
xrdodrx BurnZeZ, what do you mean by "refuses"?00:19
xrdodrxIt's an option in preferred applications00:20
Unit193xrdodrx: If he sets that, Gigolo for exampole will still use Thunar00:20
xrdodrxUnit193, I see00:22
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BurnZeZIt shows Nautilus as being selected, but is still using Thundar.01:14
Unit193Try hitting the folder icon in the bottom panel (In 11.04)01:16
Unit193BurnZeZ: Did you try that?01:26
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BurnZeZUnit193: Hmm. Yeah, it seems to work through that.02:05
BurnZeZAm I mistaken in the belief that Nautilus will be called when clicking on a desktop icon?02:05
Unit193Yep, thunar will be02:06
xubuntu156duvida rapida porfavor02:09
xubuntu156demora quanto tempo +- para instalar o xubuntu02:09
BurnZeZArgh. That's quite the nuisance.02:35
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slipkid08what are some cool terminal apps?03:23
slipkid08is that IRC?03:26
Unit193Alpine, irssi, Newsbeuter, Finch, etc.03:29
slipkid08what's alpine?03:30
Unit193!info alpine03:31
ubottualpine (source: alpine): Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.02-3 (natty), package size 2837 kB, installed size 6412 kB03:32
slipkid08I'm using mutt03:32
Unit193Guess he can't use terminal programs now... ^^03:41
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jrmydoes perl come with xubuntu?05:27
jrmyI'll try harder to help myself.. linux is still kind of alien to me, but I've started reading more docs on ubuntu and stuff05:32
jrmysuppose I'll even try and fix my desktop problem myself since I didn't resolve that last time05:33
jrmy'if i don't try myself why should you help me?'05:33
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TheSheephi Daew08:50
DaewI selected my language for keyboard and everything is working correctly, except that I am unable to write @ (I had to copy it now), does anyone know how could that happen and what can I do to fix it?08:50
Daewand also some other characters..08:50
TheSheepthat's weird08:51
TheSheepwhat language is that?08:51
TheSheepdid you also choose the right keyboard model?08:52
DaewI have generic 104-key selected08:52
TheSheepDaew: looks like on the slovenian keyboard you get @ with gr alt+V08:53
jrmyhow do I set up my mouse buttons?08:53
TheSheepjrmy: set up?08:54
TheSheepjrmy: they should work out of the box08:54
jrmymy middle mouse button does'nt work correctly08:55
DaewOh, thank you. It is different than on then other os then. Where did you find this (so I can check for other characters)?08:55
jrmyinstead of the auto scroll on pages it does nothing from what i can tell08:55
jrmyit does paste text though...08:56
jrmyhighlighted text08:56
TheSheepDaew: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout#Bosnian.2C_Croatian.2C_Serbian_Latin_and_Slovene08:56
TheSheepjrmy: yeah, that how mouse buttons on linux work08:56
jrmyno auto scroll?08:56
* jrmy cries08:56
TheSheepDaew: you may want to try other layout variants08:56
TheSheepjrmy: "autoscroll"?08:57
TheSheepjrmy: I'm sure that there is a browser plugin that does it08:57
jrmyi think it's called universal scroll08:57
jrmyor something.. you middle click and then move a direction and it will scroll that way08:57
Unit193Ah, I know how to fix that in FF :P08:57
jrmyi do have a wireless logitech mouse08:58
TheSheepDaew: for example, the polish keyboard layout has the polish keyboard, which has all the letters in wrong places, and the polish (programmers), which is like the us kayboard, but you get the polish accented characters by holding down alt08:58
TheSheepDaew: I'd guess it's similar in your case08:58
DaewI the Slovenian keyboard I cant get characters that should be on altgr + numbers09:00
Fudgewhts the menu command? xfce4-popup-menu?10:47
Sysiterminal autocompletion is good with winding things like that10:49
FudgeSysi  was that in answer to me?10:51
Fudgeits not working10:52
Fudgei cant just click on the menu, need to go make a shortcut for it10:52
Fudgethought there was a default key binding now for the menu popup10:53
Sysiwell open terminal and type xfce4-popup and press tab twice10:53
beardygnomeCtrl-Esc should work10:53
Sysiif you're pre-natty10:54
Fudgeits natty10:54
Fudgeill try both thanks10:54
Fudgeeverything is openning in web broser10:55
jrmyi dont think this should happen http://paste2.org/p/158237310:55
jrmybut I tried running dmesg.. not that i know what it does.. but yeah10:56
