
astraljavaYeah I saw some email correspondence related to that. Nice!09:24
ailoAnyone else notice how much Ubuntu is starting to adjust towards mac? Single click indicators. Now I noticed you can't delete files in Nautilus using the DEL button. You have to right click and choose "move to trash"12:29
falktxailo: have you seen gnome3 ?12:31
falktxthat's a full blown copy12:31
falktx(of mac)12:31
ailoYou think so?12:31
falktxailo: ubuntu has unity, which I like and feels a bit original12:31
ailoI've only used it a little12:31
falktxailo: gnome3 is a ripoff of mac12:31
* falktx looks for screens12:31
ailoIsn't Unity a simplified rip-off of Gnome3?12:32
falktxailo: no, unity is made from scratch12:32
falktxit uses gtk3, but not gnome itself12:32
falktxailo: note the mac preferences - http://www.demogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Mac-OSX-System-Preferences.jpg12:33
falktxailo: now look at gnome 3 -> http://ompldr.org/vODNhaw/gnome_3_settings.png12:34
ailoIt's the same in Unity12:34
ailoThey are using Gnome3 as base now12:34
falktxailo: ah, yes, but gnome3 != gnome3-shell12:35
falktxPersonal and Hardware are the top things in the screenshots12:35
falktxailo: gnome3 also copied the mac way of showing dialogs (not a new window, but slide from the top)12:35
ailoIt does seem a lot of mac functionality is being used12:37
ailoAnd installing Ubuntu on a mac should feel more natural12:37
ailoThe system settings part is pretty good in my opinion12:37
ailoThe "power button menu" in the top right how has more options12:38
ailoSystem settings, updates..12:38
ailoI'm happy someone made a indicator version of the hardware monitor applate12:39
ailoWhat I like about both Gnome3 and Unity is the menu12:40
falktxI don't like gnome312:40
ailoWell, you are a KDE guy12:41
falktxthe systray is the worse thing I ever saw12:41
ailoI don't really care too much about mac. As long as the desktop is functional12:43
astraljavaailo: Please keep in mind, though, that ubuntu != GNOME13:09
astraljavaGranted, the vanilla uses that exclusively, but Canonical people don't make those decisions13:09
ailoTrue. Ubuntu is not Gnome3. But, Unity looks very similar to Gnome313:24
astraljavaI can imagine. But I'm not willing to see it for myself. :D13:33
astraljavaGuess I will have to, though, in order to keep providing support on #ubuntu. (granted, very sporadic)13:34
falktxhm, who is Cory?17:49
falktx(ie, his nickname)17:49
ailofalktx, ckontros I think18:04
* falktx wonders why he's not on irc18:04
ailofalktx, He may be, but not logged into this channel. 18:05
falktxI'll be sad to not see US oneiric18:07
falktxat least we should try18:07
astraljavaCory is the previous Studio head.18:13
astraljavaThe one that got the thing going.18:14
astraljavaBut yeah. That's his opinion. He's not the head anymore, so that's only one vote. The team will still decide.18:16
ailoYeah, he proceeds as if he's the one who calls all the shots :P18:23
falktxbut his proposal is exactly what I'm trying to do with KXStudio18:23
falktxif US would take that action, my guess it's that we could no longer call it "UbuntuStudio"18:23
ailoI would prefer US to be just a tuneup of Ubuntu18:24
ailoI've said that before18:24
falktxI would to18:25
falktxI want to make KXStudio like an extension of Ubuntu[Studio]18:26
falktxI will force people to start saying "I'm using Ubuntu", not "I'm using KXStudio", which is no longer a distro18:26
falktxat least this can help US a little18:26
* falktx still needs to finish the website18:27
ailoA live CD would be great though18:27
falktxoh, yes, totally18:28
falktxone thing at a time18:28
falktxI promised ScottL I would help US with a live-cd and I will do that18:28
ailoWhat's the problem with getting US to base on Xubuntu now?18:29
falktxno one18:29
falktxI think it's a wise move18:29
falktxgnome3 and unity are not suited to multimedia production18:29
astraljavaIMHO, he gave up. If the rest of the team won't do that, we're fine.18:29
astraljavaBut we do need reinforcements.18:29
ailoI don't agree, but XFCE is still a good chooce18:29
astraljavaLots of fresh blood.18:30
ailofalktx, How do you make your iso's?18:30
ailoCan't we just copy Xubuntu and make some very small changes to it?18:31
astraljavaWe got the ball rolling again just the other day, in a conversation between holstein, ailo, ScottL and yours truly. We'll make it.18:31
falktxailo: I have a script for that. I create a debian chroot, install packages, and pack it into an ISO18:31
astraljavaailo: That thing is under works, and should be testable (is that a word?) soon-ish. Before the beta1 anyway.18:32
ailoI really don't think it matters so much how the desktop looks, or what panels we use, as long as we have a working distro18:32
ailoAs littel changes as possible, I think18:32
ailoAt the same time, I have no idea about tuning a distro for multimedia on a lower level, which US used to be good at, I guess18:33
ailoPerformance is the most important issue. To get stable performance18:34
ailoThat is why I always thought -lowlatency was important18:34
ailoThe live ISO would just serve as an example anyway18:35
ailoAnd if you can't get stable performance installing the packages from the main repo, it sucks a bit, I think18:36
ailoXFCE would in my view only be one way to go18:36
ailoThe user should be able to use any derivative, and just by installing the US meta packages be able to get a good system for multimedia18:38
