh... That's odd, but you can just click "Continue" or whatever?19:10
ronin___theadmin: It doesn't work19:11
ronin___theadmin: In konsole and software center19:11
theadminronin___: Oh, you use the KDE edition?19:11
ronin___theadmin: No Gnome19:12
theadminronin___: ...but "konsole" is a KDE app... or, wait, are you German? xD19:12
theadminronin___: Cause that'd explain it19:12
BluesKajkonsole-console ...same diff19:13
ronin___theadmin: I use yakuake19:13
MagicJyeats:  I do appreciate the find but it does not seem to be the same issue19:13
theadminronin___: Okay... Well, um, honestly I don't quite understand what may have caused this mess19:14
theadminI wonder...19:15
theadmin!find monotone19:15
magn3tsI need to get away from Gnome19:15
ubottuFound: monotone, monotone-doc, monotone-server, monotone-viz19:15
theadminmagn3ts: What do you plan to switch to?19:16
ronin___gnome is cool19:16
theadminronin___: To each their own.19:16
theadminronin___: I find Gnome an awful, terrible mess personally.19:16
ronin___I used to KDE, before in OpenSuSE19:16
ronin___theadmin: Why?19:16
magn3tsfor what it's worth ronin___, I don't like KDE any better19:16
theadminronin___: Well, okay. Gnome2 is *perfect*. Gnome3 however...19:17
theadminronin___: I can't use it productively.19:17
magn3tsgnome's been shedding features for two years and it has the same UX bugs that were present when I saw trying linux when I was 1019:17
ronin___theadmin: It need's some work19:17
theadminmagn3ts: How about Xfce? It's Gnome back when features weren't removed :D19:17
ronin___theadmin: I try to learn linux kernel and gnome19:17
theadminmagn3ts: Basically19:17
theadminmagn3ts: Kinda a clone of it19:17
ronin___theadmin: Before 6 month ago19:17
magn3tstheadmin, thinking about trying it out19:17
ronin___theadmin: It's so difficult19:18
guntbertgh0st: its not really recommended but you can always install ubuntu-desktop on your server (although I don't know why you want it)19:18
theadminmagn3ts: It's great, I used it as my main DE until I broke X19:18
galamar1How can I make a new user with a CLI? So I can lose this root factor from my name. and join the channel I need.19:18
theadminmagn3ts: e17 is also not bad.19:19
theadmingalamar1: useradd19:19
theadmingalamar1: useradd <username here>19:19
theadmingalamar1: Basically so.19:19
hummesseHi guys. I want to set up a wireless mediaplayer. And I want a tiny linux based 'pc' (more or less), which has a digital sound output. Anyone knows what to look for?19:19
hummesseIt must has wireless lan aswell of couse19:19
Psykhey guys19:20
PsykI just finished a fresh install of ubuntu desktop, but none of the passwords I set up (root and normal user) work :/19:20
ronin___Psyk: Hi19:20
theadminPsyk: Ubuntu has no root password19:20
theadmin!sudo | Psyk19:20
ubottuPsyk: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:20
Psykmm yes that's what I tought but during the install process it did ask me if I wanted to allow login as root19:21
theadminPsyk: Ubuntu does *not* ask that.19:21
galamar1theadmin, ok this livecd won't let me switch to the newly created user any ideas?19:21
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:21
theadminPsyk: I can see you're using Mint...19:21
theadminPsyk: Aren't you?19:21
JakeR003what's the dangers of being a root all the time?19:21
groktari made a simple xinetd service to give me the status of mysqld.  the first time i try to use it, it works fine.  after that i get a bunch of connection reset by peer things going on.  ideas?19:21
JakeR003in windows i'm admin all the time19:21
theadminJakeR003: Totally different19:22
ronin___Psyk: I think difference between xfce, kde and Gnome is like difference between Bing, Yahoo and Google19:22
JakeR003nobody touches the PC other than me19:22
theadminJakeR003: Any stupid silly script with one simple line can wipe ALL your data out, so *shrug*19:22
ronin___theadmin: U suggest which one is Google?19:22
OerHeksJakeR003, nobody tru the internet ?19:22
DelphiWorldhello buddy's19:22
groktaralso you can accidently set some amazing priviliges on things19:22
DelphiWorldi have a silly question19:22
groktarso stuff dies19:22
Psykhummm I was sure I did a network install of ubuntu desktop19:22
DelphiWorldis true that ubuntu is south affrican ?19:22
theadminronin___: I think... KDE. It's the most powerful after all.19:22
theadminDelphiWorld: Yes.19:23
Psykperhaps I am wrong... I used unetbootin19:23
DelphiWorldtheadmin: glad/proud to heare.19:23
DelphiWorldtheadmin: algeria here19:23
JakeR003is that means linux can be hacked easily ?19:23
JakeR003OerHeks ?19:23
theadminDelphiWorld: I'm Russian and not an Ubuntu user.19:23
theadminJakeR003: That means you should never log in as root.19:23
Psykbut the startup screen does say "ubuntu"19:23
DelphiWorldtheadmin: :)19:23
makarahi. I'm having trouble with networking through usb devices. Best attempt at describing the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1114583619:24
Psykbut anyway, any suggestions of any easy way to reset my password? the install took quite some time and I'd rather not do itt all over again19:24
theadminPsyk: Sure, while GRUB is loading, hold Shift. Then, select "Recovery mode". After that, "root console"19:24
PsykI tried the recovery mode via grub, then "Drop to root shell prompt" but it asks for a maintenance password19:25
theadminPsyk: After that, run "passwd your_username"19:25
theadminPsyk: Oh. That's odd.19:25
theadminPsyk: Ubuntu does *not* do that.19:25
iridiumHi, can anyone explain me the reason for this: http://pastebin.com/jfN1idRM ? I have noticed about it recently, and happens every boot. What's the reason?19:25
theadminPsyk: It sounds to me like either a) the installer fscked up, or b) you're not using Ubuntu, but something based off it19:26
escottPsyk, you can get root access through a chroot environment19:26
Psyksorry phone, brb19:26
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galamar1ok how do I logout as root and login as my new user I keep getting login errors wrong password.19:26
theadminiridium: Ubuntu tracks the number of users which have it installed AFAIK19:26
theadminiridium: That might be that tracker19:26
milen8204How I can transfer files from main machine to virtual machine ?19:26
theadminmilen8204: What is the virtual machine created with?19:27
iridiumtheadmin, and gvfsd-http service is ?19:27
DelphiWorldmilen8204: using ftp?19:27
theadminiridium: Some Gnome thing19:27
escottmilen8204, install the guest-utils19:27
makaramilen8204: setup shared folders19:27
DelphiWorldmilen8204: your vm should by networked allready19:27
makaramilen8204: don't bother with usb19:27
iridiumok, thanks :)19:27
galamar1milen8204, what VM are you using?19:27
milen8204theadmin, virtualbox19:27
iulian_I have installed ubuntu 11.04 on my pc. on extended logical partition. after log in it get stuck on the purple screen and I am able to see only the mouse pointer. nothing else. I tried ctr+alt+f1 and sudo service gdm restart but19:28
theadminmilen8204: Then set up shared folders as stated before.19:28
iulian_I wasn t able to start it properly19:28
guntbertmilen8204: and further support for virtualbox in #vbox :)19:28
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jj995anybody know how to test APC PowerChute Network shutdown?  I want to make sure it can actually shutdown my server19:28
lauratikahow can i find the path to deluge in ubuntu via terminal?19:28
makaraiulian_: i had same problem. its graphic driver I think. press ctrl + alt+ f1 and say what happens19:28
theadminlauratika: which deluge19:29
milen8204theadmin, ok but where can find shared files in virtualmachite19:29
milen8204with Win719:29
theadminmilen8204: Read the vbox's docs, I honestly am unsure19:29
iulian_first i receive some times the message : radeon lock CP stall for 10000 msc19:29
milen8204theadmin, ok thanks19:29
duryhi there channel :)19:29
iulian_and after some atemps either my monitor lost signal19:29
milen8204I will ask #vbox19:29
makaramilen8204: it'll show in explorer on the left with other network folders19:30
milen8204I have red thge docs19:30
iulian_if it start it has the same problem19:30
milen8204makara, ok thanks19:30
theadminlauratika: That wasn't a question19:30
brandonmpacewith win7 guest?19:30
guntbertjj995: pull the plug of the UPS19:30
theadminlauratika: That was a command.19:30
iulian_I know enter the recover mode19:30
theadminlauratika: "which deluge". That's a command.19:30
lauratikahahaha sorry19:30
iulian_and tried graphic phail safe mode19:30
lauratikathanx a lot19:30
theadminlauratika: np19:31
lauratikatheadmin: brings nothing19:31
iulian_at start it told me that it wasn t able to recognize my graphic card, etc , etc and to try to do it my selft19:31
lauratikabut is installed19:31
jj995guntbert: I was hoping there would be a way to do this without shutting down all the servers on the UPS...19:31
theadminlauratika: Probably it can't find it... You sure it's installed, and the binary is in $PATH?19:31
makaraiulian_: did you install additional drivers for your gcard. switchc back to 173. the current version doesn't seem to be tested properly19:31
lauratikaim using it right now19:31
jj995gunbert: I guess that is probably the best real test though, so I'll give that a try19:31
i42nsomeone having experience with ubuntu on the new macbook air 13inch?19:31
iulian_and also that I don t meet the requirements to run UNITy19:31
brandonmpacemilen8204 if win7 guest, in my computer, network, you should see shared folders19:32
iulian_nope. i used only the package from the site. burn it on a CD and that was all19:32
makaraiulian_: thats alright. unity sucks19:32
sage_I tried to get help in winehq but no one is answering19:32
lauratikawhat so ever which deluge-gtk brings /usr/bin/deluge-gtk19:32
guntbertjj995: I don't know of anything better ;-)19:32
duryI got a hd with ubuntu 8.04 LTS on it ... tried to boot it but it says  grub rescue>  I haven't got  the CD of 8.04... I got 9.10. it's possible to fix the grub and boot it19:32
galamar1okay these people in the baktrack channel are not helping me at all would any normal ubuntu user like to help me? in a private message maybe so I dont flood the channel with off-topic stuff?19:32
iulian_how can I switch back to the classical version ?19:32
theadmingalamar1: I could try, depending on your question.19:33
ikoniagalamar1: please don't ask for backtrack support in here19:33
iulian_without UNITY19:33
durywith 9.1019:33
guntbert!classic | iulian_19:33
ubottuiulian_: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".19:33
iulian_makara_: how can I switch back to 17319:33
galamar1ikonia, I didnt ask for backtrack help if you would check the careful wording of my statement you would see that.19:34
milen8204brandonmpace, thanks but isn`t same for me :)19:35
duryikonia: is it possible to fix the grub with 9.10?  in the hard disk it's 8.04 LTS19:35
iulian_k. 10x guys. i ll try that19:35
lauratikait's the same deluge-gtk and deluge im trying to set opera to open torrents and pass web address directly to deluge19:36
ikoniadury: sure however I'd always recommend using the livecd from the same version as your install, it gets more complext when ubuntu moves to grub219:36
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Flanneldury: 9.10 does use GRUB2 (and 8.04 uses GRUB1), so that does make it less than immediately straightforward19:37
theadminlauratika: Try "which deluge-gtk", then19:37
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brandonmpacedury if you need to fix grub, try super grub disk to boot your 8. then run update-grub and go from there19:38
iulian_one more question. can I use grub to boot win xp, ubuntu and mac os x?19:39
theadminiulian_: Yes.19:39
lauratikatheadmin: yes i try that, my question is if it's the same deluge.gtk than deluge?19:39
theadminlauratika: Your English is... well, it makes no sense for me. Try to rephrase.19:40
duryreally appreciate your advices :)19:40
brandonmpacewelcome. that should fix it19:40
douglhow do I change/update my nvidia drivers in ubuntu 10.10?19:41
StrongVetnew to xubuntu and Linux in general - is this a place to find help?19:41
lauratikaok, i mean is the same executable deluge than deluge-gtk19:41
duryneed to go channel ... thanks again19:41
theadminlauratika: Likely not19:42
lauratikaok, so now which deluge wont bring any results back and im sure is installed where can it be?... is not in home folder either.19:43
brandonmpaceStrongVet , what is it you need help with?19:43
theadminlauratika: Try this: find /usr/bin -iname 'deluge' -print19:44
theadminlauratika: Should bring up one or two possible thingos19:44
StrongVetI have installed xubuntu on an old Presario Laptop.  I'm trying to get the wireless up and running, and have installed ndiswrapper19:45
StrongVetI have not been successful yet, and I'm thinking that my card might not be supported19:45
lauratikatheadmin: bit doddgy, brings nothing19:45
StrongVetit is not listed in the wiki19:45
theadminlauratika: Odd.19:45
theadminlauratika: Okay, let's go the weirdest way19:45
theadminlauratika: Type "alacarte" in your terminal, navigate to internet/deluge, click Edit, and see the binary name19:46
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lauratikathe admin: but deluge shows under internet>deluge and also as installed in ubuntu software centre19:46
nessonicJust an update from earlier, somehow my iptables had been wiped and the rule I setup for ssh was gone19:47
escottnessonic, did you add iptables as a service (so it can be saved on shutdown)19:47
nessonicI don't believe so19:48
StrongVetI found what I believe is the correct driver, installed it using ndiswrapper (through the graphic interface - not sure how to navigate in the terminal yet), but it still does not work19:48
nessonicthough it worked on multiple reboots before19:48
lauratikait's deluge-gtk under the application menu properties19:48
escottnessonic, you may find that !ufw is easier to work with19:49
theadminlauratika: Okay, then try in terminal, which deluge-gtk19:49
theadminlauratika: Actually, I'd assume it's just /usr/bin/deluge-gtk19:49
brandonmpacenot sure StrongVet but I would try booting an Ubuntu live cd if you can to see if it picks up the wireless. Do you see it in the list if you type.   lspci    on the terminal?19:50
StrongVetyes, it shows up there19:50
StrongVetI do not have windows intalled on this system at all - should I still try the live CD idea?19:50
nessonicOdd, I deleted my keys on the client computer but I'm still able to login without a password19:50
StrongVetBroadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)19:51
brandonmpacewhat model is it? the wireless card19:51
escottnessonic, you have to modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config to disable that19:51
StrongVetBroadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)19:51
escottnessonic, sorry misread s/without/with/. what does ssh -vvv say?19:52
brandonmpaceok in the menus do you see a program for additional drivers?19:52