jrmyi was trying to follow instructions to see what my computer sees my psp as.. if it even connects10:56
jrmyit looks lik eits my vga controller that has an issue.. but anyways do any of you know where i can get help connecting my psp to my computer via #channel10:58
bazhang!alis | jrmy try this10:58
ubottujrmy try this: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*10:58
n2diymy box is really dragging, top shows Xorg using 85% of my CPU, ideas?11:06
jrmywhat's your specs?11:08
n2diy1.8ghz cpu with 1.5g of ram.11:09
Sysireboot and if it still happens, tell us your graphics card model11:09
n2diylogging out, and back in will clear it up, it does this about once a week.11:10
Sysixorg is like that, you can get about week of uptime for it11:10
n2diyWell, it never used to do this, but of course I can't pin down when it started to act up, so I have no clue as to what is causing it.11:13
n2diyThis is the first box I'm using with the Ext4 file system, but if that was the problem, I would think it would be hogging mem and/or swap?11:15
Sysigeneral badness afaik, or some driver11:15
n2diyoh well, might as well log out, brb.11:16
jrmyhow do install themes?12:04
jrmyseems some things are easier in ubuntu12:04
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jrmyis there a community documentation site like the ubuntu one for xubuntu?12:38
jrmycan't find anything to help me with learning more on how to better equip myself for use with this distro12:39
jrmyI prefer xfce over gnome so I'm not going to switch to ubuntu12:39
jrmylooking for another xfce based distro is probably just a stupid idea seeing as I haven't got enough experience with linux as it is12:40
charlie-tcaSince Xubuntu uses the same gtk base as Ubuntu, most of the Ubuntu documentation will apply12:40
knomeubuntu one is not suppoed to work with xubuntu12:40
jrmyhow do i change a theme if xubuntu and ubuntu are different?12:41
jrmyand the guide telle ms how to do it on ubuntu12:41
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:41
knomemenu -> settings -> settings manager -> appearance for gtk theme, window manager for xfwm theme12:41
charlie-tcaOne more to fix12:42
madnickjrmy: appearance in Settings allows you to change theme12:42
jrmyhow many of these directly install themes? I don't know how to install them manually if i'd have to12:42
jrmyI'm looking for more themes; I'm not satisfied with teh current ones12:42
jrmyif i could just make one from scratch I'd do that but it's probably difficult for my level of expertise12:43
knomejrmy, you can browse xfce-look.org for more themes12:43
jrmyis there issue with trying to install themes designed for gnome or other environments?12:45
jrmyhttp://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Aerolite?content=54127 how would i install this theme if it has a download link that gives me a .tar? i have no idea how this stuff works12:47
jrmyi read a thread that talked about a ~/.themes but this doesn't appear to exist12:48
ubottuTo change your theme in Xubuntu, go to Settings Manager » Appearance (GTK+ theme) or Settings Manager » Window Manager (xfwm4 theme) to change the theme - find more themes at http://xfce-look.org/12:48
knomecharlie-tca, ^ better?12:48
knomejrmy, just create .themes12:48
knomejrmy, any "gnome" gtk themes should work in xfce as well, but you need an xfwm theme for the window borders12:49
jrmyand how do I create a .themes?12:49
knomejrmy, like you would create a normal directory as well12:53
knomejrmy, in your home folder in thunar, right-click and select "create folder"12:54
charlie-tcayes, better12:55
jrmydidn't know about all of these hidden folders12:57
jrmyso i guess i extract a theme to .themes and it should appear in appearance>style12:57
jrmyas in the theme changer thing12:58
charlie-tcaMost themes will have a README or text file telling you what to do with them12:58
jrmynot showing up13:00
jrmyIt's probably because of that error with my desktop directory being my home directory and what not.. who knows what else might be out of wack on my computer13:01
GridCubehello jrmy13:01
GridCubeyou still have problems?13:01
GridCubei see13:01
jrmygetting a little aggravated13:02
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GridCubeedit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs13:03
GridCubeto have XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/Desktop"13:04
jrmyhmm i guess it's all there this time besides that one13:05
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jrmythen do I reboot?13:05