ailoSo, I agree with both falktx and ckontros18:38
ailoWho's working on the iso, then?18:39
falktxcurrently no one18:40
ailoXubuntu has two iso's. One is live, and one is alternate18:41
ailoHow hard would it be to just copy the Xubuntu live CD, and adjust the preinstalled packages?18:42
ailoOf course, I realize you need to change a few things here and there18:42
astraljavaailo: That's why we never considered live-cd/dvd so important. It wouldn't necessarily deliver the same performance. But these days, people got tons of RAM. It might work.20:07
holsteinastraljava: i agree, we can make it 20:08
holsteincory is not in here20:08
astraljavaThe branding used to be the reason, together with the already available set of packages to do most everything a multimedia-related worker needed to do.20:08
astraljavaholstein: We can. I'm a bit worried for 12.04, as it's an LTS, and it should be S-O-L-I-D.20:09
astraljavaBut, with a good 11.10, we could deliver.20:10
holsteini mean, i brought that up before too20:11
holsteingoing to just PPA's20:11
holsteinjust meta packages20:11
holsteinthats something we could discuss again20:11
holsteinastraljava: im a fan of the live CD installer for a couple reasons20:12
holsteinfirstly, testing... folks can see how the hardware will work with JACK20:12
holsteinthe installation process too from the alternate CD is not friendly20:12
holsteini have not talked to *any* person who flawlessly install 11.04 from the ubuntustudio CD20:13
holsteinover in #ubuntustudio20:13
astraljavaholstein: Yeah, but then again, people can see whether their hw works with vanilla live cd. Studio doesn't necessarily be used for that.20:13
holsteinastraljava: not really20:13
astraljavaWe would certainly not be using PPAs for that.20:13
holsteinJACK is not there, and if we have a -lowlatency kernel, you can test that from the live CD20:13
astraljavaThey're bound to be out of official support, always.20:13
holsteinastraljava: +, we are literally the only multimedia distro thats *not* live20:14
astraljavaOkay, valid points, there.20:14
ailoastraljava, There will be no loss in performance whatsoever with a live CD20:14
holsteini think new users expect to see the tools live20:14
holsteini know i do20:14
astraljavaI don't care about being "out there" or not. Every distro does it their own way.20:14
astraljavaailo: There will, unless you can fit everything needed into RAM.20:14
holsteinsure... but, i really agree with the reasoning, so thats why i suggest it20:15
holsteini would have never gotten over the hump so to speak without the 64studio live CD20:15
astraljavaholstein: I understand that it would be great to have that possibility.20:15
holsteini see lots of that in the support channel too20:15
holsteinmost everyone20:15
holstein"i installed ubuntustudio and its not doing whatever"20:16
holstein"it sucks, i hate it"20:16
holsteinand some of that is opinion for sure20:16
ailoastraljava, The only difference is that loading programs takes longer time. I don't count that as a loss in performance20:16
ailoThe programs still run just as fast20:16
holsteinbut, i feel like some of it could be made easier for them20:16
astraljavaSure. Ubuntu has a name. It's fashionable to diss it.20:16
holsteinthem = the new user20:16
holsteinunless we dont care about them20:16
holsteinwhich is fine too20:16
holsteinjust take a stand as a technical level tool20:17
astraljavaOh, but we do care. It's always just been a balance between what we can deliver, and who we have to leave out.20:17
holsteinastraljava: that makes sense20:17
holsteinwhat we *can* do20:17
holsteinsomewhere in the middle20:17
holsteini mean, ubuntu proper is/has been really good at filling that gap of something for the new user20:18
holsteinand i think ubuntustudio has been that too20:18
astraljavaI mean, IMHO, Studio would be a leading distro, if we had thrice the developers we have had.20:18
astraljavaBut at most, there has been like 3 at the time.20:18
holsteinastraljava: im looking into what it would take for us to transition to official20:19
holsteinlike kubuntu20:19
astraljavaWe're already official.20:19
holsteinnot really though20:20
holsteinpaid developers work on kubuntu20:20
astraljavaTogether with Xubuntu, Kubuntu, and Mythbuntu.20:20
holsteinand we dont have that20:20
holsteini *thought* we were too20:20
astraljavaBut we're the only ones that are supported on #ubuntu.20:20
astraljavaPaid is a different thing.20:21
astraljavaThat's up to Mark.20:21
charlie-tcaUbuntu and Kubuntu are the only ones with paid developers20:21
astraljavaCory was paid at one point.20:21
holsteinyeah, im not sure what it takes yet20:21
astraljavaBut it became evident that this was not going places enough, so they dropped it.20:21
holsteinit has been refreshing to see the xubuntu team in action charlie-tca 20:23
holsteinyou guys really have it together20:23
charlie-tcaBut we are all volunteers, too20:23
charlie-tcaWe have no paid developer20:23
charlie-tcaand for altogether, we only have two devs working on it20:24
holsteini keep thinking if we had a paid team member or 2, we could get something done20:24
holsteinbut, you guys do great20:24
holsteinalways have20:24
charlie-tcaWe have our ups and downs20:24
charlie-tcaThere was a big battle about three years ago that almost killed Xubuntu20:24
holsteini feel like maybe that happened here?20:24
holsteini feel like i came in on some aftermath, but maybe not20:25
charlie-tcaI don't know. It might be20:25