stevecoh1why don't mailto links work with Google Chrome using Thunderbird as email client under Ubuntu?  When I click a mailto link in Chrome, pops up a thunderbird compose window but does NOT populate the address.  When the same link is clicked from firefox it works.  The mailto command specified in Application preferences is "thunderbird %s".  If I type this line into a terminal window it works properly.19:52
nessonicescott: it comes out with a list of options (correct use typical message)19:53
StrongVetunder "system" I have "hardware drivers" and "windows wireless drivers"19:53
stevecoh1That is, if I type thunderbird mailto:xyz@domain.com the email address is populated.19:53
StrongVetI have used both (although admittedly I don't know linux AT ALL)19:53
brandonmpaceclocked hardware drivers19:53
edbianbrandonmpace: StrongVet: are we trying to get a wifi card working19:54
brandonmpaceyes. Broadcom19:54
edbianStrongVet: who's card is it?19:54
edbianbrandonmpace: your's or his?19:54
edbianWhat chipset is it?19:55
StrongVetbrandonmpace:edbian:  It's a miracle!  All of a sudden it showed up in my network controllers19:55
edbianStrongVet: it's working?19:55
StrongVetsure looks that way19:56
edbianStrongVet: awesome19:56
StrongVetI will try removing my wired connection.  If I lose you, thanks for the help!19:56
nessonicescott: also, which option in sshd_config for password entry? there is #PasswordAuthentication yes, but the comment line above says putting this as no will make clear text across the network19:58
ultrixxwhy was that guy banned?19:58
theadminultrixx: Being offtopic.19:59
Krisbobb edbian:bandonmpace:  If you can see this, then problem solved19:59
edbianKrisbobb: yay19:59
Krisbobbthanks again.  gotta hand it over to the wife now that it works.20:00
escott nessonic it says "change to no to disable tunneled clear text passwords" that would disable password based login. i had misread your comment though, your problem is that your key is still being used even after you deleted it20:00
theadminI'm going to go everyone. g'nite.20:00
nessonicescott: How would I fix that?20:00
brandonmpacecool! Just so you know, Broadcom cards usually require firmware to be installed. that hardware drivers app does that20:01
nessonicAlso, it's taking much longer to log into ssh via dyndns now, ~40 seconds compared to 10 before20:01
escottnessonic, i dont know exactly what does ssh -vvv say as it performs the login. it should say exactly where it got the key and why it was allowed in20:01
edbianbrandonmpace: yeah it's supposed to.  Doesn't always work though :)20:01
zigzag2I have a canon mf3200 and I can't find a driver for it to work with ubuntu, WTH?20:01
nessonicI removed the keys from the remote host as well and now it asks for password20:01
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atari3is it possible to use the Ubuntu classic desktop (or XFCE or something) when booting from an Ubuntu 11.04 USB drive?20:02
escottnessonic, you add your public key to the .authorized_keys of the remote host, and then prove that you have possession of the corresponding private key in your .ssh20:02
nessonicssh -vvv shows a lot of lines where it is somehow still finding the keys and verifying them, perhaps what is taking so long to log in20:02
brandonmpacezigzag2 , does it not show up when you plug it in?20:03
JakeR003hi guys .. i need help20:03
kroq-gar78hello all. I was trying to compile a custom kernel just about 1-2 hours ago and my computer ran into kernel panic (it usually does; flashing caps lock key). I'm on a toshiba satellite L655 and it is known to have problems with ubuntu (battery, wifi, and audio - fixed all of them some time ago). When it entered kernel panic, I was compiling the kernel using the latest release of the git branch of ubuntu-natty kernel (found on20:03
kroq-gar78 ubuntu's site). I started up ubuntu again and it said something along the lines of "GNOME power manager configuration didn't install correctly." (I don't remember exactly what it said) There was no background on the login screen, and whenever I tried to log in, it just kickewd me back to the login screen. When I booted into windoz, it said some software/hardware failure prevented it from booting, yet when I said to "boot no20:03
kroq-gar78rmally", all seemed well. I'm currently on an ubuntu live image, so I can't really do anything right now. I seriously need some help, as my school starts within a week. Thanks in advance.20:03
zigzag2brandonmpace no, it does not20:03
FloodBot1kroq-gar78: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
JakeR003how to edit /etc/apt/sources.list  ?20:03
JakeR003sudo gedit ?20:03
escottnessonic, so you need .ssh/id_rsa on the client, and id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys on the remote server20:03
kroq-gar78it was just a long message.20:03
kroq-gar78JakeR003: as in grammar or plain editor?20:03
zigzag2brandonmpace, system->administration->print-> shows it in a list of printers to add, but it can't find any drivers for it20:04
nessonicescott: should I use rsa? I've been using dsa20:04
kroq-gar78I mean syntax, not grammar20:04
JakeR003i want to edit without breaking the list20:04
escottnessonic, honestly i dont know the answer to that. rsa is just the default20:04
JakeR003so how?20:04
JakeR003i want a GUI editor20:04
brandonmpaceif you have a card reader I would go that route. Does it show up in the terminated when you run lsusb20:04
kroq-gar78JakeR003: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:05
JakeR003my 5th day. so be paticned20:05
nessonicescott: I just find it odd it's still letting me in when there are no keys on either end20:05
brandonmpaceoh I see. oops20:05
brandonmpacelsusb ?20:05
escottnessonic, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-security-4/which-is-better-rsa-or-dsa-public-key-12593/20:05
zigzag2I have a canon mf3200 and I can't find a driver for it to work with ubuntu. Help please?20:06
Psykhi again guys20:06
escottnessonic, i would suspect you removed the wrong files. alternately your ssh-agent could be caching the keys that it saw previously20:06
Psykjust to let you know I managed to recover the password20:06
JakeR003kroq-gar78 thankd for the help20:07
nessonicI've double checked both .ssh folders20:07
kroq-gar78JakeR003: np20:07
Psykand the distrib is Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS20:07
brandonmpacezigzag2 does it show up when you run lsusb in a terminal? This will tell us if you actually need to find a driver or not20:07
zigzag2brandonmpace, Bus 001 Device 002: ID 04a9:2684 Canon, Inc. MF3200 series20:08
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...20:09
brandonmpaceok if it doesn't show up in printers already, I would either try another 3xxx series driver, or generic printer driver20:10
goddardwhat is the opt folder for?20:10
Exilehey guys I am using 11.04 gnome and I seem to have broken my times new roman font20:10
chaospsychexi have two ubuntu installations of ubuntu on a single hdd. the smaller partition which is 10.10 is the install i use. i installed 11.04 to get grub back after i borked it up and i chose 'install alongside ubuntu 10.10' and 11.04 took up the rest of the hdd20:11
escottgoddard, software installed manually and not through apt20:11
zigzag2brandonmpace, wonderful20:11
Exiletheres another font that is not times new roman20:11
chaospsychexmy question is how to i give the entire HDD to 10.10 without messing up grub ?20:11
Exilewhen I select times ne roman20:11
goddardescott: ahh thanks20:11
s0mequestionshello! how can i install gcc 3.x on 10.04?20:12
chaospsychexis there a command i can type to make 10.10 the active grub partition ?20:12
zigzag2brandonmpace, there aren't even any imageclass drivers listed. Should I go for an entirely different series like imageline?20:12
escottchaospsychex, install grub correctly and then remove the 11.04 install20:12
escott!grub | chaospsychex20:12
ubottuchaospsychex: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:12
Exileanyone know how I can remove and reinstall my fonts?20:12
josephseraoswho could help about cut command, please?20:13
escott!help | josephseraos20:14
ubottujosephseraos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:14
josephseraosthanks escott20:15
brandonmpaceExile, try re installing the package with synaptic. its something like mstt corefonts20:15
rumpe1chaospsychex, you have to install grubs bootloader to the bootsector, so it points to the correct partition. Use "grub-install"20:15
ExileI have tryed that brandonmpace20:15
OmegaLimitGah still can't get the HDMI out to work20:15
ExileI installed aload of fonts and its messed up basic fonts like times new roman20:15
brandonmpacewhat exactly is happening?20:16
Exilewhen I select times new roman in libreoffice I get a messed up times new roman20:16
josephseraoswell, hi everybody. I'm trying to use the cut command to select specified lines. The file has many lines and I'm trying do this command: $ cat file | cut -d '\n' -f 220:16
Exilenot the free one or the ms one20:16
Exilebut a font I installed20:16
ExileI am not sure what it was called as it was a few years back20:16
josephseraosbut cut does not accept '\n' delimiter20:17
zigzag2I have a canon mf3200 and I can't find a driver for it to work with ubuntu. Help please?20:17
InternetinatorWhat are some must have applications for ubuntu ... just installed today, feel like I'm missing some stuff20:17
BluesKajOmegaLimit, which graphics card?20:17
escottjosephseraos, sed -n -e "2p;"20:17
Exilebut I dont understand how the fonts stay the same when i reinstall via synanptic20:17
nessonicInternetinator: it depends on what you want to do with it20:17
chaospsychexrumpe1: 'sudo grub-install dev/sda1' ?20:17
chaospsychexsda1 is my 10.1020:17
zigzag2I have a canon mf3200 and I can't find a driver for it to work with ubuntu. Help please? <-- the generic printer selectin doesn't even work. I get a "cups" error20:17
brandonmpaceyou may have to uninstall that font and try reinstalling the originals again. I've never seen that20:18
Internetinatornessonic: just general bullshit, nothing fancy20:18
rumpe1chaospsychex, no... /dev/sda  (in that case). You have to choose device, not partition20:18
Internetinatornessonic: chromium ... vlc ... can't thing of much else haha20:18
escottchaospsychex, negative install to the mbr /dev/sda do it when the correct /boot is mounted as /boot20:18
OmegaLimitNVIDIA GeForce 8200 in a laptop, BluesKaj20:18
chaospsychexso '..dev/sda' from within 10.10 will fix it then i can delete the 11.04 partition ?20:18
nessonicInternetinator: for instance, I have comix in my dash for comic reading, etc.20:18
ExileI take it there is no way to remove all fonts?20:18
Exilethey seem to be in diffrent folders20:19
escottchaospsychex, yes20:19
Exilewhich one do I need to delete?20:19
rumpe1chaospsychex, i would test it afterwards with a reboot (check kernel-versions)20:19
BluesKajOmegaLimit, does it use the nvidia-current driver ?20:19
josephseraosescott, If I want the second and the fourth lines in the together?20:19
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Should I switch to 173?20:19
rumpe1chaospsychex, if it has switched to your 10.10 partition, you can remove the other20:19
escottchaospsychex, you may want to modify the /boot/grub/grub.conf to have a string at the top like "this is the wrong grub" or "this is the right grub"20:19
BluesKajOmegaLimit, what about nvidia-settings gui , what settings do you setup there ?20:20
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: I've tried a bunch, I'm currently not on defaults20:20
escottjosephseraos, sed is a stream editor and has no memory (it has one buffer it can remember but its a pain to use) try ed20:20
Exilelet me try something else20:21
dapapasI just finished installing hardy heron on my dell inspiron laptop side by side with windows, but I am having problem updating with sudo apt-get update. can anybody point me to the right direction?20:21
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Just set it back to standard20:21
OmegaLimitThe X Server Settings show my disabled LG TV next to my laptop screen in the layout box20:22
escottjosephseraos, unless you just want "2p;4p;"20:22
BluesKajOmegaLimit,  does DFP-O recognize the monitor or screen or tv ?20:22
escottjosephseraos, if you want them switched order thats harder20:22
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OmegaLimitThe LG TV is listed as DFP-120:23
brandonmpacedapaps, does the GUI. update manager not work either?20:23
josephseraosThanks a lot, escott20:23
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: The laptop monitor is DFP-0, the TV is listed as DFP-120:24
dapapasBrandonmpace: yes i tried that also, tried choosing the suitable repository server but it still don't work, i am chatting from the hardy heron now so the network is fine.20:24
lwizardlwhat is the easiest way to find out if your hdmi/vga is shared or what is the max output your system can use for multiple monitors on 11.04 ? I know on desktops you can just add multi head unit video cards to allow more monitors but laptops are not so easy20:24
BluesKajOmegaLimit, right , but no signal to the tv , that's odd20:25
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Yeah; sometimes it seems to just work when I enable the TV and set it to clone mode20:25
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OmegaLimitBluesKaj: But the more times I try to get it to work, the less it seems it wants to20:25
oCeandapapas: hardy desktop?20:25
zigzag2I have a canon mf3200 and I can't find a driver for it to work with ubuntu. Help please? The generic printer selection doesn't even work. I get a "cups" error. This is an expensive printer, and I can't just buy a new one to use linux. Surely there is some solution here?20:26
lwizardlwine then use windows driver maybe ?20:26
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Thursday night I tried to get it to work in clone mode and it refused to, but I managed to get the TV to become the primary display when I disabled the laptop one; now that doesn't work either20:27
BluesKajOmegaLimit, are you running one of those switchable graphics modes , on demand when needed20:27
dapapasoCean the desktop doesn't really show, i tried that also it didn't work. I am actually having trouble connecting to the repository server20:27
s0mequestionshow can i install gcc 3.4 on ubuntu 10.04?20:28
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: RIght now I'm just on default setup on my laptop, but I have the HDMI cable plugged in20:28
oCeandapapas: my point is, desktop support for 8.04 (hardy) ended last april. So there's no support (updates etc) for the desktop edition20:28
OmegaLimitThe TV is still disabled20:28
BluesKajwhich driver OmegaLimit , the 275 or 280 ?20:28
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: I don't understand, I've got options of  the NVIDIA version 173 and version current20:29
BluesKajOmegaLimit,   sudo apt-cache policy nvidia-current20:30
dapapasoCean so the best option will be to make iso of the Lucid Lytnx and try to mount it then upgrade from the iso on my pc or from cd?20:30
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: 270.41.0620:31
dapapasI am actually hoping to avoid that20:31
BluesKajOmegaLimit, are you on 11.04 ?20:31