jrmyjust wondering if theres another step13:06
GridCubeyes rebooting seems good13:07
GridCubei guess that just reloging should do it too13:07
GridCubebut rebooting sounds better13:07
jrmyok.. for some reason I can't start Xorg now13:11
jrmyI think my computer hates me..13:12
charlie-tcajrmy: to be honest, it might be best to do a reinstall on that. You are starting to learn about linux, but doing it on a broken installation will be more confusing than starting fresh13:12
jrmyanother note.. I seem to get an error from a fresh install13:13
GridCubebut he does have learn a lot this days XD13:14
jrmyidk what it says because it flashes for a seond and boots13:14
jrmybut it hasn't done this since13:14
jrmyprobably because theres another error..13:15
GridCubethere is a log for that sort of messages, i think its somewhere on /etc or somewhere like that13:15
jrmydoes the amd64 vesrion have any bugs?13:15
jrmyheh.. for wanting a stable OS I haven't seem to be getting the best of luck13:15
jrmyso far everytime I've installed linux I start with some kind of error13:16
jrmydefinitely see why they call it plug and pray13:16
GridCubethen there is something wrong somewhere13:16
jrmyI know my vga card is kinda crappy13:16
jrmybut other then that everything else should be working fine.. on another note I don't quite have enough to replace it13:17
jrmyand seeing as I'm probably gonna be homeless at the end of teh month I should save every penny I got and not worry about my computer as much13:17
jrmydon't know what to do, really13:18
GridCubereinstall clean using the alternate cd so it wont ask for much ram while installing and usually ends well13:20
jrmyis the non live cd teh alternate?13:20
jrmyyeah that's what I installed with13:21
jrmybtw whats teh command to check my harddrive integrity?13:21
jrmyI'm wondering if it's gotten messwed up from the power shorts that happened a few days ago..13:22
GridCubemmm fsck13:23
charlie-tcaall versions have logs, they are kept in /var/log13:24
charlie-tcafor the installation, look in /var/log/installer13:24
jrmyso doulc i just nano that?13:24
charlie-tcafor boot messages, look in /var/log/dmesg, /var/log/syslog, /var/log/xorg.0.log13:25
jrmyoh yeah dmesg gives me errors13:25
charlie-tcayes, you can read them in nano or mousepad or leafpad or any other editor13:25
charlie-tcaThen if you copy and paste the errors to pastebin, we can tell you if they are real errors or not13:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:26
jrmyif i could only run Xorg... lol13:26
jrmyit says stuff about radeon and compaq mv700 which are names of my video card and monitor13:27
jrmyyes.. i have a crt XI13:27
* GridCube too13:28
charlie-tcaYeah, many times those are marked ERROR, but really are known fails or warnings13:29
charlie-tcaSometimes it even gives suggestions13:29
jrmythe errors say EDID checksum is invalid reminder is 2013:30
charlie-tcaThat's an okay type error13:30
jrmyseems to only be linked to my vga13:30
charlie-tcaIt just can't read the monitor specifications properly13:31
jrmyah.. perhaps an older version of xubuntu could13:31
jrmymy monitor is preeeettty old...13:31
GridCubeit shouldnt affect anything tho13:32
GridCubei've used black and white monitors whit xubuntu13:32
jrmyidk.. but could explain why the monitor goes into sleep mode if i try installing teh radeon driver from ubuntu13:34
jrmyas in right when xubuntu boots it goes black13:35
jrmyrecovery mode or whatever its called might be a place i coudl fix it.. but I'm thinking thats way to advanced for me..13:35
jrmydon't even remember what I push to initiate it13:36
jrmybut anyways I guess I'm gonna reinstall xubuntu13:36
charlie-tcayeah, that is the reason for the black monitor. It isn't really going to sleep, but standby mode13:37
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jjsg82hi all, a couple of weeks ago I installed xubuntu and now I want to install google gadgtes for linux, but do not know how, someone can help me. Thanks and regards15:02
GridCubenot knowing what google gadgets are can't help you15:15
GridCubei recomendo googling it, if its google it surely has a help page15:15
jjsg82which widget can install in xfce?15:18
AmacidiaHey everyone, I have an exerex stepnote laptop and I just put xubuntu on it. What is happening is that I have to continiously move the mouse in order for the latpop to load into xubuntu. Any ideas why this might be happening?15:23
AmacidiaSorry, thats an Everex15:23