charlie-tcawe came within days of not having a distribution20:25
astraljavaThat's happened with Studio as well.20:25
astraljavaIt's not so surprising, really.20:26
astraljavaWhen there's no-one who's livelihood depends on it.20:26
kubotuastraljava meant: "When there's no-one whose livelihood depends on it."20:27
astraljavaOh look at that.20:27
* astraljava ^5s kubotu 20:27
charlie-tcaWhen we are all volunteer, it is harder to find people to keep gooing20:27
ailoOr someones wet dream20:28
charlie-tcaXubuntu went from 7 or 8 to two overnight back then'20:28
astraljavaSad as it is, that's the truth.20:28
ailoPeople don't usually have all the time in the world for one of their interests20:29
astraljavaThat's what shocks most of the newcomers in the OS projects.20:29
astraljavaThey're all  enthusiastic and ready to conquer the world.20:30
charlie-tcayup, it takes a couple of very dedicated people to keep things rolling20:30
astraljavaBut the oldies... they have priorities.20:30
astraljavaAnd most of the time, they clash.20:30
astraljavacharlie-tca's right. It only takes a few.20:31
astraljavaBut good luck in finding the feww.20:31
ailoIt's a matter of timing too I think20:31
astraljavaThat's exactly what I meant.20:32
ailoI sometimes think perhaps it20:32
astraljavaThey're not constant.20:32
ScottLis this conversation derived from cory's email?20:32
astraljavaScottL: For sure.20:32
ailoastraljava, Yeah, but say 5 people might all have time at the same time, and then no one has.20:33
astraljavaailo: Right. That's exactly what has happened to Studio.20:33
* ScottL hasn't actually read backsroll but saw there was much of it20:33
astraljavaI believe in '05-'06, Studio had it going.20:33
ailoScottL, What do you think of corys post?20:34
astraljavaBut then, the downhill started.20:34
astraljavaIt hasn't really picked up since then.20:34
ScottLailo, i have some thoughts about cory's email20:35
astraljavaBack then, we had Joe, Cory, and the guy I never seem to recall20:35
ScottLbut i would start before the email20:35
astraljavaAnd some devs to boot.20:35
ScottLcory called me and we talked about twenty minutes on the phone20:35
astraljavaThen the whole thing fell apart.20:35
astraljavaPieces only were picked since.20:35
ScottLhe has concerns about the trajectory of the project20:35
ScottLespecially in contrast to the history that astrajava is currently commenting20:36
ScottLor recalling20:36
ScottLcory has been an advocate for the "ppa method" for some time i believe20:37
ScottLand cory made a very good point to me on the phone:20:37
ScottLwe devote an inordinate amount of time on integration, iso building, etc20:38
ailoScottL, Was cory the only one working on the iso just now?20:38
ScottLthat takes away from what he called the goal of project, "showing what this software can do"20:38
ScottLailo, i'm not sure i understand your question is this a rhetorical question?20:39
ailoI agree with that statement. And that the iso should be mostly about that. While the meta packages should be where the focus is20:39
ScottLaye, ailo, that was his point20:39
ScottLhe argument was that if we focused on using a ppa to "upgrade" from vanilla to ubuntu we focus more on packaging and less on other things20:40
ailoScottL, I mean, who was leading the work on getting the iso to be based on Xubuntu?20:40
ScottLwell, cory has made significant changes, but astraljava has likewise made significant changes20:40
ScottLa second aspect of cory's concern was that we have few contributors/developers and we seem to be overwhelmed (as detected by the lack of progress)20:41
ailoI would be fine with UbuntuStudio based on a live Xubuntu ISO, and just changing as little as needed. As long as it performs well.20:41
astraljavaMy only objection against using plain PPAs is the official support that we're having.20:41
astraljavaWe're not many.20:41
astraljavaIf we have to provide support ourselves, we're doomed.20:42
ScottLastraljava, you make an excellent point, on that i would have made as well if no one else did not20:42
ScottLoh, i wasn't going to say "we're doomed" however :P20:42
astraljavaFrom my point of view, that's enough payment for the effort that we're showing during the devel cycle.20:43
astraljavaScottL: That's' because everything you say gets quoted in the press. :D20:43
ScottLi know there are several people who believe the ppa method is the route to be preferred...20:44
ScottLbut i wanted to mention our official status and the benefits that yields20:44
astraljavaIt's something far more than people really realize.20:44
ScottLi can see advantages and disadvantages to both sides...i do not advocate a position at this point20:45
astraljavaBuilding a derivate isn't just about releasing an .iso.20:45
ailoI think ppa's are fine for testing. But, isn't the idea to keep the meta packages up to date as well?20:45
astraljavaWe're committing to it for 18 months at the time, a minimum.20:45
astraljavaSometimes even longer.20:46
ScottLaye, but we can choose our own release schedule for those ISO's, astraljava 20:46
astraljavaailo: That's what we're doing. Creating meta-packages for the convenience of the users.20:46
ScottLwe can only do LTS, or just every year, of whenever we damn well feel like it20:46
astraljavaScottL: True, but the packages are still bound to higher-ups' schedules.20:47
ScottLailo, astraljava:  cory made another point i'll mention, we can create more meta-packages in ppa to help with installation of applications based on work flows20:47