oCeandapapas: a fresh install is out of the question? Anyway I'm a little confused since the support for the -server edition has not ended yet, and I don't think the repositories for -desktop have been moved20:32
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Yes20:32
brandonmpacedapapas It would be easier to do a clean install of either 10.04 or 11.0420:32
zigzag2I have a canon mf3200 and I can't find a driver for it to work with ubuntu. Help please? <-- the generic printer selection doesn't even work. I get a "cups" error20:33
BluesKajOmegaLimit, I'm not sure whether a driver upgrade will help ...bbiab20:33
josephseraoswhat does "p;" after number 2 mean in the command: $ sed -n -e "2p;" ?20:33
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Ok20:33
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BluesKajOmegaLimit, have you run sudo nvidia-xconfig ?20:34
kroq-gar78hello all. I was trying to compile a custom kernel just about 1-2 hours ago and my computer ran into kernel panic (it usually does; flashing caps lock key). I'm on a toshiba satellite L655 and it is known to have problems with ubuntu (battery, wifi, and audio - fixed all of them some time ago). When it entered kernel panic, I was compiling the kernel using the latest release of the git branch of ubuntu-natty kernel (found on20:35
kroq-gar78 ubuntu's site). I started up ubuntu again and it said something along the lines of "GNOME power manager configuration didn't install correctly." (I don't remember exactly what it said) There was no background on the login screen, and whenever I tried to log in, it just kickewd me back to the login screen. When I booted into windoz, it said some software/hardware failure prevented it from booting, yet when I said to "boot no20:35
kroq-gar78rmally", all seemed well. I'm currently on an ubuntu live image, so I can't really do anything right now. I seriously need some help, as my school starts within a week. Thanks in advance.20:35
FloodBot1kroq-gar78: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:35
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".20:35
OmegaLimitBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'20:35
OmegaLimitNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'20:35
OmegaLimit is what I get20:35
Loshkijosephseraos: I think it means to print the 2nd line of input to stdout...20:35
BluesKajOmegaLimit, drop to a tty by doing ctrl+alt +f1 , sudo service gdm stop , run sudo nvidia-xconfig , again , then sudo service gdm start , then ctrl+alt +f7 ot f820:39
=== Gizmosis is now known as OmegaLimit
dapapasThanks oCean and brandonmpace, am so grateful, I will try update from iso, if that doesn't work then i will try clean install but am being cautious because of the windows side. But anyways i wish me goodluck. Thanks a lot .20:44
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zigzag2I have a canon mf3200 and I can't find a driver for it to work with ubuntu. Help please? <-- the generic printer selection doesn't even work. I get a "cups" error20:45
Guest60722I have a brother mfc-j265w and I am lost as to how to install the drivers for it20:45
josephseraosLoshki, Yes. But, why letter p followed by a semi-colon?20:45
bhagatsrhi friends ; how can i get gnome3 on ubuntu 10.1020:46
=== Gizmosis is now known as OmegaLimit
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: When I input sudo service gdm start, I get a black screen and the laptop hangs20:46
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: I get the same message when I try and run nvidia-xconfig20:47
Loshkijosephseraos: 2 refers to the 2nd line of input. The "p" means "print". The semicolon is a statement separator, probably optional here since you only have the one statement...20:48
rwwbhagatsr: you don't.20:48
rwwbhagatsr: there is an unofficial, unsupported GNOME 3 PPA for 11.04. GNOME 3 is part of Ubuntu oneiric. There is no GNOME 3 packaging for Ubuntu 10.10.20:49
bhagatsrcant i just update the gnome shell through one ppa20:49
rwwIf you want GNOME 3, I would recommend waiting until October.20:49
bhagatsrrww:what is that ppa name20:50
=== S4nD3r_ is now known as S4nD3r
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.20:50
bernhard1this is my problem.. installed ubuntu server 11.4.. but when it is shut down it says it is not cleanly unmounted..  then.. when i boot i get this error. mountall: fsck /boot{344} terminated with status 1  then.. about 50 lines.. cannot write bytes: broken pipe when i fix the errors with knoppix cd after one or two reboots i have the same error. This is my syslog anybody can help ? http://past20:51
OvermindDL1Is there any reason as to why when I try to record my mic in kubuntu from the command line that alsa spits this error out at me:  [alsa @ 0x21b7640]cannot open audio device hw:1,0 (Device or resource busy)20:51
bhagatsrcan i build it from source  http://blog.mattrudge.net/2011/04/18/installing-gnome-3-on-ubuntu-10-10/20:52
josephseraosLoshki, Yes I understood Thank you20:52
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: All I had to do the very first time I plugged in via HDMI was enable the TV on TwinView mode and change the hardware configuration in System>Preferences>Sound for audio20:52
BluesKajOmegaLimit, the nvidia site recommends this 280.13 driver for your card , you can use the ppa here : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates20:52
rwwbhagatsr: Probably. Will it work? Who knows. Is it supported here? no.20:53
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nicofsI am having quite a hard time sharing files over the network... can someone talk me through debugging...?20:54
BluesKajOmegaLimit, I have the 8400gs and it works really well with the 280 , much better than the 270 or 275 did.20:54
zigzag2I have a canon mf3200 and I can't find a driver for it to work with ubuntu. Help please? <-- the generic printer selection doesn't even work. I get a "cups" error20:54
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Ok, what do I do once I've used the ppa?20:54
bhagatsrrww:of cource it isnt supported coz ubuntu wants to push unity forward20:54
MacByDayUbuntuByAfternoon all, I am running Ubuntu 10.10 with an nVidia GForce GTS 250 with dual head that is seen without issues, i was hoping to use the onboard ATI card to add a third monitor.  Is this possible?20:55
Flowerpothi, a quesiton for qhich I didn't found or have anser20:55
bhagatsrrww:  of cource it isnt supported coz ubuntu wants to push unity forward20:55
FlowerpotI need to moun squashfs20:55
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: I just typed "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates" into the terminal20:55
rwwbhagatsr: No, it isn't supported because compiling things from source and stomping all over the package management system is not supported.20:56
ActionParsniprww: could make a deb from the compiled source...20:56
rwwbhagatsr: And I'll thank you to not treat all of Ubuntu as a single entity. We have varying opinions of Unity :)20:56
rwwActionParsnip: Of GNOME 3? I'd find the attempt mildly entertaining.20:57
BluesKajOmegaLimit, yes then sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade , that will install the new driver20:57
FlowerpotI have installed ultimate edition lite because I don't have a 4 gig pendrive atm20:58
hex`I for the first time am trying linux (ubuntu). I'm installin Eclipse using the package manager, however it is showing an error when downloading libservlet2.4... so I download the tar.gz manually, but I dont know how do I install it, since there's no .exe equivalent neither a .deb inside the package20:58
MacByDayUbuntuByThe system shows the ATI onboard in lspci but does not seem to acknowledge anything plugged into it20:58
Flowerpotsince I have the iso with the gamers edition, which I mounted in /media/cdrom20:58
rwwFlowerpot: Please talk to the Ultimate Edition folks, then. #ubuntu is for Ubuntu and its official derivatives.20:58
bhagatsrrww: well its good 4 linux that "u" have varying opinions20:58
FlowerpotI understand that, my question is general, How do you guys mount a squashfs?20:59
MacByDayUbuntuByActionParsnip?  Seem to remember seeing you in Gentoo IRC a while ago21:00
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OmegaLimitBluesKaj: My X Server Settings window still says I have version 270. Do I need to restart?21:02
ohzieHey guys. I just got a new HP. I believe the model name is HP 2000. I'm having a few issues with the networking and with the sound. My network is "disabled." I fixed the wired by using 'sudo ifconfig eth2 up' and then running 'sudo dhclient3' but I don't want to do that every time I boot. I was using wicd, and I've switched back to network manager. Not sure what to do from here, but I want to avoid breaking anything. :)21:02
hex`I for the first time am trying linux (ubuntu). I'm installin Eclipse using the package manager, however it is showing an error when downloading libservlet2.4... so I download the tar.gz manually, but I dont know how do I install it, since there's no .exe equivalent neither a .deb inside the package. How do I install it\?21:02
ohzieAs far as the sound goes, it detects the sound card, it says its drivers are fine, but there's no sound coming out. If the laptop wasn't so new, I'd be tempted to think it's a faulty set of speakers, but they had to have worked when they shipped it.21:02
BluesKajOmegaLimit, yes21:02
rwwhex`: what's the error you get while downloading?21:03
ohziehex`: The best thing to do if you're getting an error downloading a package in the package manager, is to try to get that library from a different repository or mirror21:03
hex`Error 40421:03
ohzieThat is just my opinion though.21:03
hex`yes, I tried to change to other 3 different mirrors21:03
hex`but the error still21:03
hex`so I searched it manually and downloaded the .tar.gz21:03
ohziehex`: The tar.gz probably is source code. Is there a makefile in there?21:04
hex`1 sec21:04
hex`theres no makefile in the root of the tar.gz21:05
hex`the file came with to directories in it: jsr152 and jsr15421:05
=== iwasbanned is now known as galamar
hex`there's no makefile on none of those direct21:05
ohziehex`: I am very sorry, this is probably beyond me then. :[21:06
ohzieBut I would rather tell you I shouldn't help than attempt to help and muck up your system.21:06
hex`ok man, no problem ;)21:06
cyphahow do I restart X?21:07
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gpmanrpiI'd like to set the default printer depending on the SSID of the wireless network I am connected to. Is there an easy way to script such behavior?21:08
ohziecypha: sudo service gdm restart I velieve21:08
ohziecypha: Failing that, sudo ./etc/init.d/gdm restart21:08
=== Gizmosis is now known as OmegaLimit
nicofsI want to share a folder via network to a windows machine. the remote pc can see the folder but not access it. what can i do? i enabled sharing of the folder vie the nautilus dialogue.21:09
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: It shows as being 280 now, but the video change to clone mode still doesn't work21:09
DoggetHaving troubles installing the right driver for my brother mfc-j265w. Help more than welcome friends21:10
OvermindDL1So, "ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 1 -i hw:1,0 -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1920x1200 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 output.mkv" always returns "[alsa @ 0x806640]cannot open audio device hw:1,0 (Device or resource busy)"  Why would my external mic be busy when it works in all other programs?21:12
BluesKajOmegaLimit,  bummer , can you run the hdmi out in singular mode , no clone ?21:12
tanathi thought this was an open source community21:12
tanathwhy do i have to be logged in to browse ubuntuforums.org ??21:13
zigzag2I have a canon mf3200 and I can't find a driver for it to work with ubuntu. Help please? <-- the generic printer selection doesn't even work. I get a "cups" error21:13
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Just tried to dual screen it again but it went black and died on me21:13
rwwtanath: ask #ubuntuforums21:14
cyphaanyone on a lenovo?21:16
cyphaneed mouse help21:16
sveinseWhen changing runlevels in with upstart, how is start and stop ordering handled? E.g. if I'm in runlevel 2 and enters level 3, will the "stop on runlevel [!2]" services stop before the "start on runlevel [3]" are started?21:16
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: When I try to enable the TV, my laptop screen goes black and I have to restart, meanwhile the TV remains on "No Signal"21:17
uw_ubuntu 10.04/ Nautilus 2.30.1 question.  how can i get the path to show in a freakin text box so i can quickly copy it.  right now it has each directory in a cute annoying little box that i cant copy21:17
uw_anybody have this problem before?21:17
ohzieuw_: I've hated that for a long time21:17
BluesKajOmegaLimit, check this out , http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=8704321:18
ohzieuw_: If you figure out how to change it back to not suck mode, please tell me21:18
ohzieuw_: I will forever be in your debt.21:18
uw_ohzie, sure!  this has been bugging me forever too but could never figure it out21:18
XenophonAnyone using Bumblebee for Optimus graphics?21:18
uw_even after looking around a little and trying some thing21:18
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Still nothing :(21:19
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: I also saved x conf files using the button in the X Server Settings, but I don't know how to recall them21:20
BluesKajOmegaLimit, did you read the part about the jumper ? looks like that's bit much21:21
usr13ubottu: !upstart | sveinse21:21
ubottusveinse: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:21
ohzieCan anybody help me troubleshoot my sound? Using a new HP 2000 and the sound doesn't work. It detects the device (Intel 5 series/3400) and I think it is under the impression that my sound is fine, but it's not working. :[21:21
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Yeah but I don't have a jumper and I know this has worked before21:21
BluesKajOmegaLimit, run sudo nvidia-xconfig again ..it's along shot but ...21:21
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Same output21:22
BluesKajdo you have dvi out ?21:22
sveinseusr13: I know that, but upstart still has concepts of runleves to support the policy manual, so the question still stands21:23
usr13OmegaLimit: xrandr --addmode VGA 1024x768 ; xrandr --output VGA --mode 1024x76821:23
vioif i use the live cd on a mac, will i be able to access the mac partition and delete files etc?21:23
sav_Would somebody be kind enough to help me with my corrupted external hard drive? It doesn't have any of my data on it, but I can't for the life of me create a partition table, let alone a partition.21:23
OmegaLimitusr13: xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default21:24
OmegaLimitxrandr: cannot find output "VGA"21:24
OmegaLimitxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default21:24
OmegaLimitwarning: output VGA not found; ignoring21:24
OmegaLimitusr13: I'm using HDMI21:24
BluesKajusr13, that's pretty crappy res for a hidef tv21:24
usr13!runlevel | sveinse21:24
