[03:00] what's really unusual is wrst's absense [03:01] * cyberanger guesses this is one more chance to tease him about my choice of ssh & gun screen over quassel ;-) [03:01] Unit193: ^^ [03:05] Heh, could be. I've been working on something for a little bit that you would have had done by now :P (Had to switch ideas once too) [03:23] Unit193: idk, I've "worked on stuff" that just gets swept away for the next project, that has something come up, gets set aside for the next project [03:24] then I get 5 (for an example) sitting uncomplete and finally finish 4 of them, & repeat [03:25] Eh, I just need to figure out how to do it :/ [03:26] * cyberanger wonders what 'it' is [03:28] * cyberanger was more saying that above, as a way to say that no matter how awesome or dull (I admit, some were) my projects are, there was bits I had to ask, set it aside, try & try again, and on occasion, set it aside for a more pressing matter [03:30] There is a worse way to do this, but I'm already thinking of doing it :P [03:32] * cyberanger is thinking "it" is a rather vauge word [03:33] Yep, but if I say what it is and how I'm going about doing it, you (and people that scroll up) will see how bad it is :P [04:02] Now I've seen cyberspace_ , cyberspider , and cyberanger today :P [04:04] lol === Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos [14:23] Morning [14:42] * cyberanger yawns [14:42] Morning Xpistos [14:51] wrst: I was wondering, why did your quassel account go off all night, did it have a bug [14:51] Xpistos: how's your morning [14:52] not bad. I went to my son's school for a welcome kindergadener's meeting today [14:52] MMM! Sausage Balls! [14:52] And Free Coffee [14:52] Me good. [14:57] cyberanger: nope just shut my server down at home while moving still have no internet at the new place but this is on another machine [15:02] Xpistos: ah, good to hear [15:03] wrst: so it wasn't quassels fault [15:03] nope cyberanger i just shut it down I am going to take the server home tonight and get my network going [15:04] FYI [15:04] wrst I may be going to quassel [15:04] cool Xpistos [15:04] * cyberanger still thinks it's quassels fault, tempting one to run an xorg server for IRC [15:04] setting up a core and client ? [15:05] cyberanger: the server does not run in X its completely cli server based ;) [15:07] Xpistos: it's a good client (or so wrst tells me ;-)) [15:07] actually cyberanger the client is just so-so but the total package is very nice [15:08] bbiab, sorry, short notice gotta run [15:08] later cyberanger [15:09] (I'm a fan of having IRC be dependant on as little as it can, since it's the main help option it seems (short of a google search for somebody's blog) [15:24] hey guys [15:24] quick question ... [15:24] strongest ssh key ... [15:24] rsa ... dsa ... what are the maximum bits allowed [15:26] cyberanger: ^^^^ [15:26] wrst: good call ... cyberanger prides himself on these details [15:37] yes pace_t_zulu he should be back momentarily i think [15:37] and how are you doing pace_t_zulu? [18:44] hey fellas [18:45] stupid internet connection [18:45] pace_t_zulu: not sure there is a maximum, try 8192, it'll take a looong time though [18:46] wb cyberanger [18:47] ubuntu now likes ECDSA, RSA is what was favored [18:47] nobody seems to have alot of details on ECDSA [18:50] pace_t_zulu: ^^ [18:51] and 2048 is default, but that's a connection key, ssh dynamically rekeys each session [18:51] every 15 minutes I think is default, I shorten that to 5 minutes [18:51] wrst: thanks [18:53] cyberanger: good day? [18:54] good enough, boarded the dogs, now stepping out for lunch [18:54] then packing [18:54] bbiab (didn't plan that bit) [18:55] cyberanger: ECDSA ... never seen that acronym [19:06] pace_t_zulu: it's new, maverick or natty made it the default choice, fallback (in order) to rsa & dsa as needed [19:07] rsa is preferred standard ... [19:07] ECDSA is stronger ... but support isn't guaranteed on older systems [19:08] however ubuntu (and perhaps debian) actually starts with ECDSA unless you tell it rsa [19:08] I go with rsa still, it's proven [19:09] and ssh dynamic rekeying sorta shifts the game with key strength [19:09] protect the login keys and the rekeying makes getting a useful picture of anything hard too [19:11] take the size of an rsa key higher than 8192 if you want, it's the highest I've gone [19:11] 4096 on the netbook [19:15] wrst: just trip preperations kinda a headache [19:20] wrst: you see the new oneiric login screen? [19:21] pace_t_zulu: I have upgraded but I still have GDM [19:21] wrst: looks way better than GDM [19:21] what I hear [19:21] wrst: interested in a screenshot? [19:22] pace_t_zulu: I'm always interested in a screenshot ;) [19:23] wrst: un momentito [19:23] thank you sir [19:26] wrst: http://i55.tinypic.com/333z91j.png [19:28] that is pretty nice [19:30] cyberanger: I did somethign you wouldn't expect, I actually installed grub 2 intentionally [19:35] cyberanger: i want to create some keys that are cross platform [19:36] i'm thinking RSA @ 4096 ... if 8192 is possible i'll go with that [19:38] 4096 is for sure, 8192 should be, but that large a size is a resource hog (always a tradeoff) [19:59] wrst: I can believe it [19:59] while I had few (if any) issues of my own, what was the support issue here & in #ubuntu for a month or more [20:12] wrst: any foul ball? [20:13] cyberanger: it worked great [20:13] my problem I think was with ubuntu's package not so much grub 2 [20:13] Woot Home Run [20:13] Go Pirates [20:13] * cyberanger ducks [20:14] baseball humour aside, that's sweet wrst [20:14] yeah somewhere in some of ubntu's automagicness I beleive is the issue [20:14] folllowed the arch directions on grub 2 and it worked absolutely perfectly [20:14] idk if ubuntu's package was even it (so many distros went down the "Nobody Dual Boots two distros" road in grub2, hard to knwo) [20:15] know* [20:15] cyberanger: I'm quadruple booting distros along with win 7 [20:15] glad arch had another good document [20:15] sorry ubuntu didn't [20:16] cyberanger: that would be a great job for us distros like you and pace_t_zulu have talekd about [20:16] * cyberanger suddenly recalls forgetting something [20:17] gotta add an item to the meeting adgenda ;-) [20:17] cyberanger: feel free to add it ;_ [20:17] ;) [20:17] cyberanger: add it here http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/tennessee.team/156/detail/ [20:18] already there & working toward that [20:18] cyberanger: good man [20:20] yeah, trying to kill a habit [20:21] I just make sure (on the offchance I don't) we have a meeting reminder with that link on the ML (ideally two days before, at the latest) [20:22] whoops, that's what I get for having 30 thoughts running crazy atm [20:23] I just need to make sure that link gets in the ML reminder, or someone else, on the offchance I cannot, two days before the meeting, at the latest [21:13] Well, Gotta head out again, I'll be at the Jack in the Box on charolette pike in nashville, about 4 hours [21:13] yearly family trip [21:13] cyberanger: have fun [21:14] I'll be online (Running at hotspot out of a netbook & celluar card ;-)) [21:14] thanks wrst, be back when I'm in range of some cell towers (kinda hit & miss till city limits) [21:15] enjoy the absence of such things cyberanger! [21:15] I sure will, just not tonight ;-) [21:17] (family rented a van, I'm not on the list, so I need something too offset that (last year I drove out there solo, so this is sorta like telling a nascar driver he can't drive anything other than a bycycle) [21:17] so yeah, internet tonight ;-)) [21:32] bbiab [22:26] ah the joys of internet at 55 mph [22:29] if I can't drive 55, at least I can surf [23:26] how are you connected cyberanger?