astraljavaScottL: Sure, but every new meta increases the workload.20:47
ailoScottL, That doesn't sound like a point to me though20:47
ScottLastraljava, we can work more directly with back ports or choose to create a ppa for updating packages to our release version20:47
ailoScottL, I want to see those workflows outlined to the detail before I agree that is a point20:48
ScottLthe more subtle point is that we CAN move stuff into the ppa if we choose20:48
astraljavaThat's a good thing, aye.20:48
ScottLto an extreme that we are similar to kxstudio and pull most packages from ppa if we chose20:49
ailoIt's a good place to do experiments20:49
astraljavaBut again, it's out of #ubuntu's scope, so not a very sought-after thing, in the end.20:49
ScottLagain, i'm not advocating, just discussion what is possible20:49
astraljavaThat's good, keep the discussion flowing.20:50
ailoastraljava, So, what's missing for the iso to work?20:50
ailoIs there some sort of a roadmap somewhere for it?20:51
ailoI'm just curious on what the problem is with that20:51
charlie-tcaScottL: you got a good grasp on it20:52
charlie-tcaI tried to explain the same thing to Lubuntu. Ubuntu is a tool for those of us trying to help with other derivatives20:52
charlie-tcaIt is not an iron-clad rule maker, for any of us.20:52
ScottLcharlie-tca, thank you :)20:53
ScottLi fear that i have moment of clarity on specific subject only though20:53
charlie-tcaThat's all any of us get, I think.20:53
ScottLargh, moments... and subjects....20:53
astraljavaIt totally depends on what you want.20:54
astraljavaOfficial support?20:54
astraljavaPlay by the rules.20:54
charlie-tcaIt's when we think we have to keep up with Ubuntu that it hurts us20:54
astraljavaMore freedom?20:54
astraljavaYou're almost on your own.20:54
charlie-tcayes, you are. Ubuntu provides us with hosted images, and time frames that work sometimes20:55
charlie-tcaThey are also willing to fix a lot of bugs that we do not have resources to even look at.20:55
ScottLmy main concern if we choose the ppa method is that we will loose recognition and ISO building rights that we may never claim again20:55
ailoastraljava, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-meta/+bug/806672 ?20:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 806672 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu Oneiric) "UbuntuStudio Oneiric Alpha2 fails to install - unmet dependencies" [Critical,Triaged]20:55
astraljavaScottL: That's exactly right.20:55
astraljavaScottL: It's why I'm still fighting, to keep what we have going for us.20:56
astraljavaailo: Without looking, those are fixed, but not uploaded since we didn't come to an agreement of what we want to have by default.20:56
astraljavaTheMuso: Could you upload ubuntustudio.oneiric so we can see what fails now, when new .isos are being built?20:58
ScottLcory also seemed a little disappointed that dev discussions had not been happening on the mailing list recently20:58
astraljavaI will try to do the testing tomorrow, if I have time, but due to my limited bandwidth, it'll most likely have to wait until next week.20:58
ScottLhe seemed to think this reflected activity20:58
ScottLi assure him it did not20:58
ScottLas we discuss things quite frequently here20:58
astraljavaYeah. Why isn't he on IRC?20:59
ScottLwork and family...he commented that work was especially busy lately20:59
astraljavaAt least I don't have time to double everything on the ML.20:59
astraljavaYeah but okay, there's still irclogs.u.c21:00
astraljavaSo, people. Could you please have a look @ https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.oneiric21:02
astraljavaTell us, what's your opinion. What should not be there, and what should, but is not.21:03
astraljavaWe have 2 weeks until beta1.21:03
astraljavaNothing can be added, that's not already in oneiric repos (excluding FFes, but highly unlikely).21:04
astraljavaBut within those limits.21:04
astraljavaBecause, that's the stuff that depicts how the session will look like21:05
astraljavaIf you don't like it now, you won't like it when the release happens.21:05
astraljavaI should probably throw it on the ML, too.21:06
ScottLastraljava, i think the main focus should be to get luke to update the metas so we can test an image21:06
ScottLjust my opinion, mind you21:06
astraljavaI know, but just in case we have overlooked something that's obvious, really.21:08
astraljavaAnd I just pinged him, so we should see some results soon.21:08
astraljavaRight, we get some ML activity. I feel we should have more of that anyway, that's one thing Cory is right about.21:13
astraljavaNot all people can hang on IRC all the time, even though I just mentioned the logs21:14
astraljavaThere's lots of room for development.21:14
astraljavaThat's one thing.21:14
ailoI too think anything important should always be posted on the mail list21:14
astraljavaThe holy trinity, IMHO, is IRC - wiki - ML.21:15
astraljavaCurrently we're doing pretty well on the first two.21:16
ScottLi am still of the mind that clearly and consensually identify our audience and goals would help answer most of our questions of late21:17
ScottLit's hard to make decisions without knowing what we are trying to accomplish21:18
ailoI have the same view I had when I started hanging out here21:19
ScottLi doubt we will find easy consensus however among those present much less amongst those not present21:19
