[16:19] anyone know anything about ensemble.state.sshclient.SSHClient? [16:20] can't figure out why we would make it raise txzookeeper ConnectionTimeoutExceptions instead of ensemble NoConnection ones [16:20] (or ensemble ConnectionTimeout ones, or whatever) [21:39] niemeyer: ping [21:58] hazmat, niemeyer: will lose internets in a few minutes; I hope one of you will see this.please rereview lp:~fwereade/ensemble/hide-instances [21:58] fwereade: Yo [21:58] niemeyer: heyhey [21:58] fwereade: Will check it out tomorrow for sure, thanks! [21:59] niemeyer: np [21:59] niemeyer: got stuck in chicago [21:59] fwereade: I've heard the trip back was a bit bumpy [21:59] fwereade: :( [21:59] niemeyer: not to worry, but I am still there [21:59] niemeyer: I'll be on for a bit your-morning on monday [21:59] but rather jetlagged and probably not v prouctive [22:00] fwereade: Don't worry about it.. get some good rest! [22:00] niemeyer: I will :) [22:01] niemeyer: I'm a bit unsure about the changes I made on that branch... I *think* they're good but I felt a bit lacking in context so I may have gone off the rails a little [22:01] fwereade: Hmm [22:01] niemeyer: and in hindsight I definitely should have kept them in a different branch [22:01] fwereade: Yeah.. it might be a bit hard to review [22:02] fwereade: But will see what I can do about it fiddling with logs [22:02] niemeyer: all that had actually changed at the macro level was the precise shape of the error spam during bootstrap [22:02] fwereade: My recommendation would be to try this logic for real [22:02] niemeyer: you have already reviewed 80% of it [22:02] fwereade: Attempting to connect to the instances repeatedly right after bootstrap [22:02] fwereade: This will yield all kinds of edge cases [22:02] niemeyer: I have, and it seems to me that it's a bit nicer [22:02] fwereade: That must be handled [22:03] fwereade: We already had a few things we needed to improve on this camp.. as long as we're not going back in terms of user interface, it's fine [22:03] fwereade: if you manage to improve on that, though, many bonus points ;-) [22:03] niemeyer: well, it was rubbish before, and my changes made it slightly more rubbish, so I tried to fix that [22:04] niemeyer: not the best move in hindsight [22:04] niemeyer: anyway, I'm boarding in a few minutes [22:05] fwereade: Well, sounds like a good goal.. just good to do in a separate branch to make it easier for people to review [22:05] fwereade: After it's been reviewed once, at least [22:05] niemeyer: I hope it's a bearable review... the only unseen bits are providers.common.connect, and state.sshclient [22:05] fwereade: But thanks for the changes in either case.. it'll be awesome to have that improved [22:05] niemeyer: there's churn elsewhere but I'mm 99% sure that's all related to the previous review points [22:06] fwereade: Cool [22:06] niemeyer: if the sshclient stuff has any problems, would you have any issue with me backing that out and merging the originally-approved stuff? [22:07] I wanted to do that originally, but was convinced otherwise :0 [22:07] ...sorry, time-pressure IRC is a bad time to discuss this [22:07] fwereade: I would.. [22:07] fwereade: The change introduced UI problems [22:07] fwereade: It might be split in a separate branch and both merged together [22:08] fwereade: But merging without the UI problem being fixed would be bad [22:08] niemeyer: heh, yeah that would have been a better answer [22:08] niemeyer: I'd say it mutated UI problems (:p) but point taken [22:08] niemeyer, [22:08] niemeyer: cheers; really must go now [22:08] niemeyer: happy sunday [22:08] fwereade: Cheers! Have a good flight back [22:17] niemeyer: sorry, it looks like I've screwed something up; please don't worry about that branch [22:18] fwereade: Ok, don't worry, we can sort that out [22:18] niemeyer: I think we're better off if you take a look at the other branches in the queue: I can revert that one to a focused state, and make a separate descendant that's cleanly reviewable [22:18] niemeyer: I'll WIP it for now [22:19] niemeyer: later :) [22:58] that sucks re getting stuck in chicago, looks there's been weather delays for most of the day