ubottusveinse: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:24
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: makes things nice and big :)21:25
usr13OmegaLimit: That was just an example, (from man xrandr)21:25
BluesKajActionParsnip, yeah big n ugly :)21:25
OmegaLimitAlso, for some reason if I try to change the resolution for the LG TV, the laptop resolution is what gets changed21:25
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: each to their own21:26
usr13OmegaLimit: xrandr  with no arguments shows all possible screensize options21:26
sveinseusr13: I know that as well. *sigh*. My question is simple: Does upstart stop the services belonging to some condition (here leaving a runlevel) before starting the services to the same condition21:26
sav_Would somebody be kind enough to help me with my corrupted external hard drive? It doesn't have any of my data on it, but I can't for the life of me create a partition table.21:26
ActionParsnipsav_: use /dev/zero with dd to zero it out, may help21:27
BluesKajActionParsnip, 1920x1080 here ...42" plasma21:27
OmegaLimitusr13: It does the same thing if I try to use the command for HDMI21:27
sav_ActionParsnip: dd?21:28
BluesKajnot a real big tv , but it suits us just fine , ActionParsnip21:28
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: BluesKaj 1280x1024 32" Tosh screen21:28
ActionParsnipsav_: it wil keep putting 0s to the drive from start to end21:28
BluesKajActionParsnip, nice21:28
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: 42" plasma is sweet too :D21:28
sav_ActionParsnip: But I don't understand what you're asking me to do.21:29
usr13OmegaLimit: What kind of cable are you using?21:29
ActionParsnipsav_: what is the drive's name (someting like /dev/sdb)21:29
sav_ActionParsnip: What is dd? Is it a command?21:29
OmegaLimitusr13: Belkin HDMI21:29
ActionParsnipsav_: yes, dd is a command21:29
sav_ActionParsnip: yes, it's that exactly21:29
ActionParsnipsav_: sudo fdisk -l     will show it's name21:29
sav_ActionParsnip: Alright21:29
ohziedd is for carbon copy21:30
ActionParsnipsav_: so /dev/sdb IS it's name, its super important it is the right one21:30
ohziecc was taken. :|21:30
ActionParsnipsav_: if you verify it's the name I can give a command21:30
sav_ActionParsnip: It says that placing the address is an "unrecognized operand"21:31
sav_ActionParsnip: I typed dd /dev/sdb21:31
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ActionParsnipsav_: that's not the command, are you 100% sure it is /dev/sdb21:31
usr13OmegaLimit: xrandr doesn't seem to have HDMI option, far as I can tell.21:31
vioif i use the live cd on a mac, will i be able to access the mac partition and delete files etc?21:32
OmegaLimitI'm not really sure what to do about this; I don't understand why occasionally it'll just work if I plug the cable in and change a few settings but most of the time I spend 2 hours fighting with the configurations because they all cause the laptop to hang21:32
sav_ActionParsnip: You just said dd is a command, and yes, I'm 100% sure.21:32
ActionParsnipsav_: then run:    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb21:33
interglossaanyone else notice problems with battery status applet after the latest 10.04LTS linux update?21:33
sav_ActionParsnip: Oh lawd. Okay, running...21:33
ActionParsnipsav_: it will write 0s from the very start of the drive to the end, destroying all data and partition info (hence you have to be 100% sure)21:33
ActionParsnipsav_: when it's finished, use gparted as you expect and repartition the drive as you wish21:34
sav_ActionParsnip: I see.21:34
usr13ActionParsnip: you might use bs option to speed things up a bit21:34
ActionParsnipsav_: it's a great command, I just tread VERY carefully when advising it21:34
sav_ActionParsnip: Of course.21:34
MagicJActionParsnip: earlier today you asked me to do a pasetbin on the problem with the apt-get fialing - then u were gone - here is the URL http://pastebin.com/0gzKkdN921:34
ActionParsnipusr13: I only know the basic one21:35
sav_ActionParsnip: I can confirm that it's acting upon the external. Little light's blinking like crazy.21:35
ActionParsnipsav_: cool :)21:35
ActionParsnipMagicJ: wow you got a lot of spare kernels dude21:35
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: I just tried making the LG primary and disabling my laptop screen, but all that happens when I apply is my laptop screen goes black21:36
sav_ActionParsnip: Thank you for introducing me to this command. I was afraid I'd tried everything. :) Let's see how this turns out...21:36
ActionParsnipMagicJ: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/58935621:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 589356 in linux (Ubuntu) "linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic-pae 2.6.32-22.35 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common exited with return code 10 (dup-of: 514840)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 514840 in linux (Ubuntu) "package linux-headers-2.6.28-17-generic 2.6.28-17.58 failed to install/upgrade: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common exited with return code 10" [Undecided,Won't fix]21:36
ActionParsnipsav_: hopefully it will set the drive to square one and you can build up21:36
usr13ActionParsnip: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=409621:37
sav_ActionParsnip: I hope so. No amount of formatting seems to have stuck.21:37
usr13ActionParsnip: default is 51221:37
sav_ActionParsnip: Just got this thing, too21:38
Gentoo64sav_- wha is it, an ssd?21:38
GizmosisThat didn't work either :(21:39
sav_Gentoo64: Um, not sure what you mean. It's a laptop hard drive that I put into a case.21:39
ActionParsnipusr13: i see, well its running now so screw it, will bear in mind for future. Does it achieve the same thing?21:39
MagicJActionparsnip: I see that the reference is similar - what am  I missing - I do not see a solution there21:39
ActionParsnipMagicJ: seems to be an issue with that kernel21:39
sav_Gentoo64: It was sent to a friend as a replacement. Ever since I tried to format it upon finding it had windows preloaded, everything has gone downhill21:40
ActionParsnipMagicJ: I recommend you remove some of the old kernels too, taking up unecessary space21:40
GizmosisDo you guys have any other ideas?21:40
=== Gizmosis is now known as OmegaLimiyt
=== OmegaLimiyt is now known as OmegaLimit
usr13ActionParsnip: Yes, just faster.21:40
Gentoo64sav_- what do you mean? are you not able to format it?21:40
MagicJActionParsnip: how do I remove them?21:40
sav_Gentoo64: It's a long story, and no, currently every attempt to format it results in an error or doesn't stick.21:41
ActionParsnipMagicJ: use software centre, same as any other package. Just do NOT remove the current kernel. If you run:  uname -r    you can see the kernel you are running. You can remove the older kernels and get ~120Mb per kernel in free space :)21:42
usr13ActionParsnip: 512*2*2*2=409621:43
zigzag2is there a windows printer wrapper of sorts? perhaps?21:43
OmegaLimitI don't think anyone else has encountered my particular problem as I can't find any info anywhere21:43
Paddy_NIOmegaLimit what's the problem?21:44
OmegaLimitPaddy_NI: Laptop refuses to connect properly to LG TV via HDMI, have a GeForce 8200M G vid card21:45
BluesKajOmegaLimit, there are some that I've found searching the net , but very few effective solutions ...I did ask if you have a dvi output , which might work in place of the hdmi ..you'll need to buy an adapter dvi to hdmi tho21:45
Paddy_NIOmegaLimit let me have a search around21:46
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: Yeah, the only thing is I don't want to buy an adapter because I know this has worked before21:46
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: It just won't work now21:46
sav_ActionParsnip: Er, how long will this operation take on a 160GB hdd?21:46
ActionParsnipusr13: yeah but does it still zero the drive fully? How is it different?21:47
ActionParsnipsav_: long time21:47
ActionParsnipsav_: it is changing every single bit on the drive to 021:47
MagicJActionParsnip: sorry to be so dense but I do not see how to do that with the software center - is there anyway to do it at the shell anyway21:47
usr13OmegaLimit: Does the port on your laptop look like this?:  http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mangalorelink.com/cyberplus/wp-content/uploads/VGA-Port.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.mangalorelink.com/cyberplus/cyber-notes/how-to-connect-your-laptop-pc-computers-to-hdtv-to-watch-internet-or-online-movies/attachment/vga-port/&h=264&w=396&sz=20&tbnid=XNWf7R-PD9TSYM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=129&prev=/search%3Fq%3DVGA%2Bport%2Bimage%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=VGA+port21:47
Gentoo64that is one epic long link21:47
rwwcorrect URL: http://www.mangalorelink.com/cyberplus/wp-content/uploads/VGA-Port.JPG21:47
rwwplease look before pressing enter on your messages.21:48
ActionParsnipMagicJ: gimme a sec I'll make you a command. What is the output of: uname -r21:48
OmegaLimitusr13: I have one of those yes but I'm using the HDMI21:48
BluesKajOmegaLimit, undertstood and it's a bummer , and very frustrating ...i had digital audio out probs for ages til I discovered how to change the settings in alsamixer and phonon to make them pass the styream properly21:48
sav_ActionParsnip: Okay. I'm going to go make crepes then. I'll be back to let you know how it goes.21:48
usr13OmegaLimit: Or like this: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tekserve.com/images/rentals/dvi.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.tekserve.com/rentals/equipment/displays.php&h=186&w=432&sz=18&tbnid=qjR-Q2olXRbiRM:&tbnh=53&tbnw=123&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ddvi%2Bport%2Bimage%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=dvi+port+image&docid=GtZtV5Z-k8RzOM&sa=X&ei=G_FGTsHlDYi3sQLpq4ySCA&ved=0CB0Q9QEwAQ&dur=46821:48
rwwusr13: stop that.21:48
OmegaLimitusr13: The former21:49
MagicJActionParsnip: uname -r made 2.6.32-33-generic21:49
BluesKajusr13, ever heqard of tinyurl .com21:49
usr13OmegaLimit: So it is dvi21:49
bernhard1this is my problem.. installed ubuntu server 11.4.. but when it is shut down it says it is not cleanly unmounted..  then.. when i boot i get this error. mountall: fsck /boot{344}  terminated with status 1  then.. about 50 lines.. cannot write bytes: broken pipe when i fix the errors with knoppix cd after one or two reboots i have the same error. This is my syslog ? http://pastebin.com/4wRJdULM21:49
bernhard1It seem to be filesystem errors: repare the disk with: fsck /dev/sda1 output: /dev/sda1 was not cleanly unmounted, check forced. check disk after repair: fsck /dev/sda1 echo $? output: /dev/sda: clean .After the next reboot i start with the same errors.. mountall: fsck /boot{344} terminated with status 1  then.. about 50 lines.. cannot write  bytes: broken pipe. Any idears ??21:49
usr13BluesKaj: Yea, should have used that.21:49
rwwshould have just used the actual image URL21:49
Paddy_NIOmegaLimit it seems an update my have caused your problem.. Have you tried booting the an older kernel?21:49
qinDid someone played around bitlbee and notify-send?21:50
Gentoo64has anyone ever completed chromium bsu on impossible?21:50
usr13rww: Yes, I see: http://www.tekserve.com/images/rentals/dvi.jpg21:50
rwwusr13: indeed21:50
usr13Much shorter21:50
rwwGoogle Image Search is a bit silly like that :)21:50
OmegaLimitPaddy_NI: I haven't, but this was just working Thursday and I don't think I've updated anything since then21:50
OmegaLimitPaddy_NI: I was having the same problem until I just kept fiddling with the settings and it eventually just decided to work after the n-th try21:51
daffy_hey all, what does the -n command do? i've been looking but I an not seem to find it.21:51
ActionParsnipMagicJ: http://pastebin.com/YcqAwzc721:52
usr13daffy_: -n  switch?  For what command?21:52
ActionParsnipMagicJ: the text file shown is the before and after space usage21:52
Paddy_NIHmm it's rather odd/unlikely that it suddenly stopped working.. Although I guess in some cases that does happen, have you tried booting a live usb/cd to test?21:52
OmegaLimitPaddy_NI: I'd have to make another one21:53
ActionParsniprww: yeah bing doesn't do that ;)21:53
daffy_i seen it in a comment on a artile and didnt reonize it, thanks21:53
usr13ActionParsnip: I don't use bing21:53
Paddy_NIBrb using the phone to irc and it's a little cumbersome21:54
daffy_google her21:54
ActionParsnipusr13: I use it for images, sick of google adding it;s text to links21:54
ndxtganyone know how to use nautilus to browse an ssh of an ssh? HomePC -> ssh DistancePC1 -> ssh DistancePC2 (because DistancePC2 is only accessible in intranet)21:55
usr13ndxtg: Sure.  Just connect to one and then to the other...21:55
usr13works fine...21:56
ActionParsnipndxtg: you can mount the sshfs of pc2 and then browse the SSHFS of pc1 using your client, you will then see the files of pc2 as they are mounted21:56
Gentoo64is there any way to edit that "go" menu in nautilus? or any file manager21:56
daffy_wow there is almost as many bans going on now as when the mod on /b/  saw boxxy21:56
usr13ndxtg: Oh, to use nautilus?  I don't know what you are talking about.21:56
goddardi have software install in opt how can i get this working with gnome shortcuts and terminal?21:56
daffy_i saw a memenu for unity21:57
MagicJActionParsnip: I ran your command - it ran beautifully did not seem to help though - 42% useage - what now21:57
daffy_me menu21:57
Gentoo64goddard- just type the path21:57
aatifhHi all, i am trying to setup my computer as wireless access point using hostapd, but i am getting this(http://pastebin.com/tAb1jpHD) error when i run "hostapd hostapd.conf"21:57
ndxtgActionParsnip: unfortunately I dont have root access to mount a sshfs :(21:57
aatifhCan anyone please suggest some way out for this problem. I am using ubuntu 9.1021:57
goddardGentoo64: i know that is an option but id like to learn how to intergrate new software21:57
gregggWhen capturing through the rear mic, I get low and muffled sound; the front mic works perfectly (and the rear mic works perfectly in Windows). I checked in alsamixer that the rear mic is not muted, and set the rear mic boost to 100%. Any ideas on how to go about getting the rear mic to work? I'm using Ubuntu 11.04.21:58
ActionParsnipndxtg: do you have sudo access?21:58
Gentoo64goddard- for a shortcut, just type the path thats all21:58
ndxtgActionParsnip: no I'm just a normal user on DistancePC121:58
usr13aatifh: I guess one would need to look at   Configuration file: hostapd.conf21:58
goddardGentoo64: i dont follow.. how can i get it in my gnome menu?21:58
goddardGentoo64: i use ubuntu classic21:59
daffy_are you on a guest user?21:59
Gentoo64goddard- i think its in the gnome menu settings, called "menu" or similar.21:59
Gentoo64no sarcasm intended there btw21:59
ActionParsnipndxtg: hmm, then you may have issues. Get the admin to mount it for you (or give you access) then you can21:59
goddardGentoo64: thanks i will look22:00
ndxtgActionParsnip & usr13: thank you for your help :) will try my best22:00