ailoI think US should be a tuneup of Ubuntu for multimedia. It should make Ubuntu perform well for anything multimedia and have easy ways of finding apps and documentation for them21:19
ailoThe ISO should be a showcase. An example21:20
astraljavaSo, did we get anywhere in defining those audiences and goals?21:20
ScottLailo, by "tune up" do you mean a state of being or an installing process?21:21
ScottLastraljava, i don't think so21:21
ailoScottL, -lowlatency is an example of a package that makes Ubuntu perform better for audio use21:21
ScottLokay, i think i understand that21:22
ailoIf there are additional packages/settings that are required for one to get good performance, I would count those in under the performance criteria21:22
ailoThen, there's guidance21:23
ailoGuiding the user21:23
ailoWhich is where workflows comes in, and documentation.21:23
ailoAs well as ubuntustudio-controls21:23
ailoWhen it comes to UI, I'm not that concerned. The simpler, the better21:24
ailoLet the user decide which derivative, and which UI21:24
ailoOf course, meta-packages for multimedia apps is helpful too21:24
ailoEven though,  a comprehensive database might be even better21:25
ScottLailo, are you expected an experienced user, both with linux and music?21:25
ailoA database needs to be updated for every release21:25
ailoNo. Not at all21:27
holsteinthis is where i am... i can *totally* get behind the PPA only idea... i just feel like we discussed this back in april, and decided to do XFCE21:27
holsteinif we are comfortable letting the work we have done go, lets entertain it21:27
holsteinwe being astraljava and others... i havent personally done much21:27
astraljavaYeah. That's where our expectations differ. What we currently (mostly) have, are devs who know what needs to be done package/config -wise. But we lack in the documentation people.21:27
ailoppa only, to me, seems like giving up completely. Then it's just another distro21:27
holsteinit would take a bit of pressure off21:28
astraljavaholstein: Sure, but only temporarily.21:28
holsteini mean, we already decided back in april *not* to do PPA's only21:28
holsteinand we have talked about it since then21:28
ailoFor me, the whole point of US is to be the standard multimedia framwork for all Ubuntu based distros21:29
astraljavaOnce the support questions come piling in, we're screwed (not Scott's opinion, I know)21:29
astraljavaAnd once those are left unanswered, we're practically no more.21:29
holsteinit might help make things consistent too21:29
holsteini mean, no more 'did you install from the DVD?'21:29
holsteinTBH, i usually talk people *out* of using the ubuntustudio installer21:29
ailoI wouldn't be interested in working on UbuntuStudio, if it was not in the main repo. Then I could just make my own ppa instead21:30
astraljavaholstein: Doesn't matter.21:30
holsteinnew folks at least21:30
astraljavaEither way, people in the official support channels will support ours.21:30
astraljavaIf we are to deviate from that...21:30
holsteinailo: would this kick it out of the main repo?21:30
holsteinthe software?21:30
holsteinthats a deal breaker21:30
astraljavaWe can as well pack up our things and go home.21:30
ScottLholstein, a packages status in the repository will not change21:31
holsteinwhen JACK got promoted or whatever, that really helped21:31
ScottLailo, can you explain what type of user you envision using ubuntu studio?21:33
ailoScottL, I think universally.21:33
* ScottL has been thinking about the multimedia distro ecosphere lately21:33
ailoScottL, That's been my focus all along21:33
holsteinScottL, ailo, astraljava ... can we just do LTS releases?21:35
ScottLailo, so you expect the audience to inexperienced to experienced as both linux users and musicians, is that a fair representation?21:35
holsteinand email to that effect just came through...21:35
astraljavaholstein: No, cause that way we won't get enough feedback for the next one.21:36
holsteinwheres the current feedback?21:36
astraljavaWhat works, what needs to get rid off...21:36
astraljavaWherever Scott, you and ailo have been getting the comments from.21:36
ScottLwe haven't really been receiving much, if any, feedback except bug reports21:37
ScottLastraljava, what sort of user do you expect for ubuntu studio?21:37
ScottLholstein, can you answer the same question as above?21:37
astraljavaBut you guys are all the time going over these "US sucks, they do this they do that, what the hell?!"21:38
ScottLastraljava, i think those are mainly in other IRC channels21:38
astraljavaThat's feedback.21:38
astraljavaNot direct, but still.21:38
astraljavaIf we only have LTS releases, there's like 18 months of silence, during which we have to guess.21:39
astraljavaThen there's the devel progress of vanilla.21:39
astraljavaLet's face it, we're heavily leaning on them.21:39
ScottLastraljava, holstein, would you humor me and describe what user you see using Ubuntu Studio please?21:40
ScottLnot what you currently see, what you expect21:40
astraljavaIndirectly, as we're now more directly leaning on charlie-tca et al. :D21:40
astraljavaScottL: Don't ask me, I'm the work-horse here. :) I'm just grateful it fulfills my need of providing a recording/slight mixing of my own stuff.21:41
ScottLokay, i will share mine now then...21:41
ScottLi expect newbies, both to linux and music, to use ubuntu studio from the ISO21:42
ScottLi think those that become experienced will move to using vanilla ubuntu and installing their own packages, either the meta's or just packages21:42
