[01:26] smoser: hmm, checking out cloud-init for porting. where is the master source ? [03:10] what in cloud-init requires cloud-utils out of box? is it really a dependency for cloud-init to work? === flaccid_ is now known as flaccid [07:37] flaccid: smoser works on a completely different shift (early Eastern) [07:38] oh yeah np erichammond, i sent him an email [07:38] I think he wraps up his work day around 1pm our time. [07:38] erichammond: also finding time to address all your things regarding debian images from your mailing list reply [07:39] er, Pacific. Not sure which timezone you're in, as you might not be situated near RightScale HQ. [07:39] i can do pretty much all of those requests. half were not done because this is on the side [07:39] i live in australia [07:39] so the real EST [07:39] heh, yeah. [07:39] aka AEST [07:40] I remember the first time I learned about that EST. It was in the 80's when I was corresponding by email with a person doing research in 3d anti-aliasing. I told him his clock was off because his emails were getting sent from the future and he educated me. [07:41] heheh, yeah we are +10:00 here [07:41] back to the future [07:41] It was also an eye opening experience with the Internet. I had no idea I was corresponding with somebody in Australia, and he had no idea he was corresponding with a kid in college. [07:41] we tried to get access a much as we could. we missed most of the dotcom boom in those times [07:42] No, the 80's, not the 90's :) [07:42] In the 80 [07:42] how early? [07:42] i was born in 81.. [07:43] In the 80's, ".com" was despised. Much preferred were .edu, .mil, .org [07:43] My first Internet experience was probably 1985 or 86. [07:43] unfortunately a tad too early for me chrono. i was there after albeit in AU [07:44] mine was before 1990 but its hard to place when [07:49] I believe my first email address was: uunet!wec!bwi!kgw2!esh [07:49] * flaccid is jealous === ahmed is now known as Guest11036