ActionParsnipgoddard: if you run:  alacarte   you can manipulate the menus as you wish22:00
Gentoo64goddard- ok. go into that and you can add new things wherever you like, just type the path and add an icon22:00
qinndxtg: youcan sshfs intranet_only remote and sshfs remote local22:00
=== Gizmosis is now known as OmegaLimit
goddardActionParsnip: ahh i see22:01
daffy_are you looking for the applications places and system menu22:01
Joe_hey, in been massing with different desktop enviroments like LXDE on my ubuntu laptop. for gnome and lxde i can choose which i waant from the login screen, is there a way to do that with terminal. no gui like Server kinda22:01
qinI need to scroll more, ndxtg sorry.22:01
=== Joe_ is now known as Dexo
ndxtgqin: dw I got the idea. I however have the root access to DistancePC2, so I just mount the DistancePC2 to a dir on DistancePC1 hence simply access DistancePC1 :)22:02
dr_willisswitching desktops on the server? Huh. How are you gettting to the desktop oon the server? :)22:02
usr13Joe_  Ctrl-ALt-F622:03
dr_willisDexo:  its set in the .dmrc file if you  just use startx,22:03
daffy_who uses the classicc menu indicator22:03
daffy_for ubity22:03
usr13dr_willis: I suppose you would have to first dissable gdm tho22:04
ghostnik11can shinko printers work with ubuntu? as i know most printers work on ubuntu no matter the model or manufacture22:04
usr13dr_willis: ... but not clear on what his question is.22:04
MagicJActionParsnip: I should add that the file shows same 42% both before and after22:05
OmegaLimitRegarding this TV connection problem, I also used to just be able to press Fn+f4 to switch display modes with something plugged in22:05
OmegaLimitHowever, the combo no longer works22:05
aatifhusr13, Here it is: http://pastebin.com/JcHUbL37 Thanks in advance22:06
usr13ghostnik11: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/openprinting/database/databaseintro22:06
fake_handlehi. does the alternate cd run as a livecd or is it just for installing ubuntu?22:06
ikoniafake_handle: just installing22:06
steve^I'm trying so hard to like Unity.. but why did they release something that's so buggy?22:06
fake_handlewaste of bandwidth22:07
hyliani installed lxde on my ubuntu, but when i log into it there is no way to connect to a wireless router...22:07
fake_handleso should i get the desktop iso for use as a livecd?22:07
usr13aatifh: Ok, what is it doing?  (or not doing?)22:08
OerHeksfake_handle, that is the only way22:08
aatifhusr13, doing as in?22:08
usr13aatifh: First off, what wifi card do you have?22:08
fake_handleOerHeks: thx22:08
usr13aatifh: What does lspci say about it?22:08
hyliansteve^, i know, i changed to xubuntu, just to get away from the gnome 2 dying / Unity taking over debacle... but that's for another board.22:09
usr13aatifh: See my PM22:09
urlin2uhylian, you have the regular ubuntu install as well?22:09
OmegaLimitIs this is an ubuntu-specific problem, does anyone know?22:09
steve^hylian, don't suppose you can recommend something similar to the launcher and it's search functionality?22:09
hylianurlin2u, yeah, on another pc.22:09
Dexothat was a fail, my irc client stoped letting me send msg's22:10
hyliansteve^, for unity, no, sorry.22:10
triplcHi all22:10
steve^hylian, for xfce22:10
urlin2uhylian, so the lubunbtu is a lubuntu install, not a additional desktop?22:10
steve^hylian, it's the only good bit of unity that i'd miss22:11
pea_brainDear all if i customize 11#04 using uck will i be violating any licenses ?22:11
ActionParsniphylian: unity isn't a DE so doesn't replace gnome in any way22:11
hyliangotta go see if i fixed my lxde wireless absense thingy, brb if i didn't.22:11
OmegaLimitOk what the hell, it just workedf22:12
OmegaLimitI did the same thing I've been doing22:12
ReznovCiao , I have one problem with gDesklets , I cant connect on it's deamon , get time out error when its trying to connect on deamon . I just installed it from terminal , and deamon is installat , I'm pretty sure about that . UBUNTU 10.0422:12
triplcPlease recommend a guide to install X minimal. I installed Ubuntu from 'alternate iso' with "command line" option. Then i install 'apt-get --no-install-recommends install nvidia nvidia-setting xserve-xorg xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi'. then i run 'startx', but it report error 'no screen found' (checking the log seeing nvidia driver is loaded ok)22:12
dr_willishylian:  there should be a network manager/icon in the panels somewhere..22:13
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ImracI ran remastersys on my ubuntu server install to try and make a live cd, I had a custom tty1.conf, once remastered, the tty1.conf is still the same in the squash file, but when booting off the CD it has changed. How do I stop this?22:13
dr_willisI thought Lubuntu/lxde used the exact same networkmanager stuff as gnome.22:13
Dexocan someone give me an idea on how much resources lxde (on ubuntu) uses compared to gnome (on ubuntu 10.04)22:13
dr_williswell as ubuntu does..22:13
mygfiscontradicthow can i login as root on server?22:13
mygfiscontradictvia ssh22:13
diamondshow do I get the main inbox to accrue emails?22:13
syn-ackmygfiscontradict, You can't.22:14
diamondsI'm connected to an acct. but the main inbox is empty22:14
mygfiscontradictsyn-ack: any way to enable that?22:14
diamonds"on this computer" > Inbox22:14
syn-ackThat's not supported in this channel, so sadly, I can't help you.22:14
BenkinoobyDexo, less... from my experience. but from my experience i learned too, that the applications are influenceing your performance much more. firefox, will always be slow, no matter if you're on gnome or lxde or *box22:14
mygfiscontradictdiamonds: can i ssh into ubuntu as root?22:14
dr_willismygfiscontradict:  you ssh in as a user. and then sudo to root as needed.22:14
diamondsmygfiscontradict: I don't know22:14
BenkinoobyDexo, best you install the package lxde and test yourself22:14
diamondsI think you can sudo bash if you want a root shell22:15
BenkinoobyDexo, you can have gnome and lxde side by side and decide later22:15
willwhsudo su...22:15
mygfiscontradictthank you dr_willis22:15
dr_willismygfiscontradict:  if you have a root password enabled. you might be able to ssh in directly. but its not really suyggested22:15
mygfiscontradictdr_willis: that was very helpful!22:15
willwhnever ever ever allow root login over ssh22:15
dr_willisdont use sudo bash.. :) sudo -s or sudo -i as needed...22:15
OmegaLimitBluesKaj: I have no idea how it worked, but it did22:15
Dexoi have and i can see lxde is much less resource intensive, i just wanted to see if i could get some numbers22:15
syn-ackmygfiscontradict, you're not going to get any help beyond what dr_willis told you.22:15
ActionParsnipDexo: check the min requirements of both, its on the same page22:15
diamondswho here uses evolution for mail?22:15
mygfiscontradictthat was perfect :)22:15
diamondsanyway does anyone know what the "on this computer" > inbox is for?22:16
BenkinoobyDexo, hm, you won't get numbers... it depends on the computer for real meassures, and the minimal requirements given on the webiste are not very reliablöe22:16
Dexoactionparsnip: same page as what?22:16
Imracmygfiscontradict: sudo /sbin/sulogin should give you root22:16
willwhdiamonds: pop3 mailboxes22:16
diamondswillwh: so I won't be using it at all with imap?22:16
BenkinoobyDexo, here for lxde the system requirements http://lxde.org/lxde22:17
dr_willishttp://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/   some good info on how you are supposed to get a root shell the proper way....22:17
ActionParsnipDexo: the gnome requirements22:17
hyliani give up for now.22:17
mygfiscontradictwhat is the default root password on ubuntu server?22:17
mygfiscontradictthank you Imrac22:17
dr_willismygfiscontradict:  i dont think there is one.22:17
yesitisjustmehas anyone used ntop?22:17
diamondswillwh: can I hide it?22:17
mygfiscontradictcan i login to root from tty1?22:17
dr_willismygfiscontradict:  please read at -> http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/  to learn some fundamentals about sudo root shells..22:18
willwhdiamonds: I don't know, are you that OCD? ;]22:18
mygfiscontradictthank you22:18
dr_willismygfiscontradict:  if root has no password.. No...22:18
aronhi all22:18
hylianmygfiscontradict, there shouldn't be one, atleast not a human discernable one. that's one of the main designs of ubuntu22:18
ActionParsnipmygfiscontradict: not by default, the account is disabled22:18
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diamondswillwh: well I'm using linux, aren't I? ;)22:18
dr_willisdirect logging in as root is normally disabled for security reasons mygfiscontradict22:18
ActionParsnipmygfiscontradict: there is no root password22:18
diamondsI must have a screw loose :p22:18
mygfiscontradictok, wow. this place is awesome!22:18
dr_willismygfiscontradict:  not odd at all. its  how its designed..22:18
hylianmygfiscontradict, sudo command or sudo su will give you a similar result22:18
willwhdiamonds: hahaha - touche!22:18
Guest80959can anyone help mewith basic programming on gambas2 please22:18
willwhdiamonds: I am not sure if you can or not; google?22:18
dr_willismygfiscontradict:  do not use 'sudo su' either... like was suggested..22:18
mygfiscontradictthank you dr_willis , ActionParsnip and hylian22:19
diamondswillwh: ty I'll check22:19
fake_handlehi. is the only difference between vanilla ubuntu and kubuntu KDE over Gnome?22:19
dr_willisThe command sudo -i is the equivalent to the 'su -' command.  This will properly change to the root user, switch to the root user’s home directory, use his (her?) environment values, etc.22:19
hyliandr_willis, i have been using sudo su for years, sparingly, but what am i doing wrong so i can avoid danger...22:19
Benkinoobyfake_handle, think so... maybe they have different settings... in the end, kubunut and ubuntu have the same base system uder the hood22:20
dr_willishylian:  start useing sudo -i    get into good habbits.22:20
hyliandr_willis, thanks for the heads up :)22:20
fake_handleBenkinooby: thx22:20
Benkinoobyfake_handle, so it is possible to turn a kubunut into a full ubuntu22:20
goddardhave you heard that continued support for ubuntu may not happen unless it becomes profitable?22:20
Dexoalso, i saw someone else had this issuse but i didnt get to see if he got a reply, how do i get a wireless connection on ubuntu 10.04 running lxde.22:20
dr_willisthe core of 'why not this way or that way.. they work' is  'your default env variables and  settings may not be set correctly'22:20
fake_handleBenkinooby: yes. of course22:20
willwhgoddard: in what content?22:20
Benkinoobyfake_handle, for that there are all these kubunut-desktop, ubunut-dektop ,.... packages22:20
urlin2ufake_handle, vanilla I think is a plain install of either, they are both just desktops, with differnt apps22:21
hyliangoddard, no, but i am not the most red ubuntu'er either though.22:21
mygfiscontradicti'm trying to install this [http://www.mysql-apache-php.com/]22:21
mygfiscontradictand i keep on getting errors such as "E: Package 'php4' has no installation candidate"22:21
chenthufellas, is there a trusted repository for truecrypt...?22:21
JakeR003hail !22:21
willwhmygfiscontradict: because it doesn't22:21
Polahmygfiscontradict: That would be because PHP4 is no longer the latest.22:21
willwhwhy are you trying to install php4?22:21
urlin2uchenthu, the web site has a link and thats it.22:21
willwhmygfiscontradict: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP22:21
mygfiscontradictwow, thank you willwh22:22
willwhmygfiscontradict: google is your friend22:22
mygfiscontradictwillwh, Polah, thank you22:22
goddardwillwh: just reading a few articles with interviews from Mark Shuttleworth http://www.devside.net/articles/ubuntu-linux-dying22:22
chenthuurlin2u, is ther an alternative to truecrypt which is installed in ubuntu by default?22:22
willwh"google: ubuntu apache mysql"22:22
mygfiscontradictwillwh, I googled the isse22:22
mygfiscontradictwill do now :)22:22
willwhgoddard: meh - always been his plan22:22
Gentoo64willwh- youll get told off for that22:22
willwhGentoo64: for what?22:22
Gentoo64saying the word google22:22
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:23
goddardwillwh: what has?22:23
willwhgoddard: profit from ubuntu - why else does canonical exisat?22:23
urlin2uchenthu, there is  encrypt I believe used at install to encrypt home22:23
goddardwillwh: that is a given but it isn't profitable22:23
goddardwillwh: what happens when they close shop? what happens to ubuntu?22:23
mygfiscontradictfyi guys, you're all awesome!22:23
dr_willishe wants to grow it into a profitable business.. thats how you make money. :)  but the money is in selling support. so he has to get the base extabilished first..22:23
chenthuurlin2u, oh ok...thank you for the info22:24
willwhgoddard: there is a massive community around it22:24
willwhI wouldn't imagine it would die22:24
urlin2uchenthu, here s a link sorry last post not correct I was erasing and posted.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto22:24
willwhther eis always debian... or a million other distros22:24
dr_willisgreat thing about GPL/Foss projects.. they tend to live on and on and on...22:24
goddardwillwh: but arent the core developers the paid developers22:24
chenthuurlin2u, k...thank u again :)22:24
JakeR003freeBSD is not as widely used as linux but it's still there22:24
willwhgoddard: did you just start using linux?22:24
urlin2uchenthu, not an area of expertise so keep asking and looking.22:24
JakeR003so ubuntu won't go anywhere22:24
goddardwillwh: no why do you ask?22:25
chenthuurlin2u, sure i will22:25
willwhyour questions strike me as odd22:25
Gentoo64goddard- if you had to pay for ubuntu, no one would use it22:25
goddardwillwh: well then think of it this way continued support for developing technologies and the updates everyone in the ubuntu community has grown acustom to is because it has a financial backer once that backer is gone ubuntu might live but it wont be as good i am guessing22:26
goddardGentoo64: i disagree i would pay for it as long as it worked better then it does now with proper driver support at the very least22:26
ActionParsnipdebian has no backer and lives on and on :)22:27
goddardGentoo64: and open source22:27
JakeR003is there a small player for ubuntu that plays everything?22:27
JakeR003media player22:27
dr_willisgoddard:  or it may fork out and get better.. hard to tell.. depends on your focus/needs..   some would say  the direction ubuntu is going now is not the 'right' direction.22:27
Gentoo64goddard- but why? no one would use ubuntu if you had to pay, because almsot all the other ones are free22:27
goddardActionParsnip: isn't that why most packages and software is so old?22:27
dr_willisJakeR003:  vlc plays most everything i have ever tossed at it.22:27
ActionParsnipJakeR003: they all share codecs so a any player can play anything giv en codecs22:27
JakeR003dr_willis i hate vlc anything els22:27
Gentoo64jakemp- mplayer222:27
dr_willisJakeR003:  your loss...22:27
ActionParsnipgoddard: no, debian has quite new packages22:27
JakeR003ok Gentoo6422:27