ailoScottL, I think we should be able to give newbies what they need already from any Ubuntu derivative21:43
ScottLi consider autostatic (and perhaps some here in channel presently) to be examples of the "experienced" users i described above21:43
ailoWe would only need one installable meta package in Software Center21:43
holsteinyeah... new folks to multimedia21:44
holsteineither in general, or from ubuntu21:44
holsteinor other linux's21:44
ScottLailo, i have thought for some time that we should improve the process to "upgrade" from ubuntu21:44
astraljavaMoving to base from Xubuntu.21:45
astraljavaThat's almost as if you're installing from a separate .iso.21:45
astraljavaYou first spend 700MB of bandwidth of downloading the vanilla.21:46
astraljavaThen you probably spend about 600MB of downloading XFCE packages, plus all the multimedia packages.21:46
astraljavaAnd remove about half of the originally installed at the same process.21:47
astraljavaWell okay, maybe not that.21:47
ailoI don't think a US meta package in software center should have any dependencies to UI21:47
astraljavaBut still.21:47
astraljavaailo: Really?21:47
astraljavaWhat about the branding, then?21:47
ailoIt's enough with some subtle changes21:48
astraljavaWe just decided to go with XFCE as a base.21:48
astraljavaVanilla has GNOME3, remember.21:48
ailoWe can have that on the install iso21:48
ailoBut, we don't need to have XFCE as a dependency on a "global" ubuntustudio meta package21:48
ScottLastraljava, i think ailo means that if someone were to start with lubuntu it shouldn't pull other DE packages in21:49
astraljavaBut you just stated we would go with one meta only.21:49
astraljavaScottL: That's why we have separate metas for -sounds, -graphics etc.21:49
astraljava-desktop brings in the desired DE.21:49
ailoNo, I stated that to get a newbie to get all they need installed, all that is required is one installable meta package in software center21:49
astraljavaBut with only one meta, that cannot be delivered.21:50
ScottLone meta to rule them all21:50
ailoThat meta package doesn't need to be all that is found on a US iso21:50
ScottLastraljava, well one meta could depend on other meta's21:50
ScottLthanks for laughing astraljava  :)21:50
ScottLperhaps ailo is suggesting a single meta package to facilitate installation for newbies21:51
astraljavaOkay, sure, that can be provided.21:51
ailoI don't usually use software center myself, since I'm not a newbie21:51
ScottLnot as a packaging decision for us to put everything into a single package21:51
ailoBut, I assume that is the first place a newbie looks for stuff21:51
astraljavaBut let me remind you, the more *new* packages we introduce, the more work there is to maintain them all.21:51
ScottLa "ubuntustudio-installation-dummy" package21:51
ailoSo, if we are to help a newbie install stuff on their Ubuntu system, we need something in the software center21:51
ScottLailo, i had thought originally that -controls could do this21:52
ailoScottL, To be available in the software center, you mean?21:52
astraljavaI don't get it. Is Software Center really that different, from say, Synaptics?21:52
ailoOr install stuff for a newbie21:52
ScottLi would not say so, but i think "software center" becomes a metaphor for installing packages without using terminal21:53
astraljavaOh okay.21:53
ailoThe only app I can find in software center, ubuntustudio related, is ubuntustudio-controls21:53
ScottLbut also synaptic is not being shipped on ubuntu discs anymore i believe21:53
ailoSoftware center is more about installing programs, the way newbies think about programs21:54
ScottLailo, really?  you can't find any meta packages?  that is surprising21:54
ailoIt's not a substitute for synaptic, or apt. It's an abstraction21:54
astraljavaailo: Really?21:55
astraljavaThen that's fucked up.21:55
ailoIt's meant for newbies21:55
ailoDo any of you use it?21:55
ailoI don't21:55
astraljavaBut I suspected as much, as I couldn't find, for instace, sun-java6* in there, even though I had enabled partner repos.21:55
ailoWhy? Because it's slow and hard to navigate, since I already know how to use apt and synaptic21:56
ScottLi think it also mimics an "app store", ala Apple21:56
astraljavaOh _that's_ why!21:56
ailoThat's why an installable app there would probably be helpful for newbies. That's what I meant21:56
ScottLi do not use software-center as a habit21:57
ScottLi use terminal if i know the package name, synaptic when i do not21:57
astraljavaailo: Thanks for this information! Will be valuable in the future!21:57
astraljavaScottL: Really? That's what apt-cache search is for. :D21:57
ScottLi occasionally use soft-ware center just to play with it from time to time, but i don't enjoy the experience i would say21:58
ScottLastraljava, i have toyed with out apt commands, but tend to forget them because there really isn't much i install these days without knowing the name21:58
ScottLbut if we expect new linux users to use ubuntu studio then i would say the ppa is not the direction that would sufficiently support them21:59
ailoThe important packages for a "global" meta package, I do believe are: -lowlatency, -controls, and a showcase of applications.22:00
astraljavaFor two reasons, that I can think of.22:00
ScottLand unless we made a "ubuntu studio" meta-package then i would still posit that we are not sufficiently supporting them to upgrade from vanilla22:00
