[10:36] how did you all get on [10:37] grand, there were 5 of us yesterday [10:40] yo yo [11:02] good stuff === VampiricPada is now known as VampiricPadraig [20:33] hey all, I'm moing house all this week and it's mostly in the evening I'll be doing it. If I get a link for someone could you proxy for me as I had to get onto the miLK labs here about UGJ [20:33] *moving [20:33] for the meeting this week, sorry, didn't finish what I was talking about [20:35] http://groups.google.com/group/limerick-hackerspace/browse_thread/thread/5a63ceb814efbc13 I'll just leave that on record anyway [20:59] aloha [21:02] hey czajkowski