JakeR003thanks guys .. all22:27
ActionParsnipJakeR003: I always use gnome-mplayer22:28
Gentoo64jakemp- i use mplayer2 it plays every file22:28
Gentoo64and its light and fast22:28
dr_willissmplayer has some nice features.. but its not  small..22:28
goddardActionParsnip: ahh not what i heard i will have to look into that22:28
JakeR003Gentoo64 i will try it22:28
JakeR003vlc is ulgy22:28
ActionParsnipJakeR003: just install ubuntu-restricted-extras and any player will play nearly anything22:28
Gentoo64and buggy22:28
goddardActionParsnip: is that because ubuntu packages are compatibile?22:28
willwhJakeR003: there are a million vlc skins, use them?22:28
dr_willisJakeR003:  you do realize vlc is themable?  like LOOKS matter when you are watching a video fullscreened...22:28
ActionParsnipgoddard: no, you shouldn't mix between22:28
Gentoo64jakemp- you dont need to install the mplayer gui, just choose open with "mplayer2"22:28
hylianJakeR003, you could use mplayer in cli :)22:28
dr_willismplayer can work in the framebuffer - if you set it up right. :)22:29
JakeR003dr_willis it tasted bad once. so i don't want to try it again22:29
JakeR003liek bad food22:29
dr_willisJakeR003:  again.. your loss....22:29
ghostnik11usr13: thanks for link checked, they don't have shinko as manufacturer22:29
Bert_2Hi, is there a way to calibrate my touchscreen or should I install something like xinput-calibrator ?22:29
Gentoo64dr_willis- vlc is buggy as well as ugly22:29
hyliani have noticed one thing about mplayer, every once in a while the video plays faster than the audio, and then it dies as soon as the video is done killing the last half of the song.22:29
acolinHi, simple question re modprobe.conf: path[TAG] = A_PATH directive: what is a 'tag'? How do I know which tag corresponds to which  modules? Also, is there a way to specify a path directive per module (as opposed to per tag), ie. path[mymodule] = MYPATH? Thank you in advance.22:30
dr_willisGentoo64:  cant say ive ever had any issues with it.. and as for looks.. doesnt matter when i dont see the gui..  i dont find it ugly either..22:30
JakeR003thanks ActionParsnip i will also try what you said22:31
dr_willisdoes mplayer have the features to use nvidia gpu's features for enhanced playback? ive not noticed that feature. not realy looked lately.22:31
ActionParsnipdr_willis: it does22:31
Gentoo64dr_willis- vdpau? yes22:31
dr_willisBeen out of the loop on that - since most of my machines dont even support it.22:31
BluesKajOmegaLimit, orry was away having dinner , I think the video driver works , the tv probly uses scan software of some kind to search for signals and it takes time for it to lock up the signal once detected22:31
ActionParsnipmplayer rocks and was doing all the stuff vlc does now, years ago22:31
hyliani love the fact that if all gui's dissapeared tommorrow it wouldn't effect me.22:32
Gentoo64is the console your desktop? lol22:32
hylianGentoo64, i can use it as such, yes.22:32
ActionParsniphylian: pretty much the same22:32
dr_willisive watched videos in   the console using  that ascii-output feature of mplayer  :) ages ago.. for fun...22:32
ActionParsnipGentoo64: mlpayer doesn't need X to work22:32
Gentoo64i know22:33
Gentoo64but console isnt exactly nice22:33
hylianActionParsnip, ahh, a man of quality, hassah! LOL22:33
dr_willisI seem to recall an issue with widescreen/console/video playback..  couldent do all the modes.. but been ages since ive bothered with console video playback.22:33
hylianGentoo64, well, pretty no, nice to use, er, yes.22:34
Gentoo64hylian- each to their own22:34
hylianGentoo64, ahh, so true, so true. :)22:34
Gentoo64having no X would depress me22:34
goddardGentoo64: its kinda fun22:35
ActionParsniphylian: can I PM?22:35
BluesKaj!info wayland22:35
ubottuwayland (source: wayland): display server -- A nano, non-X11 graphical display server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1~git20110214.e4762a6a-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 150 kB, installed size 532 kB22:35
numbi have a question22:35
hylianActionParsnip, pm?22:35
Gentoo64BluesKaj- isnt wayland the thing that wont ever take off?22:35
goddardGentoo64: although non-graphical web browser would suck22:35
ActionParsniphylian: private message22:35
Gentoo64goddard- yes it does22:35
hyliannumb, ask away my boy!22:35
Gentoo64links etc isnt exactly a nice experience lol22:35
hylianActionParsnip, sure.22:35
kruxspecially having lots of cpu power and ram and using ubuntu that does no compilation i rather use some x to use my moneys worth22:35
sav_ActionParsnip, is it strange that it's still going? I want an idea of when I should worry...22:36
goddardGentoo64: try lynx :D22:36
Gentoo64idk i hate them all22:36
DamisHi, I have a small issue. I'm attempting to dual boot Linux Mint from a USB thumb drive alongside OS X, I boot into a live session from usb and I format the free space to a 1GB Swap partition and the rest as ext4 with mount point set to /. However the installer keeps failing when it gets to "Installing grub2".22:36
BluesKajGentoo64, it might if the devs ever work on it long enuff to solve the dependency issues22:36
Gentoo64idk i cant imagine it replacing x ever22:36
TYDIRocksDoes anyeone know where I could find a guide to dual boot Ubuntu with Backtrack 5?22:36
Gentoo64TYDIRocks- just like nay dual boot22:37
Gentoo64install whatever ad add to grub22:37
TYDIRocksWhat? heh22:37
Gentoo64why install backtrack though?22:37
DamisI've tried leaving free space, as it's likely an issue with a boot loader if it's grub.22:37
Gentoo64its designd for livecd22:37
BluesKajdenny, supposedly in the ubuntu future , maybe in 12.10 ...doubt very much it'll be used in 12.04 LTS22:38
TYDIRocksIs livecd just using a cd and not installing?22:38
DamisBut it keeps on doing it, the only things I can thing of doing is trying it from a CD or plugging into the net if it needs to download something (Wireless drivers aren't enabled by default)22:38
numbhey guy see this please and say me wjat should i do to solve the problem22:38
TYDIRocksI mean I think it'd be easier then carrying around a disk22:38
Gentoo64TYDIRocks- why do you even want backtrack?22:38
BluesKajoops denny , sorry wrong guy22:38
Gentoo64you can install the programs you need on ubuntu22:38
TYDIRocksShould I install Ubuntu first?22:38
numbGentoo64:  can i send you a pm?22:38
Gentoo64ok.. why?22:38
ryoohkiwhen i do "dpkg -l | egrep -i virtualbox-ose | tr -s ' '" i see "virtualbox-ose 4.0.4-dfsg-1ubuntu4.1" but i can see virtualbox-ose 4.1.0-dfsg-2ubuntu1 is out but when i do "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade" the update never shows up, as well as previous updates like virtualbox-ose  4.0.10-dfsg-1ubuntu1  which was out 2011-07-04( more than a month ago)22:39
numbGentoo64:  for solve a problem22:39
_ShaiHi, if I install GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 11.04 it will run correctly ?22:39
e1n4hnd3rDoes anyone know why Ubuntu is telling me "no valid VPN secrets" when trying to connect to an openvpn tunnel?22:39
Gentoo64i hear it causes problems22:39
FloodBot1mistik: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:39
ikonia_Shai: no. It will not22:40
Gentoo64numb- what problem? aligning the icons?22:40
_Shaiikonia: But, it will be the complete GNOME, because in the after version its have problem22:41
ikonia_Shai: what ?22:41
urlin2u_Shai, you might consider a distro gnome3 is the default.22:41
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Gentoo64_Shai- whats the actual point? ubuntu has gnome 2 and unity and its supported22:41
Gentoo64you might as well not mess about with gnome 322:42
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_ShaiOkey, thanks ;)22:42
mygfiscontradicthow can see whats in a directory? how do i list files and folders via ssh22:42
Gentoo64ls -a22:42
mygfiscontradictnope, didn't work22:42
Gentoo64it will work22:42
Gentoo64its a standard command22:43
mygfiscontradictgot it :)22:43
Bert_2Hi, is there a way to calibrate my touchscreen or should I install something like xinput-calibrator ?22:43
mygfiscontradictthanks Gentoo6422:43
mygfiscontradicti was typing I not L22:43
* hylian is remeniscing on the days of loading my saved programs from audio cassette, and taking an hour and a half to load frogger.22:43
Gentoo64lol ok22:43
lazarus_hi all how can i be of assistance today?22:44
Gentoo64light my cigarette22:45
ikonialazarus_: you can wait for someone to ask a question you know the answer to22:45
hylianby writing your open source toaster to light cigs.. LOL22:45
lazarus_heh *sparks up *22:45
Gentoo64sudo spark me up22:45
hylianHelenbean, hello22:46
HelenbeanI would like to ask a/some questions22:46
hylianHelenbean, ask a way my dear.22:46
acolinlazarus_: I'll repeat my question, then: Hi, simple question re modprobe.conf: path[TAG] = A_PATH directive: what is a 'tag'? How do I know which tag corresponds to which  modules? Also, is there a way to specify a path directive per module (as opposed to per tag), ie. path[mymodule] = MYPATH? Thank you in advance.22:46
alex__i need to use the latest version of minitube but the version given to me in apt-get is too old, how can i get latest ??22:46
mygfiscontradictyou guys are way too awesome!22:46
Gentoo64alex__- there should be a repo22:47
lazarus_alex__: are there no ppa@s around?22:47
hylianalex__, yeah the repos in apt can be notoriously old (not debian old!). let me take a look22:47
lazarus_acolin: i have not got that much knowledge sorry22:48
yesitisjustmelazarus_  have you used ntop before?22:48
ActionParsnipalex__: there is the webupd8 ppa which has a newer version22:48
HelenbeanI am installing ubuntu 11.04. When I thought I had completed I tried to start the computer and thought I would get a choice windows or ubuntu. I got a message that stated "video cannot be displayed" anyone know why?22:48
Gentoo64Helenbean- is that a monitor message?22:49
Gentoo64or a computer message22:49
ram0042no grub displays that22:49
alex__ActionParsnip, what is this ppa?22:49
ActionParsnipalex__: seek and you will find22:50
Helenbeanso the monitor is the issue?22:50
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hylianHelenbean, yeah, the refresh rate or the screen resolution is either too high or too low. you can fix this with startupmanager.  you can find that in ubuntu software center22:50
ram0042Helenbean: most likley22:50
Gentoo64Helenbean- try turning your monitor off then back on see if it shows22:51
Helenbeanthanks i will try that22:51
rwwhrm, nvm. was scrolled up.22:51
hylianActionParsnip, does that ppa have 1 or greater? i thought you could only get before version 1, so i was looking for the .deb. ppa is way better though.22:51
alex__oo found it thanks man22:51
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Helenbeancurrently I am reinstalling ubuntu because I thought something went wrong22:52
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hylianHelenbean, also, there is an advanced tabe, make sure to set the resolution in there as well. that is the one probably causing you the most grief.22:52
Helenbeanit was an action that took me a split second to decide22:52
maalacwhenever i plug my usb drive on windows machine it is asking for it to format. I've encrypted it on Ubuntu 10.0 using Truecrypt why is this happenin?22:53
hylianHelenbean, sometimes you can change the resolution temporarily with control alt + or - (numpad only though)22:53
mygfiscontradicthow can i edit /etc/vsftpd.conf?22:53
lazarus_umm i have a problem22:54
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HelenbeanThank you22:54
hylianlazarus_, what's the prob bob?22:54
Gentoo64mygfiscontradict- nano /etc/vsftpd.conf22:54
urlin2ulazarus_, besides the nic. ;)22:54
mygfiscontradictthank you Gentoo6422:54
lazarus_i cant access the time and date settings panel22:54
emexsomebody knows how I can change the id3 tags on my music archives??22:54
lazarus_i click it nothing happens22:55
hylianlazarus_, what gui are you using? gnome, Unity?22:55
maalacwhenever i plug my usb drive on windows machine it is asking for it to format. I've encrypted it on Ubuntu 10.0 using Truecrypt why is this happenin?22:55
lazarus_(ubuntu classic)22:55
Gentoo64maalac- because its encrypted and seen as a raw disk22:55
lazarus_with effects22:55
Gentoo64maalac- disable the drive letter for the raw disk and just mount with truecrypt22:55
Gentoo64that way it wont annoy you22:56
maalac Gentoo64: where is that ? can you walk me through it ..pls..22:56
freeroutehi, what's the best tool (for Windows) to create _multiboot_ live USB sticks?22:56
hylianmaalac, i could be wrong, seeing that i never use that program, but perhaps it has to be handled by a truecrypt windows client?22:56
hylianmaalac, there is a windows version of it, are you using it?22:57
Gentoo64maalac- look for the drive letter for the drive thats asking to format. right click on my computer, then manage. go to disk management. then choose that drive letter, right click it and select the "show / hide drive letter" bit and remove the drive letter22:57
maalachylian: the problem is whenever i plug it in it ask for me to format and when i did format it erases the encryption as well ..22:57
Gentoo64hylian- it dont matter it works on both22:57
Gentoo64maalac- because windows cant mount the encrypted drive, you need to mount it with truecrypt22:57
hylianmaalac, yes it will. i am pretty sure you need the windows client to use it on windows.22:57
Gentoo64you dont22:58
AttitudeAdjusterhylian: you would need to use the Select Device in Truecrypt and then mount the partition you encrypted22:58
maalachylian: is there a way that even it ask that it won't format the drive ..22:58
Gentoo64maalac- do what i said above22:58
hylianAttitudeAdjuster, great, but i don't need that data, maalac does.22:58
Gentoo64disable the drive letter for the drive ( you wont need it)22:58
c|onemanI'm trying to setup a pptpd server, I don't understand what the localip corresponds to.22:58
AttitudeAdjusterI just noticed...22:58
lazarus_any idea why?22:59
hylianmaalac, i think without truecrypt being installed on windows as well, which is very easily doo-able, you will continue to have this problem. again i am not the most knowledgeable about this product.,22:59
maalacGentoo64: ok. i know that it will work that way. What if, the drive is plugin into another window smachine for the first time.so it will be formatted right way and lose the data..23:00
Gentoo64maalac- it wont be formatted unless you click the dribe in my comp. or if it automounts, then choose no23:00
Gentoo64and disable automounting23:00
Gentoo64you need to install truecrypt ofc to mount it23:00
emexanyone have some programme  to change id3??23:00
maalacGentoo64: yes, i know what you  mean ..but my concern is ..anywhere i plug it ..it should be formatted ..23:01
hylianmaalac, windows does not format devices without your approval. also you could make 2 partitions, one encrypted and one not. and the unencrypted partition would have the windows program on it.23:01
JakeR003is there a way to restart the sound in ubuntu?23:01
Gentoo64maalac- disable automounting then it wont promt you to format it23:01
JakeR003if it's nto working23:01