ScottLit would appear the dvd is the closest we get to supporting newbies22:00
astraljavaScottL: That was the whole point in the beginning.22:01
astraljava"Download this .iso, burn it on a dvd, install, you're set."22:01
ailoOr, install this one program in Software Center22:01
ailo"program" I should say22:02
ScottLi think cory would serve a different audience, but i have not heard him say so directly22:02
astraljavaThe whole "download the vanilla, burn, get updates, install this meta-package by the package manager of choice [what do you mean 'What's a package manager?22:02
ScottLthis is inference from conversations22:02
ScottLi mentioned the multimedia distro ecosphere before...22:03
ailoI'm of the opinion, that cory works from his own personal likes/dislikes22:03
astraljavaailo:  You're right about there.22:03
ScottLi presume that falktx has mentioned that he will be moving to arch linux for audio?22:04
astraljavaailo:  And I understand what you mean with this single installable program.22:04
astraljavaailo: It's just that we probably never get a consensus of what it should provide, exactly.22:04
ailoastraljava, I don't agree. Some things are absolutely necessary, some are not that important22:05
ScottLwith falktx transitioning kxstudio to arch audio i began to explore which spaces different distros occupy22:05
astraljavaailo: I didn't get that impression from the last time we talked about this, when we couldn't agree whether to settle on a mainline of professionals, or every bit of the sub-culture ones.22:05
ailoastraljava, When it comes to workflows, I'm absolutely sure that we can find some standards to work from. Standards, not personal views22:06
ailoThat is how I think all together about this project22:07
astraljavaailo: I'm glad to hear that. Like I said, I didn't get this the last time. :) Probably I was just too out of my head. :)22:07
ailoWorkflows should be based on either "correct" ways to do things, or very common ways to do things22:08
astraljavaScottL: Do you have this exploration documented anywhere?22:08
ScottLi don't have this documented anywhere22:09
ScottLastraljava, perhaps i misunderstood, did you mean workflows?22:09
astraljavaOkay, well it would be good if you did, even on very high-level, for the discussion regarding who we're going to provide for.22:09
astraljavaNo, the spaces that different distros provide for.22:09
ScottLit's just my general, abstract observations and thoughts22:10
astraljavaIf you call that workflows, then fine, I'm not an English-native. :)22:10
ScottLfalktx and arch provides for high-end, hands-on installation with high configurability...the really experienced people22:10
astraljavaScottL: Nevertheless, extremely valuable in deciding the vector of where we are going.22:11
ScottLa/v linux provides what we are trying to do but can do it better and more unified with packages we can handle22:11
ScottLi think the only user space not actively support is newbies22:11
ScottLan unfortunate position perhaps22:11
holsteini agree with that22:11
ailoUbuntu is really the best platform for that as is22:12
ScottLi don't know how actively, recruit, or cultivate future contributors or developers from newbies22:12
astraljavaThat's why we got the praise in that poll abogani linked to.22:12
ScottLi don't remember that poll22:12
holsteinwell... art of war... your strengths are your weaknesses or whatever22:13
holsteinwe just need newbie coders too :)22:13
astraljavaAnd ponies.22:14
astraljavaPink ones.22:14
holsteineh... it could happen22:14
holsteinsomeone working on our stuff to learn something else22:14
ScottLthat poll may be biased22:15
astraljavaYeah, but most of them are interested in vanilla.22:15
astraljavaScottL: Certainly.22:15
holsteinastraljava: we would need to get some higher-ups to push them here22:15
astraljavaBut at least someone out there appreciates our work.22:15
holsteinto help us, and learn22:15
ScottLwe have more publicity than a/v linux does22:15
holsteinyeah, for now22:15
astraljavaholstein: That's how I got here. dtchen forwarded me here.22:16
holsteini remember harrison came around wanted to make ubuntustudio the platform for mixbus22:16
holsteinnow, its AVlinux22:16
astraljavaThat's _one_ recruit in 5 years.22:16
ScottLgoing away for a bit, i'll be back in a bit22:16
holsteinScottL: o/22:16
ailoWas thinking more about workflows22:16
ailoAnd about the "custom" panel that was planned for this release22:16
ailoholstein, Have you been using ladish at all?22:17
ailoI just installed it today. Haven't got around to try it yet22:17
holsteinnah... not yet22:17
holsteini still just use JACK connect22:17
ailoholstein, Cause, from what I understand, you can save all open apps and connections, and then just load them for next time22:18
holsteinthats the plan22:18
holsteincan we use it?22:18
holsteinis it in debian upstream?22:18
ailoIt's in the oneiric repos now22:19
ailoIt would make sense to base audio based workflows on that. 22:19
ailoAll we need is saved templates for different types of audio work22:20
ailoThat would also showcase some applications at the same time22:20
ailoPerfect for newbies, if you aks me22:20
astraljavaailo: It would make writing the docs all the more easier as well.22:20
ailoastraljava, I do think we need to start with documenting the workflows. Someone needs to create templates for different multimedia tasks, and write them down22:21
ailoThat's what I think22:21
ailoI like the idea of having -controls as an indicator application22:22