GridCubejjsg82: http://code.google.com/p/google-gadgets-for-linux/wiki/HowToBuild15:23
GridCubeAmacidia: thats really weird15:26
GridCubeAmacidia: people installing *buntu flavors seem to have to do some tweeks for it to work on everex laptops, http://www.fitzenreiter.de/averatec/index-e.htm15:30
GridCubehave done so?15:30
GridCube http://poplarware.com/articles/everex_stepnote_linux15:31
AmacidiaGridCube: Thanks for your response. Here is a link to a launchpad bug that is similar to what I am experiencing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/66953515:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 669535 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "desktop mysteriously freezes until keyboard or mouse input" [Medium,New]15:44
GridCubetried the BIOS shortcut they recomend?15:46
AmacidiaGridCube: Reloading to defaults ? Yup, and that sort of worked, except now when I go to shutdown/reboot it just freezes :/15:47
GridCubemmm yes that might have to do whit gdm not working properly15:48
AmacidiaGridCube: I guess it wouldn't hurt to try 10.04 on this and see how it works.15:48
GridCubewhat are you using now¿?15:49
GridCubei see, well try it if you want15:49
AmacidiaGirdCube: Seems that 10.04 is working fine, I'll stick with stable.16:49
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AnovaI got an LCD monitor a few days ago, and I wanted to use it as a 2nd monitor for my xubuntu 10.10 netbook. Everything is plugged in correctly and my computer doesn't detect it. This same monitor works as the monitor for my Xubuntu 10.10 desktop computer.20:03
AnovaHow can I get my computer to detect it?20:03
Sysiwhat netbook?20:03
AnovaSamsung N150 Plus20:03
AnovaI don't know much about the monitor though20:03
Sysiwhat if you run xrandr --auto20:07
Sysiif you got it to light up, arandr or grandr are nice GUIs for xrandr20:08
AnovaSo I just install those two...or run them>20:09
Sysijust one of them is enough, not installed by default20:10
Sysi(xrandr itself isn't very hard but gui is nice)20:11
Anovayeah GUI is nice20:11
Anovathis is working20:14
Anovawoo thanks20:15
AnovaAnd every time I turn on my computer do I just run this program?20:15
AnovaOr does it not auto-save my configuration?20:16
Sysiarandr should be able to export script for setting that, you can out that to autostart20:18
AnovaI see it saves in .sh files20:18
Sysimeans bash-script20:19
AnovaAnd I just have to somehow figure out how to make it run the computer starts20:19
Anovaoh duh...it was right in the settings manager...20:21
AnovaAnd now I have to figure out the script to run20:22
schijnndraeffSo, I installed Xubuntu to my laptop, changed the theme, and set it to log in automatically.  Now, when I start my laptop, all I get is a black screen with a mouse cursor, and I can't do anything.  Is there a way to get back to the login screen?20:24
schijnndraeffOh, I should mention that this is in 10.4 for PowerPC.20:27
AnovaSysi, what is the script I should use to make the screen layout I made load when the computer starts?20:28
* Anova still wonders what he shuold put in the script20:36
charlie-tcaschijnndraeff: probably a bad theme; look in ~/.config/xfce4 and ~/.cache and remove the parts applying to the themes20:46
xubuntu791anyone home?? I'm new to this mode.20:46
charlie-tcathen restart20:46
charlie-tcaxubuntu791: We do speak english here20:46
charlie-tcaWelcome to Xubuntu, feel free to ask questions or just browse here.20:47
Anovaok now my computer is going crazy even more20:47
Anovaoops wrong channel20:47
xubuntu791great, I speak english also. I am installing xubuntu now, and the installation program gave me a link to click on in order to go here...20:48
charlie-tcaYes, this is a live chat type network called Freenode.irc.net20:49
charlie-tcaThis channel is support for Xubuntu itself.20:49
xubuntu791So, I don't have much experience on IRC-I used it a few times around 1995 or so.20:49
xubuntu791tnx charlie.20:49
charlie-tcaWe intentionally added that link to the installer for people to become aware there is such a thing.20:50
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SysiAnova: I said arandr can export scripts20:54
schijnndraeffcharlie-tca - Thanks for the info, but I don't see anything about themes in either location.  Is there a file I can edit to turn off the auto-login?21:53
charlie-tcashould be /etc/gdm/gdm.custom21:54
yesitisjustmehas anyone used ntop?22:20

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