uw_ohzie, settings are in gconf editior23:01
Gentoo64maalac- also disable the drive letter so it dont show up in my comp23:01
maestrojedare hdmedia and net stream different distros of Ubuntu?23:02
maalacGentoo64: ok, what if i plug into another computer for the first time ..lets say a friend ..it ask for it to reformat..then my friend accidentally formatted the drive ..23:02
Gentoo64then itd all be gone23:02
Gentoo64of course23:02
Gentoo64theres no way around that23:02
trismemex: if you're editing them manually, I like kid3-qt23:02
Gentoo64maalac- encryption wnt prevent data loss23:03
maalacGentoo64: my goal is that no one can't access drive unless passphrase or truecrypt is installed..23:03
Gentoo64and formatting etc23:03
Gentoo64not possible23:03
maalacGentoo64: do you know any software that can do that ..23:03
maestrojedI am trying to us unetbootin to create a usb install drive. I downloaded ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso but unetbootin wants to know if hdmedia, net install, or live. I don't know the answer to that?23:03
Gentoo64maalac- you cant do it23:04
Guest46183anyone use virtual box?23:04
emextrism:thanx it's in repository??23:04
trismemex: yes, sudo apt-get install kid3-qt;23:04
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leccyunless you had some hardware encryption / chip / switch23:04
diamondsI'm trying to run a windows box shared across multiple users23:04
maalacGentoo64: like crypsetup for example. if you plug it on any ubuntu machine it will ask for passphrase before you can access the drive.. The onlyl problem is when you plug it on windows machine it doesn't do that ..23:04
emextrism: i have gnome23:04
diamondsis this possible with vbox?23:04
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trismemex: that's why I said kid3-qt and not kid3, it doesn't dep on kde, just qt23:05
freerouteThis is kind of confusing for me but I don't know where else I can ask this question: What's the best tool for Windows to create _multiboot_ live USB sticks?23:05
Gentoo64maalac- thats because ubuntu prob has that built in23:05
emextrism: thanks so much23:06
ActionParsnipfreeroute: grub2 can boot ISOs. I suggest you make the device in Linux. Windows is too primitive23:07
Gentoo64maalac- thats because ubuntu is mounting it with the built in encrytion. you can still format it unmounted23:07
Gentoo64from anywhre23:07
Gentoo64encryption will only protect the data from being read, not destroyed23:07
ActionParsnipfreeroute: may help (windows software) http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/23:08
ActionParsnipfreeroute: be sure to MD5 test the ISOs you use23:09
freerouteActionParsnip: For your first suggestion I need to be in a live environment, and for that I need to have a liveCD, but in order to use the liveCD I would have to have an optical drive, which I currently don't have :p23:09
maalacGentoo64: hmm..i want something like smartware of Western Digital.23:09
Gentoo64maalac- just dont leave the usb laying around...23:10
Gentoo64if your scared someone iwll format it23:10
freerouteI'll try YUMI, thanks :)23:11
maalac Gentoo64: Thanks. I'll probably get WD23:12
Apple_BloomI was just installing some things using wine, then my screen went black and came back on, but now everything looks slightly blurry23:13
Gentoo64Apple_Bloom- try the auto adjust thing on your monitor23:13
Gentoo64if you have one23:13
Apple_BloomGentoo64, I don't, it's a laptop monitor23:14
Apple_Bloomnevermind, pressing some buttons seems to have fixed it23:14
ActionParsnipfreeroute: you can make a liveUSB using a tool23:16
ryan__Can someone help me debug a problem with my hard drive?23:16
ryan__I'm getting a false reading of disk usage23:16
Polahryan__: Possibly.23:16
ryan__searched the forums, couldn't find an answer23:16
willwhhow do you know it's false? :)23:16
ryan__I have a 1.5TB drive with about 1TB allocated in /home partition23:17
Polahryan__: and /home only shows up with 1TB free?23:17
ryan__right clicking in nautilus and viewing properties shows /home as using only 140GB23:17
ryan__however, disk usage analyzer says about 970GB are being used23:18
ryan__same with df, du23:18
iulian_hi! I posted some hours ago some questions about problems with Unity GUI. after I log using classic without effects and downloaded the proprietary drivers for my ati graphic card, the problem that after log in I receive only a purple screen with nothing but a mouse pointerdisapear.23:18
ryan__however, while du shows /home as using 970GB, there are no folders in /home, according to du, that would indicate such large disk usage23:19
ryan__I'm kind of at a loss23:19
willwhryan__: that is odd :]23:19
ryan__it appears someone else reported this problem23:19
ryan__but no answer has come up23:19
freerouteActionParsnip: but I have to be inside windows in order to do so, I'm trying out XBOOT and if that fails then there's always YUMI (I've had bad experiences in the past with that tool, but maybe they fixed those bugs)23:19
Guest91832how can I figure out what these groups are about?23:20
Guest91832e.g. "adm"?23:20
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diamondse.g. "adm"?23:20
ryan__willwh: tell me about it!  What is worse is that I can't download anything now, as I'm getting a disk usage full notification23:20
diamondsI want to make usr/share/ shared23:21
diamondsso everyone can write to it23:21
chaospsychexcan some1 help me to burn a video file to a dvd that can be played in a dvd player on ubuntu ?23:21
Gentoo64chaospsychex- devede23:21
Polahdiamonds: chmod 776 on it, or do you mean shared as in a windows share?23:21
Gentoo64is sort of like ocnvertxtodvd23:21
diamondsany reason I shouldn'd make /usr/share 777?23:21
chaospsychexalso how do you share files between ubuntu & windows clients on a network ?23:22
diamondsPolah: just local linux users23:22
magpii_i just sacked windows in favor of ubuntu on my main pc and when i open a browser it remains redundent. i have to open another browser window before the cursor becomes active!!! can somebody help please?23:22
PolahdiamondS: Hmm, I wouldn't set /usr/share as the shared folder. Perhaps make something like /home/share and use that instead23:22
diamondsPolah: will linux get confused about another /home/ directory?23:22
\DSAFEW\ryan__, what was the du command exactly?23:22
FaethinUbuntu 10.10 Netbook remix. I'm getting this bizarre bug. It's impossible to see any images or formulae on Wikipedia.23:23
diamondshonestly I don't know why there isn't a built-in shared-to-all-users directory23:23
Polah\DSAFEW\, disk space used23:23
StevenRmagpii_: what do you mean "remains redundant" ?23:23
ryan__sudo du / -h | grep '[0-9]G\>'23:23
\DSAFEW\ryan__, okay, what filesystem on /home?23:23
Polahdiamonds: It shouldn't do. You could create another user named share to correspond to it if you want but I don't think it'd be necessary23:23
ryan__\DSAFEW\, ext423:23
\DSAFEW\ryan__, did disk analyzer find any hard links?23:24
diamondsisn't there  a standard for this??23:24
[NeNeTa]¤ Akuma ¤ ¿?23:24
diamondswhat did people used to use to share files among users?23:24
Polahdiamonds: standard?23:24
diamondsPolah: yeah, like it's standard to give each user their own directory in /home/[username]23:24
magpii_StevenR:  the window becomes commpletly un responsive. i can move around this browser window but it will not let me close it, or re size it. the first browser window won't even let me do anything23:24
ryan__\DSAFEW\, I'm not sure how to check that23:24
Gentoo64Faethin- only wikipedia? what browser23:24
diamondsI thought there'd be a standard place to put shared files23:24
StevenRmagpii_: ok, when did this behaviour start occuring?23:25
magpii_StevenR:  what is the key combo that allows me to start my computer with the 10.04 ubuntu kernal?23:25
\DSAFEW\ryan__, the program has a column in results for comments like that23:25
Polahdiamonds: If it's just a local system then just making a directory and setting it's permissions to 777 should be fine. It is standard for each new user to have a directory made in /home/ by default but their "home" directories can actually be made anywhere. Just do mkdir /home/share && chmod 776 /home/share23:25
\DSAFEW\ryan__, see the link you gave me23:25
diamondsPolah: why 776?23:26
leccydiamonds, when i want to share a file in /home/ i set it to 777 and tell them the location. or chown it or whatever23:26
diamondsno universal x?23:26
StevenRmagpii_: also, what version of Ubuntu did you install? Is this a recent upgrade, or what?23:26
magpii_StevenR:  i just installed ubuntu today. complete installation overiding the windows os., it has been occuring since install23:26
Polahdiamonds: not really, you could put it wherever you wanted. To not have executable privileges set publically23:26
diamondsPolah: but which group?23:26
magpii_StevenR: i installed ubuntu 11. something. from usb iso. the most recent ubuntu version23:26
diamondsthat's why I was asking about how to figure out what all these built-in groups were?23:26
Polahmagpii_: To start with a different kernel, hold shift during boot and you'll get a GRUB menu, select the kernel version you want.23:26
ryan__\DSAFEW\, One moment, it's rescanning23:27
StevenRmagpii_: there is no ubuntu 11.23:27
Polahdiamonds: The group by default should be the owner's group I think, but you could use chown to change the group and then add users that you want to be able to access the shared folder to that group23:27
luigiRecently, I tried to install gnome3 for a friend of mine on his 11.04 install. Sadly, it failed miserably and I just reinstalled over the whole thing. Can someone direct me to a useful gnome3 tutorial for ubuntu?23:27
ActionParsnipmagpii_: 11.04 ?23:27
magpii_ok, i am going to reboot and try the above option.23:27
JakeR003luigi what's bad about it?23:27
ActionParsnip!gnome3 | luigi23:27
ubottuluigi: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.23:27
luigiJakeR003: It failed to boot.23:27
JakeR003i see23:28
luigis/boot/login to shell/23:28
StevenRmagpii_: could you be more specific please? If you run  lsb_release -a  it will tell you more precisely23:28
ikonialuigi: it's not supported, it's not a stable platform23:28
Polahdiamonds: sorry, chgrp there not chown although chown does have an option to change group I think23:28
magpii_it wont even let me click on the power icon in the top right corner. gonna have to do a hard reset. brb23:28
ryan__\DSAFEW\, No, no hard links23:28
\DSAFEW\ryan__, you might want to run a hardware test, use GSmartControl (front end) or sudo smartctl -a -d ata /dev/sdX to check on results23:29
luigiikonia: I know, I know. I'm an archlinux user myself but my friend would love to use Ubuntu with the gnome3 interface. While I know it's not supported, I was hoping I could get a little more advice other than to use that PPA, as last time I tried to use it with a distupgrade it merely rendered the X login session unuseable.23:29
Gentoo64luigi- thats why everyone says, dont use it23:29
Polahluigi: GNOME3 will be supported with 11.1023:29
leccyare there any gnome3 distros? mint?23:30
Gentoo64i think feodra?23:30
luigiPolah: Will it be vanilla, or canonical patched?23:30
Gentoo64not 100% sure23:30
luigileccy: Arch is pretty good with gnome 3.23:30
diamondsPolah: chown :group file23:30
Gentoo64luigi- but arch dont come with gnome 3 preinstalled23:30
ikonialuigi: so you know it doesn't work with ubuntu.....why are you trying to use it.23:30
Polahluigi: I don't know exactly. I know it'll be supported but I recall someone saying something about it only shipping with Unity and so GNOME3 would need to be installed afterwards23:30
ActionParsnipleccy: oneiric uses gnome 3 :)23:30
rwwluigi: As I understand it, it's going to be pretty much vanilla.23:30
\DSAFEW\ryan__, for an short test; sudo smartctl -t short /dev/sda23:30
luigiGentoo64: I know, but it's fairly simple to install. Dashes don't highlight me, by the way.23:31
Polahdiamonds: Yeah I believe so, but chgrp would do the same thing23:31
diamondsanyone know how to find out what these default groups are?23:31
luigiikonia: I know it can be done. I've seen it done before. I just know the way I'm told to do it doesn't work.23:31
leccyluigi, it'd be easier to install a deb-based gnome3 distro23:31
Polahdiamonds: What default groups?23:31
diamonds(username adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape dip video plugdev fuse)23:31
ikonialuigi: it can't always be done, it depends on a lot of things, it won't work for everyone23:31
luigileccy: Debian stable fails to boot on his machine, sadly. It's a 2011 m11x.23:32
diamondsmy secondary users are in all of those23:32
diamondsprimary user is in adm dialiout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare23:32
Gentoo64Diamondcite- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Users_and_Groups23:32
luigiikonia: Ah, I see. I guess I will just wait for 11.10.23:32
Gentoo64will tell you some related ones23:32
Gentoo64diamonds- ^23:33
leccywhy are there so many arch users hanging around ubuntu forums and chat? lol23:33
Gentoo64no i was just pointing to that website23:33
leccyyeah but arch gets mentioned a lot - i feel i'm missing out on something23:34
Polahdiamonds: different groups to give different permissions. For example the admin group allows access to sudo, cdrom I imagine allows CDs to be accessed and suchlike23:34
luigileccy: Because we like to help people, and distros like arch tend to teach one how a system is created.23:34
Gentoo64leccy, nah you're not23:34
magpiiok. i am on my laptop, which is running ubuntu. my pc which23:35
diamondsPolah: I'm trying to figure out which group to give ownership to the shared dir...23:35
diamondsI need users to have execute privs23:35
magpiihas a fresh install of ubuntu has completley died23:35
ComradeHaz`Hey all. Given errors such as Aug 13 05:05:15 Hades kernel: [921809.809264] ata2.00: failed command: WRITE DMA EXT in syslog, how can I establish which physical device ata2 actually is?23:35
diamonds(I think) it's for a vbox VM, primarily23:35
ikoniadiamonds: create a group and set permissions23:35
Polahdiamonds: make a new group called "share" or something and add users you want to access it to that group23:35
luigimagpii: Define "died"23:35
StevenRmagpii: "completely died" ?23:35
diamondsikonia: Polah then can I put that in /etc/skel or something?23:36
magpiino response from cursor, yet it allows me to click on my user name at boot up, and allows me to imput my password via keyboard23:36
diamondsI want ALL human users to have access to the group23:36
diamondsI guess I can just add them to the group manually if I add more users...23:36
magpiithe operating system will not accept any m,ouse commands or keyboard.23:36
ComradeHaz`lol magpii, that's a very long way from completely died!23:36
ikoniadiamonds: then add all human users to that group23:36
magpiiyet it works fine when logging in23:36
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Polahdiamonds: I don't know about adding groups to be set as default for users, someone else might.23:37
luigimagpii: So your keyboard works when you log in, but the mouse doesn't. Once you've logged in, all works fine?23:37