ailoAn US-logo in the indicator tray22:22
ailoAnd from a meny, you can adjust system settings22:22
astraljavaailo: But we decided to drop -controls for oneiric, so that's gotta pass.22:22
ailoYeah, I know22:22
ailoFor next release though22:22
ailoDon't think we'll have any workflows ready before then anyway22:23
ailoIn practice22:23
ailoSo, if we have some sort of a custom US panel, why not let it be toggable from the us-control-indicator-menu22:23
ailoThe panel could have a few controls22:24
ailoStarters, I mean22:24
ailoLike, "Start New Audio Project"22:24
ailoAnd that would open a list of choices22:24
ailo= Workflows22:24
ailoFor audio, those would be mostly saved ladish projects22:25
astraljavaIf that's workable with ladish, then why not.22:25
ailoFor graphics and video, I don't know22:25
ailoThat's not my field22:25
astraljavaBut that would require dynamic menu entries, and I'm not sure XFCE provides that.22:25
ailoThe choices for "Create New Audio Project", "Create New Graphics Project" etc, could also be found in a submenu of the us-controls-indicator-menyu22:26
ailoNot in the main menu. An indicator menu, or a custom floating panel22:26
ailoAt least in the indicator menu22:26
astraljavaSame thing really. It's what we have to live with.22:26
ailoHow is that the same thing?22:27
astraljavaOr are you suggesting we create a custom application, providing our own menu structures?22:27
ailoI've been preparing for making ubuntustudio-controls be an indicator application.22:28
ailoI made a system settings type of us-controls for natty, but we never used it22:28
ailoThat would server as one of the choices in the menu22:28
astraljavaYeah, that could work.22:29
astraljavaI am just a newbie in XFCE, so cannot comment on that.22:30
ailoI haven't used it since karmic22:30
astraljavaProbably not too hard to do, though.22:30
ailoWhat UI do you use?22:30
astraljavaOn the laptop I have Ubuntu Classic, on the desktop I have Studio 11.04.22:32
astraljavaSo basically, GNOME 2.22:32
astraljavaBut come Monday, I'm installing Xubuntu, Kubuntu, vanilla (with Unity and gnome-shell), lubuntu, debian sid, you name it.22:33
ailoI'm on Oneiric now. Pretty happy with Unity, except for not being able to tweak some things (haven't yet got around to finding out how to do it). I also like Gnome3. I see why people are allergic to any Mac reference, but I find them to be great UI's22:33
ailoEspecially when we start using touch screens more (which seems probable)22:34
astraljavaNo touch on Macs, really, so can't comment on that.22:34
ailoAnd, I'm really starting to hate the mouse22:34
astraljavaI've hated it since 2005.22:35
astraljavaEven before, but couldn't really live without one before that.22:35
ailoI like the scroll wheel. That's my favorite part on the mouse22:36
astraljavaYeah it's alright.22:37
astraljavaAlso, in some cases, the only way of doing c[opy|ut]/paste in *nix.22:37
ScottLailo, astraljava, i'm sure a menu entry could start lash and open a template23:32
ScottLfalktx would be a better resource however to answer confirm my thought23:33
ailoScottL, What thought is that?23:33
falktxScottL: hm, please explain23:33
ScottLoh, sorry, talking about using the menu to "start a new audio application" using a template23:38
ailoScottL, You mean, "Start a new Audio Project"23:39
ScottLwhether the menu is the conventional menu or one provide a system tray indicator menu23:39
ScottLailo, aye, yes...my apologies23:39
ScottLfalktx, can lash be started and open a template from the command line?23:40
falktxScottL: well, for starters, lash is not working on oneiric at all23:40
falktxmaybe you mean ladish?23:41
ScottLerr, i mispoke again, falktx, yes i meant ladish23:41
ailoScottL, No conventional menu. My idea is to have a submenu to a us-controls-indicator menu that has "Start New Audio Project", "Start New Graphics Project", "Start New Video Project". And, if we have a floating panel, a custom US dock, we could have those there as well23:41
* ScottL apologizes as he's doing dinner with family and trying to read backscroll and type23:42
ScottLfalktx, is it possible to start ladish and open a template from the command line?23:42
ScottLif so, this will certainly facilitate ailo's desire to provide an abbreviated way for new users to start projects23:43
ailoScottL, This is the easiest way I can see making practice of workflows23:43
ailofalktx, ladish_control?23:44
falktxailo: ladish has a dbus interface, you should use that for development23:45
falktxailo: if you're going to use qt, you can easily wrap my klaudia widget into a window though23:45
ailofalktx, You are welcome to help with -controls, if you wish23:46
ailofalktx, I don't care if it's qt or gtk23:46
* falktx is developing systray.py, a cross-desktop systray implementation (gtk, qt, kde, app-indicator support)23:46
ailoSounds great23:46
falktxailo: I will release Klaudia (v1.0) very very soon23:46
falktxailo: I just need to get the website done (engine already completed) so the app has some docs when released23:47
falktxailo: if it's not too late, I would love to push it to debian -> ubuntu oneiric23:47
falktxScottL: ^ 23:47
ailofalktx, I believe it's too late :(23:48
falktxpersia: you're the ubuntu guy right? can you comment on this?23:49
ailoOneiric is behaving strange. Banshee will block audio for flash-plugin23:51
ailoBoth using PA23:51
ailoBanshee is behaving strange, perhaps23:52

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