magpiifor me, completley died occures when the only option is to reset and reboot23:37
ComradeHaz`magpii: for me completely died occurs when the power button does nothing ;)23:37
tabakhasecould i dualboot a hibernated system?23:38
magpiithe mouse and keyboard work fine when logging in. but as soon as the opertaing system is loaded, input becomes obsolete23:38
ComradeHaz`tabakhase: in theory, but you are tempting fate.23:38
luigitabakhase: Yes, but only if the two systems don't share use of a partition.23:38
tabakhaseluigi rly? great... will i just get grub after power button or is ther more needed to do?23:39
luigimagpii: The operating system is loaded before logging in. I think you've got a terminology issue here. Do you mean after you've logged in things will not respond?23:39
ActionParsniptabakhase: you may find that if one is Windows it may hold hardware and make it not work23:39
StevenR!enter | magpii23:39
ubottumagpii: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:39
luigitabakhase: You will get the bootloader, yes.23:39
tabakhasesounds interesting...23:40
luigitabakhase: But what ActionParsnip said is true. Some BIOS systems are controlled by windows's extended power management.23:40
jayson_rmagpii: are you using a desktop or laptop?23:40
magpiiok, lets start again shall we. i didnt realize that terminology was such an issue. let me explian. at boot up, the mouse and keyboard work fine, i.e, it allows me to choose the user name and then allows me to input password. as soon as the desktop appears, the only thing that works is the reset button.23:41
ComradeHaz`magpii: can you switch to tty1 at that point?23:41
tabakhaseand could somebody refer a god blogpost or smth about "syncing /home?" notebook, notebook & desktop...23:41
Gentoo64magpii, boot into livecd and view log messages23:41
leccyif you 777 a folder it shouldnt make any difference what groups you have set up23:42
magpiisorry. i am reletivly new to ubuntu. what is ttyl?23:42
ActionParsnipmagpii: log in to ubuntu classic session23:42
edbianmagpii: virtual console (press ctrl + alt + F1)23:42
TYDIRocksI burned the ubuntu iso to a dvd, but I can't get it to install. Can someone please help23:42
leccytabakhase, unison is great for that23:42
luigileccy: Do you understand the difference between chmod +x and chmod +X ?23:42
magpiii tried classic and nothing changes. still the same issue23:42
ryan__\DSAFEW\, according to gsmartcontrol it passwed the overall health self-assessment test, and there are no errors in the error log.23:42
edbianTYDIRocks: Can you get it to boot?23:42
ComradeHaz`as opposed to tty2, 3 4,5,6,7,8 or 923:42
jayson_rmagpii: so, your keyboard doesn't work either?23:43
TYDIRocksedbian, No, it won't start23:43
jayson_rmagpii: normally you'd switch tty sessions w/ ctrl+f1, f2, etc., but you can't w/o a keyboard :-)23:43
ComradeHaz`try getting to log in screen and pressing Ctrl+Alt+123:43
magpiiboth my keyboard and mouse refuse commands after desktop loads23:43
edbianTYDIRocks: Did you change the order of you boot devices in bios?23:43
leccyluigi, no what is it?23:43
tabakhaseleccy thanks, i´ll read into that23:43
Gentoo64magpii, this might seem weird but if you unplug say the keyboard, does the mouse work?23:43
ComradeHaz`Just Ctrl+1?23:43
jayson_rmagpii: can you try ctrl+f1 just to see if anything happens?23:43
TYDIRocksedbian, yes, the CD is first. Currently the Harddrive does not have an OS on it btw23:43
edbianTYDIRocks: what happens when you turn on the computer?23:44
ComradeHaz`jayson_r: Ctl+F123:44
magpiictrl f1 on boot or when desktop is loaded?23:44
Costanzahi. anyone good with DD?23:44
ComradeHaz`Not Ctrl+Alt+F1?23:44
luigileccy: Octal permissions have different contexts on directories and files. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html23:44
Gentoo64Costanza, the windows port?23:44
ComradeHaz`magpii: I meant F1, not 123:44
jayson_rmagpii: sorry ctrl+alt+f123:44
Costanzaits the same, only the drive path is differet23:44
jayson_rComradeHaz`: my bad :-)23:45
TYDIRocksebdian: It will show the compaq screen, then just flash along the lines "There is no operating system installed"23:45
jayson_rComradeHaz`: yes, ctrl+alt+f123:45
Costanzaso gentoo, you are good at DD?23:45
edbianTYDIRocks: you spelled my name wrong.  How did you burn the CD?23:45
TYDIRocksebdian, It says "Operating System not found23:45
edbianTYDIRocks: You spelled my name wrong again :)23:45
magpiiyeah, at what point do i do ctrl alt f1? at boot or after?23:45
Gentoo64Costanza, what are you trying to do?23:45
TYDIRocksedbian, sorry lol23:45
patohola a todos23:45
ComradeHaz`jayson_r: magpii, so, yeah, Ctl+Alt+F123:45
edbianTYDIRocks: that's ok23:45
TYDIRocksedbian: I used the built in tool with windows 723:45
ComradeHaz`jayson_r: magpii, highlight each other as we talk23:45
Costanza i need to copy mbr + pbr of my usb stick.. the command would be dd if=\\?\Device\HarddiskVolume3 of=efi_boot.img bs=512 count=1 ? the device is right but the rest, i m not sure , i ran it and it printed "Error native opening input file: 0 The operation completed successfully"23:46
[NeNeTa]hola pato , lo tenemos mal aki... XD23:46
sedulousi found an ubuntu bug but don't think it's worth a bug report due to its simplicity. libopenal1 is missing a symlink /usr/lib/libopenal.so -> /usr/lib/libopenal.so.123:46
jayson_rmagpii: after23:46
edbianTYDIRocks: It is saying 'no os found' because it cannot find a device with an OS (meaning it is not finding the CD).  Are you sure about the order?  double check.  When you put the CD in the drive while windows is running what happens?23:46
jayson_rmagpii: when it seems the keyboard isn't working, try ctrl+alt+F1 anyway, just to see23:46
[NeNeTa]escriben en ingilssssssssssssss !23:46
ComradeHaz`magpii: (jayson_r) if that doesn't work, there is something else I would like to try23:47
\DSAFEW\ryan__, well... I don't know, and I have to go, good luck, glad your SMART isn't set off23:47
jayson_rComradeHaz`: look at this link and see if you think it would help magpii: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-usb-stops-working-problem-in-ubuntu.html23:47
TYDIRocksedbian, Yes it shows ATAPI CD/DVD ROM Drive as the first. Let me take the disk out and put it in this system23:48
ComradeHaz`dunno yet jayson_r23:48
luigiCostanza: Have you looked into Clonezilla?23:48
edbianTYDIRocks: ok23:48
ComradeHaz`jayson_r: want to try to get him to issue a kernel reboot command once it appears to freeze23:48
Costanzaclonezilla will not work, i need something that works from windows.. need to image the 512 first bytes23:48
Costanzaand dd works good for that23:48
jayson_rComradeHaz`: rgr23:49
TYDIRocksedbian, The name of the dvd is "Install Ubuntu"23:49
magpiictrl+alt+f1 works fine. my keyboard and mouse are working fine but the gui is none responsive to mouse or keyboard input23:49
leccyluigi, i read that page but it doesnt explain the difference, if any, between chmod +x and chmod +X23:49
jayson_rmagpii: w00t!23:49
luigileccy: Aye, I linked to the wrong page. Hold a moment.23:49
ComradeHaz`jayson_r: now out of my area of knowledge23:49
edbianTYDIRocks: What are the contents of the CD?23:50
ComradeHaz`I don't do WIMP GUI's in linux xD23:50
jayson_rComradeHaz`: he should be at CLi now23:50
TYDIRocksedbian, I'm not sure if I can view the content. When I double click it, the box asking if it can make changes to my computer comes up.23:50
jayson_rmagpii: can you log in at the command line after ctrl+alt+F123:50
ComradeHaz`guess we didn't mention tty7, did we?! xD23:50
edbianTYDIRocks: say yes and see what it opens (probably wubi)23:51
magpiictrl+alt+f1 brought up a full screen terminal. asked for my username and password. accepted it through keyboard input, yet the gui desktop is sat there like a dying cat23:51
edbianTYDIRocks: If wubi loads then the CD was burning correctly23:51
TYDIRocksedbian, yes it is wubi23:51
ComradeHaz`magpii: that's good(ish)23:51
edbianTYDIRocks: alright, the BIOS is correct, the CD is burned correctly23:51
edbianTYDIRocks: Is this a DVD?  (and a DVD .iso?)23:51
TYDIRocksedbian, Yes, it's a DVD RW23:51
ComradeHaz`jayson_r: perhaps get him to remove proprietry vidio drivers?23:52
edbianTYDIRocks: Is the drive on the target computer a DVD drive?23:52
TYDIRocksedbian, well the disk says DVD-R but windows says dvd-rw23:52
ComradeHaz`or clear his desktop env config?23:52
ComradeHaz`probably best to try latter first23:52
profiledhi, i was wondering if anyone got time for an agt-get issue? http://pastebin.com/nryys2TS <- is the problem/error23:52
jayson_rComradeHaz`: could be - the NVidia drivers didn't work well w/ my system using Nouveau here on nvidia23:52
jayson_rComradeHaz`: I have to run in a min though :-(23:52
TYDIRocksedbian, I believe it's both, in the bios it said "ATAPI CD/DVD ROM Drive"23:52
luigileccy: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/linux-file-and-directory-permissions/104753123:53
jayson_rmagpii: do you know what kind of video card you have?23:53
magpiisorry for my inpatience but i just locked 3 years of unioversity research up on a hd that i now cannot acces because of some damn bug in the recent ubuntu release that should have been sorted before public domain exploration23:53
ComradeHaz`jayson_r: get him to move desk env config files so they are recreated first23:53
ComradeHaz`more likely and less destructive solution23:53
luigileccy: Scroll down a bit, it explains directory perms.23:53
magpiiwhat has my video card got to do with an un responsive cursor that works fine during boot up?23:53
jayson_rmagpii: is that data on another partition other than what you installed ubuntu on?23:53
chaospsychexcan someone help me set up a ftp server? im having problems putting files into 'srv/ftp/'23:54
jayson_rmagpii: trying to see what drivers you might have installed - that's why23:54
chaospsychexim trying to follow a tutorial and still having problems23:54
Jae__Hello all23:54
ComradeHaz`magpii: we are assuming the desktop environment is freezing.23:54
luigichaospsychex: /srv/ftp is usually owned by root23:54
magpiithe data is on a trucrypted usb hd23:54
Jae__I have a quick question.. whenever someone is free to answer23:54
chaospsychexluigi how do i change the permissions of /srv/ftp ?23:54
edbianTYDIRocks: I'm not sure.23:54
edbianTYDIRocks: thinking...23:55
ComradeHaz`Time for me to go to bed before I am forced to sleep on the sofa. 1am here! Good night folks!23:55
TYDIRocksedbian, it's an HP Compaq, could the laptop be the problem?23:55
lion42Jae__, don't ask to ask a question, just ask the question.23:55
magpiithe desktop worked fine, until i opened firefox. then the opened browser froze, i opened a second firefox browser and that worked fine for a while then everything froze23:55
luigichaospsychex: You could try 'sudo chmod a+rwx /srv/ftp' but from a security standpoint that might not be a good idea.23:55
edbianTYDIRocks: No.  Any laptop can boot from CD / DVD23:55
Gentoo64magpii, how much ram have you got?23:55
jayson_rmagpii: i think it's video driver related23:55
chaospsychexi want to be able to write to that folder and allow ftp users to write to it as well23:55
ComradeHaz`chaospsychex: that isn't a good plan :)23:55
magpiiis my graphics card effecting gui input?23:55
edbianTYDIRocks: Perhaps you could try a liveCD but I doubt that is the problem.  I would mess with the bios more if I were you.23:55
leccyluigi, ahhhh for setting directory (not file) permissions only for known-name files?23:55
jayson_rmagpii: if the gui is frozen, then yes :-)23:56
ComradeHaz`magpii: if it is causing the WIMP gui to freeze, of course!23:56
Gentoo64magpii, how much ram have you got?23:56
Jae__Is the kernel updated in the LTS releases?23:56
luigileccy: I'm confused as to what that sentence means.23:56
Gentoo64jae, yes23:56
n4dsphow do i bring up the manual for my linux? Do i go into the command terminal?23:56
jayson_rsorry magpii i have to run - hopefully someone can help you remove the video drivers, or at least boot into a generic one - ask for help on that23:56
Gentoo64Jae__, but not to latest ones i dont think. theyre still lts kernels23:56
magpiiit is a t series duel core 2gig processor with 2 gig ram and an ati saphire 5600 series graphics card23:57
leccyluigi, first, for file permissions, there are three letters, r w and x23:57
chaospsychexi need to be able to put files into the folder or no one is going to be able to download nothing23:57
ComradeHaz`magpii: ask for help removing desktop environment config files first23:57
TYDIRocksedbian, Could it be a problem with the motherboard?23:57
leccyR W and X only apply to directories23:57
ComradeHaz`magpii: my bet is they are corrupted.23:57
Jae__Gentoo64: Do you know what kernel is in the 10.04.3 release?23:57
Costanzai will do it from virtualbox linux instead23:57
Gentoo64Jae__, no23:57
luigileccy: There are more letters. There are STrwx23:57
profiledhi, anyone got an idea how to fix: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/keyboard-configuration_1.57ubuntu20_all.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/etc/init.d/console-setup', which is also in package console-setup 1.57ubuntu20 ? (sorry incase the paste is too long for the chanrules)23:57
Polahchaospsychex: chmod 76623:57
magpiino worries, thanks for the help i know its a bug or something so thanks again for the patience23:57
Jae__thank you.23:58
leccyfor setting permissions23:58
magpiihow do i remove the desktop config files?23:58
luigileccy: You have the SUID bit and the T bit along with the read write and execute bits, and this is for file *and* directory permissions.23:58
Polahchaospsychex: specifically "chmod 766 /srv/ftp"23:58
nubornTo resize a window in Ubuntu (with Unity) by the edges, I have to grab the edges perfectly (on the exact edge pixel it seems), and sometimes its difficult to find the edge with the cursor. Is there any way to change or modify this? I.e., to make the edges more sensitive/"broad"? (this may be more noticable to me as I'm using a laptop screen with small pixels.)23:58
Polahchaospsychex, no quotation marks23:58
ComradeHaz`magpii: may not be a bug per se. Just ask these guys how to clear your desktop environment config files23:58
leccyluigi, chmod +X on a file doesn't do anything i just tested it23:59
ComradeHaz`and then try logging in again23:59
ComradeHaz`Must go now! All the best!23:59
luigileccy: +X is a symbolic term used to make sure you don't change file perms when you want to change dir terms.23:59
munzxhi! everybody! ... can u help me here plz! ... when i run "uptime" in terminal i get 3 users!!!!! does that mean there is somebody else viewing my system!??23:59
urlin2unuborn, try th elower right corner and adjust the mouse.23:59
YankDownUnderchmod +x => not X23:59
magpiiComradeHaz`: ok, gonna go make a brew, brb23:59
luigiYankDownUnder: chmod +X has a use23:59
edbianTYDIRocks: Here is what happens.  When you boot the computer it goes to each device (according to the boot list).  If none of the devices have an OS it says 'no OS detected' or some such message.  For some reason it is not seeing the ubuntu DVD.  I have no reason to think the motherboard is causing this problem